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oO , seceetcnne Dayton, OH 45435-0001 ‘WRIGHT STATE UNIVERSITY February 10,2016 ‘To Whom It May Concern: tis an honor for me to recommend Ms. Kain Quelihorst fora teaching position I had the pleasure of having Kaitlin asa student in my ED 4210 Middle Childhood Reading aod Writing Across the Cusculum course during fall 2014. Kain is an insightful and thoughtful young woman who grealy impressed me with ber desire to become a middle level educator. As Thave come to kn0W ber ona more personal level, must ‘iy that genuinely admire he passion and dedication to becoming an effective aad creative math andior socal studies teacher. While working with ber in clas, she stood out to meas ratural teacher as she ‘demonstrated a depth of knowledge, enthusiasm, and insight in ber assigaments, vile working with her peers, ‘and in ber rol as a future teacher. has been a pleasure to observe Katin’s growth and development as an educator. She hus accomplished ber goal at Weight State with impressive diligence, enthusiasm, and dedication. Shebus ten her ole as 2 ‘student seriously, which as clay been reflected inthe thoroughness, depth, and creativity of her work in the Classroom. Iwas so impressed with the effort Kalin applied toward ber assignments for my elas, and the toroughness she pu ino her work was exceptional, She demonsirated many insight into quality educations ‘practices to implement inthe classroom, and her suong pedagogicel awareness was evideot. She was well ‘organized and reliable, and she always followed through on assigned tasks. She went above and beyond the ‘normal class requiremens, Iwas clea to me that she Was dedicated to becomingan excellent classroom teacher. Kain has ll of the qualities and dispoitons ofa natural eacher. She displayed wonderful rapport with ll ofthe students in our elas. Her demeanor was always friendly, warm, and persosable, and she was able 10 ‘connect with her pees on a personal level. When dealing with thes during clss discussions and while ‘working in groups, se was always very ispzing and positive. Shei a natural kader who communicates ‘professionally in away that i always effective, exile, and insighiful. She was productive eam player, and he worked well with group members as se maintained te focus, orgaaization, nd direction of the group. ‘Lam confident that Kain wll continue to distinguish herself inthe eld of eduction due tober strong character, creative vision, and pasion to consirucivly influence the personal and academic ives of middle level students. Thope you will give her serious consideration asa postive aditcn to your staf. Please feel {ree to contact me for mor information aboat this Wonderful and profesional educator. (Callege of Education and Human Services ‘Wright Sue University 329 Allyn Hall (@an71s3283 Lee Welr@wrighteds

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