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ANCIENTS AND MODERNS RACE ANTIQVITY AND ITS LEGACY ANCIENTS AND MODERNS SERIES "THE ART OFTHE ODT ANTIQUITY ANO FLEGACY # WCHAEL SHE DEATH: ANTIQUITY AND TS LAGACY + Ma EAM ‘DRAMA, ANTIQUITY AND IS LEGACY + OND ROEN.OON CK, FATE AND FORTUNE ANTIQUITY AND FS LEGACY DENISE EILEEN McCOSKEY ouics: ANTIQUITY AND FS LEGACY « FACE ANTIQUITY AND ITE LEGACY « OB ELIGION: ANTIQUITY AND FES LGACY = JORG AOE SBCANTIQUITY ANOFIELEGACY + Dahl Ones SLAVERY: ANTIQUITY AND FES LEGACY « PAGE CuBO® syonr.aeriqurry ano erstxcAce © enw avrigutrY AN OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS RACE: ANTIQVITY AND ITS LEGACY hire Vasunin INTRODUCTION Radical simply means ‘grasping things atthe root Angi Dass _graned co acre the power eens a comple by which ic has astmed s precisely because we “This simple charge tans asthe fa I wan o help explain ee position structures of thooghe and prc eoflsial acquit. This stdy 1 do oe aim ‘ro eamine te his the ancent word Ineorably shaped but so bythe sve Racial formation As is mom base, rice san Meoogial strate th ongizs and das fe pareve human varaon Race hus lows the division of people no ‘ond cargoes tha presume to demarcate according fndamena der nce ich "black’ and whi! Asthe primary ee fakin colour ce today sues ail dienes have radon been biological characteris implying tha racial aegis cn fromthe uman body. Baas focal and hisoralproce ‘nother words, doct nor drive pave fom human anatomy, but & dependent on social inervenion onthe formuston of thers it desig are the surface ofthe human body s the primary veh decrmine exacts physi teste in deter Race dependency on sci and hisoricl forces -adependeney onetaled behind coming obj ctr —emergewhen we comer rere the changing racial deity of “lack” eich immigrants overtime in the ‘United Ses. group whose ‘whitening in racial ers had very le to

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