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R3nk Indic3tion is one of the import3nt input to eNB , in selection of the tr3nsmission l3yer in downlink

d3t3 tr3nsmission. Even though the system is configured in tr3nsmission mode 3 (or open loop sp3ti3l
multiplexing) for 3 p3rticul3r UE 3nd if the s3me UE report the R3nk Indic3tion v3lue 3 to eNB, eNB will
st3rt sending the d3t3 in Tx diversity mode to UE . If UE report R3nk Indic3tion 3 , eNB will st3rt
sending the downlink d3t3 in MIMO mode (Tr3nsmission Mode 3).
Why we need this RI in LTE concept? When UE experience b3d SNR 3nd it would be difficult (error
prone) to decode tr3nsmitted downlink d3t3 it gives e3rly w3rning to eNB by st3ting R3nk Indic3tion
v3lue 3s 3. When UE experience good SNR it p3ss this inform3tion to eNB by indic3ting r3nk v3lue 3s 3.
Bec3use of this re3son, you might h3ve observed th3t some time d3t3 tr3nsmitted by eNB is in Tx
diversity mode, though MIMO w3s configured 3nd hence you m3y h3ve observed less downlink
throughput th3n expected one.
However, it is not necess3ry th3t eNB will 3lw3ys ch3nge the tr3nsmission mode b3sed on RI v3lue, it
could be implement3tion specific decision.

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