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Teks Recount: Teks yang berisi kejadian/ pengalaman di waktu lampau.

Generic Structure: Orientation - Even(s)

Orientation berisi: Pengenalan tokoh, tempat dan waktu.
Event (s) berisi: Kejadian/Peristiwa - peristiwa yang terjadi.
Re-orientation(Optional/Tidak harus ada): Ungkapan pribadi penulis atau
penutup dari cerita.

Contoh Teks Recount:

Last Friday our school went to Centennial Park for a picnic
First our teachers marked the rolls and the we got on the buses. On the
buses, everyone was chatting and eating. When we arrived at the park, some
students played cricket, some played cards but others went for a walk with
the teachers. At lunchtime, we sat together and had our picnic. Finally, at
two o'clock we left for school.
We had a great day.

2. Teks Report
. Teks Report: Teks yang isinya menyampaikan informasi tentang sesuatu,
apa adanya, sebagai hasil pengamatan sistematis atau analisis. Yang
dideskripsikan dapat meliputi gajala alam, lingkungan, benda buatan
manusia, atau gejala- gejala sosial. Deskripsi sebuah teks report dapat
berupa simpulan umum misalnya tentang rumah sederhana dengan
mendekripsikan ciri-ciri subyek tersebut sehingga layak dikategorikan
rumah sederhana.
Generic Structure: General Classification - Description
General Classification berisi: Klasifikasi suatu fenomena (binatang, public
places, tanaman, dll) yang akan didiskusikan/ dilaporkan secara umum .
Description berisi: Gambaran dari fenomena yang akan didiskusikan seperti
bagian - bagiannya, kebiasaan atau tingkah laku jika benda hidup,
kegunaannya jika non natural.

Contoh Teks Report:

The heart is the most important part of the body. It is the center of life.
However, the heart is only as big as a closed hand.
The heart is a muscle and it beats about seventy times per minute
throughthout a person's life.
The heart pumps blood from your heart to all parts of your body. The heart
is made up of four chambers or small "rooms". The top chamber are called
the right and left auriclesand the botttom chambers are the right and left
When blood enters the heart. It is in dark reddish color because it countains
carbon dioxide. The blood enters the right auricle and then the right
ventricle. When the heart contracts, it forces the blood to the lungs where the
blood receives oxygen. It then goes to the left auricle. The heart contracts
again, and the blood goes to the left ventricle and is then forced out into the
body. The blood gathers carbon dioxide and returns to the heart, and the
process begins again.

3. Teks Naratif
Teks naratif terdiri dari tiga bagian utama: (1) Orientation yaitu
bagian dimana pengarang melukiskan dunia untuk ceritanya,
dibagian inilah diperkenalkan dimana dan kapan peristiwa terjadi
serta para tokoh; (2) Complication yaitu bagian dimana tokoh utama
menghadapi rintangan dalam mencapai cita - citanya, bagian dimana
komplik mulai terjadi dan (3) Resolution yaitu bagian permasalahan
yang dihadapi tokoh utama diselesaikan. Pada bagian ini mempunyai
dua kecendrungan, yaitu mengakhiri cerita dengan kebahagiaan
(happy ending) dan atau mengakhiri cerita dengan kesedihan (sad
ending), tetapi ada juga teks naratif yang membiarkan pembaca/
pendengar menebak akhir cerita.

Dari sudut pandang fitur bahasa, teks naratif memiliki ciri khas
antara lain sebagai berikut:

1. Partisipan yang specific dan sering individual

2. Banyak action verbs ( material processes), dan ada juga yang
menggunakan verbal and mental processes.
3. Biasanya menggunakan Past tense.
4. Banyak menggunakan lingking Words yang berkenaan dengan
5 Sering memasukkan dialog, dan tense akan mungkin berubah.
6 Descriptive language digunakan untuk menciptakan imaji dibenak
7 Dapat ditulis sebagai orang pertama (I), atau ketiga( he, she, they )


Once upon a time, in a village lived a widow. She lived with two children. Their name
were Upik and Buyung. Their children were very spoilt.

One day their mother wanted to visit a friend's party, but their children cried to go there
too. Finally their mother allows them to go to the party. Before going there mother said to
her children not to be naughty and go anywhere.

But,Buyung and Upik went to the jungle to play together without permission to their
mother. They play and play until they arrived at a river. Because they were thirsty and
tired so they jumped into the river and swam .The river was a sacred river, so Upik and
Buyung become a fish.

One night their mother dreamed met with her husband. Her husband said to her "Go to
the river in the jungle, your children are over there". The mother went to the river in the
jungle to find her children in the morning. In the river there were no anybody. She
shouted loudly to call their children

" Upiii..k Buyung..where are you, here are your mother, I am longing to you, I wait you, I
love you all" said the mother sadly.
"Mom! I am here" the voice from the river. Mother scared. She looked two
"we are your children mom " said the fish.
"My children ...."
"Yes mom ..because we disobeyed your message, we played and swam in the river, now
we became fish" said the fish while crying.

The mother fell sad and sad. She couldn't say anything. She opened her parcel and gave
to the fish (her children).
She always pray for her children, and God receipt

4. Teks Descriptive
Teks Descriptive adalah teks yang isinya mendiskripsikan
sesuatu/ seseorang secara spesifik.
Generic Structure:
identification – description
berisi identifikasi tentang topik yang akan dideskripsikan
berisi deskripsi rinci tentang bagian-bagiannya, misalnya
tentang physical appearance (ciri-ciri fisik), sifat-sifatnya
(characteristics) dll.
 Tenses yang digunakan adalah Present tense

5. Teks Procedure
Teks Prosedur adalah teks yang isinya mengenai langkah-
langkah/step bagaimana membuat/ melakukan sesuatu.
Generic Structure: Aim/Goal - Materials – Steps
- Aim/Goal (tujuan), terdapat pada judul
- Material (bahan dan alat)
- Steps (langkah-langkah)
Ciri-ciri kebahasaan teks ini antara lain sebagai
- Tenses yang digunakan adalah Simple Present

 - Pola kalimatnya dominan kalimat imperative (perintah) seperti:

Don't, cut, mix, stir, pour, dan sebagainya, yang semua kata-kata
tersebut merupakan action verb.

- Dipakainya Connectives untuk mengurutkan kegiatan atau

action-action yang ada seperti :then, while, the next, after,

- ada pula Adverbials untuk menyatakan rinci waktu,

tempat, cara yang akurat, misalnya for two minutes,
two centimeters from the top, dll.

Di bawah ini ada beberapa contoh teks procedure.

Caution Wet Floor

Artinya kira-kira "hati-hati, lantai basah" teks ini biasanya kita temui di
mall, bandara, convention hall, restoran, dan sebagainya. Tujuannya
adalah untuk mengingatkan orang-orang agar berhati-hati bahwa di situ
lantainya sedang basah karena habis dipel.

Please Do not Disturb


Artinya "Mohon jangan diganggu". Teks ini biasanya berbetuk sebuah

gantungan yang digantung pada pintu kamar hotel. Tanda ini
mengisyaratkan bahwa penghuni kamar tersebut sedang tidak ingin

 No Parking

Sign yang ini pasti dah tahu, artinya dilarang parkir. Ada tambahan kata any
time yang maksudnya tidak boleh parkir kapanpun. Trus tanda panah kanan
kiri menunjukkan pada kita bahwa larangan itu tidak hanya berlaku di
tempat rambu tersebut namun juga di sebelah kanan dan kiri hingga jarak
tertentu dari rambu tersebut

Shopping list artinya daftar belanjaan. Kalo yang ini nih kayaknya cocoknya
untuk orang yang sering lupa dengan rencana belanjanya. He..he…he…

 Jadi tujuannya adalah untuk mengingatkan (to remind)


Instruction atau instruksi merupakan teks yang bertujuan untuk menunjukkan cara-cara
untuk melakukan sesuatu. Contoh lain seperti instruksi cara menyajikan mie instant yang
dicantumkan pada kemasannya.

Tujuan Invitation card adalah to invite 
RSVP itu adalah singkatan dari Bahasa Prancis yang berbunyi: "réspondez, s'il vous
plaît" artinya "mohon dibalas". Prancis menggunakan tata bahasa yang sopan untuk
permohonan. Di dunia barat, RSVP biasanya dicantumkan di bagian akhir sebuah
undangan. Pihak yang mengundang membutuhkan jawaban dari yang diundang apakah
dia bisa datang atau tidak. Jadi bukan hanya menjawab bila tidak bisa datang. Pihak yang
mengundang membutuhkan jawaban dari undangan ini untuk menentukan berapa jumlah
tamu yang hadir, sehingga bisa menentukan berapa makanan dan minuman yang akan
dipesan. Mungkin maksudnya biar nggak mubazir kali ya... beda dengan di Indonesia,
dimana kalo ada undangan pernikahan aja makanan dihitung dengan pola perhitungan
2,5xjumlah undangan. Menurut mereka lebih baik lebih ketimbang kurang... beda ya?
So, It means : We should contact first whether we can/cannot come.
Sekarang, mari kita balik lagi di Indonesia tentang RSVP ini. Contoh kasus iklan yang
saya lihat di jalanan. Memang masih nyambung dia meletakkan RSVP sebagai footer dari
iklannya. Karena iklan itu adalah undangan, dan bila ingin ikut silakan hubungi nomor
tersebut. Beda halnya dengan RSVP yang "asli" yaitu bila bisa datang harap nelp, dan
gak bisa dateng juga nelp. Tapi dalam kasus ini, RSVP lebih ke arah untuk melakukan
reservasi. Kenapa? Coba aja nelp ke nomor tersebut, trus bilang: "wah, maap pak/bu.
Saya nggak bisa memenuhi undangannya". Pasti dikira kita orang aneh
Tenses Contoh Kalimat   Penggunaan
 Simple Present 1. It snows in Alaska  Menyatakan suatu pekerjaan/peristiwa terjadi sekarang, pasti
telah terjadi pula di waktu yang lalu, dan pasti akan terjadi pula
di masa yang akan datang. Sedangkan bentuk pekerjaannya
2. I watch tv every day adalah tetap dan pasti. Secara teknis kita bisa menyebut
pekerjaan/peristiwa itu adalah suatu kebiasaan, suatu kenyataan
umum / fakta yang sama-sama kita ketahui.

 Simple Past 1. It snowed yesterday  Pada saat tertentu di waktu lampau. Terjadi dan berakhir di
waktu lampau.

2. I watched  tv yesterday
1. It will snow tomorrow
 Simple Future Terjadi pada saat tertentu di waktu yang akan datang.
2. I will watch tv tonight 

 I Would Do It for Love

Once upon a time in a far away land, lived two families called the Darlan family and the
Meissner family. The Darlan family had a daughter named Naya, while the Meissner
family had a son named Arman. Naya and Arman had been friends since childhood and
had lived in the country side for sixteen years of their life.

Unfortunately, one day, the Darlan family was called upon by the king as the family's
men were very fine blacksmiths. The Darlan family had to move to the town because of
the Kings demand. So Naya and Arman for the first time said goodbye to each other.
Secretly, Arman vowed to work hard so that he could also work in town and finally meet
Naya again.

Two years later, Arman had mastered some skills he thought he could put in good use in
the town. Fulfilling his promise, he traveled to town and started to search for Naya. It was
not a hard task, Naya's father had been granted the title of Duke by the King! Hurriedly,
he visited Naya's own castle, but to his dismay, Naya did not want to meet him. "Maybe
she is busy," he said to himself.

His determination to meet Naya did not waver, Arman found work as a builder in town.
Each day, after work he would visit Naya's castle, but each day Naya refused to meet
him. A few weeks passed by, Arman became sick, sick because he could not meet the
childhood friend he so dearly loved. He had abandoned his work, making his friends he
made at the working place concerned.

"Go and meet him once again Arman! Maybe this time you will be in luck!" said one.

"No. Maybe I was putting too much hope for her to love me. After all, we were just
childhood friends."
His friends decided to visit Naya's castle themselves, to tell her that Arman his childhood
friend, who fell in love with her is in an ill state. To their surprise, Naya agreed to meet
them and heared that Arman was sick.

"Tell him to go to the forest and find a wooden house," said Naya.

"And after that? What should he do my Lady?" asked one of Arman's friend.

"He will find the answer once he finds the house," answered Naya mysteriously.

The friends came back to Arman and told him about the happy news. Arman suddenly
stood up from his bed and felt refreshed as though nothing has happened before.

The next day Arman journeyed to the forest and found the wooden house Naya had
mentioned. An old lady, with hideous boils on her face, crooked body, and white tangled
hair that was very filthy greeted Arman.

"Excuse me, is Lady Naya here? She told me to come here," asked Arman.

"No, Lady Naya is not here. But she left a message I must tell you," said the old lady with
a croaky voice.

"What is it?"

"She said, if you really love her, you must prove it. And to prove it, you must marry me!"

Because of his love, the love he had felt since childhood for Naya, Arman did not hesitate
to answer.

"If that is what she wants, I would do it. I would do it for love!"

Suddenly, the old lady wailed and ran towards a small lake in front of the house. She
bathed her face with water and to Arman's surprise, it was Nayna staring back at him. She
had cleaned the make up she was wearing and pulled of the wig she also wore to disguise
herself as an old lady.

"Arman, I was only testing you. And now I know what I must do. I will share the rest of
my life with you. Because, because I would do it for love!"

Arman was very happy that Naya had the same feelings for him. And so, they lived
happily ever after.

Moral value: True love is very hard to find, to show it is even harder

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