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snivel - slight cry which evokes no sense of sympathy

purloined - to steal something

obsequious - too eager to praise or obey someone
cant and hypocrisy - cant - boring talk
ARROGATED - claim something without right
pathological - uncontrolled or unreasonable
bestrides - stand across something
reprobate - somebody immoral
clique - exclusive group
propitious - favorable, kindly
approbation - approval or official sanction
vicissitudes - variability or unexpected changes
circumspect - prudent, taking into consideration all the aspects
augur _ interpreter of messages
recondite - understood only by experts
pallid - pale, lackluster
susurry _ murmur
redacted -edit something
scintilla - a tiny amount
deference - respect
indigence - destitution, extreme poverty
wiles - cunning strategy
broach - to begin a discussion of something difficult
sepulchre - a stone structure where someone is buried
colloquy - a formal conversation
limpid - clear and transparent
unguent - oily substance

confab - informal discussion on one particuklar subject

flaccid - soft rather than firm
tumescence - swollen of body parts
perdition - punishment in hell
abjure - formally renounce something
mendacity - the act of not telling the truth
lubriciuos - lewd or obscene
aghast - horrified
irascible - made angry easily
concupiscence - sexual desire
derelict - buildings or places in bad condition
jest _ playful joke
seraphic - beautiful in a way that suggests goodness and purity
redolent - suggesting, aromatic (redolent of corruption)
compunction - shame
grovelling - behave in a servile way
revile - use abusive language to attack
diadem - crown
unctuous - excessively ingratiating
extenuate - diminish the seriousness of
usurped - seize something without right
upbraid -reprimand somebody
wont - accustomed to something
impetuous - tendency to rashness, impulsive
conceit - excessive self pride
excrescence - out growth
comely - good looking
apprehension - dread
bedaub - smear with something that spoils
temperance - restraint

self-righteous - sure of moral superiority

covetous - wanting to have something too much, especially that which belongs to
the others
perspicacious - the ability to understand things quickly and make more accurate
traipse - to walk up and down in a tired and bored way
capers - to run or jump in a happy energetic way
tetchy - easily made angry or unrest or unhappy
tassel - bunch of strings tied together at one end
deadpan - looking or seeming serious when you are telling a joke
tousled - untidy hair style
erogenous - sexually sensitive
en passant- in passing
emasculated- castrate somebody
epicene- having characterisitics of both gender
emaciated- very thin
Captious- fault finding
Cavil raising frivolous objections

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