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Nicole Verret


LEI 4724

Domino Game
Citation Source: Jones, A. (1998) 104 activities that build. Richland: Rec Room publishing.
Equipment Needed Loose dominos, photo copies of dominos in different patterns (shape of an
H, L, or other shape with 7-10 dominoes). Make all copies have the same number of dominoes in
them (i.e. each page uses 10 dominos).
Activity Description: This activity is for groups of people, with an even number. The activity
focuses on communication skills between participants. This can be done amongst a group that
has just met, such as an ice breaker or between participants who know each other well such as
siblings, spouses, etc. Participants are paired up or asked to pick partners, and to sit back to back
with each other. One participant will need a table or desk in front of them. Each set of partners is
given the set number of dominos that are in each picture. The partner with the desk receives the
dominos, and the partner without is given the photo copy of arrangement. The numbers on the
dominos are not important it is important that this is conveyed to the participants. The partner
with the paper is instructed to not show the paper to their partner, but rather to describe the
arrangement of the dominos. When pairs think they have finished they can have the facilitator
come over and turn around to see their work. Have them switch roles and provide a new
arrangement. At the end of the session come back together as a large group to process the
activities, and specifically discuss communication between pairs, what was successful and what
was not.
Leadership Considerations: The facilitator may want to let the partners go through a round
with minimal instructions it can be important when learning about positive communication to
allow folks to struggle with poor communication about something non-emotional before
introducing the teaching moment. This can be done through dialogue such as what worked?
What didnt work? What can help to make communication more clear? The dialogue at the end
of the group may be more global about how this can be applied to real life scenerios.
Adaptations This activity can be made more challenging by creating shapes that are not easily
described (such as an H shape) by varying the shape and the number of dominos. For example in
an easy exercise it may include only 5-6 dominos. This could be built up to 8, 10, 12, etc as
many as would fit on a piece of paper to be copied. Additionally, taking this a step further this
activity can be a warm up for using positive communication with others in other activities. This
may be specifically helpful with clients who have autism or developmental disabilities and
benefit from concrete skill building activities.

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