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Activated Sludge Process

and its Components

Activated Sludge Process
Most commonly used aerobic biological treatment process
• Microorganisms (mostly bacteria including nitrifiers,
denitrifiers and phosophate assimilators) are involved in
the treatment process
Used for secondary treatment of medium and low strength
industrial and municipal wastewaters
• Designed and used mainly for the removal of
biodegradable organic matter
• Often designed and used even for the removal of nutrients
(nitrogen and phosphorus)
• Removal of nutrients, TSS, pathogens and heavy metals
can be coincidental
Generates waste activated sludge
Activated Sludge Process
Usually employed in conjunction with physical and
chemical treatment processes meant for
• Preliminary & primary treatment (primary clarifier/ clari-
• Post/ advanced/ tertiary treatment (disinfection, filtration,
Usually receives clarified wastewaters
• Primary clarification is often omitted (in case of small
communities for small flows and low TSS levels and in hot
climates for avoiding/controlling odour problems
• Certain modifications of ASP (sequencing batch reactors,
oxidation ditches, aerated lagoons, contact-stabilization
process) do not require primary clarification of wastewater
Raw sewage Bar
screen Screenings

Sump &

Grit Exhaust gases

chamber Grit (CO2 and H2O)

air Equalization Biogas

Tank flaring unit

Primary Biogas
scum clarifier if not flared
(supplied as fuel or emitted)

Aeration Stabilization Sludge

ASP air
tank tank drying beds
Dried sludge
for disposal

Treated effluent Secondary

clarifier Clarified effluent
to sewage sump
to sewage sump

Sewage Treatment Plant Incorporating Activated Sludge Process

Air or oxygen
Nutrients and
Alkalinity (if needed)

Aeration Secondary
Influent clarifier Effluent

Sludge recycling

Wasted activated sludge

Activated Sludge Process

Components of ASP

Facilities and equipment of an ASP

• Aeration basin(s)
• Air/Oxygen supply/transfer system(s)
• Secondary clarifier(s)
• Return activated sludge system(s)
• Waste activated sludge handling facilities/system
• Chemical (nutrients and/or alkalinity) feed systems
Components of ASP
Aeration basin
• Wastewater is brought in contact with active microbial
biomass for treatment (through bioflocculation,
biosoprtion, and biooxidation including nitrification)
• Favourable conditions for biological treatment are
maintained in the aeration basin through aeration (for
oxygen supply and mixing) and chemicals addition
• Aeration basin may often include
– An anoxic section (for denitrification)
– A selector section for tackling bulking (often along with
denitrification) and even for phosphate removal
Components of ASP
Air/Oxygen supply and transfer systems
• Mainly two types: diffused aeration and mechanical
aeration systems
• Diffused air system includes diffusers, air headers, air
mains, and other piping and fixers, and blowers
• Mechanical aerators
– Surface mechanical aerators (fixed and floating aerators)
with or without draft tubes
– Submerged turbine aerators
– Horizontal axis aerators (brush aerators)
• Aeration system should be capable of
– Supplying enough oxygen to meet the demands
– Mixing of the aeration basin contents to the desired level
Components of ASP
Secondary Clarifier/ Secondary Settling Tank
• Meant to remove biological flocs from mixed liquor and
allow clarified secondary effluent out
– Sludge thickening to desired level to facilitate both sludge
recycling and wasting
• These are center-feed circular tanks of side wall liquid
depth of 3.7 to 6 m and radius of < 5 times liquid depth
– Rim feed circular clarifiers & rectangular clarif. are also used
Secondary clarifier has
• Cylindrical baffle of diameter 30-35% of tank diameter
• A central well (or mixed liquor inlet section) designed to
– dissipate the influent energy
– evenly distribute flow
– promote flocculation
Components of ASP

Secondary clarifier has

• Revolving mechanism for scrapping (transport & remove)
the settled sludge and for the removal of floating scum
– The sludge is either plowed to the central hopper for removal
or it is removed directly from the tank bottom by suction
orifices either hydrostatically or by pumping
– Very little scum is usually formed - removal becomes
necessary when primary clarifier is not used
• Overflow weirs and collection troughs
– placed at 2/3rd to 3/4th radial distance from the center in larger
tanks and at the perimeter in the smaller tanks
– baffles may be provided to deflect density currents and to
avoid scum overflow
Components of ASP
Return activated sludge system
• Underdrain of the secondary clarifier
• Reliable pumping and piping
• Appurtenances for regulating return sludge pumping rate
• Return sludge may pass through a selector (aerobic,
anaerobic or anoxic)
• Return sludge (bioflocculated organic matter!) stabilization
prior to mixing with the influent
Components of ASP
Waste activated sludge system
• Wasting can be either from the secondary clarifier or from
the aeration basin directly
• Better regulation if wasted directly from the aeration basin
– but volume wasted is higher
• Wasted sludge needs handling and disposal –
stabilization, thickening, dewatering and drying
– Aerobic or anaerobic stabilization
– Chemical or thermal stabilization
– Thickeners and sludge drying beds
– Simultaneous thickening and aerobic or anaerobic
Biodegradable fraction of the secondary sludge
Components of ASP
Chemical feed systems
• Nutrients and alkalinity addition may be required if the
influent is deficient in them
– Urea and Diammonium phosphate are usually used –
phosphoric acid/phosphate rock (can these be used in place
of the DAP?)
– Nitrification and denitrification levels can influence the
alkalinity addition required
• Chemical addition may also be made for the chemical
precipitation removal of phosphorus from wastewater
• Polymers may often be added for improving the settling
characteristics of the mixed liquor solids
• Chemical dosing often for temporary tackling of bulking
sludge problem
Mechanisms of Treatment
Mechanisms of treatment:
Organic matter removal
Aerobic microorganisms (activated sludge), specially
bacteria, are responsible and treatment involves
bioflocculation, biosorption and biooxidation
• Suspended & colloidal organic matter becomes integral
part of biological sludge by bioflocculation and biosorption
• Soluble organic matter is removed by biosorption
(adsorption and absorption)
• Bioflocculated & biosorbed organic matter is solubilized
through hydrolysis and absorbed by microbes as food
• Absorbed matter is biooxidized (partly respired and rest is
used in synthesizing new microbial biomass)
• Through wasting excess activated sludge (at secondary
clarifier) organic matter is removed as biological flocs
Mechanisms of treatment: Organic matter removal
Suspended Colloidal Soluble
organic matter organic matter organic matter

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Recycled Activated
sludge sludge
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Inorganic end products Residual New microbial

(CO2, H2O, NH3, Energy, etc.) sludge biomass
Mixed liquor
Mechanisms of treatment:
Organic matter removal
• Microbes of the aeration basin produce biopolymers
that bring about flocculation and form biological flocs
• Biological flocs are constituted of
– Microorganisms
– Cell debris
– Suspended and colloidal organic and inorganic
constituents of the wastewater
• Bioflocculated organic material can be hydrolysed into
soluble organic matter and biosorbed
Mechanisms of treatment:
Organic matter removal
• More rapid than biooxidation and involves both adsorption
and absorption by microbes
• Adsorbed matter can be solubilized by hydrolysis and
partly absorbed by microbes and rest is bled into effluent
• Represents actual removal of biodegradable org. matter
• Involves both aerobic respiration (including autooxidation)
and biosynthesis
• Respiration requires O2 (DO - 0.5 to 1.5 mg/L, 1.07 g/g)
and produces H2O, CO2, NH3, etc. and energy
• Biosynthesis produces new microbial biomass (1.42 g/g,
yield coefficient) – requires nutrients (N and P)
Mechanisms of treatment: Nitrogen removal

and hydrolysis
assimilation Organic-N
Ammonical-N Organic-N
(net growth)

nitrification lysis & auto-oxidation




denitrification Nitrogen gas

Nitrous oxide gas

Organic carbon

Scheme of Biological Nitrogen Removal

Mechanisms of treatment:
Nitrogen removal
• Biological nitrogen removal occurs through
nitrification and denitrification
• Nitrification is aerobic 2-step process (NH3-N to NO2-
N to NO3-N) by aerobic autotrophic bacteria
• Nitroso bacteria (Nitrosomonas, Nitrosococcus,
Nitrosospira, Nitrosolobus, Nitrosorobrio, etc.) are
responsible for step-1
• Nitro bacteria (Nitrobacter, Nitrococcus, Nitrosdpira,
Nitrospina, Nitroeystis, etc.) are responsible for step-2
• Can be achieved along with BOD removal in the
same biological treatment unit
Mechanisms of treatment:
Nitrogen removal - Nitrification
When concentration of potentially toxic and inhibitory
substances is high, two-sludge systems, each with an
aeration tank and a clarifier, in series are used
• 1st system is for BOD removal
• Nitrification occurs in the 2nd system
• Raw influent is partially bypassed into the 2nd system
to facilitate sufficient flocculation & clarification
Bypassed influent

Influent Effluent
BOD removal Clarifier Nitrification Clarifier

Wasted Wasted
activated sludge activated sludge
Mechanisms of treatment:
Nitrogen removal - Nitrification
• Oxygen is required - 4.57 g/g of ammonical nitrogen
(3.43 for nitrite and 1.14 g for nitrate)
• Alkalinity is required - 7.14 g/g as CaCO3
• Nitrification is inhibited by
– Low DO levels (<0.5 mg/L is inhibitory - rate increases
with DO upto 3 to 4 mg/L - >2 mg/L is favourable)
– pH below 6 is inhibitory and 7.5 to 8 is optimal
– Sensitive to a multitude of organic toxicants (solvents,
amines, proteins, tannins, phenols, alcohols, cyanates,
ethers, carbamates, benzene, etc.)
– Metals are inhibitory (complete inhibition at 0.25 mg/L
for nickel and chromium, and 0.1 mg/L for copper)
– Unionized ammonia can also be inhibitory
Mechanisms of treatment:
Nitrogen removal - Denitrification
• Denitrification involves reduction of nitrate by
heterotrophic bacteria to nitrous oxide, and nitrogen
• Wide range of bacteria (but not algae and fungi) are capable
• Coupled with respiratory electron transport chain –
under anoxic conditions nitrate replaces oxygen
• O2 equivalence of using nitrate or nitrite in place of
oxygen is 2.86 g/g and 1.71 g/g respectively
• BOD demand is 4 g/g NO3 reduced
• Alkalinity is produced in the process - 3.57 g (as
CaCO3) per gram of nitrate reduced
• Higher DO levels (>0.2 mg/l for pseudomonas &
>0.13 mg/l for highly dispersed growth) are inhibitory
Mechanisms of treatment:
Nitrogen removal - Denitrification
• Two basic schemes, pre-anoxic (Substrate) and post-
anoxic, are used for the denitrification
• In the pre-anoxic scheme the anoxic tank is followed
by the aeration basin of the ASP and organic matter
of the influent acts as an electron donor
• In the post-anoxic scheme endogenous decay of
microbial mass (also exogenous sources like
methanol/acetate) provides electron donor
• Simultaneous nitrification & denitrification is possible
– Nitrification on the floc surface (if DO in the bulk liquid
is high enough) and denitrification in the floc interior (if
DO in the interior is low enough)
– Depending on the mixing and aeration conditions,
nitrification & denitrification can occur in the same tank
Mechanisms of treatment:
Nitrogen removal - Denitrification
Mixed liquor recycling

Anoxic Aerobic
Influent Treated effluent
section section

Sludge recycling

Wasted sludge

Pre-anoxic Denitrification

Aerobic Anoxic
Influent Treated effluent
section section

Sludge recycling

Wasted sludge
Post-anoxic Denitrification
Mechanisms of treatment:
Phosphorus Removal
Phosphorus Accumulating Organisms (PAO) bring
about the removal in an anaerobic – aerobic system
• Phosphorus is incorporated into sludge (as polyphosphate)
in volutin granules and removed through sludge wastage
In the anaerobic tank of the system
• Proliferation of PAOs occur and assimilate fermentation
products (specially acetate) into storage products
• Concomitantly the stored polyphosphate is released as
orthro phosphate
• Acetate is essential for forming PHB and for providing
competitive advantage to the PAOs
• Presence of nitrate can be inhibitory (acetate can be
depleted and become not available to PAOs)
Mechanisms of treatment:
Phosphorus Removal
In the aerobic tank of the system
• Stored products (PHB) are oxidized to release energy and
concomitantly phosphate of the effluent is stored within
the cell as polyphosphate
– Mg, K and Ca ratios of 0.71, 0.5 and 0.25 to phosphorus
respectively are believed to facilitate polyphosphate storage
– pH and DO should be >6.5 and >1.0 mg/L respectively
Typical microbial biomass has 1.5 to 2% phosphorus - in
PAOs phosphorus content can be as high as 20-30%
Stoichiometrically about 10 grams of bCOD is needed for the
removal of one gram of phosphate from wastewater
PAOs form very dense, good settling flocs
Mechanisms of treatment:
Phosphorus Removal

Anaerobic Aerobic Treated

Influent Clarifier
system system effluent

Recycled sludge

Wasted sludge
containing phosphorus

Reactor for phosphorus removal includes an anaerobic tank

with HRT 0.5 to 1 hour and placed ahead of the aeration tank
Return activated sludge and influent are brought in contact in
the anaerobic tank
Requires >2.5 days SRT in anaerobic and aerobic systems
ASP and its Modifications
Plug flow reactor
Long narrow aeration basins (length:width = >10:1) with plug
flow regime
True plug flow does not exist – extent of longitudinal mixing
depends on the type of aeration system used
Degree of longitudinal mixing can be described by Dispersion
Number (ND) as D/(UL) or Dt/L2
D – coefficient of axial dispersion (m2/sec.) – for diffused
aeration system it increases by a factor of 2 with air flow
increase from 20 to 100 ft3/min.1000 ft3 tank volume
U – mean velocity of flow (m/Sec.)
L – length of the tank
t – HRT of the tank (L/U) for Q+QR flow
For good plug flow condition ND value should be <0.1
A plug flow reactor can be better described by a series of
complete mix reactors
Plug flow reactor
Substrate concentration varies along the reactor length
O2 utilization is highest at inlet end and decreases towards
lowest at the outlet end
Affected by toxic or inhibiting organics (problematic for
industrial wastewater with toxic constituents)
A baffled inlet section can ensure better sorption in case of
readily degradable wastewaters
A separate inlet zone (15% of total volume) with only mixing
but no aeration can facilitate denitrification of recycled
If designed for nitrification, an anoxic zone at outlet end can
bring about denitrification
Plug flow reactor
Typical design values
SRT: 3-15 days
F/M ratio: 0.2 to 0.4/day
BOD loading: 0.3 to 0.7 kg/
MLSS: 1000 to 3000 mg/l
HRT: 4 to 8 hours
Sludge recycling ratio: 0.25 to 0.75
Design and operation are relatively more complicated –
matching oxygen demand and supply is difficult
Early designs had uniform air application throughout the tank
length but modern designs have tapered aeration

Plug flow
Aeration tank


Recycled sludge

Wasted sludge
Plug flow reactor: High rate aeration
Conventional plug flow reactor with lower MLSS and higher
BOD loading
Characterized by shorter HRT, higher sludge recycle ratio
and higher F/M ratio
Requires less aeration tank volume
Aeration energy requirements are relatively low
Has lower effluent quality (in terms of BOD and TSS)
Relatively less stable and needs extra care for stable operation
Flow variations can disrupt operation (sludge washout occur)
Adequate mixing and aeration are important
Sludge production rate is higher
Plug flow reactor: Step Feed
Plug flow reactor with multiple passes and wastewater
introduction at 3 or 4 feed points (equalizes F/M ratio)
MLSS is highest (5000 to 9000 mg/L) in the first pass, and
decreases with each subsequent pass
Establishes more uniform oxygen demand
Flexible operation
Wet weather flows can be bypassed to the last pass
Adaptable to many operating schemes (anoxic/aerobic
If needed can also be operated in contact stabilization mode by
feeding only the last pass
Plug flow reactor: Step feed
More complicated design and complex operation
Typical design and operation values
SRT: 3-15 days
F/M ratio: 0.2 to 0.4/day
BOD loading: 0.7-1.0 kg/
MLSS: 1500-4000 mg/l
HRT: 3-5 hours
Sludge recycling ratio: 0.25 to 0.75
Influent Plug flow
Aeration tank


Recycled sludge
Contact Stabilization process
Has two separate tanks or compartments one for wastewater
treatment and the other for sludge stabilization
Contact time: relatively shorter (30 to 60 min.)
Stabilization time: 2 to 4 hours (with respect to inflow)
SRT: 5-10 days
F/M ratio: 0.2 to 0.6 per day
Volumetric loading of BOD: 1 to 1.3 kg/m3day
MLSS: 1000-3000 mg/L (contact) & 6000-10000 (stabilization)
Sludge recycling ratio: 0.5 to 1.5
Requires smaller aeration volume and good for low solubility
index wastewaters
Wet weather flows can be handled without loss of MLSS
Has little or no nitrification capacity and operation is
somewhat complicated

Stabilization tank Contact tank Effluent


Recycled sludge

Wasted sludge
Complete mix reactor (CFSTR)
Most used in India – simple design - suitable for all types of
aeration equipment
Uniform and low levels of substrate, and uniform MLSS and
constant oxygen demand throughout the basin
Resistant to shock loads and toxic loads
Hydraulic and organic load variations are dampened better
Toxic discharges are mitigated through greater dilution
Filamentous bulking from exposure of recycled sludge to
relatively low levels of substrate
A pre-contacting zone (of 15 min. HRT) can avoid this!
Typical design and operational conditions
SRT: 3-15 days MLSS: 1500 to 4000 mg/L
F/M ratio: 0.2 to 0.6/day BOD loading: 0.3 to 1.6 kg/
HRT: 3 to 5 hours Sludge recycle ratio: 0.25 to 1.0
Extended Aeration Process
Well stabilized and low bio-solids sludge is generated – the
sludge is mainly of cell debris and sludge contributed by
the influent
Primary clarification is usually not used
Considered suitable for smaller flows
Aeration tanks are larger, and oxygen demand and aeration
energy requirement are higher
Aeration equipment design is controlled by mixing needs
(mostly not by oxygen demand)
Sensitive to hydraulic overloads (clarifier can be overloaded
by solids) and insensitive to concentration shock loads
Typical design and operational parameters
F/M ratio is 0.04-0.10/day BOD loading: 0.1-0.3 kg/
SRT: 20-40 days MLSS: 2000-5000 g/m3
HRT: 20-30 hours Sludge recycling ratio: 0.5 to 1.5
Extended Aeration: Oxidation Ditch
Ring or oval shaped loop reactor system with unidirectional
flow (velocity: 0.25-0.3 m/sec. and cycling time: 5-15 min.)
Brush type/surface type mechanical aerators power horizontal
flow and bring about aeration/mixing
Screened wastewater is mixed with recycled sludge and
allowed into the tank of 20-30 hour HRT
Intra-channel clarifiers can be used (for secondary clarifiers)
Highly reliable process and simple operation
Amenable for both BOD and nitrogen removal
Uses less energy and adaptable for nutrient removal
Space requirement is higher
Plant capacity expansion is more difficult
Low F/M bulking is possible
Oxidation ditch

Clarifier Effluent
Mixed liquor

Recycled sludge

Wasted sludge
Extended Aeration Process: Counter-
current aeration system
A circular tank with revolving bridge is used
Air diffusers mounted at the bottom of the revolving bridge
supply oxygen
Turning off air but revolving the bridge keeps the tank
contents in suspension and facilitate denitrification
Typical design and operational parameters
SRT: 10-30 days F/M ratio: 0.04 to 0.1/day
HRT: 15-40 hours BOD loading: 0.1-0.3 kg/
MLSS: 2000-4000 mg/L Sludge recycle ratio: 0.25-0.75
Oxygen transfer efficiency is higher but diffuser fouling can be
problem (fine screening of wastewater can prevent)
Complicated operation requiring good operator skills
Down time for maintenance is relatively higher
Extended Aeration: Other
Orbal process
A modified oxidation ditch using a series of concentric
channels of depth upto 4.3 m
Wastewater enters the outer channel and flows towards
the center before entering an internal/external clarifier
Nitrification and denitrification are facilitated by regulating
aeration rates
Biolac process
Earthen tanks of 2.4-4.6 m depth with submerged
aeration and with either internal or external clarifiers
Fine bubble diffusers attached to floating aeration chains
move across the basin by air released from diffusers
Use of timers to cycle air flow through each aeration
chain facilitates nitrification and denitrification
Staged Reactor Systems
Consist of 2 or more complete mix reactors in series
– Aeration may be avoided in some of the stages
– Internal recycling of flows may be used
– Clarifiers may be used between the stages
– Employed for nitrogen removal (or just nitrification) and for
phosphorus removal
System employed for nitrification applications
• Two stages: Stage-1 for BOD removal and stage-2 for
– Each stage has a clarifier of its own
– Portion of wastewater is bypassed stage-1 and taken into
stage-2 to facilitate nitrification
– Stage-2 is operated at a longer SRT
• Sensitive nitrifying bacteria are protected from the
toxic substances of the incoming wastewater
Influent bypass

Influent Aeration clarifier Nitrification clarifier Effluent

reactor reactor

Return sludge Return sludge

Wasted sludge Wasted sludge

Staged Reactor Systems
System for the phosphorus removal
Two stage system with a single clarifier after stage-2
Stage-1 is anaerobic where as stage-2 aerobic
Wasted sludge (phosphate accumulating organisms)
contains the removed phosphorus in the form of
Kraus process (variation of step feed process)
Suitable for nitrogen deficient industrial wastewater
Sludge digester supernatant is added with underflow
sludge and nitrified in a separate aeration tank
Output of the sludge aerator is added to the main reactor
to provide nitrogen
Influent Anaerobic Aeration clarifier Effluent
reactor reactor

Return sludge

Wasted sludge

Influent Aeration clarifier Effluent


Return sludge Stabilized


Aeration Return sludge

reactor Supernatant
Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR)
More popular specially for smaller communities and
industrial installations with intermittent flows
– Better option for avoiding filamentous bulking associated
with readily degradable wastewaters
Single vessel accommodates all the unit processes and
operations normally associated with ASP
– The processes and operations are accomplished as timed
sequences: Fill (3 hr) → React (2-20 hr) → Settle (0.5-1hr) →
Decant (0.5-1 hr) → Idle
– Mixed liquor remains in the reactor throughout and this
eliminates need for a separate clarifier
– Even nitrification, denitrification and even sludge stabilization
can also be accommodated within
– Sludge wasting occurs during the aeration stage
– Just mixing without aeration during the fill stage ensures
anoxic conditions needed for denitrification
Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR)
Typical design and operational parameters
SRT: 10-30 days
F/M ratio: 0.04-0.1/day
BOD loading: 0.1-0.3 kg/
MLSS: 2000-5000 mg/L
A compact facility with operational flexibility
Complicated process control and require higher maintenance
skills for the equipment used
Batch discharge may necessitate equalization for down
stream processing of the effluent
SBR Modifications
Batch decant reactor, intermittent extended aeration
– Wastewater feeding is continuous, but effluent removal is on
a batch basis
– A pre-react (baffled) chamber facilitates continuous feeding
without disturbing the settling/decanting contents of the tank
– Treatment steps of the reactor include reaction, settling and
Cyclic activated sludge system:
– Wastewater feeding is continuous, but effluent removal is in
– Reactor has three baffled zones of 1:2:20 volumes and is
fed continuously but the effluent is removed on a batch basis
– Mixed liquor is recycled from 3rd zone to 1st zone of reactor
Pure Oxygen Activated Sludge Process
A series of well-mixed covered aeration tank with co-current
gas-liquid contact
Influent, recycled sludge & O2 are introduced at stage-1 (O2
can also be mixed with the influent under pressure)
Restricted exhaust is allowed from the last stage (O2 in the
exhaust is ~50% and O2 utilization rate ~90%)
Designed for
DO >6 mg/L F/M ratio 0.6-1/day SRT: 1-4 days MLSS
2000-9000 mg/L BOD loading: 1.3-3.2 kg/ HRT: 1-3
hours Sludge recycling ratio: 0.25-0.5
More complicated equipment and complex installation,
operation and maintenance
Peak flows can disrupt operation by sludge washout
Has limited capacity for nitrification
Nocardia foaming is possible
Activated Sludge Process: Other
Deep shaft aeration
• Shaft depths can be as high as 400 feet
• F/M ratio of 1 to 2/day, mixed liquor DO level of 10-20
mg/L and MLSS of 8000 to 12000 mg/L are possible
• Solid liquid separation may be by dissolved air flotation or
by vacuum degasification and conventional gravity
Integrated fixed film activated sludge process
• Can enhance nitrification specially at low temperatures
• SVI and solids loading to clarifier are decreased
• Long sludge age assists removal of refractory organics
Activated Sludge Process: Other
Thermophilic aerobic activated sludge
• Optimum temperatures are 55-60°C (>45°C)
• Autoheating to maintain temperature may be possible at 20,000-
40,000 mg/L COD removal and 10-20% O2 transfer efficiency
• Advantages: Rapid degradation rates (3-10 times greater and
10 times greater autooxidation) and low sludge yield
• Thermophilic bacteria fail to flocculate - hence difficult to settle
Membrane filtration
• Hollow fiber membranes of 0.1 micron pore size and 13kPa (1.3
m water column) suction is possible
• Permits operation at high MLSS levels (10,000-40,000 mg/L)
and make sludge quality unimportant
• High quality effluent (directly disinfectable) is possible
• Membrane clogging is however inevitable
ASP Kinetics
What happens to organic matter in Activated Sludge Process?
organic matter
CO2, H2O, NH3,
Energy, etc.


Nb. suspended

organic matter

Oxygen (1-1.42Y)

Soluble organic


Residual biomass Auto-oxidation

-s Y
Nb soluble kd

organic matter New heterotrophic

Residual CO2, H2O, NH3,
Microbial biomass

biodegradable Energy, etc.
organic matter
Oxygen (1.42Kd)
Carbonaceous BOD is the sum of oxygen utilized during biooxidation of the
organic matter and during autooxidation of the microbial biomass

ammonia nitrite nitrate

Oxygen Oxygen
(3,43 g/g) (1.14 g)
Nitrogenous BOD is the sum oxygen utilized during nitrification of
Ammonical-N to nitrite-N and nitrite-N to Nitrate-N
ASP kinetics
Rate of utilization of soluble substrate
Q( Si − S e ) xa qmax . S e
rsu = =−
V K s + Se
rsu is organic matter utilization rate (g/
qmax is maximum specific organic matter utilization rate (g/g microbial mass)
Xa is microbial biomass concentration (g/m3)
Se is organic matter concentration (g/m3) in the ASP
Ks is half-velocity constant (organic matter concentration in g/m3 at which
organic matter utilization rate is qmax./2 )


Aeration qmax. /2
Q & Si tank QSe
V & Xa
Ks S or Se
ASP kinetics
Biomass growth rate
• Microbial biomass growth rate is proportional to the organic
matter utilization rate and biomass decay rate
rg = Yrsu − k d xa
rg is net biomass production rate (g VSS/
Kd is endogenous decay coefficient (g VSS/g VSS. Day)
Y is yield coefficient
• Can also be shown as
Y .xa .qmax . .S e
rg = − xa .k d
( K s + Se )
Y .Q( Si − S e )
rg = − xa .kd
ASP kinetics
Oxygen utilization rate
• Oxygen utilization rate is sum of oxygen utilization for bio-
oxidation of organic matter and for autooxidation of biomass

rO2 = rsu − 1.42rg rO2 = (1 − 1.42Y )rsu + 1.42k d .xa

– (1-1.42Y) is the fraction of utilized organic matter bio-oxidized
– 1.42kd is auto-oxidation rate in terms of oxygen or bCOD
• Oxygen utilization rate can also be expressed as
(1 − 1.42Y ) xa .qmax . .S e
rO2 = + 1.42 xa .k d
( K s + Se )
(1 − 1.42Y )Q ( Si − S e )
rO2 = + 1.42 xa .kd
ASP kinetics
ASP kinetic parameters
qmax. (2-10 g of bCOD per g VSS day, 5 is typical)
Ks (10-60 mg/l of bCOD, 40 is typical)
Y (0.3 to 0.6 mg VSS per mg bCOD, 0.4 is typical)
kd (0.06 to 0.15 g VSS per g, 0.1 is typical)
Values in parentheses are for domestic sewage
Kinetic coefficient values vary with the wastewater, with the
Microbial population and with Temperature
Kinetic coefficient values can be determined from bench scale
testing or full-scale plant test results
Temperature correction to the kinetic coefficients is done by
(T − 20 )
kT = k 20θ
θ is temperature activity coefficient (typical value 1.02 to 1.25)
kT and k20 are k values at T°C and 20°C respectively
ASP Design
ASP design: Inputs
Quantities and characteristics (and their diurnal, seasonal and
wet-weather variations) of the wastewater to be treated
– Carbonaceous substrates (bCOD, sbCOD, nb suspended
– Nutrients: Nitrogen (TKN and nitrate-N (plus nitrite-N))
and Phosphorous (total and orthro phosphorus)
– Suspended solids (Total, volatile, biodegradable volatile
and non-biodegradable volatile)
– Alkalinity
– Flow rates and variations (average flow and peaking factor)
– Temperature (winter and summer critical temperatures of
both wastewater and ambient air)
ASP design: Inputs
• Purposes to be served by the ASP
– removal of bCOD
– bCOD removal and nitrification
– Removal of bCOD and nitrogen (nitrification-denitrification)
– bCOD and phosphorus removal
• Treated effluent characteristics required (only bCOD or both
bCOD and nutrient levels desired)
• ASP kinetics parameters (qmax. , Ks, Y and kd)
• Settling characteristics of bio-solids (SVI and zone settling
velocities of the mixed liquor solids)
• Solids retention time (SRT) and loading criteria (F/M ratio and
volumetric organic loading) to be used for good sludge settling
• Selection of reactor type (including use of selectors)
• SRT for BOD removal is typically 3 to 5 days – shorter SRT
discourages nitrification.
• Typical F/M ratio may range from 0.04/day for extended aeration
units to 1.0/day for high rate process.
• Volumetric organic loading rate typically varies from 0.3 to 3.0
• Expansion to meet the future treatment needs is an important
consideration in the design.
• Type and size of reactors and solid separation facilities influence
both construction and operation costs.
• Selectors may be needed for nutrient removal and for limiting the
filamentous growth.
• Staged reactor or plug flow reactor may be appropriate for
nitrification – toxic or inhibitory substances can depress the
nitrification rates.
What is included in the ASP design

Design of ASP requires determination of

• Aeration basin volume
• Aeration requirements
• Chemical (nutrients and alkalinity) dosing requirements
• Sizing and detailing of the secondary clarifier
• Sludge recycling requirements
• Activated sludge wastage rates required
• Treated effluent characterization
Aeration tank Settling Qe or (Q-Qw)
Q,Si,Xi tank
Se,Xa,V Xe,Se


Xi is considered negligible
All biodegradable suspended organic solids of influent
are hydrolyzed into soluble organic matter Qw,Xr,Se
Inorganic and non-biodegradable organic SS remain
unaffected and no new SS of these categories formed
Nothing except settling & thickening occurs in clarifier

Aeration tank Settling Qe or (Q-Qw)

Q,Si,Xi tank
Se,Xa,V Xe,Se


Treated Effluent Soluble bCOD
K s [1 + k d ( SRT )]
Se =
SRT ( qmax . .Y − k d ) − 1
Use of this equation requires
– Primary variable SRT (assumed)
– ASP kinetic parameters Ks, kd, qmax and Y
Obtained from the following through solving for Se
1 Y .qmax .S e
= − kd
SRT K s + Se
Independent of the influent bCOD
Treated Effluent Soluble bCOD
Specific substrate use for ASP
Q( S i − Se ) Si − Se V
q= = τ=
xaV xaτ Q
Specific substrate utilization rate according to Michaelis-Menten
qmax S e
K s + Se
Si − S e qmax . S e
xaτ K s + Se
1 ( Si − S e ).Y 1 Y .qmax . .S e
= − kd = − kd
SRT xa .τ SRT K s + Se
Mixed Liquor Active Biomass Concentration

SRT ( S i − S e )Y
xa =
τ 1 + k d ( SRT )
Use of this equation requires
– Primary variables SRT and τ
– ASP kinetics parameters Y and kd
Obtained from the following basic equation through solving for xa

1 Y ( Si − Se )
= − kd
SRT τ . xa
Here xa depends on kd, Y, SRT, τ and bCOD removal
Mixed Liquor Active Biomass Concentration

Net activated sludge synthesis rate is equal to activated sludge

wastage rate
Q( Si − S e )Y − k d .xa .V = ∆x
Sludge age or mean cell residence time is
(total sludge of the system)
(net sludge generation rate) or ( sludge wastage rate)
Q( S i − S e )Y − k d .V .xa

1 ( S i − S e )Y
= − kd
SRT xaτ
Net Biomass Synthesis Rate
Net biomass synthesis rate (NBSR) is estimated by
Y .Q ( S i − S e )
1 + k d ( SRT )
Use of this equation requires
– Primary variable SRT
– ASP kinetics parameters Y and kd
Obtained through simplification of the following material balance
 Net biomass  Gross biomass   Biomass 
= −
synthesis rate   synthesis rate  autooxidation rate 
     
NBSR = Y .Q( Si − S e ) − xa .V .k d
Here V is replaced by Q.τ and the expression for xa is used
Net Biomass Synthesis Rate

NBSR = YQ( Si − S e ) − xaVk d

In the above by replacing
SRT ( S i − S e )Y
Qτ for V and for xa
τ 1+ k d ( SRT )
And on simplification
YQ( Si − S e )
1 + k d ( SRT )
Here net synthesis of nitrifying microbes is not considered
Depends on the TKN nitrified (Influent and effluent TKN
difference minus nitrogen assimilated into biomass)
Cell Debris Generation Rate
Cell debris generation rate (CDGR) is estimated by
Y .Q( Si − S e ).k d .SRT
CDGR = f d
1 + k d .SRT
Use of this equation requires
– Primary variable SRT
– ASP kinetics parameters Y and kd
– other constant fd
Obtained from multiplication of the expression for xa with V, kd
and fd (V is replaced by Q.τ )
– Here xa.V.kd indicates the biomass autooxidation rate
Secondary Sludge Generation Rate
Secondary sludge generation rate is comprised of
– Net biomass synthesis rate
– Cell debris generation rate from biomass autooxidation
– Rate of contribution of Nonbiodegradable VSS by the influent
– Rate of contribution of Inorganic suspended solids by the
influent (In.SS)
Secondary sludge generation rate (SSGR) is
Nb.VSS .GR = Q.( Nb.VSS )
In.SS .GR = Q.( In.SS )
Active biomass, MLSS and MLVSS
Active biomass to MLSS ratio
MLVSS to MLSS ratio
MLSS value
xa .
MLVSS value
Sludge Wastage Rate
Sludge wastage can be from the
– Secondary clarifier under flow line
– Aeration tank or its outlet prior to sec. clarifier as mixed liquor
• Rate of wastage depends on secondary sludge generation rate
(SSGR) minus secondary sludge washout rate (SWOR)
Where SWOR is Q.TSSe
Sludge Wastage Rate
Volumetric sludge wastage rate is
– SSWR/MLSSu (when wasted from the secondary clarifier underflow)
– SSWR/MLSSa (when wasted from the aeration tank or its outlet prior
to the secondary clarifier)
Observed SRT is (V.MLSSa)/SSWR
SRT chosen as the primary variable is (V.MLSSa)/SSGR
Observed SRT is greater than the SRT chosen as the primary
– Difference between the two will depend on the TSS of the clarified
secondary effluent
Oxygen Demand Rate
 Oxygen   Oxygen equivalent  Oxygen equivalent of 
demand  = of loaded substrate  −  NBSR plus CDGR 
     
O2 demand = Q( Si − S e ) − n[ NBSR + CDGR ]

Here ‘n’ is oxygen equivalence of microbial biomass(1.42!)

The oxygen demanded is supplied by
– Surface (floating or fixed) aerators
– Diffused aeration systems (introduce oxygen/air into liquid)
• Turbine mixers can disperse introduced air bubbles
• Hydraulic shear devices can reduce bubble size
Suppliers of aeration systems indicate oxygen transfer rates of
their equipment at standard conditions
– Rates require correction to actual operating conditions
Actual Oxygen Transfer Rate
 β .Cs TH − C L 
AOTR = SOTR (1.024T − 20 ).α .F
C 
 s , 20 
• AOTR is actual oxygen transfer rate under field conditions
– Salinity-surface tension of the wastewater (β )
– Operating temperature of the wastewater
– Atmospheric pressure (related to altitude)
– Average depth of aeration (diffused aeration system)
– Operating DO of the aeration tank
– Oxygen transfer coefficient of wastewater compared to that of clean tap
water (α )
– Degree of fouling of the diffusers (diffused aeration system)
• SOTR is standard oxygen transfer rate in tap water at 20°C and zero
dissolved oxygen level
• Applicable even for oxygen transfer efficiencies
Actual Oxygen Transfer Rate
β is salinity – surface tension factor
• Taken as ratio of saturation DO wastewater to clean water
• Typical value is 0.92 to 0.98 (0.95 is commonly used)
α is oxygen transfer correction factor for the wastewater
• Typical range for diffused aeration systems is 0.4-0.8
• Typical range for mechanical aerators is 0.6-1.2
F is fouling factor accounting for both internal and external
fouling of diffusers
• Impurities of compressed air cause internal fouling
• Biological slimes and inorganic precipitants cause external
• Typical value is 0.65 to 0.9
Actual Oxygen Transfer Rate
Csֿ,T,H is average saturation of clean water at the operating temperature,
altitude and aerator depth
• For surface aerators C s ,T , H = Cs ,T , H
• Can be obtained from literature (for the atmospheric pressure at
the altitude in question)
• For diffused aerators it can be obtained by
 Patm , H + Pw,mid depth  Patm , H
   9.81× 28.97( H − 0) 
C s ,T , H = Cs ,T , H   = exp − 
 Patm , H  Patm , 0  8314( 273.15 + T ) 
• Applicable if biological oxygen uptake is not considered
1  Pd Ot 
Cs ,T , H = Cs ,T , H  + 
2  Patm.H 21 
• Ot is % O2 in air leaving aeration basin (typically 18-20%)
Air Requirements of Diffused Aeration
 Air 
{Oxygen demand }
required 
   Actual oxygen  × oxygen fraction 
transfer efficiency   in the air 
   
Expressed in kg/hr. and Nm3/hr
Actual temperature depends on the level of compression
(Ambient temperature + pressure (in kg/cm2 gauge) X 10°C)!
Filtered air can minimize internal fouling
Consider air flow velocity and temperature while sizing ducting
Relate air delivery pressure to the water column over the diffuser
Consider head losses in the diffused aeration system in estimating the
air pressure required
Find the number of diffusers on the basis of typical air delivery per
diffuser (consider internal and external fouling)
Nutrient Requirements
Inflow of nitrogen
Influent may have TKN (organic-N+ammonical-N) and nitrate-N
Nutrient addition (in the form of Urea and DAP)
Fate of nitrogen in the ASP
Organic-N is converted into ammonical-N
Ammonical-N can nitrified into nitrate-N
Nitrate-N can be denitrified and lost in the gaseous from (as N2O and N2)
Ammonical-N and Nitrate-N can be assimilation by active biomass and
stored within as organic-N
Outflow of nitrogen
Loss in the treated effluent either as TKN or as nitrate-N or as both
Loss as organic-N in wasted activated sludge
Nutrient Requirements
 N in the  N in the   N lost through   N in the 
N requirement =   wasted sludge  + denitrification  − inf luent 
effluent       

Nitrate-N in the influent is usually negligible influent mainly has TKN

Nitrogen in the treated effluent can be ammonical-N or nitrate-N or
organic-N (in the TSSe)
Nitrogen in the wasted activated sludge is 12.23% - obtained from
empirical formula of the activated sludge (C60H87O23N12P)
Denitrification loss of nitrogen can be significant if the ASP is designed
for nitrification and denitrification to occur
When concentration is <0.3 mg/L nitrogen is believed to be limiting for
the biooxidation removal of substrate
 xa 
N requirement = Q 0.3 + 0.1223TSS e  + 0.1223Qw xu − Q( TKN + Nitrate N )
 MLSS 
Nutrient Requirements
Phosphorus requirement can be assessed in a manner similar to
the nitrogen requirement by
 xa 
P requirement = Q 0.3 + 0.0226 TSS e  + 0.02263 Qw xu − Q( Total Pi )
 MLSS 
N and P required can also be conservatively estimated as
N requirement = Q (0.1223 bCODi .Y + 0.3 − TKN i − Nitrate N i )
P requirement = Q (0.0226 bCODi .Y + 0.3 − Total Pi )
Here bCOD is in g/m3
Y is yield coefficient (0.4!)
Nutrient requirement can also be expressed as the required
bCOD:N:P ratio of the influent
bCOD : N : P = 100 : 5.2 : 1.2
Alkalinity Requirements
• 70-80 mg/L as CaCO3 for maintaining the pH at 6.8 to 7.4
• Nitrification if occurring requires 7.07 g as CaCO3 per g of NH3-N
• Denitrification if occurring produces 3.57 g as CaCO3 per g of
nitrate reduced
Treated effluent quality
• Characterized by soluble bCOD, TSS and VSS, and nutrients
• Soluble bCOD for SRT >4days is 2 to 4 mg/L
• Ammonical nitrogen and total phosphorus (soluble form) are >0.1
and >0.3 mg/L respectively
• For properly functioning secondary clarifier in case of mixed liquor
solids with good settling characteristics TSS is 5-15 mg/L
F/M Ratio, BOD Volumetric Loading

Aeration tank volume V = HRT .Q

Food to microorganisms ratio
• In terms of active biomass =
M xaV
• In terms of MLVSS =
BOD loading BOD loading =
Total bCOD of the effluent S e + 1.42 × TSS e ×
Design of Secondary Clarifier
Design of Secondary Clarifier
Secondary clarifier includes
– Inlet section or central well
– Sludge settling zone
– Sludge thickening and storage zone
– Clarified effluent overflow weir and collection trough
Requires sludge settling zone surface area, π (D2-d2)/4
• Area required for clarification and area required for thickening are
found out and the larger of the two is used
• Either of the following two design approaches can be followed
– Talmadge and Fitch method - uses data derived from a single batch
settling test
– Solids flux method - uses data obtained from a series settling tests
conducted at different solids concentration
All other details of the clarifier are either assumed or obtained
through hydraulic and mechanical design
Secondary Clarifier: Talmadge and Fitch
Final overflow rate for a secondary
clarifier is selected based on the
consideration of
– Area for clarification
– Area for thickening
– Rate of sludge withdrawal
Data from a single settling test is
used for finding both area
required for thickening and for
clarification and greater of the
two is considered for design
Area required for clarification is
usually greater than the area
required for thickening
Secondary Clarifier:
Talmadge and Fitch method
Area required for thickening At =
• Tu corresponds to Hu and obtained through
• Co is initial TSS and Ho column height H o Co
Hu =
• Cu is underflow sludge concentration Cu
Critical concentration controlling sludge handling capability
– Draw tangents to initial and final legs of settling curve
– Bisect the angle of intersection and extend to settling curve
to get Cc
Find tu (time at which sludge concentration is Cu)
• Draw tangent through Cc
• Locate Hu on y-axis, extend horizontal line to the tangent
through Cc - draw vertical from the intersection to obtain Tu
Secondary Clarifier:
Talmadge and Fitch method
Area for clarification
– Here Qc is clarification rate Ac =
– V is interface subsidence velocity
Interface subsidence velocity
• Slope of the tangent on the initial leg of the settling curve
is taken as subsidence velocity
Clarification rate
• Taken as proportional to the liquid volume above Hu
and computed as H0 − Hu
Qc = Q
– Here Hu is sludge depth curresponding to tu Ho
– Q is flow rate of mixed liquor into the clarifier
Secondary Clarifier: Solids flux method

Area required for thickening depends

on the limiting solids flux that can
be transported to the bottom of
the settling tank
Data obtained from a series of
column settling tests conducted at
different solids concentration is
Solids flux depends on the
characteristics of the sludge
(relationship between sludge
concentration and settling rate and
solids flux)
Secondary Clarifier: Solids flux method
Downward flux of solids in a settling tank occurs due
– gravity settling SFt = SFg + SFu
– bulk transport from sludge withdrawal
– Here SFg is solids flux due to gravity
– SFu is solids flux by bulk transport
Solids flux due to gravity SFg = CiVi
– Ci is concentration of solids at the point in question
– Vi is settling velocity of the solids at Ci concentration
– Vi of sludge at different concentrations is obtained from multiple
settling tests - Slope of the initial portion of the curve is Vi
Secondary Clarifier: Solids flux method

Solids flux by bulk transport

Ci Qu
SFu = CiU b =
– Ub is bulk underflow velocity
– Qu is underflow rate of sludge
– A cross sectional area of the sludge
– Flux by bulk transport linearly increases with increasing withdrawal
Total flux increases initially, then drops to limiting solids flux (SFL)and
then increases with increasing withdrawal rate
Secondary Clarifier: Solids flux method
Alternative graphical method for limiting solids flux (SFL)
• Uses only the gravity flux curve
• Decide the underflow sludge concentration and draw tangent to
gravity flux curve through Cu on X-axis and extend to Y-axis
• Point of intersection on Y-axis gives SFL
Secondary Clarifier: Solids flux method
Area for thickening
• Area required for thickening will that area at which actual solids
is lower than equal to limiting solids flux (SFL)
– If solids loading is greater than limiting solids flux then solids will
build up in the settling basin and ultimately overflow
• Area required for thickening
( Q + Qu ) Cu Q is overflow
A= Qu is underflow
SFL is limiting solids flux
• For a desired underflow concentration one can increase or
decrease the slope of the underflow flux line
Design of Secondary clarifier on the basis
of SVI and ZSV
Settling and thickening characteristics of the mixed liquor measured
by either SVI or ZSV can be used as basis
SVI below 100 is desired and above 150 typically indicates
filamentous growth
Surface over flow rate for a secondary clarifier is related to zone
settling velocity as shown below
Surface overflow rate =
ZSV (Vi) can be estimated by
Vi = Vmax exp(− K ) x
Here Vi is zone settling velocity (SVI)
SF is safety factor and taken as 1.75 to 2.5
Vmax is maximum zone settling velocity taken as 7 m/h
K is a constant with value 600 l/mg for ML with SVI 150
X if MLSS concentration
Design of Secondary clarifier on the basis
of SVI and ZSV
MLSS, ZSV and SVI/DSVI are related
ln (Vi ) = 1.871 − (0.1646 + 0.001586 SVI ) x
ln (Vi ) = 2.028 − (0.103 + 0.002555 DSVI ) x
Here x is MLSS concentration in g/l
DSVI and SVI in ml/g
Fluctuations in wastewater and return sludge flow rates and MLSS
concentration should be considered in the design
– Safety factor used is meant for this purpose
Solids loading rate is a limiting parameter and affects effluent
concentration of TSS
– Effluent quality remains unaffected over a wide range of surface
overflow rates (upto 3-4 m/h)
Other information for the design of
Secondary Clarifiers
Side wall liquid depth can be as low as 3.5 m for large clarifiers and
as high as 6 m for smaller clarifiers
– Deeper clarifiers have greater flexibility of operation and larger
margin of safety
Tank inlet section or central well
– Jetting of influent (cause for density currents) should be avoided
through dissipate influent energy
– Distribution of flow should be even in horizontal and vertical
directions and should not disturb the sludge blanket
– Design of central well should promote flocculation
– Cylindrical baffle of diameter 30-35% of the tank diameter can be
used as central well
– Bottom of the feed well should end well above the sludge blanket
Other information for the design of
Secondary Clarifiers
Weir placement and loading
• In larger clarifiers circular overflow weir with trough can be placed
at 2/3rd to 3/4th radial distance from the center
– For smaller clarifiers it can at the perimeter
– A baffle can be provided to deflect density currents away from the
overflow weir and avoid scum overflow
– Up-flow velocity in the vicinity of weir should be 3.5-7 m/hr
• Weir loading rates should be < 375 m3/
– Should be <250 m3/ if located in density current upturn zone
– Should be <125 m3/ for average flow and <250 m3/ for
maximum flow in smaller tanks
Scum removal: not a problem in secondary clarifiers and may be
needed when primary clarifiers are not used
– Removed scum should not be taken back for treatment
Operation and Control of ASP
ASP Process Control
Principal approaches of control are
• Maintaining DO level in the aeration tank
• Regulating the activated sludge recycling rate (maintaining
MLSS in the aeration tank and control sludge blanket level in
the secondary clarifier)
• Controlling waste activated sludge for maintaining the desired
Other important approaches for control are
• Knowing oxygen uptake rates
• Routine microscopic observation for monitoring microbial
characteristics influencing sludge settling properties
SRT/MLSS is and important process control parameter
Maintaining DO in the aeration basin
• Limiting DO levels can result in filamentous sludge and affect
settlability of the sludge
• Desired DO is 1.5 to 2 mg/L in all the areas of the aeration basin
– Higher DO improves nitrification (>2 mg/L favourable)
– > 4 mg/L DO may not improve operations but prove costly
• Measuring oxygen uptake rate (OUR) and specific oxygen
uptake rate (SOUR) may also be important for control
– Involves taking a series of DO measurements over some period
and reporting the results as mg/L.min. O2 taken up
– SOUR correlates well with the final effluent BOD
Changes in SOUR can indicate presence of toxic/inhibitory
substances in the influent
Maintaining DO in the aeration basin
Matching oxygen supply with demand is important
– Clogged filters and fouled diffusers can affect supply
– Providing filter upstream to blowers and their frequent cleaning can
maintain higher rates of oxygen supply and minimize internal fouling of
Organic overloading and higher SRT can increase O2 demand
– Proportionally decreasing SRT to match the organic overloading can
avoid oxygen demand from the organic overloading
Non-uniform mixing and localized DO deficiencies
– Lower MLSS, anoxic/anaerobic conditions, filamentous growth,
denitrification and efficiency drop can occur
– Can be caused by the burst diffusers
– DO monitoring in the aeration basin can identify the problem
Regulating sludge recycling
• Sludge washout in the clarified effluent should be prevented
– Maintain the sludge blanket below the effluent weir
• Return sludge pump should be of ample capacity (100 to 150% of
the average design sludge flow)
– Hydraulic overloading of ASP leads to solids overloading of clarifier
increases sludge blanket depth and necessitates pumping of return
sludge at higher rate and lower consistency
– Depending on settling characteristics return sludge concentration may
vary between 4000-12000 mg/L
necessitates better control over return sludge pumping rates
• Flow management through equalizing the influent can avoid the
hydraulic overloads
Regulating sludge recycling
Return sludge flow rate should be determined by
– Settlability of the sludge
– Sludge blanket level control
– Secondary clarifier mass balance
– Aeration tank mass balance
Determination of sludge flow rate by the settlability characteristic
– Monitor SVI for mixed liquor solids
– Estimate sludge recycling ratio (r) by

100 Pw is MLSS as % (3000 mg/L is 0.3%)

100 SVI is in mL/g
−1 Q
Pw SVI r is sludge recycle ratio r =
Regulating sludge recycling
Determination of flow rate by sludge blanket level
• Maintain the sludge blanket below the effluent weir for avoiding
– Optimum depth is 0.3 to 0.9 m
– Variations in flow and strength (bCOD and TSS), sludge settling
properties, and sludge withdrawal rates affect the level
• Sludge blanket levels can be detected by
– Withdrawing samples using air lift pumps, gravity flow tubes, portable
sampling pumps and core samples
– Sludge-supernatant interface detectors
• Regulation of sludge blanket level requires considerable operator
Regulating sludge recycling
Determination by secondary clarifier mass balance
• Mass balance for secondary clarifier
X a (Q + Qr ) = Qr X r + Qw X r + Qe X e
• Assuming Xe as negligible and taking QwXr as VXa/SRT and
taking V as Qτ one can find Qr as
 τ 
QX a 1 − 
Qr =  SRT 
Xr − Xa

Determination by aeration basin mass balance

• Assuming new biomass growth and influent biomass (Xi)
concen. as negligible material balance for aeration tank is
QX a
Qr X r = X a (Q + Qr ) Qr =
Xr − Xa
Sludge wasting
Sludge wasting can be
• From the return sludge line
– Lesser volume of sludge is wasted
– Control is difficult
• From the aeration tank in the form mixed liquor
– Volume wasted is large
– Can be wasted either into a primary clarifier or a thickener
– Control is much easier (may need only TSSe measurement)
Sludge wasting is determined on the basis of SRT
– Due consideration should be given to sludge washout
Sludge wasting
Determining sludge wasting rate
• When wasting from the return sludge line
VX a
Qe X e + Qw X r
– If Xe is negligible
VX a
Qw =
• When wasting from the aeration basin as mixed liquor
SRT = Qw =
– If Xe is not negligible

Qw = − e e
Microscopic observation of sludge
Microscopic observations include
– Change in floc size and density
– Status of filamentous organisms growth in the flocs
– Presence of Nocardia bacteria
– Abundance of higher life forms such as protozoans and rotifers
Decreasing protozoan population indicates
– DO limitation or
– Operation of ASP at lower SRT or
– Presence of inhibitory substances in the influent
If filamentous or Nocardia growth is detected corrective action to
control the growth is needed
Nutrient and chemical feed control
Lower pH and nutrient deficiency can cause filamentous bulking
and affect the treatment efficiency
• bCOD:N:P should be favourably maintained
– Measure TKN, nitrate and total phosphorus levels in the influent - compare
with desired bCOD:N:P ratioand decide nutrient dose
– Urea and/or DAP can be dosed to adjust nutrient deficiencies
(to cut the cost powdered phosphate rock or phosphoric acid can also be
used in place of DAP)
• pH of the influent should adjusted and pH of the aeration basin
contents should maintained favourable
– Measure the influent alkalinity and pH
– If pH is lower adjust it (neutralize fermentation products of septic influent)
with MOL
– If sufficient alkalinity is not available add MOL (70-80 mg/L as CaCO3
may be required)
Secondary clarifier control
Raising sludge, density currents and sludge washout
• Nitrified mixed liquor loading of the clarifier
• Longer retention of sludge in the clarifier
• Higher temperature of mixed liquor inducing density currents
• Design defects in the secondary clarifier
Solutions to the problems may include
• Design corrections such as
– Providing density current deflectors and/or scum baffles
– Ensuring even distribution of the ML and uniform overflow
• Proper collection from all over the clarifier and continuous recycling
of sludge
Secondary clarifier control
Increasing sludge blanket height and sludge washout
• Solids overloading from the hydraulic overloading of ASP
• Poor settling & thickening properties of the bulking sludge
• Insufficient sludge recycling
• Small dose of polymers can improve sludge settling properties
• Microscopic examination of the sludge and measurement of SVI and
sludge blanket depth can be useful
• Regulate blanket depth through altering sludge recycling rate
• Use SVI to decide on sludge recycling rate
• Minimize loading by
– Wasting activated sludge directly from aeration tank
– Avoid internal hydraulic loads during peak hydraulic loads
Start up of an ASP
• Seeding of the aeration basin initially on a regular basis may be to
ensure acclimation
• Start with a HRT equal to designed SRT and gradually decrease
towards designed HRT while maintaining the sludge recycling rate
at the designed level and ensuring gradual buildup of MLSS
• Start sludge wasting only after the actual MLSS reached the
designed MLSS
• Gradually increase the sludge wastage rate until designed SRT is
achieved while ensuring that the MLSS is at the designed level
Safety considerations
Physical hazards: trips, falls and drowning
Chemical hazards: associated with the handling of alkali, urea, DAP,
Chlorine, hydrogen peroxide, etc.
Biological hazards: air borne pathogens from aeration, contact with
wastewater containing pathogens
Noise hazards: blowers and drives
Electrical and mechanical hazards
Confined space hazards: secondary clarifier under-drain system
Operational problems
associated with ASP
Operational Problems of ASP
Common problems encountered in operating the ASP
• Bulking sludge
• Rising sludge
• Nocardia foam
Bulking sludge
• Causes high suspended solids in the effluent
Flocs do not compact and settle well and sludge blanket depth increases
(beyond typical 10 to 30 cm)
• Results in poor treatment performance
Maintaining desired level of MLSS/MLVSS becomes difficult, effluent
has suspended BOD, higher recycle rates reduce wastewater’s HRT
Two types of bulking: Filamentous and Viscous bulking
Bulking Sludge
Filamentous bulking
• Filaments normally protrude out of the sludge floc
• Surface area to mass ratio increases and sludge attains poor settling
Viscous bulking
• Caused by excessive amount of extracellular hydrophilic biopolymer
• Makes the sludge highly water retentive (hydrous bulking)
Bulking Sludge
Factors causing bulking
– Wastewater characteristics, like, readily biodegradable organic matter
and fermentation products, H2S and reduced sulfur compounds (septic
water), nutrient deficiency and low pH
– Flow variations and variations in pH
– Design limitations, like complete mix reactor conditions, limited air
supply, poor mixing, short circuiting, defective sludge collection and
removal and limited return sludge pumping capacity
– Operational issues, like, low DO, insufficient nutrients, longer SRT
and subsequent low F/M, insufficient soluble BOD (for these
filamentous organisms are very competitive), internal plant
overloading (recycle loads of centrate and filtrate)
Nutrient limiting systems and very high loading of wastewater with
high levels of readily biodegradable COD can cause viscous bulking
Bulking Sludge
Control of bulking may require investigation on
– Wastewater characteristics
– Process loading
– Return and waste sludge pumping rates
– Internal plant overloading
– Clarifier operation
Investigation is usually started with microscopic examination of mixed
Bulking Sludge
Solutions for bulking
– Decreasing SRT or operating the aeration equipment at full
capacity can take care of bulking from limiting DO
• DO should be >2 mg/l under normal loading conditions
– Selector processes (aerobic, anoxic and anaerobic) in place of
complete mix systems can be a solution for bulking from longer
SRT and low F/M ratios
– Internal plant overloading can be avoided through recycling
centrate and filtrate during the periods of minimal hydraulic and
organic loading
– Not retaining the sludge for more than 30 minutes can avoid
septic conditions and subsequent bulking
Bulking Sludge
Bulking can be temporarily controlled by Cl2 and H2O2
– 0.002-0.008 kg per day of Cl2 per kg of MLVSS for 5-10 hr HRT
– Chlorination can produce turbid effluent and kill nitrifiers
– Trihalomethanes and other compounds with potential health and
environmental effects can be formed
– Dose of H2O2 depends on extent of filamentous development
Rising Sludge
Differentiated from bulking sludge by presence of small gas bubbles in the
Common in systems with conditions favourable for nitrification
Nitrification is the common cause
• Nitrification in the aeration basins produces nitrite and nitrate
• Denitrification in the clarifiers converts produces nitrogen gas
• Trapping of nitrogen gas makes the sludge buoyant
Solutions may include
• Reduced sludge detention in the clarifier (increasing the speed of sludge
collection and withdrawal)
• Reduced mixed liquor flow to the clarifier (decreases sludge depth)
• Decrease SRT and/or aeration for controlling nitrification
• Post-aeration anoxic process prevents denitrification in clarifiers
Usually associated with Nocardia and Microthrix parvicella
– Hydrophobic cell surfaces allow attachment of bacteria to and
stabilization of air bubbles to cause foaming (0.5 to 1.0 m thick)
The foaming can go beyond the ASP and get into aerobic and anaerobic
sludge digesters
Control measures
– Avoid foam trapping aeration basins (baffles with flow under can trap
foam in the basin)
– Reduce oil and grease (Nocardia and Microthrix are usually associated
with these) flow into the aeration basin
– Avoid recycling of skimmings of clarifiers to aeration basins
– Use of selectors can discourage foaming
– Addition of small concentrations of cationic polymers and chlorine
spray over the surface of foam can also reduce foaming
Selector Processes
A small tank or a series of small tanks are used for mixing the
incoming wastewater with the return sludge under aerobic or
anoxic/anaerobic conditions
• Controls filamentous bulking and improves sludge settling
• High rbCOD F/M ratio discourages filamentous growth but
encourages floc forming non-filamentous bacterial growth
Selector process designs are two types
• kinetic or high F/M selectors
– Higher substrate concentrations result in faster substrate uptake by floc
forming bacteria
– High DO (6 -8 mg/L) is needed for maintaining aerobic floc
– Recommended F/M ratios are 12, 6 and 3 per day COD F/M ratios for
a 3 tank selector
– too high F/M ratios, >8 BOD/day ) can cause viscous bulking
Selector Processes
Metabolic or anoxic or anaerobic processes selectors
• Improved sludge settling characteristics and minimal filamentous
bacteria are observed with the biological nutrient removal processes
– Filamentous bacteria can not use nitrate or nitrite as electron acceptor
under anoxic conditions
– Filamentous bacteria do not store polyphosphates and hence can not
consume acetate under anaerobic conditions
• Anoxic or anaerobic metabolic conditions are used
– Anaerobic selector can be used before the aeration tank (phosphorus
removal can occur)
– If nitrification is used, then anoxic selectors can be used
• For high F/M anoxic/anerobic selectors SVI of mixed liquor can be
as low as 65-90 mL/g (common SVI is 100-120 mL/g)
ASP monitoring
Monitoring including sampling frequency and parameters to be
analyzed should be need based
Monitoring may be required for
– Carrying out treatability studies and design of the ASP
– Facilitating operation and control of the ASP
– Assessing compliance with the requirements (achievement of set
and design efficiencies)
– Performance evaluation of the ASP
Monitoring involves sampling and analysis of samples of
– Influent wastewater of the ASP
– Aeration tank contents
– Mixed liquor being fed to the secondary clarifier
– Clarified secondary effluent (secondary clarifier overflows)
– Return sludge
Monitoring can be online (appropriate for process control !)
– Monitoring involves collection of samples and analysis in
– Industrial units own ETP or central laboratory (for routine
– Outside laboratory (sometimes 3rd party laboratory) for advanced
analysis (for non-routine parameters requiring sophisticated
3rd party laboratory is depended on specially for compliance
assessment/ monitoring
Sampling location should judiciously chosen
Method of sampling chosen should ensure collection of representative
– Usually grab sampling can serve the purpose
– Occationally composite (flow proportionated?) sampling may be
Frequency of sampling and parameters to be analysed for should be
decided on the basis of the monitoring objective/purpose
Typical sampling locations and comprehensive list of parameters for
analysis for an ASP are identified here
Sampling at all the locations, sampling by any specific method of
analysis, and analysis for all the identified parameters may not
always be required
Sampling frequency can be at fixed intervals and whenever a need
Streams to be monitored and parameter
Influent (including internal recycle flows): Assess both quantity
and characteristics
– Flow rate and variations (if needed the flow should be managed)
– Internal recycle flows
– Organic matter concentration – BOD, bCOD (BOD kinetics) and
– Nutrients – TKN (ammonical and organic nitrogen), nitrate plus
nitrite nitrogen, and total phosphorus
– Suspended solids: TSS, VSS, nbVSS (indirect method)
– Total alkalinity, Temperature and pH
Aeration basin contents:
– Temperature, pH and Dissolved oxygen
– Oxygen uptake rate and specific oxygen uptake rate (Toxicity
Monitoring of ASP
• pH in the aeration tank to check whether enough alkalinity
is present
• Nutrients in the treated effluent – TKN, Nitrate-N and
• DO in the aeration tank (sample should not come in
contact with air and biological flocs should be deactivated)
• MLSS and MLVSS, TSS in the clarified secondary
effluent and SVI of mixed liquor
• Visual and microscopic examination of microbial flocs
Streams to be monitored and parameter
Mixed liquor
– Nitrate and nitrite nitrogen
– SVI and ZSV
– Microscopic examination of biological flocs
Return sludge
– MLSS or consistency
Clarified secondary effluent
– Soluble BOD, total BOD, COD
– Nitrate plus nitrite nitrogen and TKN (ammonical and organic
nitrogen separately)
– Total phosphorus and TSS
Design of the ASP
Characterization and quantification of the influent to be treated
– Flow rate and variations (average flow and peaking factor) –
flow equalization may be needed to dampen variations
– Organic matter concentration – BOD, bCOD (BOD kinetics) and
– Nutrients – TKN (ammonical and organic nitrogen), nitrate plus
nitrite nitrogen, and total phosphorus
– Suspended solids: TSS, nbVSS (indirect method)
– Total alkalinity
– Temperature (summer critical and winter critical temperature of
the influent)
Ambient conditions, like, summer and winter critical temp.,
altitude and atmospheric pressure, may be needed
Operation and Control of the ASP
Chemical dose requirements
– Flow rate, BOD, TKN (even nitrate plus nitrite –N), Total –P,
and Alkalinity of the influent
– Residual TKN (and nitrate plus nitrite –N) and total –P of treated
– Frequency of monitoring can be weekly once or lesser
Aeration system
– Suction pressure down stream to the air filter, compressed air
pressure and air flow rate (online monitoring)
• May indicate filter clogging, diffuser fouling and bursting of
diffuser membrane
– DO level in the aeration basin (may be as a part of investigation
of bulking sludge)
Operation and Control of the ASP
Regulation of the return sludge system
– Sludge blanket depth in the clarifier (continuous monitoring may be
– Consistency of the return sludge and MLSS in the mixed liquor
– SVI of the mixed liquor
– Influent flow rate
Sludge wasting system
– Consistency of the clarifier underflow and MLSS of the mixed liquor
– TSS in the clarified effluent of the clarifier
Presence of toxic/inhibitory subtances
– OUR and SOUR of the mixed liquor in the aeration
Operation and Control of the ASP
Secondary clarifier control
• Influent flow rate (to assess hydraulic overloading)
• Nitrate, temperature, SVI and ZSV of mixed liquor
– (to indicate raising sludge, density currents, and settling properties of
mixed liquor solids)
• Sludge blanket depth
• TSS level and turbidity of the clarified effluent
– Straggler floc: fluffy floc in the clarified effluent – associated with low
SRT operation – often coexist with white foam
– Pinpoint floc: pin-floc in the clarified effluent – associated with high
SRT operation – coexist with quickly settling floc and often with
darker foam
– Surface ashing: condition of lighter pin-floc floating to the surface and
spreading out in the clarifier
Analytical Methods
Flow meaurement (online measurement) by
– Pumping rate and pump runtime recording
– Treated effluent flow rate by flow meters such as V- or
rectangular notches, parshall flume, etc.
– BOD: BOD bottle method, head-space BOD method,
respirometric technique, or by BOD sensors
– bCOD: through BOD kinetic experiments
– COD: by closed or open reflux methods
• Use BOD – COD – bCOD relationship for the operation and
control of ASP
Analytical Methods
• TKN (organic and ammonical –N) by kjeldahl apparatus and either
titrimetry or colorimetry
• Nitrite and nitrate –N by using cadmium reduction column and
Suspended solids (TSS, VSS, nbVSS, MLSS and MLVSS)
• Filtration, gravimetry and ashing for MLSS and MLVSS
• TS – TDS difference technique for TSS (and ashing for VSS)
• Change in VSS over sufficiently long time through aeration by
autooxidation can be basis for nbVSS measurement
SVI for mixed liquor: volume in mL occupied by one gram of
mixed liquor solids after 30 minutes settling
ZSV: subsidence velocity in m/hr. of the sludge blanket interface
in the settling column)
Analytical Methods
• Oxygen uptake rate measurement by recording DO depletion of the
mixed liquor over a few minutes
• Specific oxygen uptake rate from OUR by dividing with MLVSS or
active biomass concentration
• Microscopic examination of biological flocs of mixed liquor or of
secondary clarifier for filamentous growth and for microscopic air
• pH by pH meter (or indicator strip!) and alkalinity (in mg/L as
CaCO3) by titrimetry
• Temperature (of ambient air, influent and mixed liquor)
• DO (of the aeration basin contents) by DO meter with submersible
long leed probe
Data recording and analysis
All monitoring data needs recording in log books
– Data may be weekly/monthly/seasonally analysed for trends and
performance reports may be generated
All incidents may be recorded and the recording can include the
investigatory monitoring being carried out and corrective and
preventive actions taken
– Hydraulic or organic overloading
– Loading of toxic or inhibitory substances
– Bulking sludge, raising sludge, and foaming problems
– Critical machinery failures
Performance Assessment
Compliance Assessment

BOD and TSS (and even flow rate) are needed to be monitored
– Comparison with statutory requirements may be needed
– BOD is contributed by
• Residual sBOD
• Biodegradable fraction of the TSS (MLVSS to MLSS ratio!)
If operated for nutrient removal then TKN and nitrate and nitrite –N
and total –P may also be needed
– Nutrients are also present in the TSS
ASP Performance Evaluation
ASP performance evaluation may involve
• Measurement of actual performance of the ASP and comparison
with the designed performance
– May concentrate mainly on
• Treatment efficiencies (BOD removal and nutrient removal)
• Sludge generation rates and MLVSS/MLSS ratio
• Oxygen consumption rates
• Back calculation of ASP kinetic parameters and comparison with
values used in the design and improvement of equations used in the
ASP performance assessment
• Performance evaluation of the secondary clarifier

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