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CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION (OPERATION AND NAINTENANCE OF 152/3SKV SUBSTATION REFERENCES: [1] Principles of Power Systems by V.K. Mebtha [2] Electrical Power Systems by C.L. Wadhwa [3] Power System Engineering by ML, Soni [4] Electrical & Electronics Measurement &lnsiruments by A.K Sawhney Dhanpat Rai (OPERATION AND NAINTENANCE OF 152/3SKV SUBSTATION CONCLUSION ‘Transmission and distibution staions exist at various scales throughout a power system, In genera, they represent an interface between different levels or sections of the power system, with the capability to switch or reconfigwe the connections among vatious ‘ransmission and distibution Lines, The major stations include a contol room from which operations are coordinate. ‘Smaller distribution substaions follow the same principle of receiving power at higher voltige on one side and sending out a number of distribution feeders at lower voltage fon the other, but they serve a more limited local area and are generally unsalted ‘The central component of the substaion is the transformer, a it provides the effective in enfice etween the high and lo voltage parts of the system. Other crucial components are circult breakers and switches. Breakers serve as protective devices that ‘open automatically in the event of a fault, that is, when a protective’ relay indicates ‘excessive citent due to some abnormal condition. Switches are contol devices that can ‘be opened or closed deliberately to establish or break a conection, ‘An important difference between circuit breakers and switches is that breakers are designed to interrupt abnormally high currents (as they ooew only in those very situations for which cisuit protection is needed), whereas regular switches are designed to be operable under normal currents Breakers are placed on both the high= and low-voltage sie of transformers, Finally, substations may also include capacitor banks to provide voltage support (OPERATION AND NAINTENANCE OF 132/33KV SUBSTATION 3 IMPORTANT POINTS TO BE KEPT IN VIEW WHILE LAYING OUT THE SUBSTATION ‘Substations are important part of power systom., The continuity of supply depends to 3 ‘considerable extent upon the successful operation of sub-stations. It is, therefore, essential to exercise utmost care while designing and building. a substation. The Following are the important points which must be kept in view while laying out 3 substation: > It should be located at a proper site. As far'as possible, it should he Located al the centre of gravity of loud. > It should provide safe and reliable arrangement, For safety, consideration must be uulven Wo the maintenance of regulation clearances, facilites for carrying out tepalts ‘and maintenance, sbnoriaal accurtences such as pensibility of explesien or fire etc For reliability, consideration must be given for good design and construction, the provision of suitable protective gear etc > It should be easily operated snd maintained. I stoukd involve mainiowm capital cost (OPERATION AND NAINTENANCE OF 132/33KV SUBSTATION 5.1 TRANSFORMER PROTECTION > Staton Transformer: HG Fuse protection on HV side and fuse protection en LV side and Vent pipe, > Power trausformers up to 7SMVA: HY side: O/L. & Directional B/L pretection with highest element in O/L relays. LV side: O/L & E/L protection Buchholz Relay OLTC Buchholz Relay OTT and WT Power tvansiormers fiom 8OMVA ad above: HV side O/L & Directional BA pricetion with igh set ckmem in O/L relays, LV side OL & EM protection: differential protection Buchholz Relay OLTC Buchholz Relay OTL, WT and PRY > Power transformers from 31.5MVA and above: Over Mux protestion & LV WTI in addition t protection 4.2 FEEDER PROTECTION > 33KV feeders: Non directional O/L & FIL protection with highest and IDMT ccharactersties, > 132K fecders: Main protection: Distance protection. Bac up protection: Directional OIL & FIL protection > 220KV feeders: Main-1 prosection. Distance protectionMain-2proteetion: Distance prctection, LBB protection, pole discrepaneyRely. OPERATION AND NAINTENANCE OF 132/33KV SUBSTATION 49.1 Capacitor Control Ie Usual Done To Achieve The Following Goals > Reduce losses duc to reactive load curtent: > Reduce KVA demand, decrease customer energy consumption, > Improve voltage profile. and increase revenve. > Indirectly capacitor control also results in longer equipment lifetimes because of reduced equipment stesses Experience shows that switchal feeder capacitors produce some of the fastest returns ‘on equipment investment Sources of Energy Loss. Energy losses im transmission lines and transformers are of two kinds: resistive and reactive, ‘The former are caused by resistive ‘component of the lead and cannot be avoided. The later, coming from resctive component of the Hoa, can be avoid Reelowp eam BoRaderleeet I Fig 49.1.1 Reactive Losses. (OPERATION AND NAINTENANCE OF 132/33KV SUBSTATION 48.3 Specifications of 132K V/33KV Auto Transformer Insulin level HY L1s90ac395 HVN LIS ACH Ly L1IT0Ac70. Race MYA 100 ited KY 90 Ind HY oR Wao 7a Ly 1290 17321 “Teyeraure Rise oC Topol - 500c Avg DG © 50e Iayptace von vay tot 10222 Noma! Tapcondtions) Hiv uss M7 Ly 250 4.9 CAPACITOR BANK ATTACHED TO THE BUS The capacitor banks are wied across the bus so that the veltage does net get down tll at the require place A cupaciter bank is used in the outgoing bus so that it can maintain the ‘voltage level same in the outgoing fede, Fig: 4.9.1 Capacitor Rank In The Distribution System. (OPERATION AND NAINTENANCE OF 132/33KV SUBSTATION Since the same magnetic flux paises though both the primary ard secondary coils ina ideal wansformer, the instantaneous voltage across the primary winding equals Taking the ratio of the two equations for VS aad VP gives the basic equation for stepping up or stepping dows the voltage Ideal power equation The ideal transformer 4 a circuit element the socondiry col is attached to « Load that allows current 10 flow, electrical power is ‘ansmitted ftom the primary circuit to the secondary circuit Meally, the transformer is perfectly efficient; all the incoming energy is ansfrmed from the primary cireuit to the magnetic field and into the sscondary circuit, I this condition is met the incoming alectsic ‘power must equal the outgoing power Giving the ideal tansiormes equation Transformens are efficent so this forma is reasonable approxination, Ifthe votiage is increased, then the current is decreased by the same factor. If an impedance ZS is atached across the terminals ofthe secondary coil, it appears to ‘the primary circuit to have an impedance of 78 = (VS/IS) Fig: 48.2.2 Three Phase SOMVA Auto Transformer. (OFERATION AND NAINTENANCE OF 132/33KV SUBSTATION Fig: 4.8.1 Ideal Transformer. ‘An ideal transformer 1s shown in the adjacent figure; Curent passing through the primary coil creates a magneic field, The primary and secondary ceils are wrapped around a core of very high magnetic permeability, such a iron, so that most of the magnetic ‘ux passes Uuough both primary and Secondary coils 48.2 Induction hw ‘The vohage induced across the secondary coil may be calculated from Faaday's Jaw of induction, which states thal, where VS isthe instantansous voltage, NS is the number ‘f tums in the secondary coil and equals the magnetic flux through one um of the coil If the tums of the coil are oriented perpendicular to the magnetic field tines, the flux is the Product of the magnetic fehl surength and the area A through which i cuts, The area is ‘constant, being equal to the cross-sectional area of the wansfomner care, whereas the maguetic fleld varies with time according to the excitation of the primary, Fig: Mutual Induction, (OPERATION AND NAINTENANCE OF 132/33KV SUBSTATION 4.8 TRANSFORMERS Transformers come in a range of sizes from 2 thumbnail-sized coupling uansformer hiddsn inside @ stage mictophone to huge units weighing hundreds of tons used to intercounest portions of national power grids, All operate with the same basic principles, although the range of designsis wide, While new technologies have eliminated the need for transformers in some elctronic circuits tansformers are sill found in neatly all electronic devices designed for household ("mains") voltage. Transformers are essential for high ‘voltage powertransmission, which miakes long distance transmission economically practical. 48.1 Rast Principle “The vansformar is based on two principles: Firstly, that an clectsic curent ean proxuce ‘a magnetic fleld (electromagnetism) and secondly that a changing magnetic fled within a coll of wite induces a voltage actos the ends of the col (electromagnetic induction) ‘Changing te current in the primary coil changes the magnetic Flux that is developed, ‘The changing magnetic flux induces a voltage in the secondary col, (OPERATION AND NAINTENANCE OF 132/33KV SUBSTATION Operating Sequence 0.00%:-C).3min-CO Total Mass OF SF6Gas wag SBé Gas Pressure AT 20¢1013hpa +: 6.3bar foal Mass Of The CircultBieaker —: 1300kg Reference Standard TEC-56 461 Name Plate Details of 38K Vacuum CB Votage 36KV Frequency SOHZ Noumal Current 800A, SYM Breaking Capacity 25KA Short Time Curent SKA Dusation 3see Making Capseity 63KA(peak) PAF Watstand OK Impulse ITOK (peak) Shunt Trip cot 20D Spring RELCoil upc Total Weight 200K Opaaing Sequence D-AMIN.CO-3MIN-CO Type N36 3AF 4.7 BUS “The bus i «line in which the incoming feeders come into and get into the instruments {for further step up or step down, ‘The firs bus is used for putting the incoming feeders in La single line. There may be double line inthe bus so that if any Fault occurs in the one the other can still have the current and the supply will not stop. ‘The nwo lines in the bus are separated by litte distnce by a conductor having a connector between them. Thisis that one ean work ta time and the other works only ifthe fist is having any fault, (OPERATION AND NAINTENANCE OF 132/33KV SUBSTATION 46.1 SP6 Circuit Breakers Sulphur hexaflueride (SF6) is an inert, heavy ges having good diclectrie and ae extinguishing propemties. The dielectic strengih of the g Increases wiih pressure and is more than the dielectric seagth of oll at 3 kylcm2. SF6 is now being widely used in eletiica equipment like high vohage metal enclosed cables: high voltage metal clad switchgear ccapaclwors, clicuit breakers, current tnsformers, bushings, et. The gas is liquefied a certain low temperature, liquidification temperature incresses with the pressure. Some of the properties of SF6 are > Very high dielectric suength > High thermal and chemical inertia > Supetior are extinguishing capability > Low decomposition by arcing 4.62 Vacuum Circuit Breakers ‘Vacuum type of circuit breakers is used far small KV rated ations below 33KV. They ae only used i low distribution side 46.3 Name Plate Detalls of 32K SFO CB Type Rated Voltage Lightning Impulse Withstand Rated Frequency ‘Normal Current Rated Shert Circuit Breaking Currest Symmetical ‘Agmmetrical Raed Short Cieuit Making Current OuvOF-Phase Breaking Curent Rated Brake Time Rated Shert Time Curent 200SEM-404 skV «50K (Peak) sowz 1000 315KA, 372K SOKAWesk) T9KA oms(3 Cycles) 40KA For 3 See (OPERATION AND NAINTENANCE OF 132/33KV SUBSTATION Fig: 4.6.1 Chreuit Breaker > varians operating mechanisms 1 Spring charge mechanism, 2. Pneumatic mechanism, 3 Hydiaue Mechanism, > Are quenching medium 1 Bulk oil ealed bulk oil circuit breakers-BOCB) 2 Minimum cil (called minimum oil circuit breakers-MOCB) 3) Natural air (called ais erouit breakers ACB) 4159) 4 Forced sir (called air blast creuit hesker-ABCB) 5 Vacuum (called vacuum circuit breaker-VCB) 6 SF6 gas called Sulphur Hexafhoride-SF6 gis CB) ‘The present trend is up to 33KV, VCBs are prefered and beyond 33KV, SF6 20s circuit breskers are prefered. “There ae mainly two types of cireut breakers used for any substations. They are (a) SF6 circuit breaks, (b) Vacuum circuit breakers. (OPERATION AND NAINTENANCE OF 132/33KV SUBSTATION > Ratio Testi By applying single phase voltage across primary the voltage induced in the secondary winding isto be measure. This is approximately equal to veltage applied inthe primary winding o1 voltage ratio ofthe PT. Polarity test: at the time of commissioning (at least on the PTs comected to revere meters) > PT secondary injection check 45.2.4 General checks for PT > Mechanical alignment for PT power jaws > PT primary winding star earthing > Tighness ofall connections > Primarylsecondary fie ratings > PT specifications In PT no of secondary cores is 1 or more than 1 based on the requirement, Generally in IIKV ce 33K tus PTS there is one secondary winding which is used beth for protection land metering and in 132KV and above, there are two secondary cores, Firs core is of metering, core with 1,0 or 0.5 of 0.2 accuracy classes. This will be used metering, directional over current protection and distance protection 4.6 CIRCUIT BREAKER ‘The circait breakers are used to break the clzcuit if any faulk oscus in any of the inctmument. Those cicuit breaker beaks for a fault which can damage other instrument in the station, Foc any unwanted fault ever the station we need to break the Hae current, This is only ‘done automaticaly by the cicuit breaker. > Operation mechanism function, > Arcquenching function (OPERATION AND NAINTENANCE OF 132/33KV SUBSTATION 45.2.1 Basic Design Prindple of Voltage Transformers ‘The base principle involved in the designing of Voltage Transformer is Voltage Ratio =Tums Ratio Vel ¥s=Ne/Ns "Thus Ny Ve= Nex Vs Asheavy primary voltages will be reduced to low secondary voltages, it will have more tums in the primary & less tums in the secondary. ft must always be connected in parallel only. Even If we connect f diecily rom high voluage to earth. It'S not going 1 be a shart circuit as is jrimary winding has very high resisance, Is core is a set of assembled laminations, It operates ‘at constant fluc density. The standards ave IEC — eQ0044~— 2 and IS 3156. Fig: 452.11 Potential Transformer. 45.2.2 Simple Line Diagram of Voltage Transformer hy Tem, se/* *\geaueey TeMNALS fu 52.2.1 Line Diagram of VT. 45.2.3 Tests generally to be conducted on the PTs Insulation resistance values (IR values): primary to eath, primary to sevondaiy core-1, primaty to secondary core-2, corel 10 eatth, core 2 10 eatth ‘and core-1 to cote These values are to be checked with 1000V insulation tester (meggen) or preferably with SOOV insulation tester (OPERATION AND NAINTENANCE OF 132/33KV SUBSTATION SO0/L-1, 066-1 RATIO ‘CORE NUMBER T 2 RATED PRIMARY wo CURRENT (A) ARY & SO | S00 | SOME | S007 SECONDARY T Ish 2si2@ | 2sta3 | 361-32 CONNECTION RATED SECONDARY 1 1 0.66 1 CURRENT(A) ‘OUTPUTVA) w ‘ACCURACY CLASS %p TSHALF 20 Retat7¥C (hus) [| — [<3 Table tS. EX” Specifications of IVC NOTE > CT secondary citcuit and PT primary should sever be open circuited. It is vulnerable tothe CTPT > CT primury circuit and PP secondary should never be short circuited. 4.52 Potential Transformers (PT) ‘An instrument transformer ia which the secondary voltage. in normal conditions of use, is substantially proportional to the primary voltage and differs in phase from it by an angle ‘which is approximately zero for an appropriate direction of the comections (OPERATION AND NAINTENANCE OF 132/33KV SUBSTATION Ratio $00.600.400/1-1-1-1 CORE NUMBER | T[2 | t Ls RATED PRIMARY | m0 CURRENT (A) RATED SECONDARY 1 1 1 toh CURRENTIA) ourpunvay | ~ —— |= - [30 RCCURACY CLASS | PS ps [pss ISHA.LE = TURN RATIO 2nsoo | 1200) 800 RCT at 75C AT SOOT | T ohms) & e § ‘Table: 45.14. Specifications of HVCT. [At the rate of LV (132KV) side we can use 1:3 cone CT. The specifications of LVCT are given below: AS.LS_ Specifications of LYCT ‘Type ras Frequency 50H Hsv/Nsv 145/132 KY BIL 630/275 KY Oil weight T5Ke ‘Toul weight 550K, (OPERATION AND NAINTENANCE OF 132/33KV SUBSTATION 45.1.2 Simple Line Diagram of Current Transformer ‘The Line diagram of a current wansformer contains different components: Fig: 45.21 Line Diagram of CT 4.51.3 Tests generally to be conducted on CT > Insulation resistance values (IR values): Primary to earth, piimry to secondary corel, primaty to secondary core?, corel to earth, core? to earth and corel to core2, Primary to earth and primary to secondary coves ate to be checked ‘with SKV motor operated insulation tester (megger) and secondary to earth values ‘ate to be checked with 1000V insulation tester or preferably with SOOV insulation > Ratio test: Primary injection testis tobe conducted for this purpose TANDELTA test on 132KV CTs and above vw Secondary and leal resistance check wv ‘Secondary injection check v Primary injection check. 45.14 Specifications of HVCT Type rr24s Frequency 0H HSV 4S KV BIL 460/1050KY Oil weight 360kgs Foal weight 2s0kgs (OPERATION AND NAINTENANCE OF 132/33KV SUBSTATION 45.1.1 Basic Design Principle of Current Transformers, ‘The basi principle nluced in designing of current transformers is Primary ampere tums ~ Secondary ampere wus Where, Ip - Primary current Np Primary Winding Turns 1s - Secondary Current: Ns- Secondary Winding ‘Turn > Ampereturas plays very important vole in designing curtent transformers, ‘Current transformers must be connected in series only % (Carrent transformer has less no of turns in primary and more no of turns in secondary, v ‘The secondary cument is dizectly proportional to primary cument. > The standards applicableto CTs are IEC-04441 and IS—2705, Fige4S.1.1.1 Current Transformer (OPERATION AND NAINTENANCE OF 132/33KV SUBSTATION Line trap also is known as Wave trap. What it docs is trapping the high frequency ‘communication signals sent on the line from the remote substation and diverting them to the {eleconrtele protection panel inthe substation control room through coupling capacite. Figdt Wave Trap ‘This is relevant in Power Line Carrier Communication (PLOC) systems for ‘communication among various substations without dependence on the telecom company network, The signals are primaily tele protection signals and in addition, voice and data communication signals, The Line trap offers high impedance to the high frequency ‘communication signals thus obstructs the flow of these signals in wo the substation bus bas. If ‘these are not present in the substation, then signal lows i more and communication will be Inetlect ve/prebably impossib. 4.5 INSTRUMENT TRANSFORMERS “Instrument Transformers ate defined as the instruments in which the secondary currest o¢ voltage is substantially proportional tothe primary current or volte and fers in phase from, iby anangle whichis approximately zero for an appropriate drection of connection”. Direct measurement of current or voltaze in high voltage system isnot possible because of high values and insulation problems of measuring instruments they cannot be sitectly used for provection purposes. Instrument transformers are of two types: > Curent Transformers > Voltage Transformess 45.1 Current Transformers: Current transformer is a cument measuring device used to measare the currents in high voltage lines ditcetly by stepping down the currents to measurable values by means of eloctiomagnetic circuit (OPERATION AND NAINTENANCE OF 132/33KV SUBSTATION 43.1 Specifications of CVE CVT type Weight owl output simultaneous Owpur maximum Rated vokage Highest system voltage Rated frequency Nominal intermediate voliage Voltage factor SHE? capacitance Primary capacitance CL Secondary capacitance C2 Voltage ratio Voltage Burden Chis 4.4 WAVE TRAP CVERI245/1050 665ke 250VA T50VAa5PC ALN, 220N3 ALN, 24503 sot ALN,20N3 KV 1.2Cont. 1.5230 see 4400p 110% -$9% A840pF 410% 3% 48400 pF +10%-5% 220000) 110N3/110-1 1103 0-110 150 100 os Wave tap is an instrument using for trapping of the wave ‘The function of this ‘wave trap is that it traps the unwanted waves. It shape is like « dium. It is connected to the main incoming fealer so that it can tap the waves which may be dangerous to the instument in the substation, Generally itis wsed to exclude unwanted frequency components such as noise or other interference. of a wave, (Note: Traps are usually unable to permit sclection of unwanted or interfering signals. (OPERATION AND NAINTENANCE OF 132/33KV SUBSTATION Fig: 4.3.1 Circuit Diggramof CV.T The device has at least four terminals, # high-voltage terminal for connection to the igh voltage signal, 2 ground terminal and at least one set of secondary terminals for cconrection to the instrumentation or protective felay. CVTs are typically single-phase devices ted for measuring voltages in excess of one Inunited KV where the use of voluage transformers ‘would be unecononiical, ln praciice the frst capacitor, C1, often replaced by a stack of capacitors connected. in series. This results ina large voltage drop across the stack of ‘cepacitors, that replaced the first capacitor and a comparatively small voluge drop across the second capacitor, C2, and hence the secondarytemnitals, ba Fig: 43.2 Capacitor Voltage Transformer. DEPT OF EES, SKIT rages (OPERATION AND NAINTENANCE OF 132/33KV SUBSTATION 4.2 EARTHING ‘The earthing practice adopted at generating stations, sub-stations and lines should be in such manerasto provide in units of ohms > Safetyto perromel > Minimum damage to equipment as 4 result of low of heavy fault cumrents Improve relisblity of power supply > Large substations > Simall substations > Power staions .05 > Distribution tansfoctner stations: 5 42.1 In All Sub-Stations There Shall be Provision For arthing The Following > The neutal point of earth separate system should have an independent eath, which in tum should be inserconsected with the sation grounding mat Equipment fame work and other won-curent carrying pars. All extraneots metic fiame work not associated with equipment (we connections) > The earth conductor of the tat could be buried under edith to economical depth of burial of the mat 0.5 meters. 4.3 CAPACITOR VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER (CVT) A capacitor voluge transformer (CVT) is a transformer used in power systems sepdown exira high vollge signals and provide low yolage signals elther for measurement oF toopente a protective relay These are high pass Fllers (carrier frequency SOKHZ w 500 KHZ) pass cartier frequency to cartier panels and power frequency parameters to switch yatd, In ts most basie form the device consists of thie parts: vo capacitors acoss which the voltage signal isspit, am inductive elemen wed to tune the device an! a transformer used to isolate and further slep- down the voltage DEPT OF EES, SKIT rage? (OPERATION AND NAINTENANCE OF 132/33KV SUBSTATION Fig: Lightning Arrester 41.2The Action of The Lightning Arrester or Surge Diverter is as Under "> Under normal eperation, the ligatnng anester is off the line Le. it conducts no cutrent to earth ot the gap is non-conducting On the occurrence of over voltage, the air insulation across the gop Ieaks down and ‘an are is formed providing a low resbtaice pal for the surge Whe ground. Ia this way, the excess charge en the line due to the surge is harmlessly conducted through ‘the artester tothe ground instead of being sent hack over the line v 1 is worthwhile to mention the function of noa-tinear resistor in the operation of arrester. As the gap sparks over due to over vohage, the ae would be a short circuit on the power system and may cause power-follow current in the arrester. Since the characteristic of the resistor is to offer Inw resistance to high voltage (or cursent), it ives the effect of short cicuit, After the surge is over, the resistor offers high resistance to make the gapnon conducting The LA voltuge rating corresponding to the system voltages are indicated below Rated system Highest system “Arcester rating ip KV Vottage (KV) Voltage (KV) Eticctively earthed systems 1 1% a w 3 0 % RS wo rir Tas TRV? ated 20 aE TRIB Tate 00 0 3G DEPT OF EES, SKIT rages (OPERATION AND NAINTENANCE OF 132/33KV SUBSTATION 4.1 LIGHTENING ARRESTERS Lightening arresters ate the instruments that are used in the itcoming feeders so thst to ‘prevent the high voltage eateting the main station, This high voltage is very dangerous to the instuiments used in the substation, Even the instuments are vety costly, 40 to prevent atty damage lightening arresters are used. The lightening arresters do notlet the lightening to fall ‘on the station, If some lighteuing occurs the arrestors pull the lightening and ground it to the cath, Ia any substation the main importnt is of protection which is firstly done by these Hightening arrestors, The lightening arrestrs are grounded to the earth so that ican pull the lightening o the ground. "Thess ate Locsked at the entrance of the trausmission line in to the substation and as near 1% possible to dhe uraasformer terminals ‘The lightning amesers or surge diverters provide protection against such surges. A lightning arrester or a surge diverter is a protective device, which condusts the high voltage sages on the power sysien'to the ground, Fig.1.11 (i) Surge Diverter (i)Characteristics of The Noa Linear Resister DEPT OF EES, SKIT rages (OPERATION AND NAINTENANCE OF 132/33KV SUBSTATION 3.1 SINGLE LINE DIGRAM A Single Line Diagram (SLD) of an Eletrical Systom is the Line Diagram of the ‘concerned Electrical System which includes all the required electrical equipment connection sequence wise from the point of entrance of Power up to the end of the scope of the mentioned Work. As in the ease of 132KV Subsation, the SLD shall show Lightening Amrstor C/PP-T Unit, Kolators, Protection and Metesing PT & CT Circuit Breakers, again olstors ‘and citeuit Breakers. Main Power ‘Transformer, all protective devices/rlays and other spectad equipment like CVT. GUARD RINGS. ec as per design criteria. And the symbols ate shown below, There are several feeders nter into the substation and carrying out the power, As these feeders enterthe station they are to pass through various instruments 32. FEEDER CERCUIT Ligteuing crestor, evr Wave tap Isolators with Earth Switch ‘Current Transformer Circuit Breaker Feeder Bus Isoator bus Potential Transformer in the Bus with «Bus Islator, DEPT OF EES, SKIT rages (OPERATION AND NAINTENANCE OF 132/33KV SUBSTATION There are several ways of classifying sub-stutions, However, the twa most important ‘ways of classifying them are accnding to (1) service requirement and (2) constructional features 2 ACCORDING TO THE REQUIREMENT ‘A sub-station may be called upon to change voltage level er improve power facter or comert AC. power into D.C. power ete. Acconding to the service requirement, sub-stations maybechssified inv: 1 Transformer sub-stations 2 Switching substations 3 Power factor correction substations 4 Frequeney changer sub-stations 5 Converting substations 6 Industeial sub-siations 2.2 ACCORDING TO THE CONSTRUCTIONAL FEATURES ‘A substation has many components (e.g circuit breakers, switches, fuses, instruments tc.) which must be housed properly to ensure continuous and reliable service. Acconling to constructional festures, the sub-stations are clasified as 1 Indoor substation 2. Outdoor substation 3 Underground sub-station 4 Pole-mounted sub-station DEPT OF EES, SKIT ages (OFERATION AND NAINTENANCE OF 132/33KV SUBSTATION > ‘The land should be have sufficient ground area to accommodate substation ‘equipments, buildings, saff quarters, space for storage of material, such a store ‘yards and store shads etc. with roads and space for future expansion > Sot back distances from various roads such as Nation Highways Siate > Whik selecting the land for the substation preference to be given to the Got. Land ove Private land, 2.1.1 Diagram of Substation DEPT OF EES, SKIT Yagez (OPERATION AND NAINTENANCE OF 132/33KV SUBSTATION 1.1 INTRODUCTION OF SUBSTATION The presentlay electrical power system is A.C. ie. eleenic power is gerersted, transmitted and distibuted in the form of altemating current. It is delivered to the consumer through a large network of transmission and distrtution, At many places in the line of the power system, it may be desirable and necessary to change some churaderitic (€g. vollage, A.C.10 D.C., frequency, Power factor etc) of electric supply. This is accomplised by suitable appara called sub-staion, For example, generation voltage (IKV or 66KV) at the power staion is sipped up to high voltage (say I32KY ce 2OKV) for tansmission of electric power. The assembly of apparatus (e.g twansformer cte) used for this purpose is the sub-station, Simiaily, aca the consumer's localities, the voltage may have to be stepped down 1 utilization level. This job is again accomplished by a suitable apparatus called ‘substation, 1.2 CONS STRUCTION OF A SUBSTATION A the time of constructing & substation, we have to comsider some factors which affect the substation efficiency lke selection of site 1.2.1 Selection of Site Main points to be considered while selecting the ste for EHV Sub-Station are as follows ‘The site chosen should be as near to the load centie as possible > It should be easily approachable by road or mail for transportition of| ‘equipments > Land should be fairly levelled to minimize development cost > ‘The substation sie should be as near to the town / city but should be clear ‘of public places, seredromes, and Military / police insallatiens DEPT OF EES, SKIT rage? LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS EHV -Eswal Voltage SLD ~ Sugl Line Diagrtn PT Potential Transormer CE Curent Transformer HYCT - High Voluge Cr LVCT Low Voltage CT CVE ~ Capacitor Voltage Transformer LA Lightening Anesies ES - Eanh Switches CB Citosit Breer HV side ~ High Voltage Side LV side — Low Voltage Side PLCC - Power Line Carier Communication OLTC —~On load Tap Changer HG Fuse -Hom GapFuse OTF —-olL Temperature indeaor WT Winding Temperature Indicator IDMT Characteristics ~ Inverse Definite Minimum Time Characteristics, Fig:1.21 Fig.4.11.1 Fig: 4.1.12 Fig: 43.1 Fig: 43.2 Fig. Fig45.101 Fig: 4512.1 Fig: Figs 4522.1 Fig 461 Fig: 4.8.1 Fig 48.11 Fig: 48.2.1 Fig. 48.20 Fig: 49.1 Fig: 49.1.1 LIST OF FIGURES Diagram of Substation () Surge Diverter (i)Cvaracterisics of The Non Linear Resister Lightning Arrester iret Diagram of CVT Capacitor Voltage Transformer, Wave Trap Curren Transformer Line Diagram of C.1 Potential Transfonner. Lie Digiainof V.T Circuit Breaker ecvical Transformer. Ideal Transformer. ‘Mutua induction Three Pha SOMVA Auto Transformer CCapscitor Ban In The Distibution System Readtive Losses 46 47 48 49 CHAPTERS Su 32 33 4.51.5 Specifications of | LYCT 45.2 Povental Transformers 4.52.1 Basic Design Principle of Voltige Transformers 452.2 Simple Line Diagram of Voltage Transformers 4.52.3 Tests Genenlly To Be Conducted on The P.Ts 4.52.4 General Checks For PT Greuit Breaker (C.B) 46.1 SF6 Circuit Breaker 462 Vascum Cireuit Breaker 463 Name Plite Details of 132KV SB CB 4644 Name Plite Deuils of 33KV Vaccum C.B Bus Transformer 48.1 Basic Principle 48.2 Inducton Law 48.3 Specifications of IS2KVA3KV Auto TE Capicitor Bank Attiched To The Bus 49.1 Capicior Control is Usually Done To Achive The Following Goals PROTECTION FOR VARIO! Transformer Protection Feeder Protection Important Points To Be Kept fn View While Laying Out The Substation US EQUIPMENTS CONCLUSION REFERENCES 13 “4 15 15 15 16 16 18 18 18 19 19 20 20 24 23 23 24 23 25 26 28. CHAPTER CHAPTER-1 1 12 CHAPTER2 20 CHAPTER3 3 CHAPTER4 41 INDEX £NO LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF ABBREVATIONS INTRODUCTION Inuoduction of Substaton > 1 Construction of A Substation 1 12.1 Selection of Site 1 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBSTATION According To The Requirements 3 ‘According To The Constructiondl Features 3 SINGLE LINE DIAGRAM Single ine diagrams 4 Feeder Circuit 4 BRIEF DISCRIPTION OF INSTRUMENTS IN THE SUBSTATION Lightning Arrester 5 4411 ‘The Action of The Lightning 5 Eanthing 7 42.1 In All Substations There Shall Be Provision For Earthing The Following 7 Capscitar Votkage Transformers (CVT) 7 43.1 Speeifications of CVT ° Wave tap 9 Instrument Transformer 10 45.1 Curent Transformer (C.D) 10 4.5111 Basic Design Principle of C.T ul 451.2 Simple Line Dagam of CT 12 45113 Tests Genenlly To Be Conductedon CT 12 45114 Spectfications of HVCT 2 ABSTRACT A substation receives electrical power from generating station via incoming transmission line and delivers electrical power through feeders and this is used for contolling the power om slifferem routes. Substations are integral part of a power system and form important part of ‘ansmission and distribution network of electrical power system Their muin fusetions are to receive energy transmited at high soltage from the genetuting stations, reduce the voltageto & ‘value appropriate for local distribution and provide facilities for switching some substation are Simply switching stations different conaedtions between various transmission lines are made, thers are converting substations which either convent AC into DC or vice-versa of convert frequency from higher to lower or vice-versa'The Various elrculs @e Joined together through these compouenis to a busbar st substation Basically, sub-siation consists of power ‘vansfomners, circuit breakers, relays, isolators, esrthing switches, current tansfommers, vokage transformers, syachronous condensers! capacitor banks els:This mini project covers the important equipmens & their fusction in a sub- staion, And also an aterupt is made to cover the general maintenance of substation and checks the observations to be mae by shift engineer As & putt of case study we ae going to visit @ 13233Ky TRANSCO substation in Khammam. DECLARATION: We declare that the project report ented is doe by us, subunited in partial fulfilment of ‘the requirements forthe award of the degree in BACHELOR OF TECHNOLOGY. GRAVI KUMAR r1eU1A0213 RITRIVENI Tie 1A0242 LVENKATESWARLU 116U1A0217 GRAJASHEKAR REDDY T16UIA0216 ‘SreeKavitha Educational Society's ‘SRE KAVITHA INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY (Approved hy AICTE -New Delhi & Affiliated to INTU- Hyderabad ) KKRISHNAFURAM (V), MADHIRA (M), KHAMMAM-507203(T.S) CERTIFICATE ‘This is cemify that the min projectreport Entited OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF 132/33KV SUBSTATION Is abonafide record of workcarried out by We here by accord my approval of it as a mini projest report carted out and presented in a ‘manner required forts acceptance in fulfillment for award of degree of Bachelor of Technology in Electrical & Electronics Engineering in Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad, PROJECT GUIDE HEAD OF THE DEPARTMENT (Ms.R.RAMADEVI.B.Tech Mr.G.VENKATM Tech Assistant Professor Assistant professor. A Mini Project Report on. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF 132/33KV SUBSTATION Mini Project Submitied in Fulfillment of The Requirements | For The Award of The Degiee BACHELOR OF TECHNOLOGY N ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING Submited By .RAVI KUMAR T16ULA0213 R.TRIVENL TU LA222 LVENKATESWARLU 11610217 : GRAJASHEKAR REDDY 11eUIA02I6 Under the guidance of Ms.RRAMADEVI B.Tech Asst Professor, EEE Department DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING SreeKavitha Educational Society's SRE KAVITHA INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY (Approved by AICTE -New Delhi & Affiliated to JNTU- Hydenahod ) KRISHNAPURAM (¥), MADHIRA (M), RHAMMAM-507208(T'S) CHAPTER- 5 PROTECTION FOR VARIOUS EQ MENTS CHAPTER- 4 BRIEF DISCRIPTION OF INSTRUMENT IN THE SUBSTATION CHAPTER-3 SINGLE LINE DIAGRAM (S! CHAPTER- 2 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBSTA

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