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Frankie Allen

October 12, 2015

English 2010
Rhetorical Analysis

Rhetorical Analysis of Is Humanity Suicidal?

Edward O. Wilsons Is Humanity Suicidal? was published in Reading for Writers in
2014. In his essay, Wilson, aims to persuade people to be more conscious of the effect they are
having on the environment by using pathos, ethos, and logos. In the midst of uncertainty,
opinions on the human prospect have tended to fall loosely into two schools, (109) states
Wilson before he goes in depth to describe the two schools he is referring to, and they are
exemptionalism and environmentalism. He places himself in the school of environmentalism,
and uses this essay in an attempt to persuade his audience into believing that the theory of
exemptionalism is more threatening and dangerous to the earth than the theory of
Wilson begins his essay with a detailed story of himself imagining an alien civilization on
an icy moon of jupiter. This alien civilization has been watching over earth for thousands of
years waiting for an event called the Monument, this event will indicate that the species,
known as humans, have taken over to control the earth. This event occurs when there are various
geographical things that occur, such as the forests shrinking to less than half their original size,
atmospheric carbon dioxide levels rise to the highest level they've been at, and so on. The author
is describing the negative effects the humans have had on the world, coming from an outsider
looking in perspective. Wilson is using pathos because he playing on their emotions in an attempt

to make them agree with his theory. Most people would be fearful of those events taking place
in the world. They have recorded millennial cycles in the climate, interrupted by the advance
and retreat of glaciers and scattershot volcanic eruptions, (107) states Wilson while talking
about the scientists of the far away planet who have been studying earth. Wilson is using the
knowledge of people being fearful of these things happening to his advantage by telling the story
of the alien civilization, and the things they have observed.
The essay continues on with Wilson stating that, many scientists believe it was a
misfortune for the living world that a carnivorous primate and not some more benign form of
animal made the breakthrough( 107). Again describing the negative effects humans are having
on the world, but this time he is using ethos to show his audience that he is a credible source. He
is talking about things that scientists believe that go along with his beliefs. Through out his
whole essay Wilson continues to quote different scientist and what they believe to be true about
what is and will happen to the earth if things stay the way they are. In the quote Wilson talks
about a saying used by French ecologists to describe the growing population, At first there is
only one lily pad in the pond, but the next day it doubles, and thereafter each of its descendants
doubles, (109). By quoting scientist, and saying, many scientists believe it is making
himself sound more credible and show he is a reliable source because he isn't the only one that
thinks these things, scientist do too.
Wilson states that in our relentless search for meat and food we are polluting the air and
water, lowering the water tables, and extinguishing species in the process. He is conveying all of
the horrible things that humans are doing to the world, and talking about the negative side of
things to convince the audience that exemptionalism is a danger to the world and all things living
on it. Yet the awful truth remains that a large part of humanity will suffer no matter what is

done, (111) is a statement that is very powerful and will make any skeptic rethink at least some
of their own theories. It is a statement that is using the power of logos to persuade his audience.
Wilson is giving us facts and logic, that we all know are true. Anyone can look outside and see
the pollution in the air, or the lowering in the water tables. Those are measurable things that are
facts. We know that a portion of humanity will suffer and has suffered even if we change now.
Wilson is using facts that cannot be argued to prove his point, and that makes the above quotes
some of the most powerful ones in his essay.
Just when it seems that Wilsons whole essay is going to have a negative and pessimistic
tone he concedes that, even though humans are doing countless things to ruin the earth, he still
has hope for us as a species. Wilson did a very good job of conveying his point, and using
relevant supporting facts to back up the things he was saying. It is hard to argue and not be
persuaded by facts. He used pathos, ethos, and logos to his advantage and really used them well
to persuade his audience in making his theory seem very appealing and true. Wilson made some
great points, and used some powerful statements that were also very persuasive at the same time.
It was captivating how passionate he was about the subject, and that makes you want to listen to
what he has to say. Towards the end of his essay he even answers the question posed in his title,
My short answer- opinion if you wish- is that humanity is not suicidal in, at least not in the
sense just stated, (111).

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