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Night Video Project

*Each group is responsible for taking on one of the 9 novel chapters and presenting
that chapter in a video format.
*The video may include, video clips, still pictures, personal drawings, personal
recorded video, text, etc.
*The video must include background music which accurately presents the moods
and events in the chapter. The music may be one complete song or several songs
spliced together.
*Video must identify the chapter # and the pages over which that chapter is written
*The video must also not exceed 6 minutes.

Learning targets:
RI7.1a I can cite evidence that supports what an informational text says
- Somewhere in the presentation, there needs to be at least one
question asked and answered directly. This can be done orally, or
through written text on the screenEx: Name one law the
Germans instituted when arriving in Sighet? Answer: Jews could not
leave their houses after 6:00 PM.
- What did you do to show this?

RI7.1a I can cite evidence that supports what an informational text says
-Somewhere in the presentation, there needs to be at least one
question asked and answered indirectly (inferences). This can be done
orally or through written text on the screen Ex: Why did the soup taste
wonderful after Elie witnessed the first hanging? Answer: The soup tasted
wonderful because Elie was happy to be alive and that it wasnt him being
-What did you do to show this?

RI7.2a1 I can determine central idea

-Somewhere in the presentation, there needs to be a central idea
mentioned. Ex: In chapter 1 a central idea is that Moishe the Beadle tried
to warn people that the Germans were returning.
What did you do to show this?

RI7.2b I can summarize informational texts

- - Somewhere in the presentation, there needs to be a summary of
major events of the chapter. This is something that can be done as
each slide progresses or at the end of the presentation. You can use
words, pictures, or videos to show this. (The music you choose will
also play a role in this.)
- What did you do to show this?

RI7.3 I can analyze text connections between individuals, events, and

-Somewhere in the presentation, there needs to be at least two times
that you connect individuals with events or ideas. Ex: Elie ate his bread
angrily because he was mad at God for not helping him Or Elie chose
to leave the hospital because he couldnt believe people left behind in the
hospital would be saved.
What did you do to show this?

RI7.4 I can determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are
used in a text

- Somewhere in the presentation, there needs to be at least two

difficult words displayed and the meaning of those words. Ex:
Inside me I felt a great void opening. Void = gaping emptiness.
What did you do to show this?

RI7.4b1 I can determine connotative meaning of words and phrases

- - Somewhere in the presentation, there needs to be at least four
words displayed that have a positive or negative connotation. It
must be clear which connotation the words have. Ex: Love =
positive / hatred = negative
What did you do to show this?

RI7.5b I can explain how a particular section of an informational text

contributes to a key concept
- - Somewhere in the presentation, there needs to be at least one
question asked and answered directly. Ex of options: Why was this
section important? How did this section help move the story along?
How did this section help me understand the story better?
- What did you do to show this?

RI7.6a I can determine an authors viewpoint/perspective in an

informational text
- Somewhere in the presentation, there needs to be a clear explanation of
feelings the author had during the chapter.
What did you do to show this?

RI7.6b I can determine an authors purpose for writing an informational

- Somewhere in the presentation, there needs to be clear reason why the
author included the chapter. What was his purpose for writing the
chapter? Why is it important?
What did you do to show this?

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