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"Feature The fifth in a series of tutorials for the beginner to intermediate machine lan, guage programmer Machine Language Made BASIC Part V: Get the Point Vhis month’s programs change the color of various screen locations. Now, color information is stored in several locations in the Color Com- puter. Locations used in this article are as follows: Loe: Start-up $B2 foreground color ° SB3 background color (0) SB4 current color 0) SBS $B4x(#855) 0 SC2_PSET= I; PRESET =0 As shown in Figure 1, colors depend on the PYODE and color set used. ‘The computer colors zero to three correspond to the Basic colors one to four and five to eight. Three is the Figure 1: ke Number Set 0 MODE 3/1 0 green 1 yellow 2 “blue 3 red prove 4/2@ «0 lack 3 green highest number used for color because 4x(/#855) would be greater than 255 and ‘would not fit into Location SBS. With machine language, we can control and change the contents of the color loca- tions throughout the program. At start-up, the computer will store (0 in $B3 (for the background color) and 3 in $B2 (for the foreground color). Using the PCLS routine at $9542 will clear the screen to the background color. If you want a different back- ground color, either load the desired color number into $B3 and JSR 9542, 80 THE RAINBOW November 1983 By William P. Nee or load the desired color number into Register B and JSR $9536. (The latter will nor change the background color in SB3.) Location $C2 can be used as a toggle for PSET (if itis set to one) or to PRESET (if itis set to zero). However, the PSET routine we will use starts after the ROM routine has checked Location SC2, so we should use either the subroutine at $959A, which multiplies the color number by #855 and stores this total at Location $B5, or PHODE 4/270, which will store a random 0 or -1 (RND(Q): 2) in $BS and then PSET or PRESET the point. (Remember, -1 is the same number as #SFF.) PHODE 371 will use a random (0 - 3)x(#855) to PSET three colors or PRESET the background color. Set buff #800 cyan 1855 magenta #$AA. orange SEF black #800 buff aSFF ‘You may also use the PPOINT routine at $933C to check the color of a bit at bit in Location $BE) and any vertical location (by storing it in $CO). The result of the PPOINT routine is stored in FPI. JSR $83€0 will return the color number to Register B. In PHODE 371 the result will be colors one to four (if you are using color set to 0), or colors five to eight (if you are using color set to 1). In PHODE 4/270, the result will be zero cor one with color set to 0, and zero or five with color set to 1. Your program may have different branches if Register B was equal/not equal to one of these colors. Ifa point has been PRESET, the PPOINT routine will make it the back- ground color. (Note: You always lose registers A, B, and X, so be sure to save them first.) ‘The PSET routine is at Address $9374, and, as with most machine language programs, requires some additional set- up. The routine uses the following locations: Bo bytes per line SBD/BE horizontal coordinate — XI SBF/CO vertical coordinate — YI The coordinate locations are two bytes so that you could, for example, either STX $80 or STA SBE. XI cannot be greater than 255; YI cannot be greater than 191; and neither can be less than zet0. A scaling routine at $931D is also required. Since we will pick up the PSET routine after ROM has scaled the coor- dinates, we must add this to our pro- gram prior to the PSET. Scaling adjusts X1 and YI to compensate for the ferent bytes per line (in SB9) assigned to the individual PMODES. Without this scaling routine, most graphic com- mands (PSET, LINE, CIRCLE, etc.) would be accurate only in PMODE 4. (The PPOINT routine we've already discussed includes the scaling subroutine.) Bill Nee bucked the “snowbird” trend by retiring to Wisconsin from a banking career in Florida. He spends the long, cold winters writing programs for his CoCo. Listing 1: POINTSAS PMODE 4,1:PCLS:SCREEN 1,1 FOR N=f TO 32 FOR NN=31 TO N STEP B=RND (2) FOR H=9 T0 192 STEP 64 FOR V=f TO 128 STEP 64 ON B GOSUB 199,159 NEXT V,H,NN,N 99 GOTO 29 1pg PSET(H+NN, V+NN-N) : PSET (H+NN- N, V#NN) 11g PSET(H+62-NN, V+NN-N) :PSET (H+ 62-NN+N, V+NN) 1 129 PSET(H+62-NN, V+62-NN+N) : PSET (H462-NN4N, V+62-NN) 139 PSET(H+NN, V+62-NNN, NN-N, V+62-NN) 14g RETURN 159 PRESET (H+NN,V+NN-N) : PRESET (H +NN-N, V#NN) 169 PRESET (H+62-NN, V+NN-N) : PRESE ‘T(H+62-NN+N, V+NN) 179 PRESET (H+62-NN, V+62-NN4N) ESET (H+62-NN+N, V+62-NN) 189 PRESET (H+NN, V+62-NN4N) : PRESE T (HHNN-N,V+62-NN) 199 RETURN SET (Ht R the machine language program is eight ‘The PSET routine in ROM uses reg- isters A and B, so be sure to save any information in them first. Before run- ning the program, set Location SFF, 100 to #82000. Since the program starts with PHODE, type “GPMODE” or “6300” (or lack of it). Next, run the machine language program. (Note: The machine language program does not run on the CoCo 3.) If you run the machine lan- guage program from BASIC, clear enough memory with the command, times longer, it runs much more quickly. (Questions or comments concerning this tutorial may be addressed to the author at Route 2, Box 216C, Mason, WI 54856-9302. Please enclose an SASE when requesting a reply.) 0 CLEAR 200, £43000-1. Even though toexecuteit. Pressing any key will break the program, but you must hold the key down for several seconds because the program does a lot before getting to the Listing 2: POINTBIN break location. In the ‘A’ mode you can 9958 * SEF/II Ses 299g read the program and symbos tom | 7%” gin gee, Oe 0 $2200 to $2B65. ggRE gp129 x1 EQU $BE Meencr esata Gus ee feel for the design and program speed Burke & Burke P.O. Box 1283. Palatine, {L_ 60076-4203 G12) 30 Alpha Software Technologies _ ranean Real BASIC for OS9! inelinast There is nothing wrong with your Color Computer. Dornot attempt to adjust fe wes ome er snot Dick Exened Esl BASICS Were aed leh ‘on siple grephee, sound, piste, and dia 10. The BASIC {Jou know ond lve la new running under Level 2 0S0 window 73. ond and soon to ung Os he amet to Hae mid BASIC dha. Of coutoe, you et toe F ISngunge programe, end sr Sak Mee ah aa Sepa FSB, requires a CoCo 3 with at lost 128% RAM, 8 oppy contr wih siner Tandy ak Extended Color BASIE wr DISTO Cate’ 9 COOR OM, paeed Picee UNGIS RESIDENTS EASE ADD Ty SALES TAK. COD m0 Shona tiie aN gtaS" Paste mona ror ‘eigen be see ous ae 81 November 1988 THE RAINBOW Submitting Material To Rainbow Contributions to THE RaiNsow are welcome from everyone, We like to run a variety of programs that are useful/nelpful/fun for other CoCo owners. WHAT TO WRITE: We are inter- ested in what you may wish to tell our readers. We accept for consid- eration anything that is well- written and has a practical appli- cation for the Tandy Color Com- puter. If it interests you, it will probably interest lots of others. However, we vastly prefer articles with accompanying programs which can be entered and run. The more unique the idea, the more the appeal. We havea continuing need for short articles with short list- ings. These are especially appeal- ing to our many beginners. FORMAT: Program submis- slons must be on tape or disk, and itis best to make several saves, at least one of them in ASCII format. We're sorry, but we do not have time to key in programs and debug our typing errors. All programs should be supported by some ed- itorial commentary explaining how the program works. We also prefer that editorial copy be in- cluded on the tape or disk using any of the word processors cur- rently available for the Color Com- puter. Also, please include a double-spaced printout of your editorial material and program listing. Do not send text in all capital letters; use upper- and lowercase. COMPENSATION: We do pay for submissions, based on a number of criteria. Those wishing remuneration should so state when making submissions. For the benefit of those who wish more detailed information on making submissions, please send a self-addressed, stamped enve- lope (SASE) to: Submission Guidelines, THe RaiNaow, The Fal- soft Building, P.O. Box 385, Pros- pect, KY 40059. We will send you comprehensive guidelines. Please do not submit material currently submitted to another Publication. 3099 392 305 3897 3398 sag ape saz Ba 37 spi apis sap apap 3p22 325, p28 p28 2p2E 3538 3633 3636 3939 apie 303F p02 p43 agua 3948 ap4e. aps. ps4 ps6 3939 apse 3a5F 3962 apes pea pea sasp 3p7g 2973 276 3979 ape ape spa. p08 spas. 389 380 sper 3982 3938 3987 394 p90 293F 3pa2 3pA5 39n8 spas Spaz spss 383 Ba 389) apse 398F 3gc2 ‘pcs 3pc7 3pca 300 82 THERAINBOW November 1988 308 BFF 34 9628 a 9653 9542 a 5A a 9682 3187 3188 2 Bo7G BLE B2ED 992 as 3188 3189 3188 3187 318A seg 3188 3187 a1a9 aise 318A 399 3B a1e8 3ia9 5188 3187 aia gaa 3B suse 3187 3189 318s. 318A 9576 3 suse 3189 3B 3188 3187 5184 969 bias 3187 aug auea 548 388 aug 3. aie 3187 318A 936 3188 3187 318s 3108 318A 22 3188 gpig gp1sp 5169 9179 gpiag 9139 5209 pp218 99229 90239 pn243 e258 o268 po27p goes 99298 0309 posip 9932p 9339 goseg 9358 59360 99378 9388 99398 a90a9 spas go02p 99039 906g ga65p sa66g 9478 g9cay 3498 39389 9519 99509 go5g 9549 99359 0569 90578 gases 59598 co posis gosag pep speug spes9 ape69 opere socep secon 99799 sorig 99728 e738 gp7ag 99759 so76p 99778 goveg 59799 seegp pep pp82p 0835 poeap pass posep pep posep peop e989 ap. PHODE LoorL Loor2 RANDOM a ean @ eae a 23 ry oat FINisi ‘susp STB STA TA. SUBA sm Bsr, STA ws st BSR sUBA STA 1A SUBA STA ESR SUBA ADDA STA. st LBsR suBA STA 1A SUBA ADDA, STA ase, DA. SuBA ADDA sta a. SUBA, sta asa, wa st 1A. ‘ADDA STA. BSR SUBA STA. a SUBA STA. LBSR 1s SBFLF 59628 $9659 39542 a 5954a 39682 ean 2 spo7e END. $B3ED 35 How. sHOwL suo 62 aw PAGE 1 Peis GRAPHICS SCREEN coLok se 1 REGISTER B 70 FPL GET RANDOM(2) FPL 70 REGISTER D GET -1 OR g [-sSEFAPSET; S-PRESET POINT 1 Pornr 2 Pornt 3 POINT 4 POINT 5 Porn 6 Pornt 7 Porsr 8 303 3904, 307 303. apoE. spor Spe ayes. 5p Sep Spee apr 3pr2 385 apr? 3pr9 spre Sper spt 31g3 3185 3p ag. 31p0 SUF sun sue a7 aug aus mp na aa 3125. 3127 3129 size Sur 3132 a4 3136 3139 suse a3F na 3ua 316 249 buse Suse. ausg 3133 3156 3138 asa aise asF nie nies ne? sis aise 3L6F 372 3174 3176 3179 3170 SUF 31a1 51aa pias aie? nee 3189 318a 3187 BRAD 3187 2p F33 oF Ags FF2A 3189 oa 9374 3189 og BE, oa 9374 3189 a8 BE, oo 9374 3189 oo BE oa 9374 3189 og BE ow 9376 3189 apg BE oo 937% 3189 apg BE o 9374 3189 cpap a 937% 3189 ag 3 oo 9374 3183 ‘pep BE 6 3374 s188 apep 35 a 9376 3188 pep BE o 9376 3099 sps1g 99929 99939 9043 90958 9969 99979 99985 199995 one pigip pig2p pip9p suow. pigap pigse pigeg 178 suow2 pipes wisp ngs pug giz suows mise pila usp plies SLL7B sHows pisp ot niga mig 1229 snows pag pi20p pase pizeg L278 sHows gizag pi2sp wi3e9 misig 1s2p sow pi33g gag 9135p sites 9137p SHOWS prise pissp nage pag 9142p sous pag sites piesg pice BLETB SHOW uses pass puspe psig piseg sHowia pusap mise p153p prises gis7g suow2 prises piseg pleas pieig preg pissp w hess x pLe3p piseg vy wis79 DECB cure BE INCA one B10 JSR 1BEQ Cres ISR Sur wo st STB ase io ADDA, sta STB. ask ADDA, STA ste sa ADA, st STB ask sta STB ISR ‘app STA STB sR ip ‘apo STA. STB ISR i ‘sp0D sta. STB ISR DDB sta ose io DDD STA. STB ISR. ip. DDD sto Is ip ADDD STA. STB ats RMB 2. 2s. END y L00P2 N #82 Loot [saga] any repute START $950a, x By 1 PsEr x #549 x a PSET x asep x n POET x #309 x n PSer sag m cat PSEr x as4gag x 1 PsEr xx sepa x ML PSET x #scpag xL n PSEr x co x u SET x sapeg x ML PSET x wsene x ce PSET xx sone x a 1 1 i a p MODE SET FOR TEXT SCREEN Rts IF SQUARE. SQUARE SQUARE SQUARE SQUARE SQUARE SQUARE Square SQUARE SQUARE Square SQUARE, a Baste 1 w a 2 Hin. Cursor Controls Memory location 63372 con- trols the blink rate of the cursor on the CoCo 3s 40- and 80- column text screens. Simply poke this location with any value from 0 to 255 to change the rate. The default value is 11. Lower values increase the blink rate while larger values make the cursor blink slower. If you want to stop the Hi- Res cursor from blinking alto- gether, enter POKE63361,0. To restart the blinking, enter POKE 63361,1, Ken Ostrer Vancouver, Washingron Hint HPRINT Shortened When entering BASIC pro- grams, | like to use the shorthand version of the PRINT command (typing a question mark instead of typing out PRINT). Unfortu- nately, if you try entering 4? on the CoCo 3 (instead of HPRINT), you will get a syntax error upon running the program, To solve this problem, enter the entire listing using 42. Then save the listing in ASCH format and re- load it. All H? commands will be changed to HPRINT. Carl England Calhoun, Georgia Hint. BASICally a Setup In order to make using my CoCo a little easier, I saved a program on my utilities disk that sets the printer baud rate, drive selection and other parameters. To make things even simpler, I named the program *.Bas. Now when I want to start working, 1 just enter RUN"* and let the com- puter set itself up, much in the way an AUTOEXEC file works on MS DOS systems. Harold Grumann Auanta, Georgia November 1988 THERAINBOW 83

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