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The Syrian Crisis

Abby Rich
Twenty two million people have been killed during the Syrian war crisis so far, more
than eleven million people have fled syria and have nowhere to go. In March of 2011
anti-government protests turned violent, protesters started fighting against police force.
Almost 4 years after the protests started, the country was in a full blown civil war. The
dictator of Syria, Assad, started to used poison gas against his own people. Soon a
group of terrorist arose called ISIS. The United States wants to take action but who
would they side with? Assad who gasses his own people, Or the terrorist group who is
beheading U.S citizens? Instead of choosing sides, the United States should stay out of
this war to keep fighting out of our country, The only thing the United states should get
involved in is taking in refugees.
There are twelve million people in Syria that have been forced out of their homes.
Almost half of these people are children. More than 240,000 people have been killed
about 12,000 of those people are children. The United States should be available for
Syrian refugees to live in. The U.S should not get involved in the war, but should be
available for Refugees to stay. If we got involved in the fighting that could make our
country a target and then what is the point of having refugees staying here?
Recently the U.S has spent half a million dollars training 4 or 5 anti-ISIS soldiers. Five
Hundred million dollars is a lot of money, we used to train only 4 or 5 soldiers. If we kept
spending money like this, our country could go into more debt than it already is. The
Government owes an estimated 22.488 trillion dollars by 2016. We owe most of the
money to the United States, Other chunks go to other countries, and to the Federal

Government. We cant afford a war right now, we cant waste more money on a war that
doesn't involve the United States.
The war may get worse if we dont intervene, and people with still be homeless if we
do intervene. We should stay out of the fighting to keep our country safe. For now we
should only take in refugees and let Russia help fight if they want to. American has its
own problems to deal with, like Debt and Crime. We could be using money solving
these problems instead of using it to fight a war that doesn't involve us.
America shouldnt fight in this war because we have no place in it. We are wasting
money on wars that we dont belong in. We have problems in America that we need to
deal with. We could use money to fix those problems before we deal with anything that
doesn't involve the United States. We should stay out of Syria and just keep taking in
refugees so we can keep america safer.

Works Cited


Crisis In Syria. Crisis in Syria. Web. 23 Oct. 2015.

Quick Facts: What You Need to Know about the Syria Crisis. Mercy Corps. N.p., Feb.
2015. Web. 23 Oct. 2015. <>
Quick Facts: What You Need to Know about the Syria Crisis. Mercy Corps. N.p., Feb.
2015. Web. 23 Oct. 2015. <>
Syria Crisis Appeal Facts And Figures. Disasters Emergency Committee. N.p., Jun.
2015. Web. 23 Oct. 2015. <>
What You Need to Know: Conflict in Syria, Children, and the Refugee Crisis. World
Vision. Web. 23 Oct. 2015. <>

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