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Policies and Procedures

Version 2

Updated: February 2015



Attenda nce Pol i cy & Procedures ... 3

Proces s Res pons e to Student Abs ence.... 4
BBCS Attenda nce Stra tegi es ....

Bus Ti ckets Pol i cy...

Pa rent/Ca rers Compl a i nt Pol i cy. 7

Chi l d Protecti on Curri cul um..
Communi ca ti on from Hea ds of Ca mpus to Deputy Pri nci pa l /Pri nci pa l ..


Computer Fa ul ts Proces s ....


ICT Servi ce Reques t form.. 14

Computer Network, As s i s ti ve Technol ogi es a nd Internet Accepta bl e Us e Pol i cy... 15
Student Acces s to Internet, Intra net & E-Ma i l ... 16
Computer Us a ge Pol i cy & ICT Securi ty.... 17
Softwa re Reques t Form. 18
La ptop Gui del i nes ......
I Pa d Gui del i nes ....


Mobi l e Phones a nd Cyber Bul l yi ng or El ectroni c Cri me Pol i cy... 23

Sus pens i on Noti ces a nd Student Ma na gement Da ta Ana l ys i s Fl owcha rt... 24
Drug Stra tegy...
Enrol ment Procedures ...


Potenti a l Student Informa ti on Form... 29

Student Enga gement Ma tri x.
Home Vi s i t Protocol s .....


Home Vi s i t Report Form.....

Appl i ca ti on for Home Vi s i t..


Vehi cl e Us a ge Protocol s ...

Excurs i on Di a ry...


Excurs i on Pl a nner...
Procedures for Opera ti on Fl i nders ...


BBCS Ca mp Protocol s
Index....... 49

Mi s s i on Sta tement........
Purpos e of Ca mp Protocol s .....


Informa ti on Sha ri ng & Pl a nni ng.......

Approva l .......


Pre Ca mp Ma na gement a nd Admi ni s tra ti on......

BBCS s tudent/tea cher ra ti os & ma xi mum a ttenda nce................


Communi ca ti on..


Ti me i n Li eu & NIT...
DECD Ca mps & Excurs i on Gui del i nes ......


BBCS CAMPS Tea cher Check Li s t...

Appendi x 1: RAMS.....


Appendi x 2: Pa rti ci pa nt Medi ca l Form.......

Procedures for the Ma na gement of Vol unteers ....


School Vol unteer Agreement.......

Ps ychol ogi ca l Tra uma Acti on Pl a n...


Proces s for Student Negoti a ted Ea rl y Depa rture.....


Performa nce & Devel opment Pl a n Proces s ....


Student Lea ve Pa s s .......

Student Va nda l i s m Reporti ng Proces s ..


Tea chi ng Loa ds a nd Ni t....

Ti meta bl i ng Proces s es .....


Reques t to Attend Tra i ni ng a nd Devel opment....


Tra i ni ng a nd Devel opment Reques t Form..

Worki ng i n Is ol a ti on Procedure....


Contra ctors & Vi s i tors Si gn In Protocol s


As bes ton Ma na gement Pl a n


2 | Page

Reviewed September 2014


Student Attendance Belief Statement
At Bowden Brompton Community School we believe that students who have poor attendance patterns are at risk of
not achieving their full potential, educationally, emotionally or socially and can therefore be disadvantaged in their
future choices.
We believe that students need to attend school regularly and punctually, thereby increasing participation and enabling
them to maximise their learning outcomes.
Our aim is to provide equitable educational outcomes for all students.

Bowden Brompton Community School will:

Use a range of both proactive strategies and DECD procedures to maximise attendance.
Counsel students and families about the importance of attendance
Please follow the link to access further information

DECD Attendance Policy

Caregivers Responsibilities
Parents/Caregivers are responsible for getting their children to and from school.
Students should arrive between 8:35am and 8:50am
Students should attend school everyday when instruction is offered, unless the school receives a valid reason for
being absent. (eg: illness)
Parents/caregivers must provide the school with an appropriate explanation for the students non-attendance.
Usually this comprises a letter or telephone call from a parent or caregiver or a medical certificate after three
days a written explanation is required.
Parents/caregivers should let the school know if an extended absence is likely or if the teacher needs to arrange
work at home for the student.

Care Group Teachers Responsibilities

Monitor each students attendance.

Follow up non-attendance with phone call to caregivers, and communicate with SSOs re calls not done due to
time constraints
Record absence and reason for absence on EDSAS sheet.
Initiate contact with the HOC in order to generate Single Referral.
Liaise with HOC re home visits, case conferences and outside agency involvement.
*See Response to Student Absence Process

HOCs Responsibilities
Liaise with Care group teachers re individual student needs.
Support Care group teachers in the follow up of non-attendance.
Generate school letters and Single Referral forms.
Facilitate case conferences, and involvement of outside agencies.
Develop Campus specific Action Plan.
Report to Principal achievement of targets.
Monitor attendance strategies and work on improvement.
*See Response to Student Absence Process

Principals Responsibilities

Principals have delegated authority from the Minister to approve applications for temporary exemption from
school attendance for periods of up to one calendar month. Parents/caregivers should apply in writing and
principals should also advise approvals and non-approvals on school letterhead. Copies of such advices are to
be retained in school files, together with applications, and are to be made available to appropriate department
officers as required.
All applicants for temporary exemptions exceeding one calendar month, and for permanent exemptions, are to be
set out on Form ED175 and forwarded to the Director of School and Regional Operations (Exemptions Officer).

NOTE: Wednesday finish time is 2:00pm due to the complex nature of convening Staff meetings across three Campuses
and ensuring that our students are case managed and supported in the most professional manner possible.

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Reviewed September 2014


Explained or Acceptable


CG Teacher or SSO Contacts

Explained or Student Attends
Absence Unexplained (3-5
consecutive days) eg. No answer,
student refusing
CG Teacher Discusses with

School Letter/email to Caregiver

sent by CG teacher in consultation
with HOC/Coordinators

Explained or Student Attends

Unexplained; CG teachers speaks
to HOC regarding a home visit

Single Referral Form Generated by

appropriate Leadership person

Involve agencies eg. Families SA,

Youth Service, and/or Case
Conference Behaviour Coach, SAC
and Caregiver

Explained or Student Attends

Negative Response

After 20 days of U code with no

responsemark student
whereabouts unknown through
District SAC, mark inactive on roll
Inform Regional Support Manager

O/17 Letter re future enrolment

in consultation with

U/17 Refer to process to

implement Z code (after 9 days
of continuous unexplained

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Reviewed September 2014

BBCS Attendance Strategies

Student pick up (Little Para Campus) & drop offs Bus Run
Nutrition programs Breakfast, recess, lunch, food preparation lessons including school
hampers to send home for needy students
Engaging curriculum offerings, out of school learning activities, camps & relevant courses
(VET, SACE & Life Skills)
Student / Teacher positive relationships
Providing a Safe and friendly environment
Am phone calls home when students are absent sometimes being successful in
encouraging students to come to school
Flexible start and finish times for reluctant attendees
Weekly and term awards for punctuality, attendance, positive interaction & academic
Home visits
Small class and one to one support
Immediate follow up on bullying and harassment
Daily family communication when necessary
Opportunity for regular family meetings
Alternative programs Outreach Services
Case management
Float lesson by lesson follow up
Student absence policy (clear attendance procedures)
Inter-agency & DECD support for prolonged absences
SSO Youth Worker intensive support
Mentor involvement in specific student support cases
Accessibility to clinical counselling through the school
Regular communication with Centre link / Abstudy re youth allowance payments
Support flexible modified programs for students that attend other learning environments
such as White Lion, BIS & Guide Dogs programs
HOC may implements Home Based Learning program negotiated with family/carer and
student in combination with timetabled lessons
Restitution programs, engaging students in specified time tabled lessons while on
Take home - Exit strategy supporting students before issue escalate to suspension
Student negotiated early dismissal for secondary students
Follow the link to 4.17 on the DECD Attendance Improvement Package for DECD Guidelines.

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Reviewed September 2014

Bus Ticket Policy

Public Transport Services have introduced the Metrocard from November 2012.
Multitrip tickets are being phased out, as the rechargeable metrocard replaces them. Single and
day trip tickets will continue to be available for purchase.
As a consequence, from January 2013, Bowden Brompton Community School will no longer be
able to provide multitrips for students.
Parents will be asked to complete an application for Student Travelling Allowance (ED226). The
eligibility criteria is the same as now the student must live more than 5kms from the campus of
BBCS that they attend. The form will be signed by the Principal and forwarded to DECD.
Once approved by DECD, you will receive a notification of Approval of Student Travel Allowance
and your Approval Number. The allowance is a once a year payment. This will allow parents to
purchase a metrocard for their child, to cover trips to and from school.
Follow the link to access DECD Policy
School Transport Policy

Reviewed April 2014

BBCS Parents / Carers Complaints Policy

- Page 1 of 2 -

Parents / Carers
Arrange a time to communicate with the teacher
Express to the teacher what you believe to be unfair
If the matter is not resolved inform the teacher you would like to consult with the Head of Campus or Principal
If still unsatisfied you may contact the Educational Director,
Mr P. Newman at the Inner West Partnership at Flinders Park, Phone 8416 7333
BBCS staff will
Make a time available as soon as reasonably possible (ie, within five working days), to discuss with the parent
(face-to-face, by phone) their complaint
Listen to the parent
Consider relevant legislation, departmental policy and guidelines and school procedures and/or seek advice/support
including informing Principal or HOC
Identify and discuss with the parent possible courses of action that could be taken to resolve their complaint and the
timeframe within which this will occur
Follow up with the parent(s) after a reasonable period of time has elapsed for any changes to take affect to ensure
that the parent is satisfied with the outcome(s)
If appropriate (depending on the nature of the concern or complaint), keep a written record of the complaint, its
progress and outcomes
Concerns and complaints received by a school staff member in relation to another staff member or an issue outside
their responsibility or beyond their authority to resolve are to be referred in line with the BBCS grievance process. The
staff member who receives the initial complaint is to advise the parent of the reason(s) why the matter is to referred
elsewhere, direct them to the BBCS parent complaint policy and assist, if required, the parent to make their complaint.
If a parent/carer is not satisfied with the outcome at this stage of the complaint management procedure, or decides
that it is more appropriate to discuss their complaint directly with a member of the school leadership team (ie, Head
of Campus, Deputy Principal, Principal), then the parent is to contact the school to make a time to meet with the
appropriate site leader.
If a complaint is in relation to the Principal then the parent is to contact the Educational Director, Mr P. Newman at
the West Partnerships at Flinders Park, Ph 8416 7333.
At any stage parents may raise a concern or complaint with the DECD Parent Complaint Unit although it is
recommended the complaint is raised with the school in the first instance.
A parent may raise a concern or complaint verbally or in writing. Parents can call the DECD Parent Complaint Unit
hotline at any stage on 1800 677 435 for information, advice and support.
Parents may be asked to put the complaint in writing or to sign a written summary prepared by the Principal,
Educational Director or a Parent Complaint Unit staff member. Alternatively parents may choose to utilise a parent
complaints form that can be forwarded to the Principal or the Educational Director.

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BBCS Parents / Carers Complaints Policy

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Rights and responsibilities

Parents lodging a concern or complaint with the school or DECD can expect to:
Be treated with respect, courtesy and consideration
Have their complaint dealt with in an efficient and timely manner
Have access to appropriate and easily understandable information regarding the complaints management
Have personal information treated as confidential
Have their complaint considered impartially and in accordance with due process and principles of natural justice.
In return BBCS & DECD requests that parents making a complaint treat all parties with respect and courtesy and
maintain confidentiality
Raise the concern or complaint as soon as possible after the issue has arisen
Provide complete and factual information about the concern or complaint
Ask for assistance or further information as needed
Act in good faith to achieve an outcome acceptable to all parties
Have realistic and reasonable expectations about what course of action is required.
For further information on parent complaints and polices you may access information from the web address below.
DECD Education Concerns & Complaints Policy
Parent Complaint Brochure

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Version 1: Child Protection Curriculum Policy

Developed July 2007 Review September 2014

Child Protection Curriculum

As a DECD site, Bowden Brompton Community School has a responsibility to ensure the
requirements of the Child Protection Act 1993 are met

In line with DECD Child Protection Policy 1999, Bowden Brompton Community School will:
Provide all children with access to child protection and abuse programs
Provide carers / families with information and opportunity to participate in these programs

The following Child Protection Curriculum themes will be addressed:

We all have the right to be safe
We can help ourselves to be safe by talking to people

There will be four Child Protection Curriculum focus areas:

The Right To Be Safe
Recognizing and Reporting Abuse
Protective Strategies

Learning outcomes will be linked to Australian Curriculum by implementing the DECD Keeping
Safe: Child Protection Curriculum

Where necessary training and development will be provided to staff implementing the

Parents will be informed of inclusion of the Child Protection Curriculum via:
Enrolment meetings
Parent/Teacher Meetings
BBCS Curriculum Overview Documentation

Parents will have an opportunity to participate in the program via identified homework tasks
that involve family discussion

The Child Protection Curriculum will be incorporated and implemented into Bowden Brompton
Community Schools Curriculum as follows:

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Child Protection Curriculum


Primary / Middle Years

Right To Be Safe
Primary / Middle Years
Primary / Middle Years
Recognizing & Reporting Abuse
Primary / Middle Years
Protective Strategies
Senior Years
Right To Be Safe
Senior Years
Senior Years
Recognizing & Reporting Abuse
Senior Years
Protective Strategies

Year 6-9 Pastoral Care & Health

Term 1
Year 6-9 Pastoral Care & Health
Term 2
Year 6-9 Pastoral Care & Health
Term 3
Year 6-9 Health & Pastoral Care
Term 4
Year 10/12 Pastoral Care
Term 1
Year 10/12 Pastoral Care
Term 2
Year 10/12 Pastoral Care
Term 3
Year 10/12 Pastoral Care
Term 4

Incorporation and implementation of the Child Protection Curriculum will be the responsibility of
Coordinators for the associated teaching areas and their teaching team

All teachers are encouraged to identify aspects of their teaching that support the delivery of the
Child Protection Curriculum and to register this information within the supporting document to
this policy: Child Protection Curriculum Middle Years & Senior Years

Coordinators and teachers can access the Child Protection Curriculum resource material from
the teacher resources held in the library

Supporting Documents

Child Protection Act 1993

DECD Child Protection Policy

DECD Child Protection Curriculum

DECD Child Protection Curriculum - Middle and Senior Years

DECD Learner Wellbeing Framework

Identified Student/Parent Homework Activities

10 | P a g e

Reviewed September 2014


- Verbal complete details of incidences, planned consequences, areas of concern
(eg Behaviour Coach, parental, staff etc.)
- Written Debrief book, all appropriate incident reports/forms, other communications eg
Behaviour Coaches, Principal. Principal needs to countersign exclusion documents.
- Verbal all relevant issues that concern the functioning of the school eg issues with
parents, wider community, staff, visitors, property damage
- Written Debrief book, Incident reports where appropriate including Incident reports to
- Verbal updates with regard to any relevant involvement with outside agencies, services
- Written Debrief book, reports where appropriate
- Verbal - updates regarding all Police involvements/communications
- Written Debrief book, report where appropriate
- Verbal on going discussions and reviews of timetable needs/staffing
- Written all timetabling processes shared and documented
- Verbal sharing of all relevant staff issues, positives, potential concerns
- Written Debrief book, reports, where appropriate document as part of PM, Forms eg
- Verbal updates re new students, attendance issues, plans ,strategies
- Written Debrief book, reports of attendance, new students, induction plans, EDSAS
- Verbal shared ideas, strategies, forward planning, involvement from agencies
- Written Debrief book, documentation of shared reports, ideas, planning, reviews
- Daily ring, fax or email details of staff absence and reason and advise if TRT is used
- Weekly fax through sheet showing complete details of staff absences and TRT details

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Reviewed September 2014


When you first encounter a problem, try turning the device off and then on again. If
this does not help to resolve the problem, please follow the steps below:
If there is a problem with a device, with as much detail as possible:
Log a job via email
Complete an ICT Request Form and forward via fax, pigeonhole or in person
to Mark Wasinski (ICT Manager)
This enables faults to be logged and monitored. Ongoing or regular problems may
then be foreshadowed and possibly prevented through maintenance.
If urgent or a major problem, ring ICT Manager (Mark) on 8346 4041
Staff or students should not try and fix any problems, especially by altering network
and desktop settings.
No Software / Disks (especially those brought from home by students) are to be
loaded onto any computers.
See Flow Chart attached
Copy of ICT Request Form attached

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FAX: 8340 3240




13 | P a g e



Please lodge IT requests to or send to

Judi @ Torrens Road via Courier OR Fax (8340 3240)


Person Reporting: _____________________________

Date: _______________





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Reviewed September 2014

Bowden Brompton Community School

Computer Network, Assistive Technologies and Internet Acceptable Use Policy
The computing facilities, which include access to the Internet, are to be used in a responsible,
ethical, and legal manner.
DECD ICT Acceptable Use Policy

The facilities have been established for the purpose of providing educational opportunities to
students and staff.
All students will have access to the computing facilities including the Internet through the
computer room and designated classrooms and WIFI Network. A computer login account, allowing
access to various facilities and the Internet, will be issued to individual students once the student
and his or her parent or guardian have signed and returned the Acceptable Use Policy: Student
Users of the computing facilities must formally acknowledge their understanding of this policy and
its guidelines, as a condition of using the network or receiving a personal account, along with its
rights and privileges. Users are reminded that these facilities are solely provided for educational
purposes relating to your school work and that your actions are monitored.
Breaches of this policy may result in action as per our schools behaviour code, including reporting
to SAPOL or Federal Police.
Access to the Network and User Rights

When issued with an account each student will be given a log in name, in the format (first name
last name), and a personal password, which will allow them access to the network and give them
certain access rights.
Each student will be allocated a personal home directory (H:\) which may be used to save
his or her work. Material such as games, music, and picture files must not be saved in this
space unless it relates to your school work.
Each user will bear FULL responsibility for his or her individual account and should take all
reasonable precautions to prevent others from accessing his or her account. This means
that under no circumstances are students permitted to share their account or password with
any other student.
No student is to make any attempt to access any other part of the network, or go beyond
his or her authorised access. This includes attempting to log on through another persons
Students are not to make deliberate attempts to interfere with the system by deleting,
adding or editing data or files (except within their own home directory). These actions are
illegal and constitute an extremely serious breach.
Students must not attempt to "fix" problems with the system or to look for security
problems, as this may be interpreted as an illegal attempt to gain access.
Any user who identifies a possible security breach, system fault, virus, hardware issue or
any other problem must report the matter to his or her teacher.
Violation of any of these above issues may result in the cancellation of network access
rights and other disciplinary action as considered appropriate by the Principal.
15 | P a g e

Reviewed September 2014

Student Access to the Internet, Intranet & E-Mail

Access to the Internet, Intranet or e-mail is for educational purposes only. Every precaution is taken to
prevent students from accessing inappropriate sites. The system we will access is provided by the
Department of Education and Childrens Services, which filters the content able to be accessed. To ensure
the safety of both yourself and others, the following regulations must be observed:

Users will not use the network to access or send material that is obscene (pornographic), that
promotes illegal acts (including illegal drugs), is racist, defamatory, or advocates violence or
discrimination against other people (hate literature).
If a user unintentionally enters a site that breaches this policy, he or she should inform a teacher
immediately in order to protect themselves against being accused of intentionally violating this
policy. (It is possible for the Systems Administrator to access the history records of Web Sites
visited by any user).
No student is to harass another person. Harassment means persistently sending messages that
upset or annoy another person.
No student is to give personal information, such as photographs, addresses or telephone number,
relating to themselves, their parents or other students.
Users will not send emails/messages containing private information (including photographs) about
another person, nor should anyone forward to another person a message sent to them privately,
without the permission of the sender.
When publishing web pages and composing email messages you will only use language that is
acceptable at your school.
Any user who feels uncomfortable about an email/message they receive or which they consider to
be inappropriate must report it immediately to their teacher. (Please note that it is important not to
delete the message as it can be used to trace the sender.)
No users are to infringe copyright. Using another persons work and claiming it as your own is
plagiarism and is illegal. If you use something from a site on the Internet you must acknowledge the
owner of the work and indicate the URL (Internet Address) of the source of the information or
provide written authorisation from the owner of the resource this includes involving SAPOL or
Federal Police.
Violation of any of these above terms may result in the cancellation of your internet access rights
and other disciplinary action as considered appropriate by the Principal.

While every precaution is taken, Bowden Brompton Community School makes no guarantees that the
Network will be without faults. Data loss or interruptions to the systems accessibility may occur. Therefore
users should always backup their work.

16 | P a g e

Bowden Brompton Community School

Reviewed September 2014


Students are responsible for appropriate behaviour on the schools computer network. The
computers are provided to support students to research topics and develop skills in the use of
Information and Communication Technology.
General school rules for behaviour apply whilst using the computers.
Cyber Safety- Keeping Children Safe in a Connected World
DECD ICT Acceptable Use Policy


It is a condition of use of the computers that students do not:
Knowingly access material that is obscene or profane, that promotes illegal acts (including
illegal drugs), or that promotes violence or discrimination towards other people.
Download any files without teacher permission
Change or manipulate computer settings
Breaches of the above will result in action as per the school's behaviour code.
DECD School Discipline Policy

Reviewed September 2014


SAO responsible for management
Upload of any software requires:

2 weeks notice of software upload request

Completion of request Proforma signed by Head of Campus

Approval by ICT technician it will meet system requirements

Sign off by Principal or delegate

Upload of software to system/network by ICT technician

DECD ICT Security Policy
Reviewed September 2014

17 | P a g e


Staff Member to fill out:
Note: 2 week notice required to upload software

Staff Name:
Learning Area:
Software Requested:
Software Information:

Curriculum Outcomes:

Additional Information:

Approved by Head of Campus:

Yes / No

HOC Signature


ICT Management Evaluation:

Do we have software currently:

Yes / No

If yes, do we have the licences


Additional Information:


ICT Technician


Sign Off:



18 | P a g e

Reviewed September 2014


The following parameters regarding laptop use by students are non negotiable and all staff are required as
a condition of use to adhere to these guidelines.
DECD ICT Acceptable Use Policy

1. The mobile trolley is the storage vehicle for computers when they are not being used in lessons by
a teacher. At all times, this is the only place to store the laptops if they are not being used in a
classroom. Storage on staff desks for a lesson later in the day or next day, as an example, is not
2. The ICT Technician and the SSO on the offsite campus has a monitoring responsibility regarding
the storage of laptops in the mobile trolley. It is required that they ensure:
a. Overall monitoring of Laptops on the campus and report any discrepancies immediately to
the HOC who will follow up with the required staff member.
3. In using the laptops, the staff member is required to ensure:
a. Appropriate use by students.
b. The booking sheet is used to sign out and sign in computers.
c. The mobile trolley may be moved to a classroom for use and is to be returned to the secure
storage area of the campus each day.
d. In moving the trolley avoid moving over rough areas or steps where bouncing could damage
the sensitive instrumentation of the laptops.
e. If you are not using the trolley, for instance taking only 4 laptops, the staff member is
responsible for their safe movement and should use a suitable storage container to move
them that his kept with the trolley. (There are 2 available.)
f. The staff member is responsible for the removal and return of laptops to the storage trolley
at the end of each lesson or booking period.
g. At no time are laptops to be left in staff areas or classrooms.
h. Ensure laptops are secured to power sources on the trolley to ensure re-charging and
convenience for the next user.
i. Report immediately any damage or fault to the HOC.
4. In the event of damage to a laptop, funds to repair the damage will come from the subject budget
campus allocation in the first instance, and if insufficient funds, the campus budget as determined
by the HOC. Note: Damage to computers can be very expensive. For instance, a damaged key pad
required replacement of the entire keyboard.)
5. The HOC is required to monitor the appropriate use of the booking sheets by staff.
6. Each campus is responsible for ensuring these guidelines are implemented through the HOC. In the
event that a site specific guideline is required, the HOC is to ensure that it is entered into this policy
document so that it reflects the practices across the school.
Site specific practices for use of laptops list below:

19 | P a g e

Reviewed September 2014


The following parameters regarding IPad use by students are non-negotiable and all staff are required
as a condition of use to adhere to these guidelines.
DECD ICT Acceptable Use Policy

1. The ICT Committee Member on the offsite campus has a monitoring responsibility regarding the
storage of IPads in the mobile trolley. It is required that they ensure:
a. Overall monitoring of IPads on the campus and report any discrepancies immediately to the
HOC who will follow up with the required staff member.
2. In using the IPads, the staff member is required to ensure:
a. Appropriate use by students.
b. The booking sheet is used to sign out and sign in IPads.
c. In moving the tub, ensure the cover is on to avoid tipping out the IPads, which could
damage the glass screen as well as the sensitive instrumentation of the IPads.
d. If you are not using the tub, for instance taking only 4 IPads, the staff member is responsible
for their safe movement and should use a suitable storage container to move them that is
kept with the trolley. (There are 2 available.)
e. The staff member is responsible for the removal and return of IPads/ IPad tub to the storage
trolley at the end of each lesson or booking period.
f. At no time are IPads to be left in staff areas or classrooms.
g. Ensure IPads are secured to power sources on the trolley to ensure re-charging and
convenience for the next user.
h. Report immediately any damage, fault or loss to the HOC.
3. In the event of damage to an IPad, funds to repair the damage will come from the subject budget
campus allocation in the first instance, and if insufficient funds, the campus budget as determined
by the HOC. Note: Damage to IPads can be very expensive.
4. The HOC is required to monitor the appropriate use of the booking sheets by staff.
5. Each campus is responsible for ensuring these guidelines are implemented through the HOC. In the
event that a site specific guideline is required, the HOC is to ensure that it is entered into this policy
document so that it reflects the practices across the school.

20 | P a g e

Site specific practices for use of IPads list below:


Torrens Rd

Little Para

Beach all iPads are labelled and in their respective cases

ICT folder kept in HOC office (includes all data)
Teachers are to keep a record of which iPad is allocated to which student
(useful to label the case with the student name)
HOC to determine which budget lines are used for iTune gift card purchases.
See HOC for nominated staff member to purchase gift card for song
downloads (and keep a record of usage in the ICT folder)
The IPad Tub located on top of the Laptop trolley and is the storage hub for
IPads when a teacher is not using them in lessons. At all times, this is the
only place to store the IPads if they are not being used in a classroom.
Storage on staff desks for a lesson later in the day or next day, as an
example, is not acceptable
The IPad Tub may be moved to a classroom for use and is to be returned to
the secure storage area of the campus each day.
See HOC for nominated staff member to monitor usage, update etc
Records of APP/iTunes purchases kept in digital format at J:\COMMON\ICT
IPads are to be shut down at the end of each session to avoid battery drain
in standby mode. It is the responsibility of all staff to monitor remaining
battery life and to place the iPads on charge in a secured area when
required. (Below 20% charge)
Torrens Rd all iPads are labelled and are stored in lockable drawer in
Deputy Principal office. Deputy Principal is the nominated staff with keys to
access the iPads.
ICT folder kept in HOC office (includes all data)
Teachers are to keep a record of which iPad is allocated to which student
(useful to label the case with the student name)
HOC to determine which budget lines are used for iTune gift card purchases.
The nominated staff members to monitor usage, updates and adherence to
set protocols and procedures.
Records of APP/iTunes purchases kept in digital format at J:\COMMON\ICT
IPads are to be shut down at the end of each session to avoid battery drain
in standby mode. It is the responsibility of all staff to monitor remaining
battery life and to place the iPads on charge in a secured area when
required. (Below 20% charge)
IPads are labelled and identifiable in their respective protective cases and
stored in the lockable cabinet in the teaching preparation area.
Records of APP/iTunes purchases kept in digital format at J:\COMMON\ICT
Staff are to keep a record of which iPad is allocated to which student and/or
supervising staff member using the booking sheet kept with the iPads.
HOC to determine which budget lines are used for iTunes gift card
See HOC for nominated staff member to monitor usage, updates and
adherence to set protocols and procedures.
IPads are to be shut down at the end of each session to avoid battery drain
in standby mode. It is the responsibility of all staff to monitor remaining
battery life and to place the iPads on charge in a secured area when
required. (Below 20% charge)
The IPad Tub may be moved to a classroom for use and is to be returned to
the secure storage area of the campus each day.
Reviewed September 2014

ITunes Account Protocols:

To make sure that all ITunes store policies are adhered to regarding the purchase of multiple
licences for some applications multiple ITunes accounts must be made.
1. Each paid for app can be installed on 10 devices, otherwise VPP is needed
2. Gift cards to be bought from campus budgets.
Application Download Protocols
In order to effectively facilitate the app selection and download process the following procedures
must be followed:
1. Teacher will be able to search the App Store to identify apps (curriculum driven) that they would
like to download. Note: Link to curriculum planning must be evident.
2. Teachers will then submit (electronically) their app request to their respective head of campus
for HOC approval (see App Request form).
3. HOC will forward the request to ICT for final approval.
4. If the app requested by the teacher is free it will be installed on all 8 IPads
5. HOC will then check app store policies to see if one licence can be purchased for multiple
computers or app will have to be purchased multiple times as dictated by user agreements in
individual apps
a. If an app only need to be purchased once continue onto step 4 above
b. If an app needs to be purchased on individual machines HOC will decide if it is within
budget to purchase licences across all iPads and approve accordingly
c. Formula for deciding if campus can afford an app will be decided on a cost times all iPad
held by a campus.
d. If budget cannot support all iPads, HOC may approve an app over a certain number of
e. If app has to be purchased multiple times (as per the user agreement) then the ICT
Committee Member will be responsible for downloading app to all individual or
designated individual IPads and recording app into the App Register.
Once approved, ICT committee member will download app to the iPads for use by teachers.
6. Apps will be purchased using iTunes gift-card credit purchased from campus budgets.
7. All iPad apps must be entered onto the Campus register and ICT to maintain whole school
register. This is to ensure all apps are accounted for in the case of a hardware failure causing
apps to be lost as well as accounting for spending of different budgets.
8. This process will take no longer than 48 hours.
Maintenance of iPads/ MacBook Protocols:
In order to make sure all iPads and the applications they contain run at the optimum levels to
ensure student engagement and learning the following protocols must be followed:

ICT Committee Member/nominees will be responsible for updating all MacBook computers on
their site
ICT Committee Member/nominees will be responsible for updating all IPads
ICT Committee Member/nominees will be responsible for updating all Apps
ICT Committee member/nominees will be responsible for keeping a log of all updates which will
include: date updated, name of app or IOS, cost, budget line and initials of person making log

In order to more accurately back up specific information such as photos, word files, and apps Apple has set
up iCloud to back up this information to the Internet. iCloud is web based file storage for IPad, IPhone, and
Mac computers that seamlessly stores and transfers selected information from IPad to Mac and Vice
Versa. This system is easy to manage and will ensure that students can work on their projects from a
range of available sources and locations effectively.

22 | P a g e

Reviewed September 2014


Students who bring mobile phones to school are responsible for the appropriate use and storage of their phones.
In the event of an urgent need for a family or carer wanting to contact their child at school, the school requests
parents/carers ring the office and indicate the need to speak to your child. Staff will arrange for the student to get
to the phone immediately. Student use of mobile phones is not permitted during lesson times. This policy remains
unchanged from previous practice in the school.
The increasing issue of cyber bullying involving sending mobile phone messages, text or images over mobile
phones designed to threaten or bully another person is unacceptable in the community including the school. The
school implements Department of Education and Childrens Services (DECD) Keeping Safe Child Protection
Curriculum, part of which refers to the safe use of new technologies. As well, students are reminded frequently by
staff about the appropriate use of mobile phones.
The Department of Education and Childrens Services (DECD) regulations are applied within the school and
students, parents /carers are advised that:
The Principal can suspend or exclude a student who acts in a manner that threatens the
safety or wellbeing of a student or member of staff, or another person associated with the
These regulations do not preclude an event that occurs outside of school hours or off site, if
the Principal believes, on reasonable grounds, that the student has acted in a manner that
threatens the safety or wellbeing of a student or member of staff, or another person
associated with the school.
In a situation where a staff member reasonably suspects that a student has used a mobile
phone to record a crime, the phone may be confiscated by the Principal or HOC and handed
to Police. Staff will not access the contents of the phone and the Police will determine whether
the situation is considered a crime.
Cyber Safety- Keeping Children Safe in a Connected World
School Discipline Policy

Expectations of students who bring mobile phones or other electronic devices to school:

DECS regulations apply to all students engaged in any school related lesson, event or excursion
At all times responsibility for use and the safe keeping of mobiles phones is the responsibility of the student.
It is recommended that students who bring their mobile phone to school do not give it to other students and
maintain safe storage of their phone on their person.
Mobile phones are not to be used during any scheduled lesson, event or excursion.
In the event of a need for home contact, students are required to seek permission through their teacher.
Students are expected to follow teacher direction in this regard.
The use of personal mobile phones or any other electronic device by students to record still or video images,
record audio information whilst attending school or any related school event are not permitted.
Students involved in planned lessons with explicit instructions to record still, video or audio recordings at school
or for related school activities are required to conduct themselves according to staff direction and to ensure
privacy of all members of the school community and the general public are respected.
Students accessing mobile phones or other electronic devices including audio devices are required to ensure
volume control of sound is through audio headphones and if listening without audio headphones sound levels
are to be at a quiet voice talking level in the vicinity of administration, quadrangle, classroom and teaching areas
and are to follow staff direction as required.
Normal school procedures regarding student responsibility will be applied if irresponsible use of mobile phones or
other electronic devices occurs by a student or students.

Student to sign agreement in Student Development Plan

Signed Parent/Carer:

23 | P a g e

Revised September 2014


Report required

Principal to


No further
TRd Staff to print/merge
suspension document
directly from EDSAS.

STAFF to complete
ED155 if necessary.
Attach incident
report to suspension
paperwork if


LP & BCH staff complete

Student Management
Analysis Data Sheet &
Suspension Notices
@ then fax to TRd

Suspension Notices
(& Student Management
Analysis Data Sheets
LP/Bch only) placed in
tray in front office
labelled Sandy BEH

Bch/LP SMA Data

entered into EDSAS
by Front Office Staff

Entries checked for



HOC to
mailed to



Staff make alterations as

needed then paperwork
refiled in Sandy BEH
tray in front office

Suspension Notices
and SMA forms filed
in BEH folders by
Front Office Staff
(Beach + LP only)
TRd forms returned to
Sandy BEH tray

TRd Only



Forms returned to Sandy BEH tray, then filed in BEH

folders after re-entry notice attached. At end of year all
forms filed in individual student files by front office staff.

DECD Procedures for Suspension, Exclusion and Expulsion from Attendance at School

24 | P a g e

Revised September 2014

Drug Strategy
Prescribed and Over the Counter Drugs:
Parents / Carers of students who attend BBCS are required to complete the following at the
Enrolment (Potential Student Information Form) meeting:

BBCS General Health Information Sheet (Includes medication Instructions).

If required for a medical condition a First Aid Plan is to be completed by the treating
medical practitioner.

Illegal Drugs & Equipment:

Students bringing illegal drugs and equipment into BBCS will result in:

Police being called out and the implementation of harm minimisation strategies through the
Police diversion program.

Parents / Carers are contacted immediately to advise of police call out and requested to

Police interview is to involve the parent / carer and a teaching staff member. If the parent /
carer is unavailable, then the police interview is to be attended by a teaching staff member:
(Note: staff must follow Police Officer requests).

Harm minimisation and Observation process or Take Home will be implemented and reentry to occur the following day.

Following re-entry teaching staff will work with the students about the drug issues as a part
of the students curriculum while at BBCS.

DECD Drug Strategy

Child Protection in Schools
Protective Practices for Staff in Their Interactions with Children & Young People

25 | P a g e

Enrolment Procedures
Bowden Brompton Community School
Reviewed September 2014

Torrens Road Campus:

Beach Campus:

Little Para Campus:

85A Torrens Road

Brompton SA 5007
Telephone (08) 8346 4041
Facsimile (08) 8340 3240

181 Beach Road

Christies Beach SA 5165
Telephone (08) 8384 8288
Facsimile (08) 8382 8680

55 Downtown Ave
Salisbury North SA 5108
Telephone (08) 8285 3109
Facsimile (08) 8258 7177

26 | P a g e

Enrolment Procedures
Enrolment at Bowden Brompton Community School is the culmination of an agreement between parents/carers, the
student, Behaviour coaches, the previous school and BBCS that placement at BBCS is in the best interests of the
student and BBCS.
Bowden Brompton Community School is a specialised DECD setting and is subject to Inner West Partnerships
approval processes.

Students under 16 are only enrolled as a result of interagency referral.

Students over 16 may self refer (with carers usually involved).
Priority will be given to students under 16.
The Torrens Road and Beach Campuses enrol secondary students.
Students must be in their final two years of primary school for enrolment at the Little Para Campus.
Students are not accepted while on exclusion from other schools.
Each campus has an enrolment.

Considerations for student enrolment include:

Is the school able to provide programs, which will meet the needs of the student?
Will carers agree to support the operational methods of the school as described in initial interviews?
What relationships exist with existing students?
Are there problematic community connections?
Is the student a likely target for other students?
What safety issues are there for the enrolling student and that of current students and staff?
What other agencies are involved in the education/support of the young person?
Is the student public transport capable?
Are consultations with or direction from, the Inner West Partnerships Education Director?
All attempts to further support the mainstream placement have been considered and attempted.
There exists a history of Behaviour Coaches / Support Services involvement.
Suspension / Exclusion processes have been utilised.
Year 7 students do not progress to senior campus of the school for year 8. Whilst some students will progress
to Torrens Road Campus for year 8, the majority of students transition to their local high schools and this
involves a transition process that involves the school and the Behaviour Coach.
The school does not operate according to waiting lists and there are not defined boundaries established by
DECD for the school.

The process for enrolment

Initial approach made by interagency representative on behalf of the young person. At this stage the school should
be provided with details of any problematic issues that are beyond the normal.
A tour/visit/meeting by the student and parent/carer occurs by arrangement. No decision will be made about
enrolment at this time. The school will provide a positive description of what it offers to reengage young people
who have had difficulties with previous schooling. Student and carer are required to indicate their willingness to
A formal interview is held with student, carer, Behaviour Coaches representative and other agency personnel where
relevant. At this interview details of student education/personal history are explored to provide the school with a
clear understanding of student needs and to provide information to support decisions on the appropriateness of
BBCS for the young person.
Behaviour Coaches are required to complete and forward to BBCS HOC the Potential Student Interview
Information Sheet along with all relevant plans i.e. NEPs. Social workers, Behaviour coaches and carers are
expected to have met the young person and be able to provide detailed accurate information. Once forwarded
to BBCS, an interview time will be established.
This interview will need to be rescheduled if this is not possible.
After the interview young people and/or their carers should contact the school to indicate they wish to proceed. Based on the
information gained an invitation to enrol will be made, or in rare circumstances after detailed discussion by the school
management group an invitation will not be made. The reasons for this will be clearly communicated.
There may be delays in actual enrolment/commencement date due to
the need to balance new enrolments with school operations.
Every effort will be made to keep this to a minimum.
Please note: Enrolment documentation requires legally recognised adult representation.
Student Transfer Advice to a previous school is not activated until the student actually starts school.
Guidelines for enrolment of students over 16 years

27 | P a g e

These students may present directly for interview preferably with carer (depending on living circumstance).
Matters that will be canvassed include:
Students enrolling at the school who are already enrolled in other DECD schools, may undergo a 4 week
alternative placement to determine suitability of student placement at the school
Students with chronic non-attendance histories are not considered for transfer from other schools.
Enrolment situations where BBCS is of the view that the student is likely to present with significant wellbeing
issues that may impact on theirs or other members of the school communities wellbeing, WHS Risk
Assessment may be activated and school decisions regarding enrolment suitability will be based on that
In the event of a Risk Assessment being implemented, a 4 week alternative placement is mandatory to assess
the student and school needs to maintain an ongoing enrolment.
Termination a trial for a student will occur if chronic non-attendance patterns emerge.
Terminating a trial for a student may occur if WHS high risk assessment is identified.
Terminating a trial for a student will occur if extreme WHS risk assessment is identified
Ability of the school to offer a program suitable to meet student needs
Motivation to reengage with education
School history
Health issues
Violence and drug issues
Relationships with others at the school
Safety and risk issues associated with the this student joining the school
Current student numbers

Enrolment and Induction

1. After interview caregiver to contact relevant campus indicating they wish to proceed.
2. Enrolment forms completed at BBCS at a time to be negotiated.
3. BBCS inform Behaviour Coach of Caregiver notification about enrolment usually within 7 days.
4. Paperwork is completed and IBSC Coordinator informed of induction date. (Induction to occur on the same day
as the enrolment) Behaviour Coach to notify current home school.
5. BBCS to inform Caregiver of starting date. New students will start on a full time program unless there are issues
re risk management or family/school concerns. Any part time program will be negotiated with the parent /
caregiver and Behaviour Coach and regularly reviewed.
6. BBCS coordinate review with Behaviour Coach, caregiver and relevant interagency and DECD service
providers, usually 4 weeks of entry to BBCS
7. BBCS to send Pupil Transfer Form to students previous school on students first day of attendance. (If student
does not attend, transfer paperwork will not be sent).

Grievance Procedures regarding Enrolment

If a Behaviour Coach, or parent / caregiver is dissatisfied with the enrolment processes applied or the outcome
determined the following will occur.
For students under 16 the Behaviour Coach should in the first instance take up the matter with the Manager, Student
Inclusion & Wellbeing for that District.
If the matter is unresolved the Manager, SI&W will discuss concerns with the particular Head of Campus who will
discuss the matter with the School Management group.
If the matter remains unresolved the Manager, SI&W may then take the matter to their Education Director who will
seek resolution with the District Director, Western Partnership.
The Educational Director Western Partnerships, with the Support Services Manager, from the home schools region
will consult with all parties and make a decision regarding the matter.

DECD School Enrolment Policy

28 | P a g e

Reviewed September 2014


Ph: 8346 4041
Fax: 8340 3240


Ph: 8285 3109
Fax: 8258 7177

Ph: 8384 8288
Fax: 8382 8680


Version 7, Updated 12/11/12

Please complete in full and fax back to BBCS. BBCS will schedule an appointment in regard to potential
student upon receiving this document. Please include EDSAS attendance and behaviour management
data for the previous 12 months. This information is required prior to an interview commencing. If
documents are of a sensitive nature, please indicate on this form and bring to interview.
The interview does not guarantee an enrolment at BBCS. Once the parent / carer and student agree that
BBCS is the best educational option they are to inform the Head of Campus (HOC) who will consult with
the schools Leadership team & Behaviour Coach. At this point the HOC or delegate will contact the
Behaviour Coach& parents/carer to inform them of induction dates or whether the student will undergo a 4
week trial at BBCS to ensure the student will attend the school regularly and is willing to commit to the
school programs. Subject to the trial, the enrolment is finalised. Enrolment enquires go to the Head of
Campus or you may ring the Principal (Torrens Road campus) to discuss any queries.
Government of SA Information Sharing Guidelines

Behaviour Coach / Attendance Officer : ______________________ Region : _______________

Interview Date:

_____ Name of Student:





Year Level:




Name of Parent/Caregiver:
Ph: Home


Work ____


Student Ph: Mobile


Emergency Contact Person:

Ph: Home

__Work____________ Mobile________________________

Current School:

___School Contact Person:

Exclusion (current school - date, reason, placement):


Gender: F / M
Aboriginal/Torrens Straight Islander: Y / N

School Card Holder: Y / N

Non-English Speaking Background: Y / N

It is highly recommended that the current NEPs is presented at the interview.
Level of support ____________ Date of last NEP review:

29 | P a g e

Additional support / Funding/Salary?_______________________________________________________



Positives/hobbies/favourite subjects/vocational goals:




Other BBCS Students Known:


Overall patterns of achievement
Recent Grades (Term/Semester)
ACARA Outcomes standard levels across subjects:
SACE or other accredited learning:
SACE PLP: ___________________________________________________________________________

Literacy & Numeracy

Recent NAPLAN levels (below, level with, or above benchmarks)
Year _________ Literacy Level __________ Year __________ Numeracy Level _______
Comment on strengths/areas for development
Other Levels in Lit/Num determined through any other relevant testing by school or Guidance Officer:
Brief Case History:

30 | P a g e

OTHER SERVICES INVOLVED: (Please describe their involvement)



Comments/Assessment Reports

SIW Coordinators

Guidance Assessment


Speech Pathologist

Social Worker

Aboriginal Ed


Learning Centre





Comment/Assessment Reports



Families SA



Options Co-ordinator

ENU - Exceptional Needs

Psychiatrist / Psychologist






Dr or Psych




31 | P a g e

Is there a current Health Care Plan? Y/N Date _____________________













ESSENTIAL BEHAVIOURAL ISSUES: (Please indicate the behaviours of the student and describe them in order of concern)
Number of days absent for the last 12 months: ___________________
Not a Concern . Rarely an issue .Sometimes an issue

Frequently an issue

Ongoing/current concern


Not a Concern . Rarely an issue .Sometimes an issue

Frequently an issue

Ongoing/current concern


Not a Concern . Rarely an issue .Sometimes an issue

Frequently an issue

Ongoing/current concern


Emotions / Social issues
Not a Concern . Rarely an issue .Sometimes an issue

Frequently an issue

Ongoing/current concern


Verbal aggression
Not a Concern . Rarely an issue .Sometimes an issue

Frequently an issue

Ongoing/current concern



32 | P a g e

Physical aggression
Not a Concern . Rarely an issue .Sometimes an issue

Frequently an issue

Ongoing/current concern


Not a Concern . Rarely an issue .Sometimes an issue

Frequently an issue

Ongoing/current concern


Illicit drugs / Substance abuse
Not a Concern . Rarely an issue .Sometimes an issue

Frequently an issue

Ongoing/current concern


Police issues / Legal obligations
Not a Concern . Rarely an issue .Sometimes an issue

Frequently an issue

Ongoing/current concern


ADDITIONAL BEHAVIOURAL ISSUES: (Please indicate the behaviours of the student and describe them in order of concern)
Not a Concern . Rarely an issue .Sometimes an issue

Frequently an issue

Ongoing/current concern


Self Injurious Behaviour / Suicide
Not a Concern . Rarely an issue .Sometimes an issue

Frequently an issue

Ongoing/current concern


Domestic Violence
Not a Concern . Rarely an issue .Sometimes an issue

Frequently an issue

Ongoing/current concern



33 | P a g e

Not a Concern . Rarely an issue .Sometimes an issue

Frequently an issue

Ongoing/current concern


Bizarre or Unusual Behaviour
Not a Concern . Rarely an issue .Sometimes an issue

Frequently an issue

Ongoing/current concern


Agitation / Anxiety
Not a Concern . Rarely an issue .Sometimes an issue

Frequently an issue

Ongoing/current concern


Not a Concern . Rarely an issue .Sometimes an issue

Frequently an issue

Ongoing/current concern


Social Media Issues
Not a Concern . Rarely an issue .Sometimes an issue

Frequently an issue

Ongoing/current concern


Not a Concern . Rarely an issue .Sometimes an issue

Frequently an issue

Ongoing/current concern




34 | P a g e

Reviewed September 2014

Student Name:

Care Group:

Teacher/Youth Worker Name:

Five Levels of Engagement



Partly disengaged

Moderately engaged

Very engaged

Extremely engaged

Dimension 1: Wellbeing
Appears to be unhappy
Appears to be
some of the time
moderately unhappy
and optimistic

Appears to be happy,
relaxed and optimistic

Is often unwell

Has limited vitality and


His/her energy levels

are variable

Generally has high

energy levels

Appears to be happy
most of the time and
may be able to cheer up
Is very vibrant and
highly energetic


Lacks confidence

Has little self-belief and


Sometimes shows
confidence and belief in

Mostly shows belief and

confidence in

Almost always shows

belief and confidence in

Locus of

Struggles to control
behaviour and emotions

Shows moderate
control of emotions and
behaviour in some
situations; sometimes
acts impulsively

Generally controls
behaviour and emotions
most of the time

Almost always displays


Never loses self-control

in difficult situations;
thinks before acting


Struggles with setting


Goals are small and


Can set short and

limited longer term

Sets short and long

term goals

Sets appropriate and

achievable long and
short-term goals

Dealing with

Generally unable to
adapt to changed

Has limited ability to

handle changes

Can respond to
changes that are
personally desired

Positively deals with


Engages with changes

in an active and positive


Needs considerable
support to get organised

Requires some support

to get organised

Moderately well

Mostly well organised

Very well organised


Is withdrawn from

Usually open and

engages with many
other people

Is nearly always open to

others and relates very
well with a wide range
of people


Is disruptive and
uncooperative or very

At times disruptive and

uncooperative or

Generally cooperates
with others, but is
occasionally disruptive

Generally cooperates
with others

Very cooperative with

others and supportive of


Generally unable to
empathise with others

Shows limited ability to

empathise with others

Shows some empathy

for others

Able to empathise with

other viewpoints

Very empathetic and

respectful of others'

Attention and

Has short attention span

and difficultly
instructions and

Is almost always

Always attentive and

able to complete tasks
without additional

in learning

Doesnt attend school or

walks out of classes

Complies minimally with

learning and instruction

Completes work in most

fields, but may need
extra time

Actively engages with

learning and completes
all tasks

Literacy and

Has low levels of


Struggles with
literacy/numeracy for
basic daily tasks

Can use
literacy/numeracy to
achieve most ageappropriate tasks

Maintains high standard

of literacy/numeracy

Actively engages with

learning, often going
beyond the set task to
explore further.
Uses literacy/numeracy
to broaden other


Gives up easily

Can manage challenges

with support

Avoids answering
questions and may
provide irrelevant talk

Manages many
challenges by
Contributes actively to
class discussions

Enjoys challenges in
many fields


At times is easily
overwhelmed by
Responds to some
questions in his/her field
of interest

Satisfaction in

May destroy own work

Gains some satisfaction

from own work

Does not accept


Gains considerable
satisfaction from own
Generally accepts

Celebrates own work

and achievements

Dealing with

Appears to gain little

satisfaction from own
Has limited capacity to
accept feedback


Appears to be anxious,
very unhappy or edgy


Dimension 2: Relationships
Connects with a small
Has connections to a
group of peers with
small group of peers
similar life views
with a range of life

Dimension 3: Involvement in learning

Sometimes forgets
Usually remembers
instructions and
instructions and

DECD Learner Wellbeing Framework

Answers and may pose

some relevant questions

Shows some capacity

for accepting feedback

May lead peer group in

class discussions and

Accepts and values


Reviewed September 2014

Home Visit Protocols

Bowden Brompton Community School places the highest value of health & safety of its employees and
develops procedures & processes to reduce the likelihood of risks and injury when following up students
and carers through home visits.

Authorisation & Reporting:

BBCS staff must seek approval from the Head of Campus / Principal by completing the BBCS Application
for Home Visit form before undertaking a home visit and report back to the HOC / Principal by completing
the Home Visit Report Form after the visit.
DECD Home Visit Protocols

Procedural flow chart:

Home Visit to be authorised

by Principal / HOC once all
other avenues of contact
have been exhausted and all
levels of risks are minimized

Step 1
Complete Home Visit
authorisation form signed by
Principal / HOC

Step 2
Ensure phone
communication is activated
with the school before and
after the visit

Step 3
Complete Home Visit report
form after the visit for signing
off by Principal / HOC
& filing into student file

General Safety Strategies to help minimize risk:

1. Do not follow through with the home visit if there is a perceived elevated risk or you have
information from other professionals about the circumstances of the student, household occupants,
family, visitors or pets that elevates risk.
2. Check student files for relevant information (such as past risks) when planning a home visit.
3. When visiting a students house park on the street near the home to enable the fastest departure
possible should it be required.
4. Keep the car keys and mobile phone on your person with the speed dial set up to contact the
school or SAPOL in an emergency.
5. Be mindful of your personal property.
6. If you are invited into the house by an unknown person politely decline.
7. Avoid confrontation whenever possible.
8. Avoid being alone in a room with one person wherever practicable.
9. Be vigilant about personal space.
10. If for what ever reason you feel uncomfortable terminate the visit.
11. Where possible ensure two staff member attend or that you are supported by the presence of
interagency staff when attending a home visit.
12. Follow the procedural chart when organising a home visit.

Updated December 2011

Reviewed September 2014



Date: ___/___/___

Time of arrival: ____:____

Time of departure: ____:____

Students Name: _____________________________________________________________

Home Address: ______________________________________________________________
1) Who did you speak to? ______________________________________________________
2) Who are they and what is their relationship with the student? _________________________
3) How many people were home during this home visit? ______________________________
4) Did you express your concerns with the Parent/Caregiver re home visit?


5) What was the Parent/Caregiver explanation for non availability?

6) Were you satisfied with the outcome of the home visit?


7) What action was taken in this matter: ___________________________________________

8) Any other comments: _______________________________________________________
9) Further follow up required:


10) Risk Hazards: ____________________________________________________________

11) Risk Controls: ____________________________________________________________

Parent Signature: ________________ Student Signature: _______________ Date:__/__/20

Staff Name (please print):_______________ Staff Signature: _______________ Date: __/__/20

37 | P a g e

Reviewed September 2014

Application for Home Visit

Date: ___/___/20
Students name:
Students address:

Staff member(s) attending the home visit:

Date & time of the home visit:

What attempts have been made in trying to contact the Parent/Caregiver?

Pre visit history/issues:

Purpose for conducting the home visit:

Single Referral Student Attendance


Student Management Other

Staff members mobile phone number to be used during the home visit:

Authorisation for Home Visit

Head of Campus Authorisation
Not Approved

Name: .
Signature: ...

Reviewed September 2014


The use of school vehicles for supporting student learning is an important factor in contributing to the success of
innovative curriculum at BBCS.
It is important that a number of protocols are adhered to in order that these experiences are made as safe as possible
and meet our Duty of Care criteria for students, staff and the community.
DECD Motor Vehicle Procedure


All Subject Planners to stipulate if a vehicle is required for out of school lesson/s.
Vehicle allocation is overseen by the Deputy Principal / HOC.
State Fleet Booking Sheets are filled in.
All out of school lessons need to be planned carefully, excursion planners presented to the HOC well in advance
of the outing.
The HOC will maintain an excursion diary for Out of School Learning Activities.


Deputy Principal/HOC must have copy of Drivers Licence prior to use of any school vehicle (this will occur at the
beginning of each new school year).
It is the responsibility of staff to inform the school of any changes to licences that could impact upon their ability to
operate school vehicles
The vehicle must be booked through the State Fleet Booking Sheet and have the approval of the Head of
Any staff member taking students off Campus must have a Mobile phone, either their personal phone or a schoolsupplied phone.
If using a school phone, staff must enter phone details in Mobile Phone Register located next to State Fleet
Booking Sheet
If using personal mobile, staff must ensure that the school has that number recorded at Front Desk and that it is
also recorded in Mobile Phone Register
If a student with Asthma is being transported to an Out of School learning activity staff must ensure that an
Asthma First Aid Kit is taken on the activity
NOTE: If in an area where there is no mobile reception, 112 can always be accessed


All key wallets to contain 2 single trip bus/train tickets

All key wallets to contain School and Emergency contact numbers.
Student contact details and/or medical conditions kept in glove box.

Float teacher to prioritise checking out of school lessons first or if a group is leaving while no float is on duty the
teacher taking the activity is required to report to the front office and ensure that the students attendance is marked
on the float board.
If there is only one student to be transported the comfort levels of the staff member or the student will be considered
and alternative arrangements may be negotiated prior to transportation with the advice of the Head of Campus.
Any student whose behaviour is deemed questionable in out of school learning programmes will undergo a Risk
Assessment analysis by staff. The outcome of this assessment will determine the appropriateness of particular
students participating in these activities.
In the event of an incident occurring whilst using a school vehicle, the following procedures apply:

Vehicle to be stopped at most convenient, safe area to ascertain extent of illness/injury
Render First Aid if necessary
Call Ambulance/Police if necessary
Phone school & inform HOC/Front Office of occurrence, or if attending to injured student, ask a student to
phone (school will inform caregivers)
Inform school if second vehicle/staff member is required
Where possible, ensure all students are kept on vehicle or in a safe, defined area.
If injury/illness is ascertained to be of a non-significant nature, continue outing or return to Campus with all
Ensure that injured students caregivers are informed, however insignificant
Document incident

BEHAVIOUR In vehicle
Vehicle to be stopped at most convenient, safe area to address behaviour
If low level incident, a warning is given to student/s
If significant issue, school to be contacted by phone and any of the following processes may be initiated:
1) Return to Campus
2) If a student is refusing to remain on vehicle, and insisting on leaving, secondary students may be
offered a ticket from key wallet to ensure students safety. Teachers of Primary students are to remain
in the location from where the students absconded for a minimum period of 10 minutes. Inform school
of issue and the school will attempt to contact caregivers and/or send out another vehicle for support.
If you have any concerns for
3) The safety and wellbeing of student/s, contact POLICE re missing persons report.
4) Primary age students are to be returned to school. If behaviour continues to be unsafe, park in the
nearest safe location seek advice form the leadership team; leadership team to contact police and
parents of the situation. Where possible the school will send out a vehicle for support.
5) Caregivers must be contacted prior to a student being dropped anywhere other than school.
Secondary Students may be offered a ticket from key wallet if they have permission to leave from
their parent or caregiver. It is expected that all Primary students are returned to school or parents
have given written consent to be dismissed elsewhere.
6) If student refuses to leave vehicle, return to Campus.
7) If students behaviour is affecting your ability to drive the vehicle in a safe manner, STOP, contact
school and/or POLICE.
Ensure that students caregivers are informed of outcome
Document incident

BEHAVIOUR Whilst at alternative learning venue:

1. If student/s leave group without permission, and cannot be readily located:
Contact school and explain situation. Member of leadership team will advise teacher on how to manage
situation. [Parent/caregiver will be contacted; student/s will be contacted if he/she/they have a mobile
phone, and advised to either return to group/school/home depending on circumstances.] If only one teacher
present, maintain duty of care for remainder of group.
2. If student/s behave in an unsafe manner or student/s behave in a manner that means the planned
activity needs to be terminated [property damage, theft, abuse of public, etc.]:
Contact school and explain situation. Member of leadership team will advise teacher on how to manage
situation. [This may mean sending additional staff to site in another vehicle, calling police, etc.]
3. If student/s refuse to participate in planned activity, wear safety equipment etc.:
Monitor student/s behaviour to ensure no risks are taken, or students abscond. If student/s behaviour
escalates, contact school and explain situation. Member of leadership team will advise teacher on how to
manage situation. [This may mean sending additional staff to site in another vehicle, calling police, etc.]. If
two teachers are present, one stays with the student/s refusing to participate whilst the other maintains duty
of care for remaining students. If only one teacher present, maintain duty of care if possible. This means
keeping the group together and forgo planned activity if necessary.
For all of above, complete incident reports upon return to school. Additional follow up with parents/
caregivers should be done by the teachers directly involved.


Contact school & inform of details
If vehicle is not driveable, school will organise another vehicle/alternative means of returning to Campus
If vehicle needs on the spot repairs, school will organise & keep driver informed
At all times, ensure that students are kept safe

40 | P a g e

Bowden Brompton Community School - EXCURSION DIARY :


Reviewed September 2014

Each Campus Head to keep an Excursion Diary with the Excursion Form completed for each Excursion
& copies of comments kept with the form.
Date &




Parent Note

Budget Line
Yes / No

by Site

Vehicle Registration:

41 | P a g e

Reviewed September 2014


Teacher to complete along with all approvals, prior to Excursion.




All Documentation to be attached.

Date Approval Submitted:


APPROVED by Site Manager:



Date: ..

Vehicle / Phone
& Comments

42 | P a g e

Developed Aug 2008,

Reviewed September 2014

BBCS Procedures for Operation Flinders

Operation Flinders is an important adjunct to the program for secondary age
students at Bowden Brompton Community School.
These procedures are compatible with the Operation Flinders Counsellor
Handbook, and the Operation Flinders General Instruction
DECD Camps and Excursions Guide

1. Weekly Planner for Coordinating Teacher


Alert staff to the dates of the exercise for that term
Canvas prospective counsellors

DP @ Admin

Speak to teachers & students re potential participants

Identify counsellors; provide them with important dates and

Continue to identify students

Debrief meetings
and school



Follow up students identified by phone calls to parents and

send out Caregivers Package as students are identified
OFF 12 Invitation to participate
OFF 12B Parent Caregiver consent
Annex F (Statement of Medical Health)
Continue to follow up students and ensure boots are
Record emergency contacts as forms are returned.
In liaison with HG teachers complete Participant Background
OFF 15 Annex E
Send out invitation to an information meeting, for parents and
participants to complete any outstanding forms, complete
SACE agreement, and answer any questions from participants
Attend Pre Exercise briefing to meet Team Leader
Liaise with Team Leader as needed
Hold information meeting with parents, participants,
counsellors, and drivers
Confirm departure times
Problem solve around transport to BBCS Torrens Rd Campus
on morning of departure
Provide all paperwork to Operation Flinders
Provide relief teachers as required to fill the programs
Depart as per instructions from Operation Flinders
Return trip-designated driver departs BBCS in time to arrive at
Yankaninna before dark on the day before the exercise
finishes. The driver takes instruction from the Exercise
Commander about when to arrive at base camp to pick up
participants (see driver instruction)

Teachers &
HOC & Teachers

Care group


Deputy Principal

43 | P a g e

2. Selection of students
Criteria for selection:
1. The students are initially identified as potential candidates by BBCS
teachers and HOC.
2. Discussion of those potential candidates with the counsellors & HOC
3. Discussion and explanation of program with parents/caregivers
4. Selection Criteria: (not necessarily in order of importance):
Previous involvement/s with other support services
A very subjective "how would he/she cope?"
Physical ability
Cognitive understandings eg can the student understand to purpose beyond
just being a trip out of school or a "punishment"
Age 14 or over (though a big or streetwise 13yo may also be considered)
Completion of paperwork and declared physically fit by a doctor through OF
medical examination

3. Dates of exercises
Operation Flinders notifies Greg Cox at the beginning of each year of the
dates of designated exercises. BBCS is funded for 1 exercise per year. Greg then
allocates the exercise date to BBCS .
Operation Manager (Trent Harris) sends out the forms for each exercise about
8 weeks from the exercise date

4. Management of paperwork
The following paperwork comes from Operation Flinders to provide
counsellors and coordinating teachers with information regarding the exercise,
their various roles and information and forms for participating students and
their parents/caregivers.
Those documents with * need to be returned to Operation Flinders
prior to the exercise
4.1 For Counsellors and Coordinating teacher
Invitation to the Agency (BBCS) to participate (OFF 15Annex C)
Counsellor Handbook
Medical Forms*
General Instruction
Safety Instruction
Driver information
Participant Background*(OFF Annex E)
4.2 For Students and their parents/caregivers
Parents Package
Invitation To Participate OFF 15 which includes
Medical Assessment*
Consent Form*
Prior to leaving an information session with parents is recommended (usually
in the week prior to departure)
Letter to parents re team meeting
Letter to parents confirming travel arrangements
44 | P a g e

5. Transport arrangements
Students travel to the exercise area by BBCS van with BBCS staff members
as driver. The participating counsellors are not the drivers.
The coordinating teacher keeps parents informed of all travel arrangements,
via a meeting within 1 week prior to departure and by phone.

6. Emergency contact details.

A list of students and their emergency contacts is kept Bowden Brompton
Community School Torrens Rd Campus front office and HOC. Copies of this
list also go to:
Operation Flinders Exercise commander
Return trip driver
Team counsellors.

7. Counsellors

Counsellors are identified through staff meeting via an informal

expression of interest
The coordinator then negotiates with these people and the Manager to
determine the most appropriate people to attend
Counsellors are required to have a medical examination (OFF 42)
Counsellors are required to attend the pre exercise briefing held
usually 2 weeks prior to departure.
Prior to agreeing to participate as a counsellor BBCS staff should
read the counsellor handbook from Operation Flinders
speak to experienced staff who have been counsellors
be really clear on the difficulty of the task they are about to
read the general instruction and the annex to the general
instruction prior to attending the pre exercise briefing
be really clear on grievance procedures available to them

8. Drivers
Drivers for both trips are identified through staff meeting procedures, via an
informal expression of interest. The coordinator then negotiates with those
people to determine the least disruption to programs and operations at BBCS.
8.1 The drivers are issued with instructions from Operation Flinders via team
8.2 Drivers will carry a satellite phone hired from Electric Bug (see enclosed
brochure) to be used in event of an emergency outside of usual mobile phone
range. Coordinator will organise the hire.
8.3 In order to manage the risks involved in a long drive into an isolated area
the following guidelines will be followed
In case of emergency in an out of range area use satellite phone.
Police/Ambulance: 000
Base Camp: 86484817
BBCS: 83464041
45 | P a g e

On Trip to Yankaninna:
Contact BBCS (Judi) from
Port Augusta
and on arrival at Base Camp after dropping participants off to inform
BBCS of progress.

On return trip:
Contact BBCS (Judi) from
Base Camp prior to leaving (using Satellite phone)
Then at
Port Augusta
and Port Wakefield to inform of progress.

9. Duty of care
As per the General Instruction, BBCS teachers have ultimate duty of care for
the participants.

10. Grievance procedures

While the team leader has the day to day management of the team in the field
and makes decisions in consultation with the counsellors and other adults on
the team about activities, the route, consequences etc, it is expected that the
counsellors and the leadership of the team are in open and constant
communication with each other regarding the team and its progress.
However, because the ultimate duty of care for the participants lies with the
counsellors (Bowden Brompton Community School staff), there is the
potential for contradiction amongst the leadership of the team.
The following grievance process is available to all BBCS staff members who
are engaged on an Operation Flinders Exercise. In the event of a
disagreement or concern over expectations, responsibilities and/or duties
BBCS staff has access to the following process.
1. Speak to the person with whom you have a disagreement and resolve
the difference
2. Speak to another trusted adult on the team to find a way forward to
3. Speak to Operation Flinders Exercise commander to resolve the issue
4. Speak to BBCS manager from Base Camp to resolve the issue
It is anticipated that the issue may be resolved at any step in the above and
the BBCS staff member may choose to start at whichever step they feel most

46 | P a g e

11. VET and SACE Accreditation

To enable participants to have their efforts accredited as VET modules and to
complete a SACE Stage 1 Unit the following must be done by the BBCS
SACE Assessment agreements
VET registration
11.1. VET Modules and Assessment plans
All participants in Operation Flinders have TAFE Identity Numbers.
They have the opportunity to be accredited with the following 7 modules from
Certificate 1, Employment Skills Training.
Rights and Responsibilities in the workplace
Personal Skills Audit/Learning Goals
Setting Goals
Working and Training as a Group
Managing time in the workplace
Giving technical instructions and following procedures.
Structured workplace learning
See attached assessment checklist to be completed during and/or after
participants return
11.2 SACE
Recognition of Community Learning
Community Developed Programme Operation Flinders
Community Learning
Learning that is the result of following a structured accredited communitydeveloped program and/or the result of undertaking self-directed community
learning is considered to be community learning.
Community learning is learning that is not formally accredited through the
SACE Board, but is considered to be at a level and a standard that are
equivalent to the learning that is expressed in Board-accredited subjects.
This area of community learning is a result of activities or programs in which
students develop knowledge and skills to function in society. The practical
skills that are developed may include, for example, planning, organising,
communicating, managing time, and taking responsibility. Operation Flinders
is an example of learning in this category where students undertaking a
personal development programme.
Applying for recognition of COMMUNITY-DEVELOPED PROGRAMS
Students who wish to count learning that is the result of undertaking a
community-developed program can apply for recognition by:
Completing an application form, Status Application: Recognition of
Community-developed Programs (see SACE Coordinator or download from
the SACE website
Teachers/Counsellors will be required to follow up with Operation Flinders to
receive student Certificates in a timely manner to ensure recognition can
47 | P a g e

happen within a reasonable time frame. (Time lines and cut-of dates will need
to be check with SACE Coordinator)
The SACE Coordinator will send the completed application form and a copy of
the original community certificate/award attached to the form to the SACE
Board, addressed to Russell Long, Coordinator, Operations and Logistics.

12. Post Exercise

Counsellors will call parents with in a couple of days of finishing the

exercise to let them know how the participant went, and inform them of any
significant issues that arose. Discuss with them the success and strengths
that became apparent during the exercise and let them know of any
recommendations you made eg peer group mentor, One and All etc

Counsellors will organise with Operation Flinders to have the Team

Leader come to BBCS to present certificate (Invite parents) and share photos

Counsellors will collaborate to assess the competencies of participant

against the VET modules and pass those results on to Assistant Principal

Encourage those attempting it to complete the SACE unit, and pass the
result and completed work onto Assistant Principal

13. Fuel
Please note the following location of BP service stations:
Dublin (off the Port Wakefield Rd)
Port Wakefield
Port Augusta
Leigh Creek

It is strongly advised to fuel up at Hawker when travelling up and back. It is

about 300km round trip from Hawker to Base Camp and return. The van
loaded with students and trailer uses lots more fuel than when empty

48 | P a g e

Developed 2013

Reviewed September 2014

Bowden Brompton Community School

Camp protocols

Mission Statement44
Purpose of camp protocols.45
Information sharing & planning..45
Pre camp management and Administration.45
BBCS Student/Teacher ratios & maximum attendance45
DECD camps & excursion Guidelines45
BBCS CAMPS Teacher check list...46
Appendix 1: RAMS (Risk Assessment & Management System)47
Appendix 2: Participant Medical Form....54

49 | P a g e

Mission Statement
Outdoor Education Camps Program
Bowden Brompton Community School (BBCS) acknowledges the unique
role that a well-designed and implemented Therapeutic Adventure,
Outdoor Education Camp Program has in contributing to the growth and
development of specific populations, such as youth at risk, emerging
adolescents, youth with disabilities or mental health issues.
Through interaction with the natural world BBCS aims to develop an
understanding of our relationships with the environment, others and
ourselves. The ultimate goal of outdoor education is to contribute towards
a sustainable community.
While camps are learning and experiences outside the classroom/school
grounds, the aim is to also provide;
An appreciation at a deep level that excessive dependence on the
technological clatter of modern urban life is unnecessary and can
be harmful and the acknowledgement of a need to reconnect with
the natural world, which moulded earlier generations.
A deep personal understanding of and empathy with the
environment, an understanding of environmental degradation and
an appreciation of global warming, gained by being immersed in
the environment rather than by simply observing it.
Developing skills in personal assessment of risk and the
management of it.
Build better relationships within the school community and
develop better networks of support for students at BBCS.
Integrate into the camp cross curricular links, such as but not
limited to Relationships and Wellbeing, Cooking, Bikes, Surfing,
Science, Math etc.
Maintain and develop cross campus relationships and resources, to
better service BBCS students needs and opportunities.

50 | P a g e

Risk Assessment and Management Strategy

Bowden Brompton Community School

Purpose of camp protocols

To ensure that the BBCS community is well informed about school camps so that they are well supported and
that camps have a positive impact on the school and students. Extra conditions are placed on BBCS camps to
reduce risk factors for students that exhibit extreme and challenging behaviours.
DECD Risk Management Policy

Information sharing & planning

All camps require the lead teacher to prepare a proposal one term prior to the intended camp.
The proposal is to include proposed dates, travel arrangements, targeted students names, suggested staff
participation, locations to be visited, camp site, curriculum outcomes, budget costs (including intended budget
line to be used), risk identification, risk management plan and safety plan.
It is expected that all BBCS camps will require Parent Information Sessions the week prior to the camp.
Information is required about all personnel visiting the camp site or working with BBCS students which should
include their name, referees and purpose of their involvement.

Camp proposals will be tabled at Administration meetings for discussion and agreement to support the camp
with the Principal making the final decision to approve the camp proposal.

For interstate or international camps approval may need to be sought from the Regional Director or

Pre Camp Management and Administration

The following administrative matters are expected to be managed in a timely manner to allow for the Principals
approval of the camp.
Risk Assessment and Management Strategy (Appendix 1)
Medical forms (Appendix 2)
Invitation to students
Information letter to parents
Consent forms (completed copies to be left with the Principal & Deputy) and filed into student files on
the conclusion of the camp.
Emergency contact details (copies to be left with the Principal & Deputy)
General instructions
Safety Instructions
Transport arrangements / driver information
Teachers check list
Students check list
Receipts (to be approved by HOC and handed into Judi ASAP)
Location/Venue booking confirmation
School bus availability
Equipment/resources check
Catering check

BBCS student / teacher ratios & maximum attendance

All camps will need to be staffed on a ratio of 3 students to 1 staff member.
Definition: staff member may include student teacher, adult mentor or instructor.
Actual student teacher ratio; two teachers must be in attendance for a camp proposal to be approved.
A maximum of 9 students are permitted to attend a BBCS camps.

Communication: While the camp is in progress all communication will be in the following order
1) Principal
2) Deputy Principal
3) Head of Campus

Time in Lieu & NIT:

Refer to Enterprise Agreement 2012, clause 5.2
51 | P a g e

Risk Assessment and Management Strategy

Bowden Brompton Community School
DECD Camps & Excursion Guidelines

BBCS Camps must always adhere to the DECD Camp & Excursion Guidelines.

BBCS CAMPS Teacher check list

Risk Assessment and Management Strategy

Student list
Staff list
Ratio requirements correct
Medical forms
Invitation to students
Information letter to parents
Consent forms
o Completed copies to:
o Filed into student files on the conclusion of the camp.
Emergency contact details
o Copies left with:
General instructions
Safety Instructions
Transport arrangements
o driver information:
Teachers check list
Staff requirements list
o First aid
o Other qualifications:
o Police checks
Student information pack
o Parent info night date://.
o Equipment requirements
o Dates & Times
Receipts (to be approved by HOC and handed into Judi ASAP)
Location/Venue booking confirmation
School bus availability
Equipment/resources check
Catering check
Pick up of student prior to camp
Means to return students home after the camp
52 | P a g e

Risk Assessment and Management Strategy

Bowden Brompton Community School

Appendix 1: RAMS
Trip Name:


Field Contact(s)



Date: / /20



Date: / /20



From: BBCS



Trip Guide






Total participants per campus

Total adult supervisor/leaders

Torrens Road______ Beach______ Little Para_____


Overview of leadership structure

Activity Leadership Ratios DECD policy:




BBCS will have ___________ staff on site, supported by __________Staff

Behaviour Management, Risk assessment/management plan and Medical Ratios (refer to page 3)

Actual: Behaviour is not expected to be problematic for this field trip.

Gender Numbers
Male students:
Female Students:

Male Adults:

Female Adults:

Costing overview of camp


Supervisor Approval & Date

53 | P a g e

Risk Assessment and Management Strategy

Bowden Brompton Community School

Risk Identification


Highly likely

Very severe - Loss of life


Severe - serious injury - evacuation


Moderate - disruption of trip


Minor - incidental









Equipment failure



Flat tyre



Vehicle breakdown



Unsuitable equipment



Loss of equipment





Conflict - members

Personal medical problems


Car accident


Asthma (people/severity)


Bike- car accident






Snake bite


Hyperthermia (heat stroke)


Spider bite


Drugs, alcohol




Lost party


Canoe capsize




Lost group member


Bike accident






River and bridges



Wet weather


Cold weather


Late Return


Hot weather


Behaviour issues


Dry weather


Ratio adjustment


Windy weather


Marine Life


Stormy weather






Steep terrain




Exposed terrain




Remote area




Address all A1, B1, A2 & B2 items. Identify strategies to reduce risk. Detail management strategies on opposite page.
For any item with 1 or 2 impact or A or B likelihood discuss and note management plans with supervisor.

54 | P a g e

Risk Assessment and Management Strategy

Bowden Brompton Community School

Management of identified risk factors

List all items identified A1, A2, B1, B2




Management strategies:


Stove management strategies will be in place for all cooking

sessions, including supervision when cooking; fires will only be in
fire pit, with direct adult supervision. Not allowed if fire ban.



Sun cream and hats will be provided; appropriate clothing and sunsafe strategies will be recommended prior to trip



Wetsuits compulsory; a basic skills session will be run prior to the

trip; no jumping/diving in allowed; Board attached with leg-rope,
swimming allowed only with PFDs worn




Weather forecasts will be checked daily from BoM web site. Radio


warnings will also be available. Suitable location will be chosen

based on winds, waves and tide. If stormy conditions of winds
above 25Knts, lightning or extreme cold are forecast. An alternate
activity, location, venue or date for camp will be set.



Lost member

Group management strategies will be used to keep supervision

whilst surfing; boundaries will be set in camp; if a group member
becomes lost a search will commence under staff supervision, and
outside assistance called for, if necessary



Hot weather

Activities will be controlled to avoid hottest part of day; hats and

water will be made available to the participants; swimming will be
included to stay cool; in extreme heat activities may be reduced or




Qualified and experienced instructors used, with local knowledge of

area and rip areas. Students will be given instruction on identifying
rips, cause of rips, use of rips and entering/exiting rips.



Snake bite

Shoes must be worn in camp; avoid likely habitat of snakes on land,

i.e. long grass; First Aid Kits (FAK) to be carried by group for




Treat hot spots at first sign of discomfort; FAKs to be carried by

group for treatment




No swimming in river allowed




No jumping from jetties allowed

55 | P a g e

Risk Assessment and Management Strategy

Bowden Brompton Community School

Weather Forecast




Other Factors

56 | P a g e

Risk Assessment and Management Strategy

Bowden Brompton Community School

Group descriptions
Include all leaders and group participants



Emergency contacts

Special / medical





(Add extra pages as necessary for additional groups)

57 | P a g e

Risk Assessment and Management Strategy

Bowden Brompton Community School

Activity Outline - What, How & Why of plans.
Camp Itinerary
Day 1 Monday 10 May 2013
o BBCS Beach
o Drive Hindmarsh Island via Goolwa
o 75km ~ 1hours
o Arrive at Wilderness Escape camp site
07:00- Duncan & Rob to pick up Students from Beach Campus (BC), departing at 7:30am.
07:30- Drive to Hindmarsh Island via Goolwa
8:30- Arrive base camp. Set up Tents, cooking, toilet.
9:30- Morning tea
10:00- Surfing
12:00- Lunch
13:00- Surf, surf skills & fishing
15:30- Head back to camp- Afternoon tea/ showers
17:45- Tea set up
18:45- Tea
Day 2 Tuesday 14th May 2013
Flexible plan day. Will start and end day at Hindmarsh Island Camp. BBCS HOC & DP will be
notified via email/text & phone as to groups activity and location. Some of the options are;
Surf Day, explore Waits/Parsons beach/headland & fishing. Abseil at the Bluff. Explore Coorong and
Murray Mouth, Whale spotting, Whale museum, Granit Island walk (Dusk)

Day 3 Wednesday 15 May 2013

Morning Surf/fish
11:00 return camp pack up and clean up.
12:30 depart campsite
12:50- Arrive Port Elliott Bakery (Lunch)
13:50- Depart Port Elliott
15:00- Arrive BBCS LP

58 | P a g e

Risk Assessment and Management Strategy

Bowden Brompton Community School

Emergency Evacuation Plans

Outline your actions in event of evacuation being necessary. List the people who will have
knowledge and experience to assist your departmental contact person in dealing with this. Add
as many pages as is needed. Make the plan clear to those who will be trying to help you

In the event of an incident or injury the groups safety is the priority.

When the group is determined to be away from danger the first aid officer should attend any injured

Should further medical assistance be required, BBCS contact may be telephoned and asked to
assist. Alternatively, staff on site may contact emergency services directly.

BBCS Leadership contact will be informed of proceedings.

The injured person will be made as comfortable as possible within first aid
guidelines if waiting for further medical assistance, or transported to the nearest
hospital or medical centre.

Once the patient is made comfortable staff will pack up equipment and prepare to

All Staff First Aid Officer:

First Aid Kit location:

Emergency contacts as per evacuation plans:

BBCS Contact person(s): John L 8346 4041 / 0401 121 030
Local Police:
Nearest Hospitals:

Attach the following to this form before submitting.

Map clearly showing route plans; escape routes; campsites, and check points and vehicle
locations for each group. More than one map may be required.

Copies of medical & consent form for all participants, leaders and volunteers.


Discussed & accepted


59 | P a g e

Risk Assessment and Management Strategy

Bowden Brompton Community School

Appendix 2: Participant Medical Form

60 | P a g e

Reviewed September 2014


We believe that voluntary workers can make a significant contribution to the school community by
giving their time and sharing their skills and expertise with others. Volunteers may have a wide range
of interests and abilities that complement school programs, thus providing a wider range of
interactions and experiences for students.

Volunteer Selection Procedures

All Volunteers must have up to date relevant DCSI documentation.
Volunteers will be assessed for their suitability to work at the school by the Principal. This
assessment will be made in relation to the skills and contributions being offered and after verification
of the persons good character.
Volunteers will be required to attend an interview, complete induction training and sign both an
agreement and confidential declaration form before they commence volunteer work.
Volunteers offering to assist in programs where students are involved will be asked to provide:
Details of qualifications, experience and other information relevant to the program.
The names of two referees, who may be called upon to verify information provided and attest to the
character of the volunteer.
The Principals decision is final in determining who is eligible to work as a volunteer at the school.
Any applicant not accepted for volunteer work will be advised in writing.
Follow the link for DECD Policy
Volunteers Working in Educational Sites & Settings

Sequence Of Steps for Volunteers

1. Make informal contact with the school to ascertain school needs re volunteers.
2. Apply to the school providing background information, referee details and signed confidential
3. Provide evidence of recent police check.
4. Attend an interview.
5. Attend induction training.
6. Sign agreement form.

The Schools Responsibilities To Volunteers

A staff member will be allocated to supervise a volunteer in each of the areas her/she works.
Accurate records will be kept of a volunteers training and work details.
Volunteers will be provided with full induction training that will include:
- Mandatory reporting
- Occupational Health Safety & Welfare procedures
- Duty of Care responsibilities to students
- Confidentiality requirements
- Training specific to the area of volunteer work
Volunteers will be matched with work that is suitable to their skills, interests, time commitments
and health status.
Changes to a volunteers area of work or time commitment will be made with full consultation.
Supervising teachers will be available to discuss volunteers concerns as they arise.

61 | P a g e

Supervising teachers will meet their duty of care to students by not leaving a volunteer to work
unsupervised with students.

Volunteers Responsibilities

The volunteers most important responsibility relates to his/her duty of care to children. Students
are a vulnerable group generally, due to their age and lack of experience. Their vulnerability
increases if they are very young, if they have an intellectual or physical disability, if they are
newly arrived in Australia with English as a second language or is they experience
emotional/physical neglect.
For volunteers, respecting the rights of children means they must not:
- work unsupervised with students
- be involved in toileting students or assisting with change rooms/sickrooms
- have unsupervised contact with students during break times
- encourage affection from or dependency in students eg by giving presents
- have intentional physical contact with students (the supervising teacher will provide
comfort/first aid to a distressed student)
- display bullying or intimidating behaviours towards students.

Volunteers must: Refer all student concerns or behaviour issues to the supervising teacher.
Refer all requests to access school files to the supervising teacher.
Sign the time book for volunteers on arrival and departure.
Wear the provided name badge at all times.
Notify the school as early as possible if they are unable to fulfil their volunteer commitment.

Cancellation of Agreement
When concerns arise about a volunteer, opportunities to remedy a problem or improve an area of
concern will be offered wherever appropriate. A volunteers agreement can be cancelled at the
Principals discretion and where the volunteer
- has no more suitable work available
- fails to follow requirements outlined in the volunteer policy and elaborated through the
induction training
- behaves towards students, parents or staff in a manner deemed inappropriate or improper
- repeatedly fails to meet commitments without notice to the school.

62 | P a g e

Reviewed September 2014


As a volunteer at
.I agree to:
Work as a volunteer in the area/s
Discuss any concerns in relation to school matters with the appropriate staff member or a
member of the senior management of the school.
Keep all school related matters confidential and under no circumstances approach parents
or community members in relation to issues arising at the school. I understand this is the
responsibility of the Principal.
Abide by the terms and conditions detailed in the volunteer policy.
As a volunteer
I have participated in an induction program and I understand my responsibilities regarding
mandatory reporting, occupational health safety & welfare procedures, duty of care to
students and confidentiality. I have also received training specific to my area of volunteer
I understand that if I breach any of the above agreements my services as a volunteer may
be terminated.




63 | P a g e

Reviewed September 2014

DECD Psychological Health Management Procedures

64 | P a g e

Reviewed September 2014

Dear Parent/Carer,
Underpinning school procedures is the emphasis the school places on its school values:
RESPECT: Treat others and ourselves fairly and justly.
RESPONSIBILITY: We own our decisions and accept the consequences of our actions.
RESILIENCE: Bounce back when things go wrong.
In instances of irresponsible behaviour by a student, the school is able to implement Take Home, Suspension and
Exclusion processes. DECD Procedures for Suspension, Exclusion and Expulsion from Attendance at School These
procedures are utilised after negotiation with a student has not achieved an outcome that recognises the student is
working to ensure their positive regard and actions for the schools values.
The school endeavours to develop in our students the skills to self manage themselves. In supporting our students to
achieve this, the school implements a Student Negotiated Early Dismissal (SNED) from school other than the stated
dismissal time for the day. The purpose of this strategy is to teach students self management skills, ensure escalation of
negative behaviours is avoided and to maintain a safe and orderly school environment.
The school is able to instigate a Student Negotiated Early Dismissal in a situation where:
The student believes going home early will avoid escalation of their behaviour.
Staff have assessed in negotiation with the student that a Student Negotiated Early Dismissal is in the best
interest of the student and the school community.
Return from a Student Negotiated Early Dismissal will occur the following day and involves parent/carer contact with the
school to discuss the presenting issues either in person at the school or via a phone conference.
A Student Negotiated Early Dismissal has the support of the Governing Council and also the Department of Education and
Childrens Services as a variation to the schools Student Management Procedure.
The school has a Code of Cooperation (formerly known as a Behaviour Code). This agreement, which requires signatures
from parent/carer and student re: student responsibility, forms the Code of Cooperation.
Parent /Carer consent request Number 1
In order to implement a Student Negotiated Early Dismissal parent/carer consent is required to support this process including
giving permission for their child to travel home or to an agreed destination other than the normal school dismissal time. In support
of this process permission is also being sought to allow their child to travel home or to an agreed destination as determined
by the parent/carer in instances where the parent/carer is unable to pick their child up.
Parent/carer request number 2:
The school is also seeking parent/carer consent to allow their child to travel home or to an agreed destination without the
requirement to pick them up from school during the normal 8.50 to 3.00 pm school day (8:50 to 2:00pm Wednesdays)
in instances where a disciplinary consequence has been implemented such as Take Home or a Suspension.
If a parent / carer consent is not supported, normal school procedures will apply.

65 | P a g e


Applies to students who are in year 8 upwards and who are 13 years of age or older.
It is implemented after 12.00 pm of the school day. Prior to this time, normal school procedures apply.
Parent/carer has to have signed this agreement granting permission for the Student Negotiated Early Dismissal
procedure to be used for their child.
On the day it is used, the parent/carer has to be contacted by phone to approve the use of a Student Negotiated Early
Dismissal and confirm to the staff member the destination the student will go to such as the students home or to the
parent/carers work location.
If permission is given, the student leaves the school and travels using the mode of travel normally used for travelling
to and from school.
If permission is not given or the parent/carer can not be contacted, normal school procedures apply.
School staff will contact the parent/carer within a 2 hour time period from the students exit from school to ensure
the student has arrived home or at the agreed destination. If the student has not, the parent/carer will be advised to
contact their child if possible, look for them, or if concerned ring police to notify of their non arrival. The school will
maintain contact with a parent/carer until the child returns home.
A Student Negotiated Early Dismissal is an intervention strategy used to support students to self evaluate their
behaviour. Regular review will occur at round table conferences to assess its effectiveness.
Applies to students who are in year 8 upwards and who are 13 years of age or older.
The Parent/carer has to have signed this agreement granting permission for the student to travel home without
parent/carer pickup.
On the day it is used, the parent/carer has to be contacted by phone to confirm to the staff member the destination
the student will go to such as the students home or to the parent/carers work location.
If permission is given, the student leaves the school and travels using the mode of travel normally used for travelling
to and from school.
If permission is not given or the parent/carer can not be contacted, normal school procedures apply.
School staff will contact the parent/carer within a 2 hour time period from the students exit from school to ensure the
student has arrived. If the student has not, the parent/carer will be advised to contact their child if possible, look for
them, or if concerned ring police to notify of their non arrival. The school will maintain contact with a parent/carer until
the child returns home.
To be returned signed to the school
I, _______________________________ giver permission for the Bowden Brompton Community School to use the Student
Negotiated Early Dismissal procedure including allowing my child to travel home or to an agreed destination without parent
/carer pick up.
I also give consent for my child to travel home or to an agreed destination without parent/carer pickup in situations where
a disciplinary procedure such as Take Home or Suspension has been implemented.

Student Name:

Care group:

Parent/Carer Signed:


Torrens Road:

Beach Campus:

Little Para Campus:

85A Torrens Road

Brompton SA 5007
Telephone (08) 8346 4041
Facsimile (08) 8340 3240

181 Beach Road

Christies Beach SA 5165
Telephone (08) 8384 8288
Facsimile (08) 8382 8680

55 Downton Ave
Salisbury North SA 5108
Telephone (08) 82853109
Facsimile (08) 8258 7177

66 | P a g e

Reviewed September 2014


The DECD Performance and Development Policy has been aligned to the National framework. Each staff member is
required to document a Performance and Development Plan. The PDP will be undertaken with the respective line
manager. The PDP is congruent with the Site Learning Plan and must reflect this plan. The Site Learning Plan reflects
DECD priorities.
Staff are reminded to refer to their Job and Person specifications for their role position as the reference point for their
PDP. Your line managers will use your PDP agreement to notate ongoing achievements and emergent issues. It is
therefore expected that your final PDP document be forwarded via the internet for ease of access.
Verification of your PDP is to occur as a review in either term 2 or 3 and as verification in term 4. You may want to do
verification earlier dependent on your progress and need for feedback. Three meetings in the year with your line
manager is the benchmark, although more meetings may be negotiated. It is recommended that staff maintain a
personnel portfolio that is updated as needed as a professional task and responsibility.
BBCS Site Improvement Plan 2015 Identified Targets
Teaching Staff:
Your PDP indicates what you will do and the evidence to support your actions in supporting the BBCS
priorities and other goals of the Site Learning Plan. Specific goals for focus including evidence are:

Administration and SSO Staff:

Your PDP reflects your role responsibilities detailed in the role statement for BBCS.

Weeks 1 to 8, Term 1
Preparation and adjustment of PDP. Meet at least once with line manager.
By Week 8, term 1
Staff to finalise their PDP and meet with their line manager and have confirmed the PDP.
Term 2 and 3
Ongoing personal work with PDP.
One progress reflection meeting with Line Manager more if negotiated.
Term 4
Ongoing personal work with PDP.
Verification with line manager by end of week 5. (Achievements documented and personal reflection with line
Learning conversation with the line manager to confirm and notate PDP progress.
See staff handbook for Performance and Development Plan Template
Follow the link for DECD Policy
Performance and Development Policy

67 | P a g e

Reviewed September 2014


The Student Leave Pass (see SNED Protocols) is used when a student is leaving the school for part of the
The leave pass is verification by the school that the student has a legitimate reason not to be at school for
a particular period of time.

If a student is sent, ill, has another program, is on a part time program or needs to depart the school for
whatever reason, the caregiver must be notified.
Following the gaining of permission by the caregiver for an early dismissal, the Student Leave Pass form
must be completed and given to the student. These forms are located in the front office in the back of the
Early Dismissal/Late Arrival Folder and behind the float board.
The phone call to the caregiver must also be documented on Early Dismissal Daily Sheet, located in Front
The Student Leave Pass can be filled out by any staff member and should only be given to a student after
permission is gained from the caregiver for the student to depart early.


Name: ______________________________________
Date: ___________________

School Departure

Time: ___________________
School: Bowden Brompton Community School
Torrens Road Campus

85A Torrens Road


Beach Campus

181 Beach Road


Northern Vocation Group

Little Para Campus
55 Downton Ave

Reason for Early Dismissal

Part Time Program
Sent home early for _____________________________________________

Family Reason

Student has other program

Other _______________________________________________________
Staff Member Name/Position _____________________________________
Signature ____________________________________________________

68 | P a g e

Reviewed September 2014

Reporting process
Can the property damage be
repaired at school by staff or


Not witness by staff, SSO to call the police crime

management unit to report the vandalism.
Torrens Rd Campus 8207 6444, Beach 8392 9000
Little Para 8207 9411

Witnessed by a staff


Staff and student negotiate

damage repair.

Is the student still at




Victim (witnessing staff member) is

required to attend a police station to
provide a statement or make the statement
via telephone by calling the above identified
number. The school will require a police
report number from the witnessing staff

Staff member to call 131444 for

Police attendance in consultation
with the HOC. Staff witnessing
the vandalism will be required to
make a statement to the Police.
Parents will need to be informed
that the Police will interview their
child. An independent nonwitnessing teacher will need to be
part of the interview.
The HOC to follow up Police
report number and pass it onto
Reporting staff member will need to provide SAPOL with a damage estimate
when doing the Police report. (The Head of Campus will provide an estimated
damage schedule for the reporting staff member)
There is an expectation from the school that a student who has committed
property damage will contribute financially to the repair or assist in repairing
the damage. A letter outlining the costs will be sent home. A receipt will be
generated by the SAO after an offending student has paid the set amount of
compensation to the school.
Students will be dealt with as per DECD School Discipline Policy guidelines and the
BBCS behaviour code.
69 | P a g e

Reviewed September 2014


BBCS Practice:

BBCS works on a 8.50 to 3.00 teaching day and a 8.50 to 2.00 teaching day on Wednesdays.

50 minutes recess and lunch each day.

Lessons 45 minute unit.

We include both recess and lunch as instruction time. This means all staff are programmed to be
on duty during recess and lunch although local campus arrangements can be implemented.

Morning and afternoon Care groups are also included in Instruction Time and all staff are rostered
on at this time unless otherwise negotiated.

Before school and after school yard duty are rostered and do not come within the Instruction

Wednesdays 2.00 to 3.00 is considered other duties and school meetings, committees etc.,
can be scheduled in this time.

Each term, the week 2 and the week 8 (10 week term) or the week 9 (11 week term) are whole
school staff meetings. This is the guideline if no other negotiation occurs to change days. These
meetings occur on Torrens Road and commence at 3.00 with a finish at 5.00 if required.

No other whole school meetings are scheduled other than those above unless deemed urgent by
the Principal in consultation with the PAC.

The school will move to virtual online and phone hook up Skype meetings for committees etc.,
unless a different meeting format is negotiated by participants.

Meetings scheduled for a Wednesday are to be commenced by 3.15 and are a priority for
participating staff over other school commitments.

School closure and Pupil free days will rotate between Beach and Little Para to allow all staff a
connection to all campuses of the school.
Non Instruction Time (NIT)
The school is designated an Area School for calculations of staffing and entitlements. NIT agreements are
based on DECD formula that equates to 10.5 classes (Tier 1 staffing) and 4 classes (RAAP staffing)
The unique nature of the school with a 6 to 12 year level structure (Torrens Road year 8 to 12; Beach year 8 to
12 and Little Para year 6 and 7) has resulted in a secondary staffing formula being applied to the school and
this is a historical practice dating back many years.
The school works on an agreement ratified by staff in term 4, 2010 and ratified by PAC on 09/12/2010.
Based on a 45 minute lesson unit, each full time teacher is entitled to 8 NIT lessons comprising:

6 lessons during timetabled lessons and,

2 lessons comprising recess and lunch with a recess and a lunch comprising one lesson.

Teaching loads includes both teaching and float lessons.

Teacher Instruction Time recognises that staff are on either yard duty or activities sessions during
recess and lunchtimes. Local campus arrangement can be negotiated according to school decision
making processes.

Relief lessons are programmed for each teaching staff member

Loads are sometimes reduced due to varying roles, responsibilities and projects.
NIT allocation

for teachers are:

1.0 FTE 6 lessons
0.8 FTE 5 lessons
0.6 FTE 4 lessons
0.4 FTE 3 lessons
0.2 FTE 1 lessons

plus 2 Recess/Lunch. Teach 23/29.

plus 1.3 Recess/Lunch. Teach 19/23.2
plus 1 recess/lunch. Teach 14/17.4
plus 0.33 recess/lunch. Teach 9/11.6
plus 0.66 recess/lunch. Teach 5/5.8

NIT and Leadership time for leaders are:

Coordinator teaches 18/29 and has 9 NIT/Leadership lessons plus 2 recess/lunch.

Assistant Principal teaches 12/29 and has 15 NIT/Leadership lessons plus 2 recess/lunch

Deputy Principal teaches 9/29 and has 18 NIT/Leadership lessons plus 2 recess/lunch

Principal not assigned teaching duties.

Follow the link to Part 5 of Enterprise Agreement

70 | P a g e

Reviewed September 2014

The Deputy Principal is responsible for the oversight of timetabling and staffing processes across the three
The Assistant Principals oversees the Little Para & Beach timetables in consultation with the Learning
Engagement Coordinator and the Deputy Principal.
The Learning Engagement Co-ordinator oversees the mechanics of the Torrens Rd Campus timetables in
consultation with the Deputy Principal.
Follow the link to Part 5.1for further information on Timetabling Processes
DECD Guidelines for Implementation of Australian Curriculum

The Torrens Rd Campus timetable processes are managed by the Deputy Principal and Learning
Engagement Coordinator.

The Beach Campus timetable is developed by the Assistant Principal in consultation with the
Deputy Principal.

The Little Para Campus timetable is developed by the Assistant Principal in consultation with the
Deputy Principal.

Little Para

Torrens Rd








Year planners are produced in consultation with campus staff during Term 3 stipulating elective offerings
for the following year. This will also assist financial planning for faculty areas. The Year Planners will be
submitted to the leadership & finance committee for approval.
Middle School
Core lessons have a focus of a minimum of 5 Literacy & 5 Numeracy lessons per week, 2 Health, 2 History
& 2 Science lessons. The Child Protection Curriculum can be taught in either Health or SOSE lessons.
Where possible a maximum of 2 teachers are to be utilised in delivering the core subjects to the middle
school students.

Subject Selection Process (Torrens Rd & Beach Campus)

1) Approx Week 5 - Establish elective subjects to be offered through faculty collaboration and use of the
year planner. There is the option of faculties changing or adding new subjects each term. Changes or
new subjects submitted must be presented to the Learning Engagement Coordinator, Deputy Principal
with the consultation with Head of Campus (AP).

71 | P a g e

2) Approx Week 5 - Heads of Campus develop a functional and equitable model of staffing for all
campuses, listing all designated staff, where possible having consulted staff as to campus preference.
3) Approx. Week 6 - Develop a Subject Selection form that lists all subjects in Required Areas, ensuring
that adequate choices are apparent in each area.
4) Approx Week 7 - All students complete a Subject Selection form over the week, all forms handed into
Head of Campus or Learning Engagement Co-ordinator for collation of subject requests. SACE/VET
offerings to have priority in availability of speciality teachers and functional use of transport. DP to
maintain an overview re equitable lesson loads, floats and the needs of part time staff.
5) Approx Week 8 All students participating in SACE, Transition, VET and other programmes are
identified and a timetable for each is developed, listing the non-negotiable lesson commitments. to be
presented to caregroup teachers in preparation for the individual timetabling process.
6) Approx Week 9 All caregroup teachers meet to gather all relevant information in preparation for
individual timetabling of their caregroup. For each student they list SACE or other identified student
programmes, specific Literacy Support or other recommendations including part time options. A
timetable for each is then developed.
7) Approx Week 10 All timetables are collated so that an overview of class sizes, student mixes and
other issues can be gained. The Learning Engagement Coordinator will then consult staff before
addressing areas of concern, e.g., oversized lessons, student combinations and/ or students in
inappropriate lessons (behaviourally or academically). Staff will then be handed timetables to present
to students.
8) Approx Week 10 The timetable is submitted for typing, listing all current students. Other students
who have not completed the normal process are added later, sometimes the following term, often
limiting their options.
9) Approx Week 10 - Rosters are developed. These include:
Yard Duty
Morning Activity
Staff List/Campus
Wednesday Staff Meeting Program
Caregroup pairings
10) Approx Week 10 Staff are issued with individual teaching timetables listing lessons, yard duties and
float lessons.
11) Approx Week 10 All staff are expected to have written up all student timetables, prepared work
contracts for their subjects and made appointment times for their designated caregroup students in
preparation for Day1 Week 1 of following term.

72 | P a g e

Reviewed September 2014


(Note: Sign off by the Principal is required prior to any T and D being undertaken by staff
during work hours or outside of work hours
(if the school is funding).)
1. All T and D requests are:

Subject to Principal Approval.

To align with school Site Improvement Plan

To align with goals established in the applicants Performance and

Development Plan.

Subject to budget parameters with a maximum spending of $250 per annum per

Subject to an average of two days of T&D per staff member per year as a
guideline only.

To be lodged with the Principal at least 2 weeks prior to the intended date.

2. The provision of funds by the convenors either as cash or TRT voucher/release are
to be forwarded to the Principal and are dispersed according to Principal decision.

3. A condition of applying for T and D is the expectation that relief lesson will be
planned, and suitable lesson plans and materials provided to the HOC the day prior
to attendance.

4. Annual budget for T and D is determined in the school budget. Allocations out of this
budget line are as follows:

Prior to allocations for the financial year, allocations to the following mandatory
training needs is obligatory from the T and D Budget:
a. BELS is covered for all staff as well as Senior First Aid for PE and Outdoor
Education teachers.
b. Allocation of Senior First Aid training for one full-time SSO on each
c. Other DECD driven requirements

25% Strategic Priority 1

25 % Strategic Priority 2

50 % Priorities aligned to the Site Improvement Plan.

5. Mandated training requirements by DECD or BBCS will not be allocated against the
staff members $250.00 maximum per annum funding.

6. All funding requests need to consider that $360.00 per day to employ a TRT (or its
equivalent) will come from the T and D budget.

73 | P a g e

7. Unless approved by the Principal, a maximum of one staff member per offsite
campus, and two staff at Torrens Road, at any given time for T and D is allowed.

8. HOC in supporting or rejecting an application by a staff member is to determine:

Alignment with P&DP and school priorities.

Discuss with staff member the likelihood of funding support and release.

Impact of staff absence on the timetable and assess risk including discussion
with Principal if required prior to sign off.

If a TRT is not available assess risk of working a staff member down and
recommend to the Principal that the staff member absence can or can not be

Ensure that decisions do not reduce the efficiency of campus operations.

9. Unforseen staff absences such as sickness. Permission to attend T and D may be

withdrawn in the event of unexpected campus staff absences that can not be
covered through normal procedures. This will apply following Principal decision
One or more staff absent at Beach or Little Para; and two staff absent at
Torrens Road.
DECD Training and Professional Support Guidelines

74 | P a g e

Reviewed September 2014



YES / If yes, what is the T&D aligned to in the staff members

Campus Whole Administration Leadership Other

Approval by Line Manager (To Be Completed by Head of Campus)

This T and D request is aligned to the
staff members PA?


Staff member absence will

be covered internally?
Budget line to be taken from:
(Provided specific information)

If no, please consider the following questions:

Cost of the T and D request:

Will TRT be required from School

T and D funds?

If school funds required how

much is requested?

Conference Cost: $
School funded TRT: $

Supported HOC:

Date and Sign:

What funding line will be


Principal approved:

Date and Sign

What funding line will be

75 | P a g e

Reviewed September 2014


(Working on site out of hours)
This procedure has been developed to ensure staff safety by reducing the likelihood
of injury from risks associated from working after hours (including week ends &
holidays) in isolation and maintaining a high level of security for the school.
DECD Working in Isolation Procedures
Plan in advance your
intention to be on site during
out of school hours

Inform HOC or Principal

Ensure you know the

alarming & lock up process.
Sign off on lock up &
security agreement

Inform a family member of

your whereabouts & your
intended time of return

Enter details & sign off on

out of hours register
Located near the alarm pad

Ensure the school is

alarmed & secure when

Contact Police Security re

issues around securing the
school or SAPOL if an
unsafe situation develops &
debrief with HOC re any

Working on site during out of school hours register







I ________________________ agree to follow working in isolation procedures ensuring
that I minimize risk by maintaining a high level of security by restricting access to unwelcome
visitors and signing in & out on the working on site during out of school hours register.
Sign (staff member) _______________Sign (HOC) _______________ date _______

76 | P a g e

Contractors & visitors sign in protocols

To ensure welfare, health and safety all staff, students, visitors and contractors
through protocols, induction and checks through the sign in process.

All staff to ensure contractors & visitors report to reception.

Front office staff or staff member greeting the contractor to ensure the contractor
signs in and has a current DCSI screening unit clearance to work on site. Reception
staff to hand over a visitors pass after the contractor/visitor has signed in and
acknowledge their WHS responsibilities through signing the WHS statement.

Ensure contractors/visitors/volunteers are given relevant site & DECD information

(e.g. Asbestos Register, emergency procedures - ie things that may affect them while
working at the site).

All portable electrical devices powered on site must be tagged tested in accordance
with the DECD WHS Electrical Testing Procedure. Access the procedure through the
information link.
Procedures for Contractors on Worksites

77 | P a g e


Bowden Brompton Community School

DATE: 20/2/15

78 | P a g e

Document Control


1st Draft


Site Manager
John Leondaris

Scheduled Review Date

Actual Review Date

This Asbestos Management Plan is developed to assist {Bowden Brompton Community
School} comply with legislative and Department for Education and Child Development
(DECD) requirements in the management of asbestos and asbestos containing materials
(ACM) in DECD workplaces.
DECD Asbestos Management Procedures
DECD Work Health Safety & Injury Management Policy

Legislative Requirement
In accordance with Section 19 of the Work Health and Safety Act 2012 Act, the Crown is the
Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking (PCBU) and has the primary duty of care to
ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety of workers and other
persons while at work.
As a responsible agency of the Crown, DECD must meet the legislative obligations of primary
duty of care, so far as is reasonably practicable, to provide a safe and healthy workplace for
workers and other persons by ensuring:
*A safe work environment.
*Safe plant and structures.
*Safe systems of work.
*Safe use, handling and storage of plant, structures and substances.
*Provision of adequate facilities.
*Provision of information, training, instruction or supervision.
*Effective systems are in place for monitoring the health of workers and workplace
*Accommodation for workers, if provided, is appropriate.
*Effective notification and recording of workplace incidents.
*Compliance with the requirements under the WHS Regulations 2012.
DECD also has legislative obligations under Chapter 8 Part 3 which specifically requires the
presence and location of asbestos or ACM at a workplace to be identified and managed in
accordance with the How to Manage and Control Asbestos in the Workplace Code of

79 | P a g e

DECD Asbestos Management Procedure Objectives

The objectives of the Asbestos Management Procedure are to ensure DECD, its officers and
workers comply with all relevant legislation, Australian Standards, approved Codes of
Practice and DECD specifications relating to the management of risks associated with
asbestos or ACM by ensuring:
*All hazards and risks to health and safety as a result of the exposure to asbestos or ACM are
managed in accordance with DECD Risk Management Policy, DECD Risk Management
Framework and the How to Manage and Control Asbestos in the Workplace Code of
* The removal and disposal of asbestos or ACM from DECD workplaces is undertaken the
Facilities Management Provider (FM) in accordance with legislative requirements.
* Consultation occurs with workers and other persons who are exposed to asbestos or ACM
and the health and safety representative (HSR) as part of the risk management process.
*Consultation, cooperation and coordination occurs with other duty holders who DECD
shares a duty regarding the management of asbestos and ACM.
* Information, instruction and training are provided by a competent person to all persons
exposed to hazards as a result of the exposure to asbestos and ACM.

80 | P a g e


An inspection of {Bowden Brompton Community School} buildings has been conducted by
{name of competent person DPTI Asbestos Services} over the period {Insert date} to {Insert
date}. The inspection includes a risk assessment and recommendation for future control
measures. Results of this inspection is recorded in the {Bowden Brompton Community
School -Site} asbestos register, maintained by DPTI Asbestos Services and held at {name the

The risk assessment process on the condition of asbestos or ACM and the likelihood of
disturbance has been applied to all material found or assumed to contain asbestos or ACM
during inspection. A qualitative risk ranking has subsequently been assigned to each
occurrence of asbestos or ACM.

The recommended control
measures that have been
considered and approved by
DECD are as follows:

Category Description



Should be removed promptly

Remove as soon as

Should be scheduled for

removal at a practicable time

Use care during


May need removal during

maintenance works

Monitor condition

Has asbestos present.

Inspect according to
legislation and policy

No asbestos identified /
identified asbestos has been

All asbestos identified as per

WHS Regulations 2012
Chapter 8 Asbestos

Category: The site performance score, determined by the worst item performance score at
each site.
Category description: Indicates the recommended action corresponding to the worst item
performance score (recorded in the asbestos register by a competent person as per WHS
Regulations 2012 (Chapter 7 Asbestos)
Interpretation: A brief real-world example of what each category implies for a site.

81 | P a g e

Category 1 Risk Ranking items

All category 1 items identified at inspection have been reported by the inspector and
immediate remedial action taken. Category 1 items identified in the future, through register
review, prior oversight or damage, are to be reported to Asset Support Centre on 1800 810
076 or Property Group (Divisional Services) on 8226 6152 and immediately rectified through
normal maintenance processes. Any friable, unstable asbestos or ACM must be treated as a
category 1 risk.
Category 2 Risk Ranking items
Category 2 risks are programmed for removal prior to a time of likely disturbance for
another purpose, such as renovation. Management decision is necessary as to when this
should be done.
Category 3 Risk Ranking items
Category 3 items are characterised whether control measures are designed to reduce or
eliminate the possibility of disturbance.

Category 4 Risk Ranking items

These items are low risk due to good condition with a low probability of disturbance and
need only future management and monitoring. Generally they are well bonded, for example
in a cement matrix, stable and relatively inaccessible.
Category 5 Risk Ranking items
These items require no action.

Recording Work on Asbestos or ACM

Work done on asbestos or ACM that materially changes a register entry is to be recorded in
the asbestos register by DPTI Asbestos Services and will include details of:
*The company conducting the work
* The date of the work
* The scope of the work done
*Any clearance certificates
DPTI Asbestos Services will provide the updated asbestos register to the Facilities Manager
who is responsible for providing this to the site.

Access to Asbestos Register

The asbestos register must be made available to all contractors regardless of the type of
maintenance work to be undertaken.
Reasonable requests by DECD workers and health and safety representatives for inspection
of the asbestos register will be granted.

Incident Management Procedure

Incidents relating to the exposure of airborne asbestos fibres are undertaken in accordance
with DECD Incident Management Procedure.
DECD will document all records of individuals exposed to airborne asbestos fibres on the
Incident and Response Management System (IRMS). The site manager must also:
*Contact SafeWork SA on 1800 777 209 immediately to report the dangerous incident and
follow any instructions given by the SafeWork SA inspector.

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* Complete an incident report on IRMS within 12 hours of the occurrence. Where numerous
DECD workers, students, young people, children, parents, visitors, have been exposed to
airborne asbestos fibres, a single IRMS report can be completed with the inclusion of a list of
the names and contact details of those exposed and uploaded on the IRMS system. A copy is
to be provided to all individuals.
*Contact DECD Legislation and Legal Services Unit who keep records of all reports of
asbestos exposure for 100 years.
*Advise concerned individuals to:
- Seek medical advice from their treating medical practitioner if they wish to have the
exposure recorded on their medical file.
- Log the incident on the Asbestos Victims Association Exposure Register located at this

- Contact SA Unions on 8212 3155 and complete an Asbestos Register Form.


Advice regarding asbestos or ACM is to be included in site induction procedures and follow
up briefings are to be conducted after each review of the asbestos register or after any
material change in the asbestos register.
Induction briefings for new DECD workers and contractors who may work in buildings where
asbestos or ACM may be present are to be conducted before the commencement of work.

The asbestos register is to be reviewed annually or when a change to the register is
necessary by DPTI Asbestos Services. The Facilities Manager is responsible for providing a
copy of the asbestos register to the site manager.
The Asbestos Management Plan must be reviewed by the site manager annually or when a
change to the register has been recorded, to ensure effectiveness of management
processes. These may include:
* A review of the asbestos register or a control measure.
* Asbestos or ACM is removed from or disturbed, sealed or enclosed at the workplace.
* The Asbestos Management Plan is no longer adequate for managing asbestos or ACM at
the workplace.
* A health and safety representative requests a review if they reasonably believe that any of
the matters listed in the above points affects or may affect the health and safety of a
member of their work group and the Asbestos Management Plan was not adequately

Site Manager ________________________________ ______________________________

Print Name Signature

Date ____________________________

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