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Prepared by Drexie O. Nival
DLC No. and Statement:
83. Apply resistance skills in situations related to cigarette and alcohol use.
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
1. Determine the resistance skills in situations related to cigarette and alcohol use;
2. show fortitude in resisting vices; and
3. display resistance skills in situations related to cigarette and alcohol use through
an open letter.

Resistance skills in situations related to cigarette and alcohol use.
Infographics, music, ball, speakers, projector, laptop.
INFOGRAPHICS: Filipinos and the booze. (n.d.). Retrieved January 6, 2016, from
World No Tobacco Day infographic: The numbers behind smoking cigarettes. (2013, May 31).
Retrieved January 6, 2016, from
10 Ways to Outsmart Cigarette Cravings. (n.d.). Retrieved January 16, 2016, from
10 self-help tips to stop smoking. (n.d.). Retrieved January 16, 2016, from
7 Proven Ways to Resist the Urge to Smoke. (n.d.). Retrieved January 16, 2016, from

Alcohol Abuse Treatment and Self-Help. (n.d.). Retrieved January 16, 2016, from
Duerring, J. (n.d.). 5 Ways to Resist the Urge to Smoke. Retrieved January 16, 2016, from
How to stop drinking alcohol. (n.d.). Retrieved January 16, 2016, from
Quit smoking: 10 tips - (n.d.). Retrieved January 16, 2016, from

Checking of attendance
Review/ recall

Just give me a reason
The teacher will play the song Just give me a reason at the background as the whole class
pass around a ball. To the person whos holding the ball as the song pause, he/she will give a
reason why a person addicted to smoking and drinking should stop.

1. What reason is the most convincing for you? Why?
2. What is smoking and drinking collectively known as?
3. Why do you think they are labeled as vices?
Infographics related to cigarette and alcohol use in the Philippines
The teacher will show the students different infographics related to cigarette and alcohol use in
the Philippines. They will be given 5 minutes to analyze the data and then draw conclusion
from it.


1. What information is new to you?
2. What conclusions can you draw from the infographics we analyzed?
3. Upon knowing the data, what do you feel about those people who smoke and drink? Why?
4. What is your stand about this worsening issue related to cigarette and alcohol use?
5. How will you encourage those who smoke and drink to avoid these vices?
6. How can you resist drinking or smoking

Resistance skills related to alcohol and cigarette use
Restart your life

End your vices

Shift your focus

Involve yourself

Shape up the new you

Think positive

Resistance skills related to alcohol and cigarette use

R-Restart your life
1. Set goals and prepare for a change
Once youve made the decision to change, the next step is establishing clear drinking goals.
The more specific, realistic, and clear your goals, the better.
2. List the reasons why you want to quit
Every time you experience a craving remind yourself why you quit. It's the excellent idea to
take a blank index card and list all the reasons why you decided to quit smoking.
3. Prepare for your urges
Get yourself prepared for the urge to smoke in advance. In most cases something triggers
the craving (certain feelings, people, or places). You have to know what triggers the urge.
E-End your vices
1. Give up or gradually reduce your drinking/ smoking.
Cut down the amount of alcohol you drink/ cigarette you smoke Reducing the amount you
drink/cigarettes you smoke can also be an effective stepping stone to giving up alcohol/
smoking completely in the future.
2. Get rid!
Throw out all cigarettes, ashtrays and lighters and anything else that might remind you of
smoking. Wash your clothes and clean your car to remove the smell of smoke.
3. Avoid temptations
Plan ahead for situations in which you are likely to be tempted to smoke, such as parties,
drinking or going out for coffee. Try to avoid these situations in the early stages of your
quitting programme, or try sitting in the non-smoking section at restaurants, drinking your
coffee standing up or with the other hand, or keeping something in your hand when you're
talking on the phone.
S-Shift your focus
1. Develop new activities/ interests
2. Warn others, or remind yourself
Warn others, or remind yourself, that continuing to smoke will increase the chance of
dying from smoking-induced diseases.
I-Involve yourself
1. Make non-smoking/non-drinking friends
S-Shape up the new you
1. Exercise
Exercise is an excellent, natural stress reliever and can replace dependence on cigarettes for
stress relief.
2. Change your diet and drink
To help curb the oral fixation of smoking, give your mouth something to chew on. While
chewing on gum or hard candy can do the trick, healthier options include crunching on
carrots, celery, apples, nuts or even flavored toothpicks.
Its also important to drink plenty of water as dehydration causes cravings, and avoid
beverages such as coffee or alcohol that you may have associated with smoking in the past.
3. Use nicotine replacement therapy (for those who smoke)
Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) can make you twice as likely to succeed. As well as
patches, there are tiny tablets, lozenges, gum and a nasal spray. If you like holding a
cigarette, use an inhalator. Try putting your drink in the hand that usually holds a cigarette,
or drink from a straw to keep your mouth busy.

T-Think positive
1. Reward yourself
Make it a habit to reward yourself at the end of each non-smoking or non-drinking week.
Think of something you want (it doesnt have to be something expensive, a nice home
made meal or hot bath will work).
2. Get support
Get support from family, friends and coworkers. Living, working or socializing with
smokers can trigger cravings, so let the people around you know you are trying to quit, and
ask that smokers not smoke around you or offer you cigarettes.

Write an open letter suggesting the resistance skills you have learned and how it can help to
those who are struggling right now with addiction to alcohol and cigarette smoking.

Sample open letter

To every person whos struggling right now with addiction to alcohol and cigarette smoking,
Life may not be easy to you, maybe also to the people around you who are also
hurting whenever they see you drink or smoke. Life may be tough at times but it offers
another chance the way we live if we just decide to.
Just in case you wanted to change the course of your life and you decided to move
on with your life and quit drinking or smoking, these suggestions, I believe, would greatly
help you in your new beginning.
Since its your desire to stop smoking and drinking, it wont be helpful if youll stay
near with people who use cigarettes and alcohol. Avoiding situation wherein temptations will
give you a hard time to say no, for you if you constantly see them there will be a greater
chance that youll be enticed again to drink and smoke with them. Whenever you feel
tempted, just keep in mind its harmful effects and what might happen if youll continue
smoking and drinking.
Sometimes, just a simple no will do. Dont entertain the voice in your head,
whispering and tempting you to drink or smoke even if its just once. As we all know, the
idle hand is the devils workshop. So itll be better if youll get busy, involving yourself with
worthwhile indoor and outdoor activities.
Most of all, seek and youll find your real purpose in life. Theres so much more in life
than smoking or drinking. You are not made just to simply occupy space, breathe, smoke
when youre free, or drink when youre problematic. You are made for a greater purpose.
You can do better than that!
Sincerely yours,
Drexie Nival

Test 1
Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. A person who will set goals and prepare for a change will target the following except?
A. Realistic goals
B. Specific goals
C. Infeasible goals
D. Time bound goals
2. What therapy is appropriate for those who want to quit smoking?
A. Nicotine
B. Nicotine
C. Nicotine
D. Nicotine

Repleting Therapy
Recovery Therapy
Reduction Therapy
Replacement Therapy

3. The following are symptoms of alcohol withdrawal except?

A. Stomach cramps
B. Fainting
C. Headache
D. Anxiety
4. A person resisting alcohol and cigarette use can reward himself after some time through
A. Eating choice foods
B. Entertaining oneself
C. Hanging out
D. drinking or smoking at least once
5. A person cant avoid temptations by _____________.
A. making non-alcoholic/ non-smoking friends
B. getting closer to friends or relatives when they smoke or drink
C. being deliberate and vocal with the decision to change
D. fighting the urge to smoke or drink

Test 2
Essay (5pts)
Discuss one (1) skill that can help a person resist vices.

Key to correction
Test 1
1. C
2. D
3. B
4. D
5. B
Test 2
Reward yourself
Make it a habit to reward yourself at the end of each non-smoking or non-drinking week.
Think of something you want (it doesnt have to be something expensive, a nice home made
meal or hot bath will work).

Post your open letter to Facebook and encourage everyone to read it and share to raise also
the awareness on how one can resist vices.

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