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Sixth Grade Reading 2013-14

Mrs. Mitties
Comprehension Target Skills: understanding characters traits & motives,
authors purpose & perspective, text & graphic features, story structure & plot, fact
& opinion, main idea & supporting details, sequence of events, cause & effect,
comparing & contrasting, drawing conclusions, evaluating persuasive text.
Comprehension Target Strategies: questioning, inferring, predicting,
analyzing, clarifying, summarizing visualizing, making connections
Vocabulary & Figurative Language: word analysis using common prefixes,
learning the 12 Power Words, understanding academic terms related to literature,
recognizing word relationships and word nuances, learning story & technical
vocabulary, understanding figurative language
Fluency: reading with accuracy, smoothness, appropriate pauses, and
Technology: evaluating visual & multimedia elements and how they contribute to
the meaning of text
Reading Independence: monitoring comprehension to know when to selfcorrect, slow down, and/or reread, using strategies to read unfamiliar words,
reading/finishing books that are within his/her personal reading zone, reading from
a variety of genres.


Use of reading anthology (textbook), fiction and informational texts
Use of novels, a variety of poetry, and leveled readers
Use of Time for Kids (current events)
Direct skills and strategy instruction for comprehension and vocabulary
Guided and independent practice to apply skills and strategies
Vocabulary activities
Large and small group instruction and discussion
Individual fluency practice
Independent reading time


Read personal book daily.

Most students benefit from regular vocabulary review.
Paper-pencil assignments: Students are expected to complete work
Others may check it over, review directions, and give hints, but not answers.
Study Island and Accelerated Reader assignments/quizzes completed by due
Home assignments are due at the beginning of reading class.
Parents are encouraged to check the daily homework card.


Bring to class each day > personal book, reading folder, notebook, and zippered
Materials in reading desks are shared and are not to be taken out of the



A = 90% - 100%
F = 0% - 59%

60% comprehension

40% vocabulary

B = 80% -89% C = 70% - 79%

D = 60% - 69%

Tests and quizzes will be sent home on Fridays for parent review and signature.
Midterms and quarterly reports will be sent home.


Quizzes/tests after selections from textbook and sections/chapters of novels.

Weekly word study and vocabulary quizzes
Monthly fluency checks
Comprehensive unit tests
Individual conferencing to evaluate progress and set goals
Accelerated Reader book and vocabulary quizzes,
Quarterly Star Test (AR)

Be Respectful.
Be Responsible.
Be Resourceful.
Class Rules

Stay on task and on topic.

Bring required materials to class each day.
Leave shared materials in desk.
Assignments must be handed in on time.
No gum, no pens, no excuses.


It is the students responsibility to find out what work was missed and when
assignments are due. For extended vacations, missed work will be made up in the
days following his/her return.


The sixth grade newsletter can be accessed online (through the schools website)
the last school day of the week. Paper copies are also available.
Homework cards are sent home daily.
Student grades can reviewed anytime on line with JMC.
Reading tests and quizzes are sent home on Fridays for parent signature/review.
Mrs. Mittiess e-mail address is or call 932-4910 ext. 224.

Students have reviewed and discussed all items with Mrs. Mitties in reading
Student Signature: ___________________________________

Parents: Please review with your child and sign below. Return it by Friday,
September 6th. The original will be returned to you for reference throughout the school
Parent/Guardian Signature_________________________________

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