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Soil & Environ.

26(1): 75-80, 2007

Sustainable cropping system for rain-fed areas in Pothwar, Pakistan

P. Khaliq1, S. Ahmed2, N. M. Cheema1
Pakistan Agricultural Research Council, Islamabad,
University of Arid Agriculture, Rawalpindi, Pakistan
Summer fallow is practiced by 80% of the farmers in the rain-fed area of Pothwar region in Pakistan, mainly
to stabilize wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) yield. However, this practice has the demerits of less net returns from
cropping system due to mono cropping pattern, soil degradation and poor soil water storability. The objectives of
this study were to assess the profitability of various cropping systems having full kharif season fallow, partial
kharif season fallow and eliminated fallow during kharif season and effect of fallowing on the productivity of
subsequent wheat crop in the rabi season. Three cropping systems viz. fallow-wheat-fallow-wheat (a full summer
season fallow: June-October), maize fodder-wheat-maize fodder-wheat (a partial summer fallow treatment:
August-October) and mungbean-wheat-mungbean-wheat (eliminating summer fallow by planting a full season
kharif crop) were studied in a randomized complete block design. Treatments were arranged in split plot fashion
with three replications during 2000-2001 and 2001-2002. The cropping systems were assigned in the main plots;
tillage practices i.e. shallow tillage with cultivator and deep tillage with moldboard were in the sub-plots. The 2-yr
mean wheat grain yield after summer fallow was 16% greater than following maize fodder-wheat cropping system
and 113% than following mungbean-wheat cropping system but the net benefit from fallow-wheat cropping system
was lowest (Rs. 5657 ha-1) followed by mungbean-wheat cropping system (Rs. 6372 ha-1) and the highest net
returns of Rs. 20072 ha-1 were received from maize fodder-wheat cropping system. Hence, when winter rains are
predicted below the normal and drought is expected to prevail, the practice of deep tillage with moldboard in
maize fodder-wheat- maize fodder-wheat cropping system using recommended dose of fertilizer along with FYM at
5 tons ha-1 is recommended as sustainable cropping system for the rain-fed areas of Pothwar region in Pakistan.
Key words: Triticum aestivum, sustainable, rain-fed, cropping system, tillage

Introduction rainwater, which not only increase tillage cost during fallow
period to control mostly less than 25% with conventional
Rainfall is the most important agro-climatic variable tillage (McGec et al., 1979). Due to mono crop culture
that determines the cropping system and overall agriculture particularly during drought period, the chances of wheat
productivity in the rain-fed area of Pothwar, Pakistan. There crop failure are highest and the farmers could not get even
is substantial year to year and season to season variability the cost of inputs back. Under these circumstances it was
and the rainfall pattern is generally erratic in nature. About planed to research for the improvement in the present
70% rains are received in summer season as high intensity cropping system.
rains. The existing cropping systems are not in harmony
with the rainfall pattern and about 50% of the annual rainfall The benefits of deep tillage over shallow cultivation
is lost due to low water intake rate and lack of suitable soil with traditional cultivator have often been cited. Practice of
management practices (Abdullah, 1987). Drought is deep tillage before the onset of monsoon rains enhances the
becoming serious threat for the farmers of the area and the ability to capture and retain precipitation in the soil (Ishaq et
farmers some times faced huge financial losses due to crop al., 2003) increased root proliferation and improved
failure. In Pothwar, summer fallowing is dominated in the utilization of soil water and nutrients (Campbell et al.,
present cropping systems. It may be either for one whole 2000). Deep ploughing loosens the soil, increases infiltration
year or seasonal fallow system and wheat crop is clearly during rainfall, enhances root penetration and increased 21%
dominated in all cropping patterns. Summer fallowing is a yield (Khan and Afzal, 1990; Razzaq et al., 1994). Deep
common and traditional practice in mera lands (fields tillage also reduces the number of ploughings and weeds
located at a distance from the village) but about 80% of the problem. But still it is not widely adopted in rain-fed areas
rain-fed areas growing wheat are practicing fallow-wheat of districts Rawalpindi and Islamabad (Khan et al., 1992).
system (Razzaq et al., 1994). Through fallow management, The objectives of this study were to quantify the net returns
farmers conserve monsoon water for coming winter wheat from major cropping systems in Pothwar and suggest a
crop but at the same time it has some demerits including sustainable cropping system for higher profitability.
excessive cultivation of land just to conserve summer

© 2007, Soil Science Society of Pakistan (
76 Khaliq, Ahmed and Cheema

Materials and Methods (mungbean and maize fodder) were established using
agronomic practices recommended for each crop under rain-
The study was conducted under rain-fed conditions in fed conditions and were kept uniform during both cycles
Pothwar, plateau for two years (2000-02), at National (Table 1). After harvest of previous wheat (rabi, 1999-2000)
Agricultural Research Centre (NARC), Islamabad. The in the second week of May, the land preparation was started
experimental site is located in sub-humid, subtropical region, for first phase (kharif, 2000) to plant mungbean and maize
510 meters above sea level, lying at Longitude 73.08 oE and fodder crops. The pre assigned sub-plots for maize fodder,
Latitude 33.42 oN. The experiment was designed to study the mungbean and fallow were ploughed with moldboard,
agro-economic relationship of three wheat (Triticum followed by cultivator with planker and the rest of the sub-
aestivum L.) based cropping systems, i.e. fallow-wheat- plots were ploughed with cultivator followed by planking.
fallow-wheat, maize fodder-wheat-maize fodder-wheat and The deep tillage treatment was given with moldboard only
mungbean-wheat-mungbean-wheat, two tillage systems: once before on-set of monsoon rains. Thereafter, ploughing
shallow (cultivator) and deep (moldboard) were studied to was done thrice with cultivator followed by planker in all the
evaluate their impact on sustainable wheat yield under rain- plots. The pre-assigned randomized fertilizer treatments for
fed conditions. Maize was grown as fodder crop where as each crop were applied to respective plots and then
wheat and mungbean were grown for grain yields. This incorporated into the soil, followed by planking. In both
cycles all agronomic practices were kept uniform for
cropping system trial was completed in two cycles and every
planting wheat. Details about names of varieties, seeds and
cycle had two phases i.e. rabi and kharif. The studies were
fertilizers rates and row spacing are given in Table 1. Wheat
initiated for kharif phase during kharif 2000 with sowing of was sown in November 2000 and 2001. The dates of
mungbean and maize fodder in the respective plots. Wheat planting and harvesting are given in Table 2. The plots,
was planted during rabi 2000-01 in all plots as second phase where fallow-wheat system was allocated, were given
of the study. This completed one cycle of the cropping similar tillage operation as given to other kharif crops but on
system. In second cycle of the trial same order of pre- fallow plots no crop was planted. However, fallow plots
assigned kharif crops were sown in the respective (as in first were kept weed free during kharif season by using twice
cycle) plots during kharif 2001, and again wheat was planted cultivator, followed by planker. Weeds problem was very
in all plots during rabi 2001-02. The experiment was laid out serious at the experimental site. To minimize their effect on
in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) and crop yield, weeds were controlled manually once in each
treatments were arranged in split plot fashion with three phase (rabi and kharif seasons). Wheat and mungbean were
replications. Cropping systems were placed in the main harvested at physiological maturity, but the maize was
plots, tillage in the sub-plots and fertilizer levels in the sub- harvested at 50% silking stage for fodder. Four sub-sample
sub plots. The size of sub-sub plots was 17 x 6 m2. areas of one-meter square were marked randomly from each
Fertilizers were randomly applied to each sub-sub plot. The plot to obtain data on each recorded parameter before
recommended dose of fertilizers for each crop and farmyard harvest. Similarly, four samples of one-meter square each
manure at the rate of 5 tons ha-1 as detail given in Table 1 were harvested randomly from each plot to obtain yield data
were broadcasted in the respective plot at the time of and then converted in kilograms per hectare (kg ha-1).
Harvesting of the crops was done manually. The wheat was

Table 1. Cultural practices for kharif and rabi crop.

Seed Rate Fertilizer (kg ha-1) FYM Row Spacing
Crops Variety
(kg ha-1) N P (t ha-1) (cm)
Mungbean MN-209 25 20 50 5 25
Maize fodder Gauhar 50 100 50 5 25
Wheat Chakwal-97 100 90 90 5 25

The trial was conducted under high rainfall conditions threshed with plot combine (Hege), while mungbean was
of Islamabad. Agro-climatically, there are two dominant threshed manually.
cropping seasons commonly known as rabi (winter) and
kharif (summer). During rabi season, wheat was grown from The data collected were analyzed by Analysis of
third week of November to first week of May while, kharif Variance techniques (ANOVA) that were accomplished by
crop (Mungbean) growing season was mid July to third using MSTAT software. Duncan’s Multiple Range test
week of October. The growing season for maize fodder was (DMR) was applied to compare treatment means (Steel and
mid July to mid September. Both the kharif crops Torrie, 1980). The pooled experimental data were analyzed
Sustainable cropping system for rain-fed areas 77

Table 2. Planting and harvesting dates of Crops.

Crop Planting date Harvesting date Planting date Harvesting date
Maize fodder 12-07-2000 17-09-2000 13-07-2001 18-09-2001
Mungbean 12-07-2000 21-10-2000 13-07-2001 26-10-2001
Wheat 25-11-2000 11-05-2001 21-11-2001 08-05-002

by using the methodology described by CIMMYT (1988). Table 3. Wheat grain yield (kg ha-1) as affected by
The partial budgets were constructed for different cropping cropping systems during 2000-01 and 2001-02.
Cropping Systems Means
Results and Discussion 2001-02 2000-01
Productivity of the rain-fed areas in Pakistan is largely Fallow-wheat 1776 a 1475 c 1626 A
dependent on rainfall which is unpredictable. Huge Maize-wheat 1513 b 1285 d 1399 B
variations above and below normal rainfall have been Mungbean-wheat 733 f 797 e 765 C
observed from long-term as well as short-term rainfall Means 1341 A 1186 B ---
pattern. Rainfall pattern recorded during the study period
was above normal during kharif and far below normal in Any two means not sharing a common letter in column or row
differ significantly at 5% probability level using DMRT.
rabi. During kharif 2000 rainfall of 1144 mm and in kharif
2001 rainfall of 995 mm was recorded. The rainfall pattern Cropping systems are the major components of crop
during 2000 kharif was torrential where as light showers management and have great influence on soil water contents.
were evenly distributed during 2001 season. Hence, the In the present study, wheat-fallow was found to be the best
rainfall pattern during 2001 was environment friendly and cropping system to conserve more moisture in the soil (data
created conducive conditions for crop growth. The growth not presented). Rains in the fallow period recharged the
and yields of the kharif crops during 2001 were therefore, ground water that resulted in higher wheat stand
better than the kharif 2000. Reporting similar results Lal and establishment, greater biomass production and higher grain
Ahmadi (2000) stated that when the seasonal rainfall varied, yields in wheat-fallow cropping system. The second better
the difference in yields among the seasons also varied. The cropping system to accumulate moisture in the soil was
rainfall during 2000 was heavy and torrential, which lowered maize fodder-wheat. The maize was harvested as fodder and
the performance of mungbean especially at flowering and in this cropping system; fallow period was shorter than the
pod filling stages thus reduced the mungbean yield. Maize fallow-wheat and longer than mungbean-wheat system. In
fodder escaped from the ill effects of heavy rains; therefore, mungbean-wheat cropping system, fallow period was
yields during both the years were close to potential level. eliminated because its stay in the field was long. The
mungbean thus consumed more moisture than maize fodder.
Both the winter seasons passed through severe drought
The duration of maize fodder was short so soil moisture
with negative effects on the crop. However, wheat crop
depletion was less (Selles et al., 1999).
2001-02 was better than the wheat 2000-01 (Table 3) that
may be due to 50% more rains received during 2001-02. The performance of wheat (growth, grain yield and the
Unger (1979), Almetove et al. (1984), Amin et al. (1989) yield components) was better in fallow-wheat system
supporting the results of this study reported significantly followed by maize fodder-wheat system and lowest in case
higher wheat yield only because of more rainfall during the of mungbean-wheat cropping system (Table 4). This
wet years. During rabi 2000-01 due to severe drought, the differential response of wheat in various cropping systems
crop condition was not good at early stages. This affected was mainly contributed by higher accumulation of moisture
the over all yield of the wheat crop. Al-Darly and Levery in the soil which was higher in fallow-wheat system
(1985), Chevalier and Chiha (1986) and Bordovsky et al. followed by maize-wheat system. The economic analysis of
(1999) have reported that if moisture stresses occur on crop the data revealed that net benefit from fallow-wheat system
at seedling stage, the crop growth is poor and plants are was less (Rs. 9255) than the maize fodder-wheat system (Rs.
unable to overcome these ill effects till maturity. To save the 21814). The lowest net benefit of Rs. 6628 was received
rabi crop from total loss, irrigation was applied during 2000- from mungbean-wheat system. This was due to the fact that
01 following the recommendation of Malhotra and Sexna in fallow-wheat system only wheat crop was planted in rabi
(2002). season and the land was not utilized in kharif, which resulted
in less net benefits over the year. Similar results have been
78 Khaliq, Ahmed and Cheema

reported by Johnson et al. (1984) and Unger (1979). However, as reported by Watkings et al. (1999) deep tillage
Including short duration crop like maize fodder in kharif not created better tilth, enhanced the infiltration process and
only shorten the fallow period but also fetches more net increased the root proliferation. The heavy rain water might
benefit (Smoilk and Thomas, 1991; Moddy et al., 1963; have depleted some of the plant nutrients during infiltration
Watkins et al., 1999). The elimination of fallow period by process. Secondly, due to better root proliferation crops were
growing long duration summer crop like mungbean was less healthy and had taken up more nutrients from the soil. The
economical under drought condition. This was probably due overall effect of deep tillage on growth and yield of kharif
to occurrence of drought during winter, which resulted in crops was better than the shallow tillage.
uneconomic wheat yield. Under such conditions change in
During rabi season, the effect of deep tillage was not
the existing fallow cropping system is desirable because prominent and inconsistent response of wheat crop was
planting kharif crops during normal rainfall will be more recorded. Moisture stress was recorded during rabi season
economical and it could minimize the possibility of crop that might have mitigated the advantage of deep tillage. The
failure (Black and Siddoway, 1979; Johnson et al., 1984; growth and grain yield of wheat was, therefore, non-
Wysocki, 1987). However, the best alternative under significant due to tillage practices. Results of this study
moisture stress condition is partial fallowing or growing suggested that the beneficial effects of deep tillage are
short duration cover crop like maize fodder which is more closely related with moisture content in the soil (Khan and
economical than bare fallow. Afzal, 1990). In the light of results of this study it is
suggested that deep tillage should only be recommended
Table 4. Wheat grain yield (kg ha-1) as affected by
after having a thorough review of long and short term
cropping systems and tillage practices. rainfall pattern, physical and chemical properties of the soil,
Tillage Practices and soil compaction status because proper tillage can
Cropping Systems Means alleviate soil related problems while improper tillage may
Cultivator Moldboard
lead to a range of degenerative processes (Lal, 1993). It is
Fallow-wheat 1575 b 1677 a 1626 A also suggested that some innovative techniques for moisture
Maize-wheat 1341 d 1457 c 1399 B conservation, most widely adopted worldwide may also be
Mungbean-wheat 703 f 827 e 765 C tested under Pakistan environment. These include zero-
Means 1206 B 1320 A ----- tillage, reduced tillage and bed planting (Hobbs et al., 1997;
Gupta et al., 2003; Yadav et al., 2002).
Any two means not sharing a common letter in column or row
differ significantly at 5% probability level using DMRT. Conclusions
NS = Non-significant
From the results of these studies and the studies
In the present study, deep tillage was done before the conducted in the past, it can be concluded that under normal
onset of monsoon to conserve the excessive rain water whether conditions legume based cropping system was more
followed by the recommendation of Razzaq et al., 2002; remunerative than the fallow-wheat cropping system. But
Hillel, 1982; Drinkwater et al., 2000. Several reasons lead to mungbean crop was found sensitive to weather conditions
study deep tillage including benefits of deep tillage such as and during prolonged rainfall the vegetative growth was
breaking the hard pan in the compacted soils (Ishaque et al., prolonged that resulted in low yield. When the monsoon and
2003; Vaughan et al., 2000), improving soil physical and winter rains were below normal, the mungbean yield was
chemical condition, reduces runoff, increases rainwater optimum, but productivity of following crop (wheat) was
much reduced that resulted in less net return from the
infiltration rate, enhancing nutrient availability, improving
cropping system. The growing of maize fodder in fallow
root proliferation and weed control (Watkings et al., 1999; period was more remunerative during normal as well as dry
Razzaq et al., 2002). In this study during both the kharif seasons and it does not lower the net return of the following
seasons non-significant effect of deep and shallow tillage crop. Thus the crop productivity in the rain-fed area is
was recorded to conserve moisture in the soil. This was largely dependent on amount and pattern of rainfall. Effect
probably due to occurrence of heavy rainfall during both the of deep tillage was more prominent at optimum moisture
kharif seasons that might have masked the advantage of deep condition. During above normal rainfall or dry season deep
tillage to conserve more moisture than shallow tillage. tillage effect was non-significant. Summarizing the results of
Another possibility for non-significant difference of these studies one can conclude that in an environment when
moisture content among the tillage practices was its rainfall during kharif was above normal and the rabi passed
dependence upon rainfall pattern, i.e. amount and its through drought, the practice of deep tillage was found to be
distribution (Khan and Afzal, 1990). The plant nutrients (NP better than ploughing the land with cultivator. Similarly,
and OM) were higher with shallow tillage. Data on water ploughing the land with moldboard proved to be the best
infiltration, root density and weeds were not recorded. interaction.
Sustainable cropping system for rain-fed areas 79

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