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Petroleum Engineering 620 — Fluid Flow in Petroleum Reservoirs Petrophysics Lecture 5 — Relative Permeability Quote du Jour: Nothing blocks happiness like happiness remembered. — Andre Gide (1902) Topic: Relative Permeability Objectives: (things you should know and/or be able to do) © Be familiar with the concept of "relative permeability" and the factors which should and should not affect this function. You should also be familiar with the laboratory techniques for measuring relative permeability © Be familiar with and be able to derive the Purcell-Burdine relative permeability equations, which are given as: Sy 1 Lasyt Las" Pe 2d Sy PE and kn = -Sw*) 1 1 AL asy* AS dS wi lo Pe lo Pe © Be familiar with and be able to derive the Brooks-Corey-Burdine equations for relative permeability based on the combination of the Burdine relative permeability equations (shown above) and the Brooks and Corey capillary pressure model. These results are given by: B King = KegSy* OO and kn = Be (1-Sy")? [1S where the Brooks and Corey capillary pressure model is given by: hk © pce=paSw> . and kjy and kn are the "endpoint" relative permeability values. Lecture Outline: © Factors which affect relative permeability: ™ "Bundle of tubes" concept for the p, and k, functions m= Influence of pressure drop = Influence of fluid viscosity ratios Influence of capillary pressure "end effects” ‘© Derivation of the Brooks-Corey-Burdine equation for relative permeability. m Burdine equation for effective permeability: Se 2 ny = 10.66 6° Tee BY Las lo Pe 14210) Petroleum Engineering 620 — Fluid Flow in Petroleum Reservoirs Petrophysics Lecture 5 — Relative Permeability Lecture Outline: Continued = Brooks-Corey capillary pressure model: aL . Pe=paSw where Sy = PHL= 1.Syp . m Integration: Using the Purcell-Burdine identity, and substituting the Brooks-Corey capillary pressure model, we have b ={ Las,*=1[2][,02 42) to] Dest = Lf aetna] ja Pe Pa ‘Which yields Kine = Ky 1 and in = a(S)? [1-582 Where kpy and ky are the "endpoint" relative permeability values and are included for completeness. ‘© Development of a type curve matching approach for relative permeability data based on the Brooks-Corey model. — knyb and kyap versus Syyp Type Curve Approach: © Plot kp = krwlkpy and krnp = kmlkn Versus Sy,p and overlay these trends with a transparent plot of ky and Kym Versus (1-Sy). ‘m Once the kjy and ky versus (1-S,) trends are "matched" on top of the kyyp and kyu Versus Sy curves, read the 2 parameter, then read the Krw/krwb» kralkmDs and (1-S,,)/Swp ratios from the data grids. Using these results we can estimate the following: i o _ (krw)MP — Wetting phase endpoint relative permeability: Key = a _ Genwp MP — Non-wetting phase endpoint relative permeability: 2, = ra MP_ Gmp)vp — Imeducible wetting phase saturation: Syi= 1 -GcSwMP (Swo)MP- Where "MP" is the “match point" value of a function. We note that the simplicity of this approach is that the ratios of the functions can be read at any convenient location on the overlay plots, hence the name "match point." — kmp/krwp) versus Swp Type Curve Approach: ™ Plot (kmp/krwp) Versus Syyp and overlay these trends with a transparent plot of (krnlkrw) versus (1-Sy). m Once the (Krn/knw) Versus (1-S,,) trends are “matched” on top of the (kmp/knwb) versus Sp curves, read the A parameter, then read the [(km/kw)/(KmpVkrwp)] and (1-Sw)/Swp ratios from the data grids. Using these results we can estimate the following: Kin Gralla — Endpoint relati ibility ratio: pst le see mp! krwD)MP Petroleum Engineering 620 — Fluid Flow in Petroleum Reservoirs Petrophysics Lecture 5 — Relative Permeability Reading Assignment: © Review attached notes. Various Factors Affecting Relative Permeability. m= Type Curve Matching of Relative Permeability Data. © Gates, J.I. and Templaar-Lietz, W.: "Relative Permeabilities of California Cores by the Capillary Pressure Method,” API Drilling and Production Practices (1950) 285-302. © Osoba, I.S., Richardson, J.G., Kerver, LK., Hafford, J.A., Blair, P.M.: "Laboratory ‘Measurements of Relative Permeability,” Trans. AIME (1951) 192, 47-56. © Geffen, TM. Owens, W.W., Parrish, D.R., and Morse, R.A: "Experimental Investigation of Factors Affecting Laboratory Relative Permeability Measurements,” Trans. AIME (1951) 192, 99-110. © Richardson, J.G, Kerver, IK., Hafford, J.A., and Osoba, J.S.: "Laboratory Determination of Relative Permeability," Trans. ATME (1952) 195, 187-196, Standing, M.B.: "Notes on Relative Permeability Relationships,” Course ‘Notes, ‘Trondheim, Norway (1978). © Hornarpour, M., Koederitz, L.F., and Harvey, A.H.: "Empirical Equations for Estimating Two-Phase Relative Permeability in’ Consolidated Rock," JPT (Dec. 1982), 2905-2908. Petroleum Engineering 620 — Fluid Flow in Petroleum Reservoirs Petrophysics Lecture 5 — Relative Permeability Exercises: For your own practice/skills building—do NOT tum in! ‘© In each of these derivations/problems you are to work in complete detail and you must show all work. ™ Derive the Brooks-Corey-Burdine equations for relative permeability.. © You are to provide a critical and detailed review (at least 1 page) for the following paper(s): = Gates, J. and Templaar-Lietz, W.: "Relative Permeabilities of California Cores by the Capillary Pressure Method," API Drilling and Production Practices (1950) 285-302. ™ Osoba, J.S., Richardson, J.G., Kerver, J.K., Hafford, J.A., Blair, P.M.: “Laboratory Measurements of Relative Permeability," Trans. AIME (1951) 192, 47-56. ™ Geffen, T.M. Owens, W.W., Parrish, D.R., and Morse, R.A.: "Experimental Investigation of Factors Affecting Laboratory Relative Permeability Measure- ments,” Trans. AIME (1951) 192, 99-110. = Richardson, J.G, Kerver, J.K., Hafford, J.A., and Osoba, J.S.: "Laboratory Determination of Relative Permeability," Trans. AIME (1952) 195, 187-196. ™ Standing, M.B.: "Notes on Relative Permeability Relationships," Course Notes, Trondheim, Norway (1978). For each paper you are to address the following questions: (Type or write neatly) @ Problem: — What is/are the problem(s) solved? — What are the underlying physical principles used in the solution(s)? © Assumptions and Limitations: — What are the assumptions and limitations of the solutions/results? — How serious are these assumptions and limitations? © Practical Applications: = What are the practical applications of the solutions/results? — If there are no obvious “practical” applications, then how could the solutions/ results be used in practice? © Discussion: — Discuss the author(s)'s view of the solutions/results. — Discuss your own view of the solutions/results. © Recommendationy/Extensions: — How could the solutions/results be extended or improved? — Are there applications other than those given by the author(s) where the solu- tion(s) or the concepts used in the solution(s) could be applied? Various Factors Affecting Relative Permeability (from Petroleum Engineering 620 Course Notes — 1997) Petroleum Engineering 620 Fluid Flow in Reservoirs Ta « pompoyy amnssarg Area ‘AM Zier Preepduray pue Ty ‘sawy "wor NOILVENLVS o %OO1 ° » 2 ° > et = = 5 = = Z = c = e ae 4 < a x 2 2 = = D m 2 m > oy a 2 a a c PS é s 5 S 2 2 m im Z ‘ *(8261) Avasony “unoypuos|, ‘sion ssinop , ‘sdiysuonejay ArTIquautiad aANeIOY UO SION, "ATW “SUIpuTIg. wos, T) amepr (e@zts) satper arog p a4 Souanberd Y tegen STEQom i jeoted caqeM OTUPONPALTE 3 § omiq aR (ezFs) “snpper arog (27s) sappet etog i 5 2 | , zg 28 |o B ¢ pte || mS 3 quoored ~ £ouenbery B E ail Mixer Head 100% Sw Water 1 H.C - OM OCH ern Or maz Steady State Water-Oil Relative Permeability (Imbibition Displacement) From: Keelan, D.: "Special Core Analysis,” Core Laboratories Report (1982). (1) (2) (3) (4) 6) (6) oil — — 100% Sw Swi Oil Water —-Oil Ko @ Swi ~ Ib ~— = Water as —oil+H,0 No Unsteatly State Water-Oil Relative Permeability (imbibition) From: Keelan, D.: “Special Core Analysis,” Core Laboratories Report (1982).

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