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| Ki fl ye Can discern the face f the SRY: but can ye not aiscern the signs of t 1g fires. THE KING’S BUSINESS MOTTO: “I, the Lord, do keep it, I will water it every moment, lest any hurt it, I will keep it night and day. Asa. 27:3 PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES Entered as Second-Cluss Matter November 17, 1910, at the Post Office at Los Angeles, California under the Act of March 3, 1879 Acceptence for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917 authorized October 1, 1918. Volume X hig Number 7 _ LEADING ARTICLES IN THIS ISSUE Editorials: Signs of the Times (587) Open and Shut Doors (595) Re- ‘ construction (696) Federation of Churehes (597) Is the © World Getting Better (598) The Shortened Bible (599) Sentence Sermons (600) As It Was in the Days of Noah, by G. H. Pember (601) Bible Institute Happenings (608) The Progress of Medical Science, by E. G. Rowland, M. D. (611) Evangelistic Incidents (617) Thoughts for Unsaved People (624) Notes Concerning the Jews (625) Homiletical Helps (627) Life and Immortality, by Keith L. Brooks (629) International Sunday School Lessons (634) Daily Devotional Readings, by Dr. F. W. Farr (665) Missionary Notes (676) We need funds to send this magazine to Missionaries and Christian workers who cannot subscribe themselves, When sending subscriptions, address correspondence to Office ! gf The King’s Business, Bible Institute of Los Angeles, 536-558 South Hope Street. Checks may be made payable to Bible * Institute of Los Angeles, Do not make checks or money orders to individuals connected’ with the Bible Institute, ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR SUBSCRIPTION PRICE— In the United State id Its Pr i nd M » and points in th Central American Postal Union, $1.00 per Sets. In all other foreign courtier, nchiding Concle, brane Geol.) ““Strgle coples“10Sanes, ‘See expiration date on-the wrapper. BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES 536-558 South Hope Street * Zs 5 * -. Los Angeles, California Why IsThe Church On Earth? By I. M. Haldeman, D. D. HE Chureh is here to witiless to’ the immense truth that in Jesus Christ dwelleth all the fullness of the deity bodily. He is God manifest in the flesh. He is the visibility of God in humanity. He is the “image of the invisible God.” ‘The Church is here to witness that God can never be seen or known apart from Jesus Christ as risen, immor- tal, glorified Son of God and God the Son.” “GOD IN CHRIST’—that is the testimony of the Church. God in Christ, not God in creation, not God in providence—but God in the risen, glorified, immortal man-—Jesus Christ. The Church is here to testify that faith in God, to be saving faith, must be faith in the God revealed in flesh—God in Christ. ‘The Church is here to say to the world: “You may believe in the existence of God—there is no merit in that, only the fool denies it. “You may believe in God as the Creator—no faith is required for that—the heavens declare the glory of God and the frmament showeth His handiwork. “You may believe in the existence of one God—there is no saving value in that, devils believe, tremble and are lost forever. “If you would be saved you must believe in the God revealed alone in Christ.” God in Christ! that is the testimony to which the Church is called. ‘The Church is here not only to witness to the humanity of Christ, to His proper and true deity, not only that He is God and man in one body, two natures and one person forever; but that He is the Lamb of God, the complete and perfect fulfillment of all the sacrificial types; that the cross was the antitypical altar and His blood the only ground of approach to God, the only way of redemption and salvation for man. The Church has been brought in to preach—“Jesus Christ, and Him crucified.” The Church is here to deny salvation by character, to repudiate the righteousness of man and proclaim that the obedience of Christ unto death makes Him the righteousness of God unto all and upon all them that believe, to all who offer Him by faith as a sacrifice for sin and claim Him as personal substitute for the sinner; that He now sits upon the Father’s throne the new Head of the human race, the second and last Adam, the visible God of the universe, able to give new and-spiritual life to-all-who-confess Him as such; able to save unto the uttermost all who come unto God by Him. ‘The Church is here to witness that He is coming again to raise the dead who died in His name, transfigure the living who are His and give them immortal, glorified bodies like His own.—(I. M. Haldeman, D.D., in recent booklet “The Olive Tree.”) a e T. C. HORTON, Editor KEITH L. BROOKS, Monaging Editor R.A-TORREY,D.D. FREDERIC W.FARR,D.D. J. H. HUNTER W. H. PIKE Contributing Editors Oo EDTFORTALE——— aa SIGNS of the Times Luke 12:54-56: “And He said to the multitudes also, When ye see a cloud rising in the west, straightway ye say, there cometh a shower; and so it cometh to pass. ‘And when ye see a south wind blowing, ye say, There will be a scorching heat; and it cometh to pass, Ye hypocrites, ye know how to interpret the face of the earth and the heaven; but how is it that ye know not how to interpret this time?” (R. V.) The Lord is speaking to the people and says, ‘‘You are weather-wise, but you are blind otherwise. You know what the wind will bring, but you don’t know what the Word will bring.’’ The people were blind to the corruption of the priests and scribes, to the hollowness of their pretensions. Their ears were closed to the low, thundering of discontent, and the approaching conflict between the people and the government of Rome. Were He here today could He not say to the church, ‘‘How is it that yedo not discern the signs of the times?’’ ao wb ° IN WHAT NATION Is There Rest? During the whole period of the Peace Conference, we do not remember having seen any mention of a Bible being upon the peace table. We have rejoiced in knowing that there were praying men at the head of the armies, but the statesmen seem to be lacking in wisdom, or they would have con- - sulted the oracles of God. The peace pact is signed, but where is the sign of peacef A knowledge of the Word of God would have made it very clear that no permanent peace could ever be maintained without the presence of the Prince of Peace. Man is sinful by nature. Nations are simply a.multiple of individuals. How could sinful nations hope for a period of peace? Sin is selfish, and every note at the peace table evidences the purpose of the nations involved to serve their own interests, and this is natural. We were told we must enter the war and fight for our self-pro- tection, and we fought, big and successfully. Now every nation is preparing for war for commereial supremacy. We are not seeking to promote Eng- Jand’s prosperity. Every nation is fearful now of the other, and what is remarkable is that there is not a nation on the globe that is at rest. Every- where there is.a strange consciousness of fear of the future. No nation knows what a day may bring forth. Statesmen, soldiers, politicians, busi- ness men, are looking into the future with deep concern. 588 THE KING'S BUSINESS / Etna wey The Roots of The ( SS Vv RS Wate Dises oe ‘ WILL THIS TENCE MOLD THEN BACK? What nreans this strange unrest, this foreboding of the futn The war is over, but we are not at rest. There are strange, significant sounds: a rumbling of discontent; and he is far from wise who does not recognize it and its significance. a ae BBS WHAT ARE THE SIGNS of the Schools? Our nation is the greatest in the history of the world. Founded upon the Bible, it has had the favor of God in an unusual degree. Prosperity has filled us ~ with pridé. We liave drifted far from our moorings. In the-early days, the Bible was read and, taught in our public schools, and children were taught to revere and respect it as God’s Word. The Roman Catholic Church, ever on the alert for supremacy, played well the political game until the Bible was eliminated from the schools, and then taught her own children in her parochial schools. This departure from the Book was the beginning of the downfall of a great people. Now the Bible is not permitted in our schools, but teachers are permitted to under- © THE KING'S BUSINESS 589 mine the faith of pupils in the Bible and to sow the seed of doubt in its inspira- tion, and to inculcate the seductive and destructive teaching of the German schools. Faith in the Word of God is ridiculed as out of date. Our grammar schools, our High Schools, our colleges, our universities and seminaries, are honeycombed with these insidious teachings and denials of the Word of God. Christian parents desiring to send their children to college, are hard put to find one where they will be safe from this ungodly propaganda. The theological sem- inaries, endorsed and supported by true believers, have become a source of peril to the evangelical church-——Young-men-ettending_these institutions in preparation for a life ministry of the Word of God, come forth with that Word which is to b their text book, in their hand, without ever having in any measure mastered it, and with vague and misty conceptions of its inspiration, and are never able to say “Thus saith the Lord.” ‘The Sunday School literature-of some denominations is abominable. It is an insult to the Lord Jesus Christ who Himself set His seal to the inspiration of the Bible. In May number of ‘The Pilgrim Magazine,” published by the Congrega- tional people, under the head of “Teaching the Lesson to Boys and Girls of High School Age,” a Mr. Fiske writing on the lesson “‘Man Made in the Image of God,” gives utterance to the following: “A century ago religious teachers made the’ great mistake of belittling humanity, thinking perhaps that by so doingathey were honoring God. On the contrary they were dishonoring God by dishonoring His human children. Teaching @ boy that he is a ‘miserable worm’ does not give him a moral incentive to a better life, it only helps to discourage him and cut the nerve of moral effort. And, anyway, it isn’t truc, ‘He is not a ‘worm’; he is the ‘child of a King.’ If we can teach our boys and girls by this reason that they are related to God, that they are really His children in a vital sense, and that He wants them to share His work in the world, they will hold their heads higher, with a new self-respect which will give life a new and spiritual meaning, and a powerful motive for noble and effective living.” In the lesson on “Sin and Its Consequences,” he says: “Present the Parable of the Talking Snake frankly”as a parable; you-may- get into worse trouble if you do not, for there are elements in the story which you cannot explain on any other basis, * * Its not being literal history has nothing to do with its essential truth. Some teacheds will pe troubled by the fact that ‘Adam’ in the old version, is translated ‘the man’ in the revised version, The fact is ‘Adam’ is not a proper name at all, but in the Hebrew simply means man: The writer lived, so many centuries after the events of his story he docs not pretend to know ‘the man’s' name.” Hear what he has to say about “The Saving Grace of God": “We must first undérstand just what it means to be ‘saved’..* * It will repay us to. study Jesus! method of saving prodigals and Magdalenes when He lived in Palestine. “We shall discover that He saved them by challenging the best that was in them and then getting them to dare to share His cross. It takes more than one cross to make Calvary. Redemption isa mutual matter. fe are saved by Christ's sacrifice plus our own. We are saved by faith in Christ, plas His faith mus. We are saved by Christ's love plus ours for Him, These three samples are sufficient to show the design of some teachers to destroy the faith of young people in God’s holy Word. Job says, (25:4-6) : “How then, can man be just with God? Or how can a man be clean that is born of a woman? Behold even the moon hath no brightness, and the stars are not pure in his sight; How much less man, that is a worm! And the son of man that is a worm!" Isaiah says: (41:14). “Fear not, thou worm Jacob, and ye men of Israel; I will help thee, saith Jehovah, and thy Redeemer is the Holy One of Israel.” Of course, Jacob was a worm, but man has wriggled out from his low estate by the evolutionary process and-is now-a full-fledged man, capable of telling God that He is a liar! Mr. Fiske tells us that the snake story was a parable and not literal history and a rehash of the older Babylonian story. What a pity Mr. Fiske had not been borne 2000 years sooner so that he could have enlightened the Lord Jesus Christ and the apostles concerning Old Testament statements. Evolution certainly failed in this case, and Mr. Fiske came upon the scene too late in the process of the evolu- tion of his person from protoplasm! 590 THE KING'S BUSINESS Now, what conception of the Bible will these young people have into whose lives this poison is injected; and what will become of this country of ours— should the Lord tarry; and what about the responsibility of parents who uncon- cernedly are silent partners to this offense; and how about the ministers who aid and abet these devilish devices to ruin our youth? ‘There is no word from Mr. Fiske about the necessity of a blood atonement for sin; nothing about being born from above. = se SE = & & UNIVERSITY Paganism ef In an article in ‘‘The Eastern Methodist,’ entitled ‘‘University Pagan- ism’’ by Rev. L. W. Munhall, occurs the following: “‘A series of startling and irrefutable articles have recently appeared in the Sunday School Times, in which the writer, speaking from experience, plainly dis- closes the infidel and paganish character of the teaching in our universities. * * Speaking of the surprise and shock he received when he came in direct contact with the teaching and atmosphere of the university, he says: ‘It was not so much the conversations of the students who would repeat with good-humored glee the clever blasphemies of one of the teachers in commenting on the Garden of Eden and other Bible narratives, though these occasional outcroppings did cut me deep. Nor was it the bold atheism of some of the philosophy teachers who saw no need of a God. These things I had met before. It was the intangible spiritual force that underlay this new world, which I was finding to be at every point at enmity. against the world where I had been living for five years. * = * There was not so much noticeable an active opposition to the revelation of the Bible, as the calm assurance that the question was settled.’ University professors make their polite bow to the Lord Jesus Christ, and profess to admire Him and recognize Him as one of the world’s great teachers. But most university pip- fessors, and certainly the very large percentage of those with the greatest mould- ing influence in the classroom, trample under foot with quiet, perhaps uncori- scious scorn, or with outspoken, coarse ridicule, the fundamental verities of the Christian faith. They do not deign to argue against such ideas as the fall of man, or atonement through the blood, or the inspiration of the Bible or the Koran! The argument is all over. These things are interesting as relics of matters that our forefathers really considered serious and vital.” ° & & pe ie AND the Church Sign: To one who has been a close observer of church life for forty years and more, this subject is of supreme interest. The change of attitude of the church toward __the world has resulted in_a. remarkable change of attitude of the world toward the church. As the church has softened down its message, trimmed its garments and pussy-footed among men, the world has turned a cold shoulder towards the church, and has not favored its efforts to be chummy with it and imitate its life. As long as the church maintained its dignity as the representative of Jehovah, it was respected even by its enemies; but when it sought to compete with the world and provide literary entertainments and semi-worldly amusements, the world has resented its efforts and laughed at its silly pretensions. It is humorous, yet humiliating, to see the Church of God forgetting its call and commission and ignoring the command of its Lord and Master to preach the Gospel and to tell the story of God’s sacrificial offering for sin,—dishing out literary diffusions, dabbling THE KING'S BUSINESS 591 in polities, seeking to please and entertain the souls that are hurrying to hell,— rather than seeking to save some from the doomed wreck. The attitude of the church has changed, and the world has lost confidence in it, and men are restlessly seeking rest in every form of devil’s device, and false systems are thriving everywhere. In using the term “church,” it is to be under- stood that we are speaking of its tendencies as a whole. Thank God, there are churches and preachers, true as steel, standing by their guns, holding fearlessly forth the Word of God, pure in purpose, self-sacrificing in life, and as ready to ~~ 80 the stake as were the martyrs;-andthese—preachers—and_people compose the salt which saves the world from the impending wrath of God. tek OK ae ae ee DQ MEN Reall Core for the Church? In a city of 600,000 people, the writer has spent thirteen years in finding out what are conditions, and what is the attitude of men and women toward the evangelical churches. From ten to twenty choice, intelligeit, devoted Bible Women, with a knowledge of God’s Word, and with hearts full of sympathy, have gone from day to day, from house to house, visiting homes, holding neighborhood classes, talking with mothers and daughters, seeking with earnest desire to be as helpful as possible to them. These women have learned their life stories as only such women could learn it, and know well the attitude of homes toward the church, and some of these stories would make angels weep. For ten years a large class of young women, in number from one to two hundred,-have-gathered once a week. These young women come from the offices and stores and represent the average homes of the city. The life story of some of these young women as told into sympathetic ears, would astound some of these easy-going “world getting better every day” theologians. But these stories only reflect the attitude of the home toward the chureh. In order to feel the pulse of business men on this subject, the services of a practical business man were secured, He had a fine personality and a sincere love for the souls of men. For more than a year he spent each day. calling upon men in the offices and stores, conferring with business and professional men in a can- did, practical manner, with reference to their relation to Jesus Christ and the church. The consensus of opinion was that the majority of men did not care for the church, Most of them used Sunday for their holiday. Many had found the ministry of the church without interest to them. Many had followed their wives into Christian Science, Theosophy and Spiritualism, but the bulk were uncon- cerned,-giving as their reason that there were so many cults, so many denomina- tions, so little of definiteness in the preaching, that they were satisfied to drift to eternity “doing the best they could.” ‘The following extracts are from ‘The Life of Faith,” an English paper: One of the prominent “signs of the times”—clearly pointing to our Lord's imminent-“appear- ing”—is the Christiessness in our modern pulpit and pew. Spiritsim, Christian Science, Unitarian. jam, in its most destructive form as Ethical Religion, and other cults are openly preached, and as openly practised, today. 1 hhad! the pain experience recently, af @ Brotherhood megting held in one of our prominent Baptist churches in North London, of hearing a minister of Christ telling his audience that he cared not “a button what they believed—it was the life which mattered”; and that "1 hung on yonder Cross died for an ideal for which you and I are too full-blooded to die “Spiritualism was the religion of the soul,” &c., &. ' . Is there not here evidence of “a falling away” from “the faith once delivered to the saints”? The present condition of the churches. “The great majority are merely “carrying on” a8. the soldiers say, with their established or usual systems. “Many preachers are denying the truth, ‘man who ‘and that 5 ——__thein’ 592 THE KING'S BUSINESS Spiritualism is even taught in some churches (Rev. 2:13). There are others who hold the Word of Truth with accuracy, bit see no fruit, Many are Very earnest, but fruitless, Viewed from the outside, the preaching is as an idie tale (thongh it, be truth). Men hear the Word, but fear not (Rom. 3:18). What are called men's “Bible-classes’” are often dominated by a company of unbe lievers who receive grecdily the errors of Russelism, &c. This from a considerable expe ence. Few of these have fruit unto conversions, ik God there are a few which are not like this! May our God bless and multiply them. Then the training of the ministry is largely in the hands of unbelievers or higher critics or those who are merely “scholars.” A student told me that (at the time of speaking) they had not considerd a Scripture at his college for two years Another (now a clergyman) told in a mecting that there was not one teacher he had in_ college who believed the Seriptures to be the Word of No wonder some of the min | find them selves serving in politics instead of the Spirit of God, others preaching other men's sermons, &e., &e. But enough. Are we prepared to acknowledge these things to be so—even as God sees + iel_found favour with-God-ashe-praved-and-comfessed his own sins-and the sins “of his~ people (Dan. 9:20:23). 101 These picures of the attitude of the people in general toward the church are not fancies, but cold facts from faithful witnesses, and must be looked upon as some of the “signs of the times.” 18 za a THE CHANGE in Home Life: = > There has been a marked change in the home life of Christian people. The new era for women has developed a new type of mother. Children see but little of their parents. Fathers are absorbed in business, polities, lodges and pleasure. Mothers have their clubs, their social functions, and there is very little family life or prayer. There is a scarcity ‘of old-fashioned home life for little children. Not many mothers have the knack of gathering their children around their knee, and telling them Bible stories, Few even tuck their children in bed and kneel to pray with them, and-many Christian homes are not much more than family boarding houses. He THE SOCIAL Sign In no department of the world’s life are the signs more significant than ‘those which confront us in the social life of our country and of the world. The drift from the moorings of the Word of God in the schools and homes, is evidenced in the life of the young people, and the statistics concerning crime are startling. A large percentage of the crimes for theft, burglary, bandittry, arson, and sometimes murder, are found to have been committed by the boys and girls, the young men and women. From twelve to twenty years marks the average age of criminals Even if we were without a Bible, we would be compelled to believe in A personal devil; some malignant enemy of God and man, plying his devilish trade everywliere, Go to the Juvenile Courts and Detention Homes; talk with the Moral Efficiency leaders; hear the stories of almost unbelievable crime committed by those we used to call children; ask the white slave experts; go to the dance halls; visit the movies; listen to the conversation; consult physicians;—ask our—judges;-confer with newspaper reporters. The politeman can tell you; so can the detectives in the retail stores. Read the newspapers. No matter where you go for information, you will have your eyes open to a picture with a background as black as hell itself. We have veiled our eyes; we have slumbered over the yolcano, until it has broken out and is now belching forth its fire. We have been so busy with little things, so occupied with the cares and pleasures of life, so engrossed with turning wheels which bring no grist, that we have been blind to conditions, and THE KING'S BUSINESS 593 now they startle us. The little, chirping reformers are always painting rainbows for us and assuring us that we are steadily moving upward and onward toward the rosy ideal. They are sure that the world is getting better and better every day; the outlook is,so pleasing; we must be cheerful and courageous; evolution of the divine spirit is slow but sure; they are very positive of this! We must not believe what the Bible says about the dark days; it must not be taken literally; it does not mean what it says; they are probing the matter, are organizing new Societies; they have a glorious vision; be patient; be hopeful; be happy; don’t be a pessimist? _ — = In the meanwhile, the devil is rampant. Divorces multiply; homes are broken; children neglected; crime increases ;*churches are closed; jails are filled; taxes increase, and the little dilletante lecturers go on singing their lullaby of “Keep sweet, all is well.” The great bulk of people are unconscious of the appalling facts. Many good Christian people really believe that these are the palmy days of the chureh, and that the world is slowly being converted. Facts do not mean anything to these people who are doing “fancy work,” swinging in their hammocks, and dreaming blissful dreams of a coming millennium. eo Se ee Bo THE JEWISH Sign Here we have a sign big with meaning, and notwithstanding that we have been told that the Jews would never return to Palestine; that there was no prophecy concerning the establishment of a kingdom on earth,—the beginning of the-end is before us. A Jewish Republic is assured. The Zionists are on the job. Thousands of Jews go without a meal a day to further this cause. Many have dared to make light of God's Word, and now He answers their audacious challeng# by verifying His predictions. Will these lying critics confess their error? Never. Before the late war they insisted that there would never be another war. Now they are predicting again that there will be no more war. They tell us that the establishment of a Jewish Republic does not mean that the Lord will come to sit upon the throne of David. Oh, no,—they are sure that such a thing is not possible. He would not be so unkind as to spoil all of their theories and bring a time of trouble such as the world has never known! “Never mind the predictions. Just be hopeful! We have a few. more societies to form; a New Era movement to inaugurate; all is well; God is on the throne; we are evoluting upward; look up; be cheerful; be optimistic; the best is just ahead; take a few more doses of the Higher Critics soothing syrup and be buoyant!” There is, however a Jewish awakening to the Gospel and never since the crucifixion have the Jews been so ready to listen to the Gospel message; never so many Jewish believers. After persistent, faithful years of sowing now, every- _where, Jewish eyes are opening to the truth and hundreds are coming to Jesus as their Messiah and the Scriptures are being fulfilled.—T. CG. H. LATTER DAY DELUSIONS, the Supreme Effort of Satan The Biblical prophecies indicate that in the last days of the age in which we are living, we are to expect an intensified apostasy, to be manifested along three 594 THE KING'S BUSINESS SUBSTITUTES WUT AF GOOD RELIGIOWS BARGAIN distinct lines, namely—infidelity, heresy and fanaticism. The infidel has already come, and in many cases has found his way behind the pulpit.. He has induced thousands, to reject the authority of the Bible. The heretics also are with us in numbers tiever befere known, Hundreds of strange doctrines are exploited, each bolstered up with scattered passages from the Bible. Each of these manages cleverly to shroud the very heart of the Gospel, if not to openly abhor the doctrine of the Cross and scorn those who “hang their souls on such a barbarous tragedy as the crucifixion.” On top of these two classes of delusions, we are also witness- ing an increasing number of fanatics who push thousands beyond the bounds of. common sense or Bible authority, all unaware that in their extremism they are being used of the devil as much as the infidel or heretic. The infidel appeals to the worldly minded; the heretic gets the inquisitive- ‘minded ones; the fanatic captures the emotional ones. J. Hudson Ballard points out that Scripture defines three leading character. istics of latter day delusions. (1) Great power. 2 Tim. 3:8; Mt. 24:24, 7:22, 23; . 2 Thes, 2:9. The devil oils the-tongues-of his servants, charges them with Satanic magnetism and gives them power over the minds of whole bodies of men. (2) Great deception. Rev. 18:14; 2 Thes. 2:10; Mt, 24:24, Satan is a princé of deceivers and in these days he is calling forth all the depths of treacherous cun- ning that are in him. Some of his servants carry Bibles under their arms, have “t at thei tongues’ end and apparently quote it with reverence. They have the right bait for every case. (3) Great success, the natural result of great power and great deception. Mt. 24:11;.2 Thes. 2:3; 1 Tim. 5:1; 2 Tim. 3:3; 2 Pet, 2: THE KING'S BUSINESS 595 1-2, People have an idea that the success of a teaching is the evident mark of God's favor and they resent one’s making any attacks upon them, saying “If it be not of God it will come to nought.” Don't forget, however, that the success of FALSE TEACHINGS is clearly prophesied for the days just prior ta the second coming: of Christ, and the great strides of these modern religious movements which have parted company with the fundamentals of Seripture, are therefore only | an indication of their infernal origin. ___What shall we do in days like these? Whose doctrine shall we accept?’ How shall we keep from being swept off our feet?-“TO-THE-bAW-AND-TO THE TESTIMONY.” Take God's Word from the pure stream. No filters are needed A real revival of Bible study is the only hopé of the’church. Not only that, but we must, in connection with the completeness of God's Word, know God Himself through prayer. Well may we tremble if we do not walk with God and search His Word. % “My soul be on thy guard, Ten thousand foes arise. The hosts of sin are fighting hard To keep thee from the skies.’"* x —K. L. B. Me Me bs OPEN AND SHUT Doors “The doors of entrance into the different countries of the world are open. Let the church get busy and send missionaries into these countries with the Gospel." This is the one argument that has been found in almost all of the mis- sionary appeals for the past fifty years. God has marvelously opened the doors of the nations and fulfilled Rev. 3:7, in which Jesus speaking from heaven, after His ascension, said to the Philadelphian church, “These things saith He that. is holy, He that is true, He that hath the key of David, He that opéneth, and no man shuttéth.” . 5 ‘What an opportunity has waited before the church of the past century. What aids she has had in the improved methods of travel and modern appliances. It is true that the pioneer missionaries opened the way into these isolated, hide- bound peoples; and the trader and modern methods of civilization have followed. Over 30 years ago the preachers were saying that all the world stood open to the preaching of the Gospel, except Bolivia and Tibet. Now the church has mission- aries in both of these countries. As to whether the church has measured up to this opportunity, judge ye. Many have the conviction that she has not; although we have seen some grand triumphs of the cross in the past century. But now comes a world war that upturns nations and brings them into closer relation politically. Many churches and societies have been burdened with war matters. New laws are being made ~ in different countries. Will these laws restrict the spreading of the Gospel or aid it? The other day a former missionary said ata meeting of one of the missionary councils, in speaking of a certain portion of AYyica, “We will have to pray this field open again.” Africa has been open to the Gospel since those heroic days of Livingston and Moffatt. Shall any of her provinces be closed again to the Gospel of Christ? Shall-any part of the world be closed again to heaven's “Good News?” In answer to these questions read again in Rev. 3:7. ‘He that openeth, and no man shutteth.”” But the verse does not stop there. It goes on to say “and shut- 596 THE KING'S BUSINESS teth and no man openeth.” Will the time come through the misuse of missionary opportunities, and abuse of national privileges, and the neglect of the chureh, when men will pass Jaws that will bar the open preaching of the Gospel? If so, then, let us jump at every opportunity to make Christ known now, lest the latter bart of this verse become true in our day, “He that shutteth and no man openeth.” —W. H. P. —+_ a THIS MATTER of Reconstruction We have before us a copy of the New York Herald, dated April 15, 1865. It records the assassination of President Lincoln, the surrender of Gen. Lee, the movements of Gen. Sherman, the last appeal of Jeff Davis to his followers and an article on the question of “Reconstruction after the War.” The problem of reconstruction in those days was great, but a mere drop in the bucket to what it is today with the whole world involved. The world had gbeen generally suppposed to have arrived at the point where war was impossibie, ‘when this most terrible cataclysm came upon us, Is it any wonder that a promi- nent note in the peace parleys has been FEAR OF THE FUTURE? In spite of the extremely optimistic views heralded by some preachers as to the new born world brotherhood of man, it becomes more and more apparent that not only is it impossible to make the world safe for democracy, but equally out of the question to make democracy safe for the world. The spectre of the future persists in haunting the best dreams of statesmen, and there is abundant Seriptural reason for believing that there is yet to come upon the world that which can only be Stayed from entirely destroying humanity, by the personal coming of the Prince. of Peace. Clemenceau is no prophet but he says: ‘War is not at an end; there is merely a lull in the storm.’’ The Prime Minister of Great Britain says: “I. would not like to predict what will happen in the next year or two. Civilization, unless we try and save it, and save together, may be precipitated and shattered into atoms.” Secretary of War Baker says: “I do not know what we will have in the next war, but'I know that already we were on the eve of seeing implements which will be controlled by wireless devices, and which will be launched from here, say, and aimed at a place 150 miles away and will be controlled by wireless waves until they get there, and then drop down in the middle of a populous city 500 pounds of TNT and blow up men and women by the thousands.” Secretary of the Navy Daniels, says: “If the conference does not result in a general agree- ment to put an end to naval building on the part of all nations, then the U. S. must bend her energies, must give her men and give her money to the task of the creation of incomparably the greatest navy in the world.” Justice Clarke of the U. 8. Supreme Court says: “Something new; something different, must be introduced inte the international organization of the world if we can legitimately hope for anything like permanent peace. Unless something is done, we shall cer- tainly drift into another war, and what is that next war to be?” What is that SOMETHING NEW and DIFFERENT? Have we not yet ljearned that there can be no permanent reconstruction apart from the spiritual reconstruction of the individual? We are thinking too much in multitudes. We talk of SOCIAL regeneration. It is easy to think in the mass. It gives some people a terrible sensation to get down to thinking of the individual. An English * THE KING'S BUSINESS 597 exchange says: ‘We are brought sharply to the conclusion that reconstruction is a topic that vitally affects each one of us, inasmuch as society is made up of separate individuals and unless individuals are remade, there is no chance of the new age being superior to the one that preceded it.” It all amounts to one thing. Until Jesus Christ comes to “rule with a rod of iron,” there is just one way to really get at the problem of reconstruction: by a vigorous presentation of the Gospel of salvation to the individual. “If.any man be in Christ he is a new creature.” Of course God's plan of-reconstruction will ——not-be taken-under-consideration-by_the Peace Conference and the name of Christ, will prebably not be mentioned. Nevertheless we are compelled to affirm that now is the time for every Christian to be busy declaring “the whole counsel of God.” Those ministers who, in such a time, are trying to make soup out of the Gospel are simply helping to rush the world on to the time when the anti-christ “by peace shall destroy many” (Dan. 8:25).—K. L. B. ao THE FEDERATION of Churches - It has come at last. Slowly, but surely, the evangelieal church has been progressing towards a, federation. Federation is in the air, The League of Nations has been evolved for the settlement of world troubles. Now a federation of churches is to settle the church troubles. Bishop Greer of the Episcopal Cuurch, says: “What we these times is organic union in the churches. If all denominations, Catholic and Protestant combined and became ome, we would then have a great universal church. In England, the war has broker down some of ‘the bars between the Episcopal. and non-Coniormist churches, and in Canada a partial union exists between the Methodist and Presbyterian denomina- tions, so-that the United States is not alone in her movement towards greater unity.” Bishop Greer has asked that a Roman Catholic priest be permitted to conduct one of the Holy Week services, and said that he was in full sympathy with the official steps in the direction of unity. Other denominations in this country desides the Kpiseopalian and Congregational churches, have expressed their sym- pathy with the movement. Here are a few of the recent utterances among the leaders in England: “In the future, Catholics and Protestants should finally meet in a common devation” (Bishop of Hereford). “If we could have a Modernist Pope, we should all be in the Roman Catholic church tomorrow.”” (R J,,Campbell, of “The New Theology” fame). ‘1am looking for the creation of a United Catholic Church throughout the world.” (Bishop of London), Mr. J. Scott Lidgett, Secretary of the Free Church Council says: “In my judgment we ought frankly to co-operate with the Roman Catholic Church, the Orthodox, Church and all other forms of Christianity, with this object. If the Pope is prepared to lead the way, no ecclesiastical or theological difference, however important, should be allowed to prevent protestants from joining him.” ‘Two years ago a letter was addressed to the Pope by the representatives of ae ‘ 2 - FORM OF BEQUEST : To Bible Institute of Los Angeles J give and bgqueath to the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, incorporated under the laws of the State of California. dollars, and I direct that the release of the President of the Board of Directors of said Bible Institute of Los Angeles shall be sufficient discharge to my executors in the premises. 598 . THE KING'S BUSINESS “The World Conference of Faith and Order’ and a reply was sent from Cardinal Gaspari, and read at a session of the conference held in New York, attended by delegates from twenty denominations, and received with vociferous applause, from which the following sentences are taken: “Thanking you, then, that you have thought well to request the aid and support. of the Roman Pontiff in expediting your work and project, His Holiness expresses his carnest desire that the end may answer your expectation. He knows that he himself, (the Pope) as the one (9 whom all men have been given over to be fed, is the source and cause of the unity of the church.” “— It certainly is a remarkable conclusion that the Pope is the one in whom is headed up the unity of the Spirit! Can we discern what is foreshadowed in this tendency, in preparation for the fulfillment of the Scripture (Rev. 17:5) “And upon her forehead a name wri and of the Abominations of the Earth.” The Protestant church came out from ihe Roman church under protest. Is she to go back and find a resting and nesting place with the “mother of harlots?”’ Is there not another call to the Protestant churches to lift.the voice and cry out in protest against such a federation of churches? Listen to the prophet Isaiah: “For the Lord spake thus to me with a strong hand, and instructed me not to walk in the way of this people, saying, Say ye not, A conspiracy, concernin fear ye their fear, nor be in dread thereof. , Mystery, Babylon, the Great, the Mother of Harlots all whereof ¢ sas 8:11, 12), ; neither people shall say, A conspira POH, eS v Se oe ot a IS THE WORLD Getting Better? - Is this age better than all preceding ages? What is meant by the word . “better?” Do we mean more civilized, more enlightened, greater advances in science? Of course, we look back for ideals in music and poetry and art, but the “machinery of the world has been oiled by inventions, Engines are better; ships and trains run faster; there are more conveniences; we have appliances, automo- biles-and airplanes; better buildings for homies and “schools; more delicacies tor the table; more comfortable beds; better clothes, If this is what we mean by the + world being better, we can say yes. We have higher wages, less hours of work, more holidays, greater privileges,—but Is the world purer, mankind holier? Let us ask ourselves a few frank questions. Are polities purer? Ask a real politician. He will.laugh at you. The two words “politics” and “purity” never can be joined together. They were divorced in their creation. Try and get a good law passed and your eyes will be opened. Ask a lobbyist. 7 Is the business-world purer? The statute books are crowded with jaws to hinder men from dishonest dealings. Are combinations and trusts organized for the benefit of the “little fellow,” on a brotherly love basis? Well, hardly, It is “every trust for itself and the devil take the little fellow” and he does, and often the big fellow, too. Is it better over in Russia? Ask the starving, dying millions. Ask the crazed Bolsheviks, with knife in hand. Is it better in Poland? Ask the persecuted Jews, robbed and murdered and peeled. Is it better in Ireland? Does peace, sweet peace hover over the Emerald Isle? Of course, you would not expect an affirmative answer from Germany, or Austria, or Turkey or the Balkan States. Neither France, or Italy would say that their world was growing better. ~Honestly now, is there-a place on the footstool where an honest man could claim that these are the best days we have ever known? Listen, hark, hear; there is a sob, a.moan, a ery going up from this poor, sin-cursed world such as has never been heard before. is society better? Well, women dress more expensively, but do they wear as many clothes? Are men being purified by seeing half naked women parading the streets? Lewd men used to stand on the street.and watch for the wind to blow so that they might get a glimpse of a woman's ankles; now they see their knees. Is the dance better? One of the leading dancing masters’ Said fécently that x THE KING'S BUSINESS 599 dances are now designed to promote lust. Are the crowded dance halls a sign of the purity of heart of the people? For years, the writer has tried to get some man in a Men's Meeting to say that he has engaged in round dances with pure thoughts, but has never found one. Are the homes better? Domestic life cleaner; divorces fewer; children more obedient and respectful and happier? Is crime on the decrease; are there fewer holdups, fewer bandits, fewer thefts, fewer seductions, fewer murders? Are there as many murders in all Italy as in the city of Chicago in one year? Are there fewer bombs thrown? Are there fewer checks on salesmen, con- ductors and other employees? Are the churehes and Sunday Schools fuller? Do —_——wWe_need fewer policemen? Are the jails emptier? _ _. Who is itsbelieves that the world is getting better? Certainly, God does not——— think so, for He predicts in His Word that it will be worse and worse until the end, The devil does not think so famhe knows his time is*hort and he is working over- time. Lawyers know the worl@ is not getting better; that is why they are so busy. Doctors know it isn't but they cannot tell all they know. Don’t let any one tell you that there is greater advance in science, nor won- derful improvement in machinery, that you can travel through the sky to the moon, that it is far more comfortable to live. That is not the question. Is the age improving, morally and spiritually? You will find some preachers and teachers who will say it is, but you never can find one who can prove it. Make them prove it—T. C. H. % ze R THE SHORTENED and Improved (2) Bible . This is one of the signs of the times: that men will not endure sound teaching and that they shall turn away their ears from the truth, (2 Tim. 4:3,4). There are some portions of the Bible that men are willing to endure, if they must, but there are other portions which they consider immaterial or entirely outworn, Hence the recent movement to-get-a ‘‘shorter Bible” trimmed to suit the modern mind. “The Shorter Bible”’ is now ready, the New Testament being already in print, the Old to appear soon. Professor Kent of Yale University with the help of one or. two others has done the job. Many scholars have given their approval and the thing is booming. It is true that the professor is a great scholar, but his scholarship is that of liberalism, and we need not go +. on to say what type of-passages have been eliminated as ‘“‘unimportant”’ and what passages have been patched up to meet the popular demand, The shorter Bible is remarkable—for its omissions. One well known Christian scholar says of it, ‘“The deadliness is seen, not in how much is omitted, but in what is omitted.”” There may be a real call for an edition of the Scriptures giving only the most vital truths necessary for the study of busy Christians or for using in dealing with-others; . This might be a convenience, provided one did not make it a substitute for the whole Bible. But beware—when some self- appointed scholar who does not believe in the verbal inspiration of the Scrip- tures gets out his.scissors.and paste-pot and proposes to give us what there is of the Bible that ‘‘is of practical value.’’ J. B. Smith after reviewing the work, well says ‘‘The tactics of Professor Kent and his associates are a modern repetition of the tactics of the first higher eritie (Gen. 3:1) and it is a mark of the apostasy.” . We agree with the statement of the Sunday School Times: ‘The Shorter Bible rejects the inspiration of the Word of God, therefore evangelical Christian believers must reject the Shorter Bible, —K.L.B. Es e za SENTENCE SERMONS | REMARKABLE REMARKS GATHERED FOR BUSY READERS Every sinner is a challenge to the saint. ~ The soul winter must ¢ari box—the New Testament. Many souls are lost because many saints are loose in their habits. There are too many visitors in the Vineyard. The Master is wanting for workmen. You may weep when you are sent out with the seed, but you will shout when You come back with the sheaves. Many a man who is eloquent before a large congregation is dumb before a singie individual. Not to give regularly is not to treat God fairly; not to give proportionatel: is not to treat God honestly. A desire to have Scripture on our side is one thing and a desire to be on the side of Scripture is another. Religion with some folks is just like face powder—merely on the surface for “looks. Above all, learn to acquiesce in the truth, as soon as discovered. He feeds other hearts who “speaks from his own heart. The most spiritual man is the most natural man. Christ does not say, “Go and address great multitudes” but “Go and preach the Gospel to every creature.” It takes an empty head to rise to the heights of fashion. If conscience smites thee once, it is an admonition; if twice, it is condem- nation.— We may be sure that if God sends us on stony paths, he will provide us with strong shoes. Much weeping in a class meeting is not a sure evidence of much piety. A fountain pen leaks when it is nearest empty. a | Don't allow yesterday's mistakes to bankrupt tomorrow's efforts. \ a salt” Shine like a light, Dut do not flash like lightning. A steady light is tar ‘more valued than the brilliant flash which startles but goes out as soon as it comes out. Whoso spends ten dollars for a hat when five dollars would support a mis- sionary for a month, how dwelleth the love of God in him? Christian Sciefice is a system of con- centrated and crystalized selfishness Whenever a man does uncover his sin, God is’ ready to cover it. . Our Lord will not write an appendix to a volume about which he has never been consulted. The very beginning of our thinking must be in Him. ‘We may be sure that we are growing smaller when we begin to disparage humble services. Infinite reservoirs of power are wait- ing to be tapped by the hand of faith. When we grow away from child- likeness, we are in a decline. People often think they have given when they have only listened to appeals. We need to count up our benevolences and see how we stand in the balance sheet which we could present to the Lord Himself. There is nothing like a grace-filled disposition for putting the devil to flight. When prayer is answered, forget not praise. The apparently conquered enemy often-steals- in again-at the door of an ungrateful heart. The quality of our greatness depends upon what we do with “that which is least.” The hidden things of God are not dis- covered until we are treading the paths of obedience. As It Was In ‘The Days of Noah A Comparison_of Seven Causes of Antediludian Corruption With Forces At Work in the Present Day By G. H. PEMBER < NOTE:—The following article is a chapter taken from G. H. “Barth's Earliest, Ages" (published by F. H. Revell Co.). Pember's remarkable book, ‘The chapters on Spiritualism, ‘Theosophy, and Signs of the End, are of great moment and should be studied by every Bible student and preacher. “But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and knew not until the flood came and took’ them all away: so shall also the coming of the (Matt, Son of Man be.” 24:99-39). HE closing scenes of the present age will be @ re- production of the days of Noah: the same intense worldliness, and at last positive inability to care for the things. of God, which was displayed by the antedilu- vians’ will also be characteristic of our age when Christ begins the judgments that will quickly culminate in the glory of His appearing. It seems fair, then to infer, that this second manifestation of the spirit that worked in them which were disobedi- ent before the flood, will be effected by a conjunction of causes similar to that which formerly produced it. Hence, as we have already remarked, it becomes a matter of the greatest practical im- portance to comprehend those causes: for whenever they are found to be sim= ultaneously affecting the masses of the world’s population, the fact will afford a strong presumption that we are drift- ting rapidly to the great consummation of wickedness; that the avenging glory of the Lord is about to be revealed, so that all flesh shall see it together. Are these. fatal influences now in operation? Ate they more universally characteristic of this epoch than of any other? Mature consideration has im- pelled many to return an affirmative answer: let us see whether facts war- rant us in holding the same view. It is impossible to exaggerate our interest in the investigation. If the present times are only beginning to take the complexion-of those of Noah, they send forth a piereing ery of warning admon- ishing us to stand with our loins girded about and our lamps ‘burning, waiting for the summons of the Lord. For He will remove His church as He removed Enoch, before the wickedness of man has come to its worst. He will take away that which He Himself has called the salt of the earth, and then the cor- ruption of all flesh will go on un-. checked, and the world speedily ripen for its doom. ‘The Seven Causes of Antediluvian Corruption ‘The seven causes of antediluvian cor- ruption may be summed up as follows: 1. A tendency—to~ worship God as Hlohim, that is, merely as the Creator and Benefactor, and not as Jehovah the covenant God of mercy, dealing with transgressors who are appointed to de- struction, and finding a ransom: for them. 2. An undue Prominence of the 602 female sex, and a disregard of the primal law of marriage. %. A rapid progress in the mechan- ical arts, and the consequent invention of many mechanical devices whereby the hardships of the curse were miti- gated, and life was rendered more easy and indulgent. Also a proficiency in THE KING'S BUSINESS as some great one, and will talk of His wise philosophy and exemplary life: but they neither confess Him to be the Only Begotten Son, nor feel the need of His atonement. They reject His revel- ation as an absolute authority at least, trusting rather to the darkness within them which they call light: and thus, ——the—fine—arts, —which-—captivated the —closing their-eyes-to-the-true-relations: minds of men, and helped to induce an entire oblivion of God. 4. An alliance between the nomi church and the world, which speedi resulted in a complete amalgamation. 5. A vast increase of population. 6. The rejection of the preaching of Noah, whose warnings thus became a savor of death unto the world, and hardéned men beyond recovery. 7. The appearance upon earth of beings from the principality of the air, and their unlawful intercourse with the human race. These causes concurred to envelop the world in a sensuous mist which no ray of truth could penetrate. They ——brought-about-a-total forgetfulness-of God and disregard of His will; and thus by removing the great Center, who alone is able to attract men from them- selves, rendered the dwellers upon earth so selfish and unscrupulous that the world was presently filled with tewd- ness, injustice, oppression and blood- shed. It remains for us to consider whether similar influences are now act- ing upon society. Universal Spread of Deism We cannot but confess that the first mentioned cause is eminently character- istic of our times. In all the professing churches of Christendom, as well as among Jews, Mohammedans and Pag- ans, there are countless and ever in- creasing multitudes who go in the way al of Cain, (Jude 11), acknowledging the: Supreme Boing, but not recognizing His holiness and their own depravity and so denying all necessity of a Media- tor between God and man. Many of these are willing to look upon Christ of man with his Creator, form their own corfeeptions, both of the Deity and of themselves. This involves nothing less than a claim on their part to supreme wisdom *and authority: it is molding an idol out of their own imag- ination before which to fall down and worship. Nor need we wonder that it leads to a deification of*men of tran- seendent intellect or great renown. Who has not detected the working of this leaven in his own circle? Who has not observed this “pure Theism,” as it is called, rising to the surface in all the seets of Christendom? Change in Relation of the Sexes. If the second cause be rightly in- terred~from-the scanty hints given to us, it is also in operation at the present time: for the female sex has come into a new sphere and taken a more promi- nent position. The looseness in regard to the marriage tie, which has long obtained on the continent, is spreading in every country as we’ see from the records of the divorce courts. There are not wanting those, who instead of fearing to put asunder that which God has joined, openly affirm that wedlock should be a contract only for so long a time as may be agreeable to the con- tracting parties. At the close of the previous dispen- sation, the same sin was frequent among the Pharisees, who held that divorce is permissable for any reason; even as Rabbi Akibah shamelessly says, ‘if a man sees a woman handsomer than his own wife.” Hence the Lord’s continual mention of adultery in His denunciations of the Pharisees: for the marriage after divorce which they punishment _which THE KING'S BUSINESS legalized, He declared to be criminal. In the sermon contained in Luke 15-17 He brings it forward with a startling abruptness, as a most open and undeny- able sin, which would. at once convict His hearers as having proved as dis- obedient to the law and the prophets as they were to the Gospel. We know the quickly overtook them for this and their many other transgressions. In a few short years their lusts were extinguished in their blood: the fair Walls of their streets and city were leveled with the ground: their beautiful- temple in which they trusted perished in the flames and the idolatrous shrine of Jupiter rose insult- ingly upon its ruins. sp Science, Art and Luxury None will deny that science, art and luxury are characteristic of our days; nay, the fact is a common subject of boasting. How many instances have we of the self-deifying arrogance which frequently arises from a little knowl- edge of the laws of nature; or a marked success in those_arts, sciences and phil- osophies which are the delight of culti- vated and refined intellects. With what confidence and carelessness do men set- tle themselves amid the comforts and indulgences of this luxurious age. See- ing good only in the present life, how little thought do they give to God; how deaf are they to any mention of the world to come! How incredulous, even if their mouths be not filled with mock- ing, when they hear but a whisper of that tempest of God's fury which will shortly burst upon the apathetic world, and hurry multitudes away from all that they love into the dungeons of His wrath! “The day of the Lord of hosts shall be upon every one that is proud and lofty and upon every one that is lifted up, and he shall be brought low; and upon all the cedars of Lebanon, that are high and lifted up, and upon all the oaks of Bashan, and upon all the high mountains, and upon all the hills 603 that are lifted up, and upon every high tower, and upon every fenced wall, and upon all the ships of Tarshish and upon all pleasant pictures. And the loftiness of man shall be bowed down, and the haughtiness of men shall be laid low; and the Lord alone shall be exalted in that day.” Isa, 2:12-17 “Tremble, ye women that are at eas be troubled, ye careless ones: strip you, and makg you bare, and gird sackeloth upon. your-loins” Isa, 32:11, “I will send a fire on Magog, and among them that dwell carelessly in the isles; and they shall know that I am the Lord.” Ezek. 39:6. Union of Church and World To reproduce this fourth cause, the Prince of this World has long been striving, and certainly now seems near to his vietory. It is the natural result of the first error, the denial of our position as sinners before God, as doomed to destruction unless a ransom be found. Let the church surrender that truth, and what hinders her from living in perfect aceord with the world? It the practical teaching of religion be that God is fairly satisfied with our conduct, troubles but little about our sins, highly appreciates ‘our works of virtue, even though pride be their main- spring, and looks with pleasure upon bold deeds and intellectual displays, why should such a theology clash with the cravings of fallen men? How could they hate a deity so like to themselves? Have we not been describing the ereed of vast numbers in the, profess- ing church? Men do indeed frequent their churches in crowds: they excite a feeling which they term religious, by grand buildings, by painted windows, by splendid vestments, by gorgeous ceremonies, by beautiful music, by sen- timental or intellectual discourses, and by strong sectarian or political convic- tions. But if they clothe themselves with the semblance of devotion in their’ worship, they altogether lose this out- ward distinction in the world and 604 bewilder those who are honestly ask- ing what they shall do to be saved, by plunging into all the gaieties, frivoli- ties, pursuits and business of this life, as if they were to remain among them forever. They act as though God had promised them that they at least should not be hurried out of the world as so have due warning and ample space and inclination for repentance (Jno. 6:44) They seem to be assured that they will never be unexpectedly startled by the dread sentence, “Thou fool, this night thy. soul shall be required of thee,” nor suddenly appalled by the blast of the Archangel’s trumpet and the thunder of the voice of God. It is almost impos- sible to distinguish them from non-pro- fessors, unless they recite their creed. If God in His anger smites them with sickness, bereavement, disappointment or loss, they talk of their trials, and comfort themselves with the thought that they are imitating the Lord by enduring troubles which they cannot in any way avoid. On, that those who are thus blinded by Satan would consider while there is yet time; would earnestly and prayer- fully meditate upon the words of the Lord Jesus, and interpret them by His most holy life! Then they would see the inconsistency of their position, and keenly feel that they have been fulfill- ing to the letter the prophecy of the last times, that men should have a form of godliness, but deny the power there- of. (2 Tim. 3:5). The world will allow the statement of any doctrine, provided no attempt be made to put it into prac- tice. It is only when faith begins to. produce works that the Christian is con- fronted with bitter antagonism. Nor are the concessions of the nom- inal church in point of doctrine, less deplorable than those which concern conduct. A strange and impious idea now prevalent is destroying the last vestiges of Biblical authority, and sweeping away every remaining’ barrier THE KING'S BUSINESS to peace between the professing church and the world. This is a rapidly grow- ing objection to what is called dogma. Did the objection apply only to the too positive assertion by men of their own opinions, the sentiment would be whole- some; but upon inquiry, we discover that “dogma” is practically a conven- ———many_of_their_fellows_are,_but_should tional term for the revelations and com- _ mandments of the Most High God »Many who profess a belief in the Bible, instead of strengthening “the things which remain that are ready to die” (Rev. 3:2) are never weary of admon- ishing us to be charitable in regard to those who reject every vital doctrine of Scripture and even deny the Lord who bought them. We are told that provided men be honest, all will be well with them at last: that we must not be narrow minded: that there are other entrances into the fold besides the door (Jno. 10:7): that those are not neces- sarily thieves and robbers who climb over the wall; but it may be bolder and more manly spirits than their fellows. By such_reasoning, all_power is ex- tracted from the Scriptures. Instqad of being recognized as the living Word of God, they are regarded merely as an ordinary volume of advice to man, who in assuming the right to. accept or reject them at will, arrogantly places the crown of deity upon his own head. Thus the great means which God has appointed for the separation of His church from the world is destroyed: the light which reveals the continual peril and the fearful termination of the broad road is put out, and men go heed- lessly on, amused with the trifles of the moment until they fall headlong into the jaws of the pit. Increase of World’s Population Never has the world previously be- held so vast aggregations of human life as exhibited by the metropolis cities. Statistics show that the population of almost every part of the world is rapidly increasing. In addition to this, there is @ phenomenon of gloomy portent, for frontiers of one people, forebo THE KING'S BUSINESS while they multiply, men are also exhib- iting impatience of restraint: and since they are learning to act together, and seem to be growing inflated with reli- ance on their fancied power, they are soon going to go on to deeds of impious daring. Large organizations of people, which are no longer confined to the _s0e- ond rebellion of Babel. The time of — the shaking of all nations is approach- ing, and the hearts of many are already failing for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth. Let believers consider their ways: for the Lord will shortly descend to see what the children of men are doing, Callousttess of World to the Gospel Whenever the Word of God is faith- fully preached, it cannot return unto Him void: it will accomplish that which He pleases, and prosper in the thing whereunto He sent it.. (Isa, 45:11). Some effect it must produce upon all who-hear. It separates the wheat from the chaff: it either draws men nearer to God, or renders them more callous than before, and prepares them for speedy judgment. (2 Cor. 2:15, 16). _Noah’s loud calls to repentance and threatenings of judgment to come, since they were slighted by the world, must have mightily hardened the hearts of men and caused the Spirit of God to cease striving with them. Probably many were at first impressed and alarmed, but after a while, when they saw day following day, without any sign of the predicted vengeance, they lost their fear: they went back to their favorite sins: they could no longer be roused as before: they began to be seoffers, and mocked at the most solemn warnings: the demon who had been for a brief space expelled, returned with seven others more wicked than himself: so that their last state was worse than the first. (Lk. 11:24-26). In this case also, history seems to be repeating itself. For years God has 605 supplied an unbroken stream of evan- gelical testimony which has been grad- ually increasing in power; and there is now sounding forth such a proclama- tion of the Gospel as the world has never heard since the days of the apos- tles. Those who are really Christ's seem to be strenuously urged by a sense of their responsibilities: they are going out into the streets and lanes, into the highways and hedges, con- straining-men to come in: the wedding hall is rapidly filling with guests. Amid the calls to. repentance, and offers of grace, amid the mutual exhor- tations to walk as children of the light, there peals forth, waxing louder and louder, the solemn cry, “Behold the Bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet Him” (Matt. 25:6) while the testi- mony of the faithful to the world is assuming its last form—"Fear God and give glory to Him, for the hour of His judgment is come” (Rey. 14:7). Indi- cations of this new epoch have been growing more and more apparent for some years, and many papers and periodicals have been devoted to the resuscitation of the long neglected truth so prominently set forth by our Lord and His apostles. Hundreds of books and pamphlets have been written on the same subject; while the majority of the later revival preachers, and a daily increasing number of other witnesses, have promulgated it to such an extent that it would now be difficult to find a moderately intelligent Christian who is ignorant of the great hope, even if he does not accept it as his own. But the masses of the world are again rejecting God’s more urgent appeals and as a natural consequence, His Spirit is ceasing to strive with them: infidelity ‘and superstition are begin- ning to overshadow even the most favored countries of Christendom. It is needless to waste time in proving the simultaneous spread of ritualism and Popery, which is now sufficiently evi- dent even to the most careless observer; 606 while in regard to the prevalence of sorcery, all are aware. Have we not reason to infer both from these apostasies and the general resemblance of our days to the pei ous times of the end as described by Paul (2 Tim. 3:1-9) that Christendom, as the inevitable punishment of a gen- eral rejection of the Gospel, is being judicially blinded and irremediably hardened? Intercourse with Denizens of the Air The séventh and most fearful char- acteristic of the days of Noah was the unlawful appearance among men of beings from another sphere. This, many would reply, is certainly an event which has not yet startled our age. But a diligent comparison of Scriptures with the things now taking place will give a very different impression and induce a strong conviction that the advance posts of this last terrible foe, have already crossed our borders. It is no longer possible to deny the superna- tural character of the apostasy called Spiritualism, which is spreading through the world with unexampled rapidity, and which attracts its votaries and retains them within its grasp, solely by contintval exhibitions of the miracu- lous. It is vain to speak of that power as mere jugglery which has convinced the elite of the literary world, which has caught in its meshes many seien- tific men, who at first only troubled to investigate for the purpose of refuta- tion. Nor indeed can anything be more dangerous than utter incredulity. for the wholly incredulous, if suddenly brought face to face with the superna- tural, is of all men the most likely to yield entire submission to the priests of the new wonder. Better far is it to prayerfully enquire whether these things are possible, and if so, in what light the Bible teaches us to regard them We shall thus be armed against the wiles of the devil. THE KING'S BUSINESS MUTTERINGS OF MULLIGAN Speaking in Washington recently W. J. Mulligan, chairman of the committee on war activities of the Knights of Columbus, who for the past few months has been in Europe studying the con- ditions of American soldiers, declared: “Some 10,000 American soldiers have married—French girls and quite a tew have announced their determination of settling in’ France in preference to returning to this country.” Mr. Mulli- gan attributes this partly to the mar- rlages but more to the fact that the United States will soon become a dry nation. Some of the Yanks feel that the government served them a mean trick when prohibitioh was put through, Mr. Mulligan said, & ANOTHER CROAK FROM CHICAGO. Says A. C. Gaebelein: “Here is the croaking of another bird perched upon the Chicago University branch of the Mustard-tree. Prof. Gerald Birney Smith, professor of Christian (?) the- ology, in his “Guide-book to the Study of the Christian Religion,” says: “In the Nght of the new historical criticism, the Bible is a natural and not a supernatural book. A religion for the,twentieth century must be made by twentieth century people. It was the Bible writers who adopted the myth of the God-Man. ur belief in the God- head of Christ isa myth. There is now more appreciation of Christ as a man, and less emphasis on his virgin birth and his supernatural nature. The statement in the Scriptures that ‘with- out the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin,’ is both foolish and futile.” x “TEMPLE WORK" A recent Mormon paper gives the following: “During the six months ending June 30, there were performed THE KING'S BUSINESS in the temples 119,166 baptisms, and 119,400 endowments, sealing and other ordinances.” Over 26,000 days’ time were used by “Relief Society” women in “temple work.” ‘These “baptisms” are for the dead; the belief being that no person who has died without becoming a Mormon “ean be-saved- unless someone —here is baptized” for him in a temple! The “sealings'’ are supposed to unite hus- band and wife—perhaps polygamously —tor the next world; also parents and their children; also unmarried women to men of their choice (or otherwise) hereafter, even if the men are already married. Persons can thus marry off a Woman without her knowledge, for eterflity, to some ancestor of long ago, perhaps a polygamist! And such doc- trines about the future have an im- mense influence in holding people to the faith. ‘We could get no such things in any other religion,” they say; it never seems to occur, to them that they cannot get them by theirs, either! Such utter falsehood and deception! They are even taking steps against “Numerous instances of repetitions” of baptisms for the same dead person! LATEST FROM SPIRIT, WORLD A Toronto physician and a professor of Toronto University have been using a Jew as a medium to converse with the dead, and have published their findings in a book, which has been pop- ularized by a Toronto daily paper giv- ing it nearly four columns of review. These two professional men profess to have had communication with “spirits” living-on_the twentieth plane_(?) but they do not declare whether it is the twentieth plane up or down, but as the talking spirits live in a pink light (7) we feel quite sure that it is not upward into the sunlight of heaven, but down- ward into the bottomless pit. This is indicated by the fact that some of the 607 company consisted of such notorious infidels and blasphemers as Hubbard and Ingersoll (?) It is true that some of these lying spirits, for such they are, simulate and take the names of good men, but in all their professed utter- ances there is not a thought morally or spiritually uplifting, and their spirits have_certainly degenerated if one were to accept for a moment as a fact that these spirits are who and what they profess to’ be.—Evangelical Witness He a BOLSHEVIKS ABOLISH GOD The Pathfinder says: “Bolshevik usurpers in Russia announce that they have “abolished God.” Now they should abolish the law of gravitation; declare that two and two makes five and that a part is greater than the whole; require the weather to always be satis- factory to everybody; let wages be increased to infinity and working hours reduced to zero, and finally make all human beings absolutely equal in abil- ity and height—whieh could be done by taking some of the brains away from those that have more than their share and by cutting off the heads ‘or feet of those that exceed the legal altitude. With these reforms adopted and. en- forced, life under the soviet regime should be one long jazz-dance of joy. Who will vote for it? The Bolsheviks are distributing liter- ature throughout this country. Infidel- ity and agnosticism is a prominent note in this literature. This fact alone should be sufficient to warn any think- ing person against acceptance of the system, Is “The King's Business” on the reading table in your public library or reading room? You can be a great blessing by putting it there, Does your pastor get ‘The King's Business?” Why not see that he gets It? BIBLE INSTITUTE HAPPENINGS Particularly of Interest to Friends and Students Dr. A. C. Gaebelein will give a series of Bible lectures in the Bible Institute Auditorium, -extemting over a period of — four weeks, beginning August 3. program will be as follows: His Aug. 3—11 a. m., “The Christ of the Cross." \ 3:30 p. m., “The Silent Heav- ens and How the Silence of Centuries Will Be Broken.” 7:30 p. m., “The Shout of 2 Faith.” Aug. 5-8—8 p. m., The Book of Gene- sis, Aug. 10—11 a. m., “The Risen Christ, The Power He Has and the Power He Gives.” 3:30 p. m, “Coming—the League of Nations and What it will Mean for the World.” 7:30 p. m., “Come and See.” Aug, 12-15—8 p. m., Book of Exodus. Aug. 17—1i a. m., “The Empty Throne on Earth and How Some Day It Will Be Filled.” , 8:30 p. m, “The Apostasy: Its Beginning, Progress and End. The Call of God to His People.” 7:30 p. m., “The Last Beati- tudes,” Aug 19-22—8 p. m., Book of Leviticus. Aug. 24—11 a. m., “The Holy Spirit and His Worl 3:30 p. m., “Behold, I Make All ‘Things New.” 7:30 p. m., “The Exceeding Greatness of His Power.” , Aug. 26-29—8 p,m, The Great Pro- phecies of Isaiah. a a The Ministerial Institute to be held at Montrose, Pa., under the auspices of the Bible Institute will convene from July 15th to Bist. Ministers, evangel- ists, missionaries and Christian work- ers-are urged to attend this institute.” —~ The speakers will be Dr. A. C. Dixon, Dr’ M. G. Kyle, Rev. John H. Hunter and others yet to be announced. The Montrose General Conference will be held from August 1 to 10, with the following speakers on the program: Dr. Dixon, Dr. Griffith-Thomas, Dr. William Evans, Dr..T. C. Wimberly, Dr. John MacInnis, Mr. Volney P. Kinne, Miss Frances L, Bennett. Single or double rooms in tents or dormitories, with board at the dining hall, may be secured for $1.50 a day for full time, or in cottages, with use of bath, $1.75 to $2 a day for full time. Communica- tions should be addressed to Rev. R. M. Honeyman, Montrose, Pa. 3 a £ The students of the Evening School of the Bible Institute have only limited time for practical work, because of working during the day to . maintain themselves, yet they have during the Past three months given out 442 testa- ments, talked with 872 persons about salvation, given out 6432 tracts and have led 83 to accept Christ as a per- sonal Savior. Rev. Angus Matheson, pastor of the East Side Presbyterian Church, Stock- ton, Calif. , writing concerning the meetings recently held there by Rev. W. P. Nicholson, the Institute Evan- gelist says: “In his fearless and foree- ful presentation of the truth, he com- mended himself to every man's con- seience in the sight of God. It was a Pleasure to listen to his clear-cut mes- sages. I have never had an evangelist in my pulpit during my twenty years THE KING'S BUSINESS ministry whose messages were so clear, forceful and helpful and whose methods were so sane and effective as‘Evangelist Nicholson’s. He is a man with a pas- sion for souls, Spirit-filled and Spirit- led.” It is expected that there will be a graduating class of about eighty-five at the close of the present™term of the Bible Institute. Mr. and Mrs. D. K, Ward, who tre with the Mission to the Navajo Indians at Chin Lee, Ariz., write of the revival that is being started among the Indians at that place. Ten Indians had just accepted Christ and turned their backs on their heathenism, as the result of two meetings. They covet the prayers of their Institute friends for their work with these Indians. Harris D, Rummel, a student in 1916 recently graduated from McCormick Theological Seminary. He will spend the summer months at Northwestern University, after which he plans to enter the Presbyterian ministry at Los Angeles. Married: April 22d, Mr. Louis Rose and Miss Carolyn Maxwell. Miss Max- well was a former student of the Insti- tute, and at one time secretary for Rev. John Hunter of the faculty. Born to Mr. and Mrs. H. Cromwell McKinney at San Pedro, Charcas, Bo- livia, April 15th, a daughter, Marjorie Mae. Evangelist Harlow Parsons, a forther student, has held campaigns at Walton, N. ¥., Syracuse, N. Y., Paterson, N. J Dozey, N. D., Binghamton, N. Y., Ves tal, N. Y., Endicott, N. ¥., and Water- loo, N. ¥., this season. Rev. J. D. Page, colporter and Sun- day School Missionary of the American Baptist Publication Society is working at Paso Robles, Calif. in the Santa Barbara Association. He asks the prayers of his Institute friends. Rev. H. J. Baldwin, formerly super- intendent of men of the Bible Institute is acting as supply at Emmanuel Pres- 609 REV. H. J. BALDWIN, byterian Church, Colorado Springs, with a possibility of accepting the per- manent pastorship. H. B. Thomas, former student, writes, “I am trying to revive a church which has been without a pastor for almost a year. It is the only church within a mile of this part of the town and there are over a hundred children who never go to church at all.” He desires the prayers of his friends. A circular just received tells of inter- denominational Gospel tent meetings being held at Nashville, Tenn., under the auspices of the Layman’s and Min- ister’s Evangelistic Association of that city. A hundred ministers are back of the work to win 100,000 souls and revive 10,000 church slackers. J. E. Caldwell, writes Dr, Torrey concerning the circular, that he started the asso- ciation twelve years ago as a result of evangelistic meetings held in Nashville by Dr. Torrey, Mr. Caldwell was a Presbyterian layman. The Association has done a remarkable work through all these years 610 Married, April 28, at San Anselmo, Calif, Edward H. Osborn (16) and Miss Helen Hope Blair. Miss Blair is a daughter of Rev, J, E, Blair, pastor of the First Prest vterian church of Marsh- field, Ore. Mrs. Margaret Wyman, a former stu dent, writes: "The King’s Business has grown very dear to me, especially during this eight months of sickness Many of the patients are enjoying it with me.” Mrs, Wyman is in the Sani- tarium at Alta Loma, Calif Dr. Torrey, dean of the Institute, expects to vii China th Harry P. Herdman, a former student now located in Kijabe, East Africa, asks prayer especially for the native Chris- tians who have so recently come out of heathendom with all the vile customs Their temptations, he says, are exceed- ingly heavy, and can only be met as Christian people ask the Lord on thei behalf that His grace might fortify them Edith Harris, ‘17, located at Chania Bridge, British East Africa, says: “The work here is being greatly blessed. Last we received permis: a girl’s home. Dr a hospital here. tial, and a soul it the summer. missionaries in week jon to begin Allen wants to begin Medical work is often a means of that is essen- reaching Pray God may speedily open the way for it Mildred L 17, says: “I am teach- ing here at San Pedro, Bolivia, and enjoying the work. I lave seventeen and I wish one girk would pray every ept Jesus Christ. Three have already accepted Him.” Muriel Boone, '16, writes from Nan- king, China: “Our Presbyterian Girl's School in Nanking, very much needed a helper, so they invited me to live in the ladies’ house next door to the school and spend my mornings going to guage school and my afternoons teach. ing in the girl’s school. We have about 100 girls, and it has been so interest- ing to be with them this year.” you that may THE KING'S BUSINESS MR. AND MRS. KENNETH POWLIS@N Recently Married in Belivia, S.A Ray Macatee, a American ent located at Bad, although he that he is far from being “in bad." He is homesick to get back to B> I. and would appreciate cards from his friends. Headquarters Troop, 4th Div., A, P, O., 746, A.B. F student 5, is at pre rmany with the fore 3 writes Rev. H. M. Roberts of Neillsville, Wisc., writes, “We have received into the church this year 27 new members, We are closing the year free of debt and have a balance in the treasury.” Miss Edith Menzer, now Religious Work Director of Sherman Institute for Indian boys and girls great progress of her work. day School classes meet each Sunday. A decision day was recently held when 84 made a public profession of Christ tells of the Eight Sun- ‘The Progress of Medical Science As Indicating the Culmination of the Present Age. A Selection from a Recent English Publication —“‘After Civilization, What?” By EDWARD G. ROWLAND, M. D. physician myself, I am forced to admit that there is, to my mind, no single system, or institution, which so perfectly illus- trates Satan’s method of assuming sheep’s clothing for the purpose of ravaging the human race as the science of medicine in its present state of development. To be- gin with, there is no other science which, in the course of its development, has exacted such a fearful toll of life for the purpose of its experiments. Every “advance” has been obtained only at a tremendous sacrifice of human. victims. I assume at the start~(what I will prove a little later on), that medi- cal practice at the present day is abso- lutely wrong in its fundamental aims, and that it is working, unconsciously I will admit, for the attainment of a goal, the contemplation of which must thrill Satan's heart: with joy and satisfaction; yet, on the other hand, Satan is not de- sirows of the speediest possible attain- ment of the goal alluded to. Great as is the injury he might instantly wreak on humanity were this great aim already achieved, yet a still greater sum total of suffering, and ruin, can be caused by retarding the progress of medical sci- ence in different ways, and by scatter- ing-evils more thickly along its arduous path. This is seen in the fact that there is a certain intangible something con- nected with the profession which gen- ders discord and enmity, even among its own members. The bitterest ridi- cule, and even persecution, by the fra- ternity itself, has ever been the reward LTHOUGH I ama practising of the greatest medical geniuses. vtoday, the profession, influenced unhap- pily by greed and commercial interest, stands almost a unit in opposition to some of the greatest therapeutic truths, whose adoption would probably do more to bring about the “ideal conditions” sought for by the followers of that pro- fession, than gH the new discoveries that present day investigators hope to make. Satan seems to inspire the pro- fession with just those items of knowl- edge which will cause a minimum of benefit, together with a maximum of discord. This fact, in itself, is: discour- aging enough; but the most sobering aspect of modefi medicine is the way in—which—its operation is undeniably undermining, gradually, but steadjly, the physical stamina of mankind. This statement may seem to many to be that of an insane person, and it certainly needs an explanation. But a true state- ment it is. The medical fraternity is, and always lias been, engaged in the utterly hopeless task of trying to keep human society from reaping the natural results of its iniquities. The tottering structure of decaying humanity is con- tinually being braced at one point, pin- ned at another, screwed up, tied down, patched, painted, or—where the ruin is complete and offensive to the eye of man—hidden as much as possible and lied about, so as to “keep up appear- ances.” ‘That the meré existence of humanity as a whole, and especially that of its least desirable portions, is being prolonged by these desperate ex- pedients is beyond question. But that its final desolation will be proportion- ately the more disastrous, as the in- Even _ __creasing_impunity,—Each 612 evitable consequence of these same ex- pedients, is equally beyond question. infant mortality is certainly being de- creased. Childhood statisties show a constantly diminishing number of fatali- ties. Youth sows its wild oats with a freer hand, because, thanks to avail- able “remedies,” it can do so with in- succeeding generation of mankind can truthfully boast a larger number of God’s laws broken without a proportionate inerease of physical punishment. But in the meanwhile, what is it that is actually faking place? Children whose continued existence is a menace to the race are enabled, as a result of medical treat- ment, to grow up and to reproduce their kind. From this source proceeds an ever-accumulating burden and menace to humanity as a whole. Their issue, like themselves, is defective. Never- theless, as a result of increased medi- cal efficiency, this second generation is, in its turn, enabled to reproduce its still more defective kind. This process goes on—until—finally human beings are brought into existence whose life it is impossible to prolong to the age of re- production, Thus eventually, an auto- matic check is put on Satan's work of corruption in this particular direction. But the same process is going on among adults: Though weakened by iniquities they are yet enabled, by means of medi- cal aid, to continue their existence and to propagate their kind, although the average length of life is not being in- ereased. Now, so long as medical sei- ence can keep pace approximately with the consequences of mankind's iniquity, well and good. That is, things will appear to be going smoothly, and hu- manity will apparently be the gainer. But the inevitable result of this inter- ference with nature’s method of keep- ing the human race in a state of ap- proximate good health, is the steady, though stealthy, development of a widespread concealed, or partly con- cealed, invalidism. The time is coming, THE KING'S BUSINESS during the Period of Tribulation, when an extra physical strain will be put sud- denly upon the survivors of the race after The Rapture. But medical sci- ence will then be unable to respond to the increased demand upon it, for it is about at the end of its tether at the present time. With the physical and mental-distress of the-coming troublous times, the famine, pestilence, and re- sulting poverty (see Matt. 24:7, 8; Rev. -8), what of man’s physical consti- tution, vitiated, debilitated and cor- rupted by an evil inheritance of many generations? The condition of the hu- man race, when sin shall have finally outstripped medical science, will be something awful to contemplate. Sci- ence points forward to a most shameful and tragic physical collapse of the hu- man race when God's appointed time of judgment arrives. The events of the anti-Christian era will be determined not only by the positive action of a righteous God, but also by the sudden and complete failure of potency of every sort in a sinful and abandoned human race. * And yet it is a favourite faney of some apostles of an ill-grounded “op- timism’’ to hope for a medical discovery of some sort, whereby the ills of man- kind may be done away with forever. They look for some new drugs of at present undreamed of potency, some serum, or universal germicide, which shall overcome disease in every form. But arfanalysis of the different path- ological conditions treated in our great hospitals will show to the fair-minded investigator how futile are any such hopes. For a large number of the class- ified diseases of the human body, medi- cal science holds out absolutely no hope of cure. Modern pathology, and the microscope, have simply rendered more hopeless the outlook in many of the diseases, which formerly physicians at- tempted to cure. Degenerative processes of the heart, kidneys, blood-vessels, and nervous system, are examples of this THE KING'S BUSINESS class. Indeed, medical science of the last century has taught us more than any other one thing that we are help- less, so far as medical aid is concerned, when facing most of our chronic dis- eases. Of course, surgery has advanced with almost lightning rapidity, and in the last 50 years has made use of the new principles of asepsis, whereby op- erations on the head and abdominal cavities are now possible. But the linfit of possible improvement in surgery has been nearly reached. Many of the ‘severest operations are performed with a mortality so small as to be practically negligible. But the limit of possible im- provement has been nearly attained, for the reason that unhealed tissues are, and always will remain, avenues of pos- sible infection, and the limit to the re- duction of danger from this source is already placed irrevocably by the time which is required for tissues to heal, a limit which cannot be hastened artifi- cially, except-to a slight degree, as Car- rel's recent work shows. Moreover, the deadliest infections are beyond the sur- geon’s power of relief before profes- sional help can be summoned. Finally, there is a natural limit to the amount of miutilation which the human body will stand, even though the removal of diseased tissues would be ultimately beneficial, could the patient only sur- vive the shock attendant upon the nec- essary vivisection. Whatever advance there may be hereafter will necessarily be in the nature of intensive develop- ment, rather than extensive. The same amount of diligence in the future must be expended to cut down the death-rate 1 per cent., that was formerly efficaci- ous in reducing it 50 per cent. ‘That there is a natural limit to-surgical ad- vance, a true mathematical limit that can, for ever, be approached but never reached, is beyond question. We are near that limit at present. The hope of the present day physi- cian is in preventive medicine. Medi- cal, 4, .e, drug, treatment of disease is oS already looked upon in some quarters, by many of our leading physicians, as fit to be classed with witcheratt and necromancy. “Hygiene” and “Sanita- tion” are the slogans for the future. Now, what are the facts in the case? From the list of all human maladies in existence at any given moment, strike out-those—caused-by~ drunkenness—un-— restrained sexual impulses, drug addic- tions, attempted suicides, and murders, and the miscellanéous iniquitous af- flictions which affect, not only the first, but also the second, third, and even the fourth, generation of those who swerve, or are descended from those who have swerved, from the paths of righteousness, and what have we left? Add to these the minor ailments, and their serious after effects, which follow from wilful and voluntary errors of diet, dress, careless drinking of infected wa- ter, and one can get some little idea as to the amount of disease whieh no amount of medical development can ever control. Diphtheria; antitoxin will eure some cases of diphtheria, but it will never eradicate, or even @ontrol, the devastations of this disease as long as myriads’ of mankind, as a result of their own or somebody else's sin, live in a condition bordering on poverty. The control of infectious or any other kind of disease among a people who are financially embarrassed, ignorant, and leading lives of selfishness, has been, and always will be, a mere figment of fancy. Education offers no solution of the problem, for knowledge of the ef- fects of indulgence in hurtful practices does not serve to check the indulgence, except in a small degree. The doctor who has made a specialty of pathology or toxicology, and has gained-his-Ph. D- therein, is not thereby restrained trom staying too long at his cups. The knowledge of its fearful consequences does not in the least deter the medical. student from tainting his blood with the filth and corruption of venereal dis- ease. This little discussed matter of- 614 fers a striking and impressive illustra- tion of the way in which medicine is even now being turned from its primal beneficent intention. No one, unless he has investigated the subject, has any idea of the amount of suffering and death caused to the world by venereal diseases. "This “black plague” is much more dangerous to the human race than the so-ealled “white plague,” opposition to which is all the fashion just now. And so every genito-urinary investigator is searching, for some serum, or other therapeutic agent, which will not only cure, but also prevent the contraction of, one or more of the three dread ven-

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