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NZ@A NEW ZEALAND QUALIFICATIONS AUTHORITY MANA TOHU MATAURANGA © ACTEAROA af 3-34 Level 1 Health, 2011 "90972 Demonstrate understanding of influences on adolescent eating patterns to make health-enhancing recommendations 2.00 pm Tuesday 29 November 2011 Credits: Four Achievement Achievement with Merit Achievement with Excellence Demonstrate understanding of | ‘Demonstrate in-depth understanding Demonstrate comprehensive influences on adolescent eating of influences on adolescent eating understanding of influences on patiorns to make healt-enhancing | pattems tomake heatt-enhancing | adoloscent eating paters to make recommendations, recommendations. healthenhancing recommendations. Check that the National Student Number (NSN) on your admission slip is the same as the number at the top of this page. You should attempt ALL the questions in this booklet. Ifyou need more room for any answer, use the extra space provided at the back of this booklet. Check that this booklet has pages 2-11 in the correct order and that none of these pages is blank. YOU MUST HAND THIS BOOKLET TO THE SUPERVISOR AT THE END OF THE EXAMINATION. (© Now Zealand Qualifcations Author, 2011. Al ghts reserved. Low Excellence TOTAL| | 4 'No part ofthis publication may be reproduced by any means without the prior permission ofthe New Zealand Qualifications Authony. QUESTION ONE: PERSONAL INFLUENCES (a) Chloe's eating patterns and food choices are affected by a number of personal influences, These are influences that operate from within Chloe herself. “ i) (i 4 Describe a negative personal influence on Chloe's eating patterns or food choices. Aloe__te Feo any, wh peticnal AM ihog and tool pe fare_ proper teally, meal y 2 Explain how this personal influence could impact on Chloe's eating patterns or food choices, Because Se deesn fave 7pe__ ame se wil be more _mclped fo nf eat Of have datveatihay bu, _ more fart ard convenient hack or Takeawrayp Ht ) Explain how AND why Chioe’s eating patterns or food choices could impact on her physical well-being AND spiritual well-being, Becaie she deem? hare the nme te tat the will become _mbre lap gued onel fore fest eneigy re _perform® af por ber fecase peu ~ be Att _yipre JAG Pooh ACE eee WM ladt fer ce srt Po ed SY tye Ct ber Vm beng wt be CRA wegapeliy facaitse she “in F Categ fealty s meat, v4e ntll egg 7o yng 7% Kay W eat mope yack onde ant Wevefore Valae for body kesp. Ste may (ose Fatt in heres? ys PelPorm oF for bes? as the non- oo 9 Ya per Pie : om ae Health 90972, 2011 (b) Chloe decides she wants toretvafig®! 5 jhéFleatingypatiéins, with the overall goal ofienhancing her phiysicallwell-baingiand cma ‘well-being (having more eneray to.get up in the morningy and getting t'Sehootan time) Recommend a strategy that will address the influence and impacts in (a) and help Chloe achieve this goal, by setting out an action plan in (i) to (vi) below. i) | ‘ONE small Wthat | Cour. Of C a ONE LG adel hack AK the overall goal. Mee enue Ae has fhe ety fat} fhrough placfise ain rie p Y Une a (li) | Describe ONE action or task for |pip (Orr // O Of MN Ey this smaller goal ee whe rer" fod xo Meaty op plone of food Cea lt poly her phar her food (lil) | Describe ONE possible barrier to | yor gd FAO ‘the smaller goal. oe ioe Ll cr hunch bpeak, b Aloe rs af Weheoty, (i) Describe ONE possible enabler of | (AE W/l{ Ze pepran the smaller goal cheng faatthy, RAE wy, Een ae 7o Lh 00/ oe are (iH. (7 [Besoibe ONE success fe wi pecome more suis po 1e smaller energe7ic de wilt bo fot Dred , smearing yh wint BO Wi sy7 “pool ef Se be ab H Mate yp ov fe (vi) | Explain outs eae Beause is wih be fest outcome of this smaller goal Ared an Gre more enef coigohwnn cts Ie" Oil so“ ase Io pore being. al ber phifs) cat bes? ah ee wk earn p (age hey fey and what ske Le info the wll have eae Weare mina meaning tk CAN CVE PC Ke i Ty, Health 90972, 2011 6 QUESTION TWO: INTERPERSONAL INFLUENCES jase Refer to the scenario on page 2, and the following resource, when answering this question. Teaching children to cook will shape the eating habits of the future When 11- and 12-year-olds tum up to school, many don't know how to use a peeler, or find their way around a kitchen, Gone are the days when children stood by the kitchen sink and pitched in to help peel the potatoes or cut a lettuce. Parents are too busy to Tope in their offspring, and culinary skills are becoming a dying art. (2) Chloe's eating patterns and food choices are affected by a number of interpersonal influences. These are influences that come from other people, such ae family members and friends. () Describe a negative influence that Chloe's brother could have on Chloe's eating LPR DH: RLM! gl (8 fe Ma bee ao Lnonleage on how nw Wk fpetefive Choos Ya anh, Ate be Pa - 0 a a. Bee (i) Explain how this influence could impact on the eating patterns or food choices of Chloe's family. Feca{e Gee fot nn pe gard koe “eft dope have tho Léa 7 Make A bade neal, pe abt wide be Lely WWG_on Unhedlhi,, 10 2 apd tohenterre th o/ce} Zz (ti) Explain how AND why the eating pattems or food choices of | Chloe's family could impact on their mental and emotional well-being AND their social well-being, Zecatt,e whey AIA A clog A A2lAncod Fey May keome 7rek tn “Aig taf Mahieg Me have fer OnLeraph Health 90972, 2011 ve M (b) 7 nhith Cowmer & pregaie Mfc” oh (Pit Ai fal hase wcll bets Ww Chioe’s family are aware that they need to change their eating patterns, with the overall goal of enhancing thei menial and emotional well-being and their social well-being (making betler food choices). Recommend a strategy that will address the influence and impacts in (a) and help the family achieve this goal, by setting out an action plan in (i) to (vi) below, (i Identify ONE smaller goal that Chloe's family could implement to achieve the overall goal. frepave meals that cu hoaf po refiidgerare oy Weeze for te ptoning MeL! ye (i) [Describe ONE action ortasktor joy aye a of te this smaller goal. Weetand art ‘vork Fer ee na fo pore heads Wer with “Le sarfabfe _| and heady 1, {ii) [Describe ONE possible baierto | awn 2A Lo ‘anni, the smaller goal pace oft acres tes Ex Tee pee her2 py, (iy) Describe ONE possible enabler of the smaller goal. key all work 70 Jt wild 7 zane” fed fe) pid cyte reratd for Gp Worke nyifhar | fo gh ob Lon Ww) Describe ONE successful ‘outcome from the smaller they will have heath ‘enhance the family’s mental and emotional well-being AND their social well-being. goal. ntatt each Atght of whe week, which Le mean. ey become heakth rer fy (vi | Explain how the successful [Fras e- tay rar ape ‘outcome of this smaller goal could loahthy mealt and there my alo, pe A heathy ppt tape wil become (St phgued ma be ghfe fo “antoajar ao fhe wtufse Zara [ly wll be pMOohed fe pavhted Z enopinal » Sock Argessoes. iieon mM, Health 90972, 2 ol fe, WI be afocrea oh Pane i ir eee 8 QUESTION THREE: SOCIETAL INFLUENCES Refer to the scenario on page 2 and the following resource, when answering this question, Fast food outlets on the increase Anew study by Canterbury University’s GeoHlealth Laboratory showed fast food Cutlets were five and a half times more likely to be clustered around schools than other areas, Source: Takeaway food sales increased by 11.4% in the year to December 2009. One company opened 10 new outlets in New Zealand in 2009. It has 10 more outlets planned for 2010. Source (adapted): www.carcers govt snz/default.aspx?id0=61103éeid 1-]80308 (a) Chloe's eating patterns and food choices are affected by a number of societal influences, These are influences that come from communities that Chloe is connected with, such as the School community, or the local community where she lives, () Describe a negative influence that Chioe's neighbourhood could have on Chloe's eating patterns or food choices. Pere ate_ a ren “keatray hope thax he. pace, 0p Kf nay hotpe. Bere pylt fea egedive tipact “oy Chloe (i) Explain how this influence could impact on the eating patterns or food choices of the school community. Petipa if se _nthin phe Meal commen iy, Wot af phucert pouch poo Be tak ettvays ad the whole pchoos

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