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ALSSION OF ae PUBLISHED BY WORLDWIDE FAITH MISSIONS PO BOX 8083, CANTON, OH 44711 Too ene e a aero DR. JOHANNES MAAS, ThD, EDIDR Me mae ee ea) Ry OUR CONVENTION SEASON | want you to know how much | appreciate your faithful prayers while | am ministering in Asia under what are sometimes extremely diffi- cult circumstances. One verse of the great hymn, Amazing Grace: Through many dangers, toils and cares, I have already come. ‘Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far, And grace will lead me home. These words are quite literally what | have experienced in my 36 years of ministry in India and Southeast Asia. | have survived a near plane crash, an angry mob which stoned our car and would have killed us, rat-infested huts, contaminated food and water, and detention by army officers. When | was in Mumbai seven years ago, there was rioting between the Muslims and Hindus, and our activities had to be curtailed. But this year, we rented a large auditorium in the city, and by the last night, it was packed with thousands of anxious listeners. It was a privilege to point out to thousands of Hindus, who revere and seek after the three million gods of India, that Jesus loved them, and He wanted to be their Savior. We had tremendous response to the invitation, as hundreds and hundreds stood to receive Jesus as Lord. It would be impossible to describe the poverty and suffering in the crowded slums in Bombay. It was reported last that land prices in Mumbai are the highest of any city in the world, higher than London, Hong Kong or New York. The millions of poor people and outcasts, who have flocked to the city to try to flee starvation in the remote villages, ring the city in unspeakably filthy, crowded slums. Millions sleep on the streets or in makeshift huts. In the area where we have our Children’s Home, there are no sewer systems or toilets for more than a million people. Raw sewage flows in open ditches on the sides of the streets, which are footpaths too narrow for a car. Pastor Jyothi Baptizes a New Believer. There is so much sickness, suffering and starvation in these slums. Thank God we were able to freely feed not only our own resident children whom you sponsor, but crowds of others who lined up for a nourishing bowl of rice and vegetable curry. Every time | visit India, it seems like the task is impossible. Since 1972 when | arrived the first time, the main change is hundreds of millions of more people, then 600 million, and now over one billion. But it is encouraging to see our grown orphanage children who are not only in the ministry, but also working at secular jobs, and they are sending money to help the starving in their native villages. | have so much more to tell you, but | am running out of space. | do want to tell you how grateful | am to you for making the ministry of mercy and compassion possible. Thank you for your selfless generosity. May the Lord bless you for helping “the least of these”. -Dr. Johannes Maas Sponsor a Widow In India, many Hindus believe that if a man dies, his wife made the gods angry, and she is responsible for his death. Often the widows jump on the funeral pyre, and are burned alive. Others run away, and many who are lefi homeless on the streets are welcomed into one of our homes. They help care for the children in the Home, and those who are truly born-again become Bible Ladies, ministering to the Hindu women in their villages. When a husband is away from his home, village custom dictates that no man may enter the home, even if the evangelist is accompanied by his wife. But the widows may visit the lady, and have opportunity to lead the lady to Jesus. Sponsor an Evangelist Most of you will never have the opportunity to witness for Jesus in a remote village in India. But through our sponsorship program, you may enlist a worthy evangelist in India to minister in your place. Many of our evangelists were called of God to minister to their own people while they were in our Children's Home. Now they need support in order to minister in a remote village where most have never heard the Name of Jesus, nor have heard the message of salvation. And you will share in their reward as they win souls for the Lord.. Sponsor a Needy Child Our Homes have many children for whom we have no sponsor. When parents die or are too ill to care for their child, the villagers will bring the child to one of our Homes. We never turn a homeless child away, but must use our small general fund to care for them until a new sponsor is enlisted. Please use this form to request a boy or a girl, or a Bible lady or an evangelist. We will send you a photo and case history, and you may write to the one you are sponsoring in India. Sponsorship Form: © I will support a child at $18/month. I want a Boy a Girl o (Check one) © Please select a native evangelist for me. I will send $25/month. | Send me his name and photo, © I will support a Bible woman (widow) at $15/month. | © I want to help feed the starving children in India lenclose $, My Name Address, | City State Zip. | Mail to: Worldwide Faith Missions | P.O. Box 8083 I Canton, Ohio 44711 I Contributions are tax deductible

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