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1) I want my body fat percent to be about 15-17% by the end of the eight
2) I will be able to sleep 7-8 hours a night with limited interruptions for the
last four weeks of the program.
3) Attain an overall wellness rating of at least 2.5 for weeks 4-8 of my
nutrition plan

Nutrition Guidelines

I will exercise at least 30 minutes a day four times a week

I will drink at least 1.5 liters of water each day
I will limit the amount of sugars I consume by not drinking carbonated
soda/fruit drinks containing added sugar
Lower the amount of processed foods I consume to once a day
I wont consume foods that are high in calories (115 per serving size) past 7
oclock at night
I wont eat any food an hour before going to sleep
I will limit my caffeine intake to 24 ounces a week
Whenever possible I will make one-half of my plate during meals fruit and
I will attend yoga/meditate at least once a week
I will eat breakfast every day and whenever possible I will eat breakfast that
is high in protein (Containing more than 10 grams)


Exercises causes our bodies to produce irisin, a hormone that helps maintain
our body weight, and decreases risk of diabetes (Major, 2012)
Cardiovascular exercises are highly efficient at burning calories (Perry, 2011)
o High intensive interval training increases resting metabolic rate making
is very effective to burn calories and fat(Perry, 2011)
Drinking water is associated with sympathetic stimulation which increases
metabolic rate and daily energy expenditure (Vij, 2014)
o Drinking excessive amounts of water (1.5 L) causes weight loss
reduction and body fat reductions
o Drinking large amounts of water results in suppressed appetite
Sugar calories promote fat storage and hunger (Molhatra, Naokes & Phinney,
o Adding sugars to foods contribute additional calories and zero nutrients
Processed foods are high in sodium content and packed with preservatives
which can lead to heart problems (Ledbetter, 2015)
After dinner time the body is more likely to store calories consumed as fat
and gain weight rather than burn it as energy (Allen, 2015)

Eating late at night can prompt weight gain and can cause foods to be
processed differently than if they were consumed at a different point in
the day
A higher food intake close to the sleeping period is associated with negative
aspects of sleep patterns in healthy individuals, especially in women (Crispim,
o Meals that occur 30-60 minutes before sleeping result in less time
spent in REM sleep
Caffeine can cause insomnia, headaches, dizziness and anxiety (Belenky)
o It has been known to cause sleep disturbances
Fruits and vegetables are a great source of energy and nutrients (Slavin,
o They supply dietary fiber which decreases risk of cardiovascular
disease and obesity.
o They provide vitamins and minerals which supply antioxidants,
phytoestrogens, and anti-inflammatory agents
Yoga can cause positive changes in mental attitude and diet. (Ali, Balaji &
Varne, 2012)
o Yoga postures can stimulate the pancreas and rejuvenate insulin
o Yoga helps with muscular relaxation, muscle development and blood
o Yoga reduces blood pressure, BMI, and heart rate
Breakfast skipping among children and adolescents is associated with a
number of poor health outcomes including higher blood cholesterol and
insulin levels, physical inactivity, disordered eating, and unhealthy weight
management practices. (Hartline-Grafton, Kimbro & Rigby, 2014)
o Participating in breakfast helps behavior and academic performance
(Hartline-Grafton, Kimbro & Rigby, 2014)


Ali, S., Balaji, P., & Varne, S. (2012). Physiological effects of yogic practices
and transcendental meditation in health and disease. North American Journal
of Medical Sciences North Am J Med Sci, 442-442. doi:10.4103/19472714.101980
Allen, J. (2015, August 24). Why eating late at night may be particularly bad
for you and your diet. Retrieved from
Belenky, G. (n.d.). Caffeine and sleep. Retrieved from
Crispim, C., Zimberg, I., Reis, B., Diniz, R., Tufik, S., & Mello, M. (2011).
Relationship between food intake and sleep pattern in healthy individuals.
Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine JCSM. doi:10.5664/jcsm.1476

Hartline- Grafton, H., Kimbro, & Rigby. (2014). Breakfast for health. Food
Research and Action Center. Retrieved from
Ledbetter, C. (2015, April 23). This disgusting video shows how processed
deli meat is made. Retrieved from
"Major Fat-burning Discovery." (2012, June 1). Harvard Health Publications.
Harvard Medical School. Retrieved from
Molhatra, A., Noakes, T., & Phinney, S. (2015). It is time to bust the myth of
physical inactivity and obesity: You cannot outrun a bad diet. British Medical
Journal, 49(15), 3-3. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2015-094911
Perry, E. (2011, April 3). Targeted fat loss: Myth or reality. Yale Scientific.
Slavin, J., & Lloyd, B. (2012). Health benefits of fruits and vegetables.
Advances in Nutrition: An International Review Journal, 506-516.
Vij, V., & Joshi, A. (2014). Effect of excessive water intake on body weight,
body mass index, body fat, and appetite of overweight female participants.
Journal of Natural Science, Biology and Medicine J Nat Sc Biol Med, 340-340.

Example Meals
8 ounces of natural Greek yogurt topped with strawberries, pineapple, and kiwi
Breakfast smoothie comprised of blackberries, pomegranates, strawberries and half
a scoop of protein powder
Salad with romaine lettuce, sunflower seeds, strawberries, almonds, mandarin
oranges, kale, and apple slices
Pita bread with peanut butter hummus, with carrots and celery sticks on the side
Whole wheat pasta with pesto sauce, with sauted peppers, zucchini, and squash
Vegetable stir fry, with broccoli, onions, zucchini, water chestnuts, brown rice, and
sesame sauce

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