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Mary Ann Medel

Prof Anna Melinda T. De Ocampo
English 10
October 23, 2015
Definition of the concept: LGBTQIA
Sexual orientation refers to the sex of those to whom one is sexually and romantically
attracted. It refers to an enduring pattern of emotional, romantic, and/or sexual attractions to
men, women, or both sexes. While these categories continue to be widely used, research has
suggested that sexual orientation does not always appear in such definable categories and
instead occurs on a continuum. In addition, some research indicates that sexual orientation is
fluid for some people. This is how the American Psychological Association defines the term
sexual orientation. In the description above, the audience is informed that the term Sexual
orientation refers to a persons sense of identity based on the said attraction. Sexual
Orientations can be Non-Binary, or where ones sexual orientation that does not fit in the binary
between male or female or Binary, or where ones sexual orientation is defined to either
masculinity or femininity. Under the Binary Sexual Orientation are Heterosexuals, Homosexuals,
Bisexuals and Asexual. This paper will focus on defining the enumerated non heterosexual,
binary sexual orientations that build up the initials LGBTQIA.
The term LGBTQIA stands for Lesbianism, Gay, Bisexual, Transsexuals, Queer or
Questioning, Intersex and Asexual or Ally. This initialism was first used in 1988 where activists
used it to present a diverse and united community of sexual identity to halt the oppression of
non-heterosexuals. Though many argue that using the term LGBTQIA is separatism, the
LGBTQIA community strives to encompass all individuals in smaller communities and includes


those not specifically identified in the initialism. To expound on the advocacy of LGBTQIA, we
must first try to define the sexual orientations they stand for and how they are treated in our
The term Lesbian came from the Greek island named Lesbos where the poet Sappro, a
poet who focused her work on the beauty of women and proclaimed her love for girls, resides
(Aldrich 47- 49). There are numerous definitions of lesbian, from someone who identifies as a
lesbian to a woman-identified woman or a woman who has intercourse with another
woman. This means that in general, the definition of what lesbian is or the whole LGBTIQA
varies on how one choose to see it, as something behavioral, affective or cognitive (Laumann et
al., 1994). In history, Magnus Hirschfeld referred same-sex attraction as an invertion and
called homosexual women invert (Aldrich 168). Richard von Kraft-Ebing and Havelock Ellis
wrote the earliest female homosexual attraction. In 1920 characterizations of female affection
were connected to sexuality with them being considered as prostitutes if they wandered in
Harlem or Greenwich Village, communities known for their growing homosexual community.
This made the public mark lesbians as a unique and often unflattering group (Faderman 297 313). During the time of great depression, talking about lesbianism is a taboo which made
homosexual women find it necessary to put up a front. As a solution, they marry a homosexual
male to pursue (Faderman 94 - 96). Psychiatrists then came up with therapies that was used to
suppress homosexual feelings and/or create heterosexual feelings. These treatments vary from
having their breast amputated to having their uteri removed to aversion therapies using
electricity. In media, 1990s gave rise to a number of films which featured lesbians or about
lesbians as before media depicted lesbians to one-dimensional (Schlager 389 390). And


recently, Philippine television has made an effort to raise awareness about lesbians by producing
a television show whose main characters are lesbians.
The term Gay was first used to express happiness or joy. Before this term, homosexuals
called sodomites or queer. In 1920s the word gay was became an extension of the word's
sexualized connotation of "carefree and uninhibited", which implied a willingness to disregard
conventional or respectable sexual mores. In 1922, Gertrude Steins Miss Furr & Miss Skeene is
arguably the earliest trace of the word gay that refers to homosexuality. Gay nowadays have
various definitions like the lesbian, but is well known as being attracted to members of the
same sex ( American Psychological Association ). Before the modern days, sexual acts with the
same sex in a lot of places throughout the world are punishable by lifelong imprisonment or
death. In 13th century, Pope Gregory IX had lead an inquisition where sodomites are punished by
banishment or amputation or burning at the stake. Another example is in 1950s England, where
the police in England have actively enforced the prohibition of sexual acts between male, there
were at least 1000 men that were arrested in England and Wales (Day). Though these antihomosexual laws were rescinded in Europe, there are still countries that exercise this law. An
example is in 2005 in Iran where two gay male teenagers were executed (Vatican Council). In
the 20th Century, conversion therapy was used for homosexual males. In media, before 1990s like
the media portrayal of lesbians, the media portrayal of gay is stereotypical with male homosexual
effeminate and a source of ridicule. Nowadays western television has depicted the diversity of
male homosexuality.
The term Bisexual in context is the attraction, be it sexual or romantic, of one person on
another person whose gender can be either male or female. A bisexual identity does not need to
to be equated into equal attraction to either of the sexes, a person is bisexual though he or she


prefer one gender or another (Rosario et al., 2006) . Others define bisexuality as being open to
new experiences and/ or confusion or discomfort with ones sexuality. There are studies that
argue that lesbians and bisexuals is more masculine than a heterosexual woman as they have
higher amount of testosterone in their body (LeVay 129 - 190 ). Bisexuals, like any person that is
non-heterosexual, are targets of discrimination of not only heterosexuals but also of gay men and
lesbians. The identity of bisexuality itself has also been a subject of debate, as it has been argued
that bisexuality itself does not exist with bisexuality not following heterosexist view and the
monosexist view. It can be assumed that though the LGBTQIA has advocated advancement in
equality, bisexuals as themselves are still not widely accepted by heterosexuals, gays and
lesbians. I can say as well that even though there have been a lot of films and television shows
with bisexuals as their subject, its portrayal is one-dimensional and stereotypic.
The term transsexual was coined by Magnus Hirschfeld in 1923 by introducing the term
Transexuallismus as he supervise a genital reassignment surgery. Harry Benjamin defined
transsexual in his book, The trassexual phenomenon, as people who feel "that they belong to the
other sex, they want to be and function as members of the opposite sex, not only to appear as
such. For them, their sex organs, the primary (testes) as well as the secondary (penis and others)
are disgusting deformities that must be changed by the surgeon's knife Though Benjamin
defined it with male sex change in mind as a comparison, it is widely accepted today that the
meaning of transsexual is a person who wants to be and function as a member of the opposite
gender of their biological gender. In our society, only a handful of countries let a transsexual to
change their name and gender to reflect their gender identity. LGBTQIA advocates the adoption
of the name and pronouns identified by the person himself or herself.


According to Fred Sainz, the Q is LGBTQIA can either be Questioning or Queer.

Questioning it refers to the questioning of ones gender, sexual orientation or identity or all of the
three (Webber). This also refers to one person who is exploring their own gender and is
concerned on the labels that he or she commits to. Queer is said to be an umbrella term for nonheterosexuals. Originally the term queer means an object, place or a person that is strange and
peculiar. It was used in the 19th century to refer to a man that is effeminate (Foldy 22). But in
1980s, Queer was used as a neutral or positive identifier by the then LGBT community. a flier
given by an organization called Queer Nation said Well, yes, gay is great. It has its place. But
when a lot of lesbians and gay men wake up in the morning we feel angry and disgusted, not gay.
So weve chosen to call ourselves queer. Using queer is a way of reminding us how we are
perceived by the rest of the world. Nowadays, there are members of the LGBT community who
refuse to use this term as it has socio-political connotations.
Intersexuals are individuals with variations in their sex characteristics that does not allow
an individual to be identified as male or female (Money et., al). Intersexuals can identify
themselves as either of the binary gender or not identify themselves as one or can identify
themselves as one and later change their gender identity. A can refer to Ally or Asexual. An ally
refers to an individual who supports the movement of LGBTQIA. Asexuals are individuals who
lack the ability to be sexually attracted and have low interest in sexual activities (Bogaert).
Bogaert also defined Asexuals as individuals who are low on attraction for both sexes. Like the
issues that surround bisexuals, Asexuals are also a target of discrimination. In fact a study
reported that people are more prejudiced and discriminatory on Asexuals more than other sexual
minorities (MacInnis et., al).


Diverse as a rainbow, that is what LGBTQIA is. It is composed of non-heterosexual

individuals who are fighting for acceptance. In our heteronormative society, we must help raise
the awareness of LGBTQIA to stop the violence and harassment against their community. A
solution is to provide media materials that depict these non-normative sexual minorities in a way
that shows their diversity.


Works Cited

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