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Healing Stones and Crystals - A

Actinolite in Quartz has a number of good qualities for healing

the physical body, including aiding the elimination of toxins through
the liver and kidneys, and helping to relieve stress.
It does not work quickly, and you will need to use it for some time
before its effects will be felt. It is an excellent stone to use when
doing spiritual work, as it is both protective and also aids a
connection to the Divine mind.
It is beneficial to aid self esteem and is helpful to help you with your
decisions when you are making changes to the direction your life is
Adamite crystals bring through feelings that encourage you to feel happier about life, and will
also help to stimulate your creativity. They are both a heart chakra
and solar plexus chakra crystal that are excellent to use in
meditation to stimulate the birth of new ideas.
They are also excellent healing stones , that will help to relieve
stress, depression and may aid PMS and the seasonal affective
They are known to commonly aid psychic communication, including
the birth of clairvoyance aka psychic visions... and mediumship
Aegirine is also known as Acmite, and this is a stone that will help you to more confident, and is
helpful if you are feeling depressed or filled with negative emotions that
may cause you to feel stressed by your life circumstances.
This dark crystal is especially helpful if you have emotional issues caused
by allowing negativity to overtake you. These protective stones are
beneficial psychic protection stones to have on you if you feel you may
have someone attacking you psychically.
These crystals are also good healing stones, which may benefit the
gallbladder, spleen and liver... and are excellent to aid the removal of
toxins from the body.
Aegirine helps to bring light into the body's auric field, which may help to
heal damage done by long term use of computers and other equipment
that contains energy fields that can cause health issues.
Afghanite is a strong third eye, throat chakra and crown chakra stone,
and it has a calming and soothing vibration. Its energy is easy on you as it works at the pace that
is needed by the individual.

It is known as a stone that aids problem solving, and may stimulate

the brain and may create clarity in your thought processes.
It helps you to manage your life better, but it assists you to go with
the flow, and allow the universe to solve your issues. It may assist
communication via its energy within the throat chakra, and may
heal health issues associated with the throat.
Agate is the name given to group of
stones that are varieties of
chalcedony... minerals within the
quartz group.
Some of these are: Blue Lace Agate,Moss Agate and Fire Agate.
Many of theFire Agates like the one in the image, are quite
extraordinary gems with fire in them.
Within the healing stones and crystals pages there are scattered
quite a few agates... and individual meanings are given there.
There are quite a few agates on the birthstone list for various months. These crystals are some of
a large group of stones and any good crystal retailer will have some agates.
Agrellite is a white stone from Canada, that is often found in combination with other minerals
including with Eudialyte, Arfvedsonite and Nepheline. This is one of the healing stones that has a
useful energy to help you to conquer writers block.
This is an excellent stone to assist you to break free from the
restriction of anyone who has been stifling you, and to become
independent... and will also help you to relinquish control of others.
It is helpful to free yourself from stifled emotions, and helps the
angry or moody person to release the negativity and become
happier. It an excellent healing stone that aids the immune system
and helps to ameliorate the effects of chemotherapy.
Ajoite commonly occurs as an inclusion in quartz. It is a beautiful emotionally supportive stone...
that emits the loving energy of the Goddess... and of Mother Gaia. It
encourages forgiveness... and stimulates healing of karmic wounds
from past lives.
This is a strongly spiritual stone... that will take you up to meet with
the angels and to let you to speak with spirit... and then allow you
to communicate that wisdom to those on the earth plane.
Albite is a type of feldspar that is often found in combination with
other minerals. It has a lovely energy that helps to boost you
mentally, as it works on the brain to encourage you to think more
clearly and logically.

They are also good healing stones within the brain, helping to
heighten the way the physical brain works. They aid issues such
as Alzheimer's Disease, Parkinson's Disease and injuries caused
to the brain from accidents.
They have a good action within the higher chakras and are useful
used in meditation. They may help to awaken your third eye and
their vibration may boost your intuition and your psychic
powers... and also help you when exploring the spiritual realms.
These stones can also assist you to talk about what you
experienced during your travels in the higher realms.
Alexandrite is a heart chakra stone discovered in Russia...
where the people believe that it is a stone of good fortune. It is known to bring
through joy... and emanates a feeling of rapture when you have it on you.
It has a helpful energy, that aids you to let go of grief, and its vibration is known
to help you continue on after you have been effected by misfortune.
It is one of the Modern Birthstones, and is specifically a June Birthstone... and it
can be found on the list ofbirthstones by month. It has an unusual quality, in
that it changes color... being a reddish color under artificial light and green or
blue green in daylight.
Almandine Garnet is a very dark deep red garnet and has a strong connection
with the earth and the base chakra. It will ground you
and bring those who are bit 'airy fairy' back down to earth.
It may assist to awaken your kundalini... and aid in the arousal of the
kundalini energies... that reside at the base of the spine where the
base chakra is located. It creates a connection between the base
chakra and the crown chakra. It brings with it the gift of feelings of
security and safety.
Alpine Quartzis another name for Himalayan quartz, which is found
in the high mountains in the India~Nepal region. This variety of
quartz are phantom crystals that contain inclusions of green chlorite
within clear quartz.
They have a strong vibration that aids one to discover and understand the
healing lore of the sherpa shamans who have lived in the high mountain
regions for centuries.
These are healing stones that stimulate your consciousness, to help
healers to better understand the reasons for specific healing required.
Alunite is also known as Angel Wing or alumstone, and has a good grounding and stabilizing
energy. It is known as stone that is balancing to the yin and yang energies... helping to stabilize
you both physically and emotionally.

This is one of the healing stones that is useful to have in a room to

balance the energy in your close environment and so improve your
It has a good action to enhance creativity, and to particularly bring the
creative aspects into play in your day to day life.
This crystal was used in the distant past to reduce body odor, and it is
said to be helpful for healing problems in the eyes and to assist
excessive thirst and dehydration.
Amazonite Stone will aid you with communicating truth, with balance
and integrity. It is one of a the more powerful healing stones to aid with
electromagnetic negativity given off by cell phones or microwaves.
Tape a small one to your phone or place one next to computers or
microwaves to absorb unwelcome energy. It is also a heart chakra, thymus
chakra and throat chakra stone, and will enhance loving communication and
dispel blockages in the nervous system.
Amber is not really a stone but is fossilized tree sap. It is powerful healer
and cleanser. It will work to heal muscular pain
and promote tissue revitalization.
It is an excellent stone to wear during and after illness to help
recovery. It is manifestation stone, working using your innate
abilities to bring through increased abundance and prosperity. It
works particularly well if paired with other golden stones.
Amber Calcite is the deep Golden amber
colored variety of Calcite... and these are strong healing stones, both
physically and spiritually.
Many people are being drawn to work with Golden Calcite as it helps to
create a connection with the Golden light of spirit and the Divine mind.
You may choose to use this variety of Calcite on its own in meditation, to
take you to the higher realms to work with spirit.
Amblygoniteassists withboosting your creativity, as it encourages you to
allow your inner brilliance to flourish and prosper. It works within both the
solar plexus chakra and the soul star chakra as it
unites the physical body and the mental and spiritual bodies.
These healing stones aid you to release emotional hooks from past
experiences and relationships, and to break free from the past. It
contains lithium, so it is a stone to aid the release of stress and worry,
and bring calmness and peace of mind.
Amegreen is a beautiful stone comprising bands of bothPurple
Amethyst Crystals and Prasiolite... also known as Green Amethyst,
separated by white quartz.

The amalgamation of these three stones makes it a light, sweet stone to

work with. It is protective, emotionally supportive and will integrate the
heart and mind.
It embodies the energy of violet flame healing... a wonderful and powerful
vibration. Its energy will create harmony within all chakras, and like all
quartz crystals, it is an excellent stone to use in a healing environment.

Amethyst Crystals are some the most popular crystals available, and this
attraction may relate to the fact that
they embody the energy of the violet
For meditation it is the premier stone to use. More than any
other crystal it will quieten the mind allowing you to more
easily make contact with spirit.
You may use its power for healing on all levels, as it is one of
the healing stones with a vibration that is highly useful to
assist meditation, as it will calm the emotions. This stone is also highly protective so is an
excellent stone to keep on the body for psychic protection.
Ametrine is a mixture of Amethyst and Citrine. Because it embodies the
energy of Citrine Crystals, this stone holds the vibration of the solar
plexus chakra and the 'will'.
The vibration of the Amethyst within the stone stimulates the crown
chakra. Together the mixture of the energy of these two stones, results in
a quite powerful effect. It is one of the more useful healing stones to
assist the user to make decisions based on Higher Guidance and in line
with Divine Will.
Ammonite is also known as Ammolite. This stone is opalised ammonite
shell, and is said in Feng Shui to be a very fortunate stone that is
known to bring wealth health and happiness into your life.
Use it at the third eye chakra to help you to let go of karma, and
to release any past life obsessions or soul imperatives associated
with past lives.
It is a protective stone that helps to give you stability, and will help
you to release negative energy. Aids the healing of a number of
issues, especially degenerative problems.
Anatase is also known as Octahedrite, and these stones have this
quite distinctive shape. This mineral commonly occurs with rutile, and they have excellent
metaphysical properties.

These stones are known for their energy to aid you to deal with
change with ease and grace, assisting you to allow the
alterations in your life to happen without fighting it.
It has an unusual energy that helps to lengthen positive
situations, helping to ensure happiness flows within your life.
These healing stones have a good action to aid allergies and
sensitivity to medicines.
Andalusite is an useful stone to use to clear blocked chakras, and they are excellent healing
stones. When you hold it in your hand its energy is quite
pleasant and easy to feel... like a deep pulsing sensation.
If you are a healer, you could benefit from using this stone on
yourself, as they take excess high vibration energy to earth
for grounding.
This may stop you from getting overloaded from a build up of
too much energy, especially when you are working with
stones that stimulate the higher chakras. They are also
protective, so are useful to use during meditation if you are
making contact with the higher realms.
Angelite is a stone that is believed to provide the person who wears or carries it with a
connection to beings in the angelic realms. A wonderful stone to use in
meditation... as it connects to the third eye and crown chakra and has a
highly spiritual energy.
This crystal gives those who use it special psychic gifts such as
mediumship and clairvoyance. It is an excellentcommunication stone,
that may assist you to develop the psychic gifts to communicate with
spirits who have passed over to the other side of the veil.
Angel Aura Danburite may also be called Opal Aura Danburite. These
are simply alternative names used to describe Danburite stone that has
been heated in a special process, in which their surfaces are bonded
with vaporized silver and platinum.
This coating is permanent and has a potent effect on the stones.
Danburite crystals are already strong healing stones before going
through this process.
These beautiful crystals are excellent to aid spiritual development as
they make a connection within both the heart chakra and higher
heart... as well as within the crown chakra and the higher
transpersonal chakras.
The addition of the coating takes them to a new level and they are
powerful stones to aid spiritual awakening and connection with angelic

Angel Aura Quartz is clear quartz crystal that has had a treatment where finely vaporized
platinum, silver and trace minerals are bonded to the stone, which
creates a quite beautiful stone.
This process does not simply color the crystals, but results in stones
with a higher vibration. These crystals aid you to make contact with
beings in the higher realms and in particular may help with
connecting the angels, which was why it was named Angel Aura
The effect of this coating does not hurt the crystal but many people
do not like these added coatings of aura crystals, as they feel it is
unnatural, even though they do add another dimension to these
quartz crystals.
Angel Phantom Quartz... is also known as Amphibole Quartz, and has a
soft sweet energy that aids you with connecting with angels and other
beings in the higher realms.
These lovely crystals contain beautiful phantoms within them... see
image to the left and in the column... and may be white or colored.
Many of the colored Amphibole Quartz crystals are very lovely as they
come in range of colors including reds, pinks, yellows and golden colored
inclusions in the stone.
These crystals dissolve negativity and help you to maintain a more
positive outlook, and bring good feelings and a sense of happiness to
your day.
It resonates within the higher chakras.. including the third eye, crown
chakra and soul star chakra. This is an excellent stone for meditation as it
assists you to connect with the Divine and with your higher self.
Angel Wing Blue Anhydrite is a variety of crystal closely related to
Angelite, that forms in a type of fan shape
that resembles the wings of angels.
They are powerful stones to make contact with the angelic realm
and with the Divine mind... and are best used in meditation
for making contact with angels.
These crystals have a softness and sweetness, and yet are powerful
healing stones, that cleanse the aura of negativity. They help you to
remove any discordant energy including psychic hooks and entities
trapped in your auric field.
Angel Wing Selenite is a less well known variety of Selenite that is also known as Fishtail

The Angel Wing Selenite name is partly reflecting the way it

looks, but is mostly to do with its strong action to aid you
with connecting with angels and with beings in the higher
These are powerful healing stones, and are excellent used in
body layouts... particularly at the higher chakras. They are
crystals that are known to aid ascension and may help to
take your spiritual growth to a higher level.
Anyolite... see image right aka Green Ruby Zoisite is a
beautiful stone that vibrates within both the
crown chakra and the third eye chakra.... both of which are the higher
spiritual chakras.
This energy will aid you to alter your consciousness, and to access your soul
memory... to assist your spiritual learning. It will also enhance the energetic and
neural connections between your brain and your heart... and this strong energy
within both the heart chakra and the thymus or higher heart chakra,
encourages the mind to hear the desires of the heart. A truly wonderful stone.
Apache Tears are a form of Black Obsidian. It is an excellent stone to use for psychic
protection... both for protecting the aura and absorbing negative energy.
For spiritual workers it is one of a group of highly protective stones.
Often those who work constantly with higher vibration stones may
become ungrounded. It is excellent forgrounding you spiritual... so this is
a positive stone to use to bring you back down to earth... and make
contact with the natural realm.
Apatite may be available in a variety of colors but the blue, green and
yellow or golden stones are the most common. The different colors have
quite different qualities. Yellow Apatite is a strong
stone for self confidence, weight loss and for boosting
your creativity.
Blue colored Apatite will aid lucid dreaming and astral travel, and helps spiritual
attunement. The Green Apatite will aid you to relax and will revitalize you.
Apophyllite creates a conscious connection between the physical world and
the spiritual realm including the angelic kingdom.

The use of this high vibration crystal will enhance clear sight,
develop intuition and enable you to see the future. It is a
calming stone... which releases stress and aids decision
The image (left) shows Clear Apophyllite with Stilbite. The
clear pyramid at the top of the photo is the Apophyllite, and
the yellow part is Stilbite, which is a type of Zeolite.
These two stones are often found growing together. There is
also a green variety of this stone... known as Green
Apophyllite, and it is a lovely heart based crystal.
Aqua Aura Quartz is quartz that has been through a special
treatment in a laboratory where
gold is bonded to the stone. This creates crystals with a vivid blue
color on the surface, with flashes of bright rainbows.
This process does not simply color the clear quartz crystal
clusters... but results in crystals that have a higher vibration.
Aqua Aura are also strong healing stones... and are known to
strengthen the energy of other crystals used with them. Like most
blue crystals they have a strong action within the throat chakra.
and are strong stones to aid psychic abilities as they resonate
strongly at the third eye chakra.
Aquamarine Stones calm anger, reduce stress and create
courage. It promotes communication with the Goddess... and
improves communication generally as it is a strong throat chakra
It releases old emotional baggage that you have been carrying ...
and allows you to embrace change. Beautiful Aquamarine
gemstones are popular for jewellery, and are on the birthstones list
by month and the zodiac birthstones list.
Aragonite Star Clusters may sometimes be called 'The
Conservationists's Stone'... as they are excellent crystals to aid with healing the earth. They
are also strong stones for spiritually groundingyou. Their unique structure, with many outward
pointing crystals... will distribute energy and light outwards, to create an
amazing energetic charge.
These are strong healing stones to help with emotional problems, such as
stress and anxiety... and they will also assist you to feel more physically
energized. They may clear energy blockages that originate in past lives.
Arfvedsoniteis a stone that has the potential to produce amazing
manifestation. It helps you to create a clear path ahead... as it assists you to
awaken to the Divine Light.

Put on the third eye during meditation... it is a strong stone to

assist developing clairvoyancethat will predict the future.
Within the throat chakra it will assist you to be able to communicate
very accurately. This stone is known to chase nightmares away...
and to bring sound peaceful sleep.
Arkimer Diamonds are a variety of double terminated quartz
crystal that come from Arkansas....
and many look similar to Herkimer
Diamonds, which is why they have
a similar name.
Many of these are very small, as well as being quite short and
often stout around. They may have black carbon inclusions in
them and often the crystal is quite bright.
They are zingy little crystals with a lovely energy that makes you
feel good to be alive! They resonate within the higher chakras,
and are excellent to use for spiritual work. Use one in meditation
to connect to the higher realms, and to aid your connection with
guides and with the angels. They may aid you with development of psychic gifts such as
clairvoyance and clairaudience.
Ascension Stones are found only in Britain. Meditation with these stones is a very beautiful and
quite powerful experience. Although they are primarily made from
Marcasite, they act differently in the body than this stone alone.
It is said that part of the reason why meditation with them is so
powerful is because they align the chakras as part of the process.
While meditating with them they bring through the Divine light, and
connect you to whatever ray you need to heal you at that time.
Yet they do not leave you spacey as they also very grounding, and
this is possibly due to the Marcasite vibration within them.
Astrophyllite is a strong stone to illuminate your true self, and
encourage self knowledge. This crystal will activate,
stimulate and align your whole chakra system.... as white light flows entirely
through it.
It has been called the 'marriage stone' as it encourages fidelity and complete
honesty between partners. It may assist you if you have addictions to find a
solution to the problem. It is stone of coincidences, those seemingly unplanned
and unforeseen events that happen, to create wonderful results in your life.
Atacamite is stone which was discovered only recently and is a powerful third
eye chakra stone. If you choose to use this crystal you need to be fully aware of
its impressive nature.

Meditation with it will bring through powerful visual images and it

may forcefully open the third eye.
But even though it is forceful it will intensify your ability to make
a connection to your guides and higher self.
Atlantasite gets its name from the specific vibration within the
stone that will aid you to connect to the ancient civilisation of
Atlantis. It is a combination of both Stichtite andSerpentine...
which are both strong healing stones and can
be used for kundalini work.
This green stone can be used to help you to
stimulate kundalini awakening.. and will help to move the kundalini energies
from the base of the spine, up the body to the crown chakra. It will take this
energy through the heart chakra... and it will energize your heart to augment
the process.
Auralite 23 is an interesting quartz crystal that is said to be comprised
of Chevron Amethyst Crystals, along with a lot of other
minerals... mixed in with it. There are said to be seventeen
other minerals that make up the mix.
These are said to be Hematite, Lepidocrocite, Chalcopyrite,Goethite,
Cacoxenite, Ajoite, Magnetite, Pyrite, Titanite, Bornite, Epidote, Pyrolusite,
Rutile, Covellite, Limonite, Gialite, Sphalerite, gold, silver, platinum, nickel,
copper and iron.
Other types of quartz are also mixed in, including green quartz and a yellow
quartz which may be Citrine. You can see the bright red of Hematite in the
quartz in many of the stones.
Auralite 23 are quartz crystals with a high vibration. They are quite calming
and are beneficial stones for meditation. Like Amethyst they have a good
effect to aid you to develop psychic abilities, and will assist your spiritual
growth as they are also known as ascension stones.
Aurichalcite is a blue or greenish blue stone that resonates within the third eye chakra. These
healing stones will create a protective shield around you, and
make you feel more secure in your environment.
They help to encourage personal freedom and may assist
you let go of old negative ways of looking at life.
Aurichalcite clears the auric field, and its energy will help you
to feel more stable, and less fearful about life. It may aid you
to think creatively, may stimulate original thinking and
enhance your courage... while also helping to encourage
inner peace and harmony within you.

Aurora Quartz is a type of Rainbow Quartz... and is now known by the newly registered name
Anandalite. This name relates to a Sanskrit word meaning
'Divine Bliss', and they certainly have a wonderful vibration.
The name Rainbow Quartz is in reference to the amazing
play of colors or luminescence across the stones... which is
possibly caused by a Rhodium inclusion. The vibration of
these quartz crystals is very strong.
These high vibration crystal stones from India activate all of
the chakras... and aid kundalini awakening. When you pick
up these high energy healing stones, this exacting energy
can easily be felt at the heart chakra, and then up within
the higher chakras.
Aventurine is a variety of quartz. The most common color to use
as healing stones are the Green Aventurine stones... although it
may be green, blue, red, yellow or peach colored.
They are heart chakra stones that will release anxiety, and create
optimism and love of life. They aid you to manifest prosperity and
will help you to deal with inner child anxiety caused by childhood
Axinite is a strong grounding stone that helps to bring earth
energy up into the body. They are very helpful healing stones for
helping problems in the feet and legs.
By bringing extra energy into the body this helps your overall
energy levels, strength and vitality. It is known to be a stone to
aid change.
Its vibration is helpful for meditation as it assists you to let go of
thoughts that are blocking your progress.
It is known to improve your memory and is helpful to aid you to
remember dreams, and may stimulate lucid dreaming.
Azeztulite is a name given to a number of different quartz types in various colors, and it is
basically a name that came into being after a writer of some crystal
books channeled information on this crystal.
While it is said that it doesn't need cleansing like normal quartz... as it
does not absorb negativity, it is beneficial to cleanse it anyway.
Its vibration is believed to be of extra-terrestrial origin, and like most
quartz, has the ability to lift your spiritual growth quite quickly, once
you decide you will work with it. Many stones take some time to adapt
to, and many high vibration varieties of quartz are like this.
New stones of various colors have also been given this name, and most are crystals that were
previously available for many years under other names... but were renamed by the people who

created this name. I have found that the registration certificate does not give you a
superior stone, just one with a different name.
I have bought some of the colored stones with this name.... that have a certificate, and have also
bought similar, if not identical stones that come from the same area as some of the colored
certified stones. Most can easily be bought, and I have purchased many of these. These lovely
healing stones are sold under the original name that they were called before they were
renamed... e.g. the lovely Himalayan Gold Quartz.
Aztec Calcite is also known as Inca Calcite and is a type of Rainbow banded calcite crystal.
Depending on the specific colors of calcite that are in the
stone it will resonate within different chakras.
These Calcite Crystals have lines of dark iron between
the bands of calcite, with a lovely lacy configuration in the
They are lovely healing stones and as many of these
crystals are quite large chunks, they are excellent pieces
to have in the home as they will resonate their energy out
from where they are located to bring peace and healing.
A mix of various colors is common to these stones.... and
this piece features a mix of green, orange, white and pale
pink bands. They are helpful to use in meditation, as the
iron will ground you, and keep you fully present. Depending on the colors you they can be
excellent to stimulate your will power (orange) and create emotional balance and healing
Azurite Stone is a deep blue stone that is the pure
embodiment of the deep indigo blue ray. It resonates within
both the crown chakra and the third eye chakra and is a
stone of inner vision.
Not only will it help you with development of psychic gifts...
but will also stimulate the mind and attune it to spiritual
It may stimulate the memory and clear worry grief and
sadness. It occurs naturally combined
with Malachite,Chrysocolla or often with both.

Crystal Properties ... Crystals Starting With B

Baryte is a powerful crystal to aid you with out of the body travel, or journeying. It may help to enhance dream
recall and is a crystal to stimulate clairvoyant visions. It is a stone for both
the crown chakra and the third eye chakra.
It has crystal properties that may also assist you to clear any blockages
within these higher chakras. It will attract high frequency energy... and this
will create within you a more heightened field of light within your etheric
body. These crystal stones will enhance relationships of all kinds.
Bastnasite also spelled as Bastnaesite, is one of a few rare earth
carbonate minerals. This crystal is wonderful to aid manifestation, and its
crystal properties work via the sacral chakra to
creatively manifest your desires.
It has a good grounding action to ground your
imagined ideas into reality, and its energy may also help you if you have been
working with high crystal energy stones that have made you feel ungrounded.
They work within both the base chakra and earth chakra to create a good connection
with Mother Gaia, and with elemental beings.
Their crystal properties are well known to help you if you are studying herbalism, or if
you have a strong interest in the health of the planet, and ensuring that it is kept safe
and healthy.
Benitoite is a fairly rare blue mineral that occurs as
an inclusion with or on other stones, and it often
occurs alongside Neptunite or Natrolite.
The crystal properties of this stone strongly relate to
their action within the third eye chakra, and
specimens like the one shown on the right that occur with Natrolite (white
stone) are very powerful to expand your consciousness.
These crystals have a strong energy to stimulate psychic abilities, as well as
aiding you to be aware of coincidences as they plays out in your life, and to
see the deeper meaning of what you are experiencing.
If you use it in meditation, it may help you to make contact with the angelic beings that arrange positive
synchronistic events. Communicate with these beings either directly, or via your spirit guides, and ask them to
give you messages about what you need to know... via synchronistic events.
Bertrandite is also known as Tiffany Stone. It used to come from only one mine that stopped production and
so for a long time it was hard to get, and this made it a rare stone. A while ago a new mine opened, so the
stone is now available.

This is one of the high energy crystal stones... with a vibration that
connects you with the higher chakras.
It has many powerful crystal properties... and it is known to help you
with develop your intuition as well as enhancing your channeling
Beryl may be pink, green, blue, colorless, yellow or red. The names
of the crystal stones in the
Beryl family are the pink
crystal Morganite, the lovely
green ones are Emeralds...
see image shown on left.
The blue to blue-green crystals areAquamarine and the colorless
crystal is Goshenite... also known as White Beryl. The yellow to
yellow green stones are Heliodor and the rare raspberry red stone is
Bixbite... see picture further down the page.
Beryl generally is a stone that teaches you that you should do only
what you need to do...rather than too much. It has excellent crystal
properties that aid you to deal with stress... and is helpful for calming
the mind.
Crystal balls are often made out of it... and balls made from the clearer crystals are excellent tools to use for
scrying, as they may open and activate the crown and solar plexus chakras.
Beryllonite crystals have a high beryllium content, which creates a
high vibration and amazing crystal properties. Using this crystal can
bring spiritual light into the higher chakras, to aid spiritual awakening.
This light is the pure light of Spirit, and it has strong attributes that help you to deal with dark emotions such as
fear, hatred and any other type of negative vibration.
These high vibration crystals are powerful to aid you at times that are very difficult, by assisting you to utilize
the power of the light... to overcome unhappiness and embrace well-being. They may also aid you to develop
psychic visions or clairvoyance, and may assist you to see your guides and the angels.
Biotite Lens is an interesting stone that has a number of excellent crystal
properties... including aiding the healing of problems in the eyes, and
assisting motor problems.
Its energy helps you to look at problems using your mind but it brings
through loving energy from your heart. This vibration helps you to look
deeper into the issue, and this helps you to have greater clarity when
making decisions about a specific situation.
This stone is helpful to aid you to be more organized, systematic and
efficient. It vibrates at the crown chakra to aid a better connection to Spirit,
and it may enhance your spiritual growth.
Bismuth is a lovely stone to create a connection with Spirit as well as with
others. This is a man made stone, but it still carries a quite powerful

Like the natural Bismuth stones, this stone has useful crystal
properties that may help to bring members of a group together, and
aid them to work towards a common outcome.
It helps to bring a sense of calm and tranquility into your life, and may
help you to make changes that are transformative in nature. It works
to modify the energy coming in at the crown chakra so that it can
energize the base chakra.
Bixbite is the name for the raspberry red variety of beryl stone. It
mainly comes from Utah in the
USA, and is now quite rare, so I am grateful that this stone came to me.
It has crystal properties that may assist you to release stress, help you to
have improved self esteem and its energy may help you to feel more
The vibration of this stone is quite powerful, as it brings together the heart
chakra energy with that of thebase chakra.
It can be useful to help you to recover from long held illness, especially if
you have manifested your illness because you do not sufficiently love
yourself. Holding it can bring through memories of the issues that have
caused your illness, and this may enable you to free yourself of the reason
for many of the problems in your life.
Black Agate is helpful to aid you to interpret
your dreams, and to discover how what you
see in your dreams applies in your life.
This crystal is helpful to assist you to see what is behind those things you are
fearful or apprehensive about. Its crystal properties may aid you to learn more
about the deeper inner fears that you have not allowed to surface, from your inner
Using this crystal may help you to rise above limitations based on your fear.
Larger pieces my be used for gazing, and this may help you to discover more
about what is behind difficult situations in your life.
Black Amethyst has many qualities in common with the Purple Amethyst
crystals. All types of Amethyst are good
psychic protection stones, but in addition the black stones have a good
grounding vibration.
The crystal properties of Black Amethyst also makes them excellent
healing stones, that help rejuvenate your entire system. This is a helpful
stone for healers to use on days when you have perhaps done to much
and need to pick up and replenish your energy.
This is a good stone to use in meditation, as like purple amethyst it is
stimulating to the higher chakras, and in particular the third eye... while at
the same time grounding you.

Black Ammonite stones embody a fossilized animal from deep in the past.
They work within thebase chakra to help you to release negativity... and they
are said to be able to help you to retrieve past life memories.
They may aid you to recover more easily from the trauma associated with
doing this work... and like many black stones they carry a highly
Due to its circular spiral design its energy extends outwards, bringing positive
growth within your life... and it is said to aid the breathing process.
Black Andradite Garnet is a black variety of Garnet that has powerful crystal
properties that resonate within the base chakra and earth star chakra below
the feet.
It is an excellent grounding stone, that aids you to make a stronger
earth connection. Use it in meditation to learn about the morphogenic
fields of knowledge, and to open you to experience psychic visions.
It brings an increase in your life force energy which makes you feel
better about life... and can be helpful for anyone who has suicidal
thoughts to feel better about life. Overall this is one of the more useful
healing stones to add to your collection, as it can assist you on many
levels, including to aid creativity, help you to release addictions,
boosting personal power... and it is a highly protective stone as well.
Black Calcite Shamanite is commonly black or brown and was used by Indian shamans to communicate with
spirit guides, and ancestors in spirit.
Also known as North American Black Calcite... this a rare variety of high carbon
based stone from the Colorado mountains, that consists of a mixture of Black
Calcite along with other minerals including Baryte, Zircon and Quartz.
It vibrates within all chakras, but has a strong resonance within the higher chakras
and will connect your heart chakra and third eye chakra... and then open the crown
chakra... to make a strong spiritual connection. Use it in meditation to help you to
make a connection with your guides and to help with developing psychic gifts.
Black Coral is a helpful stone to wear on the body as when worn it helps you to
release negativity. As it absorbs negative
energy it should not be worn continuously
without being cleansed.
This stone also has good crystal properties to assist healing, and it is said
to be helpful to aid the body to release toxins. It assists both the skin and
internal organs of the body.
It is a beneficial stone to enhance creativity, and is also helpful to aid you
to feel calmer and more at peace. Use in meditation to help you to release
Black Diopside makes a good connection to the earth, and vibrates
strongly within the base and earth chakras, and is an excellent spiritual
grounding stone.

This stones energy may help to balance your aura and absorb a greater
level of light energy within your etheric body.
It has good crystal properties that may assist anyone who does dowsing,
as it makes a good attachment to the earth.
The union that it helps you to make with Mother Gaia, aids you to connect
with the elemental beings, and this may change how you feel and act
towards the earth, once you appreciate the sacredness of life on our
Black Kyanite will bring all of the chakras into alignment and may also
replenish the meridian system.
If you have suffered from any accidents in any specific area and there may have
been damage done there, Kyanite will heal the area by bridging the energy gaps.
It is both an earth star chakra stone and abase chakra stone... and is an excellent
stone to aid you with spiritual grounding.
Merlinite is
Psilomelane... which is a rather mystical stone,
that may attract magic into your life.
It can be used to access the Akashic records, and its vibration may assist you
to attain a trance state... that can be utilized for channelling and for gazing.
If you look into your stone, often you can see what looks like a picture of a
landscape of some sort, often with hills and valleys. Gaze into its depths to
help you to go into a trance and look at what is occurring in the far distance.
This stone has many useful crystal properties... and it has a strong energy to
aid emotional healing. It is said to bring positive things into your life and it
may help you to let go of undesirable behavioral patterns. It can assist you to
release negative thought patterns that have been trapped in your
unconscious, from earlier life experiences... and once recognized they may be released from your life.
Black Moonstone crystals are generally from either India or Madagascar.
The stones look black at first glance, but when they are moved they have
a lovely silver grey sheen.
My stone also has peach lines through it... and this makes it have crystal
properties that aid a connection to the sacral chakra. Stones like these
may assist the birth of new ideas.
Like the lovely dark gray moonstone variety called Larvikite, that comes
from Norway... Black Moonstone will make a good connection within the
lower chakras and aid grounding.
It helps you to get in touch with the Divine Feminine, and assists you to
connect to new moon energy... and like the more well known types of
Moonstone, this color will also make a connection within the throat chakra, third eye and crown chakras.
Black Morella Smokey Quartz are naturally irradiated while in the earth... and this helps them to be a useful
healing stone... especially if you are undergoing radiation treatment.

As they are a variety of quartz, this will amplify their unique

healing qualities... so it is good to keep them close to you after
The crystal properties of these unusual naturally occurring black
crystal stones from Morella in Victoria Australia... are unique, and
different than the other Smoky Quartz. They are said to improve
the healing outcomes for those who are receiving these
They are excellent spiritual grounding stones... with the energy
moving down from the base chakra through the earth star chakra to ground you to Mother Gaia. They are also
psychic protection stones, that will both protect you from negativity... and take any negative energy down into
the earth.
Black Obsidian Stone will ground you into the physical plane... a helpful use
when you have been doing spiritual work... and has powerful crystal properties
for spiritual grounding.
This is one of the crystal stones that may assist you to release disharmony
developed during work on yourself... including resentment of others, fear or
anger. It assists with spirit communication and may bring through the power of
It is a strong psychic protection stone, shielding you from all negativity... as you
release any negative attachments. These crystal stones are strong cleansers of
psychic smog created within the aura... and they may assist you to seal your
aura against future problems.

Black Onyx is a stone of magic... and it is often used to carve magical stone
amulets. This is a great stone for past life work... as it will heal old injuries that
have their roots in past life trauma.
Their crystal properties may also aid you to heal old grief or sorrow from this life
or others. It provides a feeling of strength and will assist those going through
stressful circumstances, and will assist you if you are stressed or anxious to feel
Black Spinel is a strong grounding crystal which will help you if you have been
doing a lot of work with high crystal
energy stones.
It will help you to ground excess high vibration energy to Mother
Gaia... via its action within both the base chakra and earth chakra.
Because Black Spinel has crystal properties that will help you to
release issues from the past... it is a helpful stone to aid you to rebuild
relationships that may have become discordant. These attributes
make it a useful stone to keep on you if you are working on
reconciling differences with family or loved ones.
Black Tourmaline is a good stone to keep on you at all times... especially for psychic protection. It will also
protect you against negative vibrations, given off by cell phones or other electrical equipment's energy field.

It is one of the most powerful crystal stones to protect you against psychic attack...
and it has crystal properties that will also assist you to ground yourself... as it is a
strong spiritual grounding stone.
It creates a positive attitude and mindset. It will strengthen the immune system and
assist pain relief of arthritis or spinal or muscular problems.
Black Tourmaline With Mica is an excellent stone to prevent psychic attack. It you
have this stone on you, when negative energy
or ill wishes are sent to you, it is said to send
the energy back to the person who sent it.
When this energy is returned to the sender, it
has an effect on the sender and helps them to
no longer wish to continue attacking you.
Black Tourmaline or Schorl on its own is a wonderful stone for grounding
and psychic protection... preventing attack by negative entities.
It has powerful crystal properties, with energy that transmutes negative
vibrations to positive. It also works to suck up electro-magnetic smog that
is emitted by appliances such as your televisions, computers and a large
number of other electrical devices.
Blizzard Stone is also known as Gabbro, and contains a mixture of a
number of different minerals. These minerals
combine to create a stone that will stimulate
a kundalini experience.
It is excellent to aid you if you are being impacted by the earth changes... and it
has crystal properties that make it a strong healing and spiritual grounding stone.
It is emotionally calming and will help you to let go of anger. Although it works
within all chakras.. its impact at the third eye chakra will aid psychic abilities and
Bloedite also spelled Blodite is a quite uncommon stone that is found in the Soda
Lake Deposit in California. Most of the stones from here are hard to
get as the deposit is rarely opened to collectors to explore, as it is part
of a military base.
The crystal properties of this stone are useful if you are working on
developing your intuition... as it helps you to be aware of messages
that you may receive.
It helps you to have an awareness that it is what you believe in that
has created your current life circumstances.... and fortunately also
helps you to let go of the beliefs that are holding you back from having
the life you desire. In addition it has some good attributes that aid
healing of muscle inflammation and will also help if you suffer from
fevers or chills.
Bloodstone is a base chakra stone and as the name suggests this stone is a great blood cleanser and purifier.
It has powerful crystal properties for removing negative influences... and is a very good grounding stone.

This crystal will heighten intuition and increase creativity... and will dispel
confusion and will bring through calm, and assist with decision making. On
the physical level not only do these crystal stones aid the blood, but they will
heal the kidneys, bladder, liver and intestines.
Blue Apatite stone will activate psychic abilities and will intensify inner
vision... and aid the development of psychic
It has crystal properties that work within well both the third eye chakra and the
throat chakra and aids you to develop excellent psychic communication abilities
and may prompt the birth of clairaudience orpsychic hearing. These lovely blue
crystal stones will stimulate deep meditation and spiritual attunement.
Blue Aragonite is a throat chakra stone... enhancing your ability to
communicate spiritually. For those who work as psychics and who need to
communicate what they have seen or heard this stone is very effective in being able to bring through what one
needs to say.
This is one of the stones that allows those communicating with spirit to be calm and
relaxed... and handle these experiences without stress.
Blue Aventurine is quite a strong blue color... and this color comes from the inclusion
of Blue Dumortierite in these stones. The crystal
properties of both of these crystals are useful, as they
vibrate within both the throat chakra and third eye chakra
Their energy within the throat chakra may enhance your aptitude for
communication, and they may also assist you to be more eloquent when
called for.
Their vibration is known to bring through psychic gifts that you have
previously been unwilling to admit you had. Many of you may have these
gifts... but until you allow them to become part of your world... these abilities
may not surface.
Blue Aventurine is a stone with metaphysical attributes that work slowly... and
by putting one under your pillow at night over time it will aid abilities to
Blue Barite is a crystal that in the past was very popular in jewelry, as the color is so lovely. Jewelry made
from this stone is both beautiful and has a number of excellent crystal properties.

It can be used in meditation or for hands on healing, and Blue Baryte

is particularly helpful to use for shock or trauma after an accident.
It is said that this stone was used in the distant past by the women
followers of the army to treat men after battles.
The women would place a piece on the third eye, to both calm the
patient and place them in a highly relaxed even sublime state, until
medical help arrived. The success of this use, gave the stone a
reputation as a quite magical stone. It also has a good action to
cleanse the throat chakra, and it will aid communication as well as
boosting psychic communication.
Blue Calcite is both a throat chakra and third eye chakra crystal. It
will assist you to communicate spiritual information with others more
clearly, and it is known to aid psychic
Its crystal properties are helpful if you are working on your psychic abilities...
as it is known to stimulate psychic gifts as well as aiding you to communicate
These Calcite Crystals are known to help anyone who is experiencing writers
block.. and they are soothing to the emotional body, and have a number of
other healing attributes.
Blue Chalcedony has a lovely soothing action, and will quickly help to calm you when severe stress is making
life difficult. It has strong crystal properties to aid you emotionally, and
may be beneficial to calm anger, and may also enhance your
This blue stone will help to center you in the present rather than
constantly worrying about what the future may bring.
It has a good action at the throat chakra, and may aid communication
with beings in the higher realms... as it is a strong psychic
communication stone that may aid the development of psychic gifts.
Blue Euclase is the blue variety of this crystal and has a lovely
vibration to encourage heart felt happiness, and is a strong aid to
stimulate your intuition.
The crystal properties of these blue stones relate to their action to
stimulate your communication abilities via your throat chakra... and in
particular to aid psychic communication.
They are also excellent to encourage coincidence and synchronicity
to occur, and by allowing your intuition to flow they are powerful to
help you get into the flow.
They aid you to be more truthful, and help you to be more aware
when others are being dishonest. A powerful stone for people who are
empaths, as it cleanses your energy field of others energy, and also helps you to understand Sacred geometry.

Blue Fluorite resonates strongly within the throat chakra, with crystal
properties that are beneficial to aid clear and unambiguous communication.
It is also a strong third eye chakra stone that will enhance your psychic
abilities and improve both accuracy and clarity.
Its action may open the third eye and stimulate an improvement in brain
activity, and may help you to have a more orderly approach to your thinking.
It is a good stone to help you if you are studying, as it may enhance your
concentration and may help you to absorb what you are learning.
Blue Hemimorphite is one of the highly effective throat chakra stones and is
a strong aid for communication... and has a marked effect within the third eye
chakra, higher heart chakra and heart
chakra... as its vibration brings in a lot more light.
This stone is a potent tool to aid ascension, as the light flooding your aura
charges the lightbody... and creates a clear spiritual purpose.
These stones have crystal properties that aid the development of psychic
gifts... including mediumship and channeling gifts. It has excellent protective
qualities against psychic manipulation, and helps you to contact angels and
your spirit guides. Within the thymus chakra it has a strong empathetic
Blue Herderite crystals have a very high vibration, and like other colors of
this stone are well known for their action to stimulate new pathways in the
The blue stones are perhaps a little smoother than the Golden Herderite,
and are lovely stones to use to boost psychic gifts. They also have good
healing attributes and are known to aid issues within the brain.
Their crystal properties can be seen most clearly when you use them in
meditation, and they are powerful stones to stimulate a greater awareness
of your spiritual being, and using them may aid your spiritual growth.
Blue Jadeite crystals are known by a few names including Dianite... and
are a type of Nephrite. Both Jadeite and Nephrite are similar in structure.
These crystals are amphibole rich
stones, and were discovered in 1997 in the same area in Russia
where Charoite is found.
They were called Dianite after Princess Diana... probably because of their
sweet energy. These blue stones have helpful crystal properties, with an
energy to aid anxiety and stress. They will help you to make a connection to
the third eye and crown chakras and may aid you to develop psychic
abilities... including intuition.
Blue Kyanite is a strong crystal energy stone and will work very well if used
with other high vibration stones. It has excellent crystal properties and is a superior stone to use before using
any other stone, as it aligns all of the chakras.

It does not ever need cleansing... as it does not absorb negative energy. It opens
the throat chakra, and creates improved communication and self expression.
Blue Lace Agate aids you to communicate more
freely... thoughts and feelings that come from your
higher self. It has crystal properties that bring you
peace of mind.
It is one of the more useful healing crystal stones for those whose personal
development method is speaking affirmations, or doing the healing method called
EFT or emotional freedom technique... also known as eft or meridian tapping.
This lovely blue stone allows you to freely speak out and aids you to let go of
your feelings of being judged by others... and helps to amplifythe use of positive
Blue Quartz is the result of inclusions of minerals within the quartz,
such as Blue Rutile, Blue Zoisite or Blue Tourmaline.
It is primarily a throat chakra stone, that encourages you to speak
what you are thinking, with greater clarity.
It helps you to let go of fear and encourages you to be comfortable
with being independent. Its crystal properties may aid you to connect
more easily with other people, and may assist you to discover new
ideas, and different ways of looking at life.
Blue Sapphire crystals resonate within the throat and third eye
chakras and help to awaken activity within these chakras. They have
a good action within the brain to aid learning and may also stimulate
lucid dreaming.
The crystal properties of the blue variety of Sapphire also relate to its strong
action to arouse and galvanize psychic abilities... and in particular to stimulate
ESP, psychic communication abilities and psychic visions.
These crystals are also helpful to heal issues that may originate from
problems in past lives.
Blue Smithsonite is a good stone to aid communication. This is both to aid
you to speak clearly, as well as boosting
yourcommunication in a psychic sense.
This stone's crystal properties are very helpful if you work in psychic employment,
and need to be able to tell your clients what you heard from your guides or other
spirit beings.
It will help you to express the information that comes from your guides, or other
beings in the higher realms, and it also aids contact with angelic beings.
It is also an excellent healing stone, helping the immune system, sinusitis,
addictions and stress. If you are feeling anxious and stressed and feel that you
may be heading towards a breakdown, this stone is very helpful to bring deep
peace, relaxation and inner harmony.

Blue Tigers Eye stone may also be referred to as Hawks Eye or Falcons Eye. The blue variety is a strong
throat chakra stone that will aid communication and help with public speaking.
Its crystal properties also resonate within the third eye chakra... and allows
you to see life from a higher perspective.
It aids you to recognize when things that are communicated to you can be of
value in your life. This crystal stone will aid you to put them to use in your
life... and it is also said to bring good luck.
Blue Topaz stones have an energy that will significantly resonate within the
throat chakra, and allow you to speak words that clearly enunciate exactly what you desire to be
These crystal stones also resonate within the third eye chakra... aiding the expansion of a
range of psychic powers.
They have crystal properties that are an effective aid to your mental abilities, and this will
flow through to your effectiveness to clearly speak what you are thinking. They are known
to enhance your creativity and this is especially so if you are a writer and have writers
Blue Tourmaline is also known as Indicolite... and is a deep blue or sometimes green-blue
crystal that is both a throat chakra and a third eye
chakra stone.
It has excellent crystal properties that may assist you
with developing psychic powers... such as clairaudience, psychic
mediumship, psychic clairvoyant abilities, automatic writing, channelling
and for developing intuition.
By using these lovely crystals in meditation, your spiritual growth may
move forward quickly, and as well they may aid you to develop your other
Boji Stones embody spiritual grounding energy... and are very helpful if you have been doing spiritual
development work..
They come in pairs of one male Boji Stone and one female Boji stone... and carry a
useful level of healing energy. They are excellent to heal emotional problems... and
they are powerful to clear hypnotic commands that may have been implanted at an
earlier time.
Boli Stone is a high vibration stone found in the Rub al Khali desert in Arabia. They
are a type of glassy stone... said to be a type of Calcite,
and are found alongside Sacred Light stones.
You may choose to use them with Sacred Light stones to create a major shift in
your consciousness. They have a lovely energy and I have also noticed that this
stone contains a rainbow, so it embodies the energy of Rainbow Calcite as well. A
little powerhouse of energy that is lovely to use.
Bornite is also known as Peacock Ore. The crystal properties of this bright stone
will help you to be aware when there are obstructions that are stopping you from
achieving your goals.

The energy of this stone will also help you to discover ways to steer clear of
those things that may be hampering your progress.
It will assist you to release objects and people that you have been holding
onto more easily, and help you to be aware of what you no longer need in
your life. It helps to stimulate feelings of happiness and a realization that life
can be good regardless of what may be happening.
Botswana Agate has a good energy within
the sacral chakra that helps to enhance your creativity by aiding you to let go
of emotional issues that have been blocking your creativity.
Their crystal properties aid you to find solutions to problems, and to be clear
about the action you need to take to move forward once you are aware of the
The energy of these stones stimulate the crown chakra as well as energizing
the entire auric field.
Brandenberg crystals are sometimes also known as Brandenberg Amethyst... and they have many qualities in
common with Purple Amethyst. They have many of the same crystal properties, except they seem to be of a
higher vibration. These crystals have a beautiful strong energy that makes them an
excellent healing crystal.
The look of the stones can resemble a few other types of quartz... but many are
predominantly clear quartz containing phantoms in a lovely purple Amethyst color, and
some also may have other colors such as yellowish brown Smokey Quartz like inclusions.
These stones have excellent metaphysical qualities to use for spiritual growth, as they will
aid you expand your consciousness and balance all aspects of your being.
They can be used at any chakra to activate and realign your energy. They are known to
be helpful to bring you healing on a number of levels, and in particular are useful to
stimulate the immune system.
Brazilianite crystals are manifestation stones, that have a strong energy to help you to
bring what you desire into your life... from the use of your creative abilities via the sacral
They have a good vibration within the solar plexus
chakra and this may create a powerful action to strengthen your will.
Their color may be yellow or yellow green, and this means their crystal
properties relate to both the heart and solar plexus chakras. The energy of
these crystals may unite these two chakras, creating heart based use of the
They are also helpful to assist you to let go of anger, and have a good healing
action in the body... which is helpful to aid health issues in the sacral and
solar plexus regions.
Brochantite is a green stone that can elevate the level of your energy. Its vibration may be beneficial to align
all of the chakras and it can help to unite your physical being with your higher self and aid you to contact the
higher realms.

It energizes the heart chakra and base chakra and is also protective. Use it in
the home or business, when you are associated with someone who makes
promises and does not carry through on them, as its crystal properties may
aid action.
It is said to have a useful healing action in the body... as it is known to aid
water retention, and is said to be helpful to assist the pancreas, spleen and
the prostate.
Bronzite is an iron rich stone that is helpful to aid you, if you have been
feeling tired or even exhausted. This stone aids psychic protection, and will
send the energy back to the sender.
But one of the problems is that it returns negative energy to where it
came from, but it doesn't stop there. The negative energy bounces
back to you again, causing an ongoing bounce back and forth.
To stop this, use this stone in combination with another strong psychic
protection stone rather then using it alone. My favorite stone that has
crystal properties for both psychic protection and grounding is Black
Tourmaline, and it is good combined with Bronzite to simply break the
connection. Bronzite stones are excellent to use to grid a room, as
they will cleanse the area of negativity, as well as being very protective. This stone aids compassion and
forgiveness and creates a positive energetic space for meditation.
Brookite is a high crystal energy stone that is powerful to use for spiritual growth. In particular it will stimulate
the higher chakras... including the eighth chakra... also known as the soul
star chakra as well as the higher etheric chakras.
It has an intense action when used at the third eye chakra in meditation. It
has strong crystal properties that will aid psychic communication, and it will
help you to make a connection with both angels and guides in the higher
realms. It is also a stone that may be used for kundalini activation.
Brown Aragonitecrystals are useful to assist you when you are starting a
business, to help you to avoid feeling overcome by all you need to get done.
They have a good grounding action, and may aid you to deal with anyone that
is hard to get on with, or troublesome in any way.
They have a good healing action in the body, helping to aid you to recover from
back issues such as fractures, disk problems lumbago and other related problems.
Brucite is an excellent stone to aid new projects or relationships, as it creates a
strong energetic lift, by creating a powerful energy that
boosts the position you are in.
It also helps you to work out if the activity or
relationship you are in, is right for you, and whether it is worth continuing with.
If the circumstances of what you are doing are not right for you, this energy helps
you to let it go.
It has highly supportive crystal properties to aid a flow in the energy that allows
undesirable problems and issues surrounding the situation to be released. It helps
you to personally dissociate from both the specific occurrence and the people

related to it. It helps you to see alternatives to the current situation, and helps to create calm and positive
discussions with others.
Buddstone is a variety of green stone from South Africa that is often used for carvings, and is a type of
Verdite. It may also be sold as South African Jade, even though its not really
The crystal properties of this stone can help to stimulate the lower chakras,
from the heart chakra down. In particular the heart chakra may be stimulated,
as well as the energy systems of the body relating to the rise of the kundalini.
This crystal may be used to aid the growth of endurance, courage and
Bumble Bee Jasper is an unusual stone that was formed where a
volcano opened to the earth. This stone is a mixture of a number of
minerals... including Sulphur, Anhydrite and ash from the volcano.
It is a strong earth energy stone, that embodies within it the strong energy
of the volcano from which it was birthed. Their name comes from their
purported action to heal bees.
Place them in a grid if you wish to use them for this purpose. They are said
to assist the impossible to manifest, so it is worth having one in your
environment. These stones are quite toxic, so do not handle them with
bare hands, and wash carefully after touching them.
Bustamite stones have valuable crystal properties that make a strong
connection to the earth. It is an excellent stone to use for gridding... to create
a safe place to do spiritual work.
It has a lovely calming action within the heart chakra, as well as bringing a
sense of lightness and joy into your life. It will both activate the heart area and
clear any stagnant energy there.
It is a wonderful stone to use for meditation and may help you with developing
intuition and will aid you to make contact with angelic beings.

Crystal Stones - C
Cacoxenite In Quartz... or in Amethyst, came to the notice
of humanity as an ascension stone and they are powerful for
spiritual awakening.
This variety of quartz can raise your vibration and work
powerfully through the crown chakra and third eye chakra.
These crystal stones will aid you to bring your solar plexus
chakra... the seat of your will... into alignment with your
divine purpose for being on this planet at this time.
Cacoxenite is also said to be one of the constituents of Phosphosiderite crystals.
Calcite Crystals come in quite few colors all of which are most helpful...
as they are powerful amplifiers and cleansers... particularly of the
Pink Mangano Calcite... image on the right... is opaque, and there is
also a pink transparent variety. Both are strong heart chakra stones. The
transparent stones encourage compassion so resonate strongly within
the thymus or higher heart chakra.
The Green Calcite also works at the heart chakra. These crystal stones
will cool your emotions... especially on the mental
plane... and will aid you to let go of things and circumstances that no longer
serve you.
Orange Calcite is highly cleansing for both thesacral chakra and the base
chakra. It will balance the emotions, overcome depression, release fear and
enhance creativity. Use clear Optical Calcite for insight
and clarity.
Blue Calcite is for the throat chakra... assisting clear
communication and soothing the emotional body... and the lighter Yellow
or Honey Calcite is a strong solar plexus chakra stone
that gives you clarity and insight.
Gold Calcite works at the third eye chakra and the crown chakra. Red Calcite is
strong base chakra stone that will link the base and crown chakras.
Calcite Fairy Stones are unusual shaped stones that were created when
calcite filled areas of glacial clay. They are
gorgeous stones that have an attractive,
supportive and harmonious quality that may draw you to them.
This Calcite variety is helpful to have in your life, as it seems to
safeguard and support you when required. These crystals resonate
out into the area where they are located, and they are known to aid
earth healing.

Use them in meditation if you do channelling, as they can help you to bring information back
from the spirit realm more accurately.
Calligraphy Stone is also known as Miriam Stone, and Elephant Skin Jasper. These stones come
from the Himalayan mountains in India, and have hematite
and iron included in this shell fossil. These crystal stones
have a number of powerful attributes.
Use them during meditation as their stimulation of the third
eye may help you to access the Akashic records, and may
stimulate the gift of channeled writing.
They are known to assist you with connecting with angels
and with finding your spirit guide. They may help to make a
connection between the third eye chakra and the sacral
chakra, and are also a psychic protection stone.
Cancrinite works within a large number of chakras, but in particular within the sacral or navel
chakra. The energy of this crystal stone involves its action to
boost your courage, and its vibration also helps you to garner
approval from others if you need it.
The golden crystal stones of Cancrinite are helpful to use in
meditation, as they create a golden shield of protective light
around you.
It comes in a range of colors and these will be helpful at various
chakras depending on the color. The pink and green stones work
at the heart chakra, the blue at the throat, the orange or golden
stones stimulate the sacral area and the white or purple vibrate
at the crown chakra.
It is known for it action to assist you not to give into temptation, if giving in is not in your best
interest. It helps you to let go of those things in your life that are no longer required and it helps
you to bring in the new to replace what you have let go of.
Carletonite is known as a rare crystal and there isn't much written about it. Although it is blue,
which usually relates to the throat chakra, its energy resonates
quite strongly within the third eye and the crown chakra.
These crystal stones can easily be felt working in the area of the
brain, and have a calming and soothing vibration.
It's metaphysical properties relate to its action to ease anxiety
and stress, and you can feel a lessening of tension when you are
using it.
I could definitely feel its energy as soon as I started to work with
it. At first I felt it in my head quite clearly, like a headache
without the pain, which quickly went away. This was followed by
a strong awareness of it in my brow, and in my brain. Similar to
how Tremolite and Herderite work, but a little less powerful. Quite an interesting stone!

Carnelian Stones work on the solar plexus chakra,sacral chakra and base chakra. Within the
lower two chakras, it is one of the strong healing crystal stones for
stimulating the sexual and reproductive areas of the body.
This stone inspires courage and confidence andelevates creativity, and
grounds you as it helps to dispel fear and envy. It brings inner peace, and
will heal the organs in the lower body... liver, gall bladder, pancreas and
the kidneys.
Cassiterite aka Tinstone, is a strong spiritual grounding stone that can
give you protection physically from danger. These crystal stones are said
to aid the dying, and to helps the soul to move from the body to the light...
aiding you to let go of things that are holding your spirit on the earth
It helps to bring Divine light into the body from the source. It also has a
strong effect to stimulate the intellect, and has a strong effect to aid
intellectual problem solving. It can be used to manifest your dreams, by
drawing energy into your life from the non-physical realms.
Castorite is another name for clear Petalite crystal. This is a crystal that
has a lovely vibration, and it is excellent to
use in mediation to aid you with connecting to angelic beings.
These clear crystal stones are useful to use during meditation, as
they will protect you from negativity, while helping to smoothly and
easily heighten and increase your awareness.
This gorgeous crystal may assist you to be able to more readily
access the Higher Realms, and make contact with spirit.
They resonate strongly within the higher chakras, and their action
at the third eye chakra may assist you to develop psychic gifts...
such as clairaudience, clairsentience, clairvoyance andtelepathic
Cats Eye Chrysoberyl is also known as Cymophane. Although
these stones have the look of an eye
within the stone naturally, they are also carefully cut into a shape that
ensures that they have the look of a cats eye.
The metaphysical attributes of these crystal stones relate to their
strong action to attract good luck into your life.
These stones resonate at the solar plexus chakra to boost self-esteem,
and they also help to make a connection between the solar plexus and
crown chakras.
This is helpful to create balance between the physical and spiritual
aspects of your life. Some people who use Cats Eye Chrysoberyl
develop the gift of prophecy. All colors and types of Chrysoberyl are

useful to stimulate the intellect, and these crystals are helpful to boost the healing action of
other stones they are combined with.
Cavansite is one of the most beautiful blue crystal stones with the
energy of the purest blue ray. It will unite the energy of the throat
chakra with that of the third eye chakra.
It is said to enable those who attune to its vibration to be able to
access the Akashic records... the repository of all history on the
etheric level.
It is a soothing and calming stone... that will bothenhance
creativity and bring through joy and excitement. It assists spiritual
communication,clairvoyance and clairaudience or hearing
Celadonite is the lime green inclusion within this piece of quartz, and this mineral occurs most
commonly within quartz. This piece just happens to also be a Golden
Healer as well, which makes it a little unusual, as it is most commonly
found in clear quartz.
This is actually a quite small piece of crystal, but the photo is magnified
to show you the inclusion more clearly. The tiny pieces of Celadonite in
the stones have a quite good vibration, and combined with quartz this
will magnify its action.
These crystal stones are excellent to aid healing. They have a gentle
rejuvenating and cleansing energy that zeros in on issues related to cell
permeability and it may also help to bring an increase of oxygen into the
This mineral seems to work out what the problem is, then simply works
on helping you to heal. They are known to aid you to contact your spirit
guides, and they also help you to bring an increase of peace and
harmony in your life.
Celestial Quartz is also known as Candle Quartz... and it is an unusual
variety of quartz, which has many small
crystal terminations all over the body of
the crystal.
It is called Candle Quartz as it has a defined inner crystal... and
the outside looks like the wax that flows down from a candle.
They often occur as groups, with two, three or more separate
clusters growing together, like the one on right which has six
separate crystal points, (one central five smaller.) If you can get
a group they are more powerful as each member of the group
magnifies and multiplies the effect of the others nearby.
These crystal stones are quite powerful crystals, and have many aspects... including aiding
abundance. Celestial Quartz are true to their name, as they will bring Divine Love into your life.

You may benefit by meditating with these crystals, as their energy can help you to utilize their
vibration, for emotional healing and to assist you with developing intuition.
Celestite is a beautiful blue stone with a lovely gentle uplifting vibration. These crystal stones
are a beautiful soft blue color and their lovely energy is immediately
apparent... both physically and spiritually, when you pick one up and
feel its vibration.
Yet this is high vibration stone, that is powerful to use in meditation.
Having a cluster in a room sends this lovely energy out into your
home. It may assist you to make contact with your own guardian
angel and will elevate your awareness to a more spiritual nature.
Celestobarite has an energy that helps you to see
what may happen in the future
and by showing you these issues
helps you to decide if that path is where you want to go.
These crystal stones may present you with possibilities of
future events, and by cutting through barriers may aid you to
decide how to move forward with greater confidence.
It will open you up to seeing issues from more than one
perspective, and by clarifying issues will assist you to choose
your own path. Note that it is known to show you the dark
side... using what they call black humor... better to see it
using this stone as it also does it in a joyful way. If you wish to meditate with this stone, it is a
powerful stone to protect you. When traveling on shamanic journeys, it holds you suspended
between the soul star and base chakras, keeping you safe.
Cerussite has an energy that helps you to make changes in your
life, and is particularly helpful if you wish to change your career to
one of a more spiritual nature.
These crystal stones bring a lightness of energy that may alleviate
negative feelings and stimulate creativity. Their action links the
base and crown chakras... and they have a positive effect in the
brain to assist you to think more clearly.
It is said to be an excellent stone to aid those who have ADHD.
Cerussite is helpful for anyone who has anxiety, and using it is one
of the ways to relieve stress.
Chabazite has a lovely energy that helps to make a very deep and
peaceful connection during meditation. It helps you to still your
mind and calm your thoughts, so that you can connect more easily
to the energy of the higher realms, yet at the same time has an excellent grounding action.

This is one of the crystal stones that encourages you to let go of

anger, and addictions... and can help you to reorient your
thinking so that you can use your time is the most constructive
way for your greatest good.
If you utilize it during meditation it can assist you to focus the
direction of your life, and its vibration helps to stimulate
increased energy and the ability to persevere and endure the
challenges required to meet any difficulties that arise.
Chalcanthite is a blue crystal with a vibration that is excellent
to place close to you to calm your mind... to aid you to ready
yourself for meditation. These
crystal stones may help you to
develop yourself on a more spiritual
It may enable you to receive messages from other realms, including
other planets. In some people it has a resonance that may aid you
to better understand the communications you are receiving. It also
aids communication and may help you to deliver the messages you
receive to others.
Chalcopyrite is a very strong stone to use for meditation.. and brings
through a strong spiritual, even mystical energy.
It will help you to go deeply into a state of mind to aid you to gain deeper
spiritual understanding of where you life is at present. In meditation, it
may aid you to make contact with ancient civilizations.
It is said to help you if you have lost something to find it. These crystal
stones have a strong energy within the crown chakra... and are helpful
for acupuncturists to use as they aid the movement of chi energy, and
this has an excellent action to assist the body to heal itself.
Charoite gives you strong protection psychicallyand brings the added
vibration of "being of service". It speaks to all of us who not only wish to
be spiritual, but to bring these gifts to the world so that everyone can
It is a very useful stone for grounding you spiritually, as well as being the
stone for the planet Chiron. The vibration of these crystal stones helps you
to develop psychic abilities and it may aid you to, 'Let go and let God'.
Chiastolite is one of the more unusual healing stones... and was called
'Cross Stone' by ancient people as it carries within it a natural cross. This
aspect created beliefs in ancient times about this crystal stones ability to
be highly protective.

We know today that its energy is highly protective... and it will change
negative energy into positivity and promote harmony.
Wearing crystal jewelry made from the cross stone is beneficial, as it
helps you to keep this energy within your auric field. Jewelry made from
this stone is also protective, and these pieces may be quite attractive, as
they are so different from other jewelry.
Childrenite has quite a strong energy that is useful to use when doing
past life clearing. It helps you to rise above
issues from past lives that have been making
you unable to function as you should.
The energy of this crystal stone works strongly within the solar plexus
chakra, to boost personal power.
It is helpful to aid you to control your temper, and may boost your
staying power when relationships get difficult. It assists you to be open
to new ideas and is helpful to assist decision making in business related
Chlorite Phantom Quartz are quartz crystals that have green phantoms of chlorite embodied
within them. This may be caused by chlorite covering a crystal during its growth, then the clear
quartz again growing and covering that green chlorite, which makes it
appear internally within the crystal.
Sometimes these crystals have a coating of chlorite on the surface as
well. These crystal stones have a strong energy to aid you to utilize earth
energy, and to make contact with nature spirits.
These green crystals have a strong heart based energy and are excellent
healing stones, and they are strong crystals to aid spiritual
development... as they vibrate within the higher chakras.
As the mineral embodied within them is similar to the makeup
of Seraphinite stones, they may have similar metaphysical attributes to
those lovely crystals, which are powerful stones to contact the angelic
realm and beings in the higher realms.
Chrysanthemum Stone is a lovely calming stone that is very
helpful to aid you to stay centered. The saying 'be fully present'
applies to this stone... as it aids you to be in the moment.
It is known to aid you to work out your purpose, and then to take
steps to bring it into your reality. It has a lovely energy that brings
joy and child-like happiness into your life.
If you have feeling that you have not yet achieved your potential,
you may choose to use one of these crystal stones, as it will help
you to find within you the courage to live your dream.

Chrysoberyl crystals may be green, greenish yellow or golden yellow in color. While all colors
have similar properties, the green stones have a strong heart
based energy, while the golden crystals resonate more strongly
within the solar plexus.
Note: these are quite small specimens, but you don't need big
stones as their energy is quite strong.
These crystal stones are powerful to boost the level of
abundance in your life, and will help the flow of heart based
actions in your life. They have a good energy to aid healing, and
assist the organs within the areas of the specific chakra related
to their color.
Some people who use Cats Eye Chrysoberyl may develop the gift
of prophecy, assisting you to see the possibilities of your future
Chrysocolla is a bluish-green crystal that is empowering of the
feminine energies. This crystal stones
attributes are highly loving... and will
aid and allow change into your life.
It works at all chakras but has a particularly strong resonance within the
heart, throat and base chakras. Through the base chakra it makes the
earth connection... allowing empathy to be felt more easily.
Used at the throat chakra, your communication is stimulated... and at
the heart chakra the energy of this crystal assists communication from
the heart. It may assist healing of the thyroid and thymus glands and
aids stress. If used at the third eye it can aid with developing intuition, and stimulate psychic
Chrysoprase is a light green stone that will work through both the solar plexus chakra and the
heart. Its vibration may heal both the physical heart as well as
releasing feelings of depression from within the emotional body.
It is one of the crystal stones that will release anxiety and create
balance and brings a sense of Divine truth.
It works well in conjunction with Danburite, and Phenacite... which
are all high vibration crystals. Paired with Moldavite, will aid it to
strengthen the heart. It is one of the more broadly beneficial healing
Chrysotile is also known as Chrysotite. This is a green and white
striped stone that is an excellent healing stone.

In particular it is helpful to aid chronic fatigue, and inflammatory

conditions. It is known for its action to aid emphysema and other
lung issues, and to help the arteries and veins.
These crystal stones will aid you to be honest with yourself. They
may benefit you when you discover that you have been trying to
manipulate others... as they help you to become aware of what you
are doing. This may assist you when others are trying to manipulate
you into doing what they want, as their action grounds you to the
earth, which aids you to see things more clearly.
Cinnabar stones stimulate both the earth chakra, the base chakra and the sacral chakra, in
addition to the third eye chakra.
This allows spiritual insights... that you have brought through via your
third eye... to be taken down to the lower chakras... where they may be
brought into physical reality.
This link between the spiritual world and the physical world makes this a
powerful stone to manifest ideals. They are said to be stones of
transformation... of magic and of alchemy. These crystal stones may be
used to align all of the chakras and to release fear and resentment.
Citrine Crystals are one of the premier manifestation and healing
stones... and more than any of the other crystal stones,
it is known for its manifestation abilities.
By easing fear it allows you to be able to accept into your life all the good that
is coming your way, including the ability to manifest prosperity, including aiding
an increase in money. It may engender joy, happiness and hope.
It is an exceedingly beneficial stone... that brings through energy to all of the
lower three chakras. In addition it will open up the crown chakra and elevate
intuition. These stones are quartz crystals so they have the added benefit of
amplifying the energy of stones that work in conjunction with it.
Clear Calcite is also known as colorless calcite, and is the purest form of this
stone. These crystal stones are found in a number of forms, including as small crystals growing
on other minerals.
It is a helpful crystal for emotional healing, and it is beneficial to use
to assist health issues caused by energy blockages.
Clear Calcite has excellent healing attributes, and is advantageous
to support absentee healing. It has a strong action at the third eye
chakra, and may help you to think more clearly. By helping you to
let go of the past... this may aid you to discover what you would like
your future to hold.
Clear Quartz Crystals work on all levels of the body and with all
chakras. It is powerful for practically any metaphysical activity, as it
increases both body energy and thoughts.

These crystal stones have a positive effect on almost all chakras, as they
protect the aura and expand the human energy field. They are one of the
preeminent quartz crystals used for crystal healing with quartz as they
are such strong amplifiers of energy.
They are commonly made into clear quartz crystal wands and skullies, as
well as beautiful clear quartz crystal jewelry, like the pendant shown
Clear Topaz is also called Silver Topaz or White Topaz. This stone is the
clear colorless variety of Topaz. It will help you to decipher your
intentions and to align them with the will of the Great Divine Spirit.
These crystal stones will aid you with being aware of the karmic
relationships in your life... and to help your self by interpreting the will of
the Great Divine spirit and its role in your life.
Clinohumite have excellent metaphysical properties and resonate
strongly at the solar plexus and sacral chakras.
They are useful to boost how you feel if you are
feeling depressed.
Although it is known to come in other colors, the energy of the bright
yellow crystal stones are excellent to boost how you feel. They will send
through a bursts of happiness to get your day off to a great start.
They It is said that they increase blood flow through your arteries and
so help circulation. It is also known to be a good stone to aid pain relief,
and by boosting the flow of chi in the body are said to help the liver
kidneys and pancreas.
Clinozoisite is in the same family as
Epidote, and has an excellent vibration to aid emotional healing,
such as a broken heart.
It can help friendships to bloom, by healing conflict. It may help you
to use the power of your mind, to link to the higher realms and
connect with the angels.
The energy of these crystal stones helps you to make improvements
in your life, by assisting you to finish ongoing projects successfully.
By its action to change the energy from negative to positive, its
vibration helps to dissolve disagreements. It will also boost the level
of the energy at the same time. As a healing crystal it will help to
detox the body, and is a useful stone to use after radiation
treatment, to detoxify the body of radiation poisioning.
Cobalt Bloom is another name for Erythrite. These crystal stones have a loving energy that aids
love to flow throughout your entire chakra system. It has a strong vibration within the heart

Like many pink stones it brings the energy of love... bringing

together people through the vibration of love and compassion. It is
known to strengthen the health of the physical heart and aid the
blood. It may aid communication and help you to speak with self
assurance and fluency.
Note: this is an arsenate based stone, so be careful when touching
it... and instead use it with something between your skin and the
Cobaltian Calcite is a lovely stone that embodies the pink ray and has a powerful heart based
vibration. These crystal stones have a sparkly look and texture, and
may bring through feelings of joy and happiness.
These stones are quite beautiful made into crystal jewelry... as they
are excellent heart chakra and thymus chakra crystals... that are
known to aid you to release buried emotions.
This vibration aids you to think positively and will assist you to let
go of negative feelings that you may have been holding onto.
For anyone working in a group situation... use these to aid everyone
to work together in harmony.
This energy is excellent to wear, and having a Cobaltian Calcite
pendant within your energy field, may help to form friendships and
may facilitate raising your consciousness.
They may also aid you to become more in tune with the energy of
the higher spiritual realms... and may assist you to develop psychic
gifts. These stones may also be known as Cobaltoan Calcite and
also as Sphaerocobaltite, although this second name (what a
mouthful) is not normally used when speaking about the hot pink
Colemanite is a powerful stone that has a quite easily felt electrical current within it. For this
reason it may be difficult for many people to use, and it is advised
that it is used only for a few minutes a time.
It is one of the crystal stones for healers, especially those doing
herbal or holistic healing. It will help you if you are in need, as it can
help you to get assistance from the Divine.
It has a strong energy within the crown chakra and up into the soul
star and higher transpersonal chakras, and the current that flows
within it, helps to make a connection with your higher self and with
Conichalcite is a strong heart based stone that will help you to deal with change with courage...
yet stimulates you to hesitate before activity.

These crystal stones help this process by their energy to

combine the heart chakra with the third eye... which will aid
you to stop and think before taking action.
Conichalcite also stimulates the solar plexus chakra, to aid
you to embrace your personal power with a loving heart, and
helps you to find solutions to problems. Its action at the third
eye helps your meditation, and may stimulate your intuition
and imagination.
Cookeite is quite beneficial to use in your daily meditation.
Keep it close by while meditating to
assist you to remain relaxed and at peace.
This is a great stone to aid you with solving problems... and is helpful to
utilize when you are studying specific information on a subject. This
stones energy may boost guidance from spirit as to the use of the
information you discover.
These crystal stones have good healing qualities, particularly to help
the body to deal with sleeping difficulties. You may use it to assist
allergies and to help with muscle spasms. It is also a good stone to keep
in your business to boost sales. Keep one of these stones on your body
for psychic protection. It is known to prevent negative energy from harming you, as it will provide
an impenetrable barrier when held.
Copper is not really a crystal, but it does fit into the general category of crystal stones and
rocks. It naturally occurs in a variety of colors, but all are similar,
just various shades, and it is found in a number of forms.
This mineral has a number of excellent metaphysical qualities,
including to balance the astral body with the physical body and
may help you if you are feeling lethargic and lacking energy.
Copper is believed to be a lucky stone, and is known to amplify
your thoughts and may boost the sending of messages via
thought. It may enhance the creation of loving relationships and
loving actions. It can help you to feel more self reliant, less
dependant on others and more able to take action when
Coral Fossil is the skeleton or part of the coral animals that are left after the death of the
marine coral creatures. These crystal stones are known for their action to help you to feel calmer
and more tranquil... and they are helpful to aid you to relax and to be at peace.

All colors of coral are known for their action to boost psychic
abilities and intuition and to stimulate the imagination. They may
also help the development of psychic vision, aiding you to more
easily visualize those things you desire.
Covellite is a stone to transform your dreams into reality.... by
enhancing a positive outlook. By using your energy in the right
way you can bring miracles into your life. It helps you to open a
doorway to the past... and supports you as you remember the
wisdom you obtained in past lives.
This is one of the crystal stones of the
crown chakra, the third eye chakra and
the sacral chakra... and will enhance creativity as well as stimulate
psychic gifts.
Crackled Fire Agate is one of the most highly protective crystal
stones... bringing through an amazing spiritual energy as it is highly
stimulating energetically.
This is the pre-eminent stone to take negative energy directed at you... such as
psychic attack... and returning it back to where it came from.
Its vibration also allows the person who sent the energy to know what they
have done and the consequences spiritually.
It has positive energy within the chakras below the heart... as it is stimulating to
sexual health and reproduction. It brings zest for living, assists sexuality,
stamina and is also a stone for manifestation.
Cradle of Humankind Crystals are a type
of limestone or chert that comes from caves
in Magaliesberg, South Africa.
These caves are where the first hominid fossils were found,
and they relate to some of the earliest ancestors of modern
man... as they are around seven million years old.
These crystal stones have a strong grounding energy that will
help you to make a connection to mother Gaia, via the earth
chakra. They have a soothing vibration, and they make you
feel that all is well in your life. They may aid you to discover information about past lives in
ancient times, and help you to understand how that relates to your current life, and perhaps
what your purpose is in being born at this time.
Creaseyite is helpful to strengthen the third eye chakra, particularly if its been weakened by
distress, fear, apprehension or insecurity.

Its action at the third eye helps to strengthen your intuition and
instinctive abilities. It may assist you to accept responsibility, and
allows you to be aware that you are personally responsible for
your own actions, rather than being dependant on others.
Its energy will aid concentration, and will also assist with problem
solving. This is one of the crystal stones that helps you to look at
your life and determine how to organize and plan for the best
results, and see what the ramifications of your actions might be.
Creedite crystals commonly occur as crystal clusters, and have a
potent energy to stimulate the highest chakras in the body, as well
as the transpersonal chakras in the etheric body.
When you use them in meditation, they may aid you to gain clarity
from spiritual communication received from your guides and the
angelic realm.
Their vibration stimulates blissful feelings of joy and happiness to
flow through you... and they will help to expand your awareness and
will lift your vibration.
The feelings of deep inner peace that arise from using these crystal
stones may alleviate depression... and are one of the ways to
relieve stress. They are useful to aid healing in a number of ways.
Crimson Calcite is a very dark red variety of calcite that comes
from Mexico. These crystals have a strong vibration at the base
They are excellent spiritual grounding stones, as they will bring
you fully into your body, especially if you get high after working
with high vibration stones. The energy of these stones helps to
make you feel good, as they induce physical vitality.
If you hold one of these stones in your hand, you may feel your
blood pulse with the influx of vibrant energy. They are excellent
crystal stones to stimulate the health of the body, as they help you
to release fear and help you to let go of negative thoughts and habits that are holding you back.
Crocoite is one of the crystal stones that aids you in your search for spiritual enlightenment.
This is a stone that has a strong spiritual grounding action as well as being highly spiritual. It first
creates a connection between the earth and base chakra.

It then take the energy up to the heart and thymus chakras... where this
vibration helps you to open yourself to love and compassion, and gives
you courage and emotional healing. The energy then continues moving
up.... to the crown chakra... where it aids the flow of spiritual energy
throughout the entire chakra system.
This energy is known to facilitate kundalini energy to rise... and is known
to cause you to move to a new way of thinking and feeling, in line with
the Great Divine Spirit.
Cross Quartz Crystal is a particular quartz configuration. Read more
about these configurations in the article on quartz configurations.
Cryolite stone comes from Greenland and is said to be one of the oldest stones in the world.
This white stone is an amazing high vibration crystal that energizes the
brain and produces a strong mind-heart link, creating a deep connection
to the higher realms and to Spirit.
This stone has a lovely heart based energy that resonates quite
intensely... which may create deep spiritual growth and aid love
It is a strong healing stone, that it is helpful for anyone with speech
defects to use, and it is known to aid emotional problems that may be
Use them in meditation as these crystal stones aid you to solve problems
via your intuition, and may strengthen psychically knowing as well as stimulating other psychic
gifts. They can help you to be less visible or noticeable when in a situation where you would
prefer no one took any notice of you.
Cuprite is a red copper rich stone that naturally occurs with Chrysocolla. Its color is usually in a
shade of red, but may also be a darker brown or black color. It energy is
easily felt at the base chakra and it also has a beneficial action at the solar
plexus and sacral chakras.
It is a good spiritual grounding stone, and may be especially helpful for you to
use when working with high vibration crystal stones, as it will help you to
return to normal.
It may be advantageous to have on you when your energy is flagging, and it
is known to be helpful to assist with preventing discrimination in the
workplace. It may help both men and women to embrace their feminine or
receptive side.

Crystals Healing Properties - D

Dalmation Jasper is also known as Dalmatian Stone. It gives you stamina and helps you to
relax... and is excellent to assist you to sleep well, free from
It decreases disillusionment and helps you to let go of the things
you have outgrown... while at the same time encouraging loyalty in
your relationships. It brings childlike joy while assisting you to find
your true purpose in life.
It has spots of Black Tourmaline in it. This means that the meaning
of stones is similar for both... and it will aid both psychic protection and grounding. It is an
excellent healing stone... particularly for the muscles, the blood and the immune system.
Danburite is a stone of enlightenment ... activating the intellect from a heart based perspective.
This beautiful natural crystal comes in a number of colors, including the
clear, yellow and lovely golden yellow stones.
They have a wonderful energy to aid emotional healing, and is wonderful
to help you if you have trouble sleeping.
It creates self love, and they will also assist you to let go of fear and aids
the release of anxiety, and will help you if you are suffering with grief. It
encourages the heart to resonate with Divine love and so promotes self
It is one of the high crystal energy stones... and is powerful used in
conjunction with others from this group.
Datolite is one of the high vibration stones. It works both within the
higher chakras from the third eye up,
and within the solar plexus and heart chakras.
This crystals healing properties depend on the actual color of
the stone to some degree, as different colored stones of this
type may vary.
It is a powerful stone to aid you to see beings from the higher
spiritual realms, and it is well known for its action to assist
you to see the auras of others.
Its aids your mental faculties and helps to release fear and
improve your mood.
Demantoid Garnet is the green variety of Andradite Garnet,
and is also spoken about as Green Andradite Garnet.

This crystals healing properties may vary depending on its exact

color... as this is related to the specific shade of green that a
particular crystal is, as the more yellowish or yellow-green
crystals have slightly different attributes.
All colors will resonate within the heart chakra, and the yellowish
stones will also resonate within the solar plexus chakra.
These are strong stones to kindle vitality... as they stimulate your
metabolism and may aid your circulation. They also have a good
role to help emotional healing. It you are particularly affected by
the opinions of other people, you may benefit by keeping a stone
on your body, and under your pillow.
Diamonds are stones most of you will know... as these precious stones are so often found in
your engagement rings. They are one of the highest regarded precious stones, but are you aware
that they also have powerful metaphysical properties?

All Diamonds have a very spiritual vibration, and they resonate within the highest chakras
bringing spiritual light into the body from the soul star chakra down through the crown chakra
and third eye chakra to the heart chakra.
They are positive stones that assist you to find the light and they have a powerful effect to aid
the brain. You can get lower quality diamond stones and their crystals healing properties are
highly regarded.
They may aid you with developing a number ofpsychic based powers and in particular the gift of
psychic visions or clairvoyance.
Dianite are amphibole rich crystals (that may also be found selling
as Blue Jadeite). They have a lovely energy... so I can fully
understand why they were named after the beautiful Princess
Dianite is a blue Nephrite that is found in an area in Russia quite
close to where Charoite crystals come from. These blue or blue
green stones have a good energy to aid healing.

This crystals healing properties are known to help hyperactivity, stress and tension. They are
helpful to aid the development of some psychic abilities, in particular helping you to develop
intuition. They are quite stimulating within the third eye and crown chakra as well as at the
throat chakra. Their action may stimulate your psychic hearing and may aid you to hear the
voice of your guides more clearly.
Diaspore is an excellent stone to stimulate the mind and may help
your memory. It aids your ability to recall information and helps you
to retain knowledge when you are studying.
This crystals healing properties may assist age related memory
problems, and is said to be helpful for anyone who feels that your
memory is not as good as it used to be when you were younger.
It is known to encourage clarity of thought and may assist your
concentration, and also relieves stress and encourages you to
respond better to change in your life. As well it may assist you to
more easily see the point of view of others.
Diopside stone is usually Green or Black... but may be a
combination of both colors and also occurs less commonly in other
It is a strongly empowering stone for anyone who has a strong
interest in the well-being of our planet. If you wish to make a
connection to Mother Gaia... this stone will help the process.
The Green Diopside will bring through the green ray, and will
connect you energetically with the heartbeat of the planet and to
Mother Gaia herself.
Dioptase is a beautiful third eye and heart chakra stone with the
vibration of compassion and forgiveness. This crystal helps you to
see the abundance and richness within your life.
The crystals healing properties of this lovely green will assist you,
as it helps you to live in the now and at the same time shows you
past life memories.
This information from the past, aids you to release the karma from
past lives that might be holding you back... and creating negativity
in your life.
Dog Tooth Calcite is one of the names for a variety of calcite which is also known as Stellar
Beam Calcite. This crystals healing properties are potent to aid you to heal emotionally and

It has a powerful energy that resonates strongly within all of the

chakras but within the higher chakras in particular.
The energy of these Calcite Crystals may assist you to journey
within the higher realms and may allow and assist you to contact
the Divine, angels and spirit guides.
Dravite is the deep brown... very dark, almost black variety of
Tourmaline. The meaning of stones in the Tourmaline family are
all quite similar... in that they all
have a calming and relaxing effect on the body... as well as being
deeply cleansing energetically.
Dravite helps to bring the shadow side of yourself to your
consciousness... to aid you to let go of these old emotional
It helps you to accept yourself, and it improves your self esteem,
as it aids you to also love yourself. It is also an excellent spiritual
grounding stone.
Dream Quartz is quartz that has inclusions of Epidote and/or
Actinolite in it. It may also be sold as Chiron stone, and there are
two different types.
One type is clear quartz with green inclusions, and the other is a
milky green color... seen in the photo here. In this variety the
inclusions are less obvious.
The crystals healing properties relate to its action to aid lucid
dreaming. Having it close during sleep may help you to
remember your dreams... when you wake up in the morning.
It has a strong resonance at the higher chakras, and it may assist
you to develop psychic abilities... including mental telepathy. It is lovely to use in meditation, and
it may help with astral traveling, and its energy may make you feel more positive about life.
Dumortierite helps you to stand up for yourself. It
eliminates excitability and encourages patience.
Although it comes in more than one color... the natural
crystals of the blue variety is the most popular... as it has a
frequency that will aid those who do psychic work.
It may assist you to hear not only the voice of the Divine, but
this stone may also aid you with telepathic abilities which is
the ability to hear the thoughts of others. It may elevate
development of clairvoyance and may bring through past life
visions... as well as enhancing many psychic skills.
Crystals Healing Properties - E

Eckermannite is a quite rare crystal. It is known as an excellent

stone for teachers of spiritual knowledge to use, as it helps you
to intuitively know what students need to learn.
It seems to create a link from the teacher to the learner, so that
the teacher knows when the student understands what is being
This crystals healing properties are said to relate to its action to
heal problems in the eyes. Use it when you are doing trance
channeling, as it helps you to return to your body when you want
Eilat Stone is found only in Israel and is a mixture
of Azurite, Malachite, Turquoise,Chrysocolla and other minerals. This is a highly spiritual stone
that has a strong heart based vibration.
Also known as King Solomon's stone... it will merge the energy of
the heart chakra, the thymus chakra and the throat chakra with
each other to create a very loving spiritual energy within your
This beautiful crystal helps to instill wisdom into your very being. A
lovely stone with a strong resonance that works by simply being in
the room nearby.
Elephant Skin Jasper is also known as Calligraphy Stone or Miriam Stone. This stone is found in
the Himalayan mountains in India... and is comprised of a hematite
and iron shell fossil.
Use it during meditation as its stimulates the third eye, and may
assist you to reach the area in the higher realms where the Akashic
records are stored... and may allow you to access them to gain
information about past lives.
It has a strong resonance at both the third eye chakra and the
sacral chakra, and is also very protective. This crystals healing
properties aid you to feel more positive about life, and if you have a situation in your life that you
feel is hopeless, use this stone to help you.
Elestial Quartz is a well known high vibration quartz crystal. Also known as Skeletal Quartz,
Alligator Quartz or Jacare Quartz Crystal... click here to read the in-depth article written about it.
This is a specific quartz configuration, and if you'd like to discover more about the different
quartz configurations, take a look at the article on quartz formations and configurations.
Emerald Stones are known as the stone for 'successful love'. Their vibration opens the heart
chakra and calms the emotions.

It helps you to eliminate negativity and create positive actions and

outcomes. It gives you strength of character to overcome the
misfortunes in life... imparts clarity and improves memory.
Wearing Emeralds gemstones is renowned, and lovely Emerald
jewelry is particularly popular for engagement rings.
Enstatite has a good energy to help you if
you have trouble making decisions, as it
helps you to be more decisive.
This crystals energy stimulates the ideal of being of service. It will help
you to be more tenacious and resolute in your choices while still being
flexible enough to achieve what needs to get done.
The crystals healing properties are excellent to lift your mood if you are
feeling down or depressed.
It is said to be good for those who are iron deficient as it is known to
keep iron in the body for longer.
Epidote (also called Pistacite) has a vibration that brings you more of
the same. Although this is a very helpful vibration to aid you to accentuate positive traits... it will
also bring more of the negative traits. The meaning of stones like these, make them a difficult
stone for some people to work with.
This aspect is said to benefit you, as the influx of traits... both good or
bad... brings them clearly to your awareness. It is said to be very helpful
to aid prosperity... because as long as you are generous you will bring
generosity into your life... in a variety of different ways.
Erythrite also known as Cobalt Bloom is a strong
heart based stone. This pink crystal helps to
energize your body both physically and spiritually.
It helps you to get answers to the questions asked
of spirit and helps to improve your communication ability... and allows you
to be confident and fluent in your speech.
It brings an amazing sense of self assurance and a feeling of personal
empowerment. Note: that as it is an arsenate stone, wash hands well after
touching it... and preferably don't use against your bare skin.
Etched Quartz is one of the configurations in which quartz crystals may form. To learn more
information about the various quartz configurations, read this in-depth article about the quartz
configurations and formations.
Euclase crystals come in a number of colors with the most common being blue and clear stones.

The crystals healing properties of all colors of Euclase are similar,

and these stones have a lovely energy that stimulate feelings of
happiness to flow through your being.
They are strong stones within the crown chakra, and this energy
may aid you to think more clearly.
They may also assist you to understand sacred geometry more
easily, and help to enhance your psychic powers or abilities.
They are useful crystals to keep close to you, or even on your
body... as they may assist the flow of coincidence and synchronicity
in your life, and this can be helpful to assist you to bring the things
and circumstances that you desire into your life.
Eudialyte helps you to open your heart... and will aid you to join
the heart's vibration with both base chakra and earth chakra energy. This
connects your emotional feelings to physical expression.
It produces an elevation of both beta and alpha brain waves... which aids
creativity, and stimulates clairaudient gifts, ESP and mental telepathy.
It has an excellent capacity to bring occurrences of coincidence or synchronicity
to your life, and may aid you to discover what your life path is. This stone has a
very reassuring energy, and is an important aid to help you to distinguish what
direction to take your life in.
Eye Of The Storm is an interesting stone, that is excellent to use for stress
relief. Also known as Judys Jasper, it is named for Judy Hall. The crystals healing
properties of these stones are quite unique and
after using this daily for a week, I feel such a strong deep
strength, like I can weather anything I need to.
It has a lovely heart based vibration and also embodies a strong
calming and grounding energy. At the same time I feel quite
relaxed and balanced, as if nothing is going to upset me or phase
I can understand its name, as when I first held each piece they
seemed to want to draw me into seeing a spinning circle of
energy, but not getting sucked into it, rather as an observer. Like
it was saying stay calm because all is well, we are here to help. I
noticed many Eye Of The Storm stones have something like an
eye on them, maybe this is part of the reason for this unique energy.

Crystals Healing Properties - F

Faden Quartz is an interesting quartz configuration. If you would like to read more in-depth
information about specific quartz configurations, take a look at the article onquartz formations
and configurations.
Fairy Stones are also known as the fairy cross. These
names have been used in the past to refer
to Staurolite stones, which embody a cross within them.
Their crystals healing properties relate to their energy to help
you to make contact with the fairy kingdom, as well as to the
energy of the earth itself.
The fairy kingdom has a quite lovely sweet energy, and by
making a connection with these beings you may also find
that you gain a greater appreciation for the earth herself.
Staurolite crystals have historically been used for white
magic ceremonies, as they help to boost your connection with natural energy. They are also
helpful healing stones and can assist you to beat addictions, and they are also good grounding
Fire Agate has a strong connection to the earth... and its attributes are extremely protective. It
builds a shield of protection around the body, and returns any type of psychic attack back to
where it came from.
For anyone who has been working with highly spiritual stones and is
ungrounded... this stone will bring you spiritual grounding and zest for
living. It awakens the base and sacral chakras, and it assists sexuality,
stamina and aids manifestation.
Fire Quartz is also known as Flame quartz or Harlequin quartz. This
crystals healing properties relate to the inclusions within the quartz...
which are usually red Hematite but may also be Lepidocrocite.
The stones vary from pale crystals with little color, through to vibrant
bright red ones. They are excellent stones to aid anyone who feels loathe
to participate in activity, as they will make you more adventurous and
interested in life.
These are excellent stone to make you feel animated and energetic... and
they may stimulate spontaneous action. They are a stone of liveliness and
enjoyment of life... and they may encourage you to get out and do more.
Fishtail Selenite is also known as Angel Wing Selenite, and is a powerful
high vibration stone. It is well known for its action to aid spiritual
development, and they are also excellent to use as healing stones.

If you are a crystal healer, you may choose to use one of

these at the soul star chakra, as they are powerful to aid
energy from the spiritual realm to make its way into the
These crystals healing properties are quite stunning as they
are powerful to cleanse the whole of the aura of negativity.
They bring positive emotional healing and assist in calming
anyone who feels stressed, as they help to elevate your
Flint is an ancient stone, that was used in the past, in every
aspect of people's lives... to make tools, knives and other useful objects. It
became a sacred stone that drew the help of the Gods to their lives.
These days we are aware of this crystals healing properties, as they have
a strong energy that will cut away spiritual connections that are no longer
When we are in relationships (of any kind) we create etheric ties to each
other. These ties can connect very deeply and can create health issues.
Use this stone at any or all chakras... one by one... asking spirit to cut the
ties that have bound you to others, and free yourself from the restrictions that these unwanted
ties can create.
Fluorite comes in a range of colors. The crystals healing
properties vary according to the color of various stones.... as the
different colored natural crystals have different properties.
It will particularly aid thinking as it is stimulating on the mental
plane. It acts like a vacuum cleaner clearing out unwanted
thoughts that are creating mental confusion.
Many of these stones... including the lovely Rainbow Fluorite...
embody a mixture of colors, and it is useful to have the mixture
within the one stone, as they work within a variety of different
Forsterite comes in shades of yellow, including pale yellow like
this one... green, brown, black or white. It is excellent to enhance
communication with your spirit guides, and helps you to clearly understand and receive
messages that come through from your guides.

This crystals healing properties relate to its action to boost your

ability to overcome health issues of any kind. It is said to
specifically help those with fungal infections and to assist
physical motor problems.
It is a good stone to help you to think clearly, and it calms and
soothes your energy allowing you to feel centered and able to
deal with problems as they arise. If it is necessary for your life
path to take a deviation off the planned course, it will help you to
see when this is of value to your overall life journey. Otherwise it
helps you to avoid unnecessary distractions.
Fuchsite is a heart chakra stone that is extremely useful for
healers to have in their healing room. It may be called 'The
Healers Stone' as it prevents the healer from 'surrogating' or
taking responsibility for another's healing.
It can also be useful in a family situation... where there is a
person who becomes the patient on whom others project their
desires for the family's health, or lack of.
This stone allows each person in its vicinity to be responsible for
their own health, growth and movement forward in their life. Look
into its light and gain wisdom from the universal mind.
Fulgurite is a type of glass... very special glass formed by a
lightning strike onto sandy soil or sand. These high vibration stones embody the
powerful energy of lightning within them... and makes them a powerful
manifestation tool.
By praying fervently and then blowing your prayer out... through the center of
the stone, to the universe... many people believe that this is amazingly
effective to manifest.

The Meaning of Stones - G

Gabbro is a name used to describe an igneous stone that in the crystal world is known as
Blizzard Stone. The meaning of stones like these is interesting as
they contain a mix of quite a few different minerals... which aids
them to have an excellent vibration.
They are very spiritual stones, that have a strong action to
aid kundalini awakening. Their vibration resonates within all of
the chakras... but at the higher chakras they are excellent stones
to aid you to make spiritual journeys and may aid development
of psychic visions and intuitive abilities.
Gaia Stone is a lovely bright green stone that carries the energy
of the soul of the earth... as these stones are made from the ash from
Mount Saint Helen's volcano.
They have the energy of both the thymus chakra and the heart chakra...
and carry a strong vibration of love and compassion. The meaning of
stones like these lovely green crystals is powerful... as they embody
Goddess energy and they promote loving relationships.
They will aid the development of both magical and psychic abilities,
particularly psychic visions orclairvoyance.
Galaxyite is a micro-labradorite with an intense energy to cleanse and
balance the aura. It is a strong healing stone that assists stress and
anxiety, is helpful for the eyes, and it aids issues with the metabolism
and helps digestive problems.
The most interesting meaning of stones like these relates to its action
to encourage or boost the materialization of incidents or experiences in
your life.
These may be large or small matters that occur. The way they work is
that they boost small actions to happen regularly, but larger events
only now and again. To some degree it does depend on the way that the
user of these stones focuses their attention.
Once you see that events are beginning to unfold you might choose to
give a specific event more attention to bring it into manifestation more
quickly. As Galaxyite stones contain Labradorite, they are also stones
that encourage coincidence or synchronicity, so you can see how well
this would work to aid you to make major changes in your life. Use it in
meditation to boost psychic ability and to bring the focus of a group together.
Galena is a lead mineral, so this makes it another stone that you need to take considerable care
with when you are using it.

Like other stones that may be risky to use, take care with
touching this stone. I generally use stones that are unsafe in any
way inside a cloth bag, and you may choose to only use it within
a sealed bag.
It should not be used to make crystal elixirs unless you use the
indirect method, where there is glass between the stone and the
It does have excellent metaphysical properties, and it can both
ground and center your energy. The meaning of stones like these
also relates to the fact that it is a good healing stone, and is
known to aid the healing of alzheimer's disease, and can help
thyroid problems.
Ganesha Quartz have a beautiful and
quite unspoiled vibration as they come from high in the Himalayan
Mountains, from an area located in Eastern Indian.
The meaning of stones like these is interesting, as many have breakage
or fractures in the crystal which are caused by the extreme cold.
These high altitude crystals are also incredibly clear quartz crystals,
that have a quite unique, very pure vibration.
They may help you to make a connection with both the energy of the
earth and the Divine... making them a wonderful stone to aid your
spiritual growth.
Garnet comes in a range of colors...
including the deep red Almandine
Garnet pictured here.
Although the Red Garnets are very common, this stone also comes
in a number of other colors... including Black Andradite Garnet,
green or yellowish green Grossular Garnet and yellow Hessonite
The meaning of stones in this family will depend on the actual color
of the stone, but they all have a few things in common. All types of
Garnet are strong crystals to aid prosperity and are good to help
relationships by stimulating commitment to your partner.
Gaspeite has a strong thymus aka higher heart chakra and heart chakra vibration, that helps
to let go of hurt and painful emotions... and aids you to forgive. It has a strong healing energy
and will bring that healing energy to the person using it.

It is a stone that attracts friendships and will help you to manifest...

especially when this is for the good of others, rather than for selfish
motives. The meaning of stones like these may be linked to the tribal
vibration of the area where it comes from.
It is an Australian stone that was used by the Aboriginal people to aid
them to have visions. Embodied within it is a strong earth energy... that
will help your spiritual growth. This is particularly so if you meditate with
one of these stones within your aura, while you are seated on the earth.
Lovely pendants or earrings are made from this stone... and Gaspeite jewelry... like the stone in
the accompanying photo... are excellent to use to aid your spiritual journey.
Gem Silica is a crystallized or silicated form of Chrysocolla, infused in quartz. It has a lovely
joyful energy that may assist you to release old grief, and
once released may aid forgiveness to bring revival of
happiness in your life.
This is a powerful throat chakra stone, in fact it is said to be
one of the best stones to aid you if your life involves sound.
The meaning of stones like these is associated with using the
voice for singing or speaking. This is a powerful stone to use
to improve communication, particularly with the Divine, your
guides and angels, and it may stimulate psychic visions or
Gilalite in Quartz is also known as Medusa Quartz, and this is because some pieces have long
tendril like shaped inclusions in them. However most inclusions are
rounded or mushroom like in appearance.
Paraiba Quartz is another name for it, and this relates to the
location of one of the mines that this crystal comes out of.
Gilalite is a teal blue copper based inclusion, and is not common.
The meaning of stones such as these pertains to the way their
energy vibrates within the throat and higher heart chakras... also
known as the thymus chakra.
Through its vibration within the throat chakra it encourages
communication... both with other people, telepathically and with
beings in the higher realms.
Girasol Quartz contains inclusions that create a quite unusual
optical effect within the stone (hard to see in photos). These stones
are sold under a few different names... including as Moon Quartz, Blue Opal Quartz and Foggy
Quartz... as well as a name which is a trademarked so I won't mention it's name.

These crystals have a lovely energy, and vibrate strongly within the
third eye, crown and soul star chakras. The meaning of stones like
these relates to their energy, as they have some unique qualities...
and this is not just a visual effect but the stones have a specific
vibration that aids transformation.
These quartz crystals are quite unique, as they help you to be
aware... and that seems to be the important issue... to notice and
make changes. Once you know what the path you are on is about,
you can take action... as their energy aids you to make the changes
needed to transform your life.
Glacial Etched Quartz has a similar look to Nirvana Quartz, but its
intensity is not as high. If you have tried Nirvana Quartz and found
it overwhelming to use, try this slightly less
intense quartz, that is also a type of ice quartz.
The meaning of stones from this area of the world, where etched crystals are
caused by being formed by the glaciers in Pakistan, are quite similar. Like
Nirvana, Glacial Etched Quartz is very powerful to use in meditation, as it allows
you to easily become mentally still.
Its action helps to stop those thoughts that prevent you from getting into the
flow of meditation. It is known to gently shift barriers to spiritual growth and
helps you to feel comfortable to your level of progress and to move forward
Glendonite was named for the location where it was first discovered, in
Glendon in NSW Australia. It is what is known as a pseudomorph. It is a type of
calcite that occurs after Ilkaite crystals. Ilkaite is
unstable, and if it loses its water content when it
gets hot, it turns to Calcite.
The meaning of stones like these strongly relates to the way they
resonate within the higher chakras, and within the third eye chakra,
and crown chakra in particular.
Their energy is beneficial to stimulate psychic visions... also known
as clairvoyant abilities, and is a powerful asset to use for
It has an excellent energy to aid the brain, and it is said to stimulate
the right hemisphere of the brain, and may aid it to take a stronger
role in the brains activity. It may assist you to process thoughts and
to think more clearly, and it is known to aid stress. It is also said to
stimulate lightbody activation, and is powerful used in body layouts.
Goethite is a stone that aids you to make a deep connection with the earth. It aids earth
healing... and is known as a stone that is the repository of earth history.

The meaning of stones like these is well known... as they have an

ability to aid the healing of personal grief.
This is a strong stone to aid you to heal past life problems by
allowing access to relevant memories stored within your genetic
Although it works within all chakras... its action is strongest at
the earth chakra, base, sacral, throat and third eye chakra... and
it is a stone that you may use to make your intentions become
Golden Aura Quartz is a stunningly beautiful quartz crystal, that is also
known as Imperial Gold Quartz. This is a variety of aura quartz where the
color is created by a man made process.
The meaning of stones is similar in some ways to other crystals in the
aura family of quartz... where finely powdered titanium, iron and other
minerals are bonded to the stone using heat.
The color is permanent and these crystals are stunning to look at, as well
as having some very useful gemstone meanings. These crystals resonate
strongly within the solar plexus chakra, and they are excellent crystals to
aid manifestation.
The vibration of this crystal helps to unite the heart chakra with the solar
plexus chakra and this is an excellent energy that creates joy, happiness
and optimism about life.
It is a beneficial healing crystal, especially for assisting emotional
difficulties... and they are known to aid many stomach related problems...
such as issues within the stomach, liver, gall bladder and spleen.
Golden Calcite is also known as Amber calcite, because it is a deep
amber yellow color. Calcite is one of the most abundant types of minerals
on the planet and of course this means they come in an amazing range of
colors and configurations.
The meaning of stones made of Calcite in this color, relates to both the
solar plexus chakra and quite strongly to the higher chakras. This color is
the color of the Golden Light, that light that you can get in touch with
during meditation.
Working with the golden light has amazing possibilities for spiritual growth
and healing. If you feel drawn to Golden Calcite at this time this is not
surprising as there is so much happening spiritually on the planet right
now. Use one of these Calcite Crystals in meditation to connect to the
Golden light, and with your higher self and the Divine mind.
Golden Chrysoberyl resonates within both the heart and solar plexus chakras. This energy at
the solar plexus is potent to strengthen your personal power, and is excellent to boost
manifestation in your life.

The meaning of stones like these in particular relates to how

it makes a connection between the heart and solar plexus.
By combining these two energies, it may boost
manifestation, bringing you the things that you desire, in a
loving way.
It helps you to utilize spiritual thinking to improve your life,
and it has a good healing action within the solar plexus
area... assisting areas such as the liver, kidneys and gall
bladder, and helping to remove toxins from the body.
Golden Danburite is also known as Agni Gold Danburite...
and is a lovely bright yellow variety of
this stone that comes from Africa.
The meaning of stones like these is associated with its action to aid you to
solve problems, and it is wonderful to assist your spiritual growth.
It works within the higher chakras, and helps you to make a stronger
connection to the spiritual realms and the angelic kingdom... and it is
powerful used in meditation. It may assist you to gain guidance from Spirit
and it may help you to think more clearly.
Golden Healer quartz crystals are stones
that have a fine coating of transparent yellow or golden color on
them, possibly iron hydrate.
These lovely crystals will help you to raise your vibration, and may
be used in meditation. They resonate particularly strongly at the
highest spiritual level, and encourage access to the golden light...
and the spiritual ray of Christ consciousness.
The meaning of stones like these also relates to helping you if are
working on developing psychic visions aka clairvoyance.
They have a good healing energy within all of the chakras of the
body, and if you are using them to heal yourself, they are
particularly useful to aid any emotional issues you may have,
especially regarding your personal power... as they resonate
strongly at the solar plexus chakra.
Golden Rutilated Quartz will activate your creative area and
allow spiritual creativity to manifest... as you receive Divine
Keeping it on your body will help to enhance your creativity and
bring a joyful vibration into your life... so it is an excellent stone
to use as jewelry.

As it as a variety of Clear Quartz ... with inclusions of Golden Rutile... it is a powerful amplifier of
your thoughts. The sizzling power of the threads of Gold Rutile within these quartz crystals will
bring through intense energy.
If you sit with one in meditation it may be programmed with your intentions and may assist you
to move your life forward more quickly in your desired direction. The meaning of stones like
these is of value, as they are wonderful aids for healing practitioners... as they bring through
intense energy... and are easily cleansed after each treatment.
Golden Selenite is the transparent golden colored variety of
gypsum, and it occurs in these stunningly beautiful crystal
clusters, and as a lighter yellow colored crystal as well.
The meaning of stones in the Selenite family all relate to the
way that they aid your spiritual development, as they bring
spiritual light down from the higher realms to help to create
personal transformation.
This golden variety of Selenite is a powerful tool to use to aid
you, and they are effective when used in meditation. They
assist you to connect with spirit guides and help to facilitate
a connection to the higher realms... and they will also clear
stagnant energy from all areas of the auric field.
This crystal resonates strongly, and is a wonderful tool to use to assist your spiritual journey. It
has a strong resonance at the third eye and solar plexus chakras. It is helpful to enhance psychic
abilities, as it facilitates a stronger connection between yourself and the higher realms.
Golden Yellow Labradorite is a lovely clear bright yellow stone. It is a great solar plexus
chakra stone... giving attributes of courage, vitality, clear thinking,
clarity of mind and manifestation.
If your desire is to manifest money into your life... consider using
this crystal. It will connect you to the Great Central Sun and
therefore has a male solar tone... and the qualities of assertiveness,
self confidence and physical vitality.
Gold Sheen Obsidian is a variety of obsidian that has a golden
sheen on the stone, when seen in a specific light. These crystals
have a strong vibration at the solar
plexus chakra in particular, as well as at the base chakra.
They are excellent to stimulate the health of the body, as they help
you to release fear and help you to let go of negative thoughts and
habits that are holding you back.
The meaning of stones like these also relates to their energy to help
you to solve problems... by allowing you to see the basis for the
issue. It's energy will also help you by aiding you to discover what
course of action you could take, to provide you with what you need
in your life.

Goosecreekite is a rare member of the zeolite family... and

when you hold it in your hand it seems to have a similar energy
to most other zeolites.
The meaning of stones in the zeolite family relate to their strong
energy to act as cleanser of toxins from the body.
These are also referred to as scrubber crystals, and this group
are a powerful aid to help with the removal of built up toxins in
the body. They also help to remove negative energy.
Most zeolites work within the higher chakras from the third eye
up, and are commonly used to aid spiritual growth. The vibration
of Goosecreekite can be easily felt at the crown chakra, and it
can make you spacey very quickly.
Goshenite aka White Beryl is a stone of spiritual transformation... and will enhance the power of
your prayers when you are asking for help. It is a stone of spiritual
growth... as it opens the crown chakra and helps you to find your spirit
It may energize the mental areas of the brain...and will help you to think
more logically. It inspires loyalty, and assists you to be more focused on
all that you do. The meaning of stones that are clear are often known to
aid clarity of thought.
It is known to stimulate your inclination to be truthful... and to recognize
truth in others. Some people will find this aspect difficult to manage... as
many times you tell small polite lies in order not to offend. This vibration
makes it less likely that you will be deceived by others.
Green Apatite is an excellent abundance stone, and this is
about being abundant on all levels. Its not always about
money, as they may also create an abundance of love and
good health.
If you are too attached to money, or conversely if you are
someone who feels that wanting money is not appropriate...
it will help you to understand that money is just another
element of energy and should be seen as such.
The meaning of stones like these relates to their action to
unite the energy of the heart chakra with the throat and third
eye chakras, and they are excellent crystals to stimulate your
intuition. This is a lovely stone if you are anxious or stressed
as it is helpful to relieve stress, as it has a lovely relaxing and balancing energy.
Green Apophyllite is a heart chakra stone that resonates with the natural world and nature
spirits. The meaning of stones like these strongly relates to their ability to aid communication
with nature spirits, elementals and animals.

They have an excellent energy that can be used to aid telepathic

communication with animals. They help you to bring in and utilize
the energy you need from the source of all energy. You can use
these crystal to aid healing as they may aid detoxification.
Green Calcite aids the heart chakra, and will help to heal
emotional problems and to restore balance to you mentally. It helps
to heal the body physically, and is a good
stimulator of the immune system.
The meaning of stones in the calcite family
are similar, although the energy of the green crystals will help you to be
more in tune with the energy of nature... and may aid you to connect with
plants and animals. They help you to release stress, and having one under
the pillow helps you to have sweet dreams.
Green Chrysoberyl crystals have a lovely energy that aids abundance,
and while it may be financial
abundance it may also be an improvement in your emotional
life, as they have a strong heart based energy.
The meaning of stones like these also relates to the true
meaning of abundance, as their energy may boost the
growth of your specific gifts, to aid you to improve your
progress through life.
They also connect you to the source... enhancing the flow of
Divine love in your life, so you may receive spiritual
Green Datolite crystals are said to
have a higher vibration than some other colors of these crystals.
All colors of Datolite are advantageous to use in meditation, and they
may assist you to make contact with your guides and boost your
spiritual growth.
The meaning of stones like these can relate to their ability to help you
to move forward in life in a new direction and to create an improved
If you are studying, these stones are extremely helpful to assist your
memory. They also may boost your ability to do mathematics and if you
are studying languages they may assist you with solving problems.
Green Diopside crystals help you to make a stronger connection to Mother Gaia. They have an
excellent vibration if you are interested in conservation and in the health of the planet.

If you would like to strengthen your connection to Mother Earth, this

crystal may aid you. The meaning of stones like these also relate to
their healing action in the physical body.
They resonate strongly in the area of the heart chakra, and may
help with health issues such as lung and heart problems, and are
known to help aches and pains.
Green Fluorite resonates within the heart chakra and aids
emotional healing as well as healing the physical body. It has a good
healing action within the stomach and is known to
sooth the intestines and may aid a sore throat.
The meaning of stones within the fluorite family are similar, as all colors help to
create cleansing within the auric field and help to clarify your thinking.
Green fluorite helps to bring your thinking to a more heart based place, and
helps to stimulate your intuition.
Green Heulandite helps you to connect with the energy of the heart and with
nature. This resonance is sometimes referred to as
emotional intelligence and is very powerful.
You may feel the lovely joy embodied within it when you are using this
green healing stone... as it resonates with a strong positive energy.
It will help the heart on both the physical and emotional level... and it
helps you to let go of negative feelings such as anger and fear.
Green Kyanite will firstly bring all of the chakras into
alignment... both with each other and with nature and the
world in which we live.
It helps to align the heart chakra... as well as having a strong vibration to assist all
chakras. Its energy within the heart chakra and higher heart chakra works very well
to bring adaptability and stability to your life.
It will help you to be more balanced when or if any psychic abilities begin to open.
To see the meaning of all colors of Kyanite stones... please look at the
specific Kyanite page that provides more information.
Green Moonstone has qualities that are alike other Moonstones. In addition these
green stones carry the heart chakra vibration.

The green colored Moonstone is not as common as the other colors of

stones in the Moonstone family. Its energy is emotionally balancing and it
carries the energy of love, with the addition of a strong nurturing
The meaning of stones that are Green, may help you to feel more
compassion towards others... as well as helping your self worth and
encouraging your sense of personal well-being.
Green Moss Agateoccurs in a variety of different
shades from light green to deep green... many with
dendritic inclusions through the stone.
It is an excellent healing stone that will particularly help you if you have had a
long-term illness. This green crystal has excellent spiritual grounding energy.
It helps to correct imbalances between the left and right sides of the brain...
and this may stimulate creativity. The meaning of stones such as this aid you to
understand how you may attract nature spirits and help you to increase
abundance and prosperity in your life.
Green Ridge Quartz Crystals come from the
Cascade Mountains in Washington State USA, and they are quite
stunningly beautiful crystals.
There are various types of Green Ridge Quartz and many pieces
have iron staining or an iron coating on them, but there are also
lovely clear and Amethyst colored stones.
I decided to buy a whole set of these as well as a lovely high
vibration clear piece, to use at the transpersonal chakras.
This particular one shown here is the one that I was told was for
using on the higher crown, but if you only had one you can of
course use it at any spot to aid your healing. It has a small
amount of iron coating, and this is helpful to remove lower vibrational energy from your auric
The meaning of stones like these is all about healing, as they are potent stones for crystal
healers to use to lay on the body. The various colors work in different ways, and Judy Hall has a
lot of information on her web-site about how they are used and the best ones to use for specific
purposes. I noted that she also suggested they can be used for kundalini activation.
Green Rhyolite is also known as Rainforest Jasper. The meaning of stones that are green is
commonly associated with the way their energy resonates within the heart chakra... and these
stones have a strong action to connect you with Mother Gaia and the energy of the natural world.

Once you begin to use Green Rhyolite... the calm, gradual happy
energy will contribute to the addition of new happier people
coming into your life.
This vibration of happiness and joy and positive feelings will flow
throughout your life.
Green Selenite crystals are fairly uncommon. These crystals
will resonate within the higher
chakras... specifically those located
above the heart chakra.
The meaning of stones like these
strongly relates to their dominant
influence which is within the heart chakra and thymus or higher
heart chakra.
If you are in business, they are a stone that will aid you to manifest.
They help you to forgive both yourself and others, and they will
encourage friendship.
Green Stilbite is Stilbite that is said to be green due to the inclusion of Celadonite. The meaning
of stones of all colors of Stilbite relates to its action to aid your
creativity and to assist the growth of psychic gifts.
They resonate strongly within the third eye chakra, the crown
chakra and heart chakra. They will assist you with developing
intuition, and may stimulate psychic knowing.
Green stilbite has an extra action as it resonates very within the
heart chakra... bringing extra loving energy into your life.
Green Tourmaline is a premier
stone for self healing. It is a heart chakra and a higher heart chakra
stone, and will heal your heart on the physical level.
The meaning of stones like these relates to their specific vibration...
to aid you in making contact with the Devic realm. They have a
natural affinity to the elemental kingdom and are extremely
beneficial for the plants in your garden.
Green Tremolite is also called Chrome Tremolite and is a high
vibration stone with strong crystal energy. Use it in meditation at the third eye chakra to assist
you to ascend via the higher chakras to the transpersonal chakras... and make contact with the
spiritual realms.

The meaning of stones of both the green and other colored

Tremolite are similar. It may aid you to access ancient mystical
information and withconnecting with angels.
It has a powerful effect on the brain... and is known to aid you to
open new pathways in the brain. Its vibration will help you to find
peace, harmony and clarity... and a total release of negative
feelings... and using it is one of the ways to relieve stress.
Green Zoisite is sometimes sold as Green Thulite... especially the
striped stone... which is incorrect as Thulite is a manganese rich
type of Zeolite hence the pink coloration. Often there may be
Zoisite that is a mixture of colors... like the
piece shown here, and while the meaning of stones may be similar, this is
not Thulite.
Green Zoisite is a lovely heart based stone that has a harmonious healing
vibration. It brings through feelings of happiness and transmutes
negative energy to positive energy and aids creativity.
Zoisite can occur in a variety of colors and many of these are given
specific names as they have different metaphysical qualities... including
the Blue Zoisite known asTanzanite. Green Zoisite also occurs mixed with Ruby and is known
as Anyolite.
Grossularite is a type of Yellow Green Garnet and is also called Grossular Garnet. It is a strong
stone for abundance and prosperity... and the meaning of stones in
this color range in the garnet family are all beneficial to aid
It is a very positive crystal for manifestation and wealth on all
levels... emotionally, physically and creatively. It has a strong
energy for healing within a wide range of areas, and has a powerful
regenerative vibration.
It aids a range of physical problems... and works within the heart
chakra, solar plexus chakra and base chakra.
Growth Interference Quartz is a specific quartz configuration. There is more information on
these configurations in the article on the various quartz formations.
Gyrolite is a member of the Zeolite family. The meaning of
stones like these relates a lot to their ability to absorb toxins, and
to their overall good general healing action.
It may be a helpful stone to use after breaking bones, as it has an
excellent action to help problems related to the muscles and the
spine, and may assist the body to better absorb calcium... very
useful when you have broken a bone that needs to heal.
Gyrolite is beneficial to use in meditation, as it will stimulate the
third eye and the sacral chakra... and when used at these

positions it may help you to make learn information about ancient civilizations. It is said to have
been used in ancient India, and is purported to have been a stone utilized by Buddha.

Properties Of Crystals - H
Hackmanite is a higher vibration variety of Sodalite stone, that assists you to access the higher
mind, and brings through peace. It is excellent to help you to reach a
deeper meditative state and may aid you to attain the state of what is
known as nirvana.
The properties of crystals like these, are similar to theBlue Sodalite, but
its vibration is higher than the blue stone... as it resonates within both
the third eye chakra and the crown chakra.
These crystals have a good action to keep you connected to the earth.
They will aid you to cut etheric cords, that connect you to people that are
no longer desirable to have in your life.
Hackmanite can aid with problem solving, and help you to break the
issue down into smaller pieces, so that you can more easily see the
solution, and feel free to take action. It is known to be helpful to aid those
who have addictions to substances, to feel less inclined to over-indulge.
Halite comes in a range of colors, the most common being the blue,
violet, pink, white and yellow. The Yellow Halite shown in this photo on
the left, is a strong stone to aid study as it helps you to retain what you
are learning.
All colors of these stones are basically made of salt... that is they are
made from sodium chloride, yet they have some interesting metaphysical
qualities, and each color has different qualities.
Hambergite are actually very small and quite
rare crystals, so note the picture has been enlarged so you can see it
more clearly.
A good stone to use for trance channeling. It can create a feeling of
bliss which is known to help you to receive useful information.
The properties of crystals such as these are excellent to stimulate you
to take better care of your health. It is said to be useful to help a
number of health problems, including issues in the eyes, and the heart
when your pulse rate is too high. Also helpful to aid weight loss.
Hanksiteis a mixture of borax and Halite... a sodium chloride stone,
and many of the stone properties relate to the energy of Halite.

The resonance of Halite within these stones aids you to feel

forgiveness, and may heal issues related to things that occurred in
past lives.
It has an excellent energy spiritually to aid you to access memories
from past lives in Atlantis or Lemuria, and it may help you to
understand how to utilize the information you gain.
This is a useful healing stone that may enhance creativity, aids
water retention and detoxification and can assist those breathing
toxic air. It is a good psychic protection stone, and may prevent the
attack of evil spirits.
Healers Gold is a strong stone to use for healing. It is made up of a naturally occurring mixture
of Magnetite and Pyrite. You can read more information
about Iron Pyrite further down this page.
While the stone properties of both of these are excellent in their
own right, this combination has some excellent qualities.
It is known to boost sluggish energy in the meridians and
chakras. Using it will help you to feel energized, and it is
excellent to aid your healing physically. A great stone to combine
with other stones to boost their energy.
Heliodor is the golden yellow
variety of Beryl. The gemstone meanings of Heliodor strongly
relate to this crystals strong action within the solar plexus
Its vibration will aid your willpower... and will help you to connect
the mind and the will.
This connection may allow you to accept the influence of Divine
Will in your life more easily, and this energy may help you to
achieve the things you desire.
This bright yellow crystal embodies the golden ray, and as it also
has a strong resonance at the crown chakra this may aid your
mental processes, as it assists the mind to work more effectively.
Its energy also has a good healing action, particularly in the area
of the sacral and solar plexus chakras.
Hematite Crystals have a particularly strong protective
vibration. These crystals also have a good energy forspiritually
grounding your energy and will stimulate the mind, enhance
memory and evoke deep thought.

The properties of crystals like these strongly relate to their action to

dissolve negativity and prevent any unwanted energies from entering
the aura.
They help to overcome addictions too, and are great female stones...
supporting timid women and enhancing confidence, will power and selfesteem.
Hemimorphite may be colored White, Brown or Turquoise Blue... but
the blue stone is the most common. All colors of this stone aid
personal development of specific gifts... and help you to create your
own reality.
Although the properties of crystals that are different colors vary
slightly, any color of this stone will aid you to raise your vibration
and to communicate with those in the higher spiritual realms. The
white stones bring more light into your energetic body... and it
emits light that will activate the higher chakras.
The vibration of Blue Hemimorphite works within the middle
chakras...and specifically the throat, heart, thymus and third eye chakras. The brown stones also
bring through more light which they ground into the physical body which helps you to raise your
overall vibration.
Herderite is known as a rare crystal that enhances psychic abilities. This amazing high vibration
stone opens new pathways in the human brain. The properties of
crystals like these are quite stunning, as it is a stone quite unlike
any other, and if you can find one it is worth using.
It is a stone that embodies a high level of crystal energy... and may
be used by anyone who wants enhanced clairvoyant abilities and
spiritual growth. Common outcomes are that it will stimulate
and enhance your creativity, memory and learning abilities.
Herkimer Diamonds are one of the more powerful high vibration
crystals. You may use its power to
boost clairvoyant and clairaudient
It is important to know the properties of crystals that also have a
naturally high crystal energy... as they may be combined with the
Herkimer Diamonds... as they have a frequency that will boost low
energy crystals vibration.
Their strong and pure vibration will take you to a totally new level.
Hessonite Garnet is a member of the Grossular garnet family and the stone properties of both
crystals are similar in many respects.

Most Grossularite is greenish yellow... but the properties of crystals

in the family all have similar properties with some differences.
Due to the fact that it has a strong golden color Hessonite will
resonate more strongly at both the solar plexus chakra as well as
the heart and sacral chakra.
This is a stone of abundance and prosperity and may aid you to
manifest money if that is what you require. It aids you to develop
better intuition, and has a lovely energy that will help you to be
more assertive with greater self confidence.
Heulandite may be green or white. The properties of crystals of either color are similar.
Although the two colors have slightly different attributes, both
colors are high crystal energy stones, that are excellent used in
Both colors help you to focus your thoughts, and help you to
journey back into your past lives... particularly those of ancient
civilizations such as Atlantis, Lemuria and Ancient Egypt. The Green
Heulandite is a strong heart based stone that will aid emotional
Hiddenite may come in various shades of green... which has bearing on its efficacy for different
chakras. The stone properties of crystals that are the more
light yellow green variety, is slightly different, as they vibrate
towards the solar plexus as well as the heart chakra.
Its ability to manifest is strong and it may bring through joy,
happiness and spontaneity. The more green natural crystals
are extremely strong heart chakra stones... bringing through
love, compassion and forgiveness.
For those who feel unworthy it will boost ones recognition of
ones value... especially to the Creator. It works well combined with other heart chakra stones,
especially its sister stone Kunzite Crystal. The meaning of stones which are alike... like Hiddenite
and pinkKunzite... could both be read for deeper understanding.
Himalayan Gold Quartz has a quite strong and beautiful energy
and this relates to the vibration of the area of the Himalayan
mountains where it originates.
This is a stone that resonates strongly at the solar plexus and may
help you to better utilize the power of your will... and may aid you
to embrace your personal power.
It is powerful to use in meditation, as it helps to bring through the
golden light, and it strongly stimulates the higher chakras.
The golden light is a powerful spiritual energy, and this stone helps
to bring that energy down through the soul star via the crown
chakra to the third eye and into the rest of the body.

This is a lovely stone that has been available for a long time, and in the last few years has been
marketed as another variation of the Himalayan Gold name, at a higher price. Regardless of what
you call it, the properties of crystals like these... whatever you choose to call them, relate to a
powerful energy to aid your spiritual growth.
Himalayan Green Phantom Quartz is a type of chlorite quartz that comes from the Himalayan
mountains. All Himalayan quartz crystals embody a unique vibration that
relates to the mountainous region where they are found... see section on
Himalayan Quartz.
The addition of the green chlorite within the stones gives them distinct
stone properties... as they have a different vibration to other varieties of
quartz that are found in the same area. The chlorite in the stones aids
them to be powerful for healing and for using for spiritual work.
These green crystals are excellent used in meditation to make contact
with the angelic realm, and will help you to connect with angels and
other beings in the higher realms. These green crystals are also said to
aid manifestation.
Himalayan Ice Calcite is a variety of calcite that is found in the
Himalayan mountains in similar area to where
Himalayan Ice quartz is found.
Also known as Angel Ray Calcite, these Calcite crystals are powerful
stones to aid you to make contact with the angelic realms as they bring
pure white light into the body via the higher chakras.
The properties of crystals in the calcite family all relate to their action to
increase and amplify energy... but clear calcite has a more powerful
energy. They have a strong resonance at the crown chakra and may aid
spiritual growth, by helping to clear negative energy from the auric field.
Himalayan Ice Quartz is another name for Nirvana Quartz, which is
found at high altitudes in places where glaciers
have melted and exposed these unusual crystals.
They are also known as growth interference quartz, and the name refers
to what causes their unusual structure.
The stone properties of these unusual crystals relate to their action within
the higher chakras. They are high crystal energy stones that have a strong
impact within the heart, third eye, crown and soul star chakra.
This is a crystal that aids enlightenment, hence their other name...
Nirvana crystals. They will help you to discover the way to create your
own reality, and what actions to take to ensure that your spiritual destiny
unfolds as it was meant to.
Himalayan Quartz comes from the Himalayan Mountains along the India~Nepal border. Also
called Alpine Quartz, it has a quite extraordinary vibration that brings through healing
information from the shamanic healers who resided in those mountainous regions for centuries.

The properties of crystals from this area, also relate to there action
to energize the third eye chakra and stimulates psychic visionary
ability to come through. They have an interesting vibration that
affects ones ability to better understand healing lore, and to carry
out healing using this information.
Hollandite Quartz is a type of quartz crystal that has tiny
inclusions of Hollandite in it, that look like
tiny stars. In the past it was known as spider
The properties of crystals like these, pertain to the amplifying effect of the
quartz, so that the effect of these tiny stars made of Hollandite, is greater
than it might otherwise be.
The vibration of this crystal has an effect within all chakras, including the
soul star chakra. It is of value to keep one of these stones on your body,
as their energy is cumulative and takes time to have an effect.
The energy of these stones help to encouragecoincidence and
synchronicity to occur. An effect of keeping them on your body is to
encourage occurrences of synchronistic split second ah-ha moments, or
visions occurring. When you see these visions, they may feel like they are
past events, but it is probable that you may see visions of future
possibilities, that you should take notice of.
Honey Calcite brings through mental clarity and will also help you to ground assisting the base,
sacral and solar plexus chakras. It assists you to see solutions to
problems and to manifest your dreams.
For anyone who needs to work long hours... it will give you the ability to
'stay the course'. The properties of crystals like these have to do with
their action to help you to overcome fear of taking action. They assist
with lightbody manifestation as they filters light into the point within the
body that requires healing at that time.
Holley Blue Agate has a good energy at the throat chakra to improve
communication. It helps to improve your
judgment, as it works to remove conditions that cause your thinking to
be misaligned with what you desire.
This stone is very useful for those doing spiritual or psychic work, as the
properties of crystals like these relate to their action to ease contact
between this world and the spiritual realms. It is helpful to use in
meditation to aid you to make contact with the angels and your spirit
Howlite has a lovely calming and soothing vibration. It is helpful to
improve anxiety and using it is one of the ways to help your stress.

While the white stone is the most common, it takes dye easily
and so you may see it in other colors including most commonly
as Blue Howlite.
These crystals strongly resonate at the third eye chakra, and
their energy is good to use in meditation as they may assist you
to travel within the spiritual realm, and using them may help past
life investigations.
The properties of crystals that are colored will still be similar to
the uncolored stones.
Hubnerite is a black or brown
crystal, that is also spelled Huebnerite. It helps you to feel better
physically, and aids a natural progression of healing.
The properties of crystals like these also relate to their action to
work within the crown and third eye chakras, to help you achieve
clarity... and it may aid you to find solutions to problems.
When used in meditation it may give you a deeper connection to
Spirit, and can stimulate psychic visions and the development
of written channeling. It can help you to go very deep, and it may
help you to release blocks that may stop you from being hypnotized. This aspect is useful if you
have trouble allowing yourself to be hypnotized. It is commonly found intergrown with clear
quartz, and this is beneficial as the quartz helps to amplify this stones properties.
Hureaulite may be used by healers to help problems in the
stomach area, and to aid the release of toxins from the body.
The properties of crystals like these also relate to their action to
boost your intuitive abilities. This stone's energy may help you to
release deeply felt and long held feelings of anger and
They have a good action to stimulate the base and sacral
chakras and are helpful to aid sexual issues, as this energy
stimulates the libido. Use with care as it is also reputed to be a
kundalini stone... as the golden light it emits can move up from
the base and sacral chakras through the entire body, and
stimulate the awakening of the kundalini.
Hyalite Opal is known to become fluorescent under UV light. It is a colorless opal variety that
has tiny bubbles all over it, that look like very little grapes.

This is an excellent crystal to assist you to find greater clarity when

you are studying.
The properties of crystals like these relate to their ability to aid you
to experience visions... and commonly are known to occur like a
bright luminous tunnel opening before you.
These visions may show you what you planned prior to being born,
that you have forgotten now you are here. It has an unusual
protective action, as it is known to assist you to somehow be
warned about risky events that may occur, allowing you to avoid
Hypersthene will help you if you are looking for answers. Keeping
a piece of Hypersthene on you during
meditation is helpful, as you will often get an
answer quite easily.
It resonates within the higher chakras and will aid you to receive
messages from spirit. Guidance from the spiritual realm may come
through more easily... and it may enhance clairaudient abilities.
They may be helpful if you feel the need to criticize others... as its energy
helps you to become less judgmental. Use the meaning of stones to aid
you to open up future possibilities in your life, reduce negative self pride
and enhance self esteem.

Properties Of Crystals - I
Iceland Spar was named for the location where it was originally
discovered, but it has since been found in other locations.
It is also known as Optical Calcite... and the properties of crystals
like these do relate to their action to help your eyesight.
They are wonderful crystals to aid clarity of thought, and they
have a strong resonance within the higher chakras, particularly
at the third eye and crown chakras.
They are helpful to kindle clarity of thought, and are beneficial
when placed on the third eye when you are meditating. Used this
way, they may help you to clearly see what is required in your
While this crystal used to be found only in Iceland, other deposits have now been discovered
elsewhere. It also now comes in a range of colors other than clear, due to included minerals, and
there are many beautiful colored optical calcite varieties.

Ilvaite helps to increase your patience, and everyone will find that useful. The properties of
crystals like these involves the way they help you to keep going when the
going gets tough. They may also assist you to persevere... and may
enhance your creativity.
These stones have good grounding qualities and are also helpful to
stabilize you emotionally, as well as aiding healing... but interestingly
they also resonate strongly within the crown chakra.
Inderite has a strong energy within the crown chakra, then will align all
of the chakras, creating contentment and serenity. It is a wonderful stone
to release you from the binds of fear caused by
beliefs that you may no longer wish to be part of your life.
In particular this refers to strict and orthodox outlooks that create rigidity...
and may destroy your ability to be inventive and adventurous in life.
The stone properties of Inderite relate to its action to help you to find your
own set of personal beliefs, your truth... and to do it calmly... but still feel
free to take an adventurous path in a new and maybe different direction. It
aids you to allow yourself to look into new ideas and find out what is right
for you, without being stopped by the fear of past ideas and ideals, and it
aids decision making.
Its energy will also help you to let go of anger along with the fear, and to go forward with
courage when facing new situations. It is a good stone to assist you to manage your money
better, and use it more sparingly and so avoid debt.
Indicolite Quartz is clear quartz that has an inclusion of blue Tourmaline (Indicolite) within it.
The blue Tourmaline is actually like threads in the quartz... and
although many can look totally blue, when you look at the stone
carefully you can see the individual threads in the quartz.
This is stone that helps you to find your life purpose and may aid
you to contact guides who will assist this.
The properties of crystals like these strongly relate to the thymus
chakra... or higher heart, as they aid you to allow yourself to forgive
This is especially true if a relationship is of a karmic nature. While
you may be unaware of exactly what happened in a past life, if you
find that you feel that you need to forgive someone, even if you
don't know why, allow yourself to do this. If you allow yourself to go
with these feelings, this can release you from this karmic cycle.
This is also an excellent stone if you have experienced the loss of someone in your life, and feel
strong grief about it... particularly if their death came unexpectedly. This crystal teaches you that
Spirit has a plan for each person's life and that what happens is part of the Divine plan, even
when you may not understand why it has happened, such as when you lose a child.

Indigo Kyanite has similar crystal meanings to the other varieties (colors) of Kyanite and will
bring all of the chakras into alignment and potentially
bridge energy gaps created after any sort of accidents.
It issues energies that stimulate the pineal gland... within
the third eye chakra and may stimulate the development
of psychic abilities... and may assist you to experience
lucid dreams.
Iolite Stones are a beautiful bluish violet colored stone that combines the energy of the throat
chakra with the third eye chakra. It will assist with shamanic journeying... and if you have past
life links to King Arthur's time it may help to solve old karma... and
unravel the lessons that come through because of it.
It is a great stone for psychic artists to use, and they make beautiful
jewelry... as they have stone properties that will aid the expression
of your talents. For those who have difficulty meditating if your
mind will not still... this crystal will calm your mind and help you
respond to the guidance you may access.
Iolite Sunstone is a mixture of metaphysical qualities of both Iolite
and Sunstones. Like Iolite Stones, see above, they have a strong
vibration within the third eye chakra... and
like Sunstones they bring joy and positive feelings.
The properties of crystals apply to their powerful action to awaken psychic
gifts... specifically the gift of prophecy. They may also help you to
communicate more clearly with spirit guides.
They embody many Iolite qualities... with the added energy
from Sunstones that takes the energy down into the lower chakras, where
you are able to ground these ideals into your physical existence.
Iona Marble comes from a small Scottish island in the Hebrides. This is
an island that is a place of magic... and the properties of crystals from
here is connected to the energy of the ancient druids who used the
island for their ceremonies, in the distant past.
This use of the land embodied both the earth of the island and
these stones with an energy that may aid the development of
supernatural powers.
These yellowish-green and white stones are also said to have good
healing attributes, and may aid healing of karmic issues related to
Celtic past lives.The color of these stones comes from Serpentine,
which is naturally blended with the white marble of the area.
Its gemstone meanings became more well known during the reign
of Queen Victoria, when this stone became popular to make jewelry. Prior to that it was
traditionally used as a talisman against shipwreck. Other uses have been as protection against
fire, and to prevent miscarriage.

Iron Pyrite is a strong solar plexus chakra stone, and is

excellent to aid manifestation. It has a strong solar energy...
enhancing your masculine vibration and energetically balancing
both sexes.
It's stone properties relate to its action to aid you to do what is
needed to create abundance and prosperity in your life and
particularly tomanifest increased money. It is a powerful
grounding stone and vibrates to both the earth chakra and the
base chakra.

Stone Properties - J
Japan Law Twin crystals come in two different configurations, and
the one shown here is where the stone is V shaped, and has a thin
tabular aspect.
The metaphysical attributes of this specific type ofquartz
crystal relates to their action to cleanse the auric field. They aid you
to be aware of differences between the physical state and the
spiritual state within your aura... and help to remove any muddiness
or negativity from the subtle bodies.
The stone properties of this crystals also relate to its action to help
you to let go of feelings of anger, and to look positively at the future
with an expectation that anything can happen to make your life the
way you would like it to be.
Jeremejevite is said to be one of the rarest minerals on the planet,
yet it is still reasonably easy to obtain. It's true that it is a quite rare crystal and most pieces
available... like this one, are very small, so the photos do not easily
capture the crystal well, due to its tiny size.
This stone has a quite strong vibration for its size, and although this
crystal is around the size of one and a half grains of rice... end to end,
you can easily feel its vibration.
I could easily feel its energy within the heart, thymus... or higher heart...
at the throat, crown chakra and most strongly at the third eye chakra.
It is said to have a good action to stimulate the growth of second sight,
also known as psychic visions or clairvoyance... or the ability to read the
future... and this is likely as its action is very strong at the brow chakra.
It is an excellent healing crystal, and will help to eradicate disorganized
cellular growth in the body. One of the most helpful stone properties of
Jeremejevite, is its action to aid those who have had a loved one pass
over... as it may help to lessen the grief felt at this time.
It will help anyone who feels either superior or inferior to others, allowing
you to know that you are perfect just how you are, and that you're in the right place for your
personal well-being.
Jet is a base chakra stone and is very grounding. For anyone working with magic or the
elemental forces it is absolutely a required stone as it is very protective. It helps one to draw
upon the earth energies and channel this where one desires.

It has been in use since ancient times... and myth says that if you find
any old jet jewelry take great care... as the ancient stone properties
relate to legends that say that it is able to retain the energy and is
difficult to remove.
This ability to hold ancient memories is what gives it the ability to assist
those who wish to use this aspect of its energy. Jet is a stone of sympathy
and its calming energy provides support and helps alleviate pain. It is
excellent for healing grief... and was traditionally used in mourning
Judys Jasper is named for Judy Hall, who
has done a lot of work with this stone. I
was fascinated when I read what she wrote about it.
It has stone properties that help you to feel a sense of deep calm
and relaxation, and it is powerful to bring relief from stress.
At the time of writing I have been using it every day for a week.
From the beginning I have noticed that each stone is unique, yet
they easily make a good connection with you.
It is also known as Eye Of The Storm and I can understand whay.
When meditating with it, I observed how it took me to see a
vortex of energy but you didn't get sucked into it. I felt it was
more that it was saying, its all going to be okay, look at the bigger picture.
It helps you to see solutions to problems, and to look at life from a different perspective. When
you finish using it, you feel totally grounded with a deep calm and a sense that everything is
totally okay. I look forward to working further with it, and seeing what else it has to offer.

Stone Properties - K
Kakortokite is also known as Lopar's Blood... and is a mix
of Eudialyte and Black Arfvedsonitein white Syenite.
Use Kakortokite in meditation, to help you to make a good earth
energy connection, as well as taking you up to connect with the
spiritual realms.
It connects the lower earth chakra and base chakras through the
energy of the heart chakra up to the crown chakra and soul star
It is said to activate a cosmic anchor... bringing light down to the
earth chakra and grounding it into your physicality. It aids you to create a strong connection to
the galactic center. It has a number of powerful healing attributes and helps seasonal affective
disorder and winter depression.

Kambaba Stone is also known as Kambaba Jasper, Crocodile Jasper or Green Stromatolite. This
stone may calm your nerves and aid anxiety and stress. It has an unusual
swirling pattern on the stones that are like eyes.
It will help you to look deeply into what you give your attention to... and
it will help you to handle any emotions that are generated by what you
are looking at.
The stone properties tell us that it will help you to be more patient, and it
may assist you to make contact with those who are in spirit. It is said to
help with plant growth and it is known as a magical and mystical stone
that may aid spells to work better.
Kernite is also known as Rasorite, and can be clear... with a coating of
Tincalconite, or it may also have dark inclusions within it. The dark stones
may have slightly different attributes and stone properties, and are said to be
strong stones to aid the removal of cancer cells from the body.
It is an excellent stone to use in meditation, as it has a fairly unique
characteristic to aid contact with the energy of ascended Masters.
Use the crystal at the crown chakra, to direct your request to the master you
wish to ask for help from. You may find that you get answers to questions fairly
easily when you use it at the crown chakra.
Kernite has a strong action at the higher chakras and its action to
heighten psychic hearing aka clairaudience and clairsentience is one of its
useful stone properties.
It has a quite stimulating action at the crown chakra, and helps to cleanse the
entire auric field and all of the chakras. This is one of the stones that aids
detoxification of the body, so take it slowly to avoid overloading the liver and
It can be used at the crown chakra to aid you to discover information about past
lives, and to access possibilities for future lives or your future within this life.
Realize that your actions can change what happens... and that the information
received is based on a future related to current life conditions, if not changed.
It also has an unusual action to stimulate the kundalini, but from the crown
chakra down, and once started creates a circular movement of energy up and
down the pathway to keep it open and clear.
Khutnohorite has a strong vibration, yet its energy is quite
sweet, very heart based. While this stone sounds like it has a
gentle energy, it has a strength to it and is quite masculine in
Its energy vibrates within the throat chakra to aid
communication, helping you to say what you mean with
directness and precision.

It has stone properties that are known to unite your masculine and feminine sides to create a
unified and balanced energy. This lovely pink stone is a quite potent aid to bring healing at the
soul level, and its action to unite the higher heart and soul star is powerful to infuse you with an
influx of Divine love, very beautiful energy.
Kimberlite is a quite unique and very unusual igneous rock,
that is a mixture of a number of different minerals.
It is beneficial to utilize it in meditation to aid decision
making, and it may help you to learn what your true desires
It is good to grid your home, as it provides psychic protection
and also brings light hearted, happy and exhilarating
This crystal is known to stimulate the solar plexus, throat and
crown chakras. Used at the heart chakra, it may assist you to
understand life events. The stone properties are unusual in
that it is powerful to boost the development of psychic abilities and also works as a psychic
Kinoite is a deep blue copper based crystalline coating that
forms on other rocks, and can occur in combination with other
Its stone properties relate to its action within the throat chakra to
aid honesty in your communicating. Its action for communication
will also help you when you need to relate what was told to you
during psychic communication.
A good stone to help you to sleep better, and for this purpose
have two stones, one at the head and foot of your bed. It is a
stone with a strong compassionate energy, that will help you to
feel more loving and compassionate, both to those surrounding
you as well as towards yourself.
Kornerupine occurs in a range of colors, with the green stone having a loving heart based
energy. It helps you to see that life is precious... and to recognize the sacredness of it. But to be
aware that death is inevitable and may be approached with gladness.

If you are going through a time of severe illness, and you fear the
transition to the spirit world, this crystal has stone properties that may
aid you.
It aids emotional and physical healing... as well as helping you to look at
the circumstances of your current life differently. It may help hoarders to
clear clutter... as it helps you to live in the now and to let go of stuff you
have been holding onto that you no longer require.
Kundalini Quartzis a quite potent variety of natural Citrine and is a
powerful quartz crystal that may aid your kundalini to awaken. It also has
other excellent stone properties... as it is
known to bring abundance and prosperity
into your life.
Kundalini awakening process is a quite powerful spiritual practice,
that relates to the way that energy moves up the spine...moving
from the base chakra up to the crown chakra.
As the energy moves up the spine it will open the channel and clear
blockages in each of the chakras on the way through.
This is a very spiritual process because it relates to the concept of
enlightenment, and this can be an amazing transformative process.
Note: It can also be a little dangerous, if the kundalini is awakened
before you are ready for it to happen, so take care not to force this
to happen, allow it to happen in its own time.
Kunzite is the pink variety of Spodumene and the green variety is
Hiddenite. It is a strong heart chakra stone and thymus chakra stone.
Natural crystals of it open the heart chakra and the higher heart chakra
and engender joy and love within the heart. It will aid one to feel love
for all of life, animal life, plant life and humanity.
It makes us aware that we are one with the Divine. Using its energy will
make one truly loving... and is a perfect stone to give as a love gift. The
stone properties of crystals of a similar nature like Hiddenite and Kunzite may both be read for
deeper understanding.
Kurnakovite is helpful to use if you have trouble making up your mind because of lack of
confidence in yourself and your decisions.

It helps you to make a connection between the solar plexus

chakra and crown chakra, and also creates a good
connection with the earth chakra.
It has a lovely energy, and using it is one of the processes to
relieve stress, as it helps you to release anxiety and stress. It
has good stone properties to aid you to manage your money,
and to discover newer and better ways to do this.
This is a fairly rare but very helpful stone to use to aid you to
discover things you may have hidden from yourself. In some
cases this can relate to past life issues that you have brought
forward into this life, and it helps you to face the truth, even
when it may be uncomfortable, so that you can let go of them and move on.
This crystal is an excellent cleanser, and this is on many levels. Once you are aware of hidden
truths in your life you can let them go... and create cleansing on both an emotional and spiritual
level. This crystal also has a role to aid cleansing of toxins from the physical body as well. Use it
sparingly to do this as it is quite strong and may cause stress on the liver and kidneys.
Kyanite comes in quite a few colors... the main ones being Blue, Green, Indigo, Black and
Orange. Blue Kyanite is the most common... but the stone
properties of the Indigo crystals can be read higher up the page.
All varieties will bring all of the chakras into alignment, and will
bridge energy gaps caused by surgery or accidents in any area of
the body.
Blue Kyanite emanates energies that stimulate your psychic abilities
and may activate your telepathic capacity.

Stone Properties - L
Labradorite Crystal is a stone of magic... awakening within those who use it new psychic or
magical powers. These powers cannot be used for ill will... only for good
as its vibration has in it protection from negativity.
The stone properties tell us that if it is worn at the ears it assists with
clairaudience, and if worn as a ring it can enhance the sending of energy
from the hands.
The natural crystal worn at the throat... or by placing it anywhere in the
center of your body... will enhance abilities, such as
psychic clairvoyant gifts, communication with guides and many other
spiritual gifts. Its color will vary and may change according to what area
it is working on at the time.

Lapis Lazuli has the qualities of evoking wisdom and feelings of

inner peace. It was a premier stone in Ancient Egypt as its vibration
is one of royalty and inner peace.
Once we understand the stone properties of this amazing stone,
each of us can embrace this energy, and use it to personally
become the highest and best that we can.
It works on the third eye chakra and the throat chakras. The stone
properties relate to its strong vibration... as its energy creates
heightened intuition and access to spiritual guidance... and will
strengthen your creative and psychic communication abilities.
It creates heightened depth and clarity in your thinking and
communication... and strengthens psychic ability.
Larimar is a strong throat chakra stone... bringing the power of
clear communication... and assisting contact with the Goddess. By
accessing the Divine Feminine you may soothe and heal your
emotions and relieve stress.
If you look at this beautiful blue stone you will understand the stone
properties when see the colors of sea and sky within it. It evokes the
beautiful feminine energies and creates good humor and
Larvikite is a lovely dark colored Moonstone from Larvik in Norway.
Like many dark stones this crystal has a good spiritual grounding
energy, and will help you to make a better
connection with the natural world.
The stone properties of this crystal also relate to the higher chakras, and its
action to make a connection at the throat chakra, third eye and crown chakra.
It may be helpful to use for spirit journeys to make contact with ancestor spirits,
and may aid you to make a connection with your spirit guide. It is known to help
you to make sense of dreams which have deep spiritual meanings, and may
assist you to learn new ideas, so may be beneficial to utilize if you are studying.
Lava Stone... also known as Basalt... is the result of an eruption of a volcano at
some time in the past, which created lava which over time cooled then
solidified into these rocks. Their stone properties relate to the way they embody
the vibration of all of the four elements within them, as they were part of the
process that created them.

As these stones also contain the powerful energy of the volcano that
created them, this means that they are excellent to aid healing...
especially when you are feeling depressed or lacking energy and vitality.
Rounded shaped stones like the one shown here, have an association
with feminine energy, and long pointed stones embody male energy. A
combination of both stones were used in the past in fertility rituals to aid
conception of a child.
Lavender Fluorite also called Yttrium Fluorite is a non-crystalline
variety of Fluorite. This powerful stone creates spiritual
growth... as it assists you to make a connection directly with the Divine mind.
It assists you to develop your intuition and helps the growth of psychic powers
including psychic knowing and clairvoyant abilities. If used at the heart chakra it
creates calmness and serenity. It is a high frequency stone that may help those
who wish to become spiritual mediums or to aid channeling abilities.
Lavender Quartz is a variety of Rose Quartz
that contains extra lithium which makes them a
lovely lilac or lavender pink color.
This makes it look more like Amethyst but has enough pink in it
for you to recognize that it is a type of Rose Quartz, and they
make gorgeous gemstone jewelry too.
The stone properties of this lavender colored stone is similar to
Rose Quartz in some respects... in that they create a strong heart
chakra connection.
As well they also make a good connection with the third eye
chakra. This energy means that they will help you with
developing psychic gifts, such as clairsentience, clairaudience and psychic visions. This is a
lovely stone that brings peace and serenity, relief from depression, anxiety and tension. The high
level of lithium is very helpful to relieve stress.
Lavender Smithsonite has a quite lovely energy, and
depending on the actual shade of lavender, it may resonate at
various chakras.
The stone properties of Smithsonite that is a mix of both pink and
blue... and is also in the purple family, is interesting... as it will
resonate well within all of the chakras from the throat upwards.
These crystals have a wonderful spiritual vibration that
encourages contact with spirit guides and the angels.
They resonate with the energy of Kwan Yin, a vibration that
brings through an influx of love and compassion. This is
beneficial to assist you to deal better with stress, especially if
you are suffering long term stress. Its loving vibration is very supportive for healing your inner

child, and it is also an excellent healing stone that aids the immune system, sinus problems and
a number of other health issues.
Lazulite is a lovely blue crystal that helps to create a calming and soothing atmosphere in the
area where it is located, and it has a good healing action that
assists bones to repair more quickly.
It helps to stimulate the birth of a range of psychic abilities,
including clairaudience, clairsentience, clairvoyance, channeling
andtelepathic gifts.
It aids you to study for long periods without feeling severe
fatigue... and its stone properties also relate to its action to help
students to concentrate.
It is a wonderful stone to encourage lucid dreaming, and it is
known to help you to remember your dreams. This energy can
help you to be inspired or influenced regarding the action you
may take in your life, bringing increased creativity and intuitive
Lemon Quartz can be a naturally occurring variety of Citrine,
that is a lighter and brighter yellow
color. But much of it is created from Amethyst by heating, along with
the addition of iron to accentuate its brilliant color.
Many of these stones are quite beautiful, with excellent clarity. Like all
varieties of quartz, it has a good action to amplify the vibration of other
The stone properties of Lemon Quartz makes this an excellent stone to
use for meditation. It is known to enhance your creativity, and to
promote clarity of thought, via its action within the higher chakras. Its
energy is quite stimulating and yet at the same time it is quite gentle in
its action to aid you to manifest those things you desire via its action at the solar plexus chakra.
Lemurian Jade comes in two types light and dark. The darker stones are commonly called
Midnight Lemurian Jade and the slightly lighter grayish green
stone...shown in the image here, is known as Shadow Lemurian Jade.
Some of the stone properties of both of the colors are the same, as both
are strong psychic protection stones, and both aid you to have a greater
understanding of your connection with the earth and to make a
connection with the Divine Feminine.
They will help you to manifest money and bring the energy of gratitude
into your life, encouraging you to be grateful for all you have, and all you
are on all levels. Both the light and dark varieties are good healing
stones, as they are supportive of healing the body in a number of ways...
including aiding the heart, the immune system and aiding recovery from

Lemurian Seed Crystals are a variety of Clear Quartz that have ladder like striations or
hieroglyphs on them. They embody the loving energy of the Lemurian civilisation
from which they originate.
By using these natural quartz crystals and meditating with them.... you may make
contact with beings in spirit from that era... and amazing healing may take place.
Leopardskin Jasper is a shamanic stone that was
commonly used in the past to make contact with the
spirits of animals and of animal guides.
It may be used for inner journeying, as its stone properties
relate to its energy to bring you a greater understanding of
the concepts of light and dark in a spiritual sense.
It may assist you to listen to your inner voice, and to see
and understand your personal circumstance more clearly,
and this may help you to be guided to find new beneficial
situations in your life. For healing, use jewelry such as
beads that sit against the skin as its energy for healing is specifically helpful if work against the
Lepidocrocite is a strong stone for emotional healing... and assists
you to experience Divine love. It makes a strong connection with
the energy of the thymus chakra.
It releases fear and can open the heart chakra and heal romantic
relationships through its loving energy. It surrounds you in a bubble
of light... that provides protection from psychic attack and is a
strong barrier against negativity.
Lepidolite Quartz is a quite beautiful combination of two crystals
that powerfully complement each other. What you have here is
Lavender Lepidolite growing both within the quartz, and on its
outside, really lovely.
The stone properties of the combination of lepidolite with quartz
relates to the way that the quartz helps the energy of this purple
crystal, to resonate out into its surroundings, as quartz has strong
amplification properties.
Lilac Lepidolite on its own is a wonderful stone to help you if you are
stressed, anxious or depressed, as it contains lithium.
This combination is an excellent healing stone, that resonates
strongly within all of the chakras. It is a gorgeous stone to have in
the bedroom to help you sleep, especially if you are feeling
unhappy or depressed.
The vibration of this crystal is beneficial to keep in your vicinity, and
it is helpful to have close to you when you are in need of soothing.
In addition, Lepidolite stones encourage positive coincidence or synchronicity, and when

combined with the amplification properties of the quartz, this is helpful to stimulate a growth in
serendipitous events in your life. What a wonderful combination from Mother Gaia.
An interesting side note is that the quartz configuration of the crystal pictured here is also in the
formation of a Cathedral Quartz, so this is a stunning and unusual piece.
Libyan Desert Glass is also known as Libyan Gold Tektite... but scientists are not certain this is
a Techtite. These stones are known to hold powerful manifestation
energy... and are strong stones to use in meditation as they aid willpower.
These lovely golden yellow stones contain the energy of the Golden
ray... a powerful spiritual energy. They are highly protective and have
good stone properties to strengthen the solar plexus chakra and to
guard it against any negative psychic energy being deposited in that
area. They have crystal meanings that make them a helpful stone for
those who feel that they do not belong on this earth.
Lilac Lepidolite is a stone to soothe you if you are feeling
depressed... as it contains lithium. A lovely stone to have on
you... or put under your pillow when you are feeling low.
It is also a stone that encourages positive coincidence or
synchronicity, and helps you to recognize the Divinity within your
own self, and become aware of the divine presence more easily.
It has crystal meanings that make you more in the flow of life.
Limestone Garnet is a type of
stone with pieces of brownish orangey red garnet contained within
white, or grayish-white limestone.
Garnets generally have an energy that stimulates manifestation.
The stone properties of these unusual crystals relate to the way
they resonate within the lower three chakras of the body.
These garnets work to help you help to manifest those things you
desire to come into your life, and they resonate particularly well at
the sacral chakra... which relates to enhanced creativity and the
possibility of invigorated sexuality.
Limonite is an excellent grounding stone, that strongly resonates within the sacral, base and
earth star chakras. The stone properties relate to the action of these crystals to impart physical
strength to you, and they are strong stones to provide protection against psychic attack.

This stone helps to boost telepathic abilities and has a good

action to inspire you to reach for those things that you aspire to
be or achieve.
It stimulates your mind and this helps you to create those things
you have been desiring to achieve. It helps you to rise above
conditions... and to remove yourself from circumstances that are
not in your interest, even if you are not totally aware of the
reason for taking action to walk away from a situation.
Linarite is a deep blue crystal, that resonates strongly within the
throat chakra. It is highly stimulating within the third eye chakra,
and if you use it in meditation it is known to
assist you if you wish to astral travel.
One of the stone properties of this crystal relates to its action to assist the
development of mental telepathy, as it aids communication mind to mind. It
vibrates within the heart and thymus chakras, and this vibration helps to ensure
that your communication comes from the heart.
During times of conflict, or situations where you may feel angry with another,
the vibration of Linarite helps to ensure that you hesitate prior to speaking. This
may aid you to speak from the heart, rather than from the mind... and it may
aid decision making.
Lithium Quartz is a variety of quartz with lithium inclusions within it.
Depending on the piece some may be phantom quartz
inclusions or it may be more deeply colored.
While the amount of Lithium in many stones may not be high, due to the
resonance of the quartz crystals it works like a much stronger stone. It
has a lovely peaceful energy, that will aid meditation and contact with
the higher realms.
Lithium is known as an element that is used to calm you and is
particularly helpful for depression and anxiety. Using this stone is one of
the ways to relieve stress.
Lodalite Quartz is also known as Lodolite or Lodelite. It may be found in
a number of different colors, and with a variety of inclusions, mostly
within clear quartz. It is also known as inclusion quartz or garden quartz, as it commonly occurs
with what looks like lovely garden scenes in the stone.

This stone is known for its action to aid you to perform psychic
surgery. This type of psychic surgery relates to its action to help you
to let go of outmoded emotions and outlook on life.
It has a strong shamanic vibration, and it has a strong healing
action to aid the body to let go of congestion and blockages.
Luxurianiteis a type of pinkish-orange Granite with inclusions of
Black Tourmaline. It was named after
the place in Cornwall England that it
comes from... so it may also be called
It has a number of stone properties,
including excellent healing qualities...
including to aid stress. It's energy is
known to boost self confidence and
brings a more positive attitude to life.
This stone resonates at the base and earth chakras, and also within
the heart chakra. The Black Tourmaline included within it means
that it is a strong grounding and protection stone.

The Crystal Meanings - M

Machu Picchu Stone has a lovely energy and is said to be a
mix of various minerals that occur in stones such as
Rhodochrosite, Merlinite and Cuprite... along with Calcite and/or
Its color varies according to its exact mineral make-up, but all are
said to have a sweet gentle energy that will help you spiritually.
While it is a healing stone, this is not physical but is on a soul
level, and the crystal meanings are related to the Machu Picchu
region of Peru.
It is helpful for past life healing that is related to events that may
have taken place in this area of the world. This piece can be used
as a pendant and I love the unusual and artistic design that it had been carved into. This is not a
common stone, and may even be said to be rare, but like most stones if you really feel it will
benefit you, it will turn up.
Magnesite is a lovely calming stone that will enhance your meditation, and help you to feel
more relaxed. If you meditate with it, and specifically tune into the
energy of your heart... it will allow your mind to respond to the desires
of the heart.
Yet it is a quite potent stone if used at either the third eye chakra or
crown chakra... and you may feel a pulsing sensation if you put it on
your third eye during your meditation. It aids you to be true to yourself
and helps you if you are stressed. It activates the psychic senses and
helps you tocontact your spirit guide.
Magnetite or Lodestone is a naturally
magnetic stone. It has a strong vibration and it will aid you with
spiritual grounding... through the earth chakra.
It is very helpful for healers to assist with balancing the entire aura...
as it will get the energy flowing and is quite strong in its action.
Use two stones, with one stone in each hand to balance the
hemispheres of the brain. Helps to awaken and develop intuition...
especially in highly 'rational' left brain thinkers.
Mahogany Obsidian is a deep brown and black type of Obsidian that has a stronger sacral
chakra energy that aids you to release negative within this area
that may be blocking the flow of your creative energies.
It also is helpful to use to shield you from psychic attack. It also has
a strong energy at the base chakra and earth chakra to open and
cleanse your grounding channel.

Malachite is stone for both the heart chakra and the solar plexus. It is an excellent stone to
strengthen the physical heart as well as the emotional aspect of the
The crystal meanings of Malachite should bring this stone to your
attention as it is one of the foremost stones for psychic protection.
Having it within your aura promotes a strongly protective energy.
This prevents negative psychic energy being able to come near
you... and mayprevent psychic attack.
Mangano Calcite has a lovely soft sweet energy, and its vibration is all about love, compassion
and forgiveness. It assists you to accept yourself and your actions,
and helps you to feel a greater level of self worth and self esteem.
The crystal meanings of stones in the calcite family, all have some
similar characteristics, and they all are powerful to amplify energy.
But this crystal is a little different to other calcite as it has
manganese as part of its mineral make-up. This lovely stone helps
you to let go of experiences from the past, especially where you still
feel fear or grief about something that happened.
Marcasite is a strong grounding stone and is closely related
to Ascension Stones. It has an excellent energy to stimulate the
birth of psychic gifts, in particular
psychic visions.
It has a high iron content, and is closely related to iron pyrite yet
this stones vibration is quite different. It resonates within the solar
plexus chakra, and will stimulate your will-power and may aid your
spiritual growth.
If your memory has been failing, use Marcasite to bring clarity and
focus to your thinking... especially if you find it hard to keep your
thoughts on the subject at hand.
Marialiteis in the Scapolite family. It is a fairly uncommon crystal,
and is said to have been named for the
Virgin Mary... as they have a quite loving
They are said to bring purity to your thoughts and actions... and will
help you to understand the concept of purity in your life. The crystal
meanings of Marialite crystals also relate to the way they aid you
to deal with stress.
They are strong stones to help you to make changes in your life, both in
your environment, your physical body and in your way of thinking.
These crystals may help you to achieve goals you have set.... and they
may also allow you to let go of endeavors that you have been working

towards that may be fruitless, or even pointless.... as well as helping you to recognize when this
is occurring.
Matorolite or Mtorolite, is a type of dark green chalcedony from
Zimbabwe. This crystal resonates within the heart chakra, and is
helpful to give you strength in a time of crisis.
Its crystal meanings also apply in regard to its calming and soothing
action during times of stress, and its action to stimulate strength
when weathering a crisis.
It is known as a helpful stone to support homeopathic treatment
and may be beneficial if you are cultivating plants.
Medusa Quartz is also known as both Gilalite in Quartz and as Paraiba Quartz. The name
Medusa quartz relates to the inclusions in some pieces, that
resemble long jelly-fish like tentacles... resembling parts in
the ancient legends of Medusa.
The crystal meanings of this variety of quartz are associated
with its ability tohelp your imagination and attract
adventures into your life.
You may choose to undergo these fantasy based
experiences... and it is the decisions you make and choices
you elect that will decide what happens. It also assists your
speech to be both influential and readily believed.
Melanite Garnet is a variety of Black Garnet, which is also known as Black Andradite Garnet.
This stone resonates strongly within both the base chakra and the
earth chakra, and its ability to aid you to make a strong earth
connection, makes it an excellent grounding stone.
The crystal meanings of Melanite Garnet also appertain to other
helpful qualities, including its action to enhance creativity, and help
to release addictions.
It will improve how you feel about life by boosting your life force
energy and vitality... and will intensify your personal power.
Menalite is a white chalky stone that makes a strong earth chakra
connection. It is powerful to use to overcome fear of death... and is
an excellent stone to use when doing past life work, to aid you to remember without fear.

Its crystal meanings pertain to its connection with feminine

wisdom... and it is powerful for women to use as it connects you to
the wise woman that is within you. This is a strongly shamanic
stone, and if using for journeying, choose a stone that is a shape
that appeals to you, as often this aids your connection to specific
spirit guides. Some stones may resemble animals or other beings
that may appeal to you.
Merlinite is a stone of duality. Its color
is black and white and its energy
encompasses the vibration of the light
and the dark.
It brings wonderful magic and good luck... and it boosts intuition
and other psychic gifts. It may also help you connect with the
darker parts of yourself... and to experience formerly unknown past
life memories.
It may allow you to experience past lives you may have had in the
time of Merlin and King Arthur. It has a shamanistic vibration... and its energy encourages out of
body journeys.
Milarite crystals are helpful to boost the feminine aspects of your personality. The crystal
meanings relate to its action to help you to be more
compassionate towards others, and it may assist the growth of
intuitive gifts.
It is said to be particularly helpful if used as a gazing stone, and
messages have been known to come through in the minds eye,
often as words seen in the mind.
This is known as stone to calm you, if you are feeling
apprehension before doing astral travel.
Mimetite is a variety of Apatite, and although it is commonly
yellow it may also red, brown and red-brown, but when yellow
also embodies many of the
attributes ofGolden Apatite.
It may also help you if you have a large amount of
responsibility... so that you feel comfortable with managing
this part of your life.
It has crystal meanings that may encourage you to feel a
sense of adventure, and it is a protective stone that may
particularly aid you if you are doing channeling. It will help to
enhance your communication from spirit and aid you to
relate what was channeled with precision and clarity.

It is an interesting stone that is said to specifically have an effect on the area where it is located
at the time, and it is known to make where it resides into an energy vortex, creating renewal and
Miriam Stone may also be known as Mariyam Jasper, Snake Agate or Elephant Skin Jasper but
its most common name is Calligraphy Stone, as it has what looks like some type of writing
naturally occurring in the stone.
The crystal meanings of this stone relate to its valuable action to aid
meditation and it is also an excellent protection stone.
It is a useful stone to use in meditation to aid you to contact your guides
and the angelic realm. It will help you to look inwardly at yourself and at
your behavior, and can be beneficial to aid you to gain insights when you
are doing past life work.
Moldavite is a high crystal energy stone that can be a powerful catalyst
for making changes in personal relationships, and
major breakthroughs in your life.
Change and spiritual healing are the common elements this stone
enhances amongst most people, and this may take different forms.
You may begin to develop your intuition or your psychic abilities may
either come to life for the first time... or you may find the abilities you
have may expand or change.
Use Moldavite to achieve rapid transformation, and make amazing
changes in your life... as the transforming power of its vibration sweeps
through your life.
Montebrasite is in the Amblygonite family, and these crystals are
similar toAmblygonite in many ways. The crystal meanings of this stone
relates to the way that it helps you when are working towards
overcoming fear of a specific thing... for example public speaking.
They do this by providing a vision of the successful completion of
the feared event, so that you can see what it could be like if you
were to allow yourself to let go of the fear.
They aid you to think clearly via their strong resonance at the
crown chakra... which is also known to create a connection with the
Divine mind more easily. In addition these crystals have some quite
unique attributes.
The way this crystal is said to work, is that you write out what you
want to happen in your life (on paper). You place the Montebrasite
on top of it, and leave it in the moonlight and sunlight for seven
days. It is said that during this 7 day period you will be given ideas
about the ways and means that could help you to achieve this goal with ease.

Mookaite Jasper aka Mook Jasper is a type of West Australian Jasper. It has a range of beautiful
colors within the stones, including really gorgeous mixtures of yellows, browns, purples,
magentas and pinks. This is a strong stone when used at the base chakra and may assist one to
stabilize the physical body and fortify the immune system.
It will calm over excitable people... and aid with better decision making. It
assists one to be more versatile and more easily face new experiences. It
is a stone that helps one with making decisions so that one knows the
right direction to take in your current circumstance.
It aids you with developing intuition via its vibration within the third eye,
and at the solar plexus it assist you to understand you innate personal
power. This is good stone to help you as you age, as it aids physical aging
by raising one's vibration.
Moonstone is a beautiful crystal of the feminine vibration... that will balance the masculine/
feminine vibrations within the body. It reflects within it the magical
healing qualities of the moons vibration.
It is a stone for feeling... for hoping and wishing, and a stone with
the ability to enhance psychic abilities. It will nurture the spirit and
allow a deep sense of inner awareness to become clear. A wonderful
stone to aid women to embrace their own personal power.
Moqui Marbles are also known as Mochi Balls or Shaman Stones...
and are excellent aids for you to use while undertaking shamanic
journeying. They will aid all chakras and help your spiritual growth...
and will assist you to let go of fear, especially of death.
They are psychic protection stones... particularly when doing out of body
journeys. They come as a pair... one female and one male and they assist
you to adjust your male-female energy.
Mordenite is a good stone to help you to keep on track and avoid
distractions. The crystal meanings relate to its
action to help you to detach from your emotions
when negative feelings come up.
When you become aware of negativity, this vibration aids you to remain
separate, and not get caught up in the negative feelings. The stones
energy will assist you to let go of feelings of depression regarding
negative things that may happen to you.
This is a stone that attracts abundance, and encourages you to see the
value of family and friends. It assists you to feel more relaxed and
harmonious about unwanted situations, and will also aid you to release
sarcastic speech patterns, and to feel more peaceful.
This is also a stone that is used in white magic rituals, because it helps you to perceive how
various parts of a ritual work and the reasons behind the form and structure of what you are
choosing to do.

Morella Smokey Quartz Crystals come from Morella in Victoria... in Australia. The crystal
meanings of this unusual natural black quartzvariety are slightly
different than the other Smoky Quartz.
This black Smokey Quartz is naturally irradiated while in the earth...
which makes them a helpful stone for those undergoing radiation
treatment to keep close to them. It has the ability to amplify the
healing outcomes for those who are receiving these treatments.
They are strong spiritual grounding stones... with the energy
moving down from the base chakra through the earth star chakra to
ground you to Mother Gaia. Being a quartz it has a strong ability to
amplify energy... including its own. They are strong psychic
protection stones, that will both protect you from negativity... and
take any negative energy down into the earth.
Morganite is a heart chakra stone that resonates
with the energy of Divine Love. It is often called Pink Emerald and this may be
because both stones are Beryl.
The natural crystals of Morganite blend beautifully withGreen Emeralds and
other heart chakra crystals. Both stones are also powerful stones to bring the
vibration of love into your life.... and to promote harmony in relationships.
Peach Morganite is a sacral chakra stone that may enhance your creativity.
Moss Agate is a lovely green stone that comes in variations of shades of green
from light through to deep green. This is a stone for the heart chakra, the
base chakra and the earth chakra... strongly connecting you to nature
through the heart.
It is said that through Moss Agate you may be able to make contact with
the elemental kingdom. It is an abundance stone... attracting all good
things... and is a strong spiritual grounding stone.
The crystal meanings of Moss Agate will allow you to be aware that this is
stone to use more often.
Mount Shasta Opal may be blue or white with black dendrite
inclusions. The crystal meanings of blue Mt Shasta opals are slightly
different, in that they vibrate more strongly within the throat chakra.
All colors embody a lovely heart chakra energy, and are known to bring
cohesion and steadfastness to marriages that need help. The bluer stones
may aid communication, and this may be helpful to aid marital problems.
Any color of opal that comes from the Mt Shasta energy vortex, are
excellent to use in spiritual work... including helping to create peaceful
feelings during prayer or meditation. They also have a calming energy
that will aid stress and anxiety.
Mozarkite is the state stone of Missouri. It is a lovely stone that will enhance both your
creativity and your accuracy... and it has a good action to stimulate your right brain.

It has a helpful effect within the brain, enhancing

concentration and understanding. Its crystal meanings
strongly relate to its action to improve your communication.
Mozarkite aids you to speak in an understandable way, and it
creates clarity in the way your brain hears and understands
what is being said to you. It has a good healing action, and
will assist you to let go of worry... and may help to heal a
number of other problems, including vertigo, nervous issues
and may help drug users to let go of their dependence.
It helps you to realize that the choices you make are
important, and that your life is dependant on your previous decisions. It aids psychic abilities,
and it helps you to pick up what is being communicated to you from the spirit world... more
quickly and clearly, and assists you to tell others what you have heard.
Mugglestone is better known as Tiger Iron. Within its crystal meanings and in its coloration and
banding, you can see evidence of the three stones that it is a
mixture of... Red Jasper, Tigers Eye and Hematite.
This crystal helps you to feel better physically, as it grounds you
quite strongly via the base and earth chakras.
This brings you a strong healing energy that helps you to heal. If
you have working with high vibration stones and have become
ungrounded this stone may help you. Because of the unique
combination of minerals within these stones it is excellent to aid
healing from illness... as it brings strength and vitality back to the physical body.
Mystic Merlinite is a stone that was discovered relatively recently
in Madagascar. Its crystal meanings relate to it being a quite
mystical and magical crystal, which explains its name.
It has metaphysical attributes that will help to align the chakras,
and having two stones may be beneficial if you are using it for this
purpose, as it is helpful to place one at the crown and the other at
the base.
It is a stone of light and dark... a stone to aid you to work on
yourself, as it can aid the birth of talents and abilities that you were
unaware of, including stimulating psychic abilities and intuition.
Muscovite inspires spiritual growth... as it opens you to an awareness of your higher self. Its
crystal meanings relate to helping with the side effects from too rapid awakening of psychic
gifts... as well as aiding the opening of new psychic based powers.

It helps side effects caused by rapid awakening of these gifts...

and is also a strong psychic protection stone.
If you suffer from dyspraxia, and have a problem with
clumsiness and left-right confusion... it will help to relieve your
The Crystal Meanings - N
Natrolite is one of the most powerful stones for stimulation of
the third eye chakra, crown chakra
and the soul star chakra... above
the crown chakra.
As you meditate with it... you will feel its strong pulsing energy
move through the higher chakras, like an amazing beam of intense
light and energy.
This high crystal energy stone when coupled with other high
vibration stones will create powerful growth in your health and
spirituality. An altogether startling stone... and only for those who
wish their journey to move quickly.
Nebula Stone is an interesting mixture of quite a few minerals... including Aegirine, quartz,
Feldspar and Epidote, so it may be of value to read the
crystal meanings of these minerals in their various alphabetic
Once they come together in this stone, they have create
some quite interesting metaphysical attributes, which are
quite powerful to utilize.
This is a stone that helps to bring spiritual light into the body
and will infuse you quite quickly with this beautiful energy.
By also grounding this light down into the earth, it helps you
to have a enhanced recognition... that you are a spiritual
being having a physical experience on earth. It helps to
expand your understanding of why you are here, and may
stimulate the birth of psychic abilities or the knowledge of
gifts you have. It can also be used to assist healing due to its
action to release toxins from the body.
Nepheline is a greenish mineral often found mixed with other
stones. Its energy mainly relates to the chakras from the heart
At the heart chakra it brings through the energy of love, and
stimulates your personal power at the solar plexus. It enhances
creativity at the sacral chakra, and heightens vitality and energy at
the base chakra.

Its energy is excellent for meditation as it helps you to seek out the truth about what you are
looking for via the meditative process.... and may help you to see the deeper meaning of illusions
shown to you. It is a quite calming stone, yet at the same time stimulating.
Neptunite is a stone with an exuberant energy that helps you to find solutions to problems, and
ways to reach your goals. The crystal meanings also relate to the
way its energy helps you to let go of resentment or anger about
situations in your life that you are finding difficult.
This energy helps you to understand when you are deceiving
yourself or others, but in a non-judgmental way, and it helps you to
focus on finding solutions.
It assists you to see illusions or areas in your life that you may need
to look at more carefully, in order to see the reality of the situation.
It resonates with the energy of the moon, and may stimulate
intuition or other psychic gifts that may have already begun to
develop. Through the solar plexus it stimulates your personal power, and helps to align the base
and sacral chakras.
Nirvana Quartz is a type of quartz found in the Himalayan mountains in northern India. They
are found at high altitudes, in places where the melting of the
glaciers caused these crystals to become exposed.
This is why they are also known as Himalayan Ice Quartz, and they
often resemble pieces of ice, with irregular shapes in the crystals.
The clear Nirvana Quartz crystal meanings relate to them being
extremely high vibration crystals, that make an immediate impact
within the soul star, crown and third eye chakra. This is an
enlightenment crystal that assists you to be aware that you create
your reality, and helps you to understand how you can help the
unfolding of your destiny along the spiritual path.
Nunderite is brown Andalusite quartz with green patches of Epidote. Having a piece on you may
assist you to be overlooked.... as it aids you to remain
anonymous and to blend in when desirable. It is known to
strengthen the heart and your overall well-being.
It stimulates spiritual insight and foresight... and may prevent
you from making mistakes... by letting you know prior to an
event if it is going to cause you a problem.
Found in NSW Australia... while it has said to have been known
about for a long time it's stone meanings are only now becoming
more widely known.
Nuummite is a very strong earth chakra stone... and has been
labeled the Sorcerers stone. It is powerful stone to move you
forward spiritually... but it does have a dark side... that many people find uncomfortable.

It will help you to face those parts of yourself that you may have
avoided knowing about and feared. The energies from your darker
shadow side... including guilt, shame and fear itself, may be
released with the aid of the strong vibration of Nuummite.
This may be uncomfortable but once released this may allow you to
move forward with your life. As you use this stone, and understand
the stone meanings more fully... you may utilize it to bring to life
your magical and mystical abilities. It also has a vibration that
encourages an increase in synchronicity and will help you attract
good luck and positive events into your life.

Healing Properties Of Crystals - O

Obsidian Stone is a strong spiritual grounding stone and will ground you through the earth
chakra to Mother Gaia. It a helpful crystal to use when you have been
doing spiritual or healing work. It is a strong cleanser of psychic smog
created within the aura.
The healing properties of crystals like these make them one of the
premier crystals to use to assist you to release disharmony developed
during work on yourself... including resentment of others, fear or
anger. It helps facilitate better spirit communication and may bring
through the power of prophecy.
It has strong qualities for psychic protection... and will shield you from
all negativity... as you release any negative attachments. It may
assist you to seal your aura against future problems.
Ocean Jasper is a stone of joy and happiness that may benefit the
solar plexus, heart, and throat chakras. This brings the energies
through the area allowing the flow of speech from the will in a loving way.
It aids those feeling depression... and will assist many physical complaints.
These stones are so diverse, and the diversity even within the stone gives
us a clue to the stone meanings, and what it may assist with.
Natural crystals of ocean jasper may vary quite a lot in the way they look
and in the healing properties of crystals in this group.
It may assist one to recover from illnesses on the physical level... and from
a range of illnesses at the deep cellular level... as seen in the stone itself.
Spiritually it influences you to release limiting patterns that may hold you
back... as well as encouraging you to take all that the Great Divine Spirit
offers to you.
Ocho Geode come from Brazil... and while some may look sparkley, they are simply colored
quartz with inclusions of other minerals. The addition of these
minerals aids them to have a vibration that may bring luck into your
life... and they carry the energy of victory.
They aid you to see the whole picture and you can use this to plan
your future. While the healing properties of crystals made from
quartz are good due to their ability to resonate well, Ocho Geode
are not healing stones as such.
They are excellent to use during meditation... as they may aid you
to contact beings in the higher realms and their energy may be
helpful when astral traveling.
Okenite looks a bit like a furry fuzzy snowball, but although it looks
interesting, it may take some thought about how to work with it, due to its unusual structure.

The healing properties of crystals like these are particularly

helpful to assist aging related disease, as well as aiding blood
flow and nervous stomach.
It can be used at any chakra to purify the chakras although it
is also known for its action at the crown chakra... as it may
stimulate your abilities to channel spirit. It has an action to
support you to be more truthful, and may help you to be
more gentle in your way of speaking the truth.
Oligoclase is in the feldspar family. They are fairly uncommon
stones, that will help you to gain feelings of trust in the way your
life is unfolding.
The healing properties of crystals like these particularly relates to
their action to help the healing of breaks, specifically of the hand
or wrist.
They also help you to let go of any feelings of anger you might
feel regarding the circumstances of your bone break, that may be
holding back your healing.
Olivine is strongly associated with Peridot, which is the gem
quality variety of this stone. The healing
properties of crystals such as Peridot and Olivine are similar.
The energy of either of these stones will help the body to heal from
health problems in the heart, lungs, spleen and intestines.
This stone's vibration may stimulate you to take action when required,
and it is particularly helpful at critical junctures in life.
It helps you to value time spent alone, and to be comfortable being
alone, rather than feeling lonely. It is especially beneficial to use it when
you need to take time to consider the various options open to you. This
is a stone of motivation... that aids you to respond to circumstances
when needed, combining this with the qualities of creativity, courage
and inspired action.
Onyx Stone comes in a number of colors... but the most
common are the black and the white onyx stone, with many
pieces having bands of mixed colors.
While the various colors of Onyx have some differing attributes,
the healing properties of crystals in this family are all similar in
that all colors are helpful to boost your inner strength.
These crystals are very supportive during stressful situations,
and they are particularly helpful to aid grief. They can assist you
to regain feelings of happiness, and they are good stones to
assist in bringing good fortune into your life.

These crystals can help you to keep secrets, but they are known to hold the memories of things
within them... that have happened to anyone who has worn the stone... and these can be
retrieved by those who utilizes the gift of psychometry.
Opal Aura Danburite is also known as Angel Aura Danburite... and these are names to describe
a variety of Danburite where they have had their surfaces coated with vaporized silver and
This leaves a permanent coating on the crystals... which as can see in the
picture is a lovely opalescent sheen... but it is not just cosmetic.
These are beneficial crystals to use in meditation, as they are powerful to
assist your spiritual growth. During meditation with them, they resonate
within both the heart chakra and higher heart chakra... also known as the
thymus chakra.
Their energy moves up the body to the higher chakras, where they can
aid you to make contact with spirit guides and other beings in the higher
realms... as their vibration may stimulate the crown chakra, the soul star
chakra and the higher transpersonal chakras.
The healing properties of crystals like these make them a wonderful asset
to move your spiritual growth forward, and you may discover that working with an Opal Aura
Danburite crystal can have a quite profound effect on you... as they assist you in releasing fear.
During meditation they can facilitate your travel to very high realms, and this can be a quite
sublime experience. Many people experience quite extraordinary effects and you may feel lighter
and more peaceful afterwards.
Optical Calcite is also known as Iceland Spar, as it was originally
found in Iceland... although it has since been found in other areas.
It is a transparent rhomboid shaped calcite which has an unusual
quality of being double refractive. This means that if you look at
something through this stone it appears as if they are in two
different locations.
These crystals resonate within all chakras, but they are particularly
strong in the area above the crown chakra, to clear stagnant energy
The healing properties of crystals like these are helpful on the
physical level to aid your eyesight, and so their name relates to
their healing attributes. They are wonderful to stimulate clear
thinking and are wonderful used on the third eye in meditation, to aid you to clearly see what
you need to do in your life.
Orange Calcite has a lovely vibrant color, and resonates strongly at the solar plexus and the
sacral chakra. It has a good energy to stimulate your creativity, helps you to release fear and
may help you to feel more confident.

Orange Calcite is also said to be useful to stimulate the flow

of money into your life.
The healing properties of crystals like these are quite potent,
and their energy is helpful to aid the body to heal. They may
aid problems such as depression and stress, as well as
reproductive and stomach related health issues.
Orange Kyanite is a sacral chakra stone... and is a helpful
crystal for aiding the sexual organs. It has the power
toenhance creativity... as it works strongly within the
second chakra, which is the area where creativity is birthed.
The healing properties of crystals in the same family are
often similar, and they have many of the same stone
meanings as Blue Kyanite... so it is of value to read both so
that you may fully understand.
Orthoceras crystals are a black and gray fossil, and are a fossilized mollusk that lived around
400 million years ago. These fossils are quite lovely healing tools to
use to help you when you are working on past life issues.
These are also known as excellent healing stones, and are lovely
stones to carry on your body and to have in your environment.
The healing properties of crystals like these mainly relate to age
related issues, such as pain in the spine. They will also help you to
release fear related to getting old and can be utilized in the
workplace to assist others to be more accepting of those who may
be older than them.
Healing Properties Of Crystals - P
Painite is a little known stone, and is listed as one of the rarest
stones in the world. This certainly
was the case, until a new deposit was discovered recently... so it
is now possible to obtain pieces a little more easily.
This pendant is quite small, but as it was unusual I felt it was
worth acquiring so I could show you what it is like. In regard to
the healing properties of stones like these, little is known as it is
so uncommon.
I found it makes a strong connection at the heart chakra, where it
opens the heart, and it can also be felt in the higher heart or
thymus chakra. Its energy can be felt within the third eye, and
you can feel it working in various areas of the brain. It has a
positive resonance, and makes you feel relaxed and at peace.
It also resonates at the solar plexus, and again it seemed to relax that area quite quickly. Its
name signifies that it may relieve pain, but its actually named after someone with that name, so

that may be a misnomer. Its color varies and can be orange or dark brown, and my piece looks
black, but is surrounded by silver so its hard to tell its color for sure.
Papagoite are fairly uncommon crystals, that are usually
found as an inclusion in quartz crystal... and if you can find
one they have a really beautiful energy.
It is sometimes found in the same stone as the lovely Ajoite
in Quartz crystals... and the healing properties of crystals like
these are quite alike. Both of these stones are helpful to aid
you to begin to make aconnection with angels.
This is a powerful crystal to use if you are working on your
spiritual growth, as it vibrates very strongly at the higher
chakras... including the third eye chakra, the crown, the soul
star and higher transpersonal chakras.
It has an excellent action to stimulate contact with your spirit
guides, and may help you to begin working with your spirit guide. If you haven't previously
worked with your guides, and even if you have, it helps to stimulate clarity in your
communication. It will also assist with psychic communication in a number of other ways, and is
helpful to assist with past life work.
Paraiba Quartz is a variety of quartz that comes from the
Paraiba mining area, and it was only discovered in the last
ten years.
This variety of quartz is quite uncommon and contains
Gilalite, which is a bluish green copper based tuftish
inclusion... so this crystal is also known as Gilalite in Quartz.
It strongly vibrates within the higher heart or thymus
chakra... with a quite lovely energy that encourages
compassion. This is a stone that may help to relieve stress,
as it encourages you to feel peaceful and at one with the
Universe. The healing properties of crystals that contain inclusions of Gilalite are associated with
issues around circulation, hearing and sight.
Pargasite is an apple green crystal that has a good resonance within the heart, thymus and
solar plexus chakra. When you hold a piece of this stone, you can feel its vibration helping you to
feel calmer.

Using it is one of the ways to relieve stress, as its energy is quite

relaxing. It is known as a stone of love and compassion, that will
help you to be able to love yourself more easily.
Keep a piece on your body for as long as possible each day.
Although it does not work fast, the healing properties of crystals like
these, will work to help you to feel calmer, while slowly aiding you
to release negativity that may cause you to be unhappy or glum.
Peach Calcite is a lovely stone that can be a variety of Optical
Calcite as well as an opaque
crystal. It is also known as
salmon calcite, and its color
comes from the minerals that
are included in it.
Its color can range from pale peachy pink through to
almost yellow in color, and many are quite unusual.
They may be both a type of pink calcite as well as being a
form of golden calcite, so they can have some wonderful
metaphysical qualities. Pink calcite aids you to connect with the energy of Kwan Yin, the goddess
of compassion, and can engender feelings of compassion, joy and deep love.
The healing properties of crystals like these can be quite diverse, as they resonate quite strongly
within the heart and higher heart as well as within the solar plexus chakra. This may help to
boost your self esteem and personal power, and the combined attributes make these amazing
stones to utilize for meditation, and for personal healing.
Peach Moonstone carries a strong love energy and its vibration
may soothe worry and anxiety.
The healing properties of crystals that are peach colored have a lot
in common, it is a sacral chakra stone, and this stones energy may
help to enhance creativity.
It very helpful for disorders of the digestive tract... and it may also
solve menstrual related problems. It is also advantageous to use if
you are working on weight loss, as it is known to soothe disturbed
emotions related to weight.
Peach Selenite has a different energy to the white selenite crystals. Like White Selenite this
stone is a crystal of the light... but instead of bringing through white
light it is a stone of the shadow side... the light of your hidden self.
It is a crystal with a strong energy... and with stone meanings to aid
women specifically.
It can be used at rituals that pertain to the moon... related to
childbirth, puberty and the spiritual time of the older woman and
the crone ritual. It helps you to release karmic issues... and will
cleanse and heal issues from the past.

Peacock Ore comes in a range of beautiful colors and it is also known as Bornite. Some people
think its the same stone as Chalcopyrite, but although they
are similar they have a different chemical structure.
The healing properties of crystals like these relates to the
area of the stomach and in particular to its action to aid the
digestion and assist the body to create adrenaline.
They help to energize you, and kindle feelings of happiness,
and an awareness that life can be good regardless of what
may be happening.
These lovely stones have attributes that aid you to notice
when there things in your life that may be blocking you from
achieving your goals.
The vibration of these stones may assist you to recognize
methods to use to avoid circumstances that may be blocking your way forward. It can help you
to cut people adrift... or even objects, that you have been unable to let go of. It makes you have
a greater awareness of what you no longer require in your life.
Pecos Diamond are a variety of quartz crystal from the Pecos River Valley in Mexico. They have
a loving vibration similar to Rose Quartz. Their energy encourages
happiness and aids you to feel that life is a pleasure to live.
The healing properties of crystals that are an orange color relate to the
sacral chakra... and this makes them excellent stones for enhancing
They are lovely to use in meditation, as their energy of Pecos Diamonds
vibrates quite strongly within the lower chakras, and is known to create
balance between these chakras and the higher chakras.
Pentagonite embodies the energy of the purest blue ray. It stimulates
the third eye, opening it and helping to activate inner sight. This crystal
is a higher vibration version ofBlue Cavansite stone.
The healing properties of crystals like these are both similar in that both
help tinnitus, commonly called ringing in the ears, as well as assisting
to heal issues within the kidneys and bladder.
Like most blue stones it vibrates within the throat chakra, and this may
help to heal the throat and the eyes... and it also may assist with
relieving stress, as it calms the mind and helps to center it.
Peridot is a lime green gemstone, that makes wonderful jewelry. Its
preeminent benefit is its strong energy, that is like a beam of sunshine
in your life.

It vibrates with the frequency of increase so it is a wonderful

stone for manifestation... of all the good things, including its ability
to manifest love and good health
It is known to manifest an increase in the flow of money into your
life. Its energy is warm and powerful, and it is both a heart chakra
stone and solar plexus stone.
Petalite is a high vibration crystal with an excellent energy that is
a pure sweet vibration that will connect you to the angels... while protecting you from all
negativity. This beautiful pink crystal gives you the ability to be able to
access the Higher Realms easily ... to make contact with spirit.
It is a heart chakra stone of the pink ray. This is a natural crystal that will
beautifully and gently heighten and increase your awareness. The range of
healing properties of crystals in the Petalite family, make it clear that this is
definitely a powerful crystal to add to your collection.
Petrified Palm Wood is also known as Fossil Palm Wood. It is a very hard
variety of chalcedony, and the healing
properties of crystals like these are very similar to that of
petrified wood.
These are strong stones to aid you to make a connection with
the past, and they may aid you if you are doing past life
work. They may assist you to be more in the flow of life and
may help you to feel a greater degree if patience... and to
stay with a plan of action through to completion.
They are known to assist you to feel more courageous and
may help you to take the right action to create financial gain. These stones are often quite
unusual, and how they look does depend on the angle that is used when the stone is cut, so
there are a number of variations in the way the stone looks.
Petrified Wood is a stone of continuous on-going growth... a steady progression towards your
end result of spiritual transformation.
It has stone meanings that relate to both the base chakra and third
eye chakra. Within the base chakra its energy brings patience and
It brings to you the knowledge embedded in the tree from which the
wood came. Its third eye chakra energy aids you to make a
connection with your cells and the issues stored within your DNA.
Phenacite is a forceful high energy crystal that leads to swift
personal growth, if used consistently. It is a spiritual stone that will
take you to new levels of spiritual advancement.

It is a very strong crystal if you are working at developing

gifts... especially within the third eye chakra, crown chakra and
the soul star chakra.
A natural crystal of the Light... it generates pure, clear white
light and stimulates and activates the third eye chakra and
pineal gland.
Phosphosiderite is both a phosphorous and iron based
stone... with strong metaphysical properties. It is unusual to
find iron based crystals in the lovely pinky
purple shades of this stone.
This crystal has a lovely and quite strong energy within the heart chakra,
and higher heart or thymus chakra... and you can definitely feel its gentle
calming energy filling your being.
Excellent to meditate with as it gently works within your third eye chakra as
well as within all the other chakras, but especially those above the heart...
gently expanding your awareness.
Even though it is not a strong challenging energy, its resonance has some
profound actions to aid your healing and spirituality. The yellow lines in the
stone are said to be inclusions of Cacoxenite, which is a higher vibration crystal, and this could
be why this stone has such an excellent ability to aid spiritual growth.
Note: While the healing properties of crystals like these may seem quite soft and gentle, this is
strong crystal. Because it is such a sweet stone you may not recognize that it can make you
spacey, quite easily, so make sure you keep spiritual groundingstones on you while using it.
Picasso Stone is a type of marble and was named by sculptors using it, as the colors and
patterns can resemble Picasso's work. This stone can be helpful to
aid your creativity and may boost artistic abilities.
If you need to make changes in your life, it may help you to deal
with the changes better, and turn intuitive messages into action.
This stone may help you to understand your reason for coming to
the earth, and is said to aid contact with extra terrestrial beings
from other worlds and dimensions.
Pietersite stimulates pre-cognition and activates both your
imagination and your mental abilities. This stone has a strong energy that brings together the
energy of the solar plexus chakra and the third eye chakra.
From the solar plexus comes the energy of your will-power... and this
stone helps you to use your will within the third eye chakra. The ability
to use your intuition is strengthened by the energy of Pietersite... and it
aids you with inter-dimensional travel... because you can use your will
to decide to make it happen.

Pink Aventurine is closely related to Red Aventurine, and

its pink color comes from the inclusions of a pinkish
mineral... usually either Hematite, Goethite or a Mica, such
as Muscovite.
It is closely related to Red Aventurine and depending on the
color of the crystal, it will make a good connection within
base, heart and higher heart or thymus chakra.
It resonates a lovely heart based energy that may stimulate
feelings of compassion towards others. The healing
properties of crystals like these that are the pink color, are
known to aid the flow of energy within the body and can help health issues related to the blood,
and may also assist heart based health issues.
Pink Chalcedony has a gentle harmonious energy, that helps you to have a good natured
approach to life. Have some in a bowl along with other heart chakra stones to stimulate a loving
energy in your home.
The healing properties of crystals like these are beneficial to aid
pregnant women as these pink crystals will help you to have a
healthier pregnancy.
They are helpful for new mothers as they may aid you to bond to
the new baby, and may help post natal depression. Their energy
also helps to prevent jealousy amongst the other children, so it may
be advantageous to give one to any child who has a new baby sister
or brother. It encourages empathy and helps to create a calm and tranquil environment.
Pink Datolite is a less common color of this stone... and
while all colors of this stone are of a high vibration, the pink
crystals resonate more strongly within the heart and higher
heart chakra.
Pink Datolite may encourage you to expand your heart and
to live in a more heart centered way. One of the more helpful
healing properties of crystals like these, is their action to
work on the nervous system, and to calm your nerves.
They have a calming and soothing energy, that may help to
ease stress and anxiety. All colors of Datolite are helpful to
aid your memory and to assist with solving problems. They
are also helpful to use when you are grief stricken, as they
will calm you and help to settle your emotional distress.
Pink Nirvana Quartz is the pink variety of a specific quartz which is also known as Himalayan
Ice Quartz, and is found in the Himalayan mountains in India. Nirvana quartz may be clear or
pink in color, and was only discovered when the glaciers melted and uncovered these crystals.

The healing properties of crystals of both colors of Nirvana Quartz

are very strong... and although the properties vary according to the
color of the stone all colors are high vibration crystals.
The pink crystals vibrate deeply within the heart chakra and thymus
chakra... also known as the higher heart. They also have an
excellent action within the higher chakras... right up to the third
eye, crown and into the higher transpersonal chakras.
These are powerful meditation crystals, that will help you to achieve
inner silence and a connection with the Divine mind and with your
spirit guides.
Pink Lazurine is a man made stone with a powerful vibration of
the pink ray. It is said to have been created accidentally by the
military, and if so this was under Divine guidance. This stone is said
to vibrate with the energy of both the heart chakra and the higher
heart or thymus chakra.
The stone meanings are similar to Kunzite and while it is alike Rose
Quartz with a strong love vibration within it... it is at a higher vibration. Like many of the violet
flame stones, this stone also is a stone that resonates with Saint Germaine of the violet flame. Its
energy is of deep spiritual love and is very powerful.
Pink Smithsonite is a lovely heart based crystal, that has a strong
loving vibration. It resonates with the energy of Kwan Yin who is the
Goddess of compassion and healing.
This is a strong thymus or higher heart based energy, and the Kwan
Yin vibration brings through feelings of compassion, joy and deep
love... that will aid you as well as others in your life.
The healing properties of crystals like these are powerful to aid
healing of inner child issues. They also are impressive to aid stress,
and this is particularly so if you feel so stressed that you can't take
anymore and are heading for a breakdown. They also assist the
immune system, sinus problems and aid addictions such as alcoholism.
Pink Tourmaline is a heart chakra stone that kindles feelings of joy and happiness. It aids
relaxation... and helps bring back your passion for life... and is one of the best choices to buy for
this purpose.

It contains a good amount of lithium, which is quite beneficial...

as the healing properties of crystals that contain high amounts of
Lithium which are helpful for depression and to ease stress and
They may enhance your creativity and assit you to have an
improved approach to life.
Use it with any of the other colors of Tourmaline including
with Black Tourmaline... for relieving stress, or with Indicolite or
with Dravite... also known as Brown Tourmaline.
Pipestone is another name for Catlinite stone, and it is a stone
that is sacred to native Indian tribes. This stone is used to carve
ceremonial objects out of, such as pipes for sacred ceremonies,
and has been used for thousands of years.
This stone is a quite powerful way to make a connection to the
spirit world and in particular is helpful to use in meditation to
connect with the Great Divine spirit.
If you have Indian ancestors, this may be particularly helpful for
you to use, to aid you to work out your life path, and to solve
issues related to possible past lives in the Indian civilization.
These stones may be used to connect you with spirit guides, that
will give you information on the right way to use these stones, and be aware that this may
change according to the specific piece you have obtained.
Pistacite is commonly known as Epidote. This stone is known to effect people in a variety of
ways. Some people find that it has a beneficial affect on them... or in some people the vibration
of this stone can have the opposite affect.
This will depend on your predominant way of thinking as its energy will
bring you more of the same. This aspect is said to benefit you, as the
influx of traits... both good or bad... brings them clearly to your
It has stone meanings that are said to be very helpful to aid prosperity...
because as long as you are generous you will bring generosity into your
life, in a variety of different ways.
Pollucite are rare zeolite family crystals, that have been shown under
Kirlian photography to emanate the total spectrum of color.

This means they will benefit all of the chakras, and are said
to stimulate, activate and cleanse all energy centers.
They are helpful to bring clarity of thought and aid tactful
speech. They assist you to learn your lessons in a way that
allows for the limitless possibilities available.
The healing properties of crystals like these aid those doing
hands on healing such as Reiki, and they are especially good
for crystal healers to use... to help you make the correct
choices for a problem.
These healing stones stimulate and clear the heart chakra,
and boost your energy. They bring endurance, tenacity and
the ability to persist when the going is tough. They benefit those who have issues that relate to
sensitivity to environmental contaminants. Keep a piece on you to assist with the scattering and
removal of contaminants. A good stone to use if you are recovering from radiation treatments.
Polychrome Jasper are said to bring good fortune to you... and they have a lovely energy that
brings joy to the user. You may also see them selling as Desert
Jasper or Royal Savannah Jasper, and they come in a range of
bright colors.
Jaspers have an energy that works more slowly than some
stones, so it is beneficial to keep a piece on you for best long
term results.
The healing properties of crystals like these relates to their
energy to help improve how you feel, and they are good stones
to aid stress and anxiety. They also are said to assist allergies,
and to heal the organs of the stomach...including the liver and
Poppy Jasper is a beautiful stone that may infuse you with feelings of joy and happiness. It
encourages positive energy and good health and may help you to get over feelings of anxiety
and depression.
By stimulating your energy it may help you to feel more motivated
to get out and do more activity. It can be helpful to encourage less
athletic people to exercise more.
Powellite is an excellent crystal to use in meditation, as it helps
you to making a clear spiritual connection via the crown chakra.

It is known to be helpful to aid you to get on with jobs you need

to get done, and see them through to completion.
It will enhance any humanitarian pursuits and is known to be
helpful to enhance creativity, especially if you are an artist, doing
spiritual related work.
The healing properties of crystals like these are known to be
related to its action to aid autism and it is helpful to assist
children at puberty, both physically and emotionally.
Prasem Quartz is also known as Prasem Hedenbergite Green
Quartz. When they come from the Greek
island of Seriphos, they are known as
Seriphos Green Quartz.
The healing properties of crystals like these are excellent to help you to
release stress and they may also assist with healing quite a few other
health problems.
These green crystals embody a beautiful vibration that helps you to make
a connection with nature spirits. They are helpful to use in meditation as
they are heart based crystals, that will enhance your connection to
beings in the higher realms including the angels.
They have a heavenly energy, that may allow you to feel that heaven is
not simply a place off in the distance, rather that you can experience it
here on earth.
The inclusion of Hedenbergite in these crystals can help you to become
more organized and systematic in your day to day activities.
Prasiolite or Green Amethyst will enhance your heart based
spiritual connection to Mother Gaia.
These natural crystals are a lovely luminous green color... and it is
like the spirit of nature itself ... embodied within a beautiful green
Its impact within the heart will clear disharmonious energy and open you totally to love and
Prehnite will link the heart with the will... relieving worry and bringing through peace and joy. Its
energy will ground you to the earth and to Mother nature.
It is a good meditation stone, as it assists you to learn to hear your
guidance from spirit and the angels. It is a stone of spiritual discipline,
and will help your mind to become more peaceful and relaxed... relieving
restlessness and worry.
Preseli Bluestone is the same type of stone that Stonehenge is made
from. They have a strong and ancient energy and resonate with the
vibration of the magical and mystical energy of Stonehenge.

The healing properties of crystals from that area are powerful, as they
embody an ancient vibration, and they are excellent stones to aid you to
investigate past lives in Celtic Britain.
These stones make a strong earth connection and are excellent for
grounding you, and create a connection to the heart of nature and to the
goddess Asherah.
They have many qualities... including the ability to recognize friends who
are soul friends... possibly met in past lives. They are a truth stone that
will aid you to perceive if another speaks the truth, and may aid you to
develop psychic abilities.
Prophecy Stone is a rare and quite unusual crystal that is
found in the Libyan Desert, apparently in the same area
where Libyan Gold Techtite is found.
They get their name from their action when used in
meditation to aid you to see visions, that are said to be of
possible future events.
This does not happen on first use, but they may happen once
you have used them over a period of time, and this can vary
from a few weeks to months, depending on the individual.
They are quite strong spiritual grounding stones, which bring
energy down from the transpersonal chakras through the
soul star and crown chakra... right down to the lower
chakras. They are powerful to make a strong connection with the earth chakra.
The healing properties of crystals like these are said to be helpful for those going through
chemotherapy, and they are said to slow the spread of cancer.
Pumpellyite is a copper based mineral which comes in various colors, particularly green. The
Pumpellyite is the green inclusions in these pieces, and you
can see it in little vugs or crevices in the stone.
These heart chakra stones are in the zeolite family, and the
healing properties of crystals that are zeolite's is strongly
related to their action to aid cleansing of toxins from within
your system.
They also have other metaphysical attributes, including to
energize the heart chakra and helping you to release
emotional blockages within all of the chakras.
Purple Anhydrite resonates strongly within the third eye
and crown chakras. Like the Blue Anhydrite... which is commonly known asAngelite, it will help
you to make contact with angels and other beings in the higher realms.

All colors of Anhydrite are helpful stones to aid emotional

healing. The healing properties of crystals like these are quite
similar to the light Blue Anhydrite, it is just that the color is a
deeper purple.
This crystal may help to stimulate the birth of psychic gifts,
including helping you to have stronger telepathic gifts. It may
boost the development of mediumship or channeling abilities,
and it also resonates within the throat chakra to stimulate
psychic communication abilities.
Purple Fluorite resonates within the third eye chakra in
particular, and has a strong vibration to aid spirituality. It helps
your spiritual development and is excellent used for meditation.
It is known to aid you to mentally assimilate the ideas coming
through from spirit. This makes Purple fluorite an excellent psychic
communication stone to help what you hear to make more sense.
The healing properties of crystals in the fluorite family are all
similar in that they are excellent to use when you have any type of
infection or virus. They will help to clarify your thinking, and will
help to draw off negativity, and are helpful when placed near to
your computer to draw off electromagnetic smog.
Purple Herderite is a fairly new color of this stone. It has the high vibration of the other colors
of Herderite, but may take a little longer to have an effect. When it does, it has an amazing effect
and its strong vibration is very apparent, as it is a very powerful stone!
The healing properties of crystals with a high vibration like Herderite may
work not only on the physical but on the spiritual and emotional areas as
well. This crystal is known to aid impulses, so if you are inclined to be
cautious and wish you weren't, this may benefit you.
It helps you to feel more motivated and aids you to align yourself with
your goals and to discover what is holding you back from going in the
direction you desire.
Purple Lepidolite may also be known as Magenta Lepidolite, especially
if it is a more reddish-purple color. Its vibration is
very similar to the lighter Lilac Lepidolite variety.
Because it is high in lithium, its energy is helpful to aid depression and
anxiety and using it is known to help you with stress.
The healing properties of crystals like these are beneficial to help you if
you are emotionally distressed or if you are going through difficult
situations such as a divorce or separation.
They are good stones to aid those with ADHD. They help you to let go of
anger and aid you to appreciate the good things in your life. Simply place

one under the pillow to help you to sleep better as they are excellent to calm you down. They
have a good resonance at the heart chakra and stimulate a loving energy within you.
Purple Sapphire is a strong stone to awaken the crown chakra
and to open your awareness of the spiritual side of your being.
It is a stone to use when awakening the kundalini, as it clears the
path where the kundalini energy travels between the base and
crown chakras, allowing the process to go more smoothly.
This stone also works at the third eye to stimulate the pineal
gland, which may awaken your psychic awareness and open up
clairvoyant abilities.
Purple Scapolite is a very high vibration variety of Scapolite,
that will help to clear past life issues that
are causing problems in your current life.
It lifts your way of looking at life, so you see things from a higher
It is known for its energy of atonement, as its energy helps to release any
feelings related to spiritual issues of reparation, penance or the need for
forgiveness... that is, the need to make amends for your past actions.
The healing properties of crystals like these relate to its action to balance
the energy in the body. It also aids the healing of issues related to aging,
and it is known to improve your ability to physically move your body more
Purple Smithsonite is a deeper colored variety of this stone and
although the healing properties of crystals
of Smithsonite that are this color are
similar in many ways to other colors, there are some differences.
All colors of this stone are excellent to use in meditation... as
they help you to quickly get into the alpha state, where your
brain waves slow, and you can relax more easily.
In addition they are great healing stones for stress, your immune
system, sinusitis and addictions.
Although all colors of Smithsonite are excellent to help you to
develop psychic abilities, this color does make a quite strong
connection at the higher chakras, including the third eye and
crown chakra. The deeper purple does resonate strongly within the third eye, from where many
psychic gifts are birthed, and this includes psychic visions... commonly known as clairvoyance,
intuition and mental telepathy.
Purple Spinel varies from a dark purple color through to a lavender or red-violet color. This
crystal resonates at the third eye chakra and is an excellent healing stone, especially to aid pain,
and may aid emotional healing.

It is known to be an etheric cleanser that helps to remove negativity from

the auric field. It is also a protective stone, that is known to bounce
negative energy from ill wishes, back to the sender.
This is a good stone to use if you are starting a new spiritual based
business, as it may inspire you to persist when the going gets tough.
Keep on your body to take advantage of its ongoing energy.
Purpuriteencourages you to feel free to speak with confidence and
clarity...and aids you to verbalize your thoughts clearly. This stone has
strong metaphysical properties... stimulating highly spiritual energies of
clarity, insight, and strong accord with
It embodies within it the powerful violet
flame energy. The healing properties of crystals in this group are
of a highly spiritual nature. This energy also has powerful healing
abilities... and offers a highly protective vibration.
Pyrite is an excellent stone for the solar plexus chakra, enhancing willpower and overcoming
bad habits. It has a strong solar energy... enhancing the male aspects
energetically of both sexes.
It is of assistance to help you to take the action required to create
abundance and prosperity in your life. It is also an earth chakra stone...
and it is excellent to aid with grounding.
Pyrolusite is a useful stone to have close to you, as it repels negative
energy and strengthens your aura. It can help to provide a barrier to stop psychic interference
from strong minded individuals, and stop you getting attention from
beings who live in the lower astral realms.
It may help you to feel more optimistic about life. It activates the
base chakra and also has a strong action at the crown chakra stone
to aid transformation.
It also encourages coincidences or serendipity to come into play... to
aid you to move your life in a new direction. It stimulates
confidence, and may help you to deal with authority figures, in a
way that still maintains your own beliefs. The healing properties of
crystals like these can be utilized if you have problems with your
metabolism, bronchitis and eyesight.
Pyromorphite comes in a few colors including green, orange-yellow, white and yellow crystals.
The healing properties of crystals of all colors of Pyromorphite strongly relate to the way they aid
other stones to work better, so it is good to combine it with other stones.

It is a stone that stimulates an increase in success in your

life, and can stimulate your energy physically.
It is said to be helpful to aid issues in the stomach such as
irritable bowel syndrome, and celiac disease and may assist
you to better assimilate vitamins and minerals. This is also a
crystal that helps gardeners and conservationists... and aids
contact with nature spirits, devas and sprites.
Pyrrhotite is an iron based mineral, with an energy that has
an excellent effect in the body to make you feel good. The
vibration of this stone creates a surge of energy within the body,
that will align the meridians.
The healing properties of crystals like these pertain to its action
to assist you to let go of fear and anger... and it may help to
soothe muscular aches and pains and relieve stress.
It is an unusual stone to use in meditation, as it is known to aid
you to discover the ways and means by which a powerful solution
can be found to life's problems, and it can even aid the birth of
miracles. It assist you to realize the perfect solution to your
problems, by helping you to learn this during the meditative

The Stone Meanings - Q

Quantum Quattro is a natural combination of Dioptase, Shattuckite, Malachite, Chrysocolla and
Smokey Quartz. This mixture is a potent combination, as all of the
minerals that make up this stone are powerful healing crystals in their
own right.
When they come together the stone meanings relate to a strong ability to
aid the body to heal, and they are specifically helpful to assist the
immune system and the DNA.
They have a powerful action within both the heart and thymus chakra...
or higher heart, and are an excellent stone to aid grief. This is a good
psychic protection stone that is useful to use during channeling, to
prevent any negative entities from taking hold.
Quartzite is also known as Snow Quartz or White Quartz. It is said to contain tiny bubbles of gas
or water. It has stone meanings that help to support you while you are
learning life lessons. It assists you to understand your emotional
responses and has a more feminine vibration.
All types of quartz are highly programmable and this is the same as clear
quartz in that it will amplify the energy of other stones it is combined
with. Like most white crystals this stone vibrates within the higher
Que Sera Crystals (aka Vulcanite) is a stone with a quite amazing
vibration. According to Melody this stone is from one of the grand
formations of the planet... meaning that all these stones have the
same properties regardless of their actual physical make-up!
They embody what Melody calls UPS (uninterruptible power supply)
They resonate very strongly within the higher chakras in particular.
It has a number of quite interesting stone meanings and its
qualities keep unfolding as you use it.
It helps you to become aware of the different options that are
available to you as your life unfolds. These stones have a strong
energy that works quickly to boostclairaudience and may very
obviously strengthen your psychic hearing. It assists you to get
answers to questions... but take care with this... as once the
question is asked it is said that you will get the answer. This is an altogether unusual stone that
vibrates to the words of the song of the same name... Que Sera, sera, whatever will be, will be.
The Stone Meanings - R
Rainbow Calcite is a name that applies to any color of Calcite that has a rainbow within it.

Although it may be easier to see the rainbows within the

clear optical calcite, you may find them in other colors, so
look to see if you have any rainbows in your pieces of Calcite
The stone meanings of the crystal that they are in applies
first, and as well the Rainbow Calcite stones have particular
qualities that relate to the presence of a rainbow within
them. The rainbow is a gift from spirit, from the guardian of
that crystal to you.
These rainbows bring harmony into your life, and help you to release negativity. You may use
them at all chakras to heal you, to open, cleanse and release any discordant energy that may be
present. They bring a loving gift from spirit that is visible each time you look at the rainbow
within the crystal.
Rainbow Fluorite has bands of varying colors within the stone... and depending on the actual
colors, particular crystals may have different stone meanings. These stones will aid Indigo
children to feel safe and loved. The energy of this stone helps to provide
for the transfer of information at the time of contact with your guides.
This contact may be with both the angelic kingdom or with your spirit
guides. It is also a very protective stone, and is said to shield you against
psychic attack.
Rainbow Mayanite is a type of quartz that looks quite unusual, similar
to Golden Healer quartz but with more color in it. The vibration of these
crystals is quite unusual and very
powerful... and they are strong healing
They have a very high vibration, that works wonderfully when
used in meditation. They work on the etheric level to remove
whatever is trapped there.
This includes attachments and cords that may have come from
relationships, as well as hooks and implants from this life or from
past lives. The stone meanings of these stunning crystals relates
to how they help you to work to release old patterning you have
been retaining. This can include releasing and clearing past life
issues, as well as stuff absorbed during your current lifetime.
The energy of this crystal helps you to attract healing guides and the angels, whose assistance is
powerful to aid you to use its energy wisely. It's energy is also very supportive to allow you to
move forward on a new path in life with renewed joy and purpose.
Rainbow Moonstone offers to the world an energy offering psychic protection... as well as
transmutation of negativity.

It is a stunning stone that carries the vibration of the Goddess. Meditation

with it may allow us to more easily make contact with her energy, and
with the energy of nature spirits.
It is a beautiful stone for improving the relationships between the mother
and child... including issues of a karmic nature.
It is said that if you wear Moonstone as a pendant it encourages you to
accept your psychic abilities.
Rainbow Obsidian is a stone to aid the emotions... and it helps you to
release emotional problems from your past. The energy of this stone is
unusual... in that it take you down into the deep dark depths of your
being to find your light.
With the aid of this stone you create a bridge that takes you to the place
where healing of old emotional issues can occur. It has a strong spiritual
grounding vibration... and it will cleanse and align all of the chakras.
Rainbow Quartz is a one of the quartz configurations. There is more
information on specific quartz configurations in the article on quartz
configuration and makeup.
Rainforest Jasper is also known as Green Rhyolite... and is a strong stone to help you to
understand who you really are. It aids personal healing and helps you to move forward in your
The deep connection with nature and with plants, trees and animals...
and with Mother Gaia herself that you gain from this stone, will help you
to deal with the strong need for change on the planet.
If you are person who is passionate about the earth and who feels that it
is time to step forward to help heal the earth, then the energy of this
stone will be of benefit to you.
Realgar crystals are very beautiful, but you need to take great care if
you decide to use them, as they are an arsenic sulfide stone, which
means they are poisonous. Please do not ever use them to make
elixirs and wash your hands carefully after touching them.
The stone meanings of these beautiful crystals relate to their strong
energy within the lower chakras. They may stimulate your sexuality,
and they are known to open and align the solar plexus chakra.
Realgar may enhance the intellect and stimulate analytical thinking
and may help you if you are studying. These stones are sensitive to
air and will break down easily, which means they need to put away
carefully after use.
Red Aventurine contains quartz in its makeup, so it may amplify
the energy of other stones that it is combined with.

It may bring you added vitality... as it stimulates blood cell

production and aids the immune system.
It is a stone of sexuality, creativity and mental stimulation... aiding
you to manifest through taking action. It comes in a few shades of
red, and you can see the sparkly mica inclusions in the stones.
Red Calcite comes in a few different shades of red... including
orange-red with transparent areas in the stone. The stone meanings
of all colors in this group relate to
how they will uplift you emotionally.
While all are strong base chakra stones, others may also
resonate within the sacral chakra as well. Red calcite will help to
make a connection to the heart chakra, and their vibration may
help to gently energize you.
Their healing properties pertain to how they can help menstrual
problems and other female related issues, as well as regulating
hormones, aiding the kidneys and pancreas and assisting the
healing of broken bones.
Red Jasper is a strong grounding stone, that may enhance your
endurance, and create a better energy flow within your auric
field. It may activate kundalini stimulation, and
the raising of the kundalini serpent... which resides at the base of the spine.
This is both a highly spiritual experience as well as a sexual experience. Red
Jasper is very helpful for healing any dysfunction of the procreative area of the
body, and it will also assist anyone who has any sexual dysfunctions... including
Red Spinel connects the base and heart chakra, and this helps you to feel
more tolerant of others who may not think in ways that are in alignment with
your ideas and ideals. This crystal is good for helping to
create a more loving personal relationship, both physically and
Red Spinel is a strong base chakra stone that aids one to feel better
physically. It will align the base chakra and help one to feel stronger
physically. It helps you if you are in fear, or feeling depressed or
anxious... and using it is one of the methods to help stress.
Red Tigers Eye is also know as Ox Eye. It may be produced by heating
the golden brown crystals, which creates new and different metaphysical
properties, although its stone meanings are similar in many respects to Golden Tigers Eye stone.

This is a useful crystal to wear on you, to boost your personal power and
they have a good energy to enhance your creativity. If you are a women
who works in a male dominated workplace, this is a strong stone for you
to use to help you to get ahead, without giving up your femininity.
If you are working with anyone who displays inappropriate or sexist
behavior... including using sexually explicit language, it may be helpful to
place one or more of these stones on your desk, as their vibration may
help. They also has good properties to help to calm angry people, but remember to cleanse them
regularly under running water.
Rhodizite crystals are usually very small, but they have a powerful energy, so size is not really
an issue. Their vibration can be felt by most people quite easily, and
they have a strong resonance at the higher chakras.
Their energy is neither negative or neutral, but have a
truly powerful positive resonance..
When you hold them, you might feel a pleasant zing of energy... and
their vibration may cause a flash of heat to go through your body.
They will boost the energy of other crystals they are used with,
and are excellent to use with manifestation crystals.. They are
known to magnify your thoughts, but do keep your thoughts focused as they may accentuate
what you are thinking, and give you a different result to what you expect.
Rhodochrosite are pink crystals that have a lovely energy... and
are excellent base chakra, solar plexus chakra and heart chakra
The heart chakra is all about love... and in this case the love
vibration is directed towards the self.
Used at the solar plexus chakra... it will even clearinner child
emotional problems or those that have come through from a past
This is an excellent stone to use for healing your own emotional
Rhodolite Garnet will work on the combined energies of the base chakra, heart and crown
chakras. It will activate your ability to make connection to your guides and also allow you to
manifest your hearts desires.
Their stone meanings relate to these being crystals that will help to heal emotional problems,
including feelings of shame or guilt. Through the use of this stone you may allow yourself to
receive an abundance of love, and they may help to elevate feelings of worthiness and adequacy.
Rhodonite is a strong stone to generate feelings of altruism and generosity. It is an excellent
stone to use in meditation and will assist you to discover your gifts and talents.

This pink crystal stimulates acceptance and forgiveness, aids

emotional healing of relationship problems and calms you when you
are angry, fearful, panicky or stressed.
You may then use them to aid both yourself and others. They help
you to find and understand your life's purpose... and how you can
utilize your gifts in service to the Divine spirit. They will also aid you
to build your self esteem... as you understand how you can more
fully love yourself.
Rosasite crystals are blue-green
stones with a fairly unusual energy. Their stone meanings relate to
the use of mantras.
If you use them in meditation, or if you sleep with one under your
pillow, their vibration may help you to discover your own special
personal mantra, that you can use to assist your life.
They have other excellent attributes, including the way they may
boost your memory and help you to recall information about a
range of subjects you have previously known about. They are also
excellent stones to help you to reaffirm your personal trust in the
way that the universe works.
They may strengthen your conviction about the things that you were told when you visited the
higher realms, and your belief in their truth. This is especially valuable when the information
obtained cannot be discovered by using the normal senses... only experienced in other ways.
Your confidence in this knowledge can be beneficial, and may be utilized in your life.
Rose Quartz Crystal resonates Goddess Energy and is one of
the foremost stones representing the Feminine Principle.
It is about the concept of 'loving'... not only on the physical level
but on the deeper emotional and spiritual levels. It is especially
powerful to heal the upper chakras... both including and above
the heart chakra.
It can stimulate the throat chakra, the third eye chakra and the
crown chakra... and bring their vibrations into line with the
heart's, as they beat as one, with the vibration of love and
compassion. To read more about the meaning of crystals made of
quartz, read the article on quartz varieties or the summary
ofhealing with quartz crystals.
Rubellite is the red variety of Tourmaline, so it is also known as Red Tourmaline. These stones
range in color from dark pink through to pinkish red shades, but are quite a lot darker than pink
tourmaline is.

Their stone meanings strongly relate to the heart chakra,

both physically and emotionally. They are an excellent stone
for anyone who needs healing of physical heart ailments, as
they are known to assist healing.
It may help anyone who is going through relationship
problems, as it helps to elevate passionate feelings. It gives
you increased strength to deal with difficult situations,
especially those that make you feel fear or pain. At the base
chakra it helps you to feel more comfortable with accepting
This red crystal may create a connection between the base
and heart chakra... bringing courage and acceptance of love and support from others. At the
sacral chakra, it can help to revitalize you, and may enhance creativity. It may bring you an
increase of resilience and staying power, and it energizes the sacral area... which is closely
related to sexual health.
Ruby In Fuchsite is a combination of two quite lovely stones...
Red Ruby and Green Fuchsite, and both have a strong heart
based energy.
These are lovely stones to aid healing, and they may assist both
physical and emotional healing.They have a number of useful
stone meanings, and they will help a number of health issues.
This includes aiding the immune system and infections, as well
as helping the body to heal from spinal column and repetitive
strain injuries.
The green Fuchsite in this stone makes it a good stone to aid
contact with elemental beings. The combination with the Ruby Stone makes this a highly
energetically positive stone, that stimulates motivation and the desire to succeed. Its vibration is
also helpful to stimulate your interest in life when you are feeling lethargic and lack inspiration.
Ruby In Kyanite is an excellent combination, because the
Kyanite in the stone stops the Ruby section from absorbing
negative energy.
You may benefit from reading the articles onBlue
Kyanite and Ruby Stone... as the stone meanings of each
component in the mixture, will allow you to gain greater clarity
on the metaphysical properties of this crystal.
This combination is good to enhance lucid dreaming, and it may
assist you to remember you dreams more easily if you have it
close to your third eye while you are asleep.
It has an excellent healing action particularly helping the throat
and heart areas. It is a lovely stone to use for meditation, and it
may assist you to enter the astral plane and to make a connection with your spirit guides once

you are there. Its energy is an asset to aid manifestation, and it may aid you to be more
Ruby Stone is a beautiful crystal and is well known to be a stone of gemstone quality. The
alchemical properties of imparting a sense of bliss and encouraging passion for life... may be part
the reason why it has always been popular.
It is powerful for creating a shield against psychic attack... and will
create clear visualization through its stimulation of the pineal gland.
It will aid your sexuality and give you strength and help you to
overcome exhaustion.
Rutilated Quartz are quartz crystals with inclusions of Rutile
within their being. The most powerful
stones have tiny needle like pieces within
the stone. They may be in a variety of
Each color has a specific vibration... but all are powerful energy stones.
The black and red-gold inclusions aid the physical body and the silver
will enhance intuition.
Golden Rutilated Quartz is not on this stone meanings page, but the
meaning of crystals like these can be read on the page dedicated to
this stone. Golden Rutile in Quartz has its own specific article where a
wealth of detailed information on this stone is available.
Rutile is a quite extraordinary stone that acts like an antennae to the
Divine mind. It works within all chakras
and aids you to tune into others and
understand their intentions.
It has strong amplification qualities... and so is powerful to magnify
the other qualities of stones that it is included within.
Although most people are familiar with Golden Rutile it may also be
found in other colors... including reddish brown, red and black.
See the Stone Meanings of Rutilated Quartz above for extra
information. When Golden Rutile occurs in quartz, it is
called Golden Rutilated Quartz... see the photo above... showing
a beautiful piece of this stone. Note the threads of rutile that it has
within clear quartz, that creates a stone with an amazing vibration!

Metaphysical Properties of Stones S

Sacred Light Stone is a type of stone that very few people know much about. They are found
in the Rub al Khali desert, which is a rather large and remote desert... 250,000
miles wide, peopled by only sparse Bedouin tribes.
They are found alongside stones known as Boli Stones... which are high
vibration Calcite Crystals. The metaphysical properties of stones like the Boli
Stones and Sacred Light stones are not the same, but both have a high
vibration and they may be used together in meditation.
They are said to work well used with Prophecy stones, and they have a strong
feminine energy. They help you to have a deeper appreciation of life, and may
aid you to shift your consciousness.
Sapphirine is the blue part of the specimen shown. This is an interesting
stone, and metaphysical properties of stones
like these are known to have mixed effects in
different individuals.
Many people's experience of this crystal is that it creates a
soothing and quite deeply calming action. Used in meditation it
may help you to slip into a deep and tranquil state, and it is
helpful if you do journey work to assists you to return safely.
It is also known to be a cleansing crystal, that helps you to
release issues that need to be let go of, including past life issues.
This may allow you to improve your life and to get you onto the
right path.
There are other effects reported, and some people find that it opens up deeper areas of their
being... where they experience old and challenging issues that come up to be dealt with,
commonly known as "dark night of the soul".
Sardonyx is a natural combination of Orange Carnelian and Black Onyx. This is a strong spiritual
grounding stone and is highly protective. It a good stone for anyone studying, or if you work in a
job where you require mental disciple to focus on the task at hand.
It may help to relieve stress, anxiety and depression. The metaphysical
properties of stones in this group varies just as the colors of this stones
vary quite a lot... and they may be quite different to each other.
They are often striped and but they may be more white than orange. The
combination of the combined energy will bring through happiness,
optimism and a delight in life. It is a wonderful stone for improving
marital relationships.
Satyaloka Quartz is a variety of quartz from a specific area of India...
from a small monastery in the Satya Loka mountains.

In the past the stone was gathered personally by the monks

from the monastery. It may now be less common as the
availability of it did dry up for awhile.
The metaphysical properties of stones like these
unique quartz crystals is very powerful. Their special energy
is the vibration of enlightenment. The monks believe that the
mountains are the reason for the stones specific vibration, which is high and pure. Its purpose is
to shift your vibration to a higher state while still on earth.
For a tiny piece it has a lovely high vibration energy. While this is said to be a rare crystal... and
the stone pictured here is a very small specimen, I have now been able to obtain more pieces of
this stone. It is a high crystal energy stone and if used with others of this group is highly
beneficial. You can now also get a stone with a similar name, sold by a large crystal retailer, but I
am not sure if the stone is quite the same vibration as the original stones, or whether its just
another case of a rename of the original stone.
Scapolite is a stone of purpose... helping you to set your mind to a goal and then reaching it. It
aids self-discipline and will-power. The metaphysical properties of stones of different colors may
be quite different. Yellow Scapolite aids the attainment of prosperity
through the solar plexus chakra.
Purple or Gray-White Scapolite works within the crown chakra, the
soul star chakra and the higher etheric chakras, and aids psychic
knowing and communication with your spirit guides. Blue Scapolite
works within the throat chakra and third eye and aids psychic
powers. Pink Scapolite has specific aspects within the thymus and
heart chakra... and is a stone for aiding forgiveness and bringing
through compassion.
Scheelite is an excellent crystal to help you to be on time, as it stimulates punctuality. If you or
the person who you are buying it for, is inclined towards a feeling of being superior to others, this
is a stone that may help you be less high-handed and dictatorial.
These crystals come in a range of colors, and the metaphysical
properties of stones of each color may be slightly different.
But all of these crystals will help you to align all of your chakras.
They may aid you to better understand the specific need of an
individual chakra as it pertains to you personally, and help you to
understand when a chakra is out of balance.
Scolecite will awaken your heart and make a stronger spiritual connection. It is a profoundly
peaceful stone... allowing you to make contact easily with spirit and your higher self. Scolecite
will awaken your heart and its energy is instantly and deeply restful.

The metaphysical properties of stones that are high vibration

crystals help you to make a stronger spiritual connection. From the
moment you first use it you can understand the advantages it will
bring into your life, as it is a powerful stone for awakening the heart
and transforming your life.
Sedona Stone is interesting because it is known that the
metaphysical properties of stones
from the various Sedona vortexes
have different energies.
I was extremely fortunate to obtain a piece of this stone from
each vortex, and this one is from the airport vortex. It is
interesting feeling the differences between the stones from the
different areas.
The metaphysical properties of stones from any of the Sedona
vortexes are quite potent and they have a strong energy that is
both healing and can be used to boost psychic gifts. As a healing stone they are excellent to
rejuvenate and revitalize you, both on the physical and spiritual level. They are strong stones to
assist you to make a connection with the Sedona region. Use it in meditation, when you can
respectfully make a connection with the ancient spirits of the area and the energy of the land.
Selenite has a vibration that brings clarity of mind and will open the crown chakra, the soul star
chakra and higher chakras and access the angelic realm and help you
to connect with angels.
It is a link to the Lightbody... bringing through new codes to assist in its
anchoring. The metaphysical properties of stones like these, may allow
you to cut through illusion see yourself as you truly are... from a spiritual
It may instill deep peace and is excellent to use in meditation. It is a
positive stone to aid you to move your growth of spirituality and
health forward.
Septaria are interesting stones made up of a combination of different minerals. The
metaphysical properties of stones that are in Septaria combine well in this stone... which is
commonly a mixture of Calcite (the yellow parts), Aragonite (the brown
lines) and possibly white (Baryte) or grey (Limestone or Chalcedony).
They resonate strongly within the throat chakra... and are extremely
helpful stones if you are doing public speaking. They emit an energy that
makes each person in the audience believe you are speaking directly to
Their vibration aids you if you value your privacy... as they send out a
message that deters anyone who might be taking an unhealthy interest
in you. They are a strong stone to aid spiritual grounding and are also an
excellent stone for psychic protection

Serandite is a helpful stone if you have difficulties in your relationships, or if you feel
dissatisfied and envious of others. The metaphysical properties of
stones like these are quite powerful to help you to let go of jealousy or
This stone's energy may help you to reconcile to situations that make
you feel frustrated about the circumstances of your life, as well as
helping you to let go of self pity, depression, sadness and the desire to
take revenge on others.
This crystals vibration may help you to attract the appreciation of
others, and aid you to feel more self confident, and assured regarding
your abilities.
Use it if you need help to attain success in what you are doing, as its
energy can help you to work out exactly what you want in life, thus
enabling you to set realistic and worthwhile goals. For anyone working
in sales or as any sort of health practitioner, this stone is known to
attract customers to you... in some quite unusual and interesting ways. Also helpful to remove
negative entities from your environment.
Seraphinite is a stone of spiritual enlightenment... and will aid you in your self healing. The
stone has an interesting look within it... almost like wings.
The metaphysical properties of stones like these allows you to make
contact with the angelic realm... and is has been named for that aspect.
It is a lovely greenish color reminding one of its Heart Chakra vibration
and value.
It is powerful for helping to bring the spinal column into alignment,
linking the soul star chakra with the Heart Chakra up through the higher
chakras to the Crown Chakra and then up to the transpersonal chakras
within the etheric body.
Serendibite is said to be very rare, but that
being the case, the black stones are perhaps less rare than the other
colors, although all can be hard to obtain.
This is a very small specimen and while it may look big in the image,
the picture has been enlarged so you can see what it looks like.
The metaphysical properties of stones like these relates to their
soothing action, as they help you to feel calmer and more peaceful.
Excellent to use in meditation as they will stimulate the third eye, and
help you to experience clear psychic visions. They are also helpful to
bring synchronistic events into your life, so when using them keep an
eye open for meaningful coincidences. It will help you to find out
information at certain locations, almost by accident. As they also stimulate your intuition, you
may find this combination to be very helpful to lead you to beneficial occurrences.

Seriphos Green Quartz is a type of quartz crystal, that is also known as Prasem Hedenbergite
Green Quartz. It is found in only one location, on the Greek island of Seriphos in the Aegean Sea.
These crystals are more commonly called Seriphos Green Quartz, and
they are named after the location where they are found.
The word seraphim relates to heavenly or angelic beings... and it is
interesting as the metaphysical properties of stones like these are
wonderful to aid angelic contact and contact with guides and beings in
the higher realms.
They help you to understand that life can be beautiful... and their energy
helps you to feel that life really is wonderful and that you live on a
wonderful planet. They can help you to deal better with stress, especially
if you feel that you are not sure what your reasons for being on earth is
and that you'd rather not be here.
The reason for their lovely vibration relates to the inclusion of
Hedenbergite, which is a green mineral with a lovely sweet earth based
They may aid you to communicate with creatures in the Devic realm and
with animals, and they are helpful to aid you to be more organized. It is
common to see these stones in formations that resemble trees, and this
is a clue that Spirit gives us about what they may be used for. These are
wonderful healing stones, and they resonate strongly with herbal
medicine and the energy of the plants and natural world.
Serpentine is a stone that will stimulate the kundalini energies. It has a potent effect in this
area... and you may experience powerful and intense experiences during yourkundalini
awakening... as the energy moves from the Base Chakra up to the Crown Chakra and takes the
energy up.
The intensity of this experience often stimulates sexual feelings... as it
opens new areas to create 'enlightenment'. The metaphysical properties
of stones like these also aid you to make contact with the devic kingdom.
Shamanite Black Calcite is usually black brown in color... and it has
been used for a long time by Indian shamans to communicate with spirit
guides, and ancestors in spirit.
It is a rare type of stone comprising a mix ofBlack Calcite mixed
with other minerals including Baryte, Zircon, Quartz and carbon.
It has a high vibration and is particularly strong within the higher
chakras. It may connect your heart chakra and third eye chakra...
and this is known to open the crown chakra...which may aid the
development of psychic abilities.
Shaman Stones are also known as Moqui Marbles or Mochi
Balls... and are very helpful when doing shamanic journeying.
They work within all chakras and are strong aids for spiritual
growth... and will help you to overcome fear.

They are psychic protection stones.. especially when doing out of

body journeys. They come in pairs... one female and one male and
they aid you to balance your male-female energy.
Shattuckite is a strong psychic communication stone, that works
within the third eye chakra, throat
chakra and Heart Chakra.
It will assist with the development
of psychic visions, or clairvoyant ability as
well as mediumship, channeling and automatic writing... all from a
position of absolute truth.
It assists you to verbalize what you have heard from spirit... and it
strengthens your ability to speak the truth.
Shiva Lingam stones may stimulate the energy system of the body...
and will aid in an overall improvement in your health and well-being.
The metaphysical properties of stones like these may create a variety of
different healing outcomes... depending on which chakra you use them
These stones carry the resonance of the sacredness of their origin... as a
object of special significance within the Hindu religion.
They can be used to create kundalini awakening as they may activate the
kundalini... and are powerful to heal the lower three chakras, and aid
healing of reproductive and fertility problems.
Shungite is an ancient black stone that resonates within the base
chakraand earth chakra... and it has a strong energy to both aid
grounding and give psychic protection. It is the only natural source of
fullerenes... a compound discovered by scientists and said to be a
powerful anti-oxidant.
The discovery of Fullerenes was so important that it won the scientists
a Nobel prize, so the metaphysical properties of stones like these are
important to appreciate.
This stone may be labeled as a rare mineral, because up until now has
been found only in one region of Russia. It is a very strong healing
stone, that is said to aid with healing allergies and some skin
Siberian Blue Jade is a name used to describe an amphibole rich stone which is said to be a
type of blue Nephrite. These blue crystals were named Dianite after Princess Diana when they
were discovered in 1997 (the year Diana died) in the same area in Russia where Charoite
stone comes from.

They are known as jade even though they are a type of Nephrite...
but whatever their name the metaphysical properties of stones like
these are valuable. These blue crystals have a lovely energy to aid
anxiety and stress and may aid the development of psychic
They will help you to let go of anger and may assist those who have
ADD, as well as helping arthritis and asthma sufferers. They will
help you to widen how you look at the world and are good to use for
Sichuan Quartz is a high vibration quartz that is found in
the Himalayan Mountains in the Sichuan province of
These quartz crystals often have inclusions of organic
material within them, and many embody dark carbon
pieces. They are known to be powerful stones, that often
work quickly to unite the third eye and crown chakras.
The metaphysical properties of stone like these are
impressive, as they will connect you to the higher realms...
and this connection can open up new psychic gifts... including stimulating the birth of psychic
visions or clairvoyant abilities. These are high vibration stones with an action that may assist you
to have past life visions...particularly of lives where you lived in Buddhist lands, including ancient
China and Tibet.
Siderite is a stone that is helpful to align all the chakras and meridians. This action happens
automatically, simply by having this stone present in your
auric field. So it is useful to carry a piece in your pocket.
This is also a good stone to use if you are bed ridden, and in
particular if those caring or you do not share the same
beliefs. It may give you the courage to assert yourself in
these conditions... especially if others are trying to run your
The metaphysical properties of stones like these also relate
to the way they can help to bolster your dedication to your
work, and to assist you to continue working in your favored area of expertise.
Silver Leaf Jasper is a variety of chalcedony that has quite clear patterns... that looks a little
like leaves, within a grey, green and/or silver colored stone.

The metaphysical properties of stones like these relate to

their action to provide protection to those that carry them.
Having them on you may benefit you when you are
traveling... and this also applies to traveling in a spiritual
sense... within the astral realm.
Like many other types of jasper it will aid healing, and it may
help you to feel more contented within your life, as it helps
you to feel nurtured. It resonates within the solar plexus
chakra to boost willpower and help personal power.
Silver Topaz aka Clear or White Topaz is colorless Topaz that
has not been heat treated to change the color. It is a strong stone within
the Crown Chakra, the soul star chakra and higher transpersonal chakras.
This is a stone to aid you to have greater mental clarity and order and
allowing your life to directed by guidance received from spirit.
It aids development of psychic powers and it has a strong magnification
energy that will aid manifestation to happen more quickly.
Sinhalite has a loving heart based energy, that can easily be felt as it
resonates quite strongly. This is a stone
that helps you to let go of feelings of loneliness, and to feel at
ease when you are on your own.
These stones radiate natural golden light, that stimulates the
solar plexus area to help to increase your self esteem and
personal power.
The metaphysical properties of stones like these also pertains to
its action to boost your creativity, and it helps to boost innovative
thinking and aids you to find interesting solutions to difficult to
solve problems. It is also a stone that resonates with the energy
of truth, and it is helpful on your life path as it disposes you to
walk your path with love, light and a kind attitude to others.
Smithsonite is a stone for relaxation and tranquility and this
makes it a strong stone to relieve stress. It is particularly helpful
if you are so stressed you are heading for a breakdown.
The metaphysical properties of stones like these strengthen
communication with angels via the crown chakra... and it is a
strong stone for communication in a psychic sense.
It will aid you to communicate with your guides, and it is a good
stone to develop psychic abilities, including clairvoyance, mental
telepathy, clairsentience and intuition. It is an aid for healing the inner child and is an excellent
healing stone that helps boost the immune system.

Smokey Lemon Quartz is also known as Citrine Smoky Quartz or Lemon Smoky Quartz. These
crystals commonly show a mixture of colors within the stone. They may be darker in parts, like
Smokey Quartz, and have the yellowish Citrine Crystal color as well as
sometimes showing a yellow phantom within darker crystals.
The metaphysical properties of stones like these are quite powerful, and
they are well recognized as excellent crystals for healers to use. They are
said to heal on all levels, and to help the healing of issues that you may
have had for a long time... that have been difficult to shift.
They are also known to relieve depression and anxiety. Sometimes you
can have issues from past lives that cause problems such as negative
beliefs and deep felt fear, and they can be related to vows taken in past
This crystal helps you to clear, or let go of these vows... including vows of the Citrine energy in this crystal assists this. They are
excellent to aid grounding, and can create a good connection between
the solar plexus and earth chakra.
Smokey Quartz Crystals are one of the premier grounding stones.
Their vibration works down from the Base Chakra through the Earth Star
Chakra to ground you to Mother Gaia. Being quartz crystals they have a
strong ability to amplify energy... including their own.
It is a strong psychic protection stone, that will both protect you from
negativity... and transmute the negative energy by grounding it back
down into the earth. A very useful and wonderful stone to wear upon
your body... especially if you are doing any spiritual work or healing.
These quartz crystals may also be used in your healing practice, and
as quartz crystal healing is becoming more widely known about this is
becoming more common.
Snow Quartz is also known as Quartzite or White Quartz. White quartz has a feminine vibration
and has a calming and soothing vibration... that helps to support you while you are learning life
The metaphysical properties of most quartz is similar in that it may be
programmed. It may be used in meditation, as like most white stone it
resonates at the higher chakras. It is said to bring good fortune into your
life, and may help the immune system.
Snowflake Obsidian has a strong spiritual grounding vibration, and
allows you to be more aware ofcoincidence and
synchronicity as it occurs. This is an excellent stone that you may place on the
Third Eye Chakra during meditation.
It is both soothing and calming. The metaphysical properties of stones of the
Obsidian group will all help you with spiritual grounding, and will take excess
energy down through the base chakra to the earth chakra for grounding. It

helps you to make a stronger connection with your loved ones on the other side. It aids you to
release old patterns of behaviors that are no longer of value to you.
Sodalite is a lovely stone found in shades of blue or purple-blue... and is one of the constituents
of Lapis Lazuli. It is a stone for the Throat Chakra and the Third Eye
Chakra... and will open your intuitive abilities, then link them with
information it brings through from the higher self.
Its also aids the development of psychic visions orclairvoyance. It is stone
of idealism and truth and may stimulate you to live up to your own ideals
and ideas about the nature of truth.
Sonara Sunrise is a trade name used to describe an uncommon stone
from one place in Mexico... and is said to be a stone of empowerment
and freedom. This crystal is a mixture of Red Cuprite and Blue-Green
Chrysocolla, which are both copper based stones.
The metaphysical properties of stones like these are quite interesting in that red
Cuprite is a strong stone at the base chakra for spiritual grounding. It will boost
your energy and may help you to embrace your feminine or receptive side.
The lovely Chrysocolla is a stone that embodies goddess energy, and
encourages change in your life. It is well known for its action to empower and
energize the words you speak, and has been known as a teaching stone to aid
you to impart wisdom to others.
The combination of these two different energies within Sonara Sunrise creates a
crystal that will work within many chakras, and is powerful to aid empowered
and loving communication.
Spessartine Garnet is a powerful stone for abundance and prosperity and for
working with the 7 laws of attraction. It may
bring all sorts of things into your life...
depending on what you visualize and
therefore attract.
This stone will enhance your sexuality as it works strongly
with the lower chakras. All garnets will bring through
manifestation... and different varieties specific things. It will
work on the level of manifesting creativity, including
Sphalerite is a zinc based stone which is also known as
Blende or Zinc Blende. It is an excellent stone to enhance
your creativity.

It will ground you and energize you, and is a particularly good stone
to ground you after meditation with high vibration stones. If you
have used crystals that have made you spacey, it helps to ground
your nervous system.
The metaphysical properties of stones like these are known to aid
you if you use them after the meditation with crystals that are very
It will prevent nervous exhaustion or fatigue which can be the result
of excessive contact with high frequency vibrations. It will help to
bring you back to reality, and to help you to gauge whether what
you feel is real or more like a dream caused by the high
experienced by your journeys in the higher realms.
Sphene is also known as Titanite, and is very helpful stone to aid students. It has a strong action
at the third eye chakra, that will boost mental activity, and
help you to absorb new information. It will also assist with
developing intuition and psychic visions.
The energy of Sphene will stimulate you mentally and help
your creativity and is very helpful to aid you to be more
The metaphysical properties of stones that are yellow or
yellow-green aid manifestation, as they stimulate the solar
plexus chakra. This energy also aids your willpower. Within
the crown chakra, it resonates with the mystical golden ray
of Christ consciousness, so use it in meditation for this use.
Spinel comes in a variety of colors including the bright Red Spinel. The metaphysical properties
of stones of different colors may vary... and they may have different
applications depending on the color. All Spinel will aid in lessening fatigue
and replenishing energy levels.
It assists one in creative thinking, and helps you to build a new self
image. As it does this it will stimulate your capacity to embrace new
talents and abilities that you may previously have been unable to use
due to lack of faith in your own true worth.
Spirit Quartz is a variety of quartz which may resemble Amethyst, Clear
quartz, Citrine of even Smokey quartz. The unusual thing about the spirit
quartz is the way it has many, many tiny crystals growing on a central stone.

These quartz crystals will align the lower self with the higher spiritual self
and manifest into your life those spiritual attributes.
The attributes vary according to the variety of quartz it resembles.
Stones that have the color and look of theAmethyst Crystals may bring
through similar attributes etc. and this applies to all colors of the stone.
The metaphysical properties of stones that are similar in color to your
spirit quartz specimen... may have attributes that you may find within
your stone.
Spurrite is also known as Strombolite when
it is the purple colored stone. This is a good stone to create feelings
of optimism and good humor.
It helps you to know that "this too shall pass", and that your life is
in Divine order. It is a good stone to help you if you feel shy in social
It creates a connection between the Heart Chakra and the throat
chakra, and helps you to relax and lighten up, so you may create more friendly and loving
communication with others.
Star Hollandite Quartz is also known as star quartz, and is named for the tiny black spider like
inclusions in the crystal. As quartz has an amplifying vibration, even tiny inclusions like these
have a stronger effect, caused by the quartz magnifying the energy.
The metaphysical properties of stones like these relate to all
chakras, including the soul star chakra, and they are excellent
crystals to stimulate your visionary abilities.
They are not a crystal that has an immediate result, so it is
beneficial to keep one on your body. They aid coincidence or
synchronicity to occur, and you may see visions (foresight) that
seem very real, and that will help you to move your life in a new
direction, as you follow the destiny you have discovered.
Starbrary Quartz See below Starseed Quartz... a variety of
Lemurian seed crystals.
Starseed Quartz are also called Starbrary Quartz. They are in the family of Lemurian Quartz
Crystals that may have a combination of both ladder like striations on them or unusual
hieroglyphs on them... featured in the photo below.

Within these unusual stones is embodied both the loving energy of the Lemurian civilisation from
which they originate, and a different vibration that may link you to beings in other star systems.
The metaphysical properties of stones such as these is very similar... and by using either of these
quite unique varieties of quartz crystals you may move your growth forward quite substantially.
By meditating with them... this may allow you to make contact with beings from other
dimensions. These beings are making contact now, so they may aid you as the planet moves
closer to the point where you may be finding that earth changes affect you quite dramatically.
This contact has the potential to aid you on your path towards ascension. The healing that you
need may also be aided by the use of these unusual crystals.
Star Rubies are a variety of Ruby stone which have either titanium or hematite inclusions just
under the surface of the stone. These are fine needles of these
minerals, that form a pattern or array on the surface of the
These patterns are quite reflective, and can form what looks like
stars in the stone. Alternatively, and this does depend on the way
the mineral have formed in the stone, you will see the light
reflected in a way that mineralogists call silk.
The metaphysical properties of stones like these is quite similar
to other types of Ruby crystals... see in-depth article... except
that they are reputed to have a magical energy as well due to
their reflective properties. Stones that are shaped like the one in
the image, are known as Star Ruby Wands, and can be used in
healing and/or in magical practices.
Depending on the exact make-up of these inclusions, and the way they are arranged on the
stone, this shiny reflective area will be a different color to the base stone... and may be pinkishred, purplish-red or even a darker maroonish red-brown color.
Staurolite stones are also known as Fairy stones... and they
have been used since ancient times for healing and to aid
you to make contact with the fairy kingdom.
The metaphysical properties of stones that contain a cross
within them, has historically made them be regarded as
sacred stones. They were said to have been used to heal
Richard the Lionheart during the crusades.
They are useful to assist you to make a connection to the
other planes of existence. They are known to have a
protective energy and are helpful to aid stress and
depression. They can also help you to relieve addictions, in particular smoking.
Stellar Beam Calcite is an extraordinary crystal, that has a strong action in all chakras in the
body, and in the higher transpersonal chakras in the etheric body.

Its vibration is easy to feel at the solar plexus chakra, and when
used there, it makes a fast connection to the higher chakras.
Meditation with this crystal is quite beautiful, as itbrings through
the golden light, and makes a strong spiritual connection that is
quite euphoric!
You can feel its action in the brain, similar to high crystal energy
stones like Herderite and Tremolite, and it feels like it could be
working on opening up new areas in the brain.
The metaphysical properties of stones like these to aid spiritual
growth is profound, but be aware that because it is very high
vibration, it can make you quite spacey... so ensure you do spiritual
grounding after using it.
Stellerite crystals look similar to Stilbite as they are both types
of Zeolite, and the metaphysical properties of stones in the same
family are often similar.
This crystal has a strong energy within the higher chakras, and
may stimulate the mind... which may help you if you are
studying, particularly mathematics.
It acts at the base chakra and the crown chakra to align the
chakras and to center you. This crystal is a good stone to aid
change and helps with enhancing creativity via the thought
processes being stimulated.
Used in meditation it may aid with connecting with angels, above all the archangels and others
from the highest realms. It has a lovely energy at the thymus and heart chakra to assist with
emotional healing. It is especially helpful if you are feeling angry or bitter... or feel self
condemnation for your past actions. It helps you to let go of these negative emotions to allow
peace and harmony to come through.
Stibnite (in photo right and below) is a manifestation stone that works on all chakras. It requires
you to focus your intention to enable it to bring you the things you desire.

It may aid you to manifest what you desire into your life... but it does require strong focus and
total honesty. Anything but that may bring undesirable results instead. It is a strong stone for
physical grounding so it is useful for making spiritual journeys, as it keeps you grounded to the
earth plane.

Stichtite will stimulate kundalini awakening... when it takes the kundalini energies at the base of
the spine and moves them up the body to the crown chakra.
It is both a Heart Chakra and higher heart chakra stone... and will
stimulate heart based feelings, especially compassion and love. It
is a protective stone that combines well with the highcrystal
energy stones.
The metaphysical properties of stones that are intergrown,
commonly have very similar properties.... and Stichtite is often
found in combination with Serpentine. The mixed stone of Stichtite in Serpentine is also called
Atlantasite. Read the meanings and the qualities of Serpentine and Stichtite in Serpentine, to add
greater depth to your knowledge about this stone.
Stichtite in Serpentine is also known as Atlantasite. This stone is a naturally occurring
combination of Pinkish Purple Stichtite and Green Serpentine... which are
both strong healing stones and both can be used forkundalini awakening.
It is known to help you to connect to Ancient Atlantis and to bring
through healing energies from these times to help you today. The
metaphysical properties of stones that are a combination like this is... will
embody the attributes and healing energy of both Stichtite and
Stilbite is found in combination with many high crystal energy stones...
and is itself a highly creative stone. It carries a
loving and supportive vibration and will assist in all
varieties of spiritual exploration.
It comes in a range of colors, thru from the almostWhite Stilbite
crystals to pink and apricot stones. The lovely pinkish shaded stones are
healing to the Heart Chakra, as they carry the vibration of love.
In meditation they allow one to gently expand ones awareness and make
contact with the Divine mind. I have Stilbite in combination
with Herderite, Apophyllite andCavansite. Although the meaning of
crystals will give you information on each stone individually... in combination you may find that
together they create new outcomes.
Meditating with any of these stones is made softer and less forceful by the presence of the
Stilbite. A cluster of Stilbite on its own provides wonderful delightful energy to permeate the
room in which it is located.
Strawberry Rose Quartz has a similar vibration to lighter Rose Quartz Crystal but the major
difference is that metaphysical properties of stones like these deep pink strawberry colored
stones help you to love yourself... as these deep pink crystals embody an even stronger depth of
love energy.

This crystal is a strong aid to boost your self esteem, and bring
harmony and a lessening of stress and anxiety. Their energy will
encourage you to embrace the positive aspects of your life... and to
allow joy and happiness to flow through you... and may help to put
romance into ailing relationships. Use these stones in meditation to
discover more about past lives in ancient Lemuria and Atlantis.
Strawberry Quartz is a variety of quartz with mineral inclusions
that make it appear pink... and some
pieces may be slightly translucent.
It usually ranges from light to mid pink... and it often has white,
darker pink, reddish brown or black markings in the stone.
The metaphysical properties of stones like these relate to their
action to bring love, happiness and joy into your life. These lovely
crystals resonate within the heart chakra, and it is helpful to keep
one of them on your body... to bring love and happiness into your
everyday life.
This stone used to be uncommon, but is now more readily available. Combine it with other strong
heart based stones to grid rooms where you feel a need to boost the loving vibrations. Crystals
such as Rose Quartz and Kunzite would combine well with it... to accentuate the loving energy
that it resonates.
Stromatolite is also known as Algae Iron or Fossil Algae. This stone promotes balance, strength
and determination and can invite giant energy into situations. It works on the mind to help you to
release fear that may be holding you back.
This is a good stone to have in the environment as it helps to purify
and cleanse the area where it is located. It helps you to release
energy around issues from the past where you may be condemning
yourself for what you didn't do, rather than looking at what you did
Strombolite is also known as Spurrite. The metaphysical properties
of stones like this mean that
they are excellent to use for meditation.
They create a connection between the crown chakra and the
base chakra that is a strong vibration to aid centering and
grounding. It will help you to communicate with beings in the
mystical and angelic realms, when you may receive
important information to aid your life. These stones assist you to feel good humor, and help you
to deal with emotions of grief.
Sugilite is very useful when you begin any psychic work... as it is a soul star chakra, crown
chakra and third eye chakra stone.

Although some jewelry stores have labeled it "the premier love

stone" ... it offers much more. This stone will provide protection
from any entities that might be attracted to your 'light'.. and it is
a wonderful stone for shielding you from negative energy. The
metaphysical properties of stones like this that embody the violet
flame energy are powerful to aid you.
The combination of Sugilite with Amethyst Crystals ... which is
another powerful 7th chakra stone ... will elevate the level of protection. This combination is also
very effective for overcoming addictions.
Suleiman is a type of agate that is often confused with
Zebra Stone as it closely resembles it. This stone may have
black, white and reddish brown coloration.
It is a stone of magic that will create a connection with the
higher realms, and aid channeling... as well as taking you
down and strongly grounding you.
The metaphysical properties of stones like these are
interesting, as individual crystals may take a while to connect
with you. You need the stone to trust you and then it may decide to work with you... when you
can learn many secrets from it.
It helps you to work with past life issues that are causing issues in your current life, and will help
you to purge negativity, by absorbing your negativity into itself. So it is important to make sure
you regularly cleanse it when working with it.
Sulphur has a number of healing actions, but should never be
handled but just kept nearby. In the past it was known as
brimstone, and it is not a stone that you should touch as it is
The metaphysical properties of stones like these have been
known about historically as it was used as an insecticide and
Having it as an inclusion on another crystal... like the one you
can see on White Celestite... pictured in the in-depth Celestite
page... is a safer way to handle it. It is an excellent stone to have
in the room, as it may absorb negative energy, and it may also help any dormant psychic
abilities to emerge.
It is a helpful stone to have in your environment to aid emotional healing. If you or someone near
you suffers from negative traits or emotions such as easily getting angry, and being generally
intractable, it may be beneficial to have in the room to banish the negative energy.
Sunstones are powerful stones for conveying joy and other good feelings into your life. They will
re-energize your body and will bring through powerful abilities to support and assist the
development of the Merkabah within the Lightbody. Through this you may awaken your cosmic

Sunstones are powerful anti-depressants and they are effective for the
SAD disorder. Use the metaphysical properties of stones like these to aid
you in business, to help you to be able to ascertain when those you are
with are speaking the truth.
It is a manifestation stone and will bring you what you most desire... in
the best way for your spiritual growth. It may manifest money if that is
what your highest and best needs are at this time.

Properties Of Stones T
Tangerine Quartz has a joyful vibration that may be helpful to intensify
your creativity and to stimulate inspired thought.
The properties of stones that are orange often relates to their action
within the sacral chakra, and these crystals commonly will aid the health
of that area. This chakra governs sexuality and passion for life and their
energy may help to revitalize your relationship.
As they are one of the quartz crystals, they are easy to program, and if
you wish to accentuate any of its natural characteristics, you may choose
to program it to enhance creative endeavors.
This can be helpful if your work entails the need for inspired or creative
thought. Read about how to program your crystals, in the article
on crystal meditation.
Tantalite crystals are commonly a lovely bright red or orange color, but
they may also be black or brown, or a mixture. The meaning of crystals like these is also related
to the way they protect you from negativity. This is especially the
energy that comes from a very negative person in your life.
These stones are also said to protect you against spells that are
cast by another against you... and if you have a spell cast against
you is said to turn it around to create a more positive outcome for
It will both divert negativity from other people and negative energy
caused by too much radiation.
They have a good vibration to augment your strength and capacity
to continue physically, as well as helping you to feel more
emotionally balanced and may boost your spiritual perception and
insight. These are also stones that enhance the practical application
of your creative abilities.
Tanzanite is a lovely violet-blue stone with the pure energy of
the violet flame. The properties of stones like these, with a high
vibration... relates to a number of metaphysical attributes. It has an
amazing energy, and is a potent stone to use for healing.
Its strong crystal energy makes it a powerful stone for spiritual growth.
Although it is blue it links the heart through to the upper chakras including
the soul star chakra.
It allows you to become whole spiritually, as it allows the pure energy of
the heart to link with the spirit. The result is a beautiful joy filled energy

Tanzan Aura Quartz is also known as Indigo Quartz. This is clear quartz crystal that has had the
surfaces bonded with a mixture of metals such as Gold, Indium,
Niobium and other trace minerals.
This is an artificial process and many people dislike how this is done
and will not use them, but I feel that these crystals do have helpful
energy to aid you in a number of ways.
The properties of stones that have had their color changed is
different to the metaphysical properties of the Clear Quartz crystals
they are made from, as this process does affect how you may be
helped by this stone's energy.
The minerals that have been bonded to the quartz have specific
properties and this relates to how they will affect you.
These crystals have a high vibration... that can be felt within the
third eye, crown and soul star chakra and will aid your spiritual
growth. Their metaphysical properties strongly relate to the
development of psychic communication and other psychic abilities such as mediumship and
Teal Smithsonite resonates at the heart, higher heart and throat chakra, as it is a mix of blue
and green. This is a beneficial stone to use for healing at the
heart and throat chakras, as it boosts the thymus which is helpful
for immune system health.
It has a gentle energy that aids the discovery of solutions to
awkward situations. It is an excellent stone to aid communication
and to boost psychic gifts... such as clairvoyance, clairsentience,
intuition and telepathic ability.
One of its more useful healing aspects is its action to bring
through strong love and compassion and this is helpful to heal
stress and anxiety.
Thenardite is a quite
strange looking crystal, with a number of good healing
attributes, including as a treatment for Alzheimer's disease.
It resonates within the base chakra, and aids you to think
more clearly. It assists you to keep appointments, as it helps
to improve your memory about where you need to be and
It aids you to release toxins, and is said to be helpful to
cleanse darkness from your aura. The properties of stones
like these relates to its action to help you to be less sensitive
to your surroundings... and it helps you to let go of feelings of ill humor and surliness.
It may help you to make changes in your life, and to discover what you need to do in life...
especially when you think that you have already utilized all possible means, and courses of

action to solve your problem. It helps you to better understand the difference between what you
'want' and what you 'need'... very important and different states of mind.
Thomsonite is the orange mineral that you can see in the
little vugs or crevices in these stones, and this specimen also
has tiny inclusions of green Pumpellyite.
These crystals are part of the zeolite family, and the
properties of stones like these have a lot in common with
other zeolites, and in particular are helpful to assist the
removal of toxins from the body.
Other attributes of Thomsonite include their action to unite
your emotions with your thinking. It may aid clarity of
thought, and help you if you are suffering from brain fog.
Thulite is a pink stone that has an energy that inspires eloquent
speech. It is a positive stone for the emotions... as it encourages
contentment, happiness and a joy filled life.
If you are a person who needs to be at ease speaking in front of a
crowd... the properties of stones like these will help you. This
stone will aid you to build rapport, so it may make it easier for
you to create one on one relationships with other people.
Tibetan Black Quartz are high vibration double terminated
quartz crystals from the mountains of Tibet, where Buddhist
monasteries have been located for a very long time. The area where they originate from, is one
of the most sacred regions of the planet. The properties of stones from this area
reflect this energy... and these stones embody this sacred energy within them.
They are powerful stones for spiritual or psychic protection as they create a bubble
of light around your body. This ensures that you are protected from psychic attack
and from negative entities.
They are powerful stones for spiritual growth and are known to activate the third
eye. They are very effective used in meditation... as they help you to reach a state
of relaxed inner awareness... without being so relaxed you will fall asleep.
They will create a state where you can make contact with beings from the spiritual
realms. They seems to vibrate with a beat that takes you to a place that seems very
ancient... possibly from the deep past of the planet.
Tibetan Tektite is a strong stone, and you may benefit by carrying it on you, as it
may accelerate the vibrational energy within your auric field. It a very dark stone
almost black and it is a form of meteoric glass.

It is one of the high vibration stones. For best results, it is recommended

to be used in conjunction with others in the group of high vibration
stones. The meaning of crystals like this variety of stone, is associated
with the area of the world where they come from, as this area has had a
strong spiritual energy for many hundreds of years.
Tiffany Stone is a variety of Bertrandite that in the past was hard to
obtain, and this made it a rare stone. Now that a new
mine has opened the supply has resumed and lovely
stones are now available.
The properties of stones like these relates to their energy... as this is a high
vibration stone that links you to the higher chakras. It has many powerful
metaphysical properties including that it aids you to develop intuition and
enhances your channeling abilities.
Tigers Eye works through all of the lower three chakras. It is an excellent stone
for grounding as well as being a manifestation stone...
that encourages abundance and prosperity.
The properties of stones like these pertains to its action at the solar
plexus, where it focuses the will, and brings through vitality allowing
easier physical action. It is a stone of the golden ray and allow you to
access the realm of Christ consciousness. It carries the energy of the
masculine or solar vibration... with all the resultant accomplishment of
what one puts one mind to.
Tiger Iron is a mixture of Red Jasper, Tigers Eye and Hematite, and it is also sold as
Mugglestone. The properties of stones like these may help you to
feel better physically, as they bring through a strong healing energy
to aid endurance and strength.
They have a strong spiritual grounding action and may be helpful if
you have been doing a lot of spiritual work and feel spacy and not
with it.
These crystals help you to release excess energy into the earth and
allow spiritual energy to flow back to you as required. The meaning
of crystals like these tell us that they are good for enhancing
creativity, as this stone has a good energy within the sacral chakra.
Tinaksite has a highly beneficial energy, that encourages you to find your true authentic path
on your spiritual journey. By its vibration it helps you to clear mental
clutter and negative thinking... and will bring positive thinking and
The properties of stones like these are powerful, with metaphysical
properties that encourage you to let go of bitterness and negativity
caused by past experiences. This will aid you to move forward in
your life so that you are living your true authentic lifestyle.

Titanite is also known as Sphene, and vibrates strongly at the

third eye chakra. This will boost mental activity, and strengthen
your ability to take in new information.
This vibration will stimulate you mentally, help your creativity
and is very helpful to aid you to be more organized.
The properties of stones that are yellow or yellow-green often
relates to manifestation, as they have a strong action at the solar
plexus chakra.
They have a good healing action, and at the crown chakra,
resonate with the mystical golden ray of Christ consciousness, so
it is very good to use in meditation to aid your spiritual growth.
Topaz may be clear, golden or blue and the properties of stones
of each color varies quite a bit.
The yellow or Golden Topaz is a stone of manifestation... of personal desires through the will.
Depending on what your predominant mental attitude is... you may manifest many things using
this stones energy.
Blue Topaz Stones have the energy of the throat chakra and may manifest better communication
abilities... including personal spiritual communication.
Clear colorless Topaz may be called Silver Topaz or White Topaz. This stone aids you with
deciphering your intentions and aligning them with Divine will.
Tourmilated Quartz brings all the energy of Black Tourmaline combined with the strong
vibration of clear quartz to amplify this energy. These quartz crystals
have a powerful ability to clear the auric field of negativity... and create a
'bubble of light' around your body to protect you.
The properties of stones like these is connected to the addition of this
light into your being, which is a powerful quality of these stones.
These stones may also be called Tourmalinated Quartz... and they are
excellent healing stones on a physical mental, emotional and spiritual
level. Like Black Tourmaline... they have a strong spiritual grounding
effect as well as being psychic protection crystals.
Transparent Pink Calcite is a beautiful transparent pink variety of Calcite. It can be a medium
pink in color, or a more peachy pink, like the specimen shown here.

The crystal meanings of the transparent pink calcite

predominantly pertain to healing on the spiritual and emotional
level rather than the physical level.
These crystals are quite powerful to use in meditation, as they
may aid you to connect with the energy of Kwan Yin, the goddess
of mercy... and they can elevate feelings of joy, compassion and
deep love.
The properties of stones like these relates to the way its vibration
will help you to feel a more profound level of compassion within
your life, and it has a strong healing energy on the emotional
level. This crystal resonates strongly within the higher heart or
thymus chakra... the chakra that relates to feelings of
compassion and forgiveness towards others, as well as within the
heart chakra.
Tree Agate is a lovely heart based stone to help you to make a
stronger connection with the plant kingdom and the natural
A variety of Dendritic Agate, Tree Agates will help you to feel
safer at times when you may feel challenged. It is a protective
stone that boosts energy and vitality and they are good to use to
strengthen the bonds between members of the family.
The properties of these stones relate to how they help you to feel
tranquil and composed, when things go wrong... and they may
boost your self confidence at these times.
They have a good healing energy and can help your body to heal
from a range of health issues. It is beneficial to wear them on the
body for that purpose.
Tremolite is a high crystal
energy stone with a powerful
vibration that helps you to activate the higher chakras.
Used at the third eye chakra, its energy takes you up into the
higher chakras... into the transpersonal chakras and the meaning
of crystals is connected to its ability to make contact with the
spiritual realms.
This stone will assist you to access ancient mystical information.
It has a powerful effect on the brain... and will help you to take
the next step needed to move to a new state of being spiritually.
Its unique resonance will aid you to let go of the things that have
been creating anxiety and stress. Once you release this need to
feel stressed... you may find peace, harmony and clarity... and a total release of negative

Tschermigite is an extremely rare stone, so rare that

most pieces sold... like this one, are in fact man-made in a
laboratory. But regardless of that something about this
stone attracted me.
This crystal is known as a strongly supportive stone for
spiritual workers, and it resonates quite strongly at the
crown and third eye chakras.
It is known as a stone to aid channeling, and works well in
a group situation.This energy helps you to make contact
with beings in the higher realms as well as with the
The properties of stones like this that naturally occur are
hard to know, as there has been so few naturally occurring pieces found. This piece has a quite
beautiful crystal structure, with a lovely deep purple color which I really love.
Tugtupite is a lovely pink stone that has the vibration of deep love within it. It holds the
intensity to reawaken lost love and unremembered passion. Its energy
will vibrate within all of the chakras from the heart chakra up.
It is powerful within the higher heart chakra and it is a stone that may
remove any sense of neutrality or apathy. This stone has the pureness of
intense deep love... and will transform anyone who chooses to embrace
its intensity.
Tunellitehelps to remove cords that connect you to others, and in
particular those that others have sent to
you. This crystal also helps you to bring
back cords you have connected to others.
You don't need to do anything to achieve this, as just having it on
you will cause it to happen. If used during astral travel it will
strengthen the silver cord that connects you back.
The properties of stones such as these relates to its action to aid
the skin. Keeping this crystal on your body refines your skin, and in
particular helps improve wrinkles and the tone of the skin. It also
has an action that stimulates beta brain waves, and this is helpful
to enhance your creativity, including heightening creative thought. As well it can enhance
telekinetic abilities, levitation and the ability to read auras.
Turquoise has a strong vibration within the throat. This lovely blue-green stone is becoming
very hard to get in the natural form. The natural energy of these stones aids the manifestation of
communicating truth.

It is a powerful healing stone and will filter the fifth element ether
into the etheric body. It may manifest clairaudience or psychic
hearing and psychic visions... also known as clairvoyant abilities,
through the throat and third eye chakras, allowing you to access
past life knowledge.
Turritella Agate has excellent healing qualities and is especially
helpful to aid health issues related to aging...
such as varicose veins, gallstones and digestive problems.
The properties of stones like these also relate to helping you to let go of
emotional problems based in the past, especially where you have been
unable to forgive the actions of someone else.
If you feel like you are always the victim, it may assist you to release
buried emotions that have been holding you back, and may aid the
healing of health issues that are related to events based in the past. For
anyone who has fertility issues, this stone is also helpful to aid conception.
Properties Of Stones U
Ulexite is also known as TV stone... and is a good third eye chakra stone that will link the mind
with the emotions... to enable healing. It may stimulate the
imagination and the gift of telepathic ability or thought
By its ability to stimulate your imagination... it may help you
with boosting creative ability.
It is a strong stone to help you to develop the gift of clairvoyance or
psychic visions and developing intuition... as well as aiding you to
connect with angels and other beings in the higher realms.
Unakite has an energy that is particularly powerful at the third eye
chakra. It aids you to develop your psychic
vision and is a strong spiritual grounding
It contains Green Epidote so it may be useful to read the article about this
crystal to aid your understanding. It is particularly helpful if you have been
doing spiritual work... and making contact with the higher realms.
If you have been doing meditation or work to develop your psychic gifts
you may become ungrounded... and this stone will aid you to return to
normal. It is a strong stone to aid you to beat addictions, and also has
strong healing qualities to find the root cause of disease. If you wonder how to sleep better,
place a piece of this crystal under your pillow.
Ussingite is a rare stone that helps to create understanding of the many "bodies" surrounding
the physical body, and the effect of these on the life you live within physicality.

This is a powerful stone to aid anyone who is doing study into

spiritual matters... as it helps you to more fully understand
Universal truths. It aids forgiveness, and gives you understanding of
those esoteric things that you may find difficult to understand.
It is great to assist learning in many different fields including in
mathematics, science and in the arts.
One of its interesting aspects is that it helps you to locate lost or
misplaced objects. It is an excellent stone to aid you to remember
information... a gift we all have if you can just reopen this flow.
The properties of stones like these also relates to their healing
action, as they are helpful to assist blood related issues. This
includes issues such as over-production of white blood cells, helping
hypertension and aiding the production of T-cells. Other healing
action relate to assisting impotency.
Uvarovite is a green variety of
Garnet, that can form as crystals, or like the one shown here, can
form as a layer on a matrix.
The properties of stones in the Garnet family all relate to their
strong energy to aid manifestation.. and it is a powerful stone to
stimulate the growth of abundance.
Like most abundance stones, it resonates at the solar plexus
chakra... and the action of Uvarovite there is beneficial to stimulate
self confidence... as well as encouraging you to embrace all that life
has to offer.
In common with other green stones, it resonates within the heart
chakra, and this may assist you to heal emotional problems. By
helping you to release any feelings that you do not deserve to have
more, you may then be enabled to attract wealth and abundance
into your life on all levels. This stone is well known for its strong
energy to bring you what you truly need.
The Meaning of Crystals V
Vanadinite has an energy that aids creativity and is particularly
helpful for writers. It is a strong earth chakra stone... and
embodies an energy that helps with grounding you spiritually.
It also aligns the chakras, and links the mind and the energy of
the third eye chakra to all of the chakras below the heart.
By bringing the higher energies down to the earth it grounds you
physically, and makes you totally aware and fully present within
your body. It helps you to have the energy to persist when the
going gets tough... and it aids mental clarity and brings
determination and persistence.

Variscite brings peace and harmony to the heart, and resonates

strongly within the heart chakra. It assists you to feel calm as it
has a strong vibration of harmony.
It enhances life by generating feelings of inner peace, love and
compassion, and is excellent to aid anyone with stress or anxiety.
It has a strong compassionate energy that also activates the
thymus chakra or higher heart chakra. It is helpful for anyone
who is an invalid or who is caring for another who has been sick
for a long time, particularly if they are feeling despair about their
Vatican Stone is Ammonite/ Ammolite in matrix stone,
that has been tumbled and polished. You can clearly see
the fossilized sea creatures in the stones. So why are they
called Vatican Stone?
Apparently these stones were found in the same quarry
that the stones used to build the Vatican came from,
around 1500 years ago. Other than that the meaning of
crystals like these has no connection to the church or its
They do have a lovely spiritual energy, and they aid spiritual communication... and their vibration
will help you to let go of negative energy. They vibrate within the third eye chakra and the base
chakra, and are known to promote patience.
Ammonite stones have a protective energy that helps to make life more stable. They help you to
have tolerance during difficult life situations. They have good healing attributes that will help you
in a number of areas, but will particularly assist degenerative problems.
Vera Cruz Amethyst are a quite lovely transparent lavender colored quartz crystal. While the
meaning of crystals in the Amethyst family may be quite similar, Vera
Cruz have a higher vibration.
They are particularly useful if you wish to utilize them as a part of violet
flame healing brought to renown bySaint Germaine. These lovely violet
stones are excellent to assist with spiritual healing, when you need to
remove implants or negative attachments.
They are also beneficial to use for meditations they will help you to reach
a deeper state more quickly. If you are a theta healer, they may help you
to get to theta very quickly.
They are also helpful to help you if you are in a co-dependant
relationship... to break free, and take responsibility for deciding your own
Vesuvianite is a crystal that is also known as Idocrase. The meaning of crystals like these is
about having the courage to make changes in your life.

It has a strong vibration that will assist you to follow your hearts
desire. Its energy assists you to override the energy of the ego...
and to embrace the desires of the Higher self and the true
yearnings of the heart.
Viking Balls are stones comprised of algae and fossil remains
formed 65 million years ago. They are no longer mined, as the area
they come from is a national park
now, but are collected from the
beach when they are released by
The meaning of crystals or stones like these relates to the area
they come from in Denmark, as they embody the spirit of the
people who lived in these Scandinavian people in the deep past.
They are known to provide courage and vitality when you are in
dangerous situations, and will also protect you from misfortune
or hurt. They embody the energy of the area where they formed.
These areas are known to embody the vibration of energy
vortexes, and this same energy will resonate into where they are
placed and kept.
Vivianite is an excellent stone to stimulate the third eye and may help to intensify your
intuition. It is also powerful to use in meditation... and will help
you to both set goals as well as assisting you to take them
through to completion.
The meaning of crystals like these are quite diverse, as their
vibration may be felt within quite a few chakras, and it can have
a number of different effects all of which are quite interesting.
It is known as a crystal that can assist your sight... and this in
both the physical sense and the sense of how you look at the
world and the way you use your inner sight. It is a strong stone to
encourage you to feel compassion and it will help you to release
stress and feel more calm and peaceful.
Vogesite is a type of jasper from South Africa. It commonly has
swirls and patterns in a range of earthy colors.
The meaning of crystals like these relates to their energy to aid you
to have confidence in your life journey, and to understand where
you are and where you have been so that you can go forward with
This stone's energy helps you to realize that you already have what
you need inside of yourself, and to look within for answers. It is said
to be a stone of innocence and it may aid you to reawaken the
innocent child within and to heal any pain and negativity that have filled your spirit.
The Meaning of Crystals W

Watermelon Tourmaline is deep pinkish red on the interior with a

lovely green section on the outside... like a watermelon.
While the colors of these stones look like a mixture of Green
Tourmaline and Pink Tourmaline, the meaning of stones like
Watermelon Tourmaline is a little different to each of the colors on
their own.
These wonderful stones are heart based stones that promote joy
and happiness in your life... and bring a lightening of your feelings
and infuse you with joy.
It is powerful for awakening the energy of the thymus or higher
heart chakra. They may help you to let go of stress, tension and
fear and help to promote friendship and loving relationships.
Wavellite crystals are generally green colored and are shaped in
a lovely wheel or fan shaped form... clearly seen in image shown
It will assist you to make decisions, because it helps you to see
all parts of the situations from all perspectives.
The meaning of crystals like these is related to its action to
enhance lucid dreaming, and it will boost intuition and psychic
This crystal may be used in past life healing, as it helps to reduce
any stress that may occur that is related to any traumatic
situation in past lives. It is a lovely healing stone, that it is said to
aid detoxification and help to balance the level of white blood
cells in relationship to red blood cells.
Wesonite is the name I bought this stone under, and although I
hadn't ever seen anything like it before it got my attention
enough to decide that it was worth following up.
By the look of it, this crystal could be Ruby in Zoisite (Anyolite) as
an inclusion in another different colored green stone. I would love
for anyone who knows more about this stone to contact me.
I read elsewhere on another site that they thought it may be
Vesuvianite. Its interesting that another similar green stone is
also selling labeled "Vasinite", which I also bought a piece of and
feel it may be Vesuvianite. This mis-naming of stones by people
who are making raw stone into spheres, eggs and other carved
pieces is not good.
White Aventurine crystals work within all chakras, but their vibration specifically resonates at
the crown and soul star chakras. This energy is known for its action to boost the birth of
clairvoyant abilities.

All Aventurine stones contain mica, which gives the stones a

sparkly look, and the white stones have a lovely bright white look
and sparkle in the light. The meaning of crystals of Aventurine of
all colors relates to their action to encourage you to feel more
optimistic about life.
Using them at the heart chakra is beneficial, as they help you to
have a greater awareness of what is happening in your life... and
how that relates to the lives of those around you. This awareness
helps you to be more compassionate towards others, by helping
you to recognize and be more accepting and tolerant of things
you might feel critical of in others.
White Azeztulite is a type of white or opaque quartz, and its name was a creation of a writer
of a number of crystal books. The original crystal had a vibration
that was a lot stronger than normal quartz crystals.
Originally it was found in only one location in North Carolina.
Later it was said to also be found in another location in Vermont
USA, although the Vermont stone may not carry the same
vibration as the original find in North Carolina, so the meaning of
crystals like these may vary according to where they were found.
White Calcite is a useful stone
to add to your collection as it has
a number of excellent metaphysical attributes.
The meaning of crystals like these are well known, which is why
you will often find it made into spheres, as it has a good action to
amplify and increase energy.
Using a crystal ball made from this crystal may help to amplify
the vibration and aid you to find what you are seeking.
Calcite is one of the most abundant stones on the planet, so
White Calcite should be easy to obtain. It is excellent to clear
negative energy, and it is a useful stone for prosperity... as by
combining it with stones that aid you to manifest abundance, it may help to bring the results you
want more quickly.
All colors of Calcite are also known to be helpful if you are not sure what you want from life, as
they can amplify your desires and bring them to your attention to help you to work out your life
White Beryl aka Goshenite is known to stimulate your propensity to tell the truth... and to
distinguish between truth and lies in others. This stones energy of truth helps to make sure that
you will recognize when others are not telling the truth.

The meaning of crystals that are clear like this one, are often known to
aid clarity of thought and to create enhanced mental ability.
This stone aids you to have interesting and meaningful lucid dreams...
that may assist your every day life. It opens the crown chakra and
creates deeper contact with the spirit world. If you meditate with it you
may make contact with guides and angels and experience a willingness
to do what needs to be done.
White Cacholong Opal has been used in the past as a love token. It is
known to help you to feel better
about life, as it helps you to feel that
you are safe and protected.
It is known to encourage you let go of depression, and may
help prevent anger... and may assist you to accomplish more
in your day to day life.
Spiritually it brings balance to your life, and kindles hope and
optimism. Keep under your pillow to help you to remember
your dreams.
White Celestite is a less common color of the beautiful high vibration Celestite crystal. Like the
Blue Celestite crystals, they vibrate within the third eye,
crown chakra and the higher etheric chakras.
Also known as Celestine... they are powerful to help you to
make contact with beings in the higher realms... particularly
angels, when you use them in meditation.
Their energy is gentle, calming and uplifting yet it is quite
powerful and may stimulate dormant psychic abilities.
White Howlite is a good stone to use to calm the mind, and
is especially good to ease stress and to calm anger and rage. Their energy may also help you to
develop increased patience and forbearance during confrontations.
They have a good action at the third eye chakra, and may be
beneficial to aid journeys in the spiritual realm and may aid past life
explorations. These stones are quite common and are often dyed to
resemble other stones... but the meaning of crystals like these
remains the same regardless of the ways they are made to look.
White-Gray Scapolite with pink inclusions in the stone. The meaning of crystals in the
Scapolite family are all similar in some respects, in that they all help you to find your life
purpose... and are said to be stones of destiny.

The white and gray variety of this stone has a strong resonance
within the higher chakras.
It helps to open and clear the crown chakra and also stimulates
the soul star chakra and higher etheric chakras. This is a lovely
stone that resonates strongly during meditation to assist you
to make contact with spirit guides, and to assist you with
connecting to angels.
Other metaphysical qualities including its action to aid lucid
dreaming, and helps you to connect with your higher self. It is a
good stone to regulate the chemistry of the brain, and may help
anyone who is mentally unstable. The addition of the pink within the
stone is an added advantage as it helps you to resonate with heart
based feelings of love and compassion.
White Heulandite may be white, pale pink or yellowish and allows one to connect to past lives
in ancient Egypt, Lemuria or Atlantis. Working in combination
withLemurian seed crystals it may bring memories of Lemurian past lives
to your awareness for resolution.
Used with Herkimer Diamonds it may access Atlantian memories and
allow you to attune to that vibration for healing.
The white variety of Heulandite crystal will stimulate the brain's healing,
and may bring through visions. If used in combination with Herderite... it
may assist in overall brain health and aid one to become aware of higher
subtle vibrations.
White Onyx resonates strongly within the third eye and crown
chakras, and this energy makes it helpful to aid the healing of
headaches and eye problems.
The meaning of crystals like these also relates to its action to
boost psychic gifts, as it is known to be helpful to strengthen
your intuition and it may heighten clairvoyance or psychic
This crystal is known to assist your concentration, and may help
you to think more logically. It stimulates an awareness of
guidance that is coming from the higher realms, and it is a useful
stone to use to improve dreaming.
White Phantom Quartz is clear quartz that has a white colored phantom within it, that is
possibly made from an inclusion of white Kaolinite or sometimes another mineral in combination
with it.

The meaning of crystals that have a white phantom relates to its

ability to expand the level of light coming through from the higher
If you use it when you wish to receive distance healing, it is helpful
to assist the energy to come through.
It may assist you with finding your spirit guide, and may
stimulate the psychic gift ofclairaudience.
White Topaz is the clear colorless variety of Topaz. It may also be
called Clear Topaz or Silver Topaz. This stone aids you with
deciphering your intentions and aligning them with Divine will. It is
a strong stone within the crown chakra, the soul
star chakra and higher transpersonal chakras.
This is a stone to aid you to have greater mental clarity and order and allowing
your life to directed by guidance received from spirit. It aids development of
psychic powers and it has a strong magnification energy that will aid
manifestation to happen more quickly.
Winchite is one of the mineral in the amphibole group and is commonly a
yellow or yellowish white color. They are not common and may even be
classified as rare stones.
The meaning of crystals in this group often relates to their action
within the higher chakras. Their vibration is known to stimulate
psychic gifts, particularly intuition, as they resonate within the
crown and third eye chakra.
They have a calming energy and may be helpful to aid stress. They
are said to be a 'stone of tolerance' and may assist you to feel more
Wolframite is the stone that contains the mineral that used to
make the metal tungsten. The dark part of this stone is the Wolframite,
and may be black or brownish black in color. It is a stone that aids order
in your life.
While helping you to go with the flow of life, it aids you to inject order
into how you live, but it also allows for flexibility and making your own
choices when required.
It is good stone to aid you to discover why something has happened in
your life. It may stimulate clairvoyant visions in order to allow you
discover what you need to know about life circumstances.
Wulfenite crystals may be a deep orange when from the USA or this lovely caramel color when
from Brazil. They are quite brittle and so they may be overlooked... as they are delicate to use,
as pieces break off them easily, due to their fragility.

They have a strong resonance within the base, sacral and solar
plexus chakras. The meaning of crystals like these mostly relate to
their action to boost your creativity, and expand your imagination.
The energy of Wulfenite is very helpful when combined with other
crystals as it may enhance the way other crystals work.
It is highly advantageous to use them with other crystals known to
enhance your creativity, and they may also help to stimulate your
imagination. In particular you may choose to use it with orange
sacral chakra stones, as it has a very strong resonance in that area.
As they are lead based crystals you might prefer to use them by
having them sitting nearby, rather than holding them, as lead is
toxic. You would never use them to make elixirs, unless you use the
indirect method, where the stone does not come in contact with the water.
The Meaning of Crystals X
Xenotime is a good stone to stimulate your creativity, as long as
the results are for the good of everyone.
The meaning of crystals like these are quite interesting, as their
vibration will help you to release people from your life who may be
taking advantage of you, or even those whom you may be taking
advantage of... as it works both ways.
Once you release those people who have been taking advantage of
your generosity, you may find your life can move forward in a new
It helps you to lose interest in inconsequential and nonessential
things, and to concentrate on the things of value that are important
to your forward growth.
It is said to be helpful to aid cancer at the root cause, and helps to
release parasites from the body.
The Meaning of Crystals Y
Yellow Apatite has a bright and stimulating energy that can help your
life in many ways.
It is a strong manifestation crystal... in particular to aid you to manifest
money. This is an excellent stone for helping you to lose weight... and it
has a strong detoxifying action.
Its action within the solar plexus chakra... the seat of the will... may aid
you to strengthen your willpower... which is a benefit for weight loss. This
sunny yellow crystal embodies the yellow ray and is a wonderful stone to
promote prosperity.

Yellow Kunzite is a member of the Spodumene family and

is also known as triphane. These high vibration crystals have
a good resonance within all of the chakras above the heart.
They help to align all chakras, and these yellow crystals also
vibrate within the solar plexus chakra.
This crystal's energy may enhance your creativity, and it will
also help to put a protective bubble around you to shield
against negative influences, and it is known to deflect
radiation and electromagnetic radiation from your auric field.
The meaning of crystals in the Kunzite family are similar, and like the pink and green varieties, it
has a good action within the heart chakra. It will help to unite the energy of the heart with the
throat and third eye, bringing an improvement in your ability to communicate in a more loving
way... and may be helpful used in meditation.
Yellow Richterite is a variety of amphibole crystal, and it
resonates strong calming feelings. The meaning of crystals like
these predominantly relates to its action to relieve stress.
Place a piece of this yellow stone on the solar plexus, when you
feel that churning in the gut that often comes with tense and
stressful situations. Richterite is an excellent stone to aid the
body to heal many health issues related to stress... including
helping adrenal fatigue.
If you have trouble letting go of thoughts during meditation, use
this crystal. It will help your mind to calm and aid you to get
deeper into the meditative state.
Yellow Sapphire is a wonderful abundance and prosperity crystal, and they are beautiful
gemstones. They have traditionally been used in India where they were
worn by merchants to ensure the success of their businesses... so the
meaning of crystals like these is well known.
Their energy is easily felt and will allow you to use the will... the energy
of the solar plexus chakra ... to focus your intention onto manifesting
whatever you desire.
Through the power of your intention... which is strengthened by this
stone... it is possible to bring anincrease of prosperity and abundance
into your life.
Alternatively you may wish to manifest creative abilities which are also
stimulated by its energy. This is a visionary stone that will help you to
focus your attention on your intentions. Its energy carries a strong
vibration to aid wealth creation and to manifest money.
Yellow Smithsonite resonates within the solar plexus and sacral chakras, so it is especially
beneficial to aid healing of digestive issues or reproduction problems, originating in the stomach

It has a gentle energy that helps you to learn solutions to difficult

situations, and it is very helpful to aid stress.
The meaning of crystals of all colors in the Smithsonite family,
also relates to its action to boost the birth of psychic powers.
Used at the sacral or solar plexus chakras, it may birth
clairsentient gifts, and aid the growth of your intuition.
Yellow Topaz or Golden Imperial Topaz is a stone of
manifestation... of personal desires through the will. Depending
on what your predominant mental attitude
is... you may manifest many things using
this stones energy.
It brings faith that you can attract all manner of beneficial things into your
life... but only those things that are for your highest good.
The meaning of crystals tells us that it draws people into your life that will
benefit you... and may attract new friendships.
Yellow Tourmaline vibrates at the solar plexus chakra, bringing an
energy that will help you to enhance your
personal power. A good stone to aid past life recall, and to release
old trauma.
This crystal benefits you by aiding personal growth and self esteem.
It aids self confidence and trust in the role of the Divine spirit within
your life. It may aid manifestation and create abundance and
Yellow Turquoise is the name given to a type of yellow jasper that
contains hematite inclusions. It is really not a variety of turquoise at all,
so in theory it really shouldn't be called that name.
The meaning of crystals like these relates to its action at the solar
plexus chakra, which will work to boost your personal power. It is a
good stone to enhance your creativity and is known to boost your
intuition. It is said to be highly protective, as well as being a useful
healing stone.
Yttrium Fluorite or Yttrian Fluorite is also called Lavender Fluorite. It
is a powerful stone to use at the crown chakra,
soul star chakra and higher transpersonal
This high vibration stone has an amazing level of crystal energy, and is a
strong aid to create spiritual growth... as it helps you to make an amazing
connection directly with the Divine.
It is a high frequency stone that may help those who wish to become
spiritual mediums or to aid you with automatic writing directly from
spirit or other channeling abilities. It assists you to develop your intuition and promotes the

growth of stronger psychic abilities and psychic knowing. Its energy at the heart chakra creates
calmness and serenity.
The Meaning of Crystals Z
Zebra Stone... aka Zebra Rock, is a mixture of Quartz and
Basinite, and this makes for an interesting combination of energy.
Basinite has a quite strong grounding energy, and this makes it a
good stone to help you to more easily feel connected to the
It is helpful to assist you to let go of stress and anxiety, and is
known to be helpful to produce heightened energy within the
physical body.... providing an increase of stamina and the ability
to continue going when your body lacks energy.
Zincite is a strong base chakra stone. Those who feel that
they only want to work with the higher chakras will one day find they need the energy of this
crystal. It will ground you... then after stimulating the base, sacral and solar plexus chakras... it
will move the energy up and link to the higher chakras. Then will bring the
higher energy back down.
A powerful experience! I find that it is not a comfortable stone to use for
long... but use it for smaller periods less often, for best results. It increases
energy, passion andboosts creativity and may rekindle sexual urges.
Zircon Crystals and stones are useful for all chakras. They will bring
energy in through the crown chakra and down
through all the chakras to ground the energy
at the base chakra then down to the earth
star chakra.
It is a strong stone for spiritual protection. It is well know as a
beautiful and precious stone, and when it is found as a gemstone...
is often made into gold or silver crystal jewelry.

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