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The Royal Portfolio

British Lit Time Period Information

Research for the answers to the following prompts and questions.
Type your information and copy the link to the website that contained the information allow the boxes to expand as you type or insert
You should read various websites to find comprehensive information, but you need to document two independent, reliable and credible
sources that you will use to present your information on your Royal Portfolio site.
When the chart is completed, you will present your information in paragraph form as if you are telling someone the story of England (see
instructions below).
You should not simply string along facts and dates, but create a logical, coherent, sophisticated piece of writing that incorporates senior-level
vocabulary and sentence structure. Review the rubric for standards and criteria for grading.

Literary/Historical Time Period:

What are the
years of the time period?

Keep in mind
that there is really no exact
year, as many historians
have varying ideas of when
a period may begin or finish.
Who are the
major ethnic or cultural

Source #1 and Information

The end of the 5th Century AD thru the end of the 15th
Century AD.


Source #2 and Information

1066- 1485


groups within the time

a. Where
did they come from
b. What
traditions did they bring
with them?
c. What is
their religious focus?
(could be more than

Who is the most
powerful single person who
influences the time period?
a. What
actions did he do to
impact the time period?
b. What
contribution did he
make to the
development of Great

The major ethnic groups were British, French, German,

and Russians during the medieval period.
a.) Russians came from East Europe, the British, the
French, and the Germans came from the West.
b.)A specific conception of the individual expressed by the
existence of, and respect for, a legality that guarantees
human rights and the liberty of the individual
c.) They brought religions like Christianity, Catholicism,
and Orthodox. They brought the renaissance and its

Charlemagne (742-814)
a.) He dramatically expanded the
Frankish Kingdom into Central Europe, conquered
Italy, and aligned with Rome. Eventually, Pope Leo III
crowned him Holy Roman Emperor.
b.) His reign dramatically expanded
Christendom and created schools. As a result of his
educational, religious, scholarly, and artistic efforts, a
European identity and the basis for modern Europe

What influence
did the history or cultural
events have on the literature
of the time? Describe in at
least three statements.

The Medieval History led to religious literature. Secular

literature was also a very popular form of literature thanks
to the history of the middle ages. The Middle Ages also
had literature like allegories and literature from women.
The Events like the plague also influenced the middle ages

The major ethnic group was the Germanic people during

the middle ages.
a.) The Germanic people included the Norwegians,
Swedes, Danes, Icelanders, Germans, Austrians,English,
Dutch, Afrikaners, Flemish, Frisians, Lowland Scots and
b.) The Germanic People brought religion, law, and
c.) Christianity was the Germanic Peoples main religion

The most powerful single person throughout the middle
ages was Charlemagne.
a.) Charlemagnes realm became the Holy Roman Empire,
one of several political entities in Europe whose interests
tended to align with those of the Church.
b.) Church of the Holy Mother of God at Aix-la-Chapelle

It is was passed by word of mouth from one generation to
another by English, Welsh and Irish bards. The origins of
the stories about King Arthur and the Arthurian Legend are
found in many Welsh legends and Celtic Myths which
were told by the Bards who therefore contributed to
Medieval literature. The Epic Poems are also a type of
Medieval Literature. The Dark ages or the Plague also
played a big role into the middle ages literature.

What are the
traits/conventions of the
poetry of the period? (i.e.
extended metaphors,
imagery, etc.)
a. What
are the messages and/or
themes of the poetic
b. Name
the titles and authors of
three pieces of poetry.

Medieval poetry consisted of allegories and secular poetry.
a.) Some messages conveyed in medieval poetry were
Religion, Romance, and some even about Death caused by
the plague.
b.) Christ - Cynewulf
The Canterbury Tales - Geoffrey Chaucer
Piers Plowman - William Langland

What are the
traits/conventions of the
prose writing of the period?
(i.e. extended metaphors,
imagery, etc.)
a. What
are the messages and/or
themes of the prose
b. Name
the titles and authors of
three pieces of prose.

As a literary genre of high culture, romance or chivalric

romance is a type of prose and versenarrative that was
popular in the aristocratic circles of High Medieval and
Early Modern Europe.
a.) - Contemporary society
- Folklore and folktales
- Classical origins
- Religious practices
- Courtly love
b.) - Romance of the Rose

The King of Tars

Romances of Chrtien de Troyes

Medieval poetry also had lyric poetry and its most famous
topic was courtly love.
a.) Medieval poetry gives the messages of religion,
devotion, praise, morals , love.
b.) Hynn to Earth the Mother of All - Homer
The Bacchai- Euripides
The Cambridge Songs
During the Middle Ages Prose literature was popular but
not only in one language but in different languages like
Spanish. Spanish Prose gained popularity when King
Alfonso X el Sabio of Castilla gave support and
recognition to the writing form. He, with the help of his
groups of intellectuals, directed the composition of many
prose works including Las siete partidas, the first modern
book of laws of the land written in the people's language.
a.) - Romance
- Religion
- morals
b.) - Don Juan Manuel : El Conde Lucanor.
- Fernando del Pulgar :the verbal portrait.
- Don Juan Manuel :El libro de los estados on the social

Combine the information into a logical, coherent paragraph that tells the story of the historical and literary time

Remember that a solid, comprehensive, senior-level paragraph is at least 8-10 sentences.
Remember that it has a topic sentence and a concluding sentence.
Remember that you may include information that you recall from research but may not necessarily be part of the
graphic organizer above.

You should create a piece of writing that show how seniors take task, purpose, and audience into careful consideration, choosing words,
information, structures, and formats deliberately during the writing process. Merely copying and pasting information will not meet the Common
Core literacy standards.

From researching The Medieval time period I have learned many interesting facts that I never knew were real or never heard of before. Like
how they use to cut your vain and let blood drain when you were ill. They called this technique bloodletting and it was actually the most common type
of surgery back then. I learned that since back then they were not as advanced as we are today they tried many different remedies to cure diseases. Many
people died because they did not know how to cure even the flu. The doctors during this period were either the butchers or the barbers also they would
use the same instruments to cut hair and perform surgery.Body fluids played a major role in the middle ages they were known as Humors. Humors
could be Urine, mucus, or your blood. In order to treat your illness the doctors would test your body fluids to see what type of treatment you would
get. They also believed that your body fluids or humors represented your health and if you lost your balance between your humors you got sick.They
believed that diseases very either passed on by bad odors or that God was punishing you for your sins. Besides learning about their medical resources I
learned about how the Plague or The black death killed of Europe's population. The issue got so bad that people were only buried a couple feet in
the ground and people's corpus would be dug out and eaten by dogs. During the Middle Ages the monarchies also played a big role in the period. People
use to follow the Royal Touch which is when a monarch would touch an ill person and heal them with the royal touch. Even though some diseases that
used the Royal Touch were easily cured by themselves which made it look like the Royal Touch actually work. I learned a lot of very good information
from my research that I never imagined about. The Medieval Period was filled with many deaths that could have been prevented.

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