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Tyanna Billy

AIS 301W
Professor D. Joseph

Title of Project: After School Program for Page High School Students
Organization Information: This program is a non- profit organization that only wants to provide
education to the youth of Page High School. It is a newly founded organization that will start fall
of 2016. There have been no donations from the Safeway Foundation or any other grant program
Organization Legal Name: Youth are the Future
Organization Location: Page, AZ 86040
Mission: The project is important because it is involving the youth, who are the future of the
world. The negative stereotypes will decrease as times progresses. The intention is to see some
changes within the school as well as the community. The purpose of the program is to start
making changes that will impact the youth because they are going to define where the problems
Project Proposal
Problem Statement: The youth in any ethnicity, have problems to face within society. They are
not given the attention they need in order to succeed. The most important issues are about the
health and wellness of the youth. Some examples are:


Inactive physically

Lack of nutrition

There are a lot more issues that the youth of the world are facing, but what needs more attention,
for now, is their Health & Wellness. There are a limited amount of programs that focus to
promote the health and wellness of youth, preventing bad habits that lead to health risks. The
American Indian youth population is at risk for health problems with the lifestyles they live. The
health problems can be fixed but first there has to be a starting point, then from there branch off
to other areas.
A after school program at a border town school will be the start of something big. It will bring
attention to communities and impact the students futures everywhere.
Objectives: At Page High School there are after school programs such as school clubs, sports,
and musical activities for students to participate in. However, the youth need support that can
educate them about tobacco, alcohol, drug prevention, why nutrition, physical activity, and
sexual education are important, and how violence can be prevented. The students of Page High
School will be informed that an after school program is available and it has no charge or
qualifications, such as low income families, they do not need to put in any money for their
student/s to participate. Parents will also be sent a proposal of the program and why it is being
offered. The goal of this program is to promote the health and wellness of the youth in the Page
High School.
The specific aim and objective of the project is:
AIM 1. Educate students on the benefits of positive health & wellness behaviors to impact
academic achievement.
a) Plan activities and team builders so the youth can move around, as well as learn to work
together in a team.

b) Be involved in a class room setting that has fish bowel speaking, debate activities, and
setting acting.
c) Know the rights and wrongs of proper health and wellness for the body.
d) Introduce the students of Page High School about healthy food preparation, how to make
the food as well as offer them a free meal which is healthy.

Project Plan: The target start date of this after school program is to start fall 2016 and spring
2017, there will be as session each semester. The sessions will be three weeks long, in the fall the
first session will start October 10th to October 28th then for the spring the second session will
start February 20th to March 10th. Throughout this three week period the after school program
will be held every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon, with two sessions back to back. These
sessions will be from 3:22pm (five minutes after school out) to 4:30pm (when the first afterschool bus leaves). The second session if students have permission to stay that long will be from
4:35pm to 5:40pm; this will leave twenty minutes for the student to wait for the last after-school
bus. The after school program will be held at Page High School Unified School District for the
students of Page High School. The program will be occupying three classrooms. Having three
classrooms is a precaution since there is no true number of how many students will attend, but if
all three classroom need to be used they will be. This program will be newly founded so the
groups will be decided by how many participants attend. But the rough number estimated to
attend will be around 25-50 students maximum. So this means if 50 students attend, then each
group will have ten.
The students will be sorted randomly in each group and at the start of each session there will be
icebreakers to get the students talking and engaged in the topics, as well as fun lessons with
interesting and creative projects about the topics. Each session has a few lessons associated with

it; these lessons will either be in a classroom, outside area, kitchen, or gym. The lessons that take
place in the classroom will have to do with tobacco, alcohol, and drug abuse, sexuality
education, and violence prevention with workshops that are demonstrations, experiments, media
entertainment, and guest speakers with interesting activities associated with their presentation or
games associated with a topic. When a group goes outside it might be for any of the lessons
whether its the ones done in a classroom, a team builder activity, or physical activity. The final
activity has to be done in the kitchen because there needs to be access to a stove, oven, fridge, or
any other materials for the culinary class. This lesson plan will be sorted out evenly between
students, if a student already did this activity within a week they need to make room for another
student to be involved in it. The students will be asked if they want to take this lesson or if they
want to take another, nothing will ever be enforced to the students, but it would be respectful for
them to attend each workshop for their own knowledge building.
As time progresses, there will be small assessments after a few lessons to know that the
information is being clearly taught to the students of Page High School. After each week of the
three week sessions, the students will be sorted into groups that will do a small fun, educational
presentation about a topic they have learned about. These presentations will be used to as
advertisement that shows the students are learning something from this program. One goal for
this program is to expand to other schools within the Page Arizona area. When this program is
adding more students and staff there will be a consideration to add an after school program at the
middle school and elementary schools.
There will be volunteer opportunity contact information on the ads that say to contact Tyanna
Billy either by phone, text, or email for further information on how to become involved in the
after school program for Page High School. Since this after school program needs staff in order

to expand to each of the other schools in the Page area, there will be slots open all the time and
volunteer hours will be flexible between 4:30 pm to 5:40pm.

Contributions: Safeway will be recognized as the main sponsors of the program. The set deadline
for the printed ads will be at the beginning of fall semester 2016. After the printing of the ads we
can then ask Page High School to advertise the after school program at freshman orientation and
to put them in all of the back-to-school letters that are sent to the students enrolled at Page High
School. When the advertisement ads of the after school program comes out there will be a logo
of the Safeway Corporation on it and will include why and how Safeway is associated with the
program. The main purpose of an ad is to prove that a community store supports the health and
education of the youth at Page High School and as the program expands, the youth of the City of
Page. We would like to request a group picture of the store manager/s, store workers (checkers,
stockers, deli, floral, meat dept., etc.) to show faces from the Page Safeway. This will show the
viewers of the ad the strong contributions that are coming from the Page Safeway, maybe the
store managers could be interviewed by the program organization and the feedback can be
advertised on the ads. It would be extremely helpful if the Safeway Foundation post volunteer
opportunities for the Safeway employees. There will always be a need for volunteer help in the
program. To expand on the interviews, maybe some of the employees would like to share their
feedback on volunteer opportunities they experienced attending the program.


Current W-9 (signed)
Most recent IRS 501(c)(3) determination letter
Program/Event Budget
Non-Discrimination Policy
Additional documentation to support your request (optional)
Additional documentation to support your request (optional)

Budget Form

Total Requested: (not to exceed)







Food Donations from local Safeway #0249

Budget Justification:
Project Manager, Tyanna Billy is responsible for the program and chooses not to be paid.
Assistant Project Managers (2) will carry out program objectives in the absence of the Project
Manager. Each Assistant Manager will be paid $275.00 for contributing there time to the
program for a month session. There pay will be split up every two and a half hours every
Tuesday and Thursday for a total of thirty days, which will be for 75 hours.
Mentors (7) will provide lessons to students addressing health and wellness for two and a half
hours after school every Tuesday and Thursday for a total of thirty days. Each mentor will be
compensated at $350.00 for their time. There pay will be similar to the assistant managers; the
salary will be split up evenly.
Supplies The cost for supplies will be spilt up between equipment for the culinary class, not
including food, the gym activity equipment, and classroom setting utensils.
Equipment Other costs are for communication, which is radios for the manager, assistant
mangers, and mentors. This will be the main communication throughout the program. Then the
travel costs will be used for emergencies such as hospital visits and when students miss the bus
or have no transportation after the after school program. It will be used for gas money.
Indirect cost will not be funded by the Safeway Foundation. Page High School will pay this cost
for lending their grounds to this program. It will include the gym, some classrooms, outside
grounds, and utilities within the buildings.

*See attached page for the Budget form for the after school program.


Indirect Costs
Page High School Grounds

Page High School Gym
Page High School Classrooms (3)
Culinary Room



Charges may vary depending on dona

by P.H.S.

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