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Mythology/Science Fiction

Julie Dillard
Room 118
cell for texting: (775) 636-0748
Who is Mrs. Dillard?
I love my job, and I am happy to be here with you. Though I
didnt really start college with the intention of teaching, I began
teaching freshmen when I was in graduate school in 1993 and just
never left. It seems like a privilege to share your ideas, concerns,
dreams, and humor through our talks and your writing. I learn so much
and am humbled by the quality of people I get to work with here at
Reed. I hope you have a great year in our class. When not in class, Im
with my own family (a husband and four kids), trying to write books, or
planning trips to the beach.
What is this class going to be like?
Our main goals will be to increase both your appetite and stamina
for reading. You should leave our class more confident and capable
about your ability to tackle a variety of texts. Similarly, well work on
growing skills in writing, public speaking, and collaborative
discussion through lots of practice with each.
First semester, well delve into the world of mythology. In addition
to Greek and Roman myths, well look at mythologys place in other
cultures and at mythologys influence on modern life and popular
culture. Well study the stories told by people around the world, stories
that seek to answer life's essential questions. Well look at how myths,
legends, and folktales help people understand human nature and how
studying them helps us understand and better appreciate the literature
we read as well the lives we lead. Without a background in mythology,
much of the literature of our own language cannot be effectively
understood and enjoyed.With knowledge of mythologys influence, we
can better comprehend allusions made by speech writers, poets,
screenwriters, novelists, and the people we talk with everyday.
Second semester, its time for science fiction. Science fiction gives
us the opportunity to explore possible futures in light of trends in
technology and in light of what we know of human nature. Well use
short fiction, novels, and film in our exploration of this great genre.
Assignments in this course include journal and creative writing,
individual and group projects, daily classroom activities, discussions,
quizzes, tests, and formal (process) papers.

Student Expectations
My belief is that if its not interfering with your learning, that of
those around you, or my teaching, its probably okay. We share
the classroom, so I ask you to be especially considerate of others
in your actions and words. In the event there is a problem, I will
have to step in. First, Ill try to solve the issue by discussing it
with you as discretely as I can. The next step is requiring a lunch
detention with me. At this time, well develop a written plan. If
we cant resolve the issue there, Ill invite your family into the
discussion to see if we can figure out how to keep the classroom
a place of learning and comfort for all. Finally, Ill have to bring
our issue to school administration through a referral. I rarely
have to get to that point, but I will protect the learning
environment for all of us.
Be Prompt. Be Prepared. Be Polite. Be kinder than you need to
be. Its always the right thing to do.
The schools discipline procedures and policies will be respected
in this classroom.
Classroom Organization
When the bell rings, be seated and have everything youre
supposed to have that day.
Well start each day with a warm-up in your Interactive
Notebook. These include quotation quick writes, analogy puzzles,
vocabulary, grammar, and book studies.
Check the While You Were Outfile maintained by the teacher
aides for missing work. Youll also have access to a class website
at There you can find
information about what we are working on in class, copies of
important documents, etc.
For every quarter, you will have at least two process essays that
will need to be typed and in MLA format. These will be written in
and out of class and will almost always include lab time. Our
papers will be turned in through and Im happy to
help if you are having trouble getting access.
We will do individual and group activities to further understand
the learning objectives and concepts. Be prepared to work on
your own or with others with FOCUS.
Please remember that I dismiss class and the bell does
not. You may pack up only when signaled. My goal is to use an
automated audio signal to let you know when its one minute to
bell time and okay to ready your things, but you must remain
seated until dismissed by me.

One notebook (one subject, spiral or composition, for
interactive notebook) by Wednesday, August 12. College
rule preferred.
Independent reading books (for Fridays, but recommended
you carry one for random free time at school).
writing tools (dark enough ink to be legible).
A place (folder in a binder or similar) to keep older papers,
handouts, etc. organized. Space in class will be available for
storage if needed.
Writings (formal and informal)
Reading and related activities
Presentations (indiv. and group)
Interactive Notebook
Final exam:
district policy)

20% (per

Using cell phones during lessons, discussions, activities, etc. is
disruptive to your learning, to those around you, and to me.
There will be times when phones are useful and welcome, but we
will make the distinction clear. If you are unsure if phone use is
okay, please ask. Otherwise, assume it should be tucked away
with sound off.
Bathroom: You should be able to make bathroom visits between
classes. If you truly need to leave class, please sign out on the
board near the door and take the appropriate pass. Respect the
trust I put in you to monitor your own needs and act accordingly
to allow us to keep the honor system policy. If there is evidence
its being abused, I will enact a tedious system of control.
Late Work:
I dont accept late work unless by prior arrangement. Talk
to me if youre struggling with a due date or completing
an assignment. If you miss class due to illness, you will be
allowed to make up in-class assignments/quizzes.
If you expect to be absent for travel or other
commitments, work with me in advance to make a plan. If
you find yourself struggling with an assignment or getting
behind, talk with me. I can help! :)
There will be an optional mastery assignment you can
do near the end of the semester in order to boost your
grade through proof of your skills.

Acknowledgement of English Class Syllabus Reading

Please find the following website and review the syllabus for our class
there. Lets save a tree together.
Extra notes:
There may be video segments or films shown in class and meant to
enhance our studies and discussions. The rating will not exceed a PG13 standard. If you have concerns about video access or required
readings at any time, please let me know and well work out a plan.
In terms of independent reading, I offer access to an array of young
adult, middle grade, and general market books. Students are also
welcome to bring in their own reading or check out books at the library.
Well have monthly library visits which will include lessons in
information literacy and an opportunity to check out materials. If you
would like help/guidance in selecting materials or have concerns about
your students selections, please let me know and Ill be happy to help
you make choices your family is comfortable with.
I have found the syllabus on the class website, read it, and understand
the policies described.
Student (print/signature)


Class period: ______________



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