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December 7, 2015

Dr. Leslie Bruce

English Department
800 N. State College Boulevard
Fullerton, CA 92831
Dear Dr. Leslie Bruce,
Throughout the semester I have been improving on my writing techniques. This letters purpose
is to help you understand how I have met the student learning outcomes (SLOs). Although we
have worked on many different documents I chose to present in this portfolio a guide page from
the iFixit project, a few slides from the presentation, and a peer review. The documents are
presented from major assignment to minor assignments. Order of assignments is not significant
because I believe all the documents show my growth. SLOs are in no particular order.
The first document included in this portfolio is a guide from the iFixit project. With this
document I present accomplishment of SLOs: Rhetorical focus (with the exception of informal
writing), organization and focus, academic language and design, and collaboration. The guide
was written for a variety of audience because anyone can look up the guide on iFixit and use it
meeting the rhetorical focus SLO. Since the guide targeted multiple audiences we used iFixits
layout and focused on accommodating for the different audiences completing SLOs organization
& focus and academic & design. Throughout the whole project as a team we would send
feedback on how best to display the guide which I believe fulfils SLO collaboration.
In the second document presented I was able to apply all the SLOs. The document presents nine
slides of a presentation. This presentation was based on doing research on sexual violence and
conflict minerals and citing them as you can see in slide 9, meeting SLO ethical research. As a
group we worked during class and outside of class and created a power point that spread across
the dangers of buying conflict minerals which fulfills SLO rhetorical focus. SLOs persuasive
argument, organization & focus, and academic language & design were met because we were
able to communicate the dangers these conflict minerals bring to the community that suffer from
this and how we as individuals contribute to the problem; this can be seen throughout slides 1-8.
As a group we were able to appeal to our audience and allow them to see the problem and
convince them to make a change in their personal life to stop them from unknowingly
contributing to the problem.
The third and final document presented in the portfolio is a peer review that I wrote for a
classmate for their resume. This peer review fulfils the informal portion of the rhetorical focus
SLO. Looking at the peer review you can see that I was able to give positive feedback and
suggest improvement to their resume which meets the SLO collaboration.

This semester has been filled with valuable learning assignments and as a writer I feel like I have
grown. The knowledge I learned in this class will help me in the future with any career I chose to
follow. One of these skills that I have learned that will help me in my future career is how to
effectively communicate via e-mail. I do realize that there is room for improvement and I plan to
work on these skills.
Elizabeth Hernandez
M/W 10-11:15am

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