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Study Guide- Asexual Reproduction, Mitosis and Meiosis

Asexual Reproduction
1 parent
created identical offspring (daughter cells/organisms)
o same # and type of chromosomes
o same genes
Types of Asexual Reproduction
Budding- yeast and hydra produce offspring which start as a bulge attached to the parent,
and eventually breaks away from the parent

Binary Fission- one-celled organisms such as paramecium, amoeba, or bacteria split in half to
become two new cells

Sporulation- mushrooms and mold release spores which can develop into new organisms
which are identical to the parent

Regeneration- if an organism is cut into pieces, or a body part cut off, the pieces can grow
into new organisms and/or the organism can regrow the missing piece
o ex. planarian flatworm, starfish

Vegetative Propagation- a method by which plants can reproduce by asexual reproduction

o tip- Dont get confused by the word bud. Some plants have buds that grow into new
plants (ex. potato buds), but this is still a form of vegetative propagation, not budding.
! *If its a plant or a vegetable, its vegetative propagation.

a form of cell division
how body cells asexually reproduce to create more identical body cells
allows your body to grow, replace old/dead cells, and repair wounds/damage
miTOsis makes Two cells from One
miTOsis creates the cells in your Toe (and other body parts)
before the cell can divide, an exact copy of the DNA must be made
one cell division
the resulting daughter cells have the same number and kinds of chromosomes as the parent

Sequence: Interphase " Prophase " Metaphase " Anaphase " Telophase " Cytokinesis
o Interphase and Cytokinesis are not technically part of mitosis, but are the before and
o How to remember the order: I Play Music At The Club





Differences between plant and animal cell mitosis:

Animal cells have centrioles, plant cells do not
During telophase, plant cells form a cell plate between the two nuclei. This is like a baby cell
wall and will eventually develop into the cell wall when the cells separate

Cell plate

The type of cell division that produces sex cells (gametes: eggs and sperm) that are used in
sexual reproduction
The cells produced in meiosis contain half the genetic material of the parent cell, and each
usually has a different combination.
o This random sorting of genes in meiosis contributes to the variation seen in species
In meiosis, 1 parent cell undergoes 2 cell divisions to become 4 daughter cells (either eggs or
sperm), each of which have half the chromosomes of the parent cell.

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