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SOLUTIONS MANUAL to accompany AN INTRODUCTION TO COMBUSTION: Concepts and Applications Third Edition Stephen R. Turns Propulsion Engineering Research Center and Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering The Pennsylvania State University McGraw-Hill Boston Burr Ridge, IL + Dubuque, IA * Madison, WI + New York St. Louis + San Francisco + Bangkok + Bogota * Caracas + Lisbon London + Madrid + Mexico City Milan + Montreal + New Delhi Seoul + Singapore * Sydney + Taipei + Tokyo + Toronto PREFACE This solutions manual has been developed to supplement the third edition of AN INTRODUCTION TO COMBUSTION: Concepts and Applications by S. R. Turns. The solution to each problem is presented in the same format to encourage students to develop an organized approach to problem solving. Although a more detailed format could be adopted, the approach used here js, first, to present a list of given or readily obtained informati assumptions; fourth to present the solution, being careful to indicate equation numbers ; second, to list what is to be determined; third, to list the major and other references; and, lastly, to comment on the solution. This last step, frequently neglected by students, is quite important in that it can result in students reflecting on what they have learned from the problem, questioning their assumptions, and, in general, providing a wider context for the problem. The solution to each problem starts on a new page to facilitate copying and posting. Solutions to the following problems have been corrected from previous editions: 4.7, 13.3, 13.4, 13.5, 13.9, and 15.4 ProBlem = 1-1 Giver: Aye with a — melar compesibin of 792M, ond Ze Oz FInd: The mass Fehon of O, awk Nz m the ovr 2% Mw; and Yee % MW, ne Grim the melar compos'tim Xy,F 0-74 mnchare maleeular weight MWrrme? EX} MB = Xo, MO, +X, MWor = 0.79 (28.013) + (0.2!) (32) = 29.85 7 mass Fachon of O, ant Na nen) mesos Yat Xn ass (@ a (a) 2 0.233 3.013 = ) 20.%7 Comments? Mole thet Yo 7 Xog Since MW, > MWg — an that ZY;=1 as would he expechd. a PROBLEM «2-2 Giver: The Fellewna, — ronchae Spese *Mous XY pay co 0.095, 0,002 0002 28,010 (Oz ‘ 0.127 04S yaoi Hho 7 O-MF 00M Low Ne a4 97% 0.707, 2.018 No 9.005 1k xie® hie 30,006 Tome + 47.1 Lo Lo Find: 0) The mole frackon, mde %,amd ppm of NO m the michere B) Deckermnane the Mud of Fhe wnchure 2 Delermne the mass Frachon oF each cons hhunt Ni LL Noo . 6.005 Cente, “Mat Vay + yo tha tN 0095 + C+ 7 +34 $0,006 Kose = 106 21076 Br Vpipatemie IMUEZ = XK, -100 = 0.6106 Z% NA i= ppm = ZSE (iw) © Se (inset) = Luo Into) = [106 ppm | where A # Avogadro's umber 8) MWe = EX; Md; = Keg MWe + Kea, MWeo, + Xie Me VAMOS 4 Xaohlte there Xoo, Kay, Xho and Xp, ace Gund m the same manner oS Ky woos found A.0 Mure (0.002)( 22.019 + (0,12) (44.1) + (o.04}(/2.014) +0.722(28.08)3 (16 153304) Miewe = 286 Som Oo %+% ~ —_—— Y= (0.c0d(2roiAee) = 0.002 ak co, Y= (0.27) (44.0n Ave) Me, Ho Y¥ = (0.149) (12.06/28.6 Ga) Wee Velo) Crore) 20. . No® Y * (10x10) (30.006/28.¢) = I) x10" Comments: Aste thet — ppm= Xi (1x18) amc — thet Z%G+1 and ZY;=1 Can often be used to check your calculations FRoBLEM 2-3 CWE + Mixers wrt S beta Hy and 2 émrh 0, FIND : Lib, 5 toe 5 Mn 5M ) Man = ZR MUS = Ce Meg + fo, har = 0.625 (a.o1e) +37 (31.999) “ = < Bale Mim > Ya = 22° Fa zt0 50-095] Vo elo Yi = 1809 0, 905 | anmewT: Eyen thigh Te mole fraochon of Hb lange , etfs (su. mrbentar weg t- results in ts horny a small muse. SPrachor, PROBLEM 2-4 GIVEN + 6, - chy mixture @ 700K # 0 AR, — FIND ¢ Yetby > Noy [XE ASSUMPTIONS + sheak gas mitre. So4o770nN + = MWertes 2 Yet = Wet Feu = ‘ety MWetty Ley Men, + = Cele MPa For 6073S 2 HE.083) 0.2.(16,043) #0, 8(57.994) 28,B08, G = O.M/ 2 (6.2) 00-10" =| 8018-00” Rok. 83/5 (300) | m3 Comma, : Careful Freafmowt of onits is reuine 1 Park db. PRoBLEM A-S GIVEN? Ne - Ar mixtare with Ma, = 3 Mes T= SOK 5 P= 250 RR Fie tM) MW > % > MM AssomeTtal : cdeok gas mixture BOCvTIOas 2) Ye, - Mun - Shee . 3 — on Ne BA + Nip 2a ae Vous aCe s 5) MWax = By MY; = 6.75 (20-04) + 0.25 (39.948) MW mx = 30.998 _ Muy, 28.0. = = Tey my 7 OT eae ar 7 O.GIB Yan = I~ geet et Ooze 4) RYHMAT 3 Ree Nae ea eae (re}es oe 0.0461 Rae BRIS (500) | a ney, Im? CommEeT: Carefal treectmeet of units a oy wired. in pare PRICLEM 2-6 C6, - 2, mocture with Ap, =o! 5 Toy =0-35 T> 40% Standariged entalay oF moture GIVEN * FIND 3 ASSOMPTIOA 4 Tdeab-gar Be havior— oo — application of Ga. BiSe combinel with Tae Lefiartion g Sforndodged enticlpy cepa. 2.34). Reon = bea, + Ole ea= 393,545 + 7003 (fble #2) “389, 53 Tames. De = 4 al 6 4 303) = 5031 Kilbnee, host Ah 6, aa hos exh = oh hon A (Ga 20180) = 0.1 (389, 543) +0.9 (303) Se ha COMMET ? The ase of tre Aypendin A tables mate This, problem Simple, Nate That The time inferrrofore vb Boailable. as curvefit

300,+ YO +3.%.N, xt 5 = x3, yr? Pel ass At 3a 4a Molar YF rao? Aj = 7 7 ‘A MWase MWear mass mt = (“Ppare ( “as | = 4%e ial 2BYS han (8 PROBLEM 2-9 Given Propane (CHs) burning of an awe feel patio (mass) of IR) Fiud: The equivalence mbo , > Assuupravs? Air is comprised of 79% Nz and 21% O, by volume AbpRoncH: Dedermme the Stoichiometrre A/F rato and then the equivalence rcko Stoichiomelrre relation? Gq Hy tAOy + 3. Bahl, > 3C0g4 HHS F3.7GKy ae OM 23, yr8, $+ ars ? Msmes = 40 (ER) = 4 (9)(“How) * 166 wivalonee rata ® a Abs pce ee $ Pn © hie $20.27 Smee <| this combushon process is on whether COMMELTS = fuel-lean. Also ‘note thet f aloes not the AWE rete: are expressed in terme of moles or mass since b alo a cake PRoBLem 4-/0 Given: An aquivelence ratio of 0.6 Find: The correspondma A/F ratios (mass) far methane (CH), propane (CHa) and decane (C, za) AssumProns: Air is comprised of 79% Nz ond 21% 0, by velume AproncH = Use the relationships = oS ad and Ap) = YBa methane (CHa) x21, y=, Mud= 043 "FPemale 28S ae ts = 333 — 4) saad (- a) }. Bare? 2850 IY Fel propane (CyHe) X=3, yee, murs 44.0% "Yemole 39% 28.38 ae Gh + am — 4). 4x (039 (Ra) Meas = 25.4 Ses fuel decane (Colfer) + (23.95 ae Ot a093 > Ab acs? 4% (25.58) (ia 2e4 ) Ob Pours? 24-98 "fe Fal COMMENTS * Role how te MF rote (mass) changes only shghtly From ane hydmcarken feel b another. while he Ale rosso (noclac) vares from 15:9 (methane) 10 123 (deca), This Afferemce behavior is alue & fhe Mlofyg) mereasing as the molar A/F tate mneveaces. PROBLEM =I civen 3% (by volume) Oz measured in the Exhaust of a propane (:Hg)- Fueled truck Find: The air-fuel ratio (mess supplied t the enaine 4 Assumpnons : Complefe combustion with no alissociation Aperotcd + Use conservation af O atoms fo detecmme the Ale atic From the exhaust rygen mele Frackon assumed combustion reaction? GH, +a, +37%aW, > 3G, +410 + bo #3%ad, conservation of O atoms 2a = 302) +44 L@) az Sth bra-s exhaust O, mole Faebon* Ce ge er aU cc Using he a-S? a-$ _ St BX Xo Ya te O° T= 4 Xe, exhouct Op 3% (by veluwa) ——> XK = 0.08 2 ~ St2o®D_ | a" Trarlec > 57 . MWare 23.85 “Pass * 417% (Fogg)? 4%( $70) cae Bang = 2 Comments + This engine is an) at a Fuel-lean conolitin Y Fn ne re a a 4 ¢ PROBLEM 2- Ie GWEN? J mle of alechel (Cx My Oe) Undergang conplle combustion Fup: Stoichiometric balance equation and number of moles of air to buen | mole of alcabel ASSUMPROWS: no dissociation and air that is 74%Nx and 2120, (vol) APPROACH * Use consecvotion of elements Le the cambuston of one mole of alcchal Stoichiometrre balance * GelyOz +20, +3H%an, — hCO, + CHO + 3.%ohy conservation of carkm? x2 bh [hex conservation of H+ yr 2e—le: & coneevation of O: Zt Raz Zh+C= 2x +¥%hy as X+W-% number of moles of air 4 buen I mele of alcohol ¢ Nuc , 4 3%a 2 426, Ny Neue COMMENTS = Hehe that storchiometric combustion of can alechsl (GcHyor) requires, less Otygan than the combushon of a comparble hydimcarhen fuel CoH) ue + the presence of oxygen im the Fuel PRoBLem 2:/3 Given: Methanel CCHOH) ond the results of problem 2-% Fmd: The stoichiometric A/F rat (mass) ard compare with that of methane APeROACHs — Use the relationship leveled im preblom 2% for beth methanel and methane methanol CCH OH Cx My O: Kl ys4 Be] sth Conon) vu’ a Bug 6 (Fees) sua [1-4] (ABE) = 64 32 "Pace = 4 pass ethane (CHy) Cx yO: xl ye# BO “nob ende i Has Bas? #¢[ x74) (Fre) vane 70) (32 4 Comments: The lame Ai Ferme i the Me tates for methane and methane is primarily ue te the differences in Fuel MW, Ona mel basis the Ae rato for methane is 7/4 ancl 252 fer methane. PROBE 2-14 GIVEN + Sbichismetrre myture of isoockswe ¢ air Finds H per beh Cotes y Pry Aang ° ASSUMPTIONS ; Air 1 7T9%Nz GF 2G On; idecl gas APPLOALH 3 bia atart by firting The sbiehionetrse Proportions ff cack ery Gok: Gite t2(O.+3.7eK, 5 —> Gas 1.30) aaX+Hy ~ Fria = %. z3/J 1) Ghat 5b, + 47M, “> Products hs The tboveia weiter for (hime 9 Ce Me . a H=@ Ist ak, + ah, C21 Temet- Cgthe At28 K , he ng 04108 Teme an cenvetie cue feicents a Ge oe in Tab B.2 ) hye h, =o 4 (med -Cgthag) = (C2193) + REO) + 47 (0) ="-224,108 | ») Prag = ch, 5% = Moe Tghe = Husnste) = Yom > 0.0165 to, = l2s(irist47) = 0.2066 ne = 1 -Acaing - torn = 07769 PROBLEM 2-14 Clontinued.) A Inu, = Or 1S" (- 224,109 ) + o,2066(0) + 0.776900) Wray 73700 AT hyned -me Mm. = EAL = An [Mu Miu, = He MU, = 0.0165" (114,230) + 0,2066(3/,999) + 9.1769 (28-014) = 30.260 3479 Any = Se = - on a & Pte 122.2 4I/bg-mty commenrs : We note that although 7h p-octame an Sdsetane are represented Poduels NM % hese) @ he 7 Boule “TTS, #87 Ow 17.86 0/2077 6097 See Prob 215 Ne opt 02,7801 S420 EN; = 86,00 a) H = 1€175,807) + 17.86(6097) + 61.14 (S920) He + 330554 AT] Gor 1 bmot Gtio) h =H 330,554 "Toy ee Dna Be TREE Tae) Kind nis| 2) Mann = EA Mu; = 0.01g (114234) + 0,2077(81994) + 0.7807 (28.0%) = 29.842. —,—_ wae SELL 128.8 hI /kg-mis COMMENT + Note how, far non-stuichionatric corubuacti on. ofS is substitute tl for“a” in pn. 2 30. As expected, the nixture enthalpy increases with. ‘the addition of excess air. Nain = B|P/ PROBLEM 2-17 GIVEN + Gpuimolar mcture of Cothy ¢ CHe borarag witr air Fine: MelNy fe @=/ and P=08 PsSomanow 5 Ric *s TIGAe 3 21% Or Aerroach + C4, 9 © elemert balames are ogi & determme The coeffcruk “a! Ct, + CH + 2(0,+91K,) > 6 Co, + Cho + B7ba No | ea) (he) Ht gre = 2 (C=6) Db; aa = 2b+te sace)te = /% 2=7 *) Br $= 1, —e,_C Me 2 !*t_ _ £ 0,0600 bmA ever | Mm 7046) ete | S) Br F=0.8 Me hy 2 bake | | CommG@or; An alternative approach would be & define a composite fuel (Gtr Cly = Catta) amd cabulte Ya From Hn 2.31 (a= xtylqs4+rh=7)- | PRoBtem 2-18 BEN? Ldeok (re ttssociahon) combusbor products of Gig-air for B=o,7, T= hooK, P= tthe FI + Hygy (per tele Goths ) Hprod (per te Sts ) horet ASSOMPTANS 1 Nb drssocectin Giver) dood Myeturae g ? we Appboncee | We first fink Te mtine comprsit in, 6 hen lealahs Toa ywytur— enthalpy. Erphy mp BACB, o “x +y4V/E, 8 ee aod oO? oF * Thur, Gla + 2S (0245 76M,) bo,+ dot fort Bx 37 Ne Ct =t (b=e) =9) 5 [/2S)9 = af o (23) zhedt + 4 = & +9 4+ 2L f= Ps Bee -16-9) = $357 PROBLEM 2-18 Céontinued.) Nye = b+ b+ £4 37ba = e494 5357 +370 BS a7 = 6450 Mole frets , Y= MWg : Neo = S164 = = 6.0844 Uno = AS 2 6 106 Yon = 5387/8 > 9-0597 Aus 6LIFIELS = 6,750 eee Z > 1.060 Spates 1M Nee dhe, (var) Mz hy toro (io00k) On B -3935U6 83,425 - 2,88 0,90 Ao J 241, B45 25,903 1,94 008 Oo S351 0 22,721 [21116 Nz. 67 5 Al, 468 1,441, 302 EM, = 94,497 h: [H Cres ieote Mea” Shh, = ~ 3,260,588 [Himeige)i- Zak; FS ue ose BS] — ~ 3,260, 538 ~18,5 [4,230 ‘| ko PRobem 2-18 (Continued ) ji _ SMh; (EM prod MWprad Mproe = BAe My; 0.0894 (44011) + 6.1006 (18.0/6) + 0.0599(37.999) + 0.7502. (28-0) 26 6% = 75,260,558 gz RT /eg- prot 89.497 (28.68) -___ CommenT + THIS problem illustrates cale ablation of product properties an a "fuel basis“ Ze, per pre fee ot pass of Fuel. 4 y PROBLEM 2-19 WEI! Gy ~air , BHOTS FID i Male S0cuTIon) : GHy + &(O.+576 Ma) > Products Fir Gr) wa Xt Fmt = OS Ne 1G AIC Ios i Be EST PROBLEM, 2-25 SENT CzHy- Ox, , B=0.9 = 20 batf/ir 2 Maty FIND ¢ 2) é Fag 1, cH) 8) No, Soloreons ¢ 2) 2 = hey, LV = May May, SY AD = 30 fms fhe 2Bose ayo! & he 3600s LZ _rible B/ = 07s x B= nor BN looW 3,412 Blafe Ral w & = 5102 08 Bru | 7.02. mmBra/re b) For shichunatric enditiors, Qty + 202 > 200, + 2ho O- belie: V2 +2 5 a= 38 Noa Nyy Moe = Nyy % Noy oO — Nog = 30 bat 8. = 100 bint | we 0-9 | aT thy, = Kh, MWe, = doo ba. he a. "403 | | PROBLEM 2-2) SVEN! CHzdH- air CL 41) 3g AE = 8 4p /bain For ye ASSomerrapss: no dissociation 5 air @ 79BNe 21% % - SOLLTION + Fo~ Pas ®) CH + 2 G.+3-%)A, > CO, + 2 tho + 760A, S Orble: 142022 44S ,a2 25/a 2H | Aey., = FT6 A MMe er. 232) MWessod = 926 aS) 28S _ acy 32.040 GIFIy [oe Gee ee GIF) b a ) Hyon + GF Ort BTM > Cr+ ZHOt btat S7ahy | O-belame ; (+ 2 =2 405 +24 ; aw b= d( ad -ZS) = = F ee ee & = 0.6157 You = Mow - = Q 2 Nye (tLS+# OGST + 3.76(25 oT 10-13) comme: O-elenert balanes rmist-accoant tor oxygen contort ia the fuel. PROBLEM 2-22 GWEN: n-deane CHV > 44, S97 ET n-decane yg = 276.8 b7/ky titer yy = 2002.2 Sle Find + 6) LAV pedecane (p> 5) HHV n-decane (vep. J SOLUTION + 4) LAV (ig.) = 4G.) ~4 Bethy Gee grea Crapor) Casta C8 A tt Prod (H0Cw) a Fred Co(t))) ea Zv(b)'- 49597-2768 = 44320 277 ATA hs | 5) Htv(vap) = L#V(oap) 9 of Mis || 4 Crate Mom FG she 7 where, the form in brackels iy mass Ho per mass § oo tin. To find Niyo/Neobne sve write 1 ———SCS Lan tver df Fa 2er [HitVivmn) aajsa7 + HL fas eran Comments + Visualgrag LHV, wel gphialy arent a ans in performing “These * enpalbions Mate The comversien from LHe HV involves ai mss refi of wake-formed Cool burned. the HH -value 41, 993 "ag is for procticel purposes tHe same as Tre vabue green Table Bl (Hiv= 4¢,002. ‘sfhs,) . A 99 kg, | ae PROBLEM = 2-23 Give: The lower healing value fr methane , LHV 50,016 hy © 298K Frid: The enthalpy of formation of methane ot 298K AssuPTons * complele combuston of methane t form CO, HO and Ny ApPROACH: Use the sfoichianetrie relation f clefermme the proper A/F Fotis ond combustion products for / Kmele of methane. Then use the Fiest law of thernedmnamies Yo evaluale tle reactant enthalpy , au Storchiomelrie relation ine lease Ayana CHy +20, 42 %aW> C0,t2H0 42%aNg| >} cv a= uh =2 Base on FiesT LAW AUALYSIS OF Conner vaume (cv) ot steady- stale He ae = Hprgg + LWViag Moon” ' gg * (Bice) Le, # LRG °C} 76 F400 Feed, Using appendic A - T=298K Aragg = [393846 40.) + 2 E2487 +0) + 252.0 40] = - 977240 KT Mao OP * CF Pig, * 20H AFF 25C hn a agen using eppondne A ~ 72298 K Heras = | Chea +o) ¢2[0te],, + Talore], = hese ley Hee Oh ease leiy = Hpasg + Vege =~ 877240 KT + (Soot he) a) PRoBLEM 2-24 Given: The mnchce composition in problem 2-2 ot T= l000 k Find: The absolule enthalpy of the mirchare ('Yenl-mix)) ApPRoacH + Determine the absolute enthalpy of each species m the rinses ustey append A and than calealale Phe binctave abseute enthalpy from é co Pane 2 = %i he rchere compasition (For problem 22) and species enthalpes Cappendix A) Species tmmes ye (Mow) Fig = Fiey ) i) co 0.095 0.002 Host 21697 CO2 6 o.17 ~ Ba3546 33428 H,O 7 O.14T ~ 241947 25993 Nz 34 0.72% a 2INGE No 0.008 Jab xi 90297 22241 a = [hone + Cneco” Feswe) Ji Penne? Ochi), 4 (x Fide, + (xh), + (xh, Ne, +O biog Panne = 0-602 Eiiostt +2197) + 0.129 [3rasue + 3342s] 40.9 L2uies7 +25793) + 0.722 [0 + 2G] + 106 «15% [70297 #22241) = 62563 Hemle Comments Wele haw much the Ny contethudes f the mucture, specific enthalpy (18500 "Ffenikemx) olespile having a relatively Small absclute enthalpy itself (21468 Yerde-W,). This is clue * The lange mole Frchon of Na present im the mickuce PROBLEM 2-75 Givew: Methane — Jowee heating Value, LHV = S006 "Shy fel ot 293K Fads The lower heatma Value per ? a) mass of fudlaie minchere by Kmele of Gel-aie muzduce, c) cubre meke of Suebair mnchue AssumProns = fixel-air indue behaves as an ideal gas and Pelatm APPROACH = Delermne the stoichiemedric AF ratio for methane and Using this mache radio perfiem a units Conversion Stoichiamebic rebtion? CHy + 2.0, + 3.2%aN,—> CO, + 2H,0 + 3.72laNr fie gel ae xe el yed oe Mair BBS Kea 2) Bass # 47h ide 7 ana) far = 17 Ka Ficel Lav [gion] = ely (TEES Fuel HVC Herm | = (S001 ese )(Fen Ek) few EX g Mix ‘mel b) Prone? 4a = 4:76 (2) 2 9.52 Foe Kou fuel j UHVE nn) = UVC Sat) mn (88D «IE [tron LAV Shlomxe |= (50016) (16.048) Gas) = GM ende-mee LHY [Sendo | * 16274 Shaders ©) LAV fP-moe) = LE Sonn) (LE) 32: Assuming (deal gas LAV E Yeo) (16274 Fenn) (0.0409 3) = Hid Yntmise LAV [ Koemix.) = 39 Yon emine PROBLEM 2-26 Givens The higher heating value of Iguid ochine (CgHe) at 299K is Y7®93 Kfey-£ and the enthalpy of vaporization is 362 "Veg Feat Fino: The enthalpy of Fomation of ocatane vapor at 298 K ASSUMPTIONS: Complete combustion, all HO exisk m liguid firm, and ne dicsoeiation Appeaact : Determine the product composition for Storchiometnie combustion of ockne. Then use a first hw analysis calcula He enthalpy of Formation for Iquid ochne , ron which the vapor enthalpy can be fund. Stoichiometric reletion * | 7 ae = AAV Coble + aD, #3-2haWy > $60, + Fy #3-2aDe | He |’ Hp -—. TURK | TI9K Since. the reachnts au products ave at 298 K, the sensible enthalpies of all species ore. Bere and the Oy and Nz heats Ff formation are Ze. Concequently O, anck Lz can be neglected m this calculation, First Jaw analysis? Hp rgg = Hp + HIV at sHeady ~state Hpasg? 9 Che), +10 Peaepy 7 Fest ogg @ ESM] Las -4400] io Hprgg 77 S:7all 108 kT Centhalptes from appendix A) erg OOBE legteca HV [5 fencer = HAV [ eq.) Meee CEE = 47893 (0423) = 647110 pace =~ S72 IO + S47 KIO eT fr all x en = = 250273 Kemal -Fuel ef + -280272 ud-€ + 38 Yeog [aap] he Here a = 208007 KT yrigr Hesag * Heaae + HHV Ci keer Fe) ——> S = he + Fetes) Pee ata esc CommETS : The absalule enthalpy of a species m the vapor -phase con ‘be Faind. From He lyucl-phese enthalpy * Results agree well with appenatix Bul hes) heey + he PRoRLEM = =—2-27 GIVEN: The Fellowmg reachans © CHy-air, Hye, amd CG) ~aie Find: the heat of reacon She in "5s Ruel ) "Thazrre ean the Me (rast) rosa, Compare the results yyith table 21 Assuarnass: complete conbushim no gpecies dliscactakion APPearct: Calculate the Ap cable using conservation of elements ancl then dletermine Shy From the First law of thermedyamies, one : a ee _ afi = Rpby Nee OR, |___, Nehe Teak 2) methane ~ air CHy tad, +3.%aN, —> CO, + Log 3%a Wo ah ag foe rel, yet, Gel [6 4a (ee a 3.95 1602) (25) = 7.12 = Use a Fest law? oh, = a —— ah. ! [osu] + 2 Erasise), 4 ~[- 7831) - 2to\- 2526), for products and reactets ot 298K (ie, h> he ) rc. r aL p Kode ght =990 427 Yasg —? shel Ze) = shel Ketet] a [AE ae t ah, * “totem (E=) = se ox Sy. - why mE oh, [®fem0] = he Dee) trae l oes bheL hema] #88508 «Tag (continued) promem 2-21 (continued) 8) Hy Op Hy 4a, > Hy a: x nk fir x20, +2, bl Wen 1 : ee a Bea (B)e8 Me % aes 23 hy, 7 who ~ he = Vhageg 7 2A 7 Ai = | [-285¢56] -2[e)-! [o]} the = -29885s6 Yc bh. = shee = - 295356 * + Ao, = SS —> | aha - 2922 h-F ! a Tae + mane (Tr) D Cey 4 a0. + WAN, > CO, FRKAN _— A MWe). 28.95: on | for xh yn0y gel Ves tla (S*) = 40) (7) Me = I44 oh, is By hea ~ oho, 8%ahy, - hy =F 338%),,,-'- 37le)y HL], bh, = 393546 pe the (bgt) « dhe ti = -3IBHC FE = ~320% hye PROBLEM =—-2-28 Gives: A stoichiometric mxture of propane CGHs) and air Frio: he (6), he (eg-mn), and YE (mass) rabio Assumtnons: Complete combustion with no disssciahion , duater im combushon products exists im Ipuid phase smee 7>298K APPROACH Calenlale the Me ratio ving elemental conservation and then debermne Shy fem the Fist Jaw of thermodyeames combustion, equation? Gllgt 20, + 2%lad, —> BC, #4H,0 + 27a), as BR 25 Ap. Hla Mow ? ie Mofo Ret 4 Fi tsee™ hg > 30-aves6)+4C295054)- (-reae07) ah, = = 2.2202 i Vroloog oh [tal] = the Chest) heey ceatect enthalpy change at Teeanst Cor Wake thet the reclect Heepertue change for heconst) ecars” when fuel vapor Ys burned gud the ‘products conkam Ieguid Ho. Asa, the fewer and higher heating values for fad! vapor can be found hy adding the enthalpy of vaporization fe the fuel Iiguard Jower am higher heatmg values. COMMENTS * PRoBLem = 2-30 Given: A steichsomedie propane (CzHe)-aie mixtwe ot 298 K Finn: The adrahelie {Tame tempestioe , Ty ASsunPnans: no dissociation, conslant specific heats evalusteh ot 298 K Appronict * Use element conservation & delermue the correct fuel-aie tix. and product composition. Then Use a first bw analysic fo evaluate Tod Shoichiomebrie relation * Cay ta0, +3 aN, > 300, +4H,0 43 Kana at pel a=meMmyes Ghat $0 + 12.80, > Bea, 44,0 + 18-8 N2 TH, (Since the reacants are at T=298K the Oy and Ny conkubns fo the reackant enthely are zero) Fiest law Foe adiabatic conditrons * Hn Ape (oh), OYA, + ORT, = [whl Gohl, #LNhIy, —— a5 ee =e raperties fom where = Ker Ch Fen) = Big + (7-298) pendve A @ [ress47 reoy, = 3 Ess #3778299) ) +4 [2a 7 +33.40CT 2A), + 18.8 [0+ 23.0 (Ty -278)]p, 379K Selvmg for Ty * Commects: Mote that thie Flame fémpershue rs much greater than the adiabatic flame temperature in appendix B.1, This te due + the assumphin of ne species drssociahon and the assumphion of conshnt speeGe heats evaluated at 298K, An Cxamsantton of appondrx A shows thet the gecife heals can vey significantly Grom 299K to 23K. PRoBLEM 2-3/ Given: A stoichometrre propane (Cylle)-air mixkve af 299 K FIed+ The adichetic Flame tempecawre » Tod Assumprens no dissdeiation, constant specie heats evaluated at 2000 K APPROACH Use element conservation b determine the correct fuel-air mnckice and product compasition. Then use a First law analysic 4 evaluale Tod Stoichiometrre relation * GHg +202 + 3.7ha W, —> 30, #HH,0 43:% Ny . 24h = at G1 atx = 5 He 7 Mp Gist 22 1880, > Zea, HHO FIED, — | PA Th and By contrihutong to fle réachnt (Smee the readents are at T=292k He O4 | enthalpy ace Zero) Fist law for odlabalte conditions? Heyy = Arg (wily, 09, + Lor, = (ot), + Dahl, + 00h Ia, where B= B+ (h-Fig_.) = he + G (7-298) —— hp nd G From eppendon A a Frets re) y = 3338 rOoHen(Ty 20), + Y Pom + .K2 a8) + 12.8[ 0+ 35999 (Zy -298)) be Solving fir Teg * Ta = 2222. K Comments: bode thet this Flame fempershwe fs much closer te the value Iicled tm appendic B.4 than the +enperhue caleulated in problem 2-17, This Is due fe a yore appropriate estiomle of the constant specie heats, The ects of dissociation on the flame fempembure are sll unaccoumbed For, PROBLEM 2-32 Givens A stoichiometric propane (CyHe)- aie mirchace Finsd: The adliababc Flame temperature, Ty Assumbnons + no dissociation, species thermoplycical properties €gual t these in append, A APPROACH: Use element conservation determine the correct fucl-air mixture and product composition, Then use append A % @ialuale the specres tlermephysreal properties and first law analyis determine the flame fomperatace. This is an ‘donde prcess in which a Flame teuperahue is quested, the fret Jaws is checked, ancl if necessary a new flame fempembit. ic chasen- See problems 217 and 212 or correct fuekaie mrchune and product couposition. A corel vihuwe stetch fir the enemy consentahion ic alto shown First lau For adiabahe conditions * He2ay = Apzey —? Hp- He =O ls * [wh], + Loh), +R] y, iia) * Bg + hg ches From oppendle A (oh ey, +098), +0» alee R= hitb (0) -rosee7] = 3E-aa3sue +b, ]oo, +4 E2487 res), +¢[o1sh.]y, Reacranging in form HprHe2O © Shs co, +HBhey,g + PGhey, 2.08 nid =O TW Shs (Vou) —ehyy, (Yous) they (Fhoae) Werte 7000 UH420 PRBOS 56130 H234% 2100 9477 482 SABE 3687 2200 103.562. 33/60 63360 “207706 2300 109670 yed2g 56997 -161942] woeag moo 1S 798 3744 70645 6296 | WOTERRLATOD S096 ———__—, us - Ted = 2344 K Te Comments Nole tect this Flame Henperahure i sliglly greater then thet listed tm appendix 81 clespite casing crceurate thermphyical prepeckes fiom opperdix A. This & due fo neglectay species dissociation. PROBLEM 2-33 Gives: A steichzomefnic propane (Gilg) "mirdie at 298 kc Fmd The adiabohe Flame tempernture using the compuler code HRFLAME oc other sefhvare. Compare and contract ~ the cesults of probleme 2-17 te 2-20 — Using HPeuame + | Tad = 2267 K) which matches appendix 8! The adrchatre Flame Kmporatires calculated in problers 2-17 through 2-20 differ For tise mam reason; the methed of evaluatng the thermephysical properties ancl whether dlissaciahon of the product species ts Considered. In problem 2-17 the species sensible enthalpres were g estimated usmg conshat specie heats act ARK. Thus, Shee * ear Shins * Gone Ge 2. ae Smee specie heat imertases with toe, we were eFfectuely usmg fer low of a specific heat , cesultmg in toe high ofan adiababe Flame tenpemhue for a ye Ween » Jn problem 2-18 the adiabehe flame temperahue was calculated using conshut specitre heets evaluated at 2oce kK. buhile using these specific heats yrelds an adiabatic Flame Hempemtne close fo that listed m oppendic B.1, the thermephysical properes are sycong. This can be seen hy comparmy the adabalc Flame femperstue < Lom problem 2-18 (ahove) with thet caleulaled am problem 2-19. In prblen 2/4, tabulaled valves of Sensible enthalpres (Appendix A) were used but He caleulebed Flame Heaperbare is much greeter than thet calculated sma HPFLAME or listed in appendix B.). This difference can rot he afferbuled incorrect thecmephysical properhes and must therefore he dlue to lisseciahen of the preduct specres- From the vesults of problems 2-17 throwgh 2-20 it becomes apparent thot accurate evaluction of mixture thecmophysital properhe: and product dissociation are. 'vequived fo obfein a close caleulahon of aalvabedre Flame femperatwe « PROBLEM 2-34 uimolar fueb blend of Cyd ¥ Cty turns air (G= 0,8) Tie = B= BRK P = tatr = constant GIVER) * 5 Fite = Tae. AssumPrions ? No dissociation (yer) Grstomt & @ (200% gen) Mir = 74% Ne, 21-7 Or Selerto« + Apelg. LE «has | Gr 2 too - Me P= ty C,?) To evaluate The above , ut red & defemme The composition. af- The reactants onl pradnets Co hy t Che F (Ar27h,) => afl-. Zz 405+ bho + (Gf) + F376 my Reactants | Hien ds Fable. —/03, 847 = —/o} 847 B./ C3 Hg / CHe = | -74,43/ ~ 7443) B41 Os tas } ° = Ay 32.90 © o 7 Uy = EN h, = -178,078 CI aT PROBLEM 2-3¢ Coortinued ) Products + F & fe N 4 @ 100K Mike NE Table. co, 4 -393,546 $4360 -/,574,8¢ 2/2470 Aa Hy0 6-29), gas 43,874 ~b4SY OTR MIU gc ES On LIS ° 34.736 S Baw Nz 32.90 2 32.762 } 107.810 g 3,254 (69,092 My am, = 3m [ +h ers -200)] 2 = EM, + ENG, Che -2aeus) Hep = 3 aS 254 + 16/9672 OTe - 2780S ETRE Lp ~ 4% (er 2-40) = 178,678 = — 3,025,254 + 819.692 (Th 2960/5) Try - 29ST = 79,678 FZ 02s ey 1978.1 16/9. 692 — —— os Le 2GE IS = 227, | Tad = M4761 i 2LU7EK Commearrs ; Tabulectrng needed. trformat on for reactants d products help 6 organize calculations This type: PROBLEM 2-35 GIVEN! aie 1 $2) oe Pe = pat constant — ‘olome ee Td. 5 Fyinak ASSUMPTIONS + FISD 7 No dissociation. Cpiren ) Constant Si @ 248K fir = BN, , BRO. Apel E fans Gr 24: TT ,% ) = T, Cha,B) a Hp Hy To eveluate Gn2-¥3, we teed the compositror of bere. the macta rts Ty proditote + ? SOLUTIOAS = -2.ULT - theta) = 0 Ben UB C3 +t S (O+3.76K) > 30+ 40 + SIST)N Roactents , i MACK Nh Table. S 7 =103,447 03647 B./ o iS o ° - Ae (8.8 o } L S JAB krrok — 103,847 pI | He = EMA = (03,907 2T PROBLEM 2-35 (continued ) Products ¢ - re o@ pe N he 248K Nk Na Table CO, «3 393,546 «37.190 1,180,088 11.5% ALD Ap 4 24,845 33,4 ~ 461,360 133.2 py Ny, = (B8 ° 29.071 ° 546535 og = 23.8 ~2,198,01% — 791921 % Hp =e Mh; = EMT Nt &; let Tag] = 2Mh, +2M Ge (Ta Teg) Hor = - 2,108,018 + 791,921 (Tat ~ Troe) Sibhalng mb pa 243 whee, Hy Hp, = Ba Na Te + BibeTes 0 10%, E47 - [-2,18,018 +7092) (Be ~EY — 83/48 (24.¢) 296US + Z.3IUT (2B) Gy =O Sinplrkying. . 2,218,804 -571.407 Ty =o 3045 « My Ted 2 B= BM Te z mE = fatn 2B 3843 2 13.4 atm 243 2965 CommentT : As expected, the. constant-rot, adin flume temperature Is significantly greater thanthe conct- FP volue of 2879 K fromm Problem 2.70, PROBLEM 2-36 GWE + Cyt air | Day FA2gK j Be lat FIND + Ty @ anstant Yolome , Pinat ASS OTIS! Etat gas ; Product dssoctati on. SOLvTI0W ¢ Te use UVFLAME, we. raed C oeTermmna Hp (per Benrhoffuh) , Ag yand Mes C5 4p + 5(02 43,76 Ne) > Products — 7 e - 7? a _ ty = 108,898 ET emobe, yg (Table BL) Naz 1 + $(4.76) = 248 bred Mp. = (i) 440% + 23,8(25.85D _ 29,45. 24.% OUTPUT Feo UVFLAINE ¢ Constant-Volune Adiabatic Flame Calculation for Specified Fuel, Phi, & Reactant Properties Using Olikara & Borman Equilibrium Routines Problem Title: PROBLEM 2.36 (2nd Ed.) Data below are as read from the input File. Compare with INPUT.UV. IF they do not agree, your input data have not been entered correctly CARBON ATOMS 3.0 HYDROGEN ATOMS 8.0 OXYGEN ATOMS a. NITROGEN ATOMS a0 EQUIVALENCE RATIO 1.000 FINAL TEMPERATURE CK) guess 2500.0 REACTANT TEMPERATURE” (K) 298.1 REACTANT PRESSURE (Pa) 101325.0 ENTHALPY OF REACTANTS (ki/kmol of fuel) -103848-0 MOLES OF REACTANTS (kmol/kmol of fuel) 24,800 MOLEC WT OF REACTANTS Ckg/kmol) 29.465 — Gatinued — PROBLEM, 2-36 (continues) FLAME TENP. & COMBUSTION PRODUCTS PROPERTIES Const-vol Flame Temperature [K] = 2631.53 Pressure [Pa] = 0.9461076+06 Mixture Enthalpy [J/kg] = 0. 55936406 Wixture Specific Heat, Cp (J/kg-K] = 0.255109E+04 Specific Heat Ratio, Co/Cv = inasat Wixture Molecular Weight [kg/kmol] = 27.8520 Moles of Fuel per Hole of Products = 003809654 The mole fractions of the product species are: H: @.00104322 0: 0.00083162 N: —_0.00000026 H2: 0.00538231 OH: © 0.00664940 Co: 0.02220778 .00910174 120: 0.14315753 Nz: 0.71360183, From above. ; Tyg, = IGS K Brak = 241107 WF B= 1.337 abn. Compared with resubts acre p's tvabushed ab 208 aon rgnoring. is Soc) @ Fon C Hasten em 2.35), These rales aD mach. bare (Te = 2032K vs. 3843 K), This to as expected, sime. Gs@ zee ae mucl bo hus and dissocieh mt io importart, COMMEST¢ ae a a wind o ua UVFLAME % altulate constant tLiabaticfline Enperatares. i

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