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CMAVTS Cosmetology Lesson Plan

Donna Driscoll - Instructor

Name of Instructor: Donna Driscoll
Program Title: Cosmetology
Course Title: Business Skills
Unit Title: The Salon Business
Lesson Title: Purchases and Inventory Records
Lesson Objectives:
Upon completion of the lesson, the student will work on a group project and will be able
List the habits of a good salon team player.
Describe three different ways in which salon professionals are compensated.
Explain the principles of selling products and services in the salon.
Identify and demonstrate how to solve a problem in a group setting with 100%
efficiency using a rubric
Understand the importance of safety when working with/around the public in
a salon and be able to describe the basic safety procedures to be followed in
the salon with 100% accuracy
Theory 20 minutes
Clinic 2 hours
Equipment and Materials needed:
Lecture on the use of description of group/team assignments
-signature sheet
-worksheet with directions
-invoice paperwork
-inventory (retail products and backbar inventory)

Academic Standard(s) and Anchor(s) and/or Common Core Standard:

CC.3.5.11-12.B Determine the central ideas or conclusions of a text; summarize complex
concepts, processes, or information presented in a text by paraphrasing them in simpler but still
accurate terms.
CC.3.5.11-12.D Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other domain-specific words
and phrases as they are used in a specific scientific or technical context relevant to grades 1112
texts and topics.
Technical Standard(s) or Competencies:
200 Professional Attitude
202 Identify and demonstrate professional ethics
204 Demonstrate effective communication skills, to include listening, speaking, and writing
401 Demonstrate an understanding of the Cosmetology Laws, Rules, and Regulations


Good business requires perpetual record keeping; it must be correct, concise, and complete. The
student will understand that close monitoring teaches the student about usage/waste, sales, and/or
thief. The client must purchase home care products so why not purchase them from you.
Retailing is another way to up-ticket your sales and put money in your pocket. Practicing
teamwork, safety, and professionalism makes you a valuable member to any salon!
Lecture/notes on basic group work guidelines and expectations

Salon Teamwork
o Strive to help
o Pitch in
o Share your knowledge
o Remain positive
o Become a relationship builder
o Be willing to resolve conflicts
o Be willing to be subordinate
o Be sincerely loyal
Compensation Plans
o Minimum wage
o Salary
o Commission
o Salary plus commission
Principles of selling products in the salon.
o Number 1 rule sell yourself
o Be familiar with the products
o Know the needs of the client
o Be confident when selling to the client
o Never misrepresent your products
o Do not underestimate the clients intelligence about their own needs
o Recognize the right moment to close the sale
The Important of Record Keeping
o Value of correct record keeping
Description of group work assignment; completion of assignment
You must have a solid foundation of basic information and skills giving and abilities that lay
the groundwork for your quest of lifelong learning. We will instinctively know A business
that fails to operate at a profit, fail to exist. We need to be a team player, organized, have a
positive attitude, keep a sense of commitment to our work and goals, and never stop learning!

Evaluation/Student Assessment: (attach student worksheets or assessments to this lesson


Students will solve a group/team assignment with 100% efficiency

1. Have students complete Chapter 31 of the Milady Standard Cosmetology Theory
2. Have students complete journal writing and final test with a 80% accuracy.
3. Journal Questions Give a 3-5 sentences brief description for the following
4. Retention Questions:
a. List at least 5 traits of a good team player.
b. Are your expected to sell products and do you make commission on it?
c. What duties must you perform besides services?
d. Explain the following pay rates. (Minimum wage, salary, commission, or
salary plus commission)
Special Needs Adaptations and/or Accommodations:
Student may have alternate/adapted tests; reduced reading/writing assignments; individualized
task sheets
Use of student handbook, extended time for tests/lengthy assignments, alternate test sites, tests
read; prompt & cue to task, preferential seating, retesting opportunities, and repeat directions
English as a Second Language (ESL) Adaptations and/or Accommodations:
Student may have alternate/adapted tests; reduced reading/writing assignments; individualized
task sheets
Use of student handbook, extended time for tests/lengthy assignments, alternate test sites, tests
read; prompt & cue to task, preferential seating, retesting opportunities, and repeat directions

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