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2015 A8 Success Plan

Dear Families,
Another school year is well under way! Second grade is a year when children start to become
independent learners. We will build on and reinforce skills they have already learned as they learn new skills to
gain that independence. Our goal is to teach the students to be successful learners as we move through all the
new skills. We want your child to be the best that he or she can be. In order to accomplish this, we need our
classroom community to be an excellent learning environment. Our community goal is to have a classroom
where nothing interferes with teaching, and more importantly the learning of all students. Our discipline
program in Room A-8 fosters independence, individuality, and responsibility by allowing students to have
input, ownership, and choices.
On the first day of school, the students brainstormed I can statements of ways they can be good
citizens of our classroom. With these ideas in mind as our objectives, we developed a list of classroom rules
together. They are the following:
1. Listen to and follow directions. > Speaker Voice is ON, Listener Voice is OFF
2. Respect my friends, classroom, teachers, and myself
3. Cooperate, use time wisely and do my best work
4. Act in a safe and responsible way, (Hands, Feet, and Objects to ourselves)
5. Make good choices
6. Be honest
When the children have chosen not to follow any one of the rules above, they will mark a behavior card
on their desk with one of the following letters:
O- Off task (Not listening, following directions, or using time wisely)
R- Lack of Respect or Responsibility
T- Talking Out, Talking during teaching time
H- Notes, report card envelope, library books not returned on time from home
M- Missing Homework
S- Not being Safe at School
B- Inappropriate Behavior
D-Not following directions
The students will be re-directed as needed to follow classroom rules. We will be tracking marks on a
daily behavior card that will stay in the classroom. (Yellow half sheet) It will come home once a week and need
to be signed by parents. If more than two reminders are needed then that student will mark the appropriate letter
on their sticker chart that goes home daily. If they continue to need assistance, they will mark a second letter on
their chart. The following consequences will be enforced:
1. Logical consequence- The student and teacher decide on a logical consequence to help the student
learn to follow classroom guidelines. (Ex. If the child leaves a mess after an art project, they must clean it up.)
This is basically a warning and a reminder to make the right choice next time. A mark will be made of the
yellow behavior chart, yellow half sheet.
2. Lose recess time to re-teach the behavior, they get a mark on their Sticker chart.

3. Student will fill out a Daily Behavior Report (Must go home and be signed and brought back to
school the next day.) They will have two of the same marks on their sticker chart. If for some reason the
behavior still continues, then the student will get a third behavior mark and will receive a teacher consequence.
4. Teacher consequence- The teacher decides on the consequence to help the student follow classroom
guidelines. Ex. (Student goes to a different classroom to work, loss of a recess, or student sent to office.)
We start fresh every day! Your students sticker chart (Stapled in Homework Folder) will go home every
night with their homework folder. Their chart will have a sticker if they ended the day with two or less marks.
This means they had a great day! Please take the time to discuss the day with your child. If your child comes
home with a Daily Behavior Report due to two or more behavior marks on their sticker chart, please read it,
discuss choices with your child, and sign the note. It needs to be returned the next day. Students will receive
marks on the following days card if this is not returned promptly. We want to positively reinforce the days
students have stickers or needed just one reminder!
Meadowlark also has school wide rules that students are expected to know, understand and follow. They
are in the acronym PAWS to help them remember. Please discuss these with your child. We will be discussing
these in length and reinforcing them building wide.
P- Promptly Follow Directions (Stop, look, and listen. Take Action as directed.)
A- Always be Respectful (To self, others and school property. Be polite, and use
appropriate voice levels.)
W- Work hard and do your Best (Be prompt, prepared, and productive. Complete
homework and participate in class.)
S- Select safe Choices (Use walking feet in the hallways. Hands, feet, and objects to self.
Use all equipment properly.)
The class and each individual will earn rewards for appropriate actions. These range from positive
verbal praise (compliments), notes/awards, and phone calls home, to small treats and student selected rewards.
For every ten stickers earned during the month students will be rewarded. We look forward to working together
throughout the year to combine responsibility and choices with guidance and nurturing. We know this will
allow for a successful year! Please feel free to call if you have any questions or concerns. (268-7267)
Mrs. Brown
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please discuss this with your child and then sign, detach, and return this portion to school.
I have read and discussed the above stated discipline plan with my child, and we both agree that it is fair and
Parent Signature: ___________________________Date:_________________________
Child Signature: ____________________________Date:________________________

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