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Assessment Rubric S11 Projects in Robotics

The use of the following checklist is suggested, but not mandatory. Rather it is a tool to assess
students on essential outcomes. A level mastery means that a student has mastered all essential
parts of the unit at an appropriate high level. The student consistently demonstrated noteworthy
achievement of high quality, particularly in the higher order thinking or performance skills. B
level mastery means that a student has mastered all essential parts of the unit at an appropriately
high level in which the student successfully engaged in higher thinking or performance skills.
Students may receive a D (deficient) if they have not made a reasonable effort on one or more
A Level Mastery
B Level Mastery
P Progress
1. Define the term
Definitions are clear and
Defines te term
Unable to define the
robot and
precise, with examples to
robot and robotics term robot and
help clarify.
in own words.
robotics in own
2. Define and
Explanation is clear and
Demonstrates an
Unable to
explain application gives many examples that
understanding by
demonstrate basic
of robotics in
show understanding.
giving basic
industry and
3. Research and
Complete research using at
Complete research
Research and write a
least 3 sources and write a
using at least 2
minimal report as
complete report as defined by sources and write a
defined by the
the instructor
report as defined by
the instructor.
4. Develop a plan
based on a
hypothesis or

Develop a complete plan and

present it in a scientific
method. Can explain why
result is as expected or not
and can re-test with new
hypothesis to obtain desired

Develop a complete
plan and test using the
scientific method to
record results

Cannot propose a
hypothesis that can
be tested (i.e., the
hypothesis is not
specific enough) or
correctly test the

5. Work as part of
a team during the
development, and

Is a successful member of a
team during the design,
development, and
experimentation stages.
Participates fully in the
decision making process.
Resolves conflicts and has
own opinion up and stands
up for it. Always works in a
constructive manner.

Is a successful part of
a team during the
design, development,
and experimentation
stages. Participates in
the decision making

Unable to
consistently work as
a successful member
of a team. Does not
take part in the
decision making
process and has no
input of his/her own.

6. Solve problems
that arise during the
research, design,
development and
stages while
building a hands-on

Actively solves problems that

arise during the research,
design, development and
experimentation stages while
building a hands-on model.
Not only solves problems but
also listens to suggestions
made by others.

Helps to solve
problems that arise
during the research,
design, development
and experimentation
stages while building
a hands-on model.
Will listen to others
most of the time.

Does not participate

in solving problems
that arise during the
research, design,
development and
stages while
building a hands-on


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