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Running head: Annotated Lesson Plan

Assignment3: Annotated Lesson Plan

Grade 2
Why do you like ___?

TED 665
Professor Serdyukov
National University
Jessica Johnson
January 25, 2014

Annotated Lesson Plan


This paper will present a lesson plan based on the Frameworks for California
Standards in English for 2nd grade students. This lesson plan assumes this class is diverse
with both special needs as well as English Language Learners in the room. This paper
includes a detailed lesson plan with an analysis and descriptions on how the lesson allowed
for ELLs,special needs and advanced level students. Also included is resource material
(flashcards, etc.) needed to execute the lesson.

Annotated Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan 2nd Grade English Lesson
Why do you like?

California Academic Content Standards:The following Reading, Writing, Listening, and

Speaking foundations will be addressed in the lesson plan contained within:
1. Reading for Foundational Skills for grade 2: ( California Department of Education ,
2013, p. 10)
o Fluency:
Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.
Read on-level text with purpose and understanding.
Read on-level text orally with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression
on successive readings.
Use context to confirm or self-correct word recognition and
understanding, rereading as necessary.
2. Writing Standards for grade 2: (California Department of Education , 2013, p. 15)
o Text Type and Purposes:
Write opinion pieces in which they introduce the topic or book they are
writing about, state an opinion, supply reasons that support the opinion,
use linking words (e.g., because, and, also) to connect opinion and
reasons, and provide a concluding statement or section.
3. Speaking and Listening Standards for grade 2: (California Department of Education ,
2013, p. 22)
o Comprehension and Collaboration
Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about
grade 2 topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups.
Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., gaining the floor in
respectful ways, listening to others with care, speaking one at a time
about the topics and texts under discussion).
Build on others talk in conversations by linking their comments to the
remarks of others.
Ask for clarification and further explanation as needed about the topics
and texts under discussion.
4. Conventions of Standards of English: (California Department of Education , 2013, p.2731)
o Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and
usage when writing or speaking.
Use collective nouns (e.g., group).
Form and use frequently occurring irregular plural nouns (e.g., feet,
children, teeth, mice,fish).
Use reflexive pronouns (e.g., myself, ourselves).
Form and use the past tense of frequently occurring irregular verbs (e.g.,
sat, hid, told).
Use adjectives and adverbs, and choose between them depending on

Annotated Lesson Plan

what is to be modified.
Produce, expand, and rearrange complete simple and compound
sentences (e.g., The boywatched the movie; The little boy watched
themovie; The action movie was watched by thelittle boy).
Create readable documents with legible print. CA
Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization,
punctuation, and spelling when writing.
Capitalize holidays, product names, and geographic names.
Use commas in greetings and closings of letters.
Use an apostrophe to form contractions and frequently occurring
Generalize learned spelling patterns when writing words (e.g., cage
badge; boy boil).
Consult reference materials, including beginning dictionaries, as needed
to check and correct spellings.
Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking,
reading, or listening.
Compare formal and informal uses of English.
Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and
phrases based on grade 2 reading and content, choosing flexibly from an array
of strategies.
Use sentence-level context as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase.
Determine the meaning of the new word formed when a known prefix is
added to a known word (e.g., happy/unhappy, tell/retell).
Use a known root word as a clue to the meaning of an unknown word
with the same root (e.g., addition, additional).
Use knowledge of the meaning of individual words to predict the meaning
of compound words (e.g., birdhouse, lighthouse, housefly;bookshelf,
notebook, bookmark).
Use glossaries and beginning dictionaries, both print and digital, to
determine or clarify the meaning of words and phrases in all content
areas. CA
Demonstrate understanding of word relationships and nuances in word
Identify real-life connections between words and their use (e.g., describe
foods that are spicy or juicy).
Distinguish shades of meaning among closely related verbs (e.g., toss,
throw, hurl) and closely related adjectives (e.g., thin, slender,
Use words and phrases acquired through conversations, reading and being read
to, and responding to texts, including using adjectives and adverbs to describe
(e.g., When other kids arehappy that makes me happy).

Annotated Lesson Plan

Goal:Teach the students key vocabulary, and how to use different adjectives while working with
the idea of explaining why.
Lesson Objectives:SWBAT (Students will be able to):
understand and use adjectives that describe characteristics of certain activities
and people
ask and answer questions about why they like or dislike about certain activities
ask and answer questions about why they like certain people
read and write questions and answers describing people, activities and places as
well as why they like said people, activities, and places.
Assessment questions:Why do you like English?
Why does she like Nancy?
Target vocabulary:
dangerous, easy, hard, helpful, honest, polite, safe,
Target sentences:
(Subject) like/s (pronoun/Name) because (pronoun) (be
verb) (adjective).
(Susan) likes (Lori) because (she) (is) (smart).
Why do/does (subject) like (pronoun/ Name)?
Why do (they) like (Kurt)?
(Subject) like/s (noun/verb phrase) because (pronoun)
(be verb) [not] (adjective).
(I) like (English) because (it) (is) [not] hard.
(Subject) dont/doesnt like (noun/verb phrase) because
(pronoun) (be verb) [not] (adjective).
(My mom) doesnt like (motorcycles) because (they)
(are) (dangerous).
Because (pronoun) (be verb) [not] (adjective).
Because (it) (is) (easy).
Why do/does/dont/doesnt (subject) like (noun/verb
Why do (you) like (hiking)?
Special Needs Learners:
The teacher should ensure that the students requiring
adjustments to the lesson are able to see clearly, hear
well, and be easily accessible by the teacher and/or
assistant in the classroom. If there are any issues
during any of the activities or sections of the lesson the
assistant/teacher should work with the student to
ensure the support they need is available to them.
Advanced level students:

Previous knowledge:
The students have been working
with the to be verb and adjectives for
the last few weeks in different given
scenarios. In this lesson we will
review and expand on that
knowledge working to meet the
standards and give the students a
greater understanding of adjective
and verb use within the English

English Language Learners:

Grade 2 ELD Standards:
A. Collaborative:
Interacting and
exchanging ideas with
others offering and
supporting opinions in
various communicative
forms and oral

Annotated Lesson Plan

Throughout the lesson the teacher should be motivating

the students that are advanced to answer and help the
B. Structuring Cohesive texts:
group comprehend easier. The teacher should allocate
Understanding text
said learners throughout the group making sure the
structure and cohesion
advanced learners are not isolated. If the learners seem C. Expanding and Enriching Ideas
to be less engaged due to the material being easy the
Using verbs and verb
teacher should assign the students as mini teachers to
phrases, modifying to add
help lead the activities.
D. Connecting and condensing
(English Development Standards
- Resources CA Dept. of
Education, 2013)
The teacher should be working with
the ELL students throughout the
lesson to be sure they are actively
listening, evaluating and analyzing
language choices, writing with an
adult (assistant or teacher),
supporting opinions, understanding
the text structure and cohesion,
connecting and condensing ideas,
and using verb phrases and
adjectives properly. When needed
provide additional support.
Students behavior expectations: it is assumed that
this hypothetical class has been implementing
classroom management routines. In the classroom we
use positive words to correct (e.g. Walk, rather than
dont run). The students have both individual rewards
systems in place but also group rewards, meaning if the
entire group is not listening they can lose a point
towards their lesson end goal. If the students meet
their goal they will receive a sticker which they can put
in their journal to track their progress throughout the
school semester/year.
Preparation & Materials: whiteboards, markers,
clipboards, scrap paper, flashcards (see resources),
hello song (self-created any tune is fineuse this to
get the learners having fun and bring down anxiety
levels ->sing a song saying hello, asking each others
names, and how are you? etc. ), 4-5 hula hoops

Annotated Lesson Plan

Section: Start of lesson routine

Time:10 minutes

Objective: SWBAT recall the rules of the class and do

the class Hello routine

Methods/ Activities/Interaction
Hello Song
o Sing a song saying hello,
how are you?, whats your
name? etc. The tune can
be simple the point is to
elicit conversation from the
learners using social
interaction with the music.
o Stop and start the song
asking conversational
review questions. Preview
is also something that can
be placed here.
Rules go over the rules and
expectations of the class
Daily language review: How are
you? How old are you? What do
you like to do? Whats your
favorite? What do you want to be
when you grow up? What grade
are you in? What do you like to
do? Are you a careful writer? Do
you dance well? Whats for
lunch? Whats your favorite fruit?

Assessment: Students can recall the rules of the class

and do the class Hello routine

Section: Review

Time: 30 minutes

Objective: SWBAT confidently ask and answer what

themselves or others like to do using the reflexive

Methods/ Activities/Interaction
o The class should ask you,
What do you like to do by
yourself? then act out an
activity you like to do by
o Encourage the learners to try
to guess your activity by
asking, Do you like to
(verb/verb phrase) by
o If they guess incorrectly, say,
No, I dont like to (verb/verb

Assessment: Students can confidently ask and answer

what themselves or others like to do using the reflexive

Annotated Lesson Plan

Section: Lesson Opener

Objective: SWBAT identify and pronounce each
Assessment: Learners can identify and pronounce
each adjective

phrase) by myself. When
they guess correctly, say,
Yes, I like to (verb/verb
phrase) by myself.
o Arrange the class into small
groups to play charades and
continue the activity until
everyone has had a turn to
act out an activity
By themselves circle
Stand in a circle with all the
Introduce all the vocabulary
by first stepping out of the
circle for by myself, then a
boy for (himself), a girl for
(herself) and then have
everyone apart from one
another for (ourselves) and
two together apart from the
rest for (themselves)
Use this activity slide to allow
the learners to read the words
and sentences for todays
Try and use actions and
rhythm for each new word
Time: 30 minutes
Methods/ Activities/Interaction
Introduce the vocabulary using
the flashcards. Elicit from the
students the meanings. Keep the
students engaged and having the
opportunity to use rational and
problem solving to figure out the
words meaning.
Keep the flashcards within the
students view for the duration of
the lesson to keep them focused
on using the target vocabulary
when asking and answering
Learners are in two teams

Annotated Lesson Plan

Section: Activity 1
Objective: SWBAT use adjectives to describe they like
or dislike certain things and or people (reminding the
learners to be kind)
Assessment: Students can use adjectives to describe
they like or dislike certain things or people, all the while
being kind

Section: Activity2
Objective: SWBAT read their findings and correct any
grammar errors
Assessment: Students can read their findings and
correct any grammar errors

and they take it in turns to list
different adjectives we just
learned. You can then follow
this up with the erase game,
erase an adjective and they
have to say which one is
Time: 10 minutes
Methods/ Activities/Interaction
The teacher will model the bump
game: have a student come up to
help as this is an interactive
game. The teacher will say
walk, walk, walk, walkboop!
when the boop comes the
teacher nicely bumps into the
learner and then says I like ____
because he/she is ___. Repeat,
two more times.
Students play the bump game
and when they bump into
someone they have to tell them
why they like them, e.g. I like you
because youre funny.
They must all ask at least 3
people before the game is over
Time:15 minutes
Methods/ Activities/Interaction
Newspaper Reporter
o Divide the students into two
o Give one group of the
learners clipboards, scrap
paper, and pencils. You can
use mini whiteboards and
markers here as well.
o Instruct the students they are
to listen to the other groups
conversations and pick one
sentence to write.
o From the previous activity,

Annotated Lesson Plan

Section: Activity 3 & 4

Objective: SWBAT ask and answer with target
vocabulary and two reasons as to why they dislike or
like something
Assessment: Learners can ask and answer with target
vocabulary and two reasons as to why they dislike or
like something

learners must present their
findings from the previous
o They will get 5 minutes to
change the sentences to third
person so they can report the
likes of at least 3 friends. The
students should be listening
for grammar issues, sentence
structure concerns etc.
o Then switch roles.
Time:30 minutes
Methods/ Activities/Interaction
Learners are in teams and you
open up with a question, e.g.
Why do you like English?
Learners then in their team stand
up and the first person says a
sentence, I like English because
its easy and then they sit down.
The second person goes; I like
English because its easy AND
fun They sit down. The third
person goes and adds a third
thing to the list. Every person
keeps adding a different word
until all the people in their team
have said something. Quickest
team wins.
Hoop pass
Learners stand in two lines
holding hands at the head of
each is the FT and LT a target
question is asked and the learner
must answer then grab a hoop
and move it over their body to the
next person in line and ask the
target question. This repeats
until the end of the line. First
team done wins. (the last learner
in line will ask the FT or LT
whichever is leading their group).

Annotated Lesson Plan

o Q#1 Why do you like
o Q#2 Why do you like your
o Q#3 elicit questions from
the learners, keep the
learners excited and engaged

Section: Lesson Wrap

Time: 15-20 minutes

Objective: SWBAT to use the target language in a

conversation, then write 10 sentences about things and
people they like and why.

Methods/ Activities/Interaction

Assessment: Students can confidently to use the

target language in a conversation, then write 10
sentences about things and people they like and why.

Students will pair up.

Ask each other questions about
what they like and dont like
about things. Why? (5 minutes)
Spend 10 minutes writing
sentences about what they
learned about their friend and
themselves during the lesson.
Students will hand in work to the
teacher for the teacher to be able
to assess how and what to review
during the next English time

Annotated Lesson Plan


This lesson plan uses many different methods for teaching English for native
speakers, ELLs, and students needing special accommodations. This lesson plan builds off
of previous lessons as is pointed out in this article Teachers can employ various methods to
help students see how ideas or concepts relate to one another and fit into a larger picture
(Crandall, Jaramillo, Olsen, Peyton, 2002). It is important to tie one lesson in with another.
Using the first review activity I attempted to do just that. Having the learners review the
language we had been working on during the semester while playing an activity that
promoted communication and student engagement. Many English language learner are
unable to see how the content presented from lesson to lesson is connected (Crandall,
Jaramillo, Olsen, Peyton, 2002). One way this lesson tried to make a connection was during
review, but I also incorporated the use of realia and flashcards that that let the learners have
visuals aids to associate the language with. Due to the abstract nature of the actual target
words the realia was used to keep the learners engaged rather than bridge the gap from
concept to reality using authentic items.
The use of different methods during this lesson is to accommodate and allow for a
heterogeneous classroom. This lesson assumes this is a diverse classroom. Effective
teachers of culturally diverse students acknowledge both individual and cultural differences
enthusiastically and identify these differences in a positive manner (Burnette, 1999). I take
that idea and try to allow the differences in the room whether they be special needs, cultural,
advanced, ELLs, or any other kind of individual student need to assist me in my lesson
planning. I work to make sure I am able to accommodate whatever needs my learners may

Annotated Lesson Plan


This lesson plan works to embrace authentic use of the language. Although the
concepts being presented are more abstract, the activities are meant to engage the learners
in conversation while focusing on the four literacies at the same time. It is a focus of this
lesson to have heavy student interaction, the Communicative Language Teaching (CLT)
approach speaks to this.
CLT advocates subscribed to a broad set of principals such as these: learners learn a
language through using it to communicate, authentic and meaningful communication
should be the goal of classroom activities, fluency is an important dimension of
communication, communication involves the integration of different language skills,
[and] learning is a process of creative construction and involves trial and error
(Rodgers, 2001).
This is the purpose of the activities within the lesson and the reasoning behind the student
groups, pairing, and interaction within the entirety of the lesson.
In conclusion, this lesson doesnt include a formal assessment because it is part of a
larger unit where a formal assessment will be given at the end. After each activity or section
of the lesson there is an informal assessment to allow the teacher to concept check and
gauge if the learners are ready for the next part of the lesson. It is assumed that if the
learners need to spend more time practicing any given section the teacher will allow for that
and adjust the lesson. At the end of the lesson the students hand in their writings for the
teacher to review and assess how much review will be needed for the upcoming lessons and
to track students performance in an informal basis.

Annotated Lesson Plan

Flashcards for the lesson:



Annotated Lesson Plan


California Department of Education . (2013). California Common Core Standards. English Arts & Literacy in
History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects. Sacramento, CA: California Department of Education.
California Department of Education English Language Development Standards for Grade 2. (October 2012).
Crandall, Jaramillo, Olsen, Peyton. 2002. Using Cognitive Strategies to Develop English Language and
Literacy. ERIC Digest.
Burnette. 1999. Critical Behaviors and Strategies for Teaching Culturally Diverse Students. ERIC Digest.
Rodgers. 2001. CAL Digests. Language Teaching Methodology.

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