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Client Proposal

I have been asked to write a client proposal to give more detail and content to what will be
in my website. Below will include details of the colours I will use and how my website is
going to be designed.

My logo is made up of three images from the internet and a single word saying direct., the
images have been checked for copyright issues. One is a silhouette of a dancer wearing
pointe shoes and a tutu, the other dancer silhouette is of a split leap dancer. The last image
is of the words just dance. I have changed the colours slightly so that my dancers are
purple and my words are a mixture of grey and black. I got my idea of putting the three
images together so that I am making my logo my own and it is still unique at the same time.
I added the direct. word so that my company name sounds more like a business than a
shop. Below is roughly what it will look like but with different colours.

Screen icons:
My screen icons are going to be Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram. I chose these as
they relate to my product because I can advertise the different brand ranges we sell. I am
also going to have a pay now and Add to Basket icon so that customers can buy products
online. The background colour of my screen icons is going to be light blue. The reason for
this is because it will appeal the target audience. They also have a light blue background
because it blends in with the colour scheme of my website.

Navigation bar/menu - Rollover buttons:

My navigation bar is going to be light purple with rounded edges but when a section is
clicked or hovered over it will turn darker, so it will be using a rollover. I am also going to
have it across the top of the screen, with a small navigation menu at the bottom so that you

can easily access the different sections. My top navigation bar is going to have dropdown
menus so that you can easily access all the areas of my website. My navigation menu at the
bottom of my website is going to contain each individual section for example under
products there will be a list of all the different brands.

Backgrounds/Textured graphics:
For my background I am going to have a textured light pink/blue/purple colour as shown
below. This is so that it appeals to both males and females. I wanted a textured background
so that it gives my website a 3D/modern look and makes it look more professional. It will
also make my website seem more eye catching but at the same time I want people to still be
able to use my website easily. This means that I will have to use a sensible font colour and

Animated GIF:
I am going to have a couple of animated GIFS, one will be a pair of pointe shoes where the
shoes will slowly rise onto the toes and will then spin round. My other is silhouettes of a
dancer doing a pirouette three times. These animated GIFs will appear in random places on
my screen, when a specific page is selected such as my home screen. - This is a link to an Animated GIF
which will be similar to mine. This one is taken from Pinterest.

Web Banner:
My web banner is going to be aimed at students aged 12-17, so that they can get a discount
of 15% by showing there student ID badges. It states on the banner that the offer will end
on the 20/12/15. My banner will have a light blue background and it will have my logo. My
font colours will be orange and pink, so that it stands out when the banner comes up at the
top of my website. My web banner is also going to stay on my website throughout the
product pages. This means there will be more chance of students using it, meaning that the
website could potentially get more sales.

Visual Style:
My style is going to very clearly laid out and nothing is going to be too crammed up. The
main colour scheme for my website is mostly pink and purples and will have shades of blue
as well as it will need to be aimed at both boys and girls. Although most people think that
dancing is just for girls, lots of boys also dance. I dont want boys to be put off using the
website because of the colour scheme, which is why I am incorporating blue shades into my
style. I want to make sure my style isnt boring and ensure that it inspires girls to dance and
buy different kind of products such as leggings, leotards, shoes and any other accessories.

The target audience for my website is mostly for girls but at the same time is for boys as
well. I want to make sure that it is also suitable for the use of parents who may want to
purchase items for their children. The age range for my website is for 5- 17 year olds. The
majority of people who will use my website, will use it for buying things cheaper online and
to browse what kind of items/brands you can buy. My audience is also going to be
considered so that I can make my website more useful to them. I am going to consider
carefully the purposes of my website and what people want to achieve from using my
website. I will also make sure that I dont use any offensive language that will affect who
uses my website. I will also use appropriate graphics so that they relate to the correct
sections and dont upset anyone.

My fonts are going to be either:

Dance (Arial)
Dance (Bookman old style)
Dance (Candara)
Dance (Era Demi ITC)
Dance (Goudy stout)
Dance (Harrington)

My titles are going to be bold and some of my subheadings are going to be italic. My
content text on my pages is just going to be normal. The font size will be 18-48 depending
on where the text is being used. I have taken into consideration that parents who are
visually impaired may also use my website and so have made sure that my font sizes are
clear to see. I did this by using Dreamweaver to check how big the fonts appear on a design
of my website. The colour of my text is going to be either dark purple or dark pink as this
will stand out from my light coloured background graphic.



Navigation Bar


Web Banner
Navigation Bar



The layout of my website is going to be done so that its nicely spaced out and everything
can be clearly seen. My layout will be different on each page as shown above (left and
right). The layout of left is similar to what my home page will look like. My different brand
pages will look like my layout on the right. Above left is also a general idea of my standard
layout for each of my products:

My web banner across the top of my website throughout my product pages

My navigation bar will be underneath with links to all my appropriate sections of
home, products, about us and contact us.
My logo will be located in the top left hand corner and when you click on it, it will
take you back to the home screen.
A mini menu down the left hand side
Some text on each page
Graphics dotted around each page (these wont have set places)

My website is going to be made so that people can easily understand what to do in order to
use the website properly. It is also going to be easy to use for younger people as there are
lots of elements to my website which only apply to younger people. My website is also
going to be quite interactive, you will be able to click on each of my brand images, which will
take you to see a range of products with lots of information. You will also be able to fill in
your details on the contact us page.

Client Brief/needs:
My client brief states that they want me to produce an interactive website in which has the
purpose of selling a leisure product, which could be anything from games to something
hobby related. The thing I chose is Dance/dancewear because it is my favourite hobby and I
know a lot about it. The brief says that I need to have suitable layout so its clear to read, it
also needs to have many different graphics which will include a logo, background colours
and rollovers. This means that the users can be attracted with fun and interact so that they
can browse images.

I have done a range of research of what navigation, accessibility, layout and designs I may
want to use in my website. I have done some research on what different brand of shoes you
can buy and the different prices of what other websites/companies are selling their
products at. I have also looked up what images I am going include in my website along with
some ideas for layout of my pages. The websites I used in my research are Bloch, Move
dancewear and Katz dancewear.

Copyright is a law which protects things such as documents, images, text, music files and
videos, these are mostly things found on a computer as it is easier to steal work especially if
its published on the web. The reason why copyright is used is because it ensures that your
work is safe and cannot be copied by anyone. Another purpose of copyright is to make sure
that a creators work is protected if it ever gets stolen. It also made sure that people got
rewarded for the things they made themselves. The law was created and put in place in
1988. If this act wasnt put in place, there would be little anyone can do legally if their work
was stolen or claimed as their own. You can only break the copyright law if you have taken
something which was initially someone elses without their permission. If the copyright isnt
with the creator themselves, it can sometimes be hard to track but using primary assets
without their permission may put you in trouble due to you being in violation of this
copyright law. The person who holds the copyright is the only person who can authorise the
reproduction of work even if the work is on an electronic device.
Currently you dont need to apply or register for this law to be put in place as it is done
automatically, this then lasts for a lifetime and an extra 70 years after the creator has died.
After the 70 years has passed the copyright is then usually handed down to the creators
heirs. If someone is commissioned to do any kind of design work, they will retain the
copyright until both parties decide otherwise. If the visual creators are employed and not
working for themselves, the employer is the one who retains the copyright.
With images you can get ones called stock photos which are photos where the copyright
owner has decided to allow the public to freely use them. These are normally found on the
internet as this is a place where a lot of useful resources are kept these days. Sometimes
strict rules are put in place with the stock photos stating where and when the photos can be
used, these rules are made by the copyright owner so it is vital that you read what the

copyright holder has specified first. Also with images you can buy the right to use a
copyrighted image if you wanted that particular image.

In any part of a multimedia product such as a website there will always be restrictions in
concerns to exactly what you want to say and what youre allowed to do. This is normally
put in place to protect people from things such as racism, which not only may offend
someone but may also cause problems. The internet is not somewhere where you can
escape these problems. It is clear that it is easier to break these laws online as it is all done
anonymously (so no-one knows who you are). Things can still be tracked and so therefore
some things on the internet are still not allowed. Different media roles such as radio
presenters and television channels have more restrictions and are more heavily enforced,
where content may be published nationally. If someone finds a piece of information
offensive to them in any way, then they may be able to sue the company for a lot of money.
There are some rules in which you can avoid this such as:
Not being allowed to use a picture, video or sound clip of anyone unless you have
their permission (sometimes this may be needed in writing).
Youre not allowed to make a verbal statement about anyone, which can be seen as
abusive or could harm his or her reputation. This is called Slander.
You cant write a written statement about an individual which could be seen as
abusive or harm their reputation. This is called Libel.
The copyright laws suggest that we are not allowed to use any part of someone
elses work without their permission.
Being careful when representing and describing content, as you have to make sure
you are both unbiased and accurate. This applies to race, gender, sexuality,
disability, nationality, class, religion and age.
From all of this we know that one of the groups is inferior to the other otherwise you are
definitely in breach of this rule and the product may not be viewable. One of the laws,
which works alongside these rules, is The Race Relations Act. The Race Relations Act was the
first legislation in the UK, which has dealt with the racial discrimination issues.
When creating my multimedia website, Im going to ensure that I dont break any of these
rules. I will do this by getting permission when using any images from the internet or just
make sure there not copyrighted ones. On the other hand, if I dont get any permission from
the owner I will use a different picture or try and take my own. The same will also be applied
to videos. Basically I will need to get permission before downloading and adding the video
into my product, even if there not copyrighted.
The most important thing I will consider is the content as this will need to be appropriate
and safe to include in my website, I will have to make sure not to discriminate anyone.

Data Protection/Privacy:

There is a law called The Data Protection Act 1998, this is put in place to make sure peoples
data is kept safe. It is basically an act of Parliament of the UK and Northern Ireland. It is a
piece of legislation that governs the protection of personal data. This is where I am going to
make sure that everyones data is kept so that no one else can view. I will also add privacy
settings so that peoples information such as card details cant be seen by others.

This is a set of rules or promise that restricts access to certain types of information. I will
make sure that any information on my website is fully accessible and wont put anything on
that I dont want people to see. I will also make sure no ones personal details or
information is accessible to others using the site.

Representation is when a person or organisation that speaks, acts or is present changes the
way they do things officially for something else. It is also the way that someone or
something is described. In media, representations are the ways in which people are treated
in different groups, communities, experiences or topics and then judging them from a
different viewpoint. The way I will represent my website is so that people can clearly access
all the different sections and I will make sure that it fits the client needs and all the users

Intellectual Property Rights:

These are the rights which are given to people over the creations of their minds. They are
normally given the creator an exclusive right over their creation for a certain length of time.
Some common types of laws which protect intellectual property are copyrights, patents and
industrial design rights; these laws prevent people from using the original work without
permission. It also covers the rights which are used to protect trademarks. A trademark is a
symbol/sign which can be recognised for an individual company. The symbol could be a
logo which could be trademarked so that others cant use it. Most of these cover photos,
text, videos, logos and designs. It became commonplace in the 20 th century in most parts of
the world. The first date in which the intellectual property rights phrase was used was in
1769 in the monthly review.

This tends to mean that a document contains a false statement, which could potentially ruin
someones reputation or decrease respect/confidence for someone. It could possibly
include feelings against someone as well. If someone is accused of doing something like this
they must provide evidence of the message which contained false information, prove that
the information was published, the person can be identified as being harmed and prove of
the damage done to the person reputation. Normally there are 4 defences truth, consent,
accident and privilege. There can also be use of opinions on my website which could
potentially be used to make allegations towards other. The action can be against an

individual person or an organisation. I will make sure this doesnt happen by checking and
updating my website regularly to get rid of any horrible comments or false information.

Other laws:
There are any other laws when creating a website such as computer misuse, including things
like hacking, change of records or false tagging of people. Hacking is when someone gains
access to files or information without permission. False tagging tends to occur on social
media sites such as Facebook or Twitter. These are all things in which people can take you to
court for if they are done inappropriately/unexpectedly. I will ensure that none of these
laws happen by keeping peoples information safe/protected and keep passwords on things
so they are better protected from others.

File Formats:
There are 3 different file formats I will use including JPEG, PNG and GIF.
I will use the JPEG file format for my images. This is because JPEGs can store many colours
but usually this can result in a loss of quality. These types of image file formats are good for
use on the web, which is good for me when creating my website. They mostly support 16.8
million colours and it is also resolution dependant. It uses a lossy compression so the image
may lose information when resaved or created. Colour quality is 1-100%.
The second file format I will use is the PNG, which stands for Portable Network Graphic. This
is good for creating things such as my web banner and screen icons as PNGs work well with
text, line art or simple graphics. PNG file formats keep complete visual accuracy of an
original image. PNGs can hold 24-bit and 48-bit true colour.
The last file format I will use is GIF, and stands for Graphics Interchange Format. The reason
for GIFs is too reduce transfer time and they are faster to download. I will use GIFs as they
are good for making animations because a GIF can hold multiple images at once. I will also
use a GIF for my logo as it will have some solid colour areas. A GIF is one of the first file
formats that was used online. The good thing about GIFs is they provide file compression
but they dont lose visual quality. A GIF supports 8 bits per pixel and a palette of up to 256

Website optimisation is used to describe the process used to optimize or design from
scratch a website, which will score highly in the ranks of search engines. It is also the
process where an image can be changed by the user so that its properties best suits it
purposes of being used in a website. It includes cropping, resizing, de-pixelating, highlighting
and blurring.
When creating my website, I will take into consideration the average screen size/resolution
so that I can I can make all my assets appropriate sizes. I have found out that the average
screen size for a computer is 1600 x 1200 and 1920 x 1080. Phone resolutions are either
320 x 240 or 1280 x 720.

Intended Output:
My intended output for my website is the internet which is why I need to consider different
things such as making sure that I dont discriminate anyone in any way or hurt someones
feelings. I will also need to consider the design/colour of my website so that it doesnt look
too dull for the users. I will also need to need to consider functionality, navigation and
usability so that people can use my website quickly and easily.

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