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Evaluation of my Personality through the Eyes of the Major

Personality Theorists:


Their Theory
Psychodynamic; his five stages of
psychosexual development (Oral,
Anal, Phallic, Latency, and Genital);
are concept of personality is based on
an iceberg with are Ego on top which
everyone sees as our personality, Id
below which is our pleasure principle
where we have are hidden wants and
desires and helps us avoid pain and
receive instant gratification, and are
superego and the middle which is
where we can learn the difference
between right and wrong, the ego
often mediates the superego and id
Psychodynamic; collective
unconscious is the concept of shared,
inherited, reservoir of memory traces
from our species history; archetypestrue person or typical example of one;


Psychodynamic; superiority is
feelings that conceal failure while
inferiority is being lower in status
than others while its complex is an
unrealistic feeling of inadequacy
which leads to aggressive behavior;
fictional finalisms; birth order- who
came out first, second, etc.


Psychodynamic; basic anxiety- basic

nervous feeling of something; 3 ways
to relate to others; Womb envy- man
having a feeling of inability to bear a
Male and female identification with
the mother


How the Theorist would describe

Freud would say my goofiness and
shyness is my ego because of how I
tend act, when Im goofy Im out
there and people see how I act
when I have fun and not be serious
for once and shyness from being
laidback not saying anything and
only observing what is going on in
my surroundings

Jung would say being sophisticated

and mature would show an
archetype of how young adults
should act and behave; my
collective unconscious would be
my thoughtfulness because all my
shared and inherited thoughts are in
a reservoir of memory traces
Adler would say my anxiety and
emotion is my inferiority complex
because I get nervous and upset
from situations that seemed like lies
even when I was being told the
truth from some friends which can
lead to me getting angry and going
nuts over something Im thinking
opposite about
Horney would say my anxiety is
basic sometimes because I freaked
out over fire drills from there loud
sound and flashing lights which can
be a basic anxiety for others
Chodorow would say Im cautious
and careful because I perceive my
mom from her looks and
personality, the way I observe is
from how I would have seen my

Evaluation of my Personality through the Eyes of the Major

Personality Theorists:

Psychosocial; self-actualization is the

motivation to fulfill ones potential; to
grow into healthy humans we need:
genuineness, acceptance, and


Somatotype Theory- fat people are

social, skinny people are secretive,
and muscular people are assertive


Central and Secondary Traits (one

word adjectives and descriptive
statements); Factor Analysis- method
of categorizing of traits; 16 PF


Personality is organized in five basic

factors: openness to experience,
conscientiousness, extraversion,
agreeableness, and neuroticism

Eyesneck and

Introversion and Extraversion;

Unstable and stable


Internal and External Locus of

Control; Learned Helplessnesspassive resignation that one learns
when unable to avoid repeated
aversive events

mom from the first time Ive seen

Rogers/Maslow would say Im
industrious and motivated because
of me wanting to fulfill my
potential of wanting to succeed in
what I do now and later in life; also
I would be emotional so I could
express my feelings of genuineness,
acceptance, and empathy
Sheldon would say Im quiet and
reserved from being shy and
secretive, in group discussions I
would keep my ideas to myself as
like if it were a secret and be there
Allport/Cattell would say Im goofy
and irascible because being goofy is
a main central trait of mine while
being irascible is a secondary trait
to where something specific has to
happen to make me mad
Costa/McCrae would say Im
orderly because of my opinion and
organization of my past
experiences, emotions,
extraversion, being agreeable about
certain things, etc.
Eyesneck would say Im quiet,
reserved, reliable, thoughtful, and
subtle because of my personality
showing that Im an introvert thats
Rotter would say Im reliable
because of my ability to do
something and be there for
somebody for their sake of their
external locus of control; motivated
for my own internal locus of
control; careful for learned
helplessness because it helps me
out with understanding and getting
out of aversive events

Evaluation of my Personality through the Eyes of the Major

Personality Theorists:

Social Learning; How we interact

with our culture and environment;
Reciprocal Determinism- traits,
environment, and behavior all
interact and influence each other


Personality is meaningless;
personality changes from

Bandura would say Im quiet,

reserved, and kind because even
though I can be silent and nervous
to say something, my kindness can
make an effect on your
environment and from reciprocal
determinism my traits, behaviors,
and the environment would come
together to form me as a quiet but
kind person in the community
Skinner believed personality
changes so he would say at public
places I would be quiet because I
would be too nervous to speak and
goofy when Im around friends, he
also would say kindness for
everywhere I go, all of my
personality adjectives that describe
me have a certain time and place
that can work best with me at that

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