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NO TO CUTS, WE WANT DECENTJOBS: MARCH supported by the RMT, PCS and CWU national trade unions, UniversityofSussexStudents Union, TamilSolidarityandDay-MerYouth In Barking and Dagenham young people are trapped by unemployment, Pais esWilssVe Nese) poverty and a lack of decent housing. The council and MP's like Margaret Hodge have stood by and watched unemployment rise and the destruction. of industry, with thousands of jobs going over the years at Ford. This used to be an area where affordable council housing was built in areas like Becontree. Jobs and training opportunities were created for generations of young people. Now people in Barking have the lowest average income in London and 55% of children in this area grow up in poverty. NO TO THE BNP! The BNP have no solutions to the problems faced by workers and young people. In this area they have twelve councillors but they have voted through cuts like all the other political parties. BNP leader Nick Griffin is standing in Barkingin the general election, He will be seeking to link attacks on workers living standards with racism against black, Asian and Muslim people, But white workers and young people have more in commen with Asian and Black workers and youth than with a millionaire landowner like Griffin. The BNP spread racist lies and seek to divide workers and ‘young people when we need to be united to fight back against the bosses insatiable desire for profit. WE CAN FIGHT BACK! The politicians from the main parties aren't interested in changing this situation. Their policies will only make it worse. We have no option but to get organised and fight for our future. On the 28 November well over one thousand young people marched on parliament to demand real jobs and free education. This was organised by the Youth Fight for Jobs campaign. Young people are building Youth Fight for Jobs in workplaces, trade unions, colleges, schools and in the communities. If we are united we can fight back for a decent future and to stop the destruction of our communities. Strike action by workers to defend jobs combined with action from young people can force the government and councils to act and retreat from their cuts policies. Youth Fight for Jobs is building a united campaign in this area to fight fora future for young people. This march for jobs will show young people will fight for their future and that racists like the BNP do not represent us. I would like to get involved in Youth Fight for Jobs 0 Annual membership £1 unwaged / £4 waged twill come to the demonstration on 13 March 01 Please return 9 PO Box 858, London, E11 VG ‘email / log on to www.youthfightforlobs,com / call 020 8558 7947

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