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Automate: to make something happen automatically(no help form people)

Computer science: the art of blending human ideas and digital tools to

increase problem solving power

Computer scientist: a person who is skilled at modifying problems for digital

Data: information including facts samples names
Environment: the world we live in
Interface: it has something to do with a company
Open source: a source that was created for free use
Programming: writing instructions for a digital tool.
Simulation: pretending to be the real thing

September 18, 2015

Encode: to find out a code

Decode: to make a new code
moveForward(); makes the bird move
turnRight(); makes there bird turn right
for (var count = 0; count < 5; count++) {
} repeats it five times
for (var count = 0; count < 3; count++) {
} have to use it and repeats three times
while (notFinished()) {
} doesnt stop till it reaches its target
if (isPathLeft()) { } this block will give you a turn
if (isPathForward()) {
} else {
} this block says that move a head then d
Computational thinking: a method of problem solving that helps computer

scientists prepare problems for digital solutions

Abstraction: removing details from a solutions so that it can work for many

Algorithm: a lists of steps that allows to complete a takes
Decompose: to break a hard problem up into a smaller easier ones
Pattern: a theme that is repeated many times
Program: intrusion that can be understood and followed by a Machine
Decompose: figure out the base problem
Patterns: common characteristics similarities

Abstractions: minimalize the words needed to describe whats needed to be

Algorism: creating a list of directions to get an objective complete

penColour('#ff0000'); makes the line a color

move Forward(100); move forward 100 pixels

turn Right(90); turn right in a 90 degrees

penColour(colour_random()); a random color

function: a piece of code that can be called over and over

function call: a place in your program where you call function you have defined

function definition: the place where you assign a series of action to one easy

conditional: a statement that is either true or false depending on the

if statement: a line that determines whether or not to run a certain code or chunk

else: another way to say otherwise

increment: to add a certain amount once or many times

decrement: to subtract a certain amount once or many times

nested statements: a statement inside another statement

fill(); fill in a hole


dig(); dig a hole

while (isPathForward()) { move forward as much as you can

while (holePresent()) {when there is a hole fills in the hole

if (pilePresent()) { remove

moveForward(50); moving a certain way

turnRight(60) turning right 60 degrees

for (counter = 50; counter <= 90; counter += 10) {

// draw_a_square draws a square for you

Ip: an agreed set of requirements for delivering packets across a network

IP address: a number assigned to any item that is connected to the internet

DNS: the services that translate URLs to IP addresses

URL: an easy to remember address for calling a web page

Internet: a group of computers and serves that are networked together

Network: a group of things that are connected to each other

Packets: small chunks of information that has been carefully formed from lager
chunks of information

Routing: finding the best path through a networks

Servers: computers that exist only to provide information to others

Fiber optic cable: a cable uses light to send information

WI-FI: a wireless method sending information using radio waves

DSL/CABLE: a method of sending information us telephone or television


getNectar(); grab nectar from plant

makeHoney(); make honey

if (nectarRemaining() == 1) { get necter from a unknown flower

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