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Name: Sue Cummings

Student ID: 8864 236

ESM310 Assignment 1:
Using Childrens Literature in Primary Mathematics
Student Name:

Sue Cummings

Student Number:

8864 2368



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Sue Cummings

1st May 2014

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Name: Sue Cummings

Student ID: 8864 236

Childrens literature, which explores mathematical concepts and provide learning opportunities,
can be incorporated into a classroom as an effective pedagogical strategy. The purpose of this report
is to explore how the use of childrens literature enhances students understanding of mathematical
concepts. A discussion will highlight the effects, strengths and limitations of mathematics learning
through incorporating childrens literature. Utilising an example, Grandfather Tangs Story (Tompert,
1997), a poster has been created emphasising the rich mathematical learning opportunities, including
six data facts about tangrams. Three data facts are expanded further to demonstrate how each fact can
be integrated into a mathematics classroom.

Discussion of Mathematical Learning through Childrens

Incorporating childrens literature into the mathematical classroom can act as a catalyst for
learning opportunities whereby students may identify with real world contexts through the pages of a
text and in turn learn more successfully. Tucker, Boggan and Harper (2010) suggested that many
students do not value mathematics because they do not understand how it relates to their daily lives
(p. 155). Therefore it is fundamental to shift away from the concept of learning mathematics by just
counting numbers and performing computations without facts (Tucker et al., 2010) and head towards
a rich learning environment where students are able to visualise how mathematics integrates into their
real lives through the pages of a book. Reys, Lindquist, Lambdin, Smith, Rogers, Falle, Frid and
Bennett (2012) confirmed that by helping students make connections between the concrete and
the abstract facilitates understanding [and] promotes success at learning (p. 17). For example,
linking childrens literature such as Grandfather Tangs Story (Tompert, 1997) containing
mathematical content like tangrams, effectively functions as a concrete visual resource to aid students
in better recognising abstract concepts like geometric shapes, area or measurement. Reys et al. (2012)
explored the Frameworks of Learning Process, which is derived from a constructivist perspective,
whereby theorist Dienes characterised representation as a level of mathematical learning. This level is
where images and pictures are used to offer a mathematical representation, which creates a peg to
hang what was abstracted (p. 23). Under this framework, Bruner characterised developmental
learning as iconic, where representational thinking is based on pictures, images or other
representations. Students use pictorial or verbal information focused upon the real world (p. 23) to
learn mathematical concepts. Reys et al. (2012) clarified that this research has demonstrated that
students learn more effectively when they construct their own mathematical meaning (p. 23) through
use of visual representations.

Name: Sue Cummings

Student ID: 8864 236
Strengths of incorporating childrens literature into the math classroom include the fundamental
connections between story, developing mathematical concept and real-life situations. Marston (2010)
highlighted that picture books may directly or indirectly promote mathematical thinking whilst
Shatzer (2008) confirmed the significance of choosing suitable childrens literature that creates
mathematical meaning and builds connections to the students own lives (p. 649). The positive effect
in the classroom is that mathematical concepts are communicated more effectively to primary students
when childrens literature is incorporated as a visual resource. Burns (2004) explained, that
childrens books can be vehicles for motivating children to think and reason mathematically [and]
stimulate childrens imaginations (p. xi). The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Inc
[NCTM] (2004), stated that a context or story line is used to launch or develop mathematical
concepts together with introducing a concept in a context can be motivating to students (p. ix).
NCTM confirmed that some childrens books represent a mathematical concept through their prose,
illustrations, logical development and context (2004, p.ix). NCTM (2004) exclaim, good
illustrations are as essential as good text [and that] illustrations should not distract or confuse but
should enhance the presentation (p. x). For example, in Grandfather Tangs Story (Tompert, 1997),
illustrator Robert Andrew Parker paints the flowing story of the magical fox fairies that transform
their physical shape into different animals. Alongside these images, the grandfather narrates the
ancient Chinese folktale whilst physically altering the tangram pieces, in front of Little Soo, to
represent the changing animals, hence capturing students attention (Bresser, 2004).
One concern or limitation raised by NCTM (2004) is that the integrity of the text needs to be
maintained. The book should be treated and read as a whole text and regarded as childrens literature
(p. xi). NCTM (2004) affirmed that when a part of the book is read in isolation, the story line could
be compromised or lost entirely. NCTM (2004) stressed that when using childrens literature in a
math lesson, it needs to be read as a whole text initially so that students can gain contextual meaning
and make sense of the story. As a remedy to this concern, Hong (1999), found that the best method
was to continue on with the contexts that made sense to students after initially reading the whole book
to a class and then discuss as a whole story to check for understanding. Another concern raised by
NCTM (2004) is that there is a rising popularity in creating childrens books that contain direct links
to mathematical concepts. NCTM (2004) explained that new books have been written to cover parts
of the curriculum, but they are mediocre in quality; some books even resemble traditional textbooks
but are actually being marketed as childrens literature (p. xi). The NCTM recommends that teachers
look beyond the authors and illustrations to identify the mathematical content and query the
mathematics in the text as being appealing, worthwhile and accurate (2004, p. xi). A final limitation
worthy of noting in this discussion and researched by Bragg, Koch and Willis (2013), Shih & Giorgis,
(2004) is the potential for mathematical concepts to be overemphasised by teachers, whilst losing the
literatures contextual meaning as a story in its own right. Bragg, Koch and Willis (2013) confirm that
the key to preventing this from occurring is to connect the literature in a meaningful way (p. 15).

Name: Sue Cummings

Student ID: 8864 236
Below is an example of a childrens literature text that can be incorporated into a mathematical
classroom in a meaningful way, as it provides rich mathematical content. Grandfather Tangs Story
(Tompert, 1997) has been selected as a suitable childrens literature choice to highlight and
demonstrate mathematical learning opportunities. The book will be explored further in the object by
the numbers poster and ensuing sections of the report incorporating data facts, highlighting the
connections between childrens literature and the AusVELS curriculum (VCAA 2013).

Object by the Numbers - data facts, prompts and

mathematical exploration
Book details
Book Title: Grandfather Tangs Story: A Tale Told with Tangrams
Author: Ann Tompert
Illustrator: Robert Andrew Parker
Year: 1997
Suitable for Grade
Grandfather Tangs Story (Tompert, 1997) has been deemed as suitable for grade five, for the purpose
of incorporating this childrens literature text into a mathematical lesson about tangrams, angles and
shapes. Learning about these mathematical concepts is in line with the Australian Victorian
Curriculum: Mathematics Levels Four, Five and Six (VCAA, 2013). Proficiency Strands:
Understanding and Fluency are important aspects to learning mathematics; whilst Content Descriptor:
Measurement and Geometry is a suitable category under which the selected childrens book sits.
Brief description and rationale for the image you have selected for your
The image selected for use on the object by the numbers poster, is a tangram created from different
sized and coloured number thirteens. The image of a tangram was selected as appropriate for the
poster as it presents different mathematical learning opportunities within a grade five classroom.
Grandfather Tangs Story (Tompert, 1997) springboards to an activity in which students make their
own tangrams, then use them to investigate geometric shapes and explore area and measurement
(Bresser, 2004, p.60). Therefore the tangram image was deemed appropriate to provoke students
imagination about shapes. Along with the seven basic tangram shapes, a formed tangram animal: a
rabbit, was incorporated into the poster to highlight and demonstrate how easily the shapes can be

Name: Sue Cummings

Student ID: 8864 236
Picture of front cover of book

Name: Sue Cummings

Student ID: 8864 236
Picture of inside of book

Name: Sue Cummings

Student ID: 8864 236
List of Data Facts from poster
Data Fact #1:

The word Tangram means 7 boards of skill and consists of 7 flat shapes:

1 square, 1 parallelogram, 5 triangles (With NO overlaps)

Data Fact #2:

It is believed that tangrams were most likely invented in China between:

960-1279 AD
Data Fact #3:

There are over 6,500 different tangram shapes that were created by the 19th

Data Fact #4:

All the angles of the tangrams are either: 45, 90 or 135 degrees

Data Fact #5:

Only 13 convex polygons can be created using the tangrams shapes

Data Fact #6:

Students can make their own tangram using a 6-inch square of construction

Selected Data Facts for further exploration
Data Fact #1: The word Tangram means 7 boards of skill and consists of 7 flat shapes: 1 square,
1 parallelogram, 5 triangles (With NO overlaps)
Prompts to develop childrens mathematical thinking:
Prompt 1 Compare two tangram pieces. What is the same about the shapes and what is different?
Prompt 2 Using the five smallest tangram shapes, how do you think could you make a square?
A childs anticipated responses to the prompts:
Prompt 1 - Anticipated response: I compared a square with a parallelogram. The similarities
I found is that the opposite sides on a square and parallelogram are equal to each other so they have
two sets of parallel lines. They both have four sides and the internal angles all add up to 360. I then
compared the differences of these shapes and found that all four sides of a square are equal but not in
a parallelogram. All corners of a square have 90 angles whereas parallelograms have two sets of
different angles. The parallelogram does not meet at right-angled corners like the square does.
Prompt 2 - Anticipated response: I would try putting the triangles together first and see what
new shapes they make. If the triangles do not make a square then I would move all five of the pieces
around on a table until they looked like they would fit together. Then I would actually try and put

Name: Sue Cummings

Student ID: 8864 236
them together to make the square. Hopefully it would work by trying different combinations of
tangram pieces.
Mathematics explored in the prompts:
The mathematics that is explored in the prompts is based around students understanding of basic
regular and irregular 2-D shapes. Students are able to play with the tangram pieces, which
incorporates a hands-on manipulative tool into the activity, hence providing rich contextual learning
opportunities. The prompts provide the teacher with a good opportunity to uncover what students
know or do not know about 2-D shapes (prompt one) and also highlighting in prompt two, how the
tangrams pieces can be moved, flipped, rotated or tessellated to create new regular or irregular shapes.
Exploring the properties of 2-D shapes is covered throughout Levels 4 6 in the AusVELS
curriculum as demonstrated below.
AusVELS connection and code: (VCAA, 2013)
Mathematics / Level 4 / Measurement and Geometry / Shape:
Content Description & Code:
Compare the areas of regular and irregular shapes by informal means (ACMMG087)
Mathematics / Level 4 / Measurement and Geometry / Location and Transformation:
Content Description & Code:
Create symmetrical patterns, pictures and shapes with and without digital technologies (ACMMG091)
Mathematics / Level 5 / Measurement and Geometry / Shape:
Content Description & Code:
Connect three-dimensional objects with their nets and other two-dimensional representations

Data Fact #2: All the angles of the tangrams are either: 45, 90 or 135 degrees
Prompts to develop childrens mathematical thinking:
Prompt 1 - What can you tell me about the different angles used in the tangram shapes?
Prompt 2 - Using your protractors, can you move around the classroom and find shapes that have
similar angles to the tangrams angles?
A childs anticipated responses to the prompts:
Prompt 1 - Anticipated response: There are only three angles used in the tangrams shapes.
They are 45, 90 and 135. We can measure the shapes using protractors to discover what angles all
of the triangle shapes have. They are different sizes but they all look the same just bigger or smaller.

Name: Sue Cummings

Student ID: 8864 236
We could also measure the square and parallelogram angles to work out which ones they are. The
square looks like a right angle, which is 90.
Prompt 2 - Anticipated response: I have found heaps of angles around the classroom. I found
90 angles all over the place. Like on the corners of posters, edges of the whiteboard, corners of our
desks, the doors and windows. I had trouble locating the other angles though. It was easier to find the
90 angles than the other two angles. I guess the smaller angle could be the spaces between my
fingers when I stretch out my hand like this and the larger angle could be on the face of a clock when
it is after 10 oclock.
Mathematics explored in the prompts:
The mathematics that is explored in the two prompts above is all about geometric reasoning using
angles. Locating different angles around the classroom, using protractors, is an interactive activity
where students can physically interact with their items and measure angles to locate acute, obtuse and
right angles within their real world, hence providing further contextual learning opportunities. The
mathematics explored in the data prompts closely aligns with the AusVELS mathematics curriculum
across levels four, five and six for geometric reasoning: angles as per listed below.
AusVELS connection and code: (VCAA, 2013)
Mathematics / Level 4 / Measurement and Geometry / Geometric Reasoning:
Content Description & Code:
Compare angles and classify them as equal to, greater than or less than a right angle (ACMMG089)
Mathematics / Level 5 / Measurement and Geometry / Geometric Reasoning:
Content Description & Code:
Estimate, measure and compare angles using degrees. Construct angles using a protractor
Mathematics / Level 6 / Measurement and Geometry / Geometric Reasoning:
Content Description & Code:
Investigate, with and without digital technologies, angles on a straight line, angles at a point and
vertically opposite angles. Use results to find unknown angles (ACMMG141)

Data Fact #3: Only 13 convex polygons can be created using the tangrams shapes
Prompts to develop childrens mathematical thinking:
Prompt 1 What is a polygon? Tell me what you know about polygons?
Prompt 2 - Do you think that you could create a polygon using all (or some) of the seven tangram

Name: Sue Cummings

Student ID: 8864 236

A childs anticipated responses to the prompts:

Prompt 1 - Anticipated response: I think a polygon is a 2-D shape that only has straight lines,
which are joined together. You can have three or more lines that make up a polygon but you cannot
have two or one lines because they cannot join together.
Prompt 2 - Anticipated response: Yes because the shapes in the tangrams pieces have straight
edges. There are no round edges like a circle in the tangram pieces. The pieces also have three or
more sides so yes you could make a polygon with any of the pieces.
Mathematics explored in the prompts:
Shape and geometric location and transformation are the mathematics explored in the third set of
prompts. Describing 2-D shapes with a focus on polygons helps students to discover what they know
or do not know about geometry. Transforming, combining or creating symmetrical patterns to make
new shapes, pictures along with using concrete manipulative models like tangrams will provide
contextual mathematical learning opportunities for students.
AusVELS connection and code

(VCAA, 2013)

Mathematics / Level 4 / Measurement and Geometry / Shape:

Content Description & Code:
Compare and describe two-dimensional shapes that result from combining and splitting common
shapes, with and without the use of digital technologies (ACMMG088)
Mathematics / Level 4 / Measurement and Geometry / Location and Transformation:
Content Description & Code:
Create symmetrical patterns, pictures and shapes with and without digital technologies (ACMMG091)
Mathematics / Level 5 / Measurement and Geometry / Location and Transformation:
Content Description & Code:
Apply the enlargement transformation to familiar two-dimensional shapes and explore the properties
of the resulting image compared with the original (ACMMG115)
Mathematics / Level 6 / Measurement and Geometry / Location and Transformation:
Content Description & Code:
Investigate combinations of translations, reflections and rotations, with and without the use of digital
technologies (ACMMG142)

Name: Sue Cummings

Student ID: 8864 236

Bragg, L., Koch, J., & Willis, A. (2013). Once upon a time: Childrens literature and mathematics. In
Mathematics of planet earth, edited by A. McDonough, A. Downton and L.A. Bragg, (pp. 1322). Brunswick, Victoria: The Mathematical Association of Victoria.
Bresser, R. (2004). Math and literature: Grades 4-6 Grandfather Tangs Story, In R. Bresser, Math
and literature: Grades 4-6 (pp. 60-68). Sausalito, CA, USA: Maths Solutions Publications.
Burns, M. (2004). [Introduction]. In R. Bresser, Math and literature: Grades 4-6 (p. xi). Sausalito,
CA, USA: Maths Solutions Publications.
Hong, H. 1999. Using storybooks to help young children make sense of mathematics. In Mathematics
in the early years, edited by J.V. Copley, (pp. 162-68). Reston, VA, USA: The National
Council of Teachers of Mathematics Inc.
Marston, J. (2010). Developing a framework for the selection of picture books to promote early
mathematical development. Sydney, NSW: Macquarie University. Retrieved 25th April 2014,
Reys, R., Lindquist, M., Lambdin, D., Smith, N., Rogers, A., Falle, J., Frid, S., & Bennett, S. (2012).
Helping children learn mathematics. Milton, QLD: John Wiley & Sons Australia.
Shatzer, J. (2008). Picture power: Connecting childrens literature and mathematics. The Reading
Teacher, 61(8), 649-653. doi:10.1598/RT.61.8.6.
Shih, J., & Giorgis, C. (2004). Building the mathematics and literature connections through childrens
responses. Teaching Children Mathematics, 10(6), 328-333.
The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Inc [NCTM], (2004). Exploring mathematics
through literature: Articles and lessons for prekindergarten through grade 8, edited by Diane
Theissen, Reston, VA, USA: The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Inc.
Tompert, A. (1997). Grandfather Tangs Story. Illustrated by Robert Andrew Parker. New York, USA,
Crown Publishers.
Tucker, C., Boggan, M., & Harper, S. (2010). Using childrens literature to teach measurement.
Reading Improvement, 47(3), 154-161. Retrieved 30th April 2014, from:
Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority [VCAA]. (2013). The Australian Curriculum in
Victoria: Mathematics Levels 4, 5 & 6. Retrieved 30th April 2014, from:

Name: Sue Cummings

Student ID: 8864 236

References for Object by the Numbers Data Facts

Data fact one. Retrieved 2nd April 2014, from:
Data fact two. Retrieved 2nd April 2014, from:
Data fact three. Retrieved 2nd April 2014, from:
Data fact four. Retrieved 2nd April 2014, from:
Data fact five. Retrieved 2nd April 2014, from:

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