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Speech Syllabus-2015-2016

Instructor: Mrs. Robyn Dalton

Web Page:


Welcome to our class!

Course Objectives. . .

To develop socially acceptable and socially effective communication skills.

To inspire creative activity.
Students may find such skills important to success when:
--completing assignments for other classes
--seeking employment
--becoming responsible citizens
--taking an opportunity to make a difference

Communication skills center on the following areas of development:

Public Speaking Competencies
Varied and expressive vocal delivery.
Controlled, yet animated physical behavior.
Adequate projection and expressiveness of the voice.
Intellectual Competencies
Developing research skills.
Improving critical thinking skills.
Refining composition skills: organizing, structuring, revising information for an audience
Social Competencies
Adapting to audiences and situations.
Employing clear, vivid, and appropriate language.
Nurturing empathetic listening skills.

Needed Materials. . .

Three-ring binder to organize handouts and assignments.

Filler paper for taking notes, writing assignments.
Poster boards and craft supplies for speeches.
Note cards (4x6) only.
Blue or black ink.
Colored pens

Academic/classroom Responsibilities. . .
1. Bring your AR book, binder, supplies, PLANNERS, assigned text and assignments
to class EVERY time we meet.
2. Use time effectively during class.
3. Prepare for class by completing assignments, reviewing notes, and preparing
for quizzes and exams.
4. Give typed preparation outlines to me prior to speaking.
5. Speak on the day assignedexcused absences excluded10% grade deduction
6. No chewing gum when presenting speeches and projectseffects articulation
10% grade deduction.
7. Assignments should be completed by the beginning of the class.

Turn in all homework assignments to the blue box at the beginning of class.
Late assignments receive a 10% deduction if hand delivered to me by the end of the day.
Late assignments past the day it is due receive a 30% deduction.

Your work should be done AND TURNED IN before you leave for an activity unless we have
mutually agreed to another due date.
Be sure to inform me of absences as soon as you know, so we can reschedule any tests,
quizzes, speeches, or in-class assignments.

8. Use only blue or black ink for graded assignments unless typing is required.
I will NOT grade papers prepared in colors other than blue or black. SORRY!
Write legibly--It is impossible to grade any work that is difficult to read.

9. : Head papers on left-hand side, using MLA formatting

Tom Sawyer
Mrs. Dalton
Speech, 3
15 August 2013
Optional: Name of assignment

--your name
--my name
--course title and period number
--the date written just like this with day/month/year
--could be pages, exercises, title, etc.

10. Complete all make up work to receive credit.

Check the language arts web page for assignments and handouts.
Turn in your makeup work promptly, per school policytwo days to make up one day of
work; three days to make up two days, etc.
Remember, work due the day you were absent is due the day you return. Therefore, if you
come to school later in the day, be sure your homework is turned in on this same day;
otherwise, it will be late.


Do your own work.

Academic dishonesty: cheating/copyingno credit; plagiarismconference with

principal, teacher, and student to determine consequence. According to the
handbook, these are grounds for an administrative suspension.
Since the burden of proof rests with you, be sure to keep all draft and source materials
when completing assignments involving research.

12.Seek assistance promptly when you need it, but not minutes before an
assignment is due.

When working on an assignment at home, contact me by email to try to get your questions

Grading. . .

will use the high school scale for grades: A--100-93; B--92--85; C-77; D--76-70; F--69 and below.
Semester grades: Semester final--15% and quarter grades: 85%.
Quarter grades:

Daily assignments/ projects15%
Unit exams30%
Participation ( listening, critiquing, and positively supporting
speakers)10 %

Units of Study

Communication process
Speech organization
Demonstration speaking
Informative speaking w/ visual aids
Speaking for special occasions
Persuasive speaking
Oral interpretation of prose and poetry
Readers Theatre--OID
Duet acting

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