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Test 1.

Name: __________________________________ Date: __________

I. Look at this headline, taken from, and choose the sentence that best describes the
possible content of the article.

Asteroid eaters: Robots to hunt space rocks


Los asteroides comern robots espaciales en un futuro.

Robots detectarn y destruirn asteroides en el futuro.
Los asteroides atacarn a robots espaciales en el futuro.
Robots sern programados para lanzar asteroides artificiales.

II. Read the following article and decide which title is best suited to each of them.

Information organizations are defined as those entities that deliver information-based solutions to a given
market. Some commonly used names for these organizations include libraries, information centers,
competitive intelligence units, intranet departments, knowledge resource centers, content management
organizations, and others.


information-based solutions
What are information organizations?
Names of organizations
Is there a market for information organizations?

III. Read the following article. Write a suitable title for it.
Ttle: _________________________________________________________________
Sleep - or lack of it - is one of the most common 21st century health complaints. Only 1 in 10 of us say we always sleep
well; 1 in 5 suffer from lack of sleep; and two thirds say we get less sleep now than we did a few years ago - around 90
minutes less, according to one leading American sleep expert.
There are many different views as to how much sleep we need - eight hours is often quoted, but some of us need less;
and some more. The simplest answer is enough sleep to feel refreshed in the morning and stay awake and alert
throughout the day.
If lack of sleep is a problem - what should you do about it? Do you realise that often the solution lies in our own hands
and simply requires some simple changes to our sleep environment and lifestyles - probably even less arduous than
going on a diet to lose weight, although, like a diet, it might take a few weeks to get into the habit of new habits.

IV. Read the following text and identify the words or phrases that are repeated and related to the same topic.
Use squares and lines to join and show the relationship among them.
According to AACR2, 2002 revision, an electronic resource is: "Material (data and/or
program(s)) encoded for manipulation by a computerized device. This material may require
the use of a peripheral directly connected to a computerized device (e.g., CD-ROM drive)
or a connection to a computer network (e.g., the Internet)." This definition does not
include electronic resources that do not require the use of a computer, for example,
music compact discs and videodiscs.

Topic: ___________________________________________________________________________
earthquake: terremoto
hits: afecta, ocurre
UK: Reino Unido
rather large: bastante fuerte

V. Read the title, first and last paragraph fo the following text. Can you guess what
it is about?

Earthquake hits Britain: the biggest tremor in 25 years

On 27th February 2008, something very unusual happened in the UK; there was a rather
large earthquake.

Most British people would be surprised to learn that there are 200-300 earthquakes in Britain every year - but most of
them are so small, they go unnoticed. The magnitude of this earthquake is fairly small in comparison to some other
natural disasters that have made international news, but for the people affected, it certainly came as quite a surprise.
What do you think the Main idea of this text could be?

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