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Plug flow, or tubular, reactors consist of a hollow pipe or tube through which reactants dow Pictured to the left are some examples of plug flow reactors GENERAL INFORMATION EQUIPMENT DESIGN J USAGE EXAMPLES. ] ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES | REFERENCES ) (Courtesy of Snap-Tite Inc. , Brie, PA) BACK TO PREVIOUS MENU ) REACTORS: PFR: General Information Plug dow reactors, also known as tubular reactors, consist of a cylindnical pipe with openings on each end for reactants and products to Dow through, az shown on the right Plug flow reactors are usually operated at steady-state. Reactants are continually consumed as they flow down the length of the reactor. BACK TO PREVIOUS MENU ) = (Comtesy of High Pressure Equipment Co., Brie, PA) PAGE 10F1 REACTORS: PFR: Equipment Design The movie on the left shows the operation of a plug flow reactor. Plugs of reactants are continuously fed into the reactor from the left. Ag the plug flows down the reactor the reaction takes place, resulting in an axial concentration gradient. Products and unreacted reactants flow out of the reactor continuously. BACK TO PREVIOUS MENU ) PAGE 1 OF2 REACTORS: PFR: Equipment Design | ug How reactors may be onfigured as one long tube or a umber of shorter tubes, They ‘atige in diameter from a few entimeters to several meters e choice of diameter is based on construction cost, pumping cost, and heat transfer needs e picture on the right shows a sassembled tubular reactor om Bo BACK TO PREVIOUS MENU ) ly % eo (Coutesy of High Pressure Equipment Co., Brie, PA)

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