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CHAPTER 12: Where Was Mama?


1 By now, you should have compiled a spelling list of many unfamiliar
words from Number the Stars. Check how many words you have on
your list. If you have less than 40, add to your list until it reaches 40
Here is the list (It is a long list )
1. Errand
2. Pillow Cases
3. Crocheted
4. Hand-Embroidered
5. Neckline
6. Sophisticated
7. Glowering
8. Exasperated
9. Pondered
10. Belligerently
11. Pleaded
12. Plodding
13. Halt
14. Sneering
15. Trudged
16. Curfew

17. Distracted
18. Torment
19. Scare
20. Command
21. Rushed
22. Murmur
23. Pounding
24. Shifted
25. Chuckled
26. Meadow
27. Vacation
28. Ripe
29. Pouncing
30. Darting of
31. Confessed
32. Condensing
33. Motionless
34. Extinguished
35. Gradually
36. Swastika
37. Resistance
38. Gnarled
39. Synagogue
40. Insolent
41. Ration
42. Deftly
43. Reluctantly
44. Occupation
45. Smuggle


1 Annemarie thinks of her Papa:
He would be awake, too. He would be wishing he could have come, but
knowing, too, that he must come and go as always.

Rewrite this excerpt in past tense.

He was awake, too. He was wishing he could have come, but already
knowing, too, that he has come and go always.
2 Is the novel written in the first person or the third person?
It is writen in first person (Annemaries point of view) Also a mix of third person
point of view.
3 Select three sentences that say something about Annemarie doing
something. Write them out, then re-write them in first-person.
Annemarie walked down the stairs. She ate breakfast. Then, she took a shower.

First Person View (Annemaries point of view):

I walked down the stairs. I ate breakfast. Then, I took a shower.
1 Lois Lowry often deliberately creates suspense. Write out a sentence
or short passge that is suspenseful. Then explain why it creates a
sense of curiousity and concern in the reader.
Annemarie was running down the stairs. There was somone, with a black jacket
and shiny boots, as well as a gun. Annemarie was so scared. Then when she
hide, she did not know what happened. The man shot the gun. It really
frightened Annemarie. The bullet almost hit Annemarie. She kept on running, she
saw a bomb, and she stepped it...
I think this passage that I just randomly created creates a suspenfull, scary and
curios feeling to the reader because they are curios and like want to keep on
reading because they want to know what happen, I mean like at the end it says
that Annemarie stepped on the bomb, and it is pretty such a mystery that people
just cant handle it because they want to know what happen, and they keep on
1 There is a famous quote from a man called Viktor Frankl:
The last of human freedoms is the ability to chose one's attitude in a given set of
Who was Viktor Frankl? What circumstances did he endure? What was
his attitude in those circumstances?
Viktor Frankl was an Australian neurologist and psychiatris as well as a Holucast
Survivor. I cant find the info, I cant understand the question.
1 Personal reflection: What are the hardest circumstances you have
ever had to endure?
It is when I am a student in like, I think in Grade 4, I got a mean teacher that it is
so hard to do my work, I mean that I have to be like perfect.
Read Romans 15:5-6, Philippians 2:5-8, Ephesians 4:22-24 and 1 Peter 4:12. How should our attitude be?

Well, acording to what the bible verses said, I think what it means is that we have to
follow God, I mean have a godly character. We all also need to die for God, because
he already die for us.

CHAPTER 17: All This Long Time


For each of the main characters, summarise their fate by the end of the
The people of Copenhagen: They are all happy, they enjoy their time; they
dance, sing on the roads, celebarating the end of war.
Mama and Papa: They are all happy as well, they are satisfied with everything
they done; they are really like felling free of all the tension from lying to Nazi
soilders as well as doing secret stufs.
Lise: Well, since she died, I cant tell about her, but she died because a German Car
pushed her so that she die.
Annemarie: Annemarie was really like free from all of the things that were really
scary. She was also, too was curios.
Kirsti: Well, since she did not really know that much about secret stuf, she might
actually think that she was like happy that the war is over.
The Rosen Family: Well, I cant tell really about what happened to them but I think
they are also feeling happy and free.
Peter: Peter was also dead, I mean like because he was shot I believe by the
German Soilders.

Uncle Henrik: He felt free in my oppinion as well. He was also the one that plan
like everything that is secret; his tension was also all gone.

1 What is something that you will always remember from studying
Number the Stars?
Well, what I always remember (I think) from studying Number the Stars is the
evil Nazi Germany, as well as Mr. Ed too because he is the teacher and he is
kind and funny
2 How has your English improved through studying this text?
I dont know, maybe some words that I dont know, it might improve my
3 What is something that you have learnt that you can apply to your
1 thing that I remember to apply to life is not asking things that I should not
know. I sometimes ask my mom about things that I should not know and it just put
me into trouble, which is kind of sad. So, I always remember to not ask too many
things, which is what Annemarie do, I mean she ask quite a lot of questions, and it
kind of makes trouble. So, I think it is better to ask further questions when the event
is over. That is what moral that I could take from this book I think. I like the book so

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