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Development Reading Handout #2

Reading as a Cognitive Process
Similar to the neuro-physiological aspect in reading, the mental or cognitive process in the
perception of meaning, also known as comprehension, is also complex. Scientist, however, were
able to identify two basic steps in reading comprehension and these are:
1. The extraneous process that creates a stimulus on the visual centers of the brain.
This stimulus consists in two essential aspects, namely (a) word recognition or the written
symbols and (b) attentive adjustment by the reader on these symbols
2. Fusion/interpretation/construction of meaning by the mind out of the stimuli.
Actually, these two steps involve other complex processes to include:
Immediate arousal of associations in the recognition of the written symbols --- their
pronunciation, vocabulary meaning, context, etc.
Other stimuli inclusive of what is kinaesthetic or auditory
These stimuli are distributed to brain centers (instinct, feelings, imagination, reason,
abstract, intelligence, will)
Synthesis or the fusion of related inputs from brain centers resulting in the recognition of
the meaning of the printed symbols.
In their own words, scientists have described the cognitive process in reading
Selecting and combining relevant items of experience, that are implied by the immediate
context, but the authors mood, tone, or intention, and by everything the reader knows that
makes clear the meaning of the passage (Richards)
Selecting the right elements of the situation and putting together in the right relations and also
with the right amount of weight of influence or force for each (Thorndike)
Analyzing these mental activities, reading experts have also highlighted such acts as
observation, data judgment, recall, imagination, problem recognition, judgment, analysis etc.
At this stage, it helps to know that there are levels of comprehension making us aware of
faculties of the mind at work in each particular reading activity:
1. Literal knowing whats read as is (who, what, where, when , why , how)
2. Interpretative what is read combined with ones subjective ideas
3. Applied forming opinions and applications
4. Evaluative judgment on the reading material such as on the information data, the event,
persons involved, etc.
Scientist also make reference to meta-cognition which refers to higher comprehension skill
characterized by:
Self awareness
Careful reading and greater retention
Making previous assumptions or hypothesis
The deliberate and combined ability to reflect, question, classify, summarize and predict

Information reading which gives attention to SQ3R (Survey, Questions, Read, Recite and

Reading as Communication Process

What Language Experts tell us
From our previous lessons, the history of reading, we learned that the first humans
communicated through oral grunts and body language. But when they multiplied and dispersed
around the globe, humans developed diverse oral and written language. No wonder, in our
limited ability to speak-write and read, we do not have the knowledge of all the languages and
dialects that are used by man in different placed on the planet.
Now what is language?
Language is a code system used by humans to communicate. And there are diverse languages,
there are diversities in the code system or symbol system as devised and used by man. In
language, there are certain characteristics that can evoke effective and positive reactions on
Experts say, these characteristics of language are also conducive to mans reading recognition
and appreciation. In particular, these characteristics in language are:
1. Clarity The reader can more easily and immediately understand language when the code
symbols are concrete rather than abstractions (universal ideas) and generalizations. Compare for
Many students attended the student council meeting.
Ninety five college students attended Tuesdays student council meeting.
The Philippines became a sovereign nation in the late 1890s.
The Philippines was freed from Hispanic colonial rule when our forbears led by General Emilio
Aguinaldo declared Independence on June 12, 1898.
2. Simplicity Complex wording written for the sake of verbal erudition is less easily understood,
compared with what is expressed directly and to the point.
Shall we partake of our repast?
Shall we eat?
Mothers culinary dishes are exquisite.
Mother cooks well.
3. Adapted language Words of expression should relate to the readers age, educational
attainment, gender, ethnic origin, other personal factors.
The inappropriate use of technical or specialized words should also be avoided.
There are instances like:
When preachers caused a stir talking about sexuality to a group of women.
Luzon politicians were not well received by the Mindanao groups.
4. Forceful Stimulating language provides color, interest and excitement.
He speaks at length while saying little.

He spew forth words and says nothing.

5. Vivid language Vivid wording is descriptive and stirs the senses of the reader. Compare:
Very good salesman
Dishonest and evil
Trouble spot

crackerjack persuader
festering corruption
seething hell

These five guidelines of language --- concrete, simple, adapted, forceful and vivid add
meaningfulness to the reader. As a reader yourself, you may now see the relevance of language
to effective and meaningful reading.
Reading as Skill/Skills
Reading consultant Grace Goodell of New York, developed a priceless concept by devising a
reading skills ladder. Upon examination, the skills ladder is quite specific although it covers
mainly reading activities as these happen while students are in school. Realizing the advent of
mass media and the internet, we attempted to devise a reading skills ladder that may cover a
lifetimes endeavour to use reading not only as a tool for school learning, but a tool for work and
leisure in the professional world. Here it is:

Reading from
the internet
Exposure to
reading from
mass media
Starting your private
library collection
Borrowing library books for
research and enjoyment

Using the encyclopedias

and other reference books

Using the dictionary

Using parts of the book
Classifying and organizing facts
Interfering meanings, drawing
Finding the supporting details
Finding the main idea
Vocabulary Building
Using context clues
Using structural analysis
Using phonetic analysis
Basic eye sight
Reading as a Psycho-social Process
Global facts about reading
Every second of the day, people read messages from official communication, mass media and
the Internet. Through the Internet alone which is todays most popular form of communication,
people can read and interact immediately to emails, news and information web-sites, other forms

of informational/commercial/political/developmental web-sites, as well as blog-sites which are

interactive journals on all facets of modern living.
Needless to say, reading is a social activity that engages humans in the world. It is also
purposeful social communication, as it involves all facets of life from what is private to what is
official, from what is personal to one that is public. The workings of businesses, industries,
schools, governments, foundations and international agencies like the APEC and the United
nations would be stalled without reading as a human activity, Imagine the loads of messages
that we would miss without reading personal e-mails and letters, newspapers news and
commentaries, government documents, agency plans, international agency policies, etc.
Reading is also professional as it is a form of communication done in all the professions and
human pursuits including scientific and technological research and studies. As you graduate, you
would want your prospective employers to read your job application paper, resume and samples
of your written work.
Also, reading is a unique activity which you can adopt every day. Speaking of reading as a skill
like other skillsdancing, writing, acting, sports it is something you can continually improve
upon. Countless hours have been spent in these other skills and so we should not be reluctant to
accept the suggestion that our reading ability, too needs constructive development. In sum,
reading can mean the difference between the amateur and professional , as well as successful
career person you wish to become.

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