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4 Parallel and Perpendicular Lines

Parallel Lines Same Slope

If 2 lines are parallel, their slopes are exactly the same, because these lines never

Ex. What is the slope of a line parallel to the line y = 3x + 5

Answer: Since the slope of that line is 3, or 3/1, the slope of any line parallel to it
would also be 3 or 3/1

Ex. Write the equation of a line that is parallel to 2x + 4y = 12 and passes through
the point (2,3).


Step 1: Solve the equation for y, so you can determine the slope.

2x + 4y = 12
4y = -2x + 12
y = -2/4 x + 3

y = - x + 3

so the slope for this line and any parallel to it is

Step 2: Use point slope form of the line and plug in this slope with the given point

y y1 = m (x x1)
y 3 = - (x 2)

Step 3: Unless otherwise specified, solve the equation for y to put into slope
intercept form

y 3 = - (x 2)
* Distribute the through the parenthesis
y 3 = - x + 1

* Add 3 to both sides to eliminate it from the left
y = - x + 1 + 3
y = - x + 4

Perpendicular Lines Opposite Reciprocal Slope

If 2 lines are perpendicular, their lines form 4 90 degree angles that look like a cross.

Ex. What is the slope of a line perpendicular to the line y =3/4 x + 5?

Answer: Since the slope of this line is , the slope of any line perpendicular to it
would be the opposite reciprocal, which in this case would be -4/3.

Ex. What is the equation of a line that is perpendicular to the line 3x 6y = 24 and
passes through the point (3, -4).


Step 1: Solve the equation for y, so you can determine the slope.

3x 6y = 24

* move the 3x to the other side by subtracting it
-6y = -3x + 24

* divide everything by -6
y = -3/-6 x + 24/-6

y = x 4

Step 2: Since you now know the slope of the given line, find the opposite reciprocal
of that slope. In this case, since the slope of the line is , the opposite reciprocal
would be -2.

Step 3: Use point slope form of the line and plug the new slope with the given point

y y1 = m (x x1)

y - -4 = -2 (x 3)
y + 4 = -2 (x 3)

Step 4: Unless otherwise specified, solve the equation for y to put into slope
intercept form

y + 4 = -2 (x -3)

* Distribute the -2 through the parenthesis
y + 4 = -2x + 6

* subtract 4 from both sides of the equation
y = -2x + 6 4
y = -2x + 2

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