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SSUSHS17: Analyze the causes and consequences of the Great Depression.

Identify Henry Ford, mass production and the automobile.

Describe the causes, including overproduction, under-consumption, and the stock market
speculation that led to the stock market crash of 1929 and the Great Depression.
Explain the social and political impact of widespread unemployment that resulted in the
developments such as Hoovervilles.
Describe the creation of the Tennessee Valley Authority as a works program and as an effort to
control the environment.

The economy from 1920-1940 was quite a wild ride. In the beginning, the Roaring Twenties was
a prosperous period of time. Henry Ford had modified automobile production by introducing the
assembly line, inspired by the meat packaging industry. Model T automobiles were soon affordable and
available to most Americans, and stock prices were rising with the Bull Market. However, the economy
took an unfortunate and significant dip due to overproduction, under consumption and people buying on
margin and participating in speculation. The Stock Market Crash of 1929, famously known as Black
Tuesday, was the beginning to what was known as the Great Depression. Since this occurred under
Herbert Hoovers administration, Hoovervilles began popping up in different places, which were
communities of people who were unable to afford housing. Thousands and thousands of people were
unemployed and stood in bread lines to feed their families. It wasnt until President Franklin D.
Roosevelt was elected and he presented his New Deal and the programs that were tied in with it that
things began turning around. However, it wasnt until World War II began and America took on a wartime economy that the Great Depression gradually ended.
Mass Production
Bull Market
Quota System
Great Depression
Trickle-down Economics
New Deal

Model T
Buying on Margin
Bread line
Black Tuesday
Bonus Army
Tennessee Valley Authority

SSUSHS18: Describe Franklin Roosevelts New Deal as a response to the depression and compare
the ways governmental programs aided those in need.

Explain the Wagner Act and the rise of industrial unionism.

Explain the passage of the Social Security Act as a part of the second New Deal.
Identify the political challenges to Roosevelts domestic and international leadership; include the
role of Huey Long, the court packing bill, and the Neutrality Act.

Herbert Hoover was president when the Great Depression hit the United States, and it is safe to
say that Hoover wasnt very popular amongst the population. When Franklin D. Roosevelt took office,
his improvements to the country were noticed and applauded. His Wagner Act, which outlawed labor
practices deemed unfair, allowed labor unions, and rights to collective bargaining were given to workers,
was widely appreciated by workers throughout the country. President Roosevelt also had a New Deal
platform from which he created programs to lift America out of its depression. He turned heads, however,
when he sent out his Court Packing Bill which would add six more justices to the Supreme Court. It is
believed that this was done because some of the original justices werent supporting some of his New
Deal programs and he wanted the odds to be in his favor. FDR was also in charge of America at the start
of World War I. He signed the Neutrality Act of 1939, which allowed the war-torn nations to buy
American products for war as long as they paid in cash and carried it home themselves.
Teapot Dome Scandal
Court Packing
Wagner Act
Neutrality Act of 1939

Kellogg-Briand Pact
Volstead Act
Social Security Act
Black Cabinet
Welfare State

Standard 16: Identify key developments in the aftermath of World War I.

Describe the impact of radio and the movies.

Describe the modern forms of cultural expression; include Louis Armstrong and the origins of
jazz, Langston Hughes and the Harlem Renaissance, Irving Berlin, and Tin Pan Alley.
Explain the impact of the drought in the creation of the Dust Bowl.
Identify Eleanor Roosevelt as a symbol of social progress and womens activism.

This period of time is known as the Roaring Twenties because of the social changes being made
after World War I. While the Lost Generation of writers were searching for their meaning in life, many
people were finding theirs. The Harlem Renaissance consisted of African Americans coming back into
touch with their African culture, with writers and musicians inspired by their heritage. Jazz music was
introduced during this time. There were women who defied traditional social norms for women called
Flappers, and amidst the Prohibition, there were bootleggers who illegally sold alcohol. When the Great
Depression abruptly occurred, there was a drastic shift downhill. Living situations were barely tolerable
as people werent able to afford what they needed. Many parents were unable to provide for their family.
Starvation and sadness overtook American society. When the Dust bowl occurred at this same time, it
only added to the chaos and despair. Okies were farmers who left their homes succumbed by debt and
human-induced natural disaster and went to search for jobs in the west and east.
Scopes Trial
Lost Generation
Harlem Renaissance
The Wizard of Oz

Dust Bowl
Fireside Chat

SSUSH21: The student will explain the impact of technological development and economic growth
on the United States.

Explain () the lend-lease program ().

Describe war mobilization, as indicated by war rationing, war-time conversion and the role of
women in war industries.
Describe the Los Alamos and the () economic () implications of developing the Atomic
Describe the creation of the Marshall Plan ().

While the second World War was churning through Europe, President Franklin D. Roosevelt
signed the Lend Lease Act, which allowed Americans to sell or lend war materials to European countries.
On the home front, the economy and workforce was transforming. In order to maintain a stable economy
with men leaving their jobs to join the war, minorities including women were needed to fill the empty
slots. Rationing was also necessary to get Americans at home fed, but left enough food to accommodate
for soldiers fighting in the war. It saved money necessary for sending vital equipment to Americans in
Europe or in the Pacific. On September 2, 1945 when World War II met its ending, the Marshall Plan
was introduced. This plan was also known as the European Recovery Plan, and it aided Western Europe
financially while they tried to rebuild after post-war destruction. $13 billion was spent towards this plan
in order to help Europe reconstruct.
Marshall Plan
Lend-Lease Act

USHS19: Identify the origins, major developments, and the domestic impact of World War II,
especially the growth of the federal government.

Explain A. Philip Randolphs proposed March on Washington D.C. and President Franklin D.
Roosevelts response.
Explain the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and the internment of Japanese-Americans, GermanAmericans and Italian-Americans.
Explain major events: include () Battle of Midway, D-Day, and the fall of Berlin.
Describe Los Alamos and the () military implications of developing the Atomic Bomb.
Describe () U.S. commitment to Europe, the Truman Doctrine, and the origins and implications
of the containment policy.
Describe the impact of competition with the USSR as evidenced by the launch of Sputnik I and
President Eisenhowers actions.

When President FDR signed the Selective Service and Training Act, the United States knew that
their country would participate in World War II, the only question was when. On December 7, 1941,
Japanese forces bombed the American Pearl Harbor Naval base in Hawaii, their question was answered
when a few weeks later the US declared war on Japan and joined the Allied Powers. In fear of the
possibility of Japanese spies on Americas west coast, Japanese-Americans and other groups of suspicion
were sent to internment camps. In the war, island hopping was a strategy for the United States against
Japan. Meanwhile in Europe, D-Day had occurred and Americans began fighting against Germans
occupying France and elsewhere. This lasted until the Battle of the Bulge, where Germany had its last
offensive battle. In the beginning of 1945, the Yalta Conference was held and included Roosevelt from
America, Stalin of Russia and Churchill of Great Britain to discuss the war as it was winding down.
Germany had been completely infiltrated by Allied troops. In May, Europe was victorious. Japan still
continued fighting against the US. The US had begun the Manhattan Project, which was the
development of the Atomic Bomb in Los Alamos. The bombs were eventually dropped in Nagasaki and
Hiroshima, Japan in August. Japan finally surrendered in September. After the war, with the Red Scare
still strong in the minds of many, the Truman Doctrine promised to fight communism.

Neutrality Act of 1939
Manhattan Project
Allied Powers
Atom Bomb
Unconditional Surrender
Yalta Conference
Internment Camps

Executive Order 8802

Island Hopping
Los Alamos
Axis Powers
Truman Doctrine
Nuremberg Laws
United Nations
Eisenhower Doctrine

Geneva Convention
Satellite State
Cold War
Iron Curtain
Warsaw Pact
Mao Zedong
38th Parallel
Arms Race
Red Scare

SSUSH20 The student will analyze the domestic () impact of the Cold War on the United States.

Describe () the role of women in war industries.

Describe Los Alamos and the scientific () implications of developing the Atomic Bomb.
Compare the geographic locations of the European theater and the Pacific Theater and td the
difficulties the U.S. faced in delivering weapons, food, and medical supplies to troops.

World War II had definitely taken its toll on American society. With a significant amount of men
fighting in the war, there were job positions that needed to be filled. Many women left their gender role of
staying home and took on a working lifestyle replacing the jobs previously held by men. This led to the
realization that women could do the same amount as men, if not more. Throughout the world however,
civilians were struggling and paranoid. On the home front in countries such as Great Britain, bomb
shelters had to be built in order to protect themselves from the German Blitzkrieg. Jews in war-torn
German occupied countries were fearing for their lives as Anti-Semitism led to a Jew-centered genocide.
Adolf Hitler and his following supported a superior German race, and people who were not deemed
qualified to be a participant were sent to work or death camps. 11 million people died in the Holocaust,
and 6 million were Jewish. In Japan, the military grew rapidly as its population showed its loyalty to
their country. Many of these soldiers became and ended as Kamikazes, which were Japanese suicide
Hollywood Ten

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