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Causes of WWI

The causes of WWI can be divided

into long and short term causes
These causes are all related to each
other and no one cause can be used
to determine the outbreak of WWI
The two main groups involved were
the Central Powers (Germany,
Austria- Hungary, Bulgaria and
Turkey) and the Allies (Britain,
Russia and France)

Causes of WWI

Alliances and Ententes


A close association of nations or other groups, formed to

advance common interests or causes
A formal agreement establishing such an association,
especially an international treaty of friendship.


An informal arrangement or understanding between two or

more nations agreeing to follow a particular policy with
regard to affairs of international concern.

The two opposing groups that fought in World War I were the Central Powers
(Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and Turkey) and the Allies, an alliance that grew
from the three members of the Triple Entente (Britain and the British Empire, France,
and Russia) to incorporate 27 Allied and Associated powers, including Italy and, towards
the end of the war, the USA. Hostilities were precipitated by the murder of Archduke
Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian empire, by a Serbian nationalist. The
incident led to unreasonable demands being made upon Serbia by Austria-Hungary and
the eventual outbreak of war.
The alliance systems that were brought into play during World War I had been built up
since 1882, when the Triple Alliance was formed between Germany, Austria-Hungary,
and Italy to counter the power of Russia and France. In 1904 Britain and France signed
the Entente Cordiale, an agreement designed to check German colonial ambitions.
The Entente Cordiale formed the basis of the Triple Entente made between Britain,
France, and Russia in 1907; the Triple Entente became a military alliance in 1911.
Although the Triple Alliance was reaffirmed in 1912, Italy did not join the Central Powers
at the outbreak of war in 1914, and later joined the Allies.
In addition to the powers involved in the Triple Alliance and Triple Entente, many other
nations joined the war after 1914. Romania, Greece, Belgium, Serbia, Montenegro,
Portugal, Italy, and the USA fought alongside the original members of the Triple Entente,
forming the Allies. Turkey and Bulgaria joined the remaining members of the Triple
Alliance to form the Central Powers.

Chain of Events
Industrial Revolution Allows Germany and Britain to build
bigger and better equipped militaries
Colonialism/Imperialism In order to get the raw materials and
cheap labour they need colonies so they invade Africa and Asia
and the Pacific Islands
Nationalism Everyone becomes very patriotic and will do
anything to protect their countries including going to war without
questioning the conditions
Militarism/Arms Race Each country tries to build a bigger
army in order to keep the other in check and to control their
colonies and protect their trade interests
Alliances Smaller countries looking for protection sign treaties
with the larger powers to ensure they dont get invaded or bullied
by the bigger powers
Serb Resistance Serbs wanting independence and killing Arch
Duke Frans Ferdinand after several attempts

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