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VEO AMO eveclnese yen cl (on sy WRI leeeiee-USsLRs t Companion CD-ROM “,) AWVECA UNTIL e) cas CeCe Oy SONS cuarren 1 ccnarren 2 cunrren 3. cchapren cHarren 5 ccxarTen 6 Contents Clinical Application of Foundational Sciences, 1 Examination, 83 Foundations for Evaluation, Differential Diagnosis and Prognosis, 131 Interventions, 191 Equipment and Devices, 247 Safety and Professional, 291 Selected Bibliography and Suggested Readings, 345 Index, 353 Clinical Application of Foundational Sciences ‘The sins node is oated in what chamber ofthe bear? 2 Let ati b Righeatium ©. Left vente Right venice ‘Wherein he asues does maven exchange take pace? a. Capillaries 1h Intrtilspces ¢. Areriles 4. Venues During which phase ofthe cardiac cycle venir volume the lowest? Ati yea 1. lsovlumetrc ventricular contcton ©. tthe onset of rapid venrclar eestion 4. evolametie ventricular relaxation ‘The hear contains a variety of diferent types of muscle Bers each witha diferent fequeey of spontaneous contraction, Which of the folowing has the shortest period (highest fequency) of spontaneous ‘eoniacton? 2 Purkinje bers b SAnse © AV node 4 Myoeardiam Stimulation of CNX will cause which of the following effects? 2. Atial eiltion ‘Simos badyearaia 5 © Cardiac rigor Venza hein CHAPTER | a ei a3 ‘Te volume of a move going from il oce expiration fo fl forced inpraton is known 25 a Inspr capacity 1b Vial capaci Total lung capacity 4 Inspiratory reserve volume During prods of intense physical activi, many syslog Mdiptatons our, epoca in the eultory system, Which the folowing cco daring increased physical exertion? 4 Tneeased veticala filing, seonday fo need venemotor 1b Decreased cardia tpt ©. Decreased stoke volume Increased creas eye time Wich o be fotwng i ndcave of et beatae? iting peal edema [Nec vein distention ‘Onopres ‘tes ‘A pati asks the heaps to explin the fncion fis medication ‘verapamil (a caetum antagonist). Which of te flloning pins should tbe comeyed inh therapist's explanation? 1 Verapamil causes decreased contrat of the bart snd vasodilation ofthe coronary ates. 1 Verpanil causes decreased contsctliy ofthe hart. and vasoconstiton ofthe coronary arte, Verapamil case increased conactlity ofthe best and vasodilation ofthe cavonry arte, 44 Verapamil cases increased consactlty of the hex snd vasoconsbicton ofthe coronary ae. ‘The protoea fora cardiac patent states tat the pater shoud nt exceed S metabolic equivalents (MET) with any acti at this stage of recovery. Which ofthe following actives wou be inapproptiate forthe patient (eling 1 mp Walking «mph Weeding garden i earls 1, Duringthe opening oa patients mout 2 palpable and audible click ie Ascoveed inthe lef temporomandbale joint The plysican infers the thempst thatthe patient hasan anterior dislocated disk. Tie ‘lick oe ely signs that, 44 The condyle sliding anteriorly to obtain normal lationship vith the dik 1b The condyle is sliding posteriayto obtain normal relationship wi te dik ©. The conéyl ie sliding aniey and losing normal eaiontip with he disk 4. Te condyle is siding poseriny and losing normal eatintip withthe disk 12, Inwhatposion shoul the therapist pce the uper extremity palpate he suprapinats tendon? Full abduction, ill exon, and fll exteral rotation ', Pallabdtion, fll xin, and fl intel rtton Fulladdetion, fl extemal rotion, and fll extecson 44. Fulladdeson, fl iteralrouson, nd fll extension 13. A 13-year gi has facture the lef patella ding a vole ‘ame. The physician determines thar he sapecor pole he locion ofthe factre Which ofthe following ehoud be avoided in etry rebablaton? 1 Palle extension 1 45 cgres of nee flexion 90 degres of knee exion 15 depres of ke flexion 14, cing conference withthe physical therapist a respiratory tenis, ‘ndiates thatthe patent has a low expiratory reserve volume, What does this mean? 44 Thevelume of ar remsning inthe lngs after ful expiraton ie low ‘The volume of arin a breath dring normal breathing i ow ©. ‘The volume of ar foreeflly expired ae a foreflinpiaon is low. 4 The amoun of sir expied afer a resting expiration i ow 1S, Daving an evaluation a 74-yard woman informs you that she "taking heart pill” The patient dos ot have her medaion wt her ‘ut stats that the mediation “lows down my heat rate” Whichof the allowing isthe most probable mediation? Epinephrine Digi © Quinine 4. Norepinepbrine ae oe 16 {A print is refered to physical bray wit secondary diagnosis of hypertension. The plycan ha ordered relaxation trining, ‘The therapist fit choose fo instt the paint in the tesinigue ‘of daphrapraic resting. Which ofthe hoes blow isthe caret fet of insucuone? 2 Slow the breathing rat to 8 12 breaths per minute, inrese ‘overeat ofthe upper chet and dacease movement inthe ‘domi eon, 1 Slow te breathing rate 120 16 breaths pe mina, incense ‘movement ofthe abdominal gion, and decrease movernent a the Upper ees. Slow the breathing rate o8t 12 beats pr mia, increase ‘movement ofthe abdominal region, and decrease movement ia the upper chest 4 Slow the bresthing rate to 12016 breathe pe mint, increase ‘movement ofthe uper ces, and decease movement in tbe ‘bdomial gion. ‘Which of te following statement about eariovscalar esponse to exerci in trained snr sedenty patient i false? 1 Texercise inesits are equ, the sedentary patent beat at wil ierease fase tha he tained patient beet ate, Cardiovascular response to inated workload wil nrese athe same ate fr sedentary patent as it wil for tained pte. Taine patients wl have 2 lager stroke volume dung exerci ‘The sedentary pest wil ech anaerobic weshold faster han the ened pater i workload re eq A therapists asked to examine a ptt inthe intensive car nit The putin is comatose but breathing dependently: Daring the ssexsment ‘of range of motion in the ight uper extremity, the therapist notices ‘hat he pets breathing unary The aterm ian increase ‘eating rae and dept fellow a brie pases in breathing. The ‘berpist sould not the eppropit personnel hat the patient is cetibing which ofthe following tens? 2 Biot respiration 1D. Cheyne Saks tespration © Kusomaul respraton| & Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspoee Which ofthe flowing statements ota common physiologic change of aging? Blood presse taken tet aud uring exercise increases, ‘Maximal exygen opie decresses. ©. Residul volume decreases, {4 Bone mass decresss. a etn totaal Scecas 20, A ptint wih cardiac arhythni is efered to plieal therapy services fer cara rehabilitation. The therapist a eae tht the heat :eosives seve impulses that begin nthe snot node of he her, ‘nd then proced tothe 4 Afroveteuar rode, then tothe Purkinje les, and then wo the bundle ranches 1b Putkine fiber, then tothe bundle branche, and then to the ssrloventicolar node © Atovencular node, he wth bundle branches, and then othe Putin bere Purkinje fiers 21, AS-yarold mani scheduled to begin a wlines program. He bse no ‘ardionseslir disease, major systemic nes, or muscloseletl ‘hecrmalit, Howeve he is desondtione Decne of an extremely sedeniary lifestyle: Resting heart ae a 90 beatmiate, and retng ‘lod pressure i 145/92 mm Hig, Which ofthe choies below descibes ‘the most comet itensiy, equeney, sd dration at which he tet ‘Soul bp exersine? 17596 Voy mak 30 inlay, 3 days 140% Woy max 30 inlay: 5 day 40% Voy man 10 mints twice iy S day! (4 759% Voy mae 10 minutes twice daily 3 days 22. A 17-year-old athlete has jst received a posterior nuit igament ‘econucton. The therapists aenptingt explin some of the ‘harctrisis ofthe posterior erie ligament. Which of the following is incomes information? 1 The poster cruciate gament prevents posterior translation of. the tba on he femur Poser bands ofthe poster crit ligament ae their tightest in ful ke extension € The posterior cruciate ligament ie stached othe Iter meniteus nd not othe medial meniscus, 4 The posterior cruciate ligament eps with medial rotation of the tibia during full knce extension with open cain atv, 23. A paint utng to use antihypertensive medications must be bserved when geting up o leaving «warm therapedtie pool inorder to avoid an episode of 2 Badyeardia 18 Onthosatic hypotension & Dysiytimias 4 SKelel mule weakness a oe@ 2%. 2, 2. 28, ». 30. A pint whoteexrise induced heat te is es than the heat ate ‘before exercise is most ikely starting therap with 2 patching drupe Alpha blockers © Beta blockers &Autangials ‘A patient inhale a bet agonist to ive hisastima. Aerts use, you may notice 2 am incre inant ot 1 Afew moment of icooriaation © Fhushing with rd face 4A decease in Blond pressure A pti using a statin drug, Which ofthe follwing drug-induced Signs or sympcm should be reported to he reaing physician? a Muscle pain 1D gular bart beat ©. Penisent dares 4 Tnteritent confison Statin drugs lowe cholesterol by 1 Preventing cholenerlsbsorption Binding to colesterel i he intestines & nhitng HMG CoA reductase 44 Inhibiting lipoprotein pase A patent is being rested with an antrum ru. The dros might ‘ie all of the following adver reaction excep 1 Dizzines and fining Stevens Jonson syndrome regular het bets (4 Joint nd muscle pain An asthatis patient i to be exerted in a rather cool environment. It isrecommended thatthe patient use che inhale 44 About I before the exercise 1 About 20 minutes before exercise Tost atte beginning of exercise Atte fat onset of breathing probleme durin exercise ‘A ptient using beta lockers exercised and might experience al of| ‘he following except 1 Some breathing diticaltes 1 Mosel ramps and pin A snaller tan expected increas in heart te Some drowsiness 2. 2 3 3, ‘ial ioe Fania Scone ‘A beta blocker reduces Bled pressure by all ofthe olloing actions except fA reduction in cardiac ouput 1A reduction in cenral smpubeti eutow Tahiti of ein release 4. Aredetion in peripheral eistance ‘A patent on easium chanel locker therapy might complin daring ‘therapy sessions abot all ofthe follwing except a Lighthesdedness nd Sizines 15 Muscle pin and joie stess ©. Tremor 4 Bdema A patio unde the intone of eal anesthe heap might expience lof be folowing except | Some sensory imparrment 1 Inoreseod Blood presnue © Tremor Motor dete ‘A patent with angina pectoris experiences some pin during exercise therapy and uses tye bles f sublingual ntolyern, but the pain doesnot subside. You should 4 Ask the patient to stech out quietly and breathe deeply ‘6 Tellpatint to cominuethe medication uti the pai tops Call 91 since this could signal tue heart tack (Admini wo tablets of «non-narcotic aalgee to help reduce the pain ‘Your paint is a 48-yearold male who reports opal herapy with complaints of let shoulder and neck pin. Symptoms began insiiosly 5 weeks ago and have ben treasing in fequeny sd duration since ‘hat time. He notices the symptoms with Lifting heavy objets and ‘Shovling di for garden hat he is biling Walking fa ets ‘symptoms. Symptoms abuser several minus of eat Hes ‘elaively good heath wth he exception of high blood pressure and Shortess of breath, What sytem is most ikely ace? ‘. Canovsclar Pulmonary Hepatic Ce 36 2 38. 3, 40. 4 ‘Your patient 38-year-old mal whois patient hat you have been sweating fare shoulder yan. He was ina moto vice acist since you lst treated him 2 days ago He waste driver und was rearended He hit his let side o th dor hale and tas bee ng sharp pin Ini ibs. X-rays th day ofthe ecient revealed factred nbs (Ms 6 ‘nd on the ef), He has been ving iit beating and has een ‘ery shat of breath. Sharp puis nated on the lef ith eating and ‘coughing He hs slo noize some blot in his spi, What system ‘Simo kay the source of be pasents sya’? Muscalskee Pulmonary Candia Hepatic ‘Asin and clopidogrel (Pavia) ill nto wich las of antrombics? ‘Thrombolyics Patlet aggregator ibbitors ‘Aasicogalants ‘ibeinaitics ‘Wich ofthe following drugs should angi patent always carry withon tem in case of an angina stack? Niogeern patch ADAGE inkibior & Digoxin Sublingual nizoglyerin “The pst ofthe reprtoy sytem hat is mos effected by asthma inte the 2, Bronchiles Trachea ©. Nasal eavity Brooch Some ofthe classes of drugs usd to reat angina include "ites HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors ‘Alpha lockers Diurees peer Beta blockers that are sei inthe treatneot of hyerenson 1 Woek by competvelyahiiing beta receptors thereby decreasing art rate 1b Ar aay selective for bet seceptors ©. Donoteause bronchoconsrcton in paens wit stm 4 Should not be combined with anyother type ofanthypertensive 2. 4 4, 4 4 4 ‘inal apt o Fudan Sore ‘Which ofthe following medications should be wed to eat an ate asthma stack? 2 Anon steroid sucha preditone B Along-acting bet-agonist such at simetro ©. An ile steroid cha Muticarone 4 A short-acting betragonlst such as abutr! In clive with oncogenesis imperfecta, facture esl 4 Within the normal heling time 1b More quickly thn noma More slowly than normal &Onyy wit annstnce ot metestion Components of ower exe alignment th contribute to oe inctuge Fermocl revoverion Femoral anteversion Calcancoalgs feet tera iba tesion COstecchondtsdaecans occurs most commonly inthe Capita Hume! condyle © Mea femeral condyle 4 Lateral emeral condyle ‘The joint most fequently involved in paula veil sheunaoie anti the 1 Cervical spine Lambie spine ©. Knee Wie ‘The most common ontet typeof juvenile sheumatod artis is a Systemie 1b Juvenile ankylosing sponyltis Polya Preise CConsdeing an injury tthe medial collier! igament (MCL) of he Knee, when does the inamsatary plas of healing btin? a. Fist days after injury 2103 wou aer inary ©. 4106 weeks afte intry 4 6108 weeks ate inary a i688 ®, 50, st 5 3 ss “Which of te folowing pes of exercise is most ely to intensify dele onat mace soreness (DOMS)? Concer enreis is most kel 0 iatensfy DOMS, ‘Ecce exercise mst key to intensify DOM, ome execs ost ikly intensify DCMS. 4 DOMS wil remain constant ne matter the typeof execs. ‘Wont tbe comet onde ofthe stages of bone healing aera fracture? 4 Inflarcntory pe, bard callous phase, sof culo pase, removing pase 'bInflarnatery pee, eof callous pas, hard cao pase, removing pase .- Remodsling phat, sof callus phase, hard callous pase, infammatory phase 4 Remodsling phase, bard callous phar, sof callous pase, inammatry phase ‘Which ype of connective tisue insides the superfsial shewth of body ‘sve under thesia, mule, and nerve seus, and the famework of {otra orgs? ‘Dente rela connective isue ‘Dense brgulrcomectve tise Looe reps comective sue ‘Loose gular comnectve issue g-yeat old baseball player | ojeaold factory worker ‘5-yearld tennis plyer ‘siyeatold sede individual ‘You ae seg patient who bas just eceived a tei injection into 2 join. You tout 8 Treat i jon vigorously 1 Treats joa gealy Not toch this jit tall 4 Ponpore the Sssioa fra east wee |A patent with oxeopooss might be rested with l ofthe following “rags except 2 Bisphopphoowtes 1 Caletnin © Caen with vitamin D & Thyroic bomones s 56, st 58 9 Cina open eect eenes——SSSCSCSCi A patet ha ben tld to use Advil for sheumatoid artis. You rote thatthe paientutes acetaminophen because «fend wes i and itis ebeaper You can el he patient that setaminopben Can be use sine isthe sme at Adil 1 Isievent om Advil bot asthe same therapeutic action © Isactoally more eective thn Advil 4 Does not work in toumstoid ace Skeletal muscle relax | May iatertere with walking inpatients who we thei spasticity to ‘enrol balance 1 Seletively praye certain mule groups Should be soppee quickly afer longer use when problems have been resived 4. Have acer been proven effective Wii doing a worksite assessment inthe hospital business ofce, physical hapist unl several employees complaining of eck snd ‘Shoulder prin tons determined that making simple change in oe Sup of the computer stations could redoce symptoms. The change ‘he computer monitor hat would MOST affect neck and boulder, discomfort 1 Lowering the montor to the desk seve 1b. Moving the computer moniter else tothe employee face Tiling the monitor forward 42 Poring enonplarsreen onthe monitor ‘The cuboid bone i oated just posterior tote Base ofthe first meatatsal Head ofthe fst metatarsal ‘Medial cuneiform one ‘Tberosity of the th metatarsal ‘The metacarpopbalangzl joins are clase as what type of jot” a. Plane Hinge ©. Condylid a Saddle ‘Which muscle would move he abducted (90 degree) arm ntsc? 4 Stemocontl hea ofthe pectoral major 1D Clavcalar head ofthe petra major Inferior bers of the serratus atrioe 4. Pectorls minor a a. « 6. ‘Which one ofthe fllowng structures does NOT passthrough the {rumen magnum of thoes Bone? Spinal cord ‘6 Meringes © Cenil nerve XI Verbal tery Contaction of whic muscle produces cxtasien of the head? Spinal erviis Congas caps Stemoclldomastod 8 e “The nucleus pulposus thickest in which elon othe pine? Lumbar sine 1. Ineo hal of he thoracic spine Supe ba of the thoracic spine 6. Cerca pine ‘The spect of muscle contraction ia function of wich ofthe folowing factors? ‘2 Restg eogh ofthe muscle ber 1 Cosr-secional diameter ofthe muscle €. Geaize phosphate of he muscle 4 Giyeslyc capacity ofthe mule ‘Which othe ellowing describes the proper normal anatomy ofthe proxi earpl row fom ltr! medal? 5 Capiat, sate, wiquesum, pisiform 1 Lanne, rapeciom, capitate, bamate © Seaphid nate, quer, psform 4 Seaptidhamate, nae, capitate ‘A therapist testing kay muscles ona pint who recently suffered a spinal cod injury The caren text aseses the srengh ofthe lon oe tensors Which nerve sepmentpimanlyinervaus this key muscle soup? 2k bo ek aus TT aan Roa scenes SSC 67. Aphysician note vertebral fate in the xy ofa patent involved ‘in caracident Th factaredvercre har «bi spinous prosese ‘Which ofthe following vertebra isthe most likely tobe involved? Fourth bar vata if erie! vertebra ‘Twelfth torci vetbra (68. Ifthe ine of eavity posterior tothe hip jot in standing on what oes the body first ff keep the tuk Hom moving into excessive lumber extension? opsoas muscle activity Ablominal muscle activity ‘Astro pelvic Hgameats and the hip joa capsule Poserior pelvic lgaments andthe hip joint capsule aoee (68. What isthe closed poked position ofthe shoulder? Tauern tation and abdtion Eteral ation and sbdaction Internal ration and adcution External ottionand adduction 70. A patent with a diaguosis ofa oar cu er has just Begun active ‘ange of motion. The therapists sueagthening te rttr cuff muscles to inrease joint stabity and opose the super shear ofthe deltoid ‘Which of the car cf masces participate les in opposing the superior sheer force ofthe dete? 2 Tnispinatu 1 Subscapularis © Teres minor 4 Supespinats 171, What poron ofthe al knee mente is vascularized? 42 The outer edges me vascularized. ‘The ines edges me vascularized. © Thecntie menses i vascular 8 The enie mena i avscal. 72. _Atwhat age does a human have the greatest smount of iin the interred? a lyese D4 yeas Tears 4 10years i 8688 n 1, %6 nn. Which of the following snot an example ofa synartrodial jinn te boay? 1 Corona suture 1B The ous joint betwee the © Symniysic his 4 Metsesrpophalanges! 5 of the tbis and le ‘football player presents wo an oupstin clinic with complain of ‘ui in the ight knee ae an jury sured the night before. The Biysilan determines that the ateror nl ligament (ACL) itor, ‘Which ofthe following i most common associated with an injry causing damage to the ACL oaly? 2 Varus blo othe knee with the foot planted and an audible pop 1 Foot planted medial bial ation, and an audible pop © Valgs blow othe knee wit the oo planted and no aoe pop (4 Foot plated, lateral tibial roation, and no abe pop ‘A27-yeavd woman is refered to apis herapy clini with 2 Siagneis of trol. The right steroclldomastid is iavaved. ‘Whats the moat ely postion ofthe patients erical spine? 1 Right lateral ceric flexion and left ceva rotation 1 Right cervical otto an ight aterl cervical fexion &LeR cervical rotation and lef steal ervial eon 44 Left ater cervical exon and right cervical roan teervng patient ina standing position, the therapist notes that sngulation deformity ofthe ight ke cuss ito be lested medially in reltion othe lef hip wn eR foot This onditon i commonly ‘eferred tow “Gena vara (Gens valgom Percave Nove ofthe above ‘Which of the following is the most valnerale position for islcation ofthe is? {30 degrees hip extension, 30 degrees hip adduction, and minimal ‘nteral rotation 30 degrees hip Nexon, 30 dgreshipaddetion, and minal external eaten 30 degrees hip exon, 30 degres hip abdocton, and ini eternal oaion| 4. 30 degrees hip exceasin, 30 degrees hip abduction, an minimal fexteral ation 8. 1. . (alate of Funan Seress ‘Which ofthe ellowing articulate with tbe second cuneiform? a Neveu b Tahoe © Fistmeutral & Guboie ‘The terms bebw refer o properties of water that make ydoterapy Value Wo a rey of putt populations, Mate the following ems ‘withthe stalerent ht best lates to each em, 1 Vicor 2. Buoyeney 3. Relative cesty 1. Terry en ein fd puting Joe exeie of patent in the pol shove wit ve 'B, Thisproprty make it harder to wal faster trough te, C. A pean ithe ihe mont of ody ft as ost mre ety than a ea peso Because fis propery '. This prot mae tear o move body part tte sf of ‘he wnter ind arr o move apart guy from he surface 8 FBR 3D,40 B rm2D3c48 6 1C.2B 5A 4D @ TA2e3BaD ‘A physician ered pint fra patient who sould keep te thumb ofthe involved hand in abdoton. Anew graduate resin he tint ad is confsed about he difference between tamb exon, {centon, sbiaeton and adcton, Which of te follwing lite conec? 4 xtensionisperfomed in plane paral othe palm of he hand, ‘nd abduction i performed in a plane perpendicular tothe palm of the and. 'b Mexionisperfomed in plane perpendicular to the palm ofthe and and addoton is performed in plane parallel tothe palm of the band. Extensions performed in a plane perpendicular tothe pal of the Inna and duction is performed in plane parallel oe pa of ‘he nd 44 Inreferringtopoons of the thumb, flexion and adduction are sed synonymous), and extension and abduction ate used symenymanly. Lic eet 81 2. ws. A psi therapetroveives an order fom the pysician to weet ‘et using iontophoresis. The ode indicates that the purpose of fhetreatment ro adept to dsseve e cleim éepost in the area of {WeActlle’ tendon, When preparing the pten for weamsent, the ‘heap connects the medicated elecuode othe negative pole. Whit ‘of be following medistion is the therapist mos kel propaig to séninier? 3, Dexamethasone 1S Magaesiam sulfate ©. Hydrosorisone 4 Acedeacie ‘A therapist i asising paint in gining lateral stability ofthe knee {oct The theca sing srengtening exes fo seenghen muscle groups tat wil cease aie restaint on the lateral se of thejoit Which of he following offers the last mous! of active oti bend ‘A patient iin an cupten facility because ofan injury sustined to tbeript knee eit Only the seuctres within the synovial avy we compromised Gig te injury. Knowing this nformatio oly, te {bape not concerned with nary to Which of the fllowing setae? 1 Putellofemora joint Anterior erie igament © Medial menises 44 Femara condyles 2 psoas being examined by a psi eran tease oF ‘biter knce pin. The herp s tempting fo rule ot ankle ot foct dysfunction asthe soure ofthe pain Which of he flowing ‘lvervations i ot oe in exaining a patient without foe of ane prcblems inthe standing postion? {The ali situnted somewhat medially to the mine of he foot ‘In quiet standing the muscles srrounding the ankle joint remain sient ‘e The fist and second metatarsal heads bear more weight than the forth and ith metatarsal heads 44 Tae als eansts weight tothe rest ofthe bones ofthe fot. Ti att ao ences 85, A physic herpist is examining afl distance rarer who compli fttermiet medal skle pin. In sate waning the rapt pee exces lateral deviation ofthe hed ofthe th From his informaon, in what postions the subtalar joist ding palpation? ‘2 Sopinaon b Prontion| ©. Neutal 4 Unae wo determine from the iformstion sven 56. Which ofthe following ie not par ofthe wiangular frocrilage complex ofthe wast 4 Derslrdioinrlgsment 1b Ular collateral ligament © Radial collateral igament 4 Ulnar acaarcartlage 87. A physical therpist is attempting to explain th importance of sow Ssueching to an eles wining to compete i mization The ‘herp explains that quick stretching often cautes th nscle 'o___ whic isa response initted by he ‘which re located inthe muse fibers. ‘elas, Golgi tendon organs 1 Contact, Gol tendon organs Relat, musle spindles Contract, muscle pines 88. What isthe normal low-end range for nterincssl opecing with «TMD patient? 20a © 30mm 4mm 4 6mm 59, What i dental smu? 1 Capsulis ofthe TM 1 Onecartis of the TM (© Muscle asm of te TM (4 The sigger point ofthe TM 90, Temporomandibular anterior dsc displacement withou:redution occurs between he {Disc and he lowe joint compartment Disc and ke ementiaarulass ise and the lateral pterygoid muscle 2 Disc andthe upper joint compartoent ier a %. 9 95 97 ‘What are te signs and sympoms ofa enporomandilar anterior bsplaced die with eduction? 1 Creation with os of opening 1 Gickng with opening No clicking with os of opening 44 Temporomandibla join tenderness and Ios of cpening ‘What ie the normal TMS entrkinematies for lateral ovement? 1 Bisa wnslation Blmera rotation © Contralateral eatin and ipsilateral wanton ‘Whats the normal TMI artrokinemates fo proton? 1 sera anterior tnsation 1 Batra ponte ansiation ‘ptr! rotation with conralteralwarslaon Bilateral tion ‘Whats the normal TMI artokinematc fo wie opening? a Bilsteral wanlation 1 Combiniton of aio occurs st 26 am he anteror tanaaion ‘© Combinition of anterior ranlaton occurs at 2m then 4 Bist! rotton Postoning of patient in righ sde-ying can reat pressre on the Right ischial berosity Left greater voshanter Right lateral matieols 4 Oseiput eal postural ligament influenced by appropriate muscle balance ‘What combistions of muscle imbalance woul Hel conte © Increased anterior pvt? Short hamstrings and elongate hip exors 1. Suongabterio abdominals and song hip Bexors © Short hip exos and lengiened anterior abdomisals 44 Swong serio abdominals and tong hip extensors A patient presents with anterior ke pia, Which of he fllwing ana beth source ofthat pai? Syrian b Capsule Paella cartilage Patella bone ia onan amasinacenee SSC 98, _Amteroe cite ligament tas do ot hel aswel a dil collateral igameat ears beeae The ACL is under greater tension 1. Synovial fid inhibits ACL ealing © The NCL is broad and flat allowing beter heating & Thereis more motion in the ACL 99, Patellofenoral joint eactive forces are highest with 2. Running 2 Sunipit eg raises & Prolorged siting 4. Plyometrs 100 Rathore ear 4 Teraender the age of 0 ‘6 susalypainfl ©. Progress from the basse toward the articular side 4 Requies surgial repair 101. Foot drop following ttl hp arthroplasty most key indicates 2 Stoke 1D. Dise tension © Scimtclnceation Tract neurpraia 102. Sever apephysits 2, Prequel occrs with Achill tendinitis Isat of le length inequality © Isnotn inflammatory condition 4 Respoads to uleasound restment 103, Pes planus 4 Isa penflcondion 15 Is common inpatient with hypelaity ©. Reguins orthotics teament 4 Resuls in anterior Kae pain iPno corected 104, patent yas steed for physical therapy afer removal of long tum cst evening to the fear, She lacks fl puss elbow extension. What may be casing this prblem? a Actveinsuiciency ofthe biceps 1b Tights in posterior humeroular ot capsule Passive invufiency ofthe pronator tes A Passiveinsufieny ofthe cepe i 8688 10s, 107, 108, ‘8.10 degree hip xin contracture produces __ torque atte hip ‘at inenses musle demand on the 1 Bxeosion, quaicers 1 leson, biceps fees © Abdeton, adductor magus Flexion, iiopsoas ‘Te physical therapist i analyzing a patent gait wit descending sta Dring le single nb sane, te potest demonstrates a nght ‘peli drop het unk lean. The pial herspy hyphens is {Wak ight gluteus medio with left unk ean to move center of mars towards oper side Wak eft gluteus medias with ef ak leust move enter of ae towards weaker side Wat left qudras lunborum producing left uk lean 44 Wadk ight luteus medius with et unk lean to move center ‘ofrmss towards swonger side Let ner rk exon ited prima by ‘The thoracl spine because of sagital face alignmert ‘Tae ib cage beoute of mule atachmente ‘The lumbar spine because of horizontal plane facet orientation ‘Thee quads lunborum ‘Which ru about the hip it? 1 The hip joints closed pack position i extension with ull eternal route. b, The hip join loose pack postion is 30 dgres of abduction, 70 Seres of flexion with Intra rotation, ‘& Witte capsular pater of restrition, medial rotation is most eavicted in hep oi. 4 Wiis eapulr pater of restriction, flexion is mos retried inte bp join. ‘A phys berapst conducting a sereen for visual el efits by hnving ecient ook seaight ahead apd preseating a tls at outer margins ofthe persons visual fils. The examination echique ‘leks sana ere) funetion a b muy ev a vu TTT ot es 10, The next patent on your schedule it 69.yet-ol Asian womsn with a diagnose of "Ts facur.” What condition are you moe concerned vit fo this patent "Neck pain Myopathy Dizsnass Osteoporosis 11, Which f he following se not propriate ntervenon fer paint peer 112A patents suring from chronic back pai asa resukt ofa rcent slomobieacident. He eure taking a opioid medication for rele ofthis pain Which ofthe following medications isan opioid? 4 Doprofen Amira © Coline 4 Aceaminophen 113, An ablet bas been complaining of mule spams. Her physician ‘ecided to eat er with a mediation elledeyelabenzapine, which ‘sa muscle relaxant. She i unfumiiar with this medieton and asks ‘you can tel her anything abou it Which of the folowing sa sonectentement? 1 These ae o such medications as muscle relaxants Th Muscle elocans are te same thing san-inanmatory ‘medictons « Drowsines,bured vision, and dry moath ae some ofthe side effets of muscle relaxant. 4. You eanot overdone on mse relmans 114, AILNSAIDs inhibit in some mamer or another. Bayi 1 Cyelooxygense (COX) ©. Prostaglandins 4 Lipoxynenase 115, Which NSAID has been eed because ofits lower incidence of Gl complications? a Naproxen Aspirin Ketoprofen & Caleconib. rr 6. un us, 120, m ‘our patient bad aeration anterior tothe medi malleolus hat rege suche. He snow a your ice companing of pan along ‘he mata onder ofthe fot Which are most key invoved? Sul nerve 1 Deep falar © Thal nerve Saphenous nee Which named peripheral nerve i responsi for pin sensation fom te pena, mediastinal ler, capbragmati plea, and Alapapmati pestoncu? a Vagus nerve Phrenic nerve ©. Greater thoracic splanctnic nerve Teh ntrcosal neve ‘The neral canal je smallest and circular in hap in the __repon ofthe vertebral anal Cente Thoracic © Lambie 4 Stent Ascending acts nthe white mater ofthe spinal cord ery information, ‘Seasery Motor Bosh sensory and motor Astononie Which ofthe following cranial nerves does NOT contin pursynpaene fines? &) Oculemotr bai © Trigeminal! Vague A numberof signifcant clinical condition involve sboormaltis of eurotansmiter release or reception athe myonewrl nein, The eootaemiterarsocited withthe rotor endplate is 4 Norepinephrine Dopamine © Acetyeboline 4 Myastenia gravis TT ian mecivarsnos——SSSC 122, Which is an inbibitry neurransmiter inthe censal nervous syst? 2 GABA 1 Bpinephrise © Ghitamate 4 Noreplneprne 123, On examination of cros-secton ofthe spinal cord of a sadaves, the exaniner aces plaques. This nding mst characteristic of 5) Parkinson’ eeese Myasthenia gravis ©. Maliple seleosis 4 Dementia 124, The therapist is ondred to evalu apis inthe intensive care unit The patie appears to be ina coma and is ttlly unresponsive to noxout, visual and andiory smal, Wht rating onthe Rancho ‘Los Amigos Copitve Functioning Scale is most appropriate? eT bm ew a vw 125, Which ofthe folowing it not an acceptable long-term gal for | patent witha complete C7 spinal cor injuy? 1 Independence with essing 1 Dsivig an aomobie ‘© Balance a wheelchair fr 30 seconds using “wheelie” 4 Independeoe with performing a manval cough 126, Which ofthe following neural bers are the largest and fastest? a Cibes b Abe fers © Adela Bers Biber 127, A posterior lateral hemition ofthe lumbar disc beeen vertebrae LA ‘and LS most kly ress in damage to which nerve Yoo? Par bs © Chand ts 4 Sand st i 8688 18, 129, 130 1. 12, ‘A terpist is examining patent inthe intensive care nit The ‘therapist notes no ee opening, no verbal response, and n motor ‘esponec, On the Gang ora sete, what th pti sone? 0 ‘Dang he exanintion of an init te teapist observes that with sive feson of teed the ifn actively Nees the as and actively ‘xen the lg. Which of te fling reflexes is beng observed? > Prtecve extension 1 Optica righting ©. Symmetrical tonic peck 4 Labyenthine heading ‘A patient aks the therapist whether he should be concerned hat her ‘{nonth-ldiftcanot rl tom his back oie wiomach, The enantio othe pct “Thi i potaly song o be concemed about because, bough ‘vais, nfs can sal perfor hs task by 10 mons of ge" “Thins protubyrthing to be concerned about bcnse alibougs ‘tvaies flan can usually peform this tsk by $ months of age” "Your infint probably needs furtber examination by a specialist because though vase, infants cn usually peer this task 12 month of ge” 4. "Your nf pobly needs futher examination by a specialist becese, although it vane, infants ean sully pecorm this task sbi ‘A patent has taumaticlly dislocated the tibia direty posteriorly uring an automobile aceident Which of he flowing Seuctures is the leas likely ob injure? 3. Tibial nerve 1 Popliteal arery ©. Common peroneal nerve 4 Anterior rite ligament A patient is refered to physical therapy wih complaint of sensation lows oer the sen of th ads ofthe ight upper xem, extending ‘fom the elbow joint distally othe wrist Therapy sessions are fused om assisting the patent in reguning normal sensation, Which of the ‘lowing mores seperation i ie 4 Medial enebracil cutaneous Lateral antebracil cutaneous © Musculcutaneous &. Both Band C TTT itn Teta none 133, While examining a patient wo utered a compet spinal cond lesion, the therapist nates he flowing sength rads sith manual ‘muscle txing: wis exeaors = 315, elbow extensors = 2/5, ‘nd ininsc mules ofthe and = 0S, Wha the highest posible level ofthis lesion? 2G bot 26 ac 134, A physical eropist must have a clear understanding of the normal ‘erelopmeat of the human body to teat efectvely and efinty ‘Which ofthe following peinspes of teatment is incorrect? ‘a Barly moter activity is infunced primarily by eee 1S Motor contol develops fom proximal to ditl and fom head Increasing motor ability is independent of motor lering. (4 Eany motor activity is alleneed by spontaneous acti 135. Which ofthe flowing statements bout developmental moor contol is incoree? 'sotni contol develops before someti cont 1 Gross mowr contol develops before ine motor control Becenre movement develops before concentric movement, 44. Trunk conzl develops befie distal extremity conto 136, Which of the fllowing statement is tv in comparing infants with Down’ syndrome to infunts With no known abaornalies? | Motrmilestones ae racked atthe sare time with both groups. 1S Postural racine are developed in these ime are wih bok ‘rows Postrel reactions and motor milestones are developed slower in pants who have Down's syndome, but with he same sssociton as with normal infant. 4 Postural resctions and motor milestones are ot developed with ‘he sume stsociton wit pacts who have Down’ syndrome as ‘with normal nf. 137. The spstic typeof cerebral pay sully reults from ivolverent of the Corpus callosum Basal ganglia ‘Motor cortex & Carbelam | 1s, 139, 1 ua or ore ‘A complete upare ofa cord ofthe brachil pleas bet dseribed ‘using the tem fs Neurmess 1 Nearoprania ©. Axonetmesis Axonopranis Which ofthe following statements is tue regarding myelodysplasia? 4 Myelodyspaiasdefined a defective development ited tothe oer om cell ofthe spinal cond. 'b. Bmbnelopcaly, myelodysplastic sion can be elated to either inormal nervous sytem aeuolaton or unalizton «. Myelodyepani sofen associated wits gente sbormaie; however, tee i o association with werogens 44. Myelodyplsa refers to defers in the lowe spinal cord only Which of be folowing statements tue reguing progressive europe dscton? Progressive neurologic dysfunction i ecmmon ding periods ofrapd groan but doesnot occur once skeletal maturity is reacted. Detention of he gait patter sone ofthe last symptoms to be detected, Symptoms include los of session andr svengh pain along & <éematome or incision, spasticity onset or worsens, and changes in owe! or blader sphincter convo (4 Development of sclioss wil always be pid Fine synergic control of neck flexors and ecensor in he upright poston ppeally appears in the 2 Secood month © Fourth month Bik month Ballistic movements of ams and legs we chuacterzed by ‘Reciprocal activation of antagonist muscks 1 Costvation of antagonist matles Need for propiceeptive feedeack during movemeat. 44 Visual gidance daring movement. Tao ii Renae SSC 143, In yplclly developing ein, successful head turing i 8 rons aston with an erect head is carstrized by {Hip extension, meal rotation, and abduction Cervil spine extension and otton wih weight bearing onthe wpe abdomen «Shoulder flexion and abduction with eight bearing on elbows & Cada weight shit with load bearing on lateral highs and lower Sidomen 144, Deselopment in cilren wit ershralpaly is charactrin by 2 ahi to develop reciprocal paters of muscle activation 1S The appearance of Rages movements ax defined by Pech and «colleagues at about 9 weeks of age e. The appearance of chore at sbout 6 moat of age 4. Faure to develop binocular of vision 148. Citing arm movements, ger spreading, and a poor repr of ema movements are characteristic of 2 Down syndrome 1b Mascular dystrophy Spastic cerebral palsy 4 ‘Dyskinete cereral palsy 146, Toemovement epertie ofthe human newborn includes 4. Projection of the am foward vationary objects, kicking, bd ‘outh-to-hand behaviors Projection ofthe am toward staionary objects, reaching with (pasping, and neonatal stepping behaviors Projection ofthe am toward moving objects, reaching and yasping nd ligh-avoidaoe behaviors 14 Projection of the am oward moving objet, mouth-o-hand and ‘cing behaviors 147, One new motor sili obtained further development ents ‘Performance with moe se of seneory feedback 'Consritng the depres of feedom wed when performing the wall «Peretng pstral cont! and tnnstons betwen postures Developing a single way of performing the sll 148, Whit is the strongest predictor of sil in walking for chen with ‘ypial development? 2 see 1 Darnton of time snc walking began © Weight 4. Been of walking practi a ‘even Questions 8, 1s 152, 1s tis ical ofa 3.yearold child 1. Manage butoing well 1 Altern feet when ascending state © Beunafaid of fling 42 Show no dysmetia daring Mock sacking ‘A patat with Parkinson’ case on levodopalarbidon therapy right experince during therapy all ofthe flowing except 2. The "off phase Dizzee © Ivoluiy movement 4. Mazked badyouria A paint whose seins are controlled with an aniconralsst shold be treated ina rom or anaes that 1 Ts devoid of bight Bickering lights and repetitive, loud noses 16 Has no elecroni equipeat near the patient © Is warm and somewhat hamid 4 Isoe Requested by many people ‘You might was! to inform patient on lithium therapy to cota the yscian or al the physician dec if this patient shows 4.” Aun anda ine wemor 1b Increased blood pressure and dyspnea ©. Excentve salvation nd tearing (4 Consipavon and wable viding ‘Your patient is on aspsychote drag therapy. Dring your therapy sessions you might notice 2 numberof movement abacrmaies. The “Tardive dyskinesia Abatisia Dystonin ‘Which of the folowing adverse reactions experienced ring antiviral dug teatment might be encountered most fequently during therapy? 4 Elevated bod presse 1. Aggressive and igpproprate behavior . Newalga and myopatee 4. Sedition and incoordinton Tou i rar Saves 8) 158, "Which of be folowing adverse reactions might be encountered Airing therapy sessions bya patent receiving anxiolytic drugs? 1 Peychometer impairment ‘Emti bear ues Peguero duc te ashen 4. Excuse sweating 156. A patient ating cholinergic agonist therapy for nase gravis ‘Digt have wo intzopt he therapy senso epestdly beease of 4 Abdominal cramp and diane 1 Interment aehyeardia Joint stiness and musle cramps 4 Excemely dry mouth 157. Among other reason, metal activity and mator conto is the rest of exciatry ap inbitorynewrotanemite actions inthe CNS, The ‘mos imporant inhibitory newer i 2 Gusmate GABA ©. Norepinepirine a. Acesieoline 158. A ptieat hata tumor in the parietal abe. The pyc therapist ‘mepates problems with 2 Mle sength 1b Perception of pata relationships ©. Sensation nd motor function @ Vision 159, What ae the components of upper motor neuron syndrome? 4 Fesccultions paticy, lyperefens ‘Spastic rig, yporefixia. Spastic, postive Bains sgn, rigdty Spastic Ayperelens, positve Babin sign 160. fer completing» developmental assesment on a seven month od, ‘wach ofthe following retlexes wound not be integrated? Galan Retox 1 Moro Refer © Landa efx 4 Symmetrical tonic neck reflex 161. Nerve regeneation occur ats pace of, per month a. 5mm Linch © Lem 25 inches Fave Oo 162. A physical therapist working in ancariy intervention program is ‘viding intervention to an infant dagnosed with Et palsy. This onditon mot often elves wha ere rots? 2 ct & chet © C565 4 cet 163. A patent with n Es aly wil have paralysis ofl of he following mules except te {2 Flexor capi unas 1 Rhomboide ©. Brchisls 4. Tres minor 164, The physical therapist i Reponing the amination of patient in an ‘utpitient cardiac rebabiltaton flit A chart review shows that. ‘i paeat nas active al Slaon wt eowliea vensiculsr ‘ae. What isthe mest appropiate inereaton fortis patient? ‘Low ineasity aerobic exercise igh imeasity aerobic exrise High intensity lover entre exeite ony Low intensity loner exrenty exercise oa 165. Which ofthe following i incre adv to give patient with agnosis of congestive hear fae who compas of shrtes f breath and “smotberng” while attempting to sep? 1 Sleep with be head on 203 plans 1 Sleep without ay pillows Sleep in reclinr daring exacerbations 44 Daring exacerbations come fo sarding posto for shorten relic! 166, A physica therapists tresing a patent wih significant buns over ‘he Lin and upper unk, Which ofthe ollowing statement i false shout some ofthe changes inal expeenced after the bua? 2 This patient intially experienced an increase inthe mumber of white blood cel. This potint intial experienced an increase inthe ner of ed ‘ood el This puint intl experienced anincreat nthe numberof. fie fatty acids. 4. This patient initially experiened a decease in finogea, Ta tn aaa Ss 167. The most common caus of bn injry in nn is 4 Accidental fae bar rom a smoking adult 1 Caraceigente wit immolaion Sead injury ether intentional or acsdeaal by neler 4 House fies, in which all family members are injured 168. What ate he four stage, nine onder of wound healing afer supe”? ‘Coagulation, ntamsmatory pas, granulation pa, and vat ‘emtion and matrton b. Infammmtary phase, coagulation, sear formation snd maturation, snd granulation phase ‘© Scar formation and maturation, gransation phase, coaglaton ‘hace, and ifarmatory phase 2 Inflammatory phase, granulation phase, coagulation and scar formation and maaion 169. A patents aking teracyelnes for an infection. Yu have to beet, carefl to 1 Not expose the patient to excessive light or UV therapy 1 Only exercise wis patient moderately Avoid using the warm therapeutic pol (4 Have the pen getup very slowly rom ying poston 170. A patent with mphedema following treat CA and econscton| ‘requires examination She is resenting wth heaviness hig, hing and redness in her eh upper exon Your next couse of ion i) “Take gith measurements ofthe am ‘Begin mph drainage massage ‘ake her emperatre Send her back to physician 171. Wai of the following layers of the epidermis i responsible forthe onset renewal of epidermal els? 2 Situ germinativum 1b Swat grantiosam ©. Somum igum Seat corneum 172, The sight dena! land isin contact wit the Spleen Inferior vena cava Pancreas Stomach a m3, m8 Ms, 76, im. 178 Releasing hormones hat regulate tbe ameriorlbe ofthe pitiary sland are synthesized inte ‘Hypothalamas 1 Cerebral cortex ©. Thalamue Basal ganglia "Eytropiei is homone required fr he production of ed Mood call is produced prima i the Kidney b Lang ©. Mutow 4 Pancens Which omial organs does the thoracic cage protect? 1 Specie, adrenal gland, and upper portion of kidneys and stomach ‘Pancreas, ver, ond vermifrm appendix © Gallblae, rzay Blader, ive, and tras 4. Splen, pancreas, adrenal gland and ais ‘Which ofthe following mules ofthe pharynx ie supplied bythe ossopharygent nerve (CN DX)? | Pastopharyngeas b Swlophanmgses © Supeno ensictor Middle consist {In abdominal examination, the splen lies in which ofthe following quadrans? 1 Upper lef quadrant 1 Uppersight quadrant © Lower let quadrant 4 Lower ight quaeant ‘The majority of disaccharide hyrlyis curs due tothe acon of hich enzymes? 2 Enzymes om the pancreatic juice 1 Enzymes i th bash border ofthe small nesting 44 Bheymes in th gsc mucosa aan et tao Sires 179, The therapist in an oupatint physical therapy clini eceves an oder to obtain ashoeonhote fr patent Afr reteining th patient he ‘herpist finds a stage I poss ulcer on the st mettre, ‘Weight bearing surfaces aed tobe uansered posterior, Which ‘ortho i te most appropriate for his patent? | Scaphoi pad Thomas hel ©. Metta pad Cushion bet 180, While obtasing the history, the theapatlears tht he tient was recently hotalized for malfunction ofthe ater play lend Based on this information alone, the therapist knows that here ay tbe problems with the paints ability to produce which othe flowing hormones? | Adtenoorcotopic hormone, thyrid-stimalting homone, ‘owth hormone, flicle stimulating hormone, Ieinzing omone > nmin nd elacagon ©. Fpineplrine and norepinepine 4 Comtisol androgens, and aldosterone 181. A patient isusing a meicason fora thyroid condition. Which ofthe folowing ccld be the res of ovedosiag withthe drag nd should ‘be mentioned othe physician? 4 Tackycada and veessnss when wing propyhiounc 1S Tochyouia when sing a 74 mediation ©. Weight ne when using propythiurel 4 Bradycarda when using 2 7% medication 182. A patient usnginslin injections before heapy seston mst receive specal ae ke a Not massaging the injection site 1b Recommending the we of glucosamine to increase inlin's fees ving sli nected int leg muscles before execite 4. Alloftte above 183. patent wih ype 2 diabetes using metformin ash box: the we of herbal medications and OTC drags tobe used with his maicaton, You answer at Some habal preparations have been shown tobe bene) (OTC cimetidine can be ken freely without concern ‘Minerals and chromium might help drug ectoos ‘The anusid Tams ean be taken bt notin excess TevewGusne 184, Which of be fllowing symptoms are mest key to ise suspicion fiver disease? a Fever elena rnary frequency 1h Leftshoulde pai, pallor, ole ground emesis mundi, ascites, asters Let upper quadrant pai, nase, daphorsis 185. Which ofthe foowing sttements about immune disorders ist? ‘The roresion ofthe disease will ot change te cinial ‘Baty diagnosis snot ikely tater he course ofthe disease. Direct acess wil increase the kelnod that physical therapist right be the is provider to idem potential autoimmune dnote. 4. Thesis ctr for immune diondrs are ley understood and wil asst in ire diagnei 186, An yearoldferale is amie othe hospital with hepusplenomegaly ow grade fever and swollen and st ankle, ‘ee ip, elbow, and wit joins. What isthe mos kel diagnosis? A Sjtenie ote juvenile rheumatoid sii RA) 1 Pobaricalar RA Paucar JRA, &Oligoariclar JRA 161, Lymphede is prbologc accumulation of white-bloodel-led id 1 cumulation of ymphocyes inthe bod and Sees © pthlogc accumulation of protinsich Bud in he ssue 4. leakage of RBCS into the surrounding sue 188, The hormones FSH, progesterone and estogen do what uring the onset of menopause? sree Decrease © Sythe same Cause CVAE 189, According wo the literature, development of bone mass peaks in and begins to decrease in. aay Wis, late fortes Mitens, Ite this Midwentes, idforis ® 4. Latewenes, ate ties ‘a ean fanaa eae ra 190, Primary lymphedema occurs in patents who _ had surge Olde, have Younger have © Younger have not, 4 Older, bve ot 191, A L4-yearolé baseball pliner bs ype I diabetes and ues an nein ‘pump. Hs teammates want wo ow more about his condion. You Inform them tat al he following statements concerning insulin ae ‘eurexcept Tefaclitatesgcose wansprt ont ofthe cell and int he Mood 1 Tis sorted from els in pancreas Tt dereses blood glucose levels (4 Temay be preset in decreased levels in those with ype 2 diabetes meliue 192. A patent who uses « magnesium conning antacid thigh dose for long pciods might expenence Constipation b Danbea Headaches & Muscle came 193. A patent on opioid pin mediation might experience all of the following except Ses por in the dak Some respiratory deprestion © Mote incoorsination 4 Severe dares 194, Your patient i 38-year female who has ben having severe low ‘nck pai for he past a. She has no mestaniam of jury, but be pin thats located on hele sie is seater than that on he ight Her fal positon af es inlet el ponion, Her pina neensed in the lst ay and now isa constant level that wanes and wanes. She has mld empersie and bas been feng weak and letarge since the pain began, She has been experiencing ase, vomits, and dares forthe past dy. What system i mostly ely the sure of ‘he paca symptoms? 1 Gaerointesinl Urogenital ©, Musculoskeletal 4 Cardiovascular a 195, 197, 198, 199. ‘Yous patient 63 year-old male who preset o you in physical therapy wih complains of gt shoulder md abdominal pai. He ie having cut sleeping and as noticed Wate ngling inhi Intra hee fingers. He has ben felingnsened and hs been ‘vomiting intel He saving musle wero and hus noticed dak olor in i ue, He healed a yellowing of heer. What System ie moty ikely the source of the paeat’s symptoms? Endocrine be Urogenitit © Hepaue 4. Gastintentinal ‘A patent recent informed you that he was diagnosed with lode! wee and peesrbd a proton pump iit. Which of the folloving sa ype of proton ump inhibit? a Raniine ‘6. Metoclopride © Onepaze 8. Famotine Aurea receptors 1 Ave subdivided into four major categories 1 Tncade te mscrini nd nicotine receptors lncude the alpha and beta receptors 4 When bsked can cause ry moat, decreased salvation ury ‘so, and eonstpaioe Wich of the following i an absolute coneaindcaon tiation of an uaa rebailitation program? a Chesiy 1 Patent cueaty on dais 3 day wee becasse of eal ule © Asta Third degree heat book Foureea weeks afer sical epi ofthe rotator calf» patient presets with sigan deltoid weakness, Range f roto within ‘oem et and gual isterally Iter and extnal rotation Strength sequal tlaerally flexion and abdoetion strengths ‘igmteanty reduced. Whats be most kay cause ofthis ayatncin? 1 Poor compliance with home exercise program 1 Ties ofthe inferior shoulder capsule Supa damage tothe musclocutaneeus nerve 4. Sugial damage to the airy nerve ~~ cea eset ot Feral Senos 1 200. patent has eecently undergone a acrosopasty What is the most ‘mporint gol i sry rattan? 1 Regaining mse eng 16 Reurn o activites of daly ving (ADL) © Enrance and finctionl progression 42 Reura of nacmal range of mation (ROM) 201, Inibiton ofthe internal uretiral sphincter allows the body to s) Mette Defeste ©. Hold be wrine unl inter a Ejeuate 202. Which ofthe following hormones stimstes ovation inthe female? «a Folicle-stimlating hormone 1 Growth hormone ©. Praca, 4 Loeiaizng hormone 203. Whip injury from a rear-end colsion woud tear the Poesia longitudinal igament (PLL) 1 Auvior login ligament (ALL) © Ligament nachae 4 Ligament fram 204, A physeal heals shoud place the kne in which ofthe follwing poSitoas to palpate the inteal collateral ligament (LCL)? 1 Kave at 60 degen of feson andthe ip exernally rotted 1S Kae a 20 depres of fenion and the hip at neural ©. Kae at 90 depres of flexion and the hip externally rotted 4 Kae tO degrees andthe hip at neutal 205. A patest on combination contraceptive medication and smokirg must tbe ware that smoking increases the rik of "Tuombcembolism 1b Livercancer Inurl emortaging & Ovarian cancer 206, A patent on combination contraceptive medication might expeience tllof te flowing excep. 2. Deyressve episodes Wei ein Swing of feet 16 Jeet or mule pin evr ast 2m. 208 209. 210, ‘ou notice that a patent looks anemic and when you ask she els ou that sb is selecting with ron ines she always looses lot ‘blod ding menstunton You sould espond that he should ee {physician ince OTC iron i ot effcsve for anemia 1b The dose recommended on OTC preparations i much to ew «Thee ae different anemia some of which donot respond on © Tro alone is not effective but eds additional pesrpon rage “Your pte e433 year ol female who repr to physica thenapy ‘ih complaints of Ie ow back pain, She hasbeen feeling crapping td bas ad eats on and off forte past 3 days Her ymptons fe sever a es, bt appear tobe coming in waves. She's uable ' find positon of comfort No motion seems to inzense the ‘omiptoms. She sets to fel an neease in symptoms shorty fer inking water What ystems most Ie the sorce of the Fite symptoms? Urogenital © Gastoitesin! © Hepatic 4 Musculoskeletal ‘our patie is 2 65.year-olé male who reports to you with pani tie ih big toe, Sympors have been off and on for 3 yeu He is ving aiclty walking, wd his great toe is ot and swollen. He has ‘we having rit mack pa He has previously ben diagno ‘ith kidney toes and ible bowel yadrome. What syst ‘mot ie the sure ofthe paints mpm? Renal 1 Musculoskeletal © Gantoitestinl 4 Cateer ‘A patent reguies examination 1 year afer hysteectony, Thee so hormone replacement therapy at this ine. Sbe complains 3f ll pin wi tees ed one vagal brsng, Wak ‘soditon deste moet ily ave? 1 Auephic vaginitis Vavodynia 6 Aseralytansmined disease 44 Complications fom the surgery ‘ine eccan a endaoral ere | 211, An S0earold female complins of aly scnary accdeots She says ‘that when she get be uge to rate, ae simply cannot gt ote ‘batroor in time She bas ha a tl hip replacement (6 moat go), ‘sha a long hisory of peting up in the mide of the nigh to ‘winte, and has 3 chen end granehldren with whom she xy spending tine, What "type" of incontinence would this patient most logy match? 1 Urge incontinence Suess incontinence Functional incontinence 212. A theca ecives an order o examine & patent oo the telemetry flor of spt. The therapist is informed atthe nurses’ ston at ‘a etalutin wll ot be necestzy because the patent weat nto hock eair that moring ended, Te steered a myocardial {nftrction eral in damage ote lef venice, Given information, ‘whats the most Ikely ype of hack? Vascular shock be Anapyseti shook ©. Tome sock 44. Cardhogenic shock 213, Chive who ule tining programs will not improve a Suength Anaerobic condoning © Balance 4 The ratio of fas tte" muscle brs “slow tit" muscle spew 214. A spots prepariiation examination for prepubescent cident ot designed to 1 Determine the general health ofthe stlete and detect conditions ‘that plac the parcipant a addtional risk and to identify relative ‘or abolite medial ontrandcations te prtipation Meni so at ny be led ys att le ‘Assess maturity and overall Bess 4 ‘Anesth eye and coriation ofthe xe 215. Which ofthe folowing is ise forthe child versus the aul Children have em tolerene for eerie fn he Bet (Children have similar nttonl requirements. (Chilren need mare hydration in ll stations. Chile should flow the same weight-raining routines. Perr a 26 an. ais, 2, 20, A pio informs the physi rps that be self mediates with ‘ver the counter (OTC) drugs and hs done so for some tne and seems {0 be doing wel Te physic therapist soul infor he patent hat, 1, This ok sine OTC drugs contain sch low dug eoncetrations they do nt cause cris adverse reactions 1 OTC drop shouldnt be used far more than 2 wesks without 2 pyscnn’ consent 1, OT Cag ure doesnot have tobe measoned toa physician, fine they ae not prescrip aru 4. This isa ware of money since OTC drug have been found to be generally ineffective Which ofthe flowing are cea sigs and symptoms seen by 8 patient sing OTC diphenhydramine? {Poor coordination and fatigue 1 crete blood pesure and iegular bear beat ©. Excesive sweating and cad extremes & Weigh gain and ankle edema ‘A patient aks ifthey can use OTC aici o lower high cholesterol Sl lipid levels ioe this hasbeen resommended by Binds. How ‘Should the physical therapist saver? Yew it ok i te Bends feo fie 1 No, because niacin snot effective in lowering cholesterol ané lipid ews Yen at can dono harm sine itis offered OTC. {4 No, boone the use of natin reqite periodic ib teste to check liver functions ‘A patient on cancer chemesberapenic drags ight experience all of ‘he following adverse reactions except ‘Easy brasng and bleeding 1 Fatigue and anemia ©. Constipation with fecal impact 4 Jaundice and heputotnisiy ‘Aten on cancer chemesberapy must be careful not use other drugs ‘ncating OTC drugs In paral, you mst war the pte! nto use a) NSAIDs & Paylim © Hypootes 4 Anuioltice Oa et eT m 221. A patient on longterm corticoreoie daring therapy might shaw all, ofthe flowing except 8, Depresed mood 1 Ontos hypotension © Anemia Mase toss 222. A pia sing dures during strenuous exercise might experience sllof te flowing except. © Deiyeaton ©. Muscle ering 4 223, An individu consumes one gas of wine (100 mi, 106 seo. Most ofthe alcobel hasbeen metabolized and limited ater abot ao ismia 7 b the ake ate 224. A geviauic patient using OTC cimetidine might experience all of the folowing except . Cosfsion 1 Ortosutic hypotension © Diziness 4 Sedation 225. A patent ison longterm NSAIDs therapy. These drags rede ‘Stimulating the enzymes COX and I 6A ptient with severe sleep problems and using sedatvelbypotc rugs should ‘Preferably be sun in the moening ‘6 Preferably be seen inthe afternoon ©. Be advised not take the mediation 2 days bei therapy 4. Be advised dha the addition of St Johns wort ght help he redeatons a 868 2 228. 2, 20. a1 ‘The patient has dsfuneton ofthe teh ib; however, be complains cof aus and flee. This ian example of 8. Visser rex 1. Viserosomaic efi © Somitiovieer refen 4. Somate-smate reflex Kowedge of pharmacology is important to diferent! diagnosis because 1» Management ofthe physical heap patent cannot be enhanced ‘by medications 1b Medication sige effects can contin tothe signs and symptoms that pent present ith Physical terapss may nee oat the patents mediation 6 improve disease contol 4. Medicaons do ot provie any aoa rik to patent health A patient cannot ind hie dentures when they are on is rowed bedside le. His visual acuity est at 20720 withthe Snellen eye an The psa! hap specs pens ih Figure ground disrination| & boty shane were Agape 4 Verde eientation ‘You wil be performing an examination on patent diagnosed with Down’ syndrome. Which ee the oor phenotypic featues a Downs syndrome? 1 Leakemia, porn, jit bypomoty ‘Developmental delay, simian crease ypertoni Lage cerebellum spd brane, aletoail instability, leokemin 4 Developmental delay, leakemis toa instabiiy ‘A patent who is 3 months pregnant asks advice on activites Previous preparum actives icuded ck climbing, ocee, sud biking, Which of he atvities would you resommend? fa Rockeclinbing Soccer Nothing, be pregnant a. Biking oe ci ion nestles a 232. Which NOT a reason fo the common postural changes een ding pregnancy? 4t Ligameat laxiy 1 Posterior shi in COG Enlaging teas created brea size 233, Wich ofthe ftlowing comprise the digoosi ener for “femal athlete wad” synroms? Dieting, dizziness, and weakness Drop in bod pressure, fatigue, and disordered esting ‘Suess facture, agus, old hands and feet. Disordered elng,oseoporesi mecortbea 234 Ina patent who has a uterne or Bader prolapse, which ofthe folowing findings do you expect? 4 Decreased pelvic oor te and seength, logited pelvic four — Increased pelvic Boor on, good pelvic Boor stength ©. Decreased pelvic for tone and good plvie for strength 4 Increased pve Boor tone an poor pelvic oor senth 235. Which ofthe following wil not be compressed with an enlarged sterus(regnany)? Bladder 3. Valarveine > Breast AL Inferior veo cava 236, Which o te follwing is nota strong petro persistent ow back pin ater pregnancy? © Low BMI High aba Esty onset of pain during prepay _ Hypeemodility ofthe spine 237. Which ofthe following antibiotics is classified asa belt? 4 eniiln 1 Levooracin © Aaitronyein Tewarylie se ae 29. 20, 2m 2, 23 Ante isbing tested for sna with Augmentin anoxiiin + ‘lrvlani id) He mentions thes alice pein. Hes been ‘aking Augmentin fr 2 days now bat is symptoms ae not improving, tnd he's sartng o ger chy rates on Ober paso his boy. ‘Whatdo youl hi? 4 Bventhugh be allergic to peaellin, be shoud ot be allergic to ‘Aves ad be should kep taking i Sinus ually a vil infection, so he Augmentin should ‘wore an he should Kep taking Hels prebebly developing an allergic eacton tothe Augmentin and shoud stop taking it and cll is oct. 4. He's experiencing stoma ie eet ofthe mediation, ‘Nasal decongestants wed inthe weatment of colds an allergies 4 Bind w dp! receptor to cause vasoconstriction 1. Irctude peodoephedine, which s administered a a asl spray © Cause adere effets suchas dowsiness,lebargy, aad dry mow 4. Can came rebound congestion when tken orally Excretion (elimination) ofa drug a Tethe removal of the drug from the body 1b Occurs cay via the kidney show te bod breaks down medications {4 Begin enly oer toxi mount ha secumlated inthe body Which drug works by competitively inbibing the enzyme HMG-CoA reductase to reduce cholestrol levels? 4 Gemfteal Lop) Niacin Vitamin B12) Atorvastatin (Lipton) 4 Enetimice (et) Excessive fenorl anteversion in hldes may result in all of he folowing exept 2 Toeing in dsng gait 1S crease hip internal rotation range of motion ©, crete extemal rotation range of motion (4 Deceasd external rotation ange of motion ‘Your patinthat esion of the left superior gluteal neve. Whea your pint tin eft unaeral stance you may observe the 2 Right ASS is higher thn the let ASIS 1 RipMASIS is anterior tobe lt SIS Track sd bending 0 the let 4 Lamber pine is side bent tothe right os. aw, 218, 20. 250, (ira pean of anes oes ‘Standing onthe lef leg nd ering your ht hip p equ you to ‘eal the following muscles excep the 2 Right fumbarrtators, Let gus minimus © Right usd mborum 4. Let pleas medias ‘A sale thn normal angle of inctiantion at the hpi eae 4 Antovesicn 1 Retoversion ©. Coxavara 4. Cora valge ip exension may be ite by al ofthe following snes excep 4 femal igament 1 Diopsoas masse 6. eciofmoral ligament 44 Ghats minis posterior fibers ‘An angle of 170 degree o 175 degres in he fom plane taken on ‘he lateral sid of the nee is conniered Excess gen valgum 1 Exess pen van © Normal Com vara ‘The pes ansein insertion i palpable tthe and ied the tendon ofthe 4. Medial sbi, samiinembranoss, semitendinoss and griciis 1S Tater this cre foment wmitndinorn and ots band ©. Medial bi, sartoris, rei, and semitendinosus Medial femur, biceps femoris, semitendinoss, ed itbial band ‘Aste kn extends andthe pla moves ups in the ocr {ome slis aple mange pater] fine able 2 tases eas Decree ee © Irate, mor Des, more ‘The plesoid faces somewhat Enteral and inferior and porteiny Lateral and superior and arteriely Medial and soperioe and arterial 46 Medial and infesior and posterity ee asi 292. 253 2, ss. Daring normal sapuoumeral yt, he 1 Seapla upwardly rotates 60 dgres andthe humeral abducts 120 depres 2. Scapla upwardly rotates 2 degrees for every I degre of humeral action 2 Seapla abducts 60 dere snd upwardly routs 120 degrees 4 Scaplaupwardy routes 120 dgres andthe humeral abiucts eo degrees Anterior pleachumeral dications are often accompanied by 2A setched sbicapulais > A Hil Sek esion 2A fracture ofthe reer tubercle 4. Roatr cu ful hckness tas Wich of he folowing i false regarding biomechanics of persons with paelotemora pal? 1 Weakness ofthe hip abductors, external ators, and exesor is ffequenly present 2_Excesive hip internal rotation and/or hip adduction is hequenty present Pula aia increases patellar insaity 4 Increased voclea groove depth inseaes patellar instability ‘Two drugs, an agonist and a competitive antagonist ae given toa datlent The agonist drug exits at fur ties the serum concetation Df he antagonist, Asroming no other variables are pest, what will e the resling drug eet? No etfet 20% increased agonist effect 80% agonist feet 80% antagonist effect, 4 drug as 60% boseaibilty when given rly a the econ ‘mended dosage What doe this mean? Fie ofthe dose excrete 5 ne ofthe die svaible nd active in he Moodsream 40% wil be bound plasma proteins and active in the serum, {1 4004 ofthe rg is avalable and active in he Hooda, CC a | 256, The half of diazepam (Valium) is approximately 12 hous If ‘Oak patient took 10 mga 8:00 what emus of drug would be presen in is body the next day a 8:00 as during his scheduled ppointment with ou? a sme b 25mg © 125mg 4 08258 257. _Asptia, as acetlaiyi cite patelet aggregation ike all NSAIDs, bute the drug of oie for homboproptyani becase 1 leh preicuble reversible mechanism of action Ithaca predicubl evesible mechanism of action © thas longer halite han eter NSATD agents 4 Whas no COX Ieee, 258. In Restondr kinetics a Aconstantpercetage ofthe drug is loetmeaboized per unit tie 1b. A vanable percentage ofthe drug is metabolized pr unit ine © Aconstan amount m) is metabolized pe nit tine A constant first-pass effets produced 259, Medications within the benzodzepie (BZD) clas of drugs have ‘multiple indicaons and wes for physical therapy patents, Which of the fllowing is not an indeation for ue of benzodiazepines? Alcohol withdrawal Relief of amciegy © Slep aid @ Analgesis 260. Which ofthe flowing benzodiazepine (BZD) medications is propery indicated for eli fart? a Xana Valin © Dalmane & Klonopin 261. _Angiotensn-coneting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors ae prone producing common, inating side effect hat may necessitate change fo another drug agent. What stat sie effec?” 4 Dry hacking cough 1 Peripheral edema ©. Visual color aeration of blu and green Atal Sbriion Teen Gate 262, Which ofthe following benzodianpnes (BZD) i containdiatd in the cldely secause of an extremely long half? 2 Alpralam 1b Lorazeam © Temazqam 4 Fuse 263. Which of te following bezndiazepine medications most properly Indicated fr outoaient- based weatbent of convulsive sore? a Xanax % Valium © Dalmare Klonopin 264, Skeletal sce relaxant agent flint wo main eateries, Which ofthe folloving choice re hose eaepois? 4 Beta) and beta? COX ind COX2 ©. Prostaglandin an prostacyclin agonists 4 Centaty and peripherally ating 265, Ake siete of Fens, Soma, Robi, and Norlx and other ental acing let mule ena fnote to heaps ie Sedation & Druginduced patsy in pal od patents © Puts Rhubarb 266, ta what wy Fenn (lena somewhat gv mong tna ean tha act te cena eevous ten! Fewsias more perpen. 1 Flexel sae phrmacooge characteris with heroic Flea CAB api sir sti 4 Fleet he seycbln (Ae receptor, roteing seromasclr loka, 267. Side effetsof ate among painstaking Bacofen ide {Drowsiness and memory impaiment 1 Weight gin Weight oss Bete sipresion of maximum hear rte CL ae a 268. Opium, derived fom the poppy flower, contains two main natural opiates Whit are they? 2) Coseise and demerol Heron and codeine © Hydocadone and hyronyeodone 4. Coseine and morphine 269. The primary side fet, common among almost all cal hypoglycemic agents, of pariular note during acive pyle Hypogiyeeia CNS depression ©. Nephroihisis (4 lneresied dep tendon reeres 270, A Tylenol with codeine #3 tablet (TCS) contin how much codeine? 2 Some b 30m © 15m 6 15m 271, Tavin and Stole examples of which opine analgesic cls? Antagonist ‘Agonishantagonit Competitive agonist ‘Agonist 272. Which ofthe pied drug interactions betwee an opiate and second rug agent is INCORRECT? 2 Aesbolincteased respiratory depression 1b Trcylcandepressenviaceased constipation ©. Cig smokingdeceasd opiate analgesic eect 4 Diuretic agentiypeneniv css 273. Demerol (Meperidine is combined with Visari (Hydroryzine HCI) (ax anthisamin), producing an enbanced analeie effect of ‘emer This allows decreased dosage and potential deleterious ‘eect Tis isan example of what dr interaction? a Aditive 1 Reversible antagonism ©. Potentiation 4 Antagonism & a Fen oo 278, Which of the flowing the only shea muscle relaxant that ac on the pepe serous sytem? 1 Diazepars (Valium) 1 Baclfen Lise) ©. Orphenérne (Noresc) 4 Danwoleae (Danis) 275. Cyclo-oxygense Il (COX-2) specific agents re now nicated only {er patients wih 2. History of or rena disorders Patents with byperensivity to aspisn ©. Patients in ned of postoperative tronboprophyans Patients bypeneosive 0 scetamizophen 216, The ce diirence between setaminopn and the nonsteroidal samen SAID at taney 2" Anmlgeilanitiomboue 1 Antigyretifanttiembote © Antinumatorfanthvombetic 4. Antipyreticant-inaramatery 277, Your paint is unlikely tobe compliant witha shor bale NSAID, so you select a loagacing age Which c these NSAID agen bas the longest halite? b Feldene ©. apron @ Daypr 278. An example of the most common FIRSTLINE diuretic uted in the ‘reaeat of ipertension would be A Hydrochlrobaide (CT) b Lasik Spironolactone @ ACTH 279. Your 31-year-old male patent presents wil his third eptode of. cexeme pin atthe fst mewtarsal planed joint ofthe right fot. Cini examination end laboratory ress indicate gouty artis as ‘he diagnosis. Which drug ie LEAST appropiate fo acute cae? fa Colehicnes Indomethacin ©. Probenecid 4. Tuproen i eon Faire Serene SST 280, Side effets of physical herapy concern with se of angatensin- ‘converting enzyme (ACE) ini agents nclade al ofthe following EXCEPT Headache Dizsnes ©. Postal ypotesion 4. Potssiam depletion 281. Furosimide, 40 mg owice a dy, i preserved for your congestive ‘heart flare (CH) patent whois ls aking Lanoxin. What our chief monitoring concern? 2. Hypervolemia 1b Fypotaemia © Hypercalcemia a. Hypedalemia 282. Of what signitcance i tbe Edger Westphal reponte to you in| ontoring pour pet reser opt alas? ‘The Hanger Westphal spore suggests opie overdo Thebaagee Weipa reopoe spe opie sagan ec. © The Esinger-Westphal espors correlates with concurrent Dantriun, 4 The Edinger Wessphal respon indicates the patents receiving innit dosage for analgesic effec of the opiates. 283. The anpoteasinsecptr Mockrs (ARB agents) at by what mechs of ction? 4 Antagonize Na+ ion receptors 1 Angloteoineceptor antagonsm ©. Anglotesi-contering enzyme antagonism 4. Dilnion of vascular smoot muscle 264, Toe main advantage of aldactone er thinzde i tat aldactone iscauses Potssium spring Less hypotension Less hypertension Receptor sit specifiy of has eeeptors 285, The bigunide group of oral bypolycemi agent inte metfornin. Metformin has what characters of note to physical therapies? 2. No hyporiyeemic effet 1 ntrtves with eabotivrate aeorpton © Delays earbohyéate absorpcn 44 Wilmot ease naazen Foe Bains 26 297 28. 29. ‘Wht te ofthe tizoisindiones? A Thiazalidinediones wl nt case bypogyoenia. 1h Thizolidneiones' eect is independent of insulin production Thizolidineiones dense isin receptor site sey 4. Thiazolidineiones dene lipids Sie eects of progestin icude all ofthe following EXCEPT | Weight gain b Bdems Manic episodes {Possible mil androgen efets ‘What side fect is shared all benzodiazepine agets? 5 Mascleweaknest Hypertension ©. Sedation ‘4 Cross-sensitvity with peniilin-derived antics ‘The nonsteroidal ant-infemmnatory drugs impede COX-2 activi. (COX-2 produces infammatry prostaglandins vis biosynthesis of wba exbrtane? 1 Sobsance P| © Arachidonic acid @ Gamma buy acid aie Faso Saoces 1. The sinatra node Heated inthe right arium of the her. It serves as the pacemaker forthe heart. mpules gener bere are Dassd on fom right olf and inferiorly tothe stiovetnicule| ‘ode inte tower nd ofthe iterate. 2. b The vessels of varios sizes provide ansmisson conduits for body ‘luis, but the exchange desrbed takes place between cll surfaces nd the inertial 3. 4 During the isovolunetic ventricular relation phase al ofthe ‘venscular volume has Ben ejected. The secaluna and AV valves ae closed and o volume i charging in he veniles, This phase ne the lower vom 4. TheSA node ha fequeny of 70080 depolarizations per mins: the AV noe requncy i 40 to 6; andthe Purkinje oll quency 15 40; the mjocardum i even slower This question refer to how ‘often thes ers wil ve ation potent ot how ast they ave 5. b, Cranial nerve X stimustion causes brady by inbibiing utomatcty ofthe SA node. Tachycardia caused by ‘nnn, ot stimulating, he vags. Care rigors consequence of hypercalcemia and cases the heat top insole, 6 Inspiaory capacity ithe volume of sr moved going from normal expiration ofl forced ingpiraton. Total lang capacity is he vlune ‘fai in the hang on fl fred inspireson and caaot be messed fon some, Inspzatry reserve vole ithe vom of sr moved ‘going from normal inspiration fl forced ingpraton. 7. a. Cardia ouput and stoke volume bth increase during exertion. Therese cae cycle imei just another vay of eying the bea is beating slowes, whichis the opposite of wht occurs with exer, 1. Orthopas, which is dyspnen inthe recumbent positon, is atypical symptom of eon let her faire. Allo the ther symptoms snd sen are de orig beat fare 9. b Verapamil reduces contctity ofthe heart and nereases crwairy ariery dilaton, resulting in decreased cardiac workload and ‘neresed blood fw fo the heart muscle i ae a8 1. 8 (Cyting 11 mph is approximately 619 7 METS, Walking 4 mph is spproxiately 4.6 METs Diving car is aproximately2 METS ‘Weeding a garden is approximately 3t 5 METS In the ease ofa resiproca ick, he ini ick sreted ty the ‘condyle sipping bark nto the corres postion under th dik with ‘opening of the mouth Is his dsoda, the condyle is esting oserir to the disk before jw opening, With closing. the clicks ‘aused by the condyle alipping say fom the disk. ‘The sopraspinat tendon is best palpated by placing the paents ‘evolved upper extremity bend the bck in ul nteraal atc, “The superior pole it in mos contac t approximately 90 deproce of ke exon. (Choice D describes an exisatory ese volume. Choice Ais revival volume, sboice Bis tal volme nd choice Ci al capacity. Chie C provides soret insetons. The patient i fen intriced to begin ths techni inthe rpine poston and progress othe ‘sting postion. This tecague shoul be prcties fr appraximately Snes several times pe Sy, “The sedentary paint’ cardionasculr response increases fter ‘han the tained patent ifthe worloeds are equal. ‘Tae pate describod in he qeion—« gradual nceae i te ate nd depth of espratons flowed by peods of set breabing—is own as Cheyne breathing. Sal beats followed by ‘toonitent periods of sient benhing sre own as Bot’ ‘weutig pate. Dep gaping beats are own as a Kussauls reaching pater, Averng daring he npht because of erods of sent bret sown ss parma nctral dpe ‘Residual vlume he amount of alt be lungs er orci trpiatio,icrestes with ae, “The heat receives nerve implies that wave trough he soa ode othe ventzces by way ofthe aoventricalr node, tunile ‘ranches, nd Purkinje Sere. TTT an amen arose 21, Decondtoned pope benefit intaly fom low-intensity excise ‘vith lip sesons per day and per week 22. The poseror cnt ignment becomes tht nfl ne extension ‘Tis assis he iain extra otaton, which i needed forthe serew home mechanism with open-chain activites, 23, Anthypereasive mediation may ease a sarp drop a ood ‘ressue wen geting up ikl or leaving a warm pol, which ‘causes vaodition. The moet evident a the begining of therapy Patents must be supervised and warned to get up slowly to Iho onto someting fm, and to st down when leaving the ool 24, & Beta blokes block the beta receptors onthe heart they alo Bock symputete nerve impulses and reduce hear rte and contact. The othe rugs hve no effect, o they might increase heat ate 25. a A bet agit malate cardia bts recep lading a inorese ines rte an Blood preseure 26, a. Ina smal percentage of patents, statin drugs can cause ver damage (ier function ets re require) and muscle pai, which ‘can lead torhabgomyeliss (ark urine de o muses breaidown), ® potently life-threatening condition. The oe signssymptoms ‘se ually not drug relate, 27, ¢ Stain drugs inhibit HMG-CoA reductase an lower cholesterol levels most effecivly (about 30% or more), while the ther drugs interfer ws absorption and lipase activi. 28. d. All ofthe lated reactions canbe observed, with joint and muscle ‘pain being the exception 29, While the se ofan inhaler i user speci, itis geaeclly recommend to have the patient inhale about 20 minutes before exercise, particularly in & cool envionment, which seems to fegrvate citing arta. 30. -b. The reacts deserbed in choices A and C ean be expected because of blockade of beta receptors in the lungs and ear, and ‘rowsinesss perhaps cased byw ental action, No muscle ‘ramps an pain shouldbe expected 31, d.Betarecepor blockade, both peripherally and perhaps cently, aus the Nood pressure reducing effets, bu pecphera resistance {snot redued but eater might be slighty increased patient might complain aout old extremities). "eave Oars 32 38 36, 2. 28, Cale channel becker wil case al ofthe tisted eavons, except tremors, by inertering wih calcium huts in blood vee ‘nc cardiac muscle, ‘tne antic ht mig leak nt the peal el ies ao aft the cardiac (dear, hypotension) and een nervous Syste esessnes emer, seizures) and can nerf withthe fictions of sensory nerves and motor neurons. \Nioglyern dates onary blood vessels and provies more ‘ood and oxygen tetera als duces peripheral resanc, ‘making ica for te bear to pump. Boh ations eliminate the ‘pin Ifo relies ones, ben this ould be a tue Bear atack. All fhe symptoms could potetilybe relied to muslosksetal problems wits the soul, bt several ators make the Candiovasculrsysten he best answer. The symptoms began ‘eidioualy, and many moseloaeltl shoulder aes can be raced back oa sngeincent or repetitive motions that aggravate and result in damage to muscloseleal sue. The patient canoe rerember ay incident tht wiggeed the symptoms, Mos ofthe symptoms hatte patent is epring ca be atrbuted to he cardiovascular syste. Lifting easy objects, shoveling dt, ‘walking fast high Boe pressure, and shortess of breath ae all “Smmpoms indieatvea arial system involvement Although some of hs symptoms could be the result of ‘musculoaeleal system ivelveent (Leib etre) or the cardiovascular syste (efsided pain) te best answers he pulmonary syste, The blood in the satu isan indieatoe that the iba may have puctured the ngs. This evidence, coupled wit the breathing problens, shuld move the pulmonary system up a8 our top hypothesis, Aspcin ant clopioge! act as anion ancoaglat medications ‘by ptevening platle om humping together, ey making i rer form a lot. by relaxing blood ves to allow more tood to owt he beat [ioglyerin patches are used to peoveat an angin aac but sublingual aiopiyerin is mos efecve once an atack occurs, ‘The bronchioles are the smallest ranches ofthe airways end sae urounded by smooth muscle Dunag an asta atack, {nfammation a mosele onration ore, aroming these airways and causing ata symptoms. i nt aan Snoee 4, 4. 2 8. 45, “6. 4. 4. ‘Angina is caused by decreased blood Bow to the heat esting in ‘sin, Nitrates relax Blood vesels, allowing more hood te How ‘he bear and hereby derensing pin Bets blockers block beta-and beta receptors, resulting i Ligamestous adhesions 1S Internal derangement ©. Beerarteulr lesions 4 Allofthesbove Wich of the folowing statements best describes lover extremity postiocing in sanding during the fst 2 year of hie of child with 20 ysfunaon? 4 Fencal anteversion, femoral ete rotation, fot pronation '_ Renoral anteversion, femoral nena tation, foot upton © Fenora retrvesion, femoral external rotation, fot proton 44 Femoral eaovesion, femoral iterealrtton, foot vpnation a su 3 8 Es ‘A patent with decreased fonction ofthe ghteus minimus is refered to pyscl therapy fr git tninng, During the examination, he therapist place he patent in roe positon and ists the pater! to extend ‘he hip. Knowing tthe gles minimus is extemal wea, which ofthe folowing most ly to bappen? 1 The patent wil bu the hip more than usual when tempting to perform hip extension tb Theale wil externally rote the hip excesvely when tempting 10 perfor hp extension. e. Taepalent wil exeaiely flex the knee when stein 0 perform hip extension. 4 The patent wl at ve eificuly prfomsng sight hip extension ‘A patents licen supine position with he ke in 90 degree of ‘exion The foots stablize by the therapist's body on the examination table. The thecapis the wraps his fingers around te proxina iba so ‘hat the thumbs ae resting long the abteromedil and he aterlstea ‘mags. The therapist the applies force to pl the ia Forward ‘What special ests being peformed? Pivot sit Lachman et ©. Antero emer 4. Powter deer {A therapist is examining patent who eomplns of fequent Foot, tke, and Knee pan. The therapist aks the pate to assume 8 Standing postion with the knees sity flexed The heist then eronstates active lateral fot pronation tothe patent When asked to pcfonm this tas, the patient hs dificult. Which ofthe flowing Timitaons possible cause ofthe paint dificult in performing ‘his tek? ‘Reston limiting plantar fexion and lateral ation ofthe tahoe 1S Reswction liming dorsiflexion and medial rotation ofthe aus Resin limiting evesion ofthe ealaneas and medial rotation ofthe ahs 4 Resvctionlimiing inversion of he calcaneus and nea ation ofthe tls (Of the lowing, which e the eves period ar surgery hat an 1. yeurold boy wh received an uncomplicated partial meniscectomy ofthe ight kne en perform functional tesng, sucha one leg hop test for distance? wee ar urery 1b Deeks afer sneer 6 weeks ater suery 12 weeks afer surgery EEE CeEE CECE PPP ec eee Cece ece- mmm ere 55. A.patent presents to terapy with an ankle injury. The thera bas ‘etermined thatthe injury 8 tthe janeton ofthe dal tibia ad Aula, Which ofthe flowing functors the moe in preveting ‘excessive external rotation and portrior displacement of the bul 2 Antrorinfrirubiobu ligament 1. Posterior inferior sbiobular ligament © Inteosseous membrane Long plantar ligament 56, A physical seaps i examining patient who complains of posterior 'nkle pain. The patient is posioned prone wih the fet extended over the edge ofthe mat The therapist squeezes the invlved gastrocnemius ‘over the mie hid af the muscle belly, What et he thespst, performing? What indicates a postive test? Thompson’ test, planar leron ofthe ankle 1b Homan’ tes, planar flexion ofthe ankle ©. Thompson's est no ankle movement 44 Homan’ tes, no ankle movement 57. Which of the allowing is the coret method to tet for nteossei susculr tightness ofthe hand? ‘Passively flex he proximal interphalangeal (PP joints with he ‘metaphalangea! (MP) jin in extension the pasvely ex he PIP joins wit tbe MP joints in Seon. Record the diferencia PIP joint passive exion bs. Pasively extend the PIP joins with the MP ont in extension, ‘hen passively extend th PIP jos with the MP joint neon Record the decence is PIP joint pasive flexion Passively fx the PIP joints with the MP jit in extension, then passively extend the PIP joints with the MP jit in lexion, Record the diference in PIP jit passive flexion, 44 Passively extend the PP joins with the MP joint in extension, ‘ten passive ex the Pi ent ith the MP jon n exon, Record the difference in PIP joint passive flexion, 58. A heaps is beginning an examination ofa 34year-cld woman with 2 ‘agnosis of carpal tunel syndrome. Put ofthe evaluation conse of| ip strength testing To acutely tet srengh of te exor digits Drofndus, where shoud the grip dynamometer adjustable and be placed? |. itch foe the dymamometer’snonadjustable handle 1b 3 inches fom the dynamometer’ nonadjtabe handle ©. 1.Sinches fom the dynamometer acnadjusabe bande 44 4linches hom te dynamometer nonadjurabe handle cr 38, 61 6. ‘A psi teapiat seaming a 17jearo distance une with ‘compa of ineral knee pain. Dusing the evan, te tei efor flowing es: The tet is place in spine potion with ‘behip exe o 4S depres andthe kes 90 degrees. The Gaps, ‘hen pics ir presi over the tral era epconde ae extends ‘he pte kre. Pin i fl bythe patient the poi of palpaon when be ee 30 degrees om fl ne extension. The posite ret of his ‘estsggess which ofthe following sucess the sore of pin? Moka band Biceps femoris © Quaiceps (4 Later oltre tigament ‘When ambulating on uneven eran, bow should the subtalar jin be poston to low forefoot rotational compensation? ‘The bala joa should be place i pronation ‘The sata joint shoud be placed in supination, ‘The bala joint should be place in a bewal poston. ‘The poston ofthe subala int doesnot inuence Ferefoot compnsstin, pore ‘A physical therapist begins ait inn fr spain! wih biter ‘ee exin contacts a 20 degrees ta longer cae facility. The ‘therapist inows tat th pate! wl hive a forward tank ean uring ‘it both patent line of rviy 2 Teanttie te ip 1 santero the kee ©. Ispoderior tothe anide 4. Ispoderior tthe ip ‘What moton takes place athe funbar spine wit ight lower extremity single lino suppor daring the gait ele? 1 Left tral Bexion 1 ight latrl flexion Extention Flexce ‘An oupatent pica! therapist is gi-rining a patent receny Gasroenemiue ©. Tibial posterior 44 Flexor alts longue (65. A physi therapit is beginning sit examination, Daring hel ske to foot at onthe ight lower exreaiy, which ofthe following does sot normally aur? 1 Thelef side ofthe pelvis inate movement inthe direction of seve 1, Thevigh ere medially rotates, © Thelef side of he thorax inter movement in he destin of tee. 4 Therght bia medial rotates 66, When the kee i at its maximal amount of exon during the uit cele, which ofthe folowing muscles are active concentrically? 2 Hamstings 1 Ghteus maximus © Gartocremive 4 Flexor halls longus 67. When comparing the gait eyle of young adults tothe git eycleof older adult, what would a therapist expect o find? 4 The younger population has a sore step length 1D Toe younger population has & shorter sie lent, «The younger population asa shorter period of dole supp. ‘4 The younger populntion hs a desreat in speed of ambulatin. 68. A therpis is treating patent with venous insficency leer cer the ‘alia malleus The wound is moi nd ot infeed. The invobed Tower exvenuty i svele, andthe patent reports no pin aoandthe ‘wound. The pyscian has ordered wound eae 3 tinesfvecke Whi of {he flowing shouldbe used in intervention ofthis wound? ‘Warm whiipool ‘Sharp debridement Inert compression pump Ho packs tothe wound 68. A physical therapy examination of inftat with cxeogeess ipereo should ince all of ti following except a. Pain Passive ROM: © Caregiver handling Active fnctional movement a 0. 1. n. a 1% During theo patient with Parkinson disease on lrodopafaridora herapy mig experience al of he following except ‘The “of” phase Dizziness Involunary movemeats Marked braves eer ‘The ala gent ses testis considered postive it a Lauyfltin new 1 Lani feltin extension Lani fltin eon 4. Lai fltin bot exon and extension ‘A sing Bock end-elin ajoit is indiatve of "Normal end fel ‘Aimed capsule ‘Armenia tear ‘ka able jist A piysical therapists examining a ptint reporting kee pain. “The patent pationd ina prone postion snd the yc therapist passively Bees the Ene to end range. Based onthe ealastion technique, which af the following seuctares would no: be expected 0 limit movezent? Joint eeule 1 Vasusintemedie ©. Seite are 4 Rect mors A poi derapit is assessing the posture of 12-yeaold female with ys Bross. All of the fllowing ae common postu aormaliies ent Thoracic kyphosis 1 Forwarded pose Seapule reaction Caria ordi ‘A eld loses balances falls dow whenever she rio catch ball ‘trown in be dretion;ocerwise the child canst, stand and walk ‘well The physical therapist would determine that the Qi has a problem with Development of higherfevel balance sls Protective reaeions © Antiipary postural conto! 4 Labyemine heed rihting See eer eee eee Eero eereee erm 6 7. 78. . 0. ‘A grasp thats ofen wed to contol tals rocer obec isthe 1 Hook gasp 1 Power grasp © Lar pinch 4. Tippinch ‘Nerve conduction velociy/EMG studies of motor nerves are NOT abe to diferente Peripheral nerve disease from anterior hor eel dscase 1b The specie ection cord nerve, root, peru, or pespbera , Neromsulr junction disease fom periph nerve disease 4 The specie ease or ate of he ner lesion ‘Wh isthe dierence in esting motor fmction when examining for & berve root defi vera a peripheral neve deficit? 4 In pecpberal nerve deft he motor weakness evident more py nin ping resins comp wih ene 1b Tnmeve rot deli, he motor weakness ie evdent more "py when sp encom th pepe ene et In pripberal nerve dei, the motor wees only evident sven applying resistance without revi. {4 Innere root deft, te motor weakness is only evident when spying resistance without gravy, ‘Which imparmeat occurs in expal taney? “Acoply ofthe hypothenar eminence Paestesis ove the dorsal aspect of he hand Deceased eid thumb aston Desreated resisted forearm pronation a 8 a. a A25.earold fol player flo is shor vert sn violently ‘etched his nck inthe oppoate direction. He was ater hagnose wit ‘trac plenary ErbDtbeie pln i an agg at fis side in medial rotation in he ter’ tp position, What rea ae expected fom the aeurlogic examination? 1" Paralysis ofthe dln ieps, wi extnsors (lng ad short carpi rads), ad ager exensors 1 Paralysis of linn musts ofthe nd flexors masces (cl band), os f Sesion over CB-TI deematomes, and Homers syndrome ‘2 Hypentess over C5.C6 and weakness ofthe deli, supaspnats snd ifaspoaa, biceps, and achiral muscles 4 Kumpke paralysis caused by fered hypeabsuction of the arm ‘A patient presets oan onpatin physical era lini witha Severed ulnar neve of the ight upper extrem, What musle esl ‘ve and lgely responsible for the obvcas hyperextension the ‘metacarpopalangeal (MCP) jit ofthe imvlved hand? 2 Deal nteroesi Volar intros © Extensor eapi ais brevis 4 Exceasordigtorum A patent peses oan cutpatent ft wits omplans of pin inthe pein ares (log th medial eh igh). With ral muscle esting of te old lve extemiy a henpist eens the folowing ip flexion = 44/5 hip extension = 41/5, hip aston = £475 sp addaction = 245, ip ternal oation =, and hip exer {oution = 24/5 Wich nerve on he voted ie ot kel ined? 4b Lateral cutaneous nerve ofthe upper thigs 1} Obnratr nerve © Femoral nerve 4 Dioinginal nerve ‘Armothe comes toa therapist concer hater &-month-ld infant ‘arnt it up aloce yet. Which ofthe following response ie he moet spproprate for the therapist? 3° "Your infant probably neds further examination by a speciait ‘because, although it varies, infants can usally st unsupported 2 mons of age” ' "Yourinfiot probably neds farther examination by a specialist because, albough it varies, infants can usualy i unsupported 3 monte of age” ‘2. "This ie probuby nothing to be concerned about because though itvares, most infants ean st unsupported at 8 mont of age” 44 "This is probably nothing to be concerned about because, although it varies, most infin canst arsapportd tS month at age” . 8 w, aint Jn the gertric population, sully eccurs her is present ‘ponds, spondyllysis Spond\llysis, spondylosis Spondhleschisis spondylosis Spondyllisthei,spondyleschisis peer ‘A patent is refered to the therapist wit a dlagnsi fetitis What ‘ype of artis would the therapist expect ifthe patient presented with the fllowing signs snd symptoms? (1) Bilateral wrist nd knees sre Involved) pin at et tnd wit motion, (3) prolonged morning stiffness, ad (4) repins. 4 The patient bas esteourtrti 1S The peat has rheumatoid atti. 6. The pen as degenerative ot disease. 4. tis et possible to determine with the gven information, ‘A patient presents oan oupstin cnc with compl of shoulder ‘ar. The terpist observes a painful ar Between 70 degrees and 120 degres of active abduction inthe invlved shoul. This Hing Is mos indeate of what boule tology? a Roatr eu tear 1b Acromicclacvaa joint separation Impingement Libram tear A tenis pier receives a supa repair of the ann igamen ‘Where shoud the therapist expet to note the mos dem 4 Radial ulnar joint 1 Oleerton bars ©. Ulnobumerd joint 4 Lateraltrange ‘A physical derpit is asesng a 40-yearold man balance and ‘ocrdination. The flowing instructions are givea 1 the patent: "Stand normally, with your eyes open. Aer Seen seconds, clove your ‘yes and maintain anormal nding posture” Several econds ater losing his re, the patient nearly fal What ype of wst id te paint fal Postural sway test 1 Nonestiritm tert ©. Romberg test, 4. One-tegged stance test 90. _A physical therapists performing electrographic testing. Lacing & ‘mania ouput test of he patients quadicep muscle, 25% of ie ‘motor unit action potential is polyphasic, Wht isthe sgifaree of this fading? eis normal in he quadicep 1 tis norma in the triceps bach, not in be qudeice. ©. Ttisormal in the biceps brachi, notin the quasicep. (4 eis sonal in any sce 91, A phyial theca it ordered to examine a patent in the ate stages of anyouuphic lateral sclerosis Inthe patent car in [leeromoprapty report and nerve conduction velocity test. Wast Should hepsi! therapist ot expect ond in these tes eats? | Decreased amplitude of moter wit acon potential 1S Deceased dation of motor unit action potential ©. Deceased aeasry evoked potentials 4. Dereased polypasic action potentials 92. Aplysia therapist is aced by a conor fo fish examining apaint ‘eeate an emergency equer he rapist to lene The coher grees nd ree he examination, The fin therapist Jef rote ied, “Sensoyasenement” Two wooden blocks etal a appearans but "pou dierent in weight are onthe able in font ofthe patent What tet way he peice heap most ly performing? Barognosis tet 1b Steregnoss est © Grphestesia test 4 Textre ecogition 93. Apia is refered to physical therapy with istry of ‘erporomandibule joint pain. The therapist noses thatthe patent i ‘ving eu closing his mouth agaist minimal resistance. With this information, which ofthe flowing mules would nt bea target or suengening exercise to coves his defi? a Medial perygoid muscle 1 Tempeals ©. Masreter 44 Lateral perypoid muscle 94, A piyscal serps is reviewing the chart of 24 yerolé wonan ‘with diagnosis of 2 incomplete paraplegia. The pysician oad that the left quip tendon reflex is 2. What does this informaticn relay to the therapist? Nottie quudricepteadonretex 1 Slight quae conractin with reflex testing Normal quasiep tendon relex (4 Bxaggeratedquadsiep tendon reflex 95. A pysical herp performs the folowing tet during an examination: ‘With tbe pain hing in spine postion, the theapst ces 2 diamond shape around the patent’ ambias with sharp abject. What refx is ‘being assed and what isthe significance the paint umbilicus dost ne in pas he am ely epi” ‘Cemaser reflex suggests upper motor earn invlvement 1 Soper boi ete Paget per tor neron srvoiement Gems refx, suggests lower motor aeuron involvement 4 Supeccal abdominal reflex, suggess wer motor neuron invovement 96. A physic! tempi is asked to examine a :7-year-od man with fight side sien. The therapist performs apasive aight lg alse testo he ght lover exemity with he ke apd ae in etal ‘positon. in performing tis test ona patient wit an LS ise prorsio, what isthe lowest degree at whi the therapist would expect to reproduce the prtieat’s symptoms? 2 AtO degrees of hip exon 1b At38 degrees of ip ero ALTO depres of hip flexion 4 A190 degrees of hip flexion 97, Using tests of eurologi satus and motor fntion, an experienced plyseal therapist or pediatrician shold beable wo accurately diagnose ‘cecal aly in all butte mildest cases by 2 month of ge 1 months ofa8e © Lyearof age 4 year of tee 98, Which of the following muscles woul younot expect tobe acted by 208-7 lsion? Biceps brachi Anterior deo Infaspinas “eioeps baci 99. Indistos of complex regional pain syeomeinchde all of he flag except Pain from superlaltoueh Profse sweating ‘Skin clo tangee Increased upake on bone sean eee a 101 102, 104 ‘What she BEST order of thse tests during neurlogepatint 4 Cognition, sensation, range of motion (ROM), relenes, pasticity tenting, manual muscle testing (MMT) 1b Reflees, MMT, cogition, sesation, ROM, spasticity testing © Cogito, senttion spay testng, ROM, MMT, reexes (& ROM, rene, senaton, MMT, ROM, pari tein, opniion ‘The patent has dydiadochokinsia, Whats the best measure of aint fineion? 2. Drawing figure eight 1 Alterating pronation spinaon © Rebound et Sti alice Upon observation, the patient has uniter] LEFT facial weakess. He s unable wo smile or show his teeth on be let side. However, be {sable ore his et eyebrow. The physi rapist specs f Peieral cranil neve 5 lesion 1 Cental eran ere 5 eon Peripheral cranial nerve lesion 18 Centra rani nerve 7 lesion ‘During piysical therapy examination, hepatica bas fll ROM ‘leraly, Muscle tone at est appears normal tery. Reeves on ‘he ight side ae 21. On te let they age 11, What is te next hing {you shoul eo? 2 Repeat eee testing with Jndrss maneuver to eabance deep tendon ele onthe Ie Spas tesing onthe let du o increased reees Asses for associated reactions as patient as upper motor neuron syndrome findings onthe let 4 Cognition, ste patient may have been confused with reflex testing so ests could be unreliable ‘Whe performing an examination on «patent afer tmatc spinal ord injury to determine the American Spal Injury Association (ASIA) sensory level injury eliniian test 4. Proproception Kinet © Pain Referer ERE EE EEE EFEHEECFEEEE EEE HEHE EEEE HECHT Eee omen Creer error 105, Daring your eral nerve examination of enraoesar mele Ruston {Lesion of optic nerve (ans nerve I) 1 Posterior canal BPPV © Acoustic neuroma Cen nervous system sion 106, Your paix presents with nerve injury that uses the bear eminence 0 be ftened because of male atrophy Te thu i ducted and extended, You would want to test the muscles supplied bythe 2) Una vee 1. Antbrachil nerve Median nerve @. Radialnerve 107, Your pate isa fame on a consctin project. Hes been wearing heavy carpenter’ belt fo the In month, He now compas of nfl hyreresias onthe proximal anterir nea high He ge ‘eit wih siting, nd walking seems to aggravate hi poms The Structre most kl producing these symptoms isthe 1 Later! femoral enaneous nerve 1 Motor dranch ofthe femoral nerve ©. Medial femora cutaneous nerve Inguinal nerve 108. Your patient compiin f neck pain and espera! symptoms, Radlograpls revealed narrowing ofthe CCS interverbel foramen, The nerve 0ot mos kel volved woud be the 1B Cénene oat ©. CBnere root 4. Sensory branch of C4 109. A physical sherpit is conducting a sereening exsmingion oo 8 Paint witha respected upper motor earon lesion Inthe presence ‘an uppet motor neuron lesion, dep tendon reflexes il be a. Hypoasive Absent ©. Diminished 4. Hyperaive 110. You ae performing an examination ons 2-onthi inet dagnosed vis Kiumpke' palsy. The classic physical findings of 2 Klunpke's palsy ae 1 Lack of forearm supination elbow extension, and writ xion 1 Lack of forearm spinaton, elbow fio, and wrist extsion © Lack of shoulder enteral ton, elbow Besiom aid wat 4 Lack of eltow extension, fream preston, and wrist ion 111, A 16yeanold male dagnosod with spin mor and has vedergone spry test the mass. Aer the procedure, he atin pees with ‘arate mate paryss and loss of pun and temperate sensston teow the ee ofthe injury The patient would be diagnosed wth what ‘pil cord syndrome? 2 Brown Sequard 1 Anterioe Cond © Posterior Cond Cauda Zou 112. A Syearold mae bad en undiagnosed arteriovenous malformation ‘and is recently hospitalized because of an cute bai eed. The flint snot acknowledging individuals who rand on the ede of ised he doesnt respond to sensory tial ta i applied the Jef side of his body, and he ipliys visual spatial defi. What lobe ofthe esi hasbeen ected by the woke? Right parietal Lek emperl ©. Frontal 4 Oceipia 113, An infat sabe otunston fom guadrupd siting, demensuate ‘prtetve extension reactions nal directions except Backovans, nd ‘vot on bel ina prone positon. This infant i demons gost ‘motor sills wha bronologie age? 3 tod months 50 6 mons 71 Bons Mie Lomo 114. A twosmonthod infantis iagnosed with eft congenital muscular tontclis, which as resaltedin plagoeepbaly. This would resin 1 Fatening ofthe lef frontal and Ie oceptal eons 1. Fanening ofthe sgh frontal end ef espa eons 6 Fatening ofthe right roma en right occipital regions 4 latening ofthe le font nd rg csp pone us. is. 1, us. 18. Beara ‘A tecpiat cache o wnat the pccctage of patio ody tht tas Been buoed. The ptien i 32-yeanold man of normal ie ‘Burns ae located alg the enti antror surface of the fare. The tient alo burned the entre anterior portion ofthe right upper ‘exert in an temp to guard himsel from flames, Using te rae ofrines, what percentage ofthe patients body is burned? 9% b 1e% © 45% a 2m “The pin with he least chance of survival ofthe following injuries 1. T8-onth-old mae fp 4% total body surface ares (TBSA), third-degree scald 1b, LS yearold male, fp 60% TBSA, indeterminate sme buns with inhalstion mary © Saearol female, vp mator vehicle cident MVA with 20% deep ‘burs face, neck, chest ands, an pelvic fractures 4 yeavold male, sip 80% TBSA, severe sunburn with Blisters ‘A l0.yearold female bas boea diagnosed with a tage 1V presse Sore on the scrum. She was transferred the hogptal rom # brat facility and is being followed by the wound cze tar. Aer 2 woe of wound care treatment, the psical therapist is reassessing ‘he wound and determines thatthe bone ino longer visible. How would the physical therapist document the sage of tbe wound a his a Sagelv Sage mt Stage I Sager Sign and smptoms of hypertrophic bum sar ncde al of the following except 4 Inereasing ching and rednes ina heated burs 'b Inresing dicaly in achieving afl strech ofthe ume area ©. Feverand malaise Raised edges around a newiy ested rat ‘To decrease the risk of hypoglycemia in patent with type 1 isi dependent diabetes, which ofthe fllowing is inappropeate? 4 Eat or drinks Sack high in carbohydrates 30 minutes before Exerise mosces that have not had an neal nection een. ‘A caobyrate snack foreach 30 to 4S minutes of exes, ‘Bercise atthe peak time of insulin eect Few Gane 120, Which of he lowing fase regarding T2-weighted MRI images? Synovial id csplays high signal intensity. Corti bone displays high signal intensity unless ft-sopresion techniques used Bone marco eerie lesions (when present) are commony fen nthe images 4 Cerebral sin! Bud plays hgh signa intesiy. 121. Your patient presents wih radiating pin down the ght psteriorles, which aggravated by rncing and seated hip internal orton, What [the mos ely cane? 1 Right seminembrances tendonitis causing posto eg pin 1 Right prferms syndrome sling in iain Lumbar ental senosis with 4 radiclopay (4 Right mbar intervertebral foramen sens with raticolpaty 122, When dscussitg magnetic resonance imaging (MRI images, all cbieraionsoftsue appearance sould be described in terms of 3. Lavency Window ©. Density Sioa intensity 123, Edema ona 72 weighed MR image will appear as___ sgn ‘stent (SD, Low signalimensy (St) igh gl intensty © Radiopciy 4 Radiolice: 124, While evahating a shoulder spit tau inversion recovery (STR) sequence MII sy, you note increased Son the images within he region, This euggest 3 Pibrois Organized emo ©. Edema or efision 4 CaleScaion of the tendon 125. Moscolokeeta MRI "ui sensitive” sequences ncude ll ofthe following excep. a sTik b Tiveighet © Ta weight Proton denaty 8 139, 13, Banat ———SSSSC« ‘What is caret regarding the atlnto-des inteve? 1. Toe aanto-dens intervals measred on AP projections. 1 The atanto-dens intervals measured on Intra views Am alnormaly ofthe stloto-dene interval may colt with ompomis ofthe ligamentum niche Normal measurement ithe same fr adults and ein, ‘An MII study ofthe shoulder spc inelodes tree stom planes of study. Image slices taken perpendicular ta the long ani of {he scaplar spine ar denied ae wit plane of dy? 2 Coronal obigue banal © Sepia obique @ Lateral ‘A commonty encountered MRI sequence in PT practice is FS PD SE. Tis sequence is most often eed ops Abnormal ft dees 1 Brain eauma or hemortage ©. Onbopedic pathology 4. Deane of orice bone ‘The "FS" in and FS PD ESE squence refers to 4 Fat prestrain technique Fastin echo ©. Use ofontrast media (4 Functional MRI sequence "Normal igh St esos on Tl weighted images include a Ace ede & CSE © Re Synovial uid CC studies ofthe knee typical include tue plans of study Which ‘choice is aot one ofthe conventional planes? 4 Condylarobique ©. Coronal Axial a m2, 133, 14 1s, 16, im, {A high epeston time (TR) combine with low echo time (TE) seting ed onthe cou fim woul ncate wht common otepeie sequence? 27 bn Proton deosity sm [MR stuties ofthe ke typically include tre planes of sy, ‘Which boie i ot oe ofthe conventional planes? Medial oblige Sagi (Coronal Axl A“ window" in computerized tomography (CT) terminology refers to 4 Lueeat eons of the ung 1. lytic lesions of tone © Hounfeld units 4. CT machine seting for enhancement of conrast, ‘The Ie posterior olque (LPO) cervicl sin projestion specifically lows study of what nator suctures? Tntervetebel die Left side intervista joint Right side tervetbalferaina Left side terval foramina ‘Which radiologic terms are iacotecty pied? 1. Deasityopacity 1 Densiyiselrosis ©. Locencyhigh density 4. Leceneyviow density Increased bone density viewed on plain fm xrays would appear ss bone on TI weighed MRI images. be High i © Radiopaciy None ofthese ‘amiaton 138, A scapboid actu is supected on plain im xray but not clesty ‘demonstrated. The imaging techaology most commonly explayed for furtber evaluation and diaguoss's ‘8 Postronemition tomography 8 MRI © Plain lm xray with contest media {4 Computerized omorapy 139, Standard nomenclature used to desrberdiodensiy employed when ‘reading plan film aay inlude al ofthe follwing except 2 Ligamenour dey 8 ar © Bone density a. Fatdensty 140. On plain fr xy a black o dark gray lesion within «normally ‘white repon sucha corte bone would be termed a regio of Density Opacity © Selerosis Looney 141. Radiology reports sing the terms, sequen and imvocram ae refering specially to what diagnosis of concern ta weting physi therpist? 5. Bone cancer 1b Oseonyetits © Fracture Spondyllisesis 142. superimposition of sof sve sauctures on pln film images eretes the illusion of 2 created density 1 Decreased density © Abnormal uceney 4. Gas bubbles 143, _Alnteral xray projection of a dora palangeal avulsion facture ‘eves sagial plane dilation. Wht standard view shouldbe ‘ordered to assets possible corel plane dislocation? SAP bm. © Obkige Opposite side tated rr Ma, us 1, 8, vas, 150. ‘Conical bones viewed on CT cans within a bone window" will, sppear 3 Low deny 1 High density © Lowst & Hypernense ial ‘Which stroctre i moet poorly sated or aseised on an AP lumbar sine projection? Tatervertebrl disk height of superior lmbar vertebra Soperor endplates Pat iterate Inferior end pats The celebrated “Scot Dog appears.on what xy projections? ‘Lambar AP Lumar obtique Cone ister Tamm teal “The oat eg ofthe cleat “Scoty Dog” is wha enatomie suc? 1 Inferior ails process 1 Superior aaa proces © Pats interarclas Transverse process “The spinolamings ine employedin evaluation ofa lateral view of the czvial spine ig dave namedizlyaneir to the 4 Posteo spect of central inl 'b Anterior aspect of vertebral aodies ©. Posrior aspect of vertebral bodies & Soperioro C3 unos if reset ‘Normal arcu cartilage appears on plain fm x47? 3 Radiodense Water or mid-denssy ©. Lacent a ang density ‘4 Opuaue or bone density Degenerative arthritis changes ewed on xray images may ically Incl all ofthe following exces f Sobehondilselerosis 1b. Oseophye formation ©. Periailar oteopenia 4 Loss of joint pace FEE Re eee Error Beiter 1S. Your patent has tow back pain that you diagnose clinically as egoneraive diteste ofthe eft sde L4LS facet. Which abe spine rojecton would best support your clinical impression? Right posterior obigue Let poster oblique Right aera 4 Letter 152. Osteoarthritis may te differentiated fom rheumatoid tis (RA) ‘on tray by the observation of 2 Loss joint space 1 Penrice oneopecia ©. Asymmetric joint imvolvement 4 Osteophye formation 153. Conical bone appear as __on vill all MRI sequences bacause of low water cone | Radiopague 1 Radiolcent ©. Low signal intensity 4 High signal intensity 154, Youare examining acid wit fctred distal fem. The frre bea tthe medal arpect of te dsl dpsed gion, progeses dialer hough the metaphysis, epipyseal pate, bd epyscal region exiting int he kee jt surface. This would be csi at 2 SaierHars ype facie 8 4 155, Following a suspected suse facture of the third metatarsal bon, ‘one callus would nomally fst become radiographically visible at shout 3 Stod days B 1000 14 diye © 204 months 4 640 18 monte 156, Lumbar spondyoithess is best eahsted on what x-ray projection? Latent 2 AP PA Anterior oblique Ten ane 1s, 1st 1, ‘When an adult umber spine degenerting disk beak trough either ‘he super or inrie end plat is refered tox (0) ‘a Napoleon’ hat sign 1 Sehmons node ©. Saltese fistare & Ontobintms Arey lsated anatomic structures appear lager than posterior structures on anteroposterior (AP) xy rojecins Because of what farm of Xay distortion? a Superipesition 1 Enlargement 6 Foreshorening 4 Compression ‘Aes catopaimonay spelt observing a pata chest x-ray you ‘now radiolaceny within the ng els, Ti s moe likely o be Heterotopic ossification 1B Tiber ©. Collapse ofTung (4 Norms i density fang ELSES ei Cee uw 1h Everio tenting should be terminated at 2 mm of ST depression 2d. Tolock he elbow with this ype of prosthesis, the pacar must certend the humerus and depres he sexpa. 3. b The it sound heard corresponds withthe closing ofthe mitral and tricuspid valves. The second sound corresponds closing ofthe scrtic an pulmonic valves, Therefore, the fst sound is inate of ‘he onset of vesicular stole, and the second sou is native ofthe onset of vensicular das, The ist sound is ual lover in pitch and longer tan the second 4d. This patient hs moderne hang disease, Because the intensity of execs i ow, Hequeacy shoud be increased to 5 to 7tneveck. 5. & Thissceariodesrbes vascular elasiston Te nck of anor symptoms wits pial movemeats rules out pecipheral newt. ‘Neurogenic pain is usually represented by a stocking ditbton around te ankle and ress leg synrome occurs during pcos fret ony 6. & Normal Po, ranges ftom 80:0 100 mm Hg and sen portant etrmizat of when ti sie to eerie a patient either ith ot ‘without supplemental oxygen, Poi determined by examining the Concenation of xygen preset i eral blood. Underranding the parameters under which patent may safely perform excise is import. 7. Whiplash injury inches typeestension of cervical vere that say tear th ner longitudinal ligament hat Limits exten of the ceviaspine. All ofthe ther ligaments limit exion of te cervical spine; acordngly, they may be tr in hyperfxin nue 8. 4. Oneoporatis fees all bones ofthe body, but most commonly it produces symptoms inte major weight-bearing bons. 9. © Osteoporosis isa genetic disorder sharacterized by eteclt the American Zologe of Rheumatlogits’ 1990 eter forthe ‘aston f bomen, widespread pain most be reset for Atleast 3 mon. Pain is considered widespread when al ofthe following are preset: pain inthe let ideo the body, pin inthe ‘ight sie of te body, ui above the was, pin below the wast, ‘odes psn Pan in 11 of 18 tender post sts on digi ‘alaton mas ako be present inorder o establish the agnosis of ‘Sbromyalai A painful aeuomai the space between the tid andthe fourth ‘metataral oxi i a Moron’ nesroms, Paints older than 40 yar of age with anew episode of hip pain presents evidesce af otenurtit in 44% of eats Restricted and nfl inter rtaton is highly suggestive of eseoats and ‘hre-lane rage of motion lstation i lens senive bt more specie Travel and Sinons report that myofascial pain syndrome of te adrato froorum msl ie he most ommon myofascial pain Syndrome of te lower back Du tothe antomic location ofthe greater tberle, external ‘ttn posta tin profle for Best visualization, Waddel testi is ued to ident patients suffering fom pain of onorganic orga ‘The superior angle ofthe scapula commonly seta ihe same level as verisbraT2. The pine ofthe scapula is approximately at. ‘The infrr ail of the scapula and xipboid process represen 7 (Choices A, Band C would increase the fenton length of the right lower extemity and possibly cause circumducton during ft. Coie would not change te fnctional eg length EEE Eee ee reer iammema tere ere 20, a. The briefcase should be case inthe righthand Carrying he lfease in he let hand would increare the amount of force that ‘he righ luteus medius would have to exer to maintain able pebis during eit 21. 4 Patellofermoral joint reaction forces increase asthe angle of knee ‘exion and quadriceps mutse arity increase, Choice D involves ‘he greatest ke Nenon angle and qadrcep sty 22, €. Leaning the unk oer he involve hip decrees joint eston| force and sain o he hip abducts. These factors wgeter decreas pain in the involved hip 23. a. Tes best to consult with the plysician because of an extended amount of passive range of roti. A therapist should ot deviate ‘om a pian order, but telephone eal cary the order it nocessary Whe the therapist els hat another eaten plan is ‘more appropriate, 24, a. A patent can obtain is or hee medica! recor simply by signing 8 release fom. Charts and records shuld never be piven o fated 0 ‘matorey unless the paeat has signed areas 25. Hot packs ar not indicted because ther it. 30 mation of abnor] ‘nuste tne. Te entire mbar aren isto moh ere are for ‘luasoun. An argument cold be made for lamba taco, bat tis red with eating modalies in al ofthe answers. 26, Choice Bie the comet anowet, Choe A ea posterior pelvic. 27. The loves point inthe ait eye occrs when bot ower cetremities ee in contact withthe ground (double supper 28 b The patent probably ha low et shouléer, prominent ght scala bd igh let hip 29, & Abdominal muscles tach othe lower border of the ibs andthe superior surface ofthe pelvis. Stong abdominals prevent excessive Anterior rotation of the pei ring ait. 30. The th mbar neve root is impinged because it arses from the ‘spina colar super to the L4-L5 Tumba ise. 31, This eit evan is cused by the patient leaning back o decrease the flexion moment created atthe hip t ntl contact, ‘The gluteus maximus s most responsible for counteracting is Sexion moment ‘as aon Ooo Be 3. a 36 2. 28 ». «. 4 “8 ‘A curve greater than 120 degrees is ofen associated with restive ‘ng afntion. The oer actors ited arent ie thesteing (Choice A probably would activate increased tone because ofthe ressance fo plana flexion ofr by he sng. ‘The Thoma testi a scrcen to determine whether the hip exors are too taht Adzon's mancive ests fr thors ue sone evaite Sign ets for dural tation inthe ceva spine, ‘A shufng gait and iticuly with inating gut re piel signs ‘of Pukingon’ date. This populition wold sso pretet with sal base of oppor ‘The pelvis is deoppng onthe ight side becuse he left gens mots i weak. The patient also may len tovard th et hip ont ‘o move he center of gravity, making teaser o hold wp the ht side ofthe pelvis “This is caled Ober test, which sevens for a gh loti ban, ‘The capitis the ais. ‘Because the patient doesnot have 50% of oral range of mation in the gravity eliminated postion, 2~/5 iste appropiate grace, Some heaps re that thin example of 21/5 rade. ‘Sources used in reparation ofthis exam india that here 20 ride of 1415 with manval muscle testing This sequence ssn in propelling the center of gravity forward to mana balance afer» backward say During a functional capacity evaluation, the pysical therapist shoud ot corset postural abnormalities. The therapist sould ‘only observe and record. ‘This is description of dystopie gat pater, als called penguin ‘Bit Patients wi muscular dystopy commonly denonsie ‘his git pater. gueus maximus gal presents wi the patent leaning the rn back wile sing the heel onthe iolved ide (oc Tuching), An artzogeic pit patem presen withthe patient ‘Seung and elevating he ponte ivlved ie This peter |s present wi severe stesso a fased oat in he ivaved ler fete, Anata ait pater is exited whens person as ‘pain wid weight bearing on he involved lowe extent 4s eo 49, 50. su ‘aration ‘The subjective compli of pins and needles” suggest that he source of the protien i ether vascular or neurologic Becase thoracic cute syndrome has been lard, focus shouldbe placed ‘on the cervical spine. ‘Yergason et dtets tendinitis ofthe long head ofthe biceps, Frome sign is testo determin addvtr police weakness ae to ulnar nerve dysfunction nthe Waldron test, the patent forms squats while the therapist assesses the patella region for ‘epi or pia A pouitive test indicates possible chondromalaci [A postive Wilson tet indicates posible osteochonis disseans. “The tet is performed by asking the patet to eed the kage in ‘he seated position with intral rotation und psn with extereal ‘ition ofthe tibia, The tests postive ithe is pain with Jaze rotation at no pala with external rotation ofthe ti, ‘The flexor digitorum profi as four tendons, each wtaching to the distal phlane I the tee mentioned inte question ste restricted, lion atte ital interpalageal joist nthe nomal and would ot be possible ‘This test assesses the srength ofthe assis do. One of the functions ofthe latisimus 1 push up rom a sting poison “This et simulates tha movement. ‘A tise suetchend-fel is also fet with ankle dorsiesion. An ‘example of «bone to-bone ene! i with ke or elbow ‘xenon. Kote flexion isan example of sf tue approximation, Inn empty end-el «patient nop the movement eo Pala, All ofthe choices are capaleof causing a noncapulr pate Alter the Sst 2 year of lf the fers rtate to & more nes poston andthe amount of anteversion decreases ‘The patent is prone to excessive eter rotation when atemping to extend the involved hip bonute he guous minis counteracts the lateral ational force created bythe luteus maximus. erosion at 2. 8 ss 5s $6. 57 8. 8. The etn Choices A,B, and Cassese the inter of tbe anterior cravat gament. The pivot i es is pcformed wth he pata a ‘pine poston The teat applies vals ses withthe lower Teg erally ote wale passively fexing and exeading the kee | postive txt is sono with nab with he maton, [esha et silat th aero dave text bu te nee in Sight flexi. Ia pefrming posterior caver ete posiionag i the same as fe pafoning an aber deve test, but a posterior ‘ence is applied oe hia oases postr cuit ligament integrity When pefooing these tess, the tberpissassessng he nde ander offi ply to determin the integriy ofthe Tigunene During pronstion ofthe fet, he calcaneus evers, and the tls medially rotates and plastr Bex © At to wecks afer sumgery, the pati hasan nfamed ee, ‘uno faneoal testing can ake plac. Six weeks is an ‘appropriate aout of inet allow inflammation o decease enough for fanaa esting, Patients who have received apart tmenscetony do at require as much baling tie spain who have received meniseat epi. | This isthe primary function ofthe anterior inferior tbiobular games Thompon' tet cheks the integrity ofthe Achilles tendon, When ‘his teat performed on an ankle with no dysfunction, equeering the asroenemius causes passive planta exon ofthe ankle 1 Because he inteossi cos the MP joints andthe PIP ins, ‘be PIP joint should be Nexed wih the MP jit in Nexion and 1. The ast postion (3 inches) ofthe grip suength dynamometer tests the ease muscles ofthe hand (muscles located in he {oream). The closer postions est he nine muscles. |The patent as an iitation of he lobia band ast passes ver the eral femtoralepicondye. This eur a proximately 30 egress fom fil ke extersion, 4. When the hindfotispronated, the frefot(uansverse tal ins) can compensate for uneven ea. the hints ‘pina he fret also kel to supiate ad posibly cause damage tthe lateral ane lgamens. a @, 67 6. 1. earwaian ‘A patent with severe nee fron contractres bas ie of eravity ‘hats amen o te hip, posterior othe nee, and otro fo the sok. This causes a feron moment tthe hp knee and ale, ‘To maintain balance th lamba spine mst tral fx ward she supporting ower extemiycurng singles Suppert Cove D isthe length of side during one galt ye. Choice A Aescrbes a deceased step length, choice B describes a decreas in Step duration, spd choice Cdeterbe a decrease in ingle-limb suppor time, ‘The ubilis envio, extesor digitorum longus, and extensor tals longue conrct concentrically to achieves next ene poston befor inital conte, ‘The ih shower and thorax begin o move forward at hel sks (aia conan, ‘The hamstings bring the keto spproximatly 60 degres of flexion during acceleration. The hip exo, akledosiexers, nd toe extensors ar alo active, ‘The gers population would hve a longer period of double suppor in a tte to maintain balance. They also would havea Shorter step and side length swarm whisipoo withthe lower extremity ina dependent Postion is ike to increas the edema, The addition of most eat 's contraindicated forthe sume reason. Theres no need fr sharp dsbeidement on a clean wound. A compression pump soften sed for noreaed edema inthe exemis Since paia responses may be uveliabein his population, PROM js conruindiated AROM muy be measured. Functional ROM is ‘te mont mportant meas the pomt. LevoDOPAcarbidopa can cause al of he sted ees except bradyesedia, Due tothe ofeet he patient might hive to be scheduled a tines when he or he isin the om phase ofthe drag “The text only considered positive iit is lax in two or more planes. Tiss due the variation of direction ofthe fibers as hey ‘onnect othe al igament. rt tng me me 6 16. m4 ma De Cyr’ classical description describe he obvious case ofa Sprngyeod-fel as being that of ao pact of «meni in the Jee engaging between the bore ends, locking extenton, Passive flexion of the knee would be expected to place stress on ‘he muscles acting to extend th kne and the joint apa. The only tse struct that would be pled on “sack” would be he Sciatic perv, which ans along he poten apet of femur Children with esti ross commonly have eevia dois resulting fom thoracic Khoa. Thi leads othe sansa ‘Soulden o be pusbed forward ad aro, Chilcen with timited anticipatory postural conto have dificulty Catching reaching, o throwing in any posure, a result of» poor {eborward onto. Protective rections are may to potet he nf fom a fll A problem with developement of high-level balance sili evidenced by inability to sand on on in, wale ‘ona balnce beam, or hop, ‘The power gasp often is used to consol one acter abject. The ook rap wed when srength of rp mist be mainte to. camry objets. Lateral pinch i wed 6 exer power on with a ‘small object. Opposition ofthe thuzb ip andthe ip ofthe index finger, forming cule, describes the tip pach which used to et eal object Nerve condueionyEMG sales are wef for idence the posible injury site long the lower mor neve refx tut cannot provide defiive cial diagnosis. ‘Aleson of priherl neve produces a complete paras ofthe ‘mass innervated by this nerve. Weakness i immediatly apparent when esting the moter function. A Tesion of unique neve root duces paresis ofthe mjotme (group of muses anenated by @ ‘Sage nerve roo} innervated by tis nerve root Some tne is necessity fr the weakness to Become apparent when ttn for ‘motor faction. The sametic contacto rst be Held fi & ‘minimum of seconds -Atropty ofthe ypothenar eminence i sign of ulna eve lesion, while parenthesins ver he Goal aspect ofthe tnd are ‘smmptns of ada aerve lesion, Deceased eid th inaction and foream pronation ae signs of median neve lesion, ‘ut the motor branches of prentar res and pono genie arise before the median nerve etre the carpal uel BREE er ere cee mem ere 80. 4. According wo Hoppenfeld the patella deep tendon reflex muscles (the quaticepsusle group) are inverted bythe LA nerve root, ‘ia the femoral pene, 81, ‘Themechanism of injury indicates implication ofthe supesor lexus oF CSC, causing ie am weainas not ting pial rar esnttin Gavotvemant of ons myotoma),Narve regen Stl pose when oly the endnuram and capillary complex ae igre (a burner) Hower, when the perneriam (cus) ot pinion derptd (chil europa), wef regenera ie {sotexgeted. Tis gues peat peroneal nerenon reven permanent euolgi deit 52, An ulnar nerve-compromited hand presente a “law” hand afer ‘prolonged amount of te because of op ofthe tree, ‘The extensor digitorum takes over and pls the MCPs in hyperextension. 83. Thechurtor nerve innervate he adductor brevis, actor longus, adductor magous,cburator exes, and gracilis muscles ‘Choice A has no motor fncton. Choice C innervatsthe ston, ovis, lacus, and quadriceps femoris The inguinal erve Inervates the obquus interes abdomins and wansverss shdominis 84, 6 Although sources vary widely child can sit unsupported usualy beeween 4 and 8 months of age. Choiees A and B ae incorrect. CCoive D would possibly cause the parent to worry prematurely. 8S. a. A defect in he lamins fa versa ually ours fst. Tit efectisclled spondylosis. The vera ay then sip because ‘of sea oes, thi lippge i alled sponiyoliadiesi 86, b Rheumatoid anv is systemic condition commonly ivaving joins bilaterally. Crepitus can be associated with oteoartits "heumatoid artis, bur seumatoid ais the most lyin thease 87. ©. The punt ae” is moa indicative of shoulder impingemest. The soft sues ofthe shoulder ae pinched under the acomion process a approximately 60 degrees 0120 degrees of abduction. Pin ‘troughout duction ave range of motion sugaess cromoelviulr joint dystnction. a 8. ®. 31 ” os, ‘ ‘Toe ler wingle (composed ofthe radi! hed olecranon ‘proces, ad Intel eicondyie is the most ly ofthe choices {Ecxhbitjoint edema, Joint edema i corimos afer «surge rcedure. ‘Toe Romberg test i typeof equilibrium et Eqibrum tests sae usally conducted wit the paet i sting position, ‘whereas nonequlbrim eis are performed wih the patient inthe ‘pine postion, Postural sway tet involve th patient standing on * Somputeriod platform and eleeroncally measuring the arnount. ofsway the pteat exhibits, Oneleged stance tes obviously imolve the patient tempting to stand on on lg during the tet “More han 10% of poyphasc potential in the ttl opt of| ‘matle is consered somal. Inperforming hee ters on patients wo have this disorder, seasory potentials are generally unchanged. Motor unit potntils increased in amplitude and dation becaeof variate Iupulse conduction time in sprouting norte Increased plyphase potentials are usualy found wit ieeased duration. Burognosisis the abity to iereatinte between diferent weights Serengnass is the ability to differentiate btwn diferent ses am shapes. Grapes tthe ait to ery leer, numbers, ‘ordesigns traced on the skin, Texture fect i the ability to irene between textures auch a oto, woo and sik ‘Al ofthe sted muscles parcipae in mania eleration with ‘he exception of the lateral pterygoid muscle. The lateral pterygoid smucl ad the sprayeid muscles partie mandibular deren. [No activity = 0. Slight contraction = 1+. Nomal response = 24 ‘Exaggersed sponte = 3+ Severely exaggeted Wen the est is performed oma patient with 0 motor neuron lesion, the umbileas should move toward the simul. Unters moemen soggess lower moto aewoninvolemen, A cremaster lexis performed by seeking the medial thigh fama with a posible lower motor neuron iolvement Biers abeence of ovement indicates upper moter neuro ivohement 96, During wilateral srg legis ofthe inoved lover exten, ‘enson is placed oa the eae nerve at sppximately 35 degree of Ip fen At O depres of hip exo, tenon i minimal 9 noe, ad tension is masial above 70 degrees hip exon. 97. Avavety of ets ca be used to termine the proper agnosis ty és of age, 98. & Choices A,B, and Call ecsveinervatos om that bach of ‘the racial ples. The reps baci i inervted by C7-C8. 99. CRPS symptoms do not include swetng but ether dryness ‘compared oth normal ie 100. a. Cognition, sensation, ROM, rtexes,spstity testing, MMT the bes order Sensory testing results can ely be considered accurate ia patents copie sta ie kor. Sparc and ‘manval muscle terting reuse based cnrange of motion 50 ROM must come frst, 101. Aerating pronaon/upination is the cores anes Dyadadochokinsia is ety wit mpi alternating motions sch a pronation and supination. A deni docs not capt the ‘apid motion, The ebound test measures waded muscle response tostimahs State balance doesnot involve rap erating ‘motion pastes 102, & The berpist suspects con cranial nerve 7 lesion because he ‘cial nerve 7 innerates the motion described. A penpheral lesion results in complet [oso one sie ofthe foe. Sparing ofthe fontalisis sign ofa cena lesion ue to iter cotcobalbarenevation of that mole 103. Repent refer esting with Jendrasik manesver to enhance DTR onthe le. Tio answers correct because you hive no reason 19 ‘spect abnormal refenes (ermal uss fons), s tester err is ‘he most key fs hypothesia. Refenes of2 are normal, ed 1+ is typoreles, at increased or sign of pper motor Desron symérome. Cognition wil nt change figs with reflex tein. {its es of an unconscious spinal refer ae, 108. Pain as meanured by pinrick and ight ouch re usd to determine sensory level fr ASIA guidelines. a Troe Reew rine 10s 106, 107 109, 110, m1 12, un, 4 Cena nervous system lesion, Cenal nervous sytem nytagmt ‘as more vera component Peripheral generated nystagmus is typically horizontal and rotary in nature, lesion of pte (Graal nerve I) would cause aly seasory changes Ith 20 ‘motor component BPPV would nat be trggered with sting because no heed motions are ocuring. A aout neurend ul also not cause aystagmas during smooth part, a 00 exe motion i oecrsng, ‘Theape or simian hand deserted isindicative of «median nerve ley ‘Thiscase represents a classic presenta of merliaprastetic, whch involves the ltr femal etnooue nerve, Thott hoes ae not inthe area. sis veil kngen ht the CS nerve ote the CCS interverb ‘pact. The te oon ex above and below ee Uppe mtr neuron esos move damage to oeul pays abo the level ofthe motor neon. Sach sions pay ree in ‘3 conllaton of symptoms that nclode inreased er yperacive eeptendon reflec, the appearance of pathologic eles, tonal Increases, and weakness. Mescle wasting i ot common, Increased eeptendon refers ca be one finding in deeming the need for referal or dferetial dug. A Kamp’ pay involves injury to the lower roots, C8-T1 {ccesionaly C7 is also involved) apd results in weanes ofthe ‘ces, foes prontors, and wrist Senos, ‘Dame othe anterior cord result in oes of motor faction and paintemperaure sensation. Thre wil be preservation of ight ‘ova, propocepton, and wbatory cease ‘Ales to the parietal lobe results in ss of eonzlterl stimu locaton and intensity, imairmeat of two-point cisciminton, ‘ace and visual gnosn visual renin, nd neglect of ‘conte elf nd roundings, ‘The 710 # month ld wil be able o taser fom guadrped to siting; it on belly in a prone positon; and demonstrate roteie extension reactions desma, evans and forward ‘Baekard reins will epi round 9 moat a | 114, Left tortots and resultant plagiocephaly woud cause fatening ‘ofthe eft ronal and right ein regions wit Pulp ofthe opposite areas. 11S. The anteror surfee ofthe face and the upper extrem ae ech comsdared 43% ofthe body, scoring othe ral of nek The Soir trunk is 109 Each anarioeseface ofthe lower xt 189%. The posterior side isthe sane, respectively. The teal gin scale 116, The injure ofthe patient in choice, vole the fngs. Tie tent would ot nave a goo chance of being weaned om tbe ‘enor The other choices ae medical emergencies, bt choice has the leat chance of survival 117, ‘The wound would be documented as ahealng sage IV pressure sore. You eanot reverse saging of presure sores. Healing of pressure ler should be docamentedby objective paras ‘och a size, dept amount of nero issu, amount of exudate, presence of granulation ue, and soe 118. 6. ever and malaise might be sgn of neon or other medial ‘complications. Tey are nt sgas of perwophic searing. 119. ereising atthe peak time of insulin fect causes hypopycemis, Insulin cases the liver to decrease sua producuon. The body needs increased levels of bood pucos during exercise 120, Conta bone displays high signal intexsity unless fa-uppession techniques ae uted T2 weighted images show Bid as bg In ston, ft wil show up fal bright the Bone marrow unless suppressed. Bone has extremely short T2 times and never displays ‘igh signal intensity ia the absence of pathology (Farts). 121, Right informs syndrome resulting in sciatica isthe most ely cause. The aggravating actives imple the pfrmis, whic becomes an INTERNAL rotator at hip angles above 60 degrees Gein ing) Te ptr fps eon! wih ie 122, MRI images are produced by radiofegsency signal, Al visu Sindings ae referred to in ems o signa inten 123, T2oweighted images are “uid pensive” meaning tht fi ck 1 edema produces high signal intensity A common maemonie ‘ed in radiology ie "WW Il” water is wte on T2. a 1, as, mm, na, 129, 120, 1 12, 133, Bs, 136. i, STIR, a common MRI sequence seen in orthopedic FT practice (epi inversion recovery), is extremely Bul enitve so ‘lema willbe observed as a region of high signal intensity, TI weighted images favor recording of fst recovery protons sich 2 nat tissues, which therefore appear at high signal ites. ‘Fluids 0072 images display mid to low-sgnl intensity ‘The atanto-dens itera is the distance between the antetior aspect ofthe dens an the posterior aspect ofthe snterior ner atch of CI. It is measured only on alata projection, Shoulder sie are based onthe sap plans, sgt sy {hat is ao called sagitalebique stad, twill splay images rented perpendicular othe long ais of th cepa pie FS (ft sstuton) PD (proton density) FSE (st spin eco) Sequences ate excele! for evaluation of aricul erage, Jot stctires, and edema nd ae terefore quite common ia ‘onhopec evaluation, Ft saturation or resstution is abbreviated “FS an refered to verbally a “asa” ‘igh sigal intensity ofa weighted image comeaponds oft CC employs views onthe three anatomic planes; there is no ‘condyle oblige view ‘TRand'TE etngs wil vary with PD sequences, but the universal ing i high TR and low TE. ‘Medial oblique is aterm used for speci pain fl xa views, Tris nt appropriate nomenlanse for any MRI sty ‘The window of CT images ef to the tissue density range being ‘computer enhanced, Bone, ais, soft ese, or lng ate common CT windows. Posterior oblique view of the cervical spine demonstrate ‘contr intervertebral foramina. Lacent areas on xy ae regions of aw desi. Increased mineral content in bone wil show decreased SI oo MRE Deeaue of decreased or absent Mud an fat hydrogen nace, 138, 0, 4a m4 14, 1, a 4s ut, a8. 8, 150. sh Taman SSCS CC is excllen for study of oxo facies and is the imaging ‘modsiy of choice if plain flim xx findings ae ncoelave, ‘Ligaments il into the generic deseription of “sof tee” “mid desity” on pai ln xray Lcency refers ton area af lw density (Le, molecla weigh), thus prodcing aback or dak ray lesion within normal dase bone yi lesion would be ideatfed ns ncet Bosh terms rete specially o hacer inficins of tone ‘Sequesta refrs pieces of necrotic bone ad invelucum resto reactive tone frmation in esponseo bacterial bane desructon Mull yes of any sof tissue stucture increases sppuet, not tre, radodony, ‘APA view demonstes coronal plane reltonsipe. ‘A bone window enhances radiographic contrast of bon; therefore, ‘cal bone appears very radiodese or wht. ‘The prs interac euperipooed on the vertebra body in the AP projection and therefore ney impossible to vile. “Lumbar oblique, both anterior and posterior, visualize the “Sooty Dog” ‘The plata inferior acta proces is sen athe foot eg. ‘The spinlamina line represents the posterior aspect of he central anal Aricular artage is histologically mostly water and appt as ‘mid-day or water density Paranal osteopenia ie «clase sgn of rheumatoid rts duet hyperpetusion duet infammaton ofthe syovism Posterior clique views ofthe lumbar spine demonstrate ipsilateral posterior element ofthe verte, ‘Oseophye fxenion i pica of oxeoarils, wheres Iss of ‘bone deasty is observed in RA, Conical bone his ile water orf 0 fw ydeogen ml art alae to record raioiequeny signal in MRI image, Tau Rien Queso 1s4. 155, 156, 8 1s 198. {A Sater-Harss IV face poses through both the metphysel ‘ng epiphyseal portions af the one long wth, of cous, he pinta! plat, Calescason ofthe orgnized hematoma brine at aot 10% 4 days after injury. The hematoma, orgaized hematoma, td Sbrous hematoma ae so tise and not aigrapiclly vile, Calum deposition mark he onset of xray visit of cls formation Spondylolisthesis i best viewed and messed on inter vows ony Sehmot’ nodule are epions of lucency unaly see a the ‘etcbrl end pte wher the degenerating ik is peneating Into bone material. Nepolen’ ht sgn indicative of wevere spondyolstess, and a Sate Hars acre ype is presext ‘in the pediatric poaltion only. Oseolasiona is a benign ‘one forming mer ‘Bolargement exaggerates tes of troctursloested set 0 the cray beam sour. Radiohuency refers to lw density areas sucha he Ing. The Jung is normaly radiolucent Foundations for Evaluation, Differential Diagnosis, and Prognosis ‘The most serous complizstin of ower extemity thmmbophlbits ie Cerebral nfartion Pulmonary inaction “Myocardial infarcon Kidney infection ‘A S0.yer oldman has a persitent cough, purulent sputum, somal Giaton of broach, more fequent involvement ofthe lef lower abe ‘ha the ight, empty, and reduced forced vit exp, What ‘he mos likly pulmonary dysfunton? 1 Cerone rani 1 Enphysema ©. Adhma 4 Bronchitis ‘Which ofthe following are tes for peripheral arterial involvement ina patio with complaint of calf muscultze pia? { Claudieton time Homan’ sign 6. Pereusion est Hoffa ese ‘A patent present os lini with decreased ida vole (TV). Wht i ‘he mos likely cause ofthis change in normal pumouary function? 1 Chronie obstructive pulmonary disease 1h Restictve lang dystention Emphysema & Asthma Nas i 5 ‘A patew presen wth tachypaes, corpulmonale, iypoemia, rales on fnspraen, and decreased cing capcity. Whats the pobable cause? 1 Restictve ng éysinction 1S Chron obstretive palmanary disease c Asta 4 Empiysema ‘A paysican instructs the therapist to educate a patent abo te Fk ltrs of ateraceront Which of the lowing isthe ost Ippon it? 1 Diaties, male gender, and excessive lebol Gente proaipestuon, smoking, and sedentary req ©. Sues ad inadequate exercise 44 Obesity, smoking, an hypteasion ‘A therapist i ordered by a pyician to weat patent with congestive heat fue in an oupatient cade rebabiltaion faci, Which of the following sgn and symptoms should he therapist ot expe? ‘Stents of th mal ave 1 Ontipacs Deceased preload ofthe sgh heart, Pulmonary ecema ‘Ata team meting, the espiatory therapist infrms theres the team ‘hat he ptn, jst ated to the abacate Boor, experienced breathing ‘iit in the acu care department The resptory Meat series ‘he brezing rolem as pause before exalng a afl inspiration, Which ofthe flowing is the herapist desea? a Apa 1 Orthopnes ©. opres 4 Apnnis ‘A therapitisprfrming ces pysitherapy 0 2 atint wins couging ‘pa sigucam umount of prom, The therapist Inter describ the quality ‘ofthe spain in sce a mucoid This description els er personne ‘which ote flowing? The sputum is hick The satin hs ful odo The sputum is lear or wht in colo. (4 The patent has possible bronchopulmonary infection,

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