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R, No. MMR-1076-26617—G-7. rik 4 FERS Wert iY sett anfit agare fant INDUSTRIES AND CO-OPERATION DEPARTMENT Bae Ti alas Teata faazW, 7244 The Bombay Minor Mineral Extraction Rules, 1955 . (S m (3 99c4 va garfea ) (As modified up to May 1985) Rv- Bese 5 3. a eraearee, Staala Aaa a HAUT, aMge wit aTeata afer BS a deters, arate Axor a Sara, HEISE Tea, Aae-v, ait varie Be. Wey . [fara s. ego ] : Sqm NEA Pia aR Mace SS Ro-388¥ 8a aa ait ata saad faa, 2384 The Bombay Minor Mineral Extraction Rules, 1955 (¥ a5 ¢4 sir ganfer ) (As modified up to May 1985 ) AeTB6—IeA. fara feat afaaren (faeaz), Ee, Haga, 2¢ fetaz qa4y ofan wasa fam, a¥8. HR CHATS 9944S eae eae fre, 98% area fare ¥ aqATT sare eeoaiet aero wats a araraht eae Te TET Ee TT TAKA FIT Fer, WE tea, ar ahr carte wean fos Seah aM fot aa : THOT 2 aaa q. _ Bada afer sree — (9) ar frre gag ator ata seats fram, 9844 ae aatfirr waa. = (2) # Set 9844 Sar cteear feat + ot ferarge anere Fie. 2. crremi.— (4) dat fraara Pear dante stage wt ade ax, a froma (ee) “ warrafrardt” ert, — (@) wearer a4 frame racers afer aadta tafe ‘ frarrar franta aa afirerd fear anit onita on safer ate ar wade Safran ST franhet aa ahrare; ‘[ara waren frarrear frantic as afer aaa cada safari safrantra aa afraret ait gar gaan feast cara cada SaPTaeTaTST aS Ta a ee carga MTMTCRE Sas AUER TLS aS ara]. (a) sn waste ater frame warrants arearitea wafer Prana arid afeiar, cate waren wafer fearnet ardent afaierstt gre faa aarar aaron aerendt wae afiemnd age TH Bet os Ha]. anfer (%) tasecnren aadta, tafe freearar fareifrnrd, fran maradtia waa fraad wete sar Fred eax afare; ‘Lara caren foreerfrmamt tame gare force Fiver ener eres wer afrardt a tt ars wee]. Sereda afirgaa, fara fram wae THEATER 444 -CRqUR-TH, fete to Wt 4844 SAT Et AR Aras BLOT STAT. Tern ofinsa sara aga fet ate See AAS CR caer, farts § Sagat (90 Feat arae BEATS GTS. A-786—1-B. DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Sseretariat (Annex), Fort, Bombay-1, 28h December 1954, MINERAL CoNcESsION RULES, 1949, No. MNU-LIS4-M.—In oxercise of the powers conferred by rae 4 of the Mincral Conesssion Rules, 1949, and all other powers aabling it inthis behal, the Government of Bombay is wed to make the followir sat it the extraction of miaor minal namely Seoimbata ‘CHAPTER I. Gonenat i: Slort title and commencement.-—(1) Theserules may be called the Bo Misor Mineral Extraction Ras, 1959) a ad @) They shall com: into force on and from the first day of June 1955, 2. _Defasitions.—(1) In these Rules, unless there is anything repugnant in the ‘subject or context,— @ “Competent Officer” means— (@) in the ease of lands incharge of the Forest Depart . moth the Dice Forest Oilicer ‘of the Division or the Sub-Divisional Forest Officer of an independent Sub-Division in which such lands are situate ss the case may be 2[Provided that the Divisional Forest Officer of the Division or the Sub-Divisional Forest Officer of am independent Sub-Division may ‘be 2 a i t * ey appa forbs somone OR in-respett of another Divisio: (>) im the case of | juarrics incharge of the Public Works Departm: nt of Gowenmen the Esteve apace ofthe Dion eee and () in other cases, the the District Oe oe Collectog of ie concerned. or such ether 2(Provided that the Collector of a district may be appointed to be a competcat Ofte ereeee of another district ‘any pur thereof]. No NL TS SUTENS, SSPE to Coopention Deparment, —— 8 (qea) ar Preaten aor arcen witensfen “were afieertt se8,— irene airy vert ret aft bid steak amt er seeret dt nie ste me TERN arse xe at AoA ah MEET ; ee Sheet Aes offer ret we af wien rear thy Fem qooe Hag MF Her races At wr Ve REET ont aefwenfire saa ufirer eel RqeTe nf ayia free; “L(8), Far Pet wf Farerarsar ar : Leer eee nae siceretars wie er Ore * (8) acne ee ei rent dues, afer afar, Aas ae (ata) “marr” sqest, crow mre. a Sahrenecees as atmo anager eee ed cone arg in, Feud, fox ere, ae afer areca ear meet fetrar artnet. eer Feta ann fait rete (oor) Set eon ee weet “Refi tr fre” Sf (orice) Feet met (rar) ace mere Ser Sates, (Siete) (3), et Frens, rR Ege ose eterno er Pra, 948, et oe cat a an ote ont aN oe THOT wen afiritdts afte ctaaren aTeRTa aie re afaeiteat aTaiia, aeitga (are &) wresara weag FAC wT. ete A as Bt flare thea oS) aime ans, age tet ee ene Sues SEE ‘frre EN, Be CHTATE.-994%-(%t) 09, FeaIF Yo. mace amanda sfrgeri. nN, a uae FRM CHORALE, fo eta a ta eT Samedi afiegserr bie op Fear ares fone ae ee oe aay eres ae aeeres, fers fiers” Br HET Re FT eT. 4 “ *[Ga) For the parpose of Chapter TV of these Rules’ “Competent Officer ” ‘means— (@) Mambtdars and Mahalkasies, in cases where the quanlity of minor mineral to be extracted and removed from any specifies land within the limits of their respective jurisdiction doct not excted 100 brass ; () Asistant and Deputy Collectors in cases where the quantity of minor mminralto bo cxrestod snd ranoved Fomany specticalané ‘wii he hast oftheir respestivejurtciction doss ot exceed 1000 brass 5 and 2) Range and Forest Officers, in cases where the quantity of minor mineral to be extracted and removed from any specified land. within the Tits of thir ripective jursdiction docs not exeeed 100 bras.) 2{(W) * Director of Geology and Mining” means the Ditector of Geology and Mining. Maherasbtra Sate Gil) “Government” means the State Government ; Giv) “ Quarrying lease ® means a lease to mine, quarry, bore, dig and ‘search for, win, work and carry away any minor mineral specified therein (©) “ Quarrying permit” means a permit granted under Chapter IV of these Rulesto extract and remove any minor mineral in specified quantities ; (Ci) “ Specificd minor mineral” means limestone, limeshell or such other mineral bbe speci Government ication i ny specified by bby notification in the @ Words and jons used but not defined in these rules shall have the ‘meanings, respectively, assigned to them in the Mineral Concession Rules, 1949. * CHAPTER IT ‘GRANT OF QUARRYING LEASE IN RESPECT OF LAND IN WHICH MINERALS B5LONG ‘10 GOVERNMENT 3. Restrictions on grant of ease —(1) No quarrying lease shall be sgedtoany ponents tn anindan lize ‘except withthe prior approval yvernment. No ing Iease shall be granted in respect of ified minor eral eclol wak te por epprtralo lho Dicker of Geslogy and Ming, sd, Coen Netiaton D f Department No. MNCS) Mi, z se peor ‘Department No. MNS) Mi, * Added by Government Notication, Industries and Cooperation Departmen: No MSL 2G IEA, duns sia 15) ords" Decor of Induces” subsituted wheteve thoy oscurred by words Ditioe worse) Tndowieand oeperton ops japan de TNO Rants Labo MING, ena te tia AGBN BSS, (2) (ge) steerer te ee erin one, ft, eer (fa) ackare ore eft, sree ae. (fitz), ae fer. aren ath rts oe FC are alr aR eceR fom ur ATeAH fee erent Oe) ectenereetr wrt ee a) 2 (ere x. a EG Bele otal RN, hia fen meter (Plan) sree ix, (8) sekere nrg efor sr & ate ati Fear ara (=) seen Rarer ster afk ver astormeTsh rece Gre ower & (6) arta (ere) wigs er srbegr Seear gests fee (ce) ae aris aie afi x ex sonst cine fear mn ee Pe ante it oR ch al tenor are" ed fae ee eT fer mTofeRTER ame mf ee Stare th Ghat maf Feet rer. (3) sete arafetaa [aoe wetack at], anf omy afte arr faaserraréh sri ait RTE Borsa afr wet (19.92 swaara) aif ie EE TT TTA fier dete fe see, 94% are fae Bie Tre ae Fer ATE eee eee aires, 3604 TE are MENTE TR Pee, aT TRE COTE: “(reat era greet fea frer fear ales care wearer, anit anit - Saree sa ieovteied eect ieee “ONC ST pols Qs oe ee Naren afirqenr, sete w ereme fare warts QueTATC IER UTA, Featte 20 RCC ee ree eC TET aT. Saree Sa AT MTT G9 CHG RTA EC Se ee oer ae acs * erertt Sein afer eeere Fewre, HaHE 21%C-490RqoNMETA, afegea, forte § sieetee 9946 Sent aT ape Ax ere aT ° No quarrying loase shall be granted in,respect of lands notified by Govern ae reerred for use of Governnedt, foal agi of fo any ‘other public or special purposes, — *[@ Ith: State Government is of opinion that it is necessary o Fe aE ee mn or Public ‘the orderly developoacal of uay area or for any ike purpose t may, bf srdertndhe Opie’ Canina theron ing of mining lease to any person, in such area.) 4. Application application for a Feats in pet of ay ada ehh tka seta fe to Governmens chal 6S ‘muds to the Competent Officer and shall contain the following particulars : (@) © if the applicant is an individual, his name, nationality, profession a trtdes, ‘Gi if the applicant is a company, syndicate, parinership, or private firm, its mame, natuce and place of business and place of registration oF incorpo: ration ; ican ee re eee the quarrying lease is required (©) the minor mineral or minerals which the applicant intends to extract ; @) the purpose for which the extracted minor minerals are to be used ; ed opens ene teeter ee eres of which the applicant or any person join in interest with him already holds ‘8 quarrying lease. Explanation. —A map or plan referred to in item (6) shall give sufficient sefocmetin Coe ‘deniliction of the area in respect of which the esse Every application shall be accompanied bya fee of *[ Rs. 100] and aes i a ote SCL hat ee in) of sii one id for end ao oat ropes oon ia encyogae = Beak le Maman oon a oD Seactar Conue eee yanking company nti Su deed ‘the Bombay Societies Act, 1925. [Provided that an application for a lease for ordinary clay pollers or makers of bricks or at where tho aren of the lat ‘does not exceed five acres and the period thereof does not exceed. five years, bbe accompanied bya fee of Rs. 25. Hi No aS RING, ted Sache ota Mt Co-openton Departaeot ee eT ere eRe, ‘frome Sew: atheros ee atte ant chest Reriere erm ante erate. oe a Fe@ sehr ate fre Rea 9) ae ae ere Hr Pinlifael ay ‘hoger eo Fe TORT HE CTE aT iy wren erm ee ee I ee ee ere ere sk eer eres (ae, Fara glee sevd teeriee We cree rater qeerer core. —aere xfer sq roara ree feo eee ae en fee or tee Le ‘wien erie fire age eh Fe rar reo eT Ror see, oe en we wee, were tenage exh. —arrigaihlt oat afirerank sere wire re Sy kere cote Oa wa 2 watt stead —ate me fired aeecendt faa xatefen, eae ategIN set emt (ae) seterert are; (a) eetareren en; (Glee) ea serie wt rer are ere srt art Fe et 5 (se) tere erst rg feo atte & her afi Fer eet; (ae) aera wera 5 (9a) aatee em dere x arta Forte. sere ce asl —sskere sige dept, aerewrer att xaken rae er, Tomer sien wh Mea" Cw CRT adh eee, saree sagt Bate, areazzart freer Se eas Getce ares eee Tae ae ay oer autt, seer cere Fie, am (a8) Sree aiiccraa eater eae orate afer © (et) are sia Ferret feat, (are) ecevegerent Frorzarar feats, (9m) oR, yTSMER arf ATE Te, 8 5. Grant of quarrying lease and execution application under rule 4, the Competent inquire ‘she deems fit may sanction the grant of & quarrying. lease to the applicant or refuse to sanction it, @) Where a quarrying lease is granted under sub-role (1), the, formal Iease shall bsexecuted withiat three months of the order sanctioning the lease and if 19 Such a lease is excouted within the aforesaid period, the order. sanctioning the lease shall bs deemad to have bsen revoked ¢ Provided that where the Compstent Officer is satisfied that the applicant for lease is not responsible for ths delay in the execution of the formal fease, he ‘ay permit the execation of the formal lease after the expiry of the aforesaid period of three months. 6. Refund of application foe.—If the Compet ut Officer refuses the ary te seed for ox Ifthe opphicat. refute to acer the fens on account of any spzcial condition imposed therein under sub-rule @) of rule 18, the fee shall be refunded, 7. Intimation fusal to be given.—When an application of i see niin of fina eb Biter, heat infor in weting to plant Le ae: . is applications, —A register nlicarns ua a Ne ce Sreslvng ea tho Telomiag particulars :— () Name of the applicant @) Address of the applicant (i) Particulars of the land applied for and its ares; @) Minor mineral or minerals which the applicant desires to extract ; (v) Period for which quarrying is required ; (#, Action taken on the application and date of orders. 9. Secu dias. appli shal. tfor te, cert lease is ated, depovit as security & sum equal 10 the annual dead reot fica foc ans rate tec dab Gosecvance of tas aeraad| ‘conditions of the lease. 10, Survey of area leased. —Whena quarrying leascis granted bythe Compe- ‘tent Oficce, arcangements shall bs made at expenses of the lessee for the survey ‘and demarcation of the area granted under the lease, : a. ter Jeases.—A register of quarrying leases shall be F am ttiaisel yack Compaten Otter spestying he folowing :— A. () Name of the lessee and his address, (i) Particulars and area of the land im respect of which the lease has ‘been granted and the period of the lsse, Git) Date on which the case is granted, (és) Date on which formal lease is executed, () Rates of royalty, surface reat and dead rent, AT86—2- 4 rer) armagr oar ater afenefon fear afatefcar fiiraree ate Rc ahn fer ah, (are), sarees Bat eH. % (ee) aewonst arts, (Gt) divers rere, (ae) steonerdte oer as, (sre) ee Riv re, or oh ararfer tara Fe mig ace & ster afre Fem (at) asPHT es, (ner) yqsuree et (Surface Rent), (arr) seize A. R (BT eur Herat. (9) aT werd a, waar gi- maa Fach, 1° aaiga afin sta SUNG Tae OZ areareay test CHAT As AT TEST sroraige afte srearat seit arrét. 2) amr setae ee A, parca erin aga Roem erates TATE no aerin erates te (3) wares dat Bene Ak Jer — adtrcoren aot ai FASS SSATEATA FX {seas ma arert UIT FT Ay (a) fareerfiraret frfeaet whe aren aert adteronsar Ach sino ames Tes ar ferarea ay aeraea fates te wala ete. ‘T(¢) (ce) sir werent at ger reread ger arenes Sa OU ere Oa ee ee aa) oe aight arta raat caveat eisrarét Serge sade aera sae AN TN a A ETO (at) SETS ATR OTST ot Soe Rada Bee aga erat em mT a frarent reer mae i ate i Yee aefaett ae arrears wy] Ws. SM vera Feta —aaraa, wa afar qaspta = frre srardiefrrs (Renter tran qe wed seen ute afr aga, wees %%. Qoc-o Wen TET Reg sate, errar momen fear careers stoargt aferare, gaa fran femetder gatas arear ee: are amrearen frat dares, afar T fend ater giana, eromeare sore Sere ome He, GET Gat, Wanker, Tara Fay dare feos ‘[fra seardt arene eaic den giar feber monet frat eit azar Wor 39a wea fee Hea AMET eT TERT dea ater waar Rar done mer]. I. wa—(q) sae ETT ate wi amifaz araite.— (em) war, fever Gaga verre arser ato afroraz ay fraaren TN 1 wet fate! teen Tet, UTE Re: Wra we Ce wea a aaiga URL, Gare seme aa aac. age 7 at fart wregta afaqaat ante UHOHSTTT-4 988-2 20¥-a, feats 33 alaX 9800 ae Ziae HAT ay aig. ‘Req at fear wae afer FRITH CVOHUHTR-4 0 22-9E23-46.26- ae, fertw § AeeaC 9804 ead gee HURT aT me. A-786—3-B. aw 16. Period tease.—{1) The period for which a ring lease say bs ered lace ea ae cece kn 10 years. The lease shall be renowable at the option of the lessee | for one period not exceeding the duration of the original lease. @) At the time of renewal of the lease, the lessee shall bs entitled to surrender any part of th: leased area. | ©) When renewalis granted — royalty and surface rent shall be charged at the rates in force at the prs renewal ; and . Gi) dead rent shall be charged at such rates as the Collector may fix within "ths limits specified im Schad IT to these rules in force at the time of the renewal. "IA () An apotication for renewal of the lease shall be made at least sixty. ay Bsiore the date of expiry of lease and shail bo accompanied by a fee'of ‘Where the renewal of the ease is refused, in respect of any part or the wile ofthe tsi re, tn toons thane alls eecced iS Saag nk communicated to the applicant, o, Wan application for renewal of a lease has been made within the pres eribed period, Dut is not disposed of bof ore the date of expiry ofthe leases the period of lease stall bs deemed to have been extended by a further period of three months of till such date on which the applicant is informed about the refusal to grant the renewal of the lease.) 11. Transfer of lease. —The lesico may, with the previous sancti of te Camptent Oitcer and susjct toe sonal ione Spesited in sberute @) of rule 13 and rule 14, tran‘fer his lease or any _ right, title or interest ‘therein {0 any person on paymasat af a fee of *Rs, 200 to Government: Provided that ifthe lease was granted with the prior approval of Government ‘orthe Director of Geology and Mining. thetransfer also shall be nade with here rior approval of Government or the Director of Geology and Mining, 4s tis ease may be. JfProvided futher that no lease or permit granted toa Co-operative Labour Comiract Society in parsuance of a direction made under rule 39-B shall be. . ‘transferred except to another such society.) ~2A8. Conditions (1) Every quarrying” lease shall include the following onditio ‘The lessee siuall royalty on minor minerals itched fr the lected arn't th tate Soaked h Seen Te Se et om Provided that such rates shall be liable to be revited once in every $ years. THe edad Ga ee! Nesitaion Reve nd Fores Depart Ros MTT ih caed Sind Sas 1 SRI ws Gone Noten Rees en Fore Deptt Ne MR: ¥ Revited te BYCRS 43 per Qevd ovder Ho. MmRADES . def tolt1ag. RYN | 374 fans rede Ue for Oa eH aoe os Hee ee eee ee ee ae der afetcd qo ree te (a) ein Rarererstar rt wie 99 sere seston facet paea « arregars Fefafo: eer ce, fe a ear ee eres corte sya omic aer se nee ew we ST (2) oer afesrn eet) romers somerset fetta nee arg, Fer frame Peatmengr der RfeTSAT ane, AMINE TE EE ante carta at area, Seaton, eye rc va Eee Foianhas ans ere rege wearing mse we, ferret Stew area sie "aa twee tor en rg or ober fied ree, edict ar aren rinenefesr “armen” aim, deren sare, ae (geome ta wo) Romney eh were wed sor BUNT Cee gear, fret a waifrerrerdt arene eee RS eee Sy Ce (8) Bare ae Aire gfafewer weedy geht sede els — ai were wet (Muck) agufom aor ote Seek tes aaiet shee a an) it ore sca wits a romeN ree BAe ar (Fr) i de conshi ables hala fore Cer Pe RE rere te, agarartrs tare’, ere cee ere ae et een a ot ee aT Se Sintemege conn “@ Se tall etanndset nn, (8) ate aPrateer adercrreten anf fesrareferr erat Maia wee are Takase ‘remit obere rere Et, pec emmrenr mre eer ate CHET TORT ECO SA, mae 4803 Fra kre rere oe ae. =.= aw } The lessee shall also pay for of the lease such dead eee a os an i ha kat pe Collector in the 3 and if the lease permits the working of more | the same area, the Collector may fix separate dead rent in respect of each mineral = Provided that the lessee shall bs liable Lo. pay the dead remt oe royaly in ( respect ofeach minor mineral, whichever be higher in amount, but not both. [Provided further that, the dead rent shall mot be payable for the first ihre months following the date of execution of the ease.) (ii) The lessee shall also pay, for the surface arca used by him for the purpose of the quarry, surface ent at such rate, not execeding the land revenue and coises assessable on the hind, as may be fixed by the Collector and speci- \ fied in the lease, (o) Unless the Competent Officer for good cause permits otherwise, the Jessce shall commence quarrying operations within 3. mooths {rom the date of execution of the lease and shall theredfler carry them on in & proper, skilful and workmanlike manner. The lessee shall prevent waste by removal of ‘overburden, exreful storage of waste, drainage and removal of all valuable ‘minor minerals within the quarry. Explanation. For the purposes of this chiuse, “quarrying operations ” ‘shall include the erection of machinery, laying of & tramway or construction of a road in connection with the quarry. (0) The leséce shall, at his own expense, crce! and maintain bounda a lafesspuiy, neces to orators to him (4) The lessee shall take adequate steps to ensure that — (o) eights and widths of trenches in open quarics are properly main- tained (o ftcilitat> easy removal of the mineral and the much @ the working faces are always kept dean ; and (©) the minor minera.Is are stacked in suitable dimensionsand cach stack is numbered. (vif) If any minor mineral not ified im the lease is discovered in the eased area, the lessse shall report the discovery without delay to the Compe- tent and the Dircetor of Geology and Mining and shall not win or aan ‘of such minor mineral without obtaining @ lease therefor. If be i to spgly fot ‘such lease within three months from the discovery of the minerals, the Competent Officer may grant a lease in respect of such mineral to any other person. ‘The lessee shell arrange for the proper sanitation of the area leased thin, (G2) The lessee shall abide by such reasonable instructions and directions ‘asmay be issued by Government fromtimetotime regarding the conservation and development of minor minerals. inserted vide Governnicnt Nouication Revenue and Fores: Departneat No. MMi 68S09-B, dated 8th October 1973. ae raat wie ac oe a snr ge wr gern anv ud aruw fer roresthacraae mace neeey, ee res Tw, eM Hh eee. s fear Shit are lg 1) re A See en Bat coe Se ate sine wo Tue aE (Se, ene = (@ ihn See cant) TH rer res wih eet ner aft I a AT iS) sok erent gis acai ravi ante oeiedn ta a tenet nee Se ae eee sreart teary aie ee eee ee se re Stoegh pete 12) Bare, anette weet x grates a ae aa fous sexes wen eecerie eee seni meri mifrorrt ange: fiche Oe aitw aga ure. sean ig Mintek Sts x Ie RATT STEAM RTT afeaten afahniee afenrn ate ere Natest Soe a fr si Ferener rn mee coe fen Fier mae wren | ie ere no drat fer co Fe, ad, 02 erent for eres ot Sra men, Raa aritar Sramét wer Ue Regs Bhs fom ta ee Serevta afqeen, vart x reac Fearn, serie cmumertqqeeagene. creed fate $8 arr HRC ures ane ea . w (x) The see hall abide by the provisions of any law forthe time being in force reltingo the working of quarries and maters affecting safety, healt an iene ofthe lessees empoyses or of the public and shal rapect ‘llexisting rights of way, water aud cher easements. (xi) The lessee shall not carry on or allow to be carried on aay mining ‘operations at any point within 3 distance of 50 yarcs, if no blasting is in- snd 200 yards, if blasting is involved. from the boundary of any ine except with the written permission of the railway administration 3m the boundary of any reservoir, canal, road or public. works, or bllcing cop wR tbo previous permision of Goveramet railway administration, or Government may in granting permission impose ‘such conditions as it may deem fit. "{(xi-A) The lessee shall see that the hole (where the blasting is perfor- |is muffled with an iron sheet with a weight of about 12 or more of cn it, and the les:ee before commencing the blasting, shall— © give sullcient warning to the public by aa efficient system of signals ting of red fhe; the ly, 200° yards fr an ating gs in the danger zone, namely, 200 yards from the (@) ensure that all persons in the vicinity have taken proper shelter ; ask Ta a fo ere aay Yer Ra ct the peo. @) warn the pablic not to appratch the quarry within half am hour after explosion ; () afford frce acess to the Competent Officer to any place, at which ‘any blasting operation is carried on, for enabling him to ensure that all Sessa pecans favo Deen Ake fo gu agai ange fo the (Gxt) Tha lessee shall Keep correct accounts showing the quantity and other particulars of all minoc ‘obiained and. despatcticd trom the quarry ‘and the number of persons employed therein and complete plans of the ‘quarry and shall furnish to the Director of Geology and Mixing such infor- ‘mation, reports and returns as he may require from time to time together with representative samples of minerals obtained during his operations. (Si) The lessee shall allow ary oflicer authorised by Governmet or the Officer or the Director of Geology xd Mining. to enter upon any g, excavations or land comprised in his lease for the purpose of ins- ing the same orfor inspeetingany of his accounts, plans and records which make availibleto such officer. Such Officer may issue such reaxona- ‘Be directions as he, may deem ft to prevent ‘wasteful extraction of minerals ‘and it shal be the duty of the lessee, his agent or manager to carry out Such fie im such period 38 the officer may specify. If the lessee, his lage or manager fils 10 cay ou the directions within the spciodpetid, mpetent Officer may determine the lease or may impore a penalty not ‘exceeding twice the amount of the annual dead rent. (xis) The lessee shall strengthen and support to the satisfaction of the itway administration concerned or Government, a the caso may bs, any qutsry which ints opinicn requices such strengthening or support Porth sity of tay ealwny, rocevar, canal, road, or any otter sublic eons ‘orstructures. ERS Se Semen, Neeson, Indoares and Labour Departcens No. MMR Mai ae eee sire woe su nA mene COINS FSI a _ eggnog TTT afer error site fear searerl, ge reared, eorex Be eee aT rE ITC TA. (a4) re carer nt Fe ere iti, we (ra) eve evra ke fear treme mite, eed fete mt Te AT ATT TAT Pe ror ee care nigh oe eye fear a: Server ae Ge ern eee ae earfireret afer forage rete a Seereren er ef Ge) aoc oy wrctafeh fom steratteat & caren swreeneat oeereay TeTTAL TERT SAT FORT TT TAT FUG Se (34), vacate arate ere oe aE cea sre eT AAT TT POW ea ee moa amr wt ator aren ameaieercrear eA) xv or offer saree Gero dere ate Dr sak Sra ors ee ae srr ver, te, Fre svar fer dr Fee ceiver ere arent (wr) fore, Se even fee #e were aire ce aq Sega Baas, MS wit ror ean te ears Sees gaher tart are Coo Sarge trae ee, agi RTT AEE NT ie ENTE Terrain Hee ST HOTT oeES HEHMTE I Oca TREN S me, Feat: & AIEEE ACE BT ETE ORT ATT HTH a Ga) The lease shalll boliabje to cancellation if the lessce ceates to work the quarry for a continuous period of 6 months + Provided thatthe ase shall not be cancelledif the lessce is prevented from ‘working the quarry owing to some reasonable cause or if the Jelsce ccases to work with the prior permission of the Competent Officer. (G27 If the lessex, of his transferee or assignee, docs net allow any entry ‘or inspection under clause (xii) the Competent Office: may cancel the lease { ‘and forfeit in whole or in part the security deposit paid by the lessec. (rll) The lessee shall report all accidents to the Distriet Magisrate and TEDae Rectonsar a Palaeommety seo a TH (xviii) In case of breach by the lesiee or cof the conditions specificd in clauses Hx), (6)y(0), i), vil), Ga) G9), (si), GEA), id, (xiv) or GS) cf this Tuk, the Ceampeter Cicer shail ive notice in writing to the lessee asking him to remedy the breech within Mtirty days from the date of the notice, and if the breach is not remedied ‘within Such period) the Competent Officer may determine the kise. Ik cate Of breach by the lessee or hs transferce or assignee of any other conditicn OF the lease, the Competent Officer may require the lessee to pay a penalty ‘not excseding an amount equivalent to twice the amount of the anautl dead transfaree or assignce of any (¢xix) Government shall be immune fiom the lesec’s claims for damay ‘on account of any lind having been. induded in his lease which may s Scqusally be discovered not to have been available for the lease. (cx) The lessee or his transferee or assignee shall. not erect any building in contravention of the provisions cf any law forthe time being in force relating tothe erection of buildings or in contravention of any orders issued by any colicer o the author ct to issue Such orders under any such law ‘within whose jurisdiction the leased arca is situated. Government shall at all times have the right of pre-emption of the wi saan Ham in opt ch the leate has been panied: Provided that the fair market price at the time of pre-emption a i eet reeat tos moe ain — (exif) Right of the State or Central Government to construct any road, yf cabal reservoir of to catty. any clectic of telephone lines in ver the lands under the lease i reserved ; Provided that before such right is exercised, days shall be givento the lessee end the arca vtilized ty Government for fof the aforesad pusposes shall be excluded from the arca under the Kase. Shae var onaigg Revnos and Fore Deparinel Nox MMR rose Tea 168607, dnd Sts November 1904 = Ma a % (3) tern ster ateter endif areas: wrettet wr tere et ert guia wmfee Ten ats — (ee) mre score ere ereRateT, cnet sae fo, (er) arm sgarereh confine ebear atictren arttare seer (dt) ere ate, (ore) Seer mifeerat afer Ber erat Marte mms (rm) es wre ere Senet Beret reer ait. (8t1) aie er a8 Gefrearara. ) Sera feet : TG) RT ees dea Few crow Sas wx aft (3) cette fem aefira ora atte wet «ae are ee. (75) aR ee (cise) Eeher eee. (eat) see Terereten cronies ererare afirgs. aeT) sentra a arent fer ot arore aioe yaad nde mea oe (ara) rege ager areartre, ee free arene er we, aOy Fe etree tlt, eee, Sears, ere ae art ate 2) re afewrsrs MUTeRT ATR ae TI, ra ce er OBA, are agar ae tore Sera® afer: —aeerere, free 86 ek age Bae wie te opr a sth beck at a evar afer. (3) afro fe amt sr eee, (3) SB ge awa Teh «et are; (3) sees deren ware; (+) grater ect erg gored ee arf arent fant & fer Re eR; (4) sree nceeet x mares ener ee ; (5) dex cweareter sfitter gers ; (0) am seamed fitter th ae me woe Re. wie et afirere—aee afro age wa afer pete eer rant at a SERTe Sree AA, aT eer ATC a (2) A quarrying lease may contain such other conditions as the Competent ier may dorm necessary ip regard tothe following (Time limit, mode and place of payment of rents and royalti @ Compensation for damage to the land covered by the lease ; (if) Felling of trees 5 (i) Restriction of surface operations in any area prohibited by any auttority : 0) Notice by lessee for surface occupetion 5 (ri) Providing for proper weighing machines ; {i} Facilities to be tiven by the lessee for working other mineralsin the area of adjacent areas ; (iti) Entering and working in a reserved or protected forest ; s) Scouring pits and ehafts ; ) Indemnity to Government against claims of third pattics ; Ge) Delivery of possession over lands and mines on the surrender, ox: pitslon o detenaiantion ofthe fase ; (Gil) Forfeiture of property left after determination of kase ; Gli) Power to take possession of plant, machinery, premises and mines in the event of war or emergeney. (G) A quarrying leose may contain any other special conditions which the CCompstent Authority may spealy subject to the approval of Government, 19. of lesxe.—Subject to the conditions mentioned in rule 18, the Jessoe shall have the right, forthe purpose of his mining operations, to— Q) work mines or quarries ; (@) sink pits and shafts and construct buildings and roads ; @) erect plant and machinery ; (@ quarry and obtain building and road materials and make bricks, (9) wse water and take timber ; (6) wse land for stacking purposes ; ( doany other thing specified in the lease. 20. Lo etcmine lax. The lites may determine the lease at any time by: ‘not less tham six months? notice writing to the Competent R wT e em afertets afi aterit Sretter arewiet aeeits eat aferiteat avadta areazt 8 2a mr ered sete ear eer See a evel ye AT xen gga ery sar. 28. rath arentet (xe. ret) ag Hee Weems frei arent ere ste Bee 5 (3) afer ee spemertoe 92 (4), (8) (4) ve mfeA (4) (a) scar errmaguren fam 4¢ war Tehran we (ae), (aA), bald eeiCorh ish (rs), (ear), (aa), Sere) (re ), (ater), (Hirer), (aoa) seta, canitwade (ete) (era) wet Spregifirerd ar eaarefess wife ae (sre) & (aoe) Fea “ee ey” arr roareferr afar ate ( rer) Hea cer afergT en” eteTere, Pee a TH” ay mecrofe “agree” et moe See we, oT RTT. : aafigerigen eo airs cece everett Bat steer a (&) sore serra er ees sear ser ef, re aT ETE. figaiear arg, set, erergceris dx Fear eat oar Fregiirecaten sfirrifa srenet sre ret fen eeereT Fear ate geatafet or wer ata Fra ee 9a eraser afreiferr xe fen were car Paregefire ener? rere afagesteandant © ser gent: srenrear feet afigenterrsar a wate wate. fafmera) sefirgeare ere arent scedt, aoe fem araszartre ser fre ee Fen Herero vert fear eerafer wer, a Soe Fetes HY ecroins, tees (ow ears fre oO eet a CHAPTER I. (GRANT OF QUARRYING LEASE IN RESPECT OF LAND IN WHICH MINERALS [BELONG To Puavark: Pawoxs.. Yon of this Chapter.—The provisions of this, Chapicr stel! apply to quarrying leases granted by privale persens, 22. Retriton on gram of quar lease by private parsons. quarrying be subj bed case eranted by a private person shal ‘to the restrictons prescril inrles 3, 13 (1), @) and (4), 14and 16 (1) and shall be subject fo the Following eonditions j— the Af clauses (Cid, Cis), (Wi), (vil), Gx), (8). (89, GA), eid Gas Gy Gvipand Gon), Creuse (ipo Beaorpy fo such lease with the modification that in clauses (ii) and (iii), for the word stor” and in clauses (iv) and (xviii), for the words “ Competent Oar and ca Sause co) for the words “Competent Offcer™ and fi of Geology and Mining", the word “lessor” shall be substi- (@) The lessee may determine the Icase al any time by giving not less then six mow noticd a witine to the sor ne (©) The lease may contain such other conditions as may be agreed upon between the parties. eee 23. Submission of copy of lease — obiaivine a quarty cence pirate precibah wehiagiees seetse conten ee fof etecuticn of such fease, submit to the Collectors in whats jucscic'en the ‘cea of areas covered by such leweis or are situated -cetified copy ol the ase 24. Communication of transfer of assignment. Evcty sransferce of signee of a quarrying lease of any right title or interest therein, shell, within ons month of such transfer or assignmeat, inform the Collector within whose Jurisdicticn the area cr areas covered by such Isase is or are siluated, of the ‘tran‘fer or assignment and of the terms and conditions of such transferor ‘assignment. 25, Prohibition of premivm.—No person in granting cr transfeiting & a tease or any right title or iterest in any such lees shal ches any addition {0 or in lieu ofthe Surface rent, dead rent or royally speci fn such lease or such proportionate part offsuch fee, re=t ct roysl'y ss is payable in respect in the right, tle or interest transferred. 2. evahy for! grea Hoon lene tier Mate Mod It ‘pivate person gra 2g icate in contraventios of ay of the pr sie ice of accepts any premium in cotmsaverticn of tule 25, fhe shall b> punishable with imprisonment which my extend to tizee moaihs a wit fa which ay extend 0 Rs 1,000 cr wil bot snd th ese $0 gram 28 sho be void, wien qritviaar fer ‘dr te fers i Deft frat ere, oF rama feat, «oo a fear andes. RTT ATT var erfieeits afirs rere arate sects ora wferitert arate art ararat et Seo ere 23 elven er fer pie rent cafeetegs Simard oT TeaTeATEIAT o,c00 TART mgt af, aM mre a AEs Pawar, Ew: Freee TET ae Rant eek tet beer ra sie aetr ent after Ba ones arr er fite aOR, aT ee ee re were, TT Me, Fe Ht AN MT HE ET reg, freee re ft aR ee eon eTETT He, are cemrenefent ak—(4) a cematren ony ert oar (eR) aster are, gar anor exer. (Ser) remem oer ster afarensis tre cr sty fen ofr (ere) ster afr oer sersfenr arceremnt ste ot ae. (3), sts ot ates sre re ft edie sere ah oe, See eee ere or eee = aioe aft ware ar patent ache atte ex atte re hig sa greater ee gre eae ra are ATT Seer eee Soe ene sine airs roe Foren tor afrx areitgr areerefer eee anne is “4 wae “arene afar, wey Ferrer eb CaTHTHTT-9 0 23-9 423-1 8K T-0, feats § ee BR OE MeN ART HOOT TOT HTB. Seite ee FT, IE CTS TST cans ANS TTC Hep we TMT AT. oy 28. Penalty for failure Yo furnish retarns, ete.—Should any lessee or bis trans- feroe sg ofr te Jocunent oa Se ae ficd in rule 2300r 24 or refuse entry ot inspection by any officer authorised by or the Competent Officer or the Director of Geology and Mining under clause (ii) of sub-rule (I) of rule 18, he shall be punished with imprison. jnent for a term which may extend to one month er with fine which may ex. ‘tend to Rs. 500 or with both, a CHAPTER IV (GRANT OF QUARRYING PERMITS IN RESPECT OF LANDS IN WHICH MINERALS BELONG 70 GovERNnaT 29. oma rine ent: -—On and application made to him, the Competen ‘may grant a quarryi {to any person to extract and Femove from any spoevied and within te limits of his jutadictico ‘any minor mineral not exceeding, in quxstity 10.000 any One permit, on pay- ‘ment of such royaltics as epee nema i it not exceeding the royalties calculated at the rates specified in Schedule T to these rules and-also 8 payment of such land revenue and cesses a8 may be assessaple on the lands : Provided thet the C¢ ipetent Officer may refuse to grant such it for reasons to be recoded a wing a 2, tn aaa wiles vs Me ale SS em tins ee @ Name, address and profession of the applicant. ) Quantity of the minor mincral for which the permit is required. (ii) Name of the minor mineral to be extracted and removed. (iv) Description of the lands from which the minor mineral is to be exe tracted and removed. © Purpose for which the minor mineral is to be used. (2) Every epplicuion for a quarrying permit shal, if the lands from which the minor mineral is to bs extracted are Occupied lands, be accompanied by & letter from the occupant of such lands to.thoeffset that he as no objection to the extraction of the mineral by the applicant. 5 ication shall be accompanied by certified trve copies of the absent eset ofthe rary tat oe wh the ‘minor mineral is proposed to be extracted and removed. 31. Application fee—The application shall bs accompanicd by foo of "Rs. 26. IF the Competent Oloer refuses t the permit for, the Rs 26. ompetent 1o grant the permit applied for, *Provided that in the ofan lication for exiracting and removing a minor mineral not exceeding 10 brass quatty ie ee aah bere e “Tr Subsied de Government Notieaion, Revenue aad Forest Departeat Na. MMR 1052 1231686.7, dated 9th Novem | = Aes by Goveroment Notpenion Indes nd Coopention Departent No. MNIeSISSHTSOS MING, dat Sn Dees Bia e sein rh Ye reqrafesaea ced trata aamdt srrerefer ier gorrert Pr he fear Bren afore sok ere rec ae: RW eqempr var erate singe eee Sie a Tet —| ie TTS oe ae ae aT MG a ee yore ye wereerer Te TET ia) site eee emia ect tar are Hae eer STAT aT wafee wear aire — (a) we an cages Reavers sree, Rot caer aT 5 (3) sever infer thrid qeart went | (a) are area: le) Seemed Sirs. NT SRST OY qannretre rc) el (2) aioe ain erie ereearey afer angqegefeera tere at hes erefat ee area canes aire Bee he eer { sven eater sree ofa, eT RTT + (8). reaver ag sweeare areareie Sree fetrear stoma eft 5 "(q0) are (¢) net fatafac: thiet eteradt dvcarte fear cera MTech, aferdita oe crifirce merirenr firs atciret eer FOR anu eee oer at ae Tate Fe eT Fer we. (3), cece sear me aoe age oe oer er ea reat aR sehr | Gisela sbiehtolebs beech vay afi reerre aro myer et afirttre Be ret cant on neat aremren aie. aH G anits, gad afar gafester Be wt ae aerator onary stent fees eres — (4) extrwntardt enorezer fear rear arrears aT, (3), Bee eneeer fear ear He Ee, (3) serge gerhrenet corrnit arercevrs, a eer Faecrenr rede wet ste wren ante re wer. SS re Cie cee a aqare fer ate RUE RING AOR TORT- ANAS AEE aT HN ae THEN apr, REGS TT FAT ATS HUNAT TOCA, me er ace ermarra ais at. Saree sfingert, were farms, FATE CAMATA-RAS/ARVCR eT eed aan ene neUT TC reer ae. i Ty * Provided further thet in the case of an application for extracting and re- ¥ clay not exceeding 1,000 brass ia quantity, by village potters maken of tes of ick the Read Coe Se 7 NEE , 32, Conditions on which the qvarrrng permit shall be granted.—(1) (a) Every ‘quare) it granted under rul ‘contain a conditi Of the pit below the surface shall not exceed 29 feet. eae, (6) Any quacying poem ganted under rule 29 may contin such oiher ‘conditions as the ‘granting the permit may decm necessary in regard tothe 4 following matters :— (0) Time limit, mode and place of payment of rents and royalties ; | @) Compensation for damage to the land covered by the permit ; ) Felling of trees = ~ (@) Restriction of surface operations in any area prohibited by 2 (4) Ret oper May im ny any (©) Bering and working io any reserved or protected forest © Reporting all accidents; © indensity co Government against citims of thd parties ( Prigdwikin which the mina, mipe tall be extracel and ce gred and delivery of possession over lands on the such period cate emer Siabe genntty atthe mingt sional for chica be port ald: 5 ©) Forfsture of property lo after canclition of the permit = gg) Blvesing of ore holes and filing up fencing ll excavations in the land covered by the permit before delivery of postessicn over lands fon the expiry of the period szecicd tn tem (9) or on cancelation of the permit, Q) In case of breach of any of the conditions subject to which the permit is granted, the Compstent Officer may cancelit. On cancellation of the permit, the. quaricd materi lying on the land from which they are extracted shall ‘become the absolete property of the Goverment. CHAPTER V. Appzat, RavisiON AND Review |. Appeal.—Any person aggrieved by an order of a Competent Officer — [ 4 © refusing to grant a quarrying lease or permit Gi) determining or cancelling such lease or permi iv) refusing to peemit transfer of a quarrying lease, > may, within two months of the date of such order, appeal to Government. TAdied by Goverment Todesriesand Co-operation Dearimeat No. MNUSILARGEMING, dad oh Ostcber 1959, pe 2 Sulstitsed vide Government Netifcaton Reveeue and Forest Department No. MMR NSS, GHEE Novem BE 9 Added byy Government Notisestion, 1nduttties ant Co operation Department No MNL-zis4 98MIN, dated the 190 Ju 1958 RC Qe. yew (et) ate fram 22 art Been atte Aag WT Yo AEH waa aris. [ay afader anf erkargte ariaga aera anton caret area} mraaret are —aret ore Breet feriarear fiver feear arte tear frat atfrariast nfo sen afer arian cascade carat area arat Berane wae shrearen aheits fea arias afaee ater wat afer aarg wae: Ara, It Te See abst Gar Soaret sift Rae as ait afore HETTAR TATE ara TRIOS ATT Fear Seta ATE. Re. Tse area fear warm afer) waa: diaat Frar safes anarar ast fee dat eae: feat are far aie aif gar dae feeeur areers wala as eam yaar we waddle: wa— (4) aafre aafeerstt arg Qaenrfraet store ata azar fisar srefam atone anat 5 (2) aiterar fea ariadten seater maa sr aemata ats a& aes far ot nee gafeam ariardtar fad aac aren Fort are Griactet ert arat ; ae (3) aires Fear safer sar nzerat ariarét wae am area wan afanriingt qataeret eee Are 5 ee ea aati Qo. are qaat finer ae MoerTg ara far seq —arr cura wt far ae fray aretrdadt wre, fear arr gee fafafzc tect ator afrt Frac arornee wer Fear TTT, Tomer Fear qaures Berd wae, Pear TAT afemcacer tone ta ar daddy storardt sea fear fears faato area wea from or alfa a caanee idle, ae wa fear ae sete afrreet HUTT cred. Re. aitecore & frat wet —2 fran arora tongat ator afr fear ehrriear arrnaratear ATT aoraezr fear area mateY aaST ATT Fai wen, ware froma wea He Bho. Coreaite afirgaat, nage Fae fae aa CHOHATT-99CC-FEREVECETY, faain ¢ aleat 48 cy sent age HATA GTST ATE. Seraata afrgaat, WERE A at PAARL FAT CHOAATE-1008-992408-3, feat ¢ aiadlat 803 FAT Tae FLA ATW ATS. we 34. Fee.—At. appeal under rule 33 shall be accompanied by a fee of *Rs. $0. “35. Powers of state Government to call for and examine recorts and proceedings.—The State Government may cali for snd examine the records of ‘ating sea tothe ety ce prepily ct any deco gx cer passed itself, as to: ‘ot propriety jon os order anda tothe regulary of Une proceedings cf Pach oBicer Provided that, tho State Government shall not vary or reverse any order “affecting any question of right betweea private persoms without giving to the Parties a8 Opportunity to be beard, 36. Review. (I) The State Government ox the Competent Officer may, sitter suo moti, of On the application of any party intcrested, review any order passed by itself or himself or any of it or his predceessors in olllce and such ‘ders in reference thereto as it or he thinks fit: Provided that— ‘np order shall be Varied of reversed without giving the parties an eqportunity tos ward * serene ata rer fom which a appeal has be md, ox which i the eabje revision proceedings sball, so long as or proceedings are cere oe ‘appeal oF proceedings (2) No order shall be reviewed except on the following grounds, namely :— (© discovery of new and important matter or evidence ; (H) some mistake or error apparent on the face of the reccrd ; or ii) Any other sufficient reason. (3) An order which has been dealt within appeal or in revision shall not be reviewed by the Competent Ofer. (@) Orders passed in-review shall 09 no account be reviewed.) MisceLannous 31. Interpretation of lease. ‘quarrying Icase shall be j- pai ieee rere aera lease or any other matter or thing, construction of @ term or condition in the lease or anything connected with Ue quarries or minor mincrals specified in the lease, or the working or non-working of the quary, the amount of | of royalty or dead rent or its mode of paymeat to the Competent > for the decision of Government which shall be final and binding on the lessee. 38. Application of these rules to renewal —Where % quarrying lease aaher concession for guacying of a minor mie or iamerals ranted before the commencement ofthese rls renewed ses such commencement tee apply eewal as they apply ia relation nepal ote tecryieg eae ellen er ak Sn am 1 Sabatiioted vide Government Notification, Revenue and Fore Department No. MMR ~ 1082-1623-16866-7, dated 9th November 1984, a * Insert vide Goverumeal Notation, Revnde and Foret Departact No. MMR- orb iesssh ate Booster DT. = Fe *Eaeg. mh Fete see erie fowtend Me afer fee: — Tie seearaet Bige were oe Cee Met eter fea fete aT TCT Fisayare wercefr afr fanfics: weaiter army sete serfor eeare arene afrEaTT er afr arc fret fires Fre rg Aree rere PeekaTe wT sweater ugh]. © Aye. arena ta tert fer eres ea setae OG ae ce eee ee rv were ye a deh TTT oe, at meer, oe ma Uren are ET TAT AEE fe aT seg aa wy Ae]. ; fo. age ace Froese ter from (4824) } aferwaes AG, SRy 90 Dorian. Nalanda Seven en par sefee Fee a tier ere eT aie strom Fate SATS ered afirqeert, Serr < aeere feere ere cme 8q44 ee Peat BE Nia od AT TN we TMNT ATA. \ ered feng, Frere frre eats MATT §14¢%-(Q) OH, Peat Bo AIRE asiteaeed sees error ma oar a Nerney afer ARE TTT CATHATE GORI ECO RAT, feats ¢ aEETET 4808 Hee TT AGT TOMER ATT, 39. | Relexation of rules in special cases.—In any case ‘or class of cases in ich the Govecament is of the opinion that publie intrest to requis it may authorise the grant of 2 quarrying lease or a quarrying permil cn the terms conditions other than those prescribed in these ruless ee 'D9-A. Disposal of minor mineral by public auction in certain cases — Notwithstanding anything contained in the foregoing provisions. it shall be Lawl for a Compsient Oilcer to sell by Publi taclecree otherwise aes of the right to remove any minor mineral in such eases or class of cases. and’ om ful fem an conditions a the State Governmat may bya gencral or Special speci, *[9-B. Powers of State Government t0_ give. dlvections.—Netwithstanding anything contained in the foregoing provisions of these rules if the State Government is of opinion that itis necessary so to doin ths interest of la who work in mines, the State Government may by an. order io the Oficial Gazette either direet that in the matter of grant cf quarrying lease: or Guettying eases or quiring permits. under tese rules preference may be given (0 Cor ‘operative Labour Contract Societies registered or dccmcd to be registered under the Maharashtra Co-Bperative Societies Act, 1960" consisiing of such labourets ‘ot reserve any areo specified in the order in which such leases or permits may be granted to such Societies caly.) 40, Saving-N th ing in these rules shall affect the provisions of rules 67, 66, © 70 and 377 of the Land Revenue Rules (1) Taseried vide Goversmnent Noticailon, > and) Cooperation Departnest De Goverment saute No. IINL-2ISSM, dated 23th July 1957. ‘sid Cooperation Departneat 4 Incrted vide Gerernment Notication, De (A) M, dated ‘the 3004 November 1955,” SPH Pspartmect, No, MNLAI1S4 alnvered vie Governasent Notication, Reveeue and Forest Depurtie 1073-168309-B, dated 8th October 1973, Per own R afefne ¢ ceagen [firere gear] Rs. 1X00 per beam ‘Resolution, Reveaucand Fore Deparunent, Now MNR- Vide Gonerneneat sou, dae Sst Nay 85. afin pst ne fit ATE 1) @) @) wt to anit ah Sean renee secre Hk es Ge zt fear ‘ Br ee ae a | Sem): a eg atrerarnat seater Fat. o.oo aft ar. art, Oe (Site), one at sored ferwr 9. afer Ae ar * Meet ardgeeeminvae Scare ¢ Bratt art (fller’s earth), fire maze. x 8 aL re rane Sy OR Ne te MEE or Ft sftrara. qe wrcetarate |. tee RKO afer Res ca fiery 4e.ce afar egfefire 2 Aa aicere walter a (frre 94 92 cer) sete seat ecore fier Bren aie softer exit sede sre 4 Ratacce st aire. wrataram aa feomarert wrecr ating, Cet ee I RN Mineeal Rate of royaky 2 o 5. Ordinary earth wsed as filing s+ ss RS 2.50 per metric tonae o¢ RS. 10109 er Bras, 6 Slate and stale when used for building material .. RS. 5.00 per metic toane oF Be 20.00 per brass, 17 amb, Si and at pe of cays ec. uid for manu- RE. 128 per mete tonne oe Tactare of bekks and wiber purpares, Rs Sto per Bras 8 Fubkrsearth ormentonite .. + se RS 800 permetric tonne o¢ Re 3200 (pre brass t 9 All stoves intended fer use for decorative purposes RS. 15.00 per metric tonae of Hs 00 ‘per Beas. i 10 All othee minor mioerals «RS 240 per mesic tonoe oF RS 1000 pe Bras, “SCHEDULE IL - Tits of Dead Rents (See rues 16 and 18) E Per half hectare oF portion thercof ie Minimum Maximure \ Rs Rs, = 1. Specised Minor Minerals ze te = n100' 2s TL Allother Minor Minerals... S 10 * Aneaded vide Governinent Notification, Revenue and Fares’ Deparimca! No MMIR- 1082-1623-1686-G-7, dared Sth Noveaober 1984. GPN=A-T86—DGM-3—46—I062—RS* Bees arate sara fagendt feet “anes 4, Serer «rere ieee arog we Tore ater, Tore qure art, Wet voe oo FRA WRTKE, eqditae eraee terere (¥e meron «grag wee arewen eerrarefcct) (:oe0 exifine ferteferr) (us Fefewn, grr swe, a. @ rite de (gre Ser), ERE Kee 00h FARA: BROAN ocitue eredta dere eet fatten, uterewe afrezye ani, frre an, ft. arm. a. frareraNT, TH 99 co¥ ORT ARON. Smee. snows agerrea «dere fifges orkra, aTAqE Vee 004 mem BREN ocdtue ret era agrts, ahh Vie ‘YeMTETE ¥R{ oot Teer: HR. anf sgn emeteay eenit fing feet

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