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: X/2
: 2 X 45 MENIT

1. Standar Kompetensi

Mengungkapkan makna

dalam teks fungsional pendek dan monolog sederhana

narrative, descriptive dan news item

dalam konteks kehidupan

2. Kompetensi Dasar
10.2 Mengungkap-kan makna dalam teks monolog sederhana dengan menggunakan
ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan
sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk: narrative, descriptive, dan news item
3. Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

Melakukan monolog untuk menyampaikan sebuah cerita

Bercerita secara lisan

4. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi main idea dari teks monolog narrative

Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi tokoh dari cerita teks monolog narrative

Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi & memperagakan kejadian dalam teks monolog


5. Materi Ajar
Dialog narrative
Timun Emas
Once upon a time, there was a widow named mbok sirni who lived alone, because
there was no one on her side, she felt and dreamed of the presence of the child. She said at
heart when I have a child, I tired of live alone. And she thinks to call BUTO IJO.
Mbok sirni: it has been a long time I havent got a child, Last miner is called giant (she clacks
her hand and giant is coming)
Buto Ijo

: ha... Ha... Ha... Why you called me..?

Mbok sirni

: Im sorry before, but I come here because I have one request to you.

Buto Ijo

: a request? What is?

Mbok Sirni

: It has been a long time I havent a child. Can you help me?

Buto Ijo

: to have a child? Its easy for me. And of course I can help you, but you have
to promise me. If you have a child, you must give me if your child grows up.

Mbok sirni

: emm yeah.. I agreed.

Buto Ijo

: ok. This is the cucumber seeds. And if the cucumber already ripe. Pick them
and crack. So, you have a new child.

Mbok sirni

: yes. Thank you

Two weeks passed and the cucumber started to bear fruits, but there was one which
was large and shined like gold. Mbok Sirni picked the large cucumber and splinted it
carefully. And it appeared that there was a cute baby was named timun emas. As the time
goes, timun emas grow up. Buto ijo goes to timun emas hut and dun mbok sirni promise
Buto Ijo

: where is your child?

Mbok sirni

: she goes to play with her friend,

Buto Ijo

: dont lie! You must keep your promise!

Mbok sirni

: but she really plays with her friend!!

Buto Ijo

: ok. But you must call her now!!

Mbok sirni

: yeah... Ill do it Ill do it for you

Few minutes later, in friend timun emass home

Mbok sirni

: timun emas... I want to say important matter to you

Timun emas

: what is mom?

Mbok sirni

: actually, before you were born I have one promise to buto ijo.

Timun Emas

: buto ijo? Who is buto ijo mom?

Mbok Sirni

: he is an evil giant who help me to have a child. I make a promise with him
that when you grow up, I must give you to him. Now you must run far
from here and I give you four small packages contain cucumber seeds,
needles, salt and shrimp paste. I will pray for you safety from the giant.
Now, run... Run as far as you can...

Next mother say to buto ijo

Mbok sirni

: buto ijo, timun emas is not anywhere.

Buto ijo

: dont lie again..!!!

And then buto ijo saw timun emas running to the woods. Buto ijo was very angry.
Buto Ijo

: there is timun emas, dont run!

He rushed toward timun emas. Mbok sirni tried to stop him of course, but buto ijo was
unstoppable. Buto ijo was getting closer and closer, so timun emas took the first thing she got
from mbok sirni. It is a cucumber seeds. She threw the seeds, and instantly they grew into

large cucumber field. Buto ijo eat them all, give him more strength. As buto ijo was getting
close. Timun emas took the second thing was about needles and then she spilled the needles.
It turned into bamboo trees, sharp and thorny. The giants body was scratched and belt.
Buto Ijo

: aaaaargh, Ill get you timun emas..!!

Buto Ijo tried to get himself out from the bamboo field.
Timun emas then reached the third and spilled the salt. The ground which was touch
of the salt turned into a deep sea. Buto ijo was almost drown and had to swim to cross the sea.
After that, he gets out from the water. Timun emas saw buto ijo coming closer again, so she
reached the last thing. She took the shrimp paste and threw it. It became a big swamp of
boiling mud. Slowly but surely buto ijo drowned into the swamp.

: heeeelp... Heeelp
Then the giant drown and died. Immediately timun emas went home. Since then,

timun emas and mbok sirni live happily ever after.

6. Metode Pembelajaran/Teknik:
Three - phase tecnique
TPR Total Pyshical Response

7. Kegiatan Pembelajaran
a. KegiatanAwal (10)

Mengucapkan salam dengan ramah kepada siswa ketika memasuki ruang


Mengecek kehadiran siswa

Mengaitkan materi/kompetensi yang akan dipelajari

b. KegiatanInti (70)


Guru memberikan stimulus berupa pemberian materi yang terkait.

Guru memberikan contoh dialog narrative
Guru memberikan gambaran & penjelasan tentang text dialog tersebut


Guru memberikan persiapan kepada siswa untuk membentuk kelompok

sesuai banyak peran dalam dialog tersebut
Guru mempraktekan salah satu contoh peran dalam dialog narrative
Siswa mempraktekan contoh peran dalam dialog narrative


Siswa dan guru mendiskusikan gambaran umum dalam teks narrative

Siswa dan guru mendiskusikan tentang fungsi sosial dalam teks narrative
c. KegiatanAkhir (10)
Guru menanyakan kesulitan pada siswa
Guru dan siswa membuat kesimpulan belajar
Siswa diminta mempersiapkan dan mempelajari rencana materi
pembelajaran untuk pertemuan selanjutnya
Guru berpamitan pada siswa

8. Evaluasi Penilaian

Aspect of Scoring
Total Score

9. Sumber/Bahan/Alat

Low (45-59)

Average (6075)

Good (76100)

Laptop/alat pemutar audio


Audio teks yang relevan (adapted from )


Februari 2016


Guru Mata Pelajaran

H.WawanRidwan, S.Pd,.M.Pd.

EndahRetno H.,S.Pd.

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