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Are Graphic Designers Artists? : A Literature Review

Brooke Crisp
University of Texas at El Paso

Graphic design is an old profession, but in some cases it is not seen as art. Since the 19th
century, up until now, this career in art has grown from being part of a newspaper printer, to its
own major at universities. This review of literature will go over the different types of opinions
people have of graphic design and if it is art or not. The different types of graphic art its uses
and what makes it a well-rounded piece of graphic art. It will also review who can make this art
and where they can work to make it. And overall, what is the difference between graphic
designers and artist if there is one. Research, observations, and interviews have contributed to
this piece to further explain the opinions of the people.

Before there was graphic design there was something called Typography. Typography
was first used by Johann Gutenberg in the 19th century. Although, he was not who invented the
printing press or inks, he was the first to use them together to publish books (Eskilson, 14). Also
in the 19th century photography and illustration became part of graphic design (Eskilson, 30).
The specialization in graphic design is recent (Eskilson, 34). Now, over the past few years
Graphic design has grown faster than it ever had. The amount of new technology has helped
expand the branches of design (Eskilson, 10). In the 1840s, thanks to Volney Palmer,
advertising helped design to be more poplar. He was given the credit of opening the first
advertising agency (Eskilson, 50). At this time the job graphic designer was not used, this job
belonged to the newspaper, poster and magazine publishers. They like to use the term visual
Communication as their job term. So, basically what we know of as graphic design today did
not exists until it was separated from mass printing (Eskilson, 53).
Closer to todays time, different forms of art have been accepted into graphic design like,
comic books and street art. In the 1990s a new style of design was born, which was called
grunge. It was an unkempt, ragged, and disheveled form of design (Eskilson, 372). People like
David Carson and Elliot Earls had chaotic designs that made them very recognizable designers,
in todays difficult competition young designers have a difficult time making something so
different (Eskilson, 373).
So, what is graphic design now? Its purposeful planning that uses combinations of
pictures and words to make a point come across. However, that way of describing it is very
boring and thats not what graphic design is about. A more interesting point of view is that they
are problem solvers (Kidd, 2). Yes, they are talented people and solve the complex problems of

the world, but are they artist? Answering a few questions that maybe found in a future designers

What is considered Graphic Art?

What does it take to be a Graphic Designer?
Where are graphic designers working?
What are the qualities in a graphic artists?

This review of different types of literature about graphic designers will aim to inform the
reader about the different stand points of this issue.

What is considered Graphic Art?

Graphic design is an important element in todays world and is literally everywhere! But,
can you point out and say oh, thats graphic art? Well graphic art is the act of visualizing art,
according to the YouTube video What is graphic design? But there are other qualities to good
graphic art, for example, a good piece of graphic art must motivate its viewers into whatever
they are looking at (ONolan). For example if someone is looking at a poster of a shelter for
dogs who needs donations, and said person feels the need to help the dogs, this is a good
example of well-made graphic art. The person looking at these helpless puppies also understands
that they need help which is also an indicator that this poster has been made with good design
principles. Any kind of graphic art has lost its purpose if nothing can be interpreted or
understood from it (ONolan). Keep the puppies in mind, this person is emptying their wallets
for the dogs but you are just thinking thats a cute puppy, I wonder what its name? then this is
an example of a poor piece of graphic art. The point graphic designers want to make is the same

to everyone looking at their art, even if you dont give them your money you should still feel
anguished at the dogs state of living (ONolan).

What does it take to be a graphic designer?

This question could also be applied to photography as many people like to call
themselves professional without completing or even attending school. There is a noticeable
difference between the fakes and the real designers. This is due to the fact that, in school,
graphic designers take traditional art classes to develop all the different skills and the talent
presented (Durbin). This is where Durbin enforces his belief that graphic designers are artists.
He does however, admit that they are more than a traditional artist, more like profiteers (Durbin).
He also mentions, that some of the work done by the graphic designers is so mesmerizing and
wonderful that for it to be called anything but art would be insulting (Durbin). In an interview
conducted by Brooke Crisp, Narda Avila, a student in the graphic design program at The
University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) said that, when mentioning she is in the design program,
people think that she is only capable of making lines in a computer program. She also added that
some good qualities owned by graphic designers should be Creativity, discipline, and an open
mind (interview).
Of course, there are always two sides to one story and John ONolan has it. His thoughts
are that artists have a natural ability and talent, that this talent that the person has is polished
throughout life (ONolan). This sounds very positive, but toward actual designers he says that
they have no talent, but just have skills that can be learned. He goes on to say that even the most
well-known designers have only skills that are taught in the classroom. That they use the space

wisely, but have little color and or texture (ONolan). In an observation, also conducted by
Brooke Crisp, in a Life Drawing course at UTEP, there was a mixture between graphic designers
and other art majors. In agreement with John ONolan, the student who are Graphic designers
have a more thought out space around the page, but there was no lack of texture or color. In fact,
since some of the designers lack a little bit of drawing abilities, they use more interesting colors
and textures to make it as well as a composition as the drawings with exact proportions
(observation, October, 12, 2015).
As it may be known, to be an artist, ideas must flow from inside to paper without much
thought. However, more artist are turning into designers, because to be a designer you must turn
a message into art using styles and images already established. The artist now a days are
copying and adding a twist of their own which makes their art more design like (Elimeliah).
Elimeliah also thinks that, even if graphic design is not about emotions, that it should be a big
part in a designers work. That in doing so, the art would be more personal to them and to the
viewers (Elimeliah).

Where are graphic designers working?

Graphic design is everywhere and is in basically everything we see (YouTube).
Evidently, there are many jobs out there for designers. Narda, said that Peoples idea of graphic
design limits it to marketing, making labels, logos and such (interview). However there are
three main ways graphic designers usually take. In home, in an agency, or freelance are the most

common amongst the designers (Malvik).

Working in home is when you work for one brand or an organization. These designers
work in small groups for the company and my even work alone, they must have all the general
art skills to fulfill the brands needs (Malvik). They have a chance to grow with the brand and
that way better understand how to represent it through design. This of course has some
disadvantages, working for the same company can make the job become stale for some designers
who need more variety (Malvik).
An agency graphic designer is hired by people outside the agency to create designs. This
let the designer work with various clients and companies for short periods of time. These
agencies hire many designers with different qualities and abilities for them to have a better
possibility of being hired by the outside companies (Malvik). Here there is working with many

more designers, they all share ideas to make their projects campaign. The variety of clients and
working in larger groups makes this type of job on the designers toes (Malvik). The various
clients can also be a down side for some people. They are usually not present and ask for
changes in the design that could go on for weeks (Malvik).
The last of the most common graphic design is freelance. Freelance graphic designers
are their own bosses. They have their own business which means they have to possess more than
just design skills. Here, freelance designers have all the flexibility in the world from when they
work to who they work with to where they work (Malvik). The most prominent drawback of this
way of working is that the finances are not a constant. One week you could be working on a
great job and the next, nothing. Having to all the rest basically all alone is also a disadvantage,
finding new clients, taking care of money, and tracking hours are just some of the annoying tasks
at hand.
Overall, whats the difference between a designer and an artist?
Designers and artist use the same fundamentals, but sometimes end up having a very bold
line down the middle. Some designers consider or are considered artist, but the artist does not
usually identify with designer (ONolan). Most designers have a common goal, which is to get
their message across, this is a difference since artist like to inspire different thoughts throughout
different people (ONolan). Artists like to make new things and designers use something that
already exists to make their art, to be a good designer you have to be good with communication
(ONolan). A big difference between the two is that graphic designers make plans and plans to

finish their work to convey a single message to everyone, an artist thinks little of the page and
space but makes the art to express feelings to others.


Some people think that artist in todays society use design techniques to make their art
more captivating, and that the designers are back in time and using older ways of media
(Elimeliah). Artist in this period of time are becoming more designers than the designers
themselves, they are using old masters in the world of art to create their own, copying the steps
they have used in the past which makes their art more planed turning it into design (Elimeliah).

In conclusion, Graphic design is art. Depending on who you ask, the answer will very
weather its real art or just a fancy way of making an add. For instance, Narda believes that
graphic design is a degree with a lot of opportunity in the future and its a mixture between old
and traditional skills with new and advanced computer knowledge (interview). This review of
literature answered a few important questions that a future designer might ask themselves: What
is considered Graphic Art? What does it take to be a Graphic Designer? Where are graphic
designers working? And What are the qualities in a graphic artists? These questions have
informed the reader of the issue if graphic designers are artist.



Avila, N. (2015, October 23). [Telephone interview].

Crisp, B. (2015). Are Graphic Designers Artists? Unpublished Manuscript. University of Texas
at El Paso.
Durbin, S. (2009, February 7). Is Graphic Design Art? Retrieved September 14, 2015, from
Elimeliah, C. (2006, January 13). Art Vs. design. Retrieved October 16, 2015, from
Employment of graphic designers, by area [Graphic] (May 2014). Retrieved from
Eskilson, S. (2007). Graphic design: A new history. New Haven: Yale University Press.
Kidd, C. (2013). Okay, so just what is Graphic Design? In Go: A Kidd's guide to graphic design.
New York: Workman Publishing.
Malvik, C. (2014, October 3). Where do Graphic Designers Work? In-House vs. Agency vs.
Freelance. Retrieved October 16, 2015.
O'Nolan, J. (2001, September 21). The Difference between Art and Design. Retrieved October
16, 2015.
What is Graphic Design? (2009, August 11). Retrieved September 14, 2015, from

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